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f      .                               1778. 



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-    ^-"^   1 

VOL.  I. 


L.  A.  Williams  &  Co. 


i                                     1882. 

Reproduction  by 

Unigraphic,  Inc. 

4400  Jackson  Avenue 

EvansviUe,  Indiana  47715 

Nineteen  Hundred  Sixty-eight 


Prefatory  Note, 

The  compilers  and  publishers  of  this  volume  acknowledge  with  thankfulness  the  invaluable  aid 
and  co-operation  of  many  citizens  of  Louisville  and  other  parts  of  the  country,  who  have  mani- 
fested the  liveliest  interest  in  the  enterprise  and  the  friendliest  feeling  for  it.  We  desire  particu- 
larly to  name,  as  objects  of  this  gratitude,  Richard  H.  Collins,  LL.  D.,  the  distmguished  historian 
of  Kentucky;  Colonel  R.  T.  Durrett;  Colonel  Thomas  W.  Bullitt;  Mr.  C.  K.  Caron,  publisher 
of  an  almost  unrivaled  series  of  City  Directories;  ex-Governor  Charles  Anderson,  of  Kuttawa, 
Owen  county,  Kentucky;  Miss  Annie  V.  Pollard,  librarian  of  the  Polytechnic  Society,  whose 
fine  collection  of  books  was  freely  placed  at  the  disposal  of  our  writers;  and  Mrs.  Jennie  F. 
Atwood,  of  the  Louisville  Public  Library.  Obligations  of  almost  equal  weight  should  be 
acknowledged  to  many  more,  too  numerous  to  be  named  here.  Some  of  them,  who  have  most 
kindly  contributed  sections  of  the  work,  are  mentioned  hereafter,  in  text  or  foot-notes. 

The  chief  authorities  for  the  annals  of  the  city  have  necessarily  been  McMurtrie's  Sketches  of 
Louisville,  Ben  Casseday's  little  but  very  well  prepared  History,  Colonel  Durrett's  newspaper 
articles,  and  Dr.  Collins's  History  of  Kentucky;  though  a  multitude  of  volumes,  pamphlets,  news- 

(^  paper  files,  oral  traditions,  and  other  sources  of  information,  have  been  likewise  diligently  consulted. 

^  The  Biographical  Encyclopaedia  of  Kentucky  has  furnished  large,  though  by  no  means  exclusive, 
,  materials  for  certain  of  the  chapters.     It  is  hoped  that  the  total  result  of  the  immense  labor  of 

Q-  investigation,  compilation,  and  arrangement,  will  at  least  redeem   this  work  from  the  scope  of 

sv  Horace  Walpole's  remark,   "Read  me  anything  but  history,  for  history  must  be  false;"  or  the 


OS  reproach  of  Napoleon's  question,  "What  is  history  after  all,  but  a  fiction  agreed  upon?" 

.       Cleveland,  Ohio,  May   24,   1882. 






I. — The  Mound  Builder 

II.— The  Red  Man 
HI.— The  White  Man 
I\''.  — George  Rogers  Clark    ■ 

V.  — The  Falls,  the  Canal  and  the  Bridges 
VI.  — Roads,  Railroads,  and  Steamers 






'    PAGE. 
•        .65' 



I. — Topography  and  Geology 
II. — Civil  Organization — Jeftersoii  county 
III. — Courts  and  Court-houses 

IV. — Military  Record  of  Jefferson  county  85 


I. — The  Site  of  Louisville           .,          .             .   x  153 

II. — Before  Louisville  Was  ....  157 

III.  —  Louisville's  First  Decade    .             .             .  175 

IV. — The  Second  Decade      ....  202 

V. — The  Third  Decade  ....  211 

.  XII.- 
,  XVI.— 

-The  Fourth  Decade 


-The  Filth  Decade    .            .            . 


The  Sixth  Decade 

.    264 

-The  Seventh  Decade 


-The  Eighth  Decade 


-The  Ninth  Decade 


-The  Tenth  Decade 


-The  Incomplete  Decade 


-The  Ancient  Suburbs 


-Religion  in  Louisville 


-The  Charities  of  Louisville 


— Public  Education  in  Louisville 


— Louisville  Libraries 


.  —The  Press  of  Louisville 


. — The  Medical  Profession 


. — Bench  and  Bar 


— General  Business 


— Societies  and  Clubs     . 


. — The  City  Government 


— The  Civil  List  of  Louisville     . 


Appendix              .... 





Alexander,  General  E.  P. 


uridgeford,  James  . 


A/ery,  Benjamin  F.                         .             .     ^ 


Brown,  James  .... 


Aaderson,  James,  Jr.    . 


Baxter,  Ex-mayor  John  G. 


Bullitt,  Family         .             .             ,             . 


Campbell,  Colonel  John 


Bullitt,  Captain 


Clark,  George  Rogers 


Butler,  Professor  Noble 


Casseday,  Sr.muel         .             .            .     b 

etween  252  and  253 

Bell,  T.  S..  M.  D. 


Caldwell,  William  B.,  M.  D. 


Bodine,  Professor  James  Morrison,  M.  D. 


Cheatham,  Dr.  W.       . 

.        458 

Bieyfogle,  William  L.,  M.  D. 


Cummins,  Dr.  David 


Boiling,  Dr.  W.  H. 


Coomes,  Dr.  M.  F.       . 

.        461 

Bullock,  William  Fontaine 


Caldwell,  George  Alfred     . 


Barr,  John  W.         .            .             .            . 


Caldwell,  Isaac 

■        496 

Bloom,  Nathan 


Curd,  Haiden  Trigg , 


Boone,  Squire         .... 


Casseday,  Samuel 

•        565 

Boone,  Colonel  William  P. 

.         496c 

Coggeshall,  Samuel 


Boone,  Colonel  J.  Rowan 


Danforth,  Joseph 

.        566 

Bruce,  Hon.  H.  W.      . 


Foree,  Erasmus  D.,  M.  D. 


Bullitt,  Alexander  Scott      . 


Fischer,  Joseph  J. 


Bullitt,  William  Christian 


Guthrie,  James 





Hewett,  R.  C,  M.  D. 


Phelps,  James  S. 


Harrison,  Major  John 


Prather,  Captain  Basil 


Harbison,  Alexander    . 

•         569 

Quarrier,  Archibald  A. 

•         544 

JeJferson,  Hon.  Thomas  L. 


Reynolds,  Professor  Dudley  Sharpe  M.  D.            .               453 

Jacob,  Charles  D. 

-       496^ 

Robinson,  R.  A. 


KeUy,  Colonel  R.  M.          . 


Robinson,  Rev.  Stuart,  D.  D. 


Kastenbine,  L.  D.,  M.  D. 


Short,  Charles  Wilkins,  M.  D. 


Kinkead,  Joseph  B.,  Esq. 


Scott,  Preston  Brown,  A.  M.,  M.  D. 


Kincaid,  Hon.  C.  E.    . 


Speed,  Hon.  James 

.         432 

Litbgow,  James  S.              ... 


Stites,  Judge  Henry  J. 


Long,  Dennis  .... 


Standiford,  Hon.  E.  D." 


Long,  Charles  R.    . 


Swagar,  Captain  Joseph     .           '  . 


Long,  William  H.,  M.  D. 


Sherley,  Captain  Z.  M. 


Mathews,  Joseph  McDowell,  M.  D. 


Tarascons,  The 


Morris,  Hon.  George  W. 


Tilden,  Charles 


Moore,  George  H.              ... 


Tyler,  Levi 


Miller,  Judge  Isaac 

.       496^ 

Trabue,  James 


Miller.  Robert  N.   . 


Veech,  R.  S. 


Miller,  Dr.  Warwick    . 

•       496/ 

Verhoeff,  H.  Jr. 


Norton,  Rev.  Dr.  J.  N.       .             . 


Wilson,  Hon.  W.  S. 


Newcomb,  H.  Victor 


Ward,  Hon.  R.  J.         . 


Prentice,  George  D.           .            .            . 


Yandell,  Dr.  L.  P.  Sr. 


Pirtle,  Judge  Henry 


Yandell,  Dr.  L.  P.  Jr. 

.         462 

Pope,  Worden        .... 


History  of  the  Ohio  Falls  Counties, 



The  American  Aborigine — The  Primitive  Dweller  at  the 
Falls — The  Toltecs — The  Mound  Builders'  Empire — 'Wieir 
\/orks — Enclosuresfor  Defense— Sacred  Enclosures — Mis- 
cellaneous Enclosures — Mounds  of  Sacrifice — Temple 
Mounds — Burial  Mounds — Signal  Mounds— Effigy  or  Ani- 
mal Mounds — Garden  Beds — Mmes — Contents  of  the 
Mounds — The  Mound  Builders'  Civilization — The  Build- 
ers about  the  Falls — Curious  Relics  Found. 


The  red  men  whom  Columbus  found  upon 
this  continent,  and  whom  he  mistakenly  calls 
Indians,  were  not  its  aborigines.  Before  them 
were  the  strange,  mysterious  people  of  the 
mounds,  who  left  no  literature,  no  inscriptions 
as  yet  decipherable,  if  any  indeed,  no  monu- 
ments except  the  long-forest-covered  earth-  and 
stone-works.  No  traditions  of  them,  by  com- 
mon consent  of  all  the  tribes,  were  left  to  the 
North  American  Indian.  As  a  race,  they  have 
vanished  utterly  in  the  darkness  of  the  past. 
But  the  comparatively  slight  traces  they  have 
left  tend  to  conclusions  of  deep  interest  and  im- 
portance, not  only  highly  probable,  but  rapidly 
approaching  certainty.  Correspondences  in  the 
manufacture  of  pottery  and  in  the  rude  sculp- 
tures found,  the  common  use  of  the  serpent- 
symbol,  the  likelihood  that  all  were  sun-worship- 
ers and  practiced  the  horrid  rite  of  human 
sacrifice,  and  the  tokens  of  commercial  inter- 
course manifest  by  the  presence  of  Mexican  por- 
phyry and  obsidian  in  the  Ohio  Valley  mounds, 
together  with  certain  statements  of  the  Mexican 
annalists,  satisfactorily  demonstrate,  in  the  judg 
ment  of  many  antiquaries,  the  racial  alliance,  if 
not  the  identity,  of  our  Mound  Builders  with  the 
ancient  Mexicans,  whose  descendants,  with  their 
remarkable  civilization,  were  found  in  the  coun- 

try when  Cortes  entered  it  in  the  second  decade 
of  the  sixteenth  century. 
j  The  migrations  of  the  Toltecs,  one  of  the 
■  Mexican  tribes,  from  parts  of  the  territory  now 
j  covered  by  the  United  States,  are  believed  to 
I  have  reached  through  about  a  thousand  years. 
Apart  from  the  exile  of  the  princes  and  their 
allies,  and  very  likely  an  exodus  now  and  then 
j  compelled  by  their  enemies  and  ultimate  con- 
'  querors,  the  Chichimecs,  who  at  last  followed 
them  to  Mexico,  the  Mound  Builders  were  un- 
doubtedly, in  the  course  of  the  ages,  pressed 
upon,  and  finally  the  last  of  them — unless  the 
Natchez  and  Mandan  tribes,  as  some  suppose, 
are  to  be  considered  connecting  links  between 
the  Toltecs  and  the  American  Indians — driven 
out  by  the  red  men.  The  usual  opening  of  the 
gateways  in  their  works  of  defense,  looking  to 
the  east  and  northeastward,  indicates  the  direc- 
tion from  which  their  enemies  were  expected. 
They  were,  not  improbably,  the  terrible  Iroquois 
and  their  allies,  the  first  really  formidable  In- 
dians encountered  by  the  French  discoverers 
and  explorers  in  "New  France"  in  the  seven- 
teenth century.  A  silence  as  of  the  grave  is 
upon  the  history  of  their  wars,  doubtless  long 
and  bloody,  the  savages  meeting  with  skilled  and 
determined  resistance,  but  their  ferocious  and 
repeated  attacks,  continued,,  mayhap,  through 
several  centuries,  at  last  expelling  the  more  civi- 
lized people — 

"And  the  Mound  Builders  vanished  from  the  earth," 

unless,  indeed,  as  the  works  of  learned  antiqua- 
ries assume  and  as  is  assumed  above,  they  after- 
wards appear  in  the  Mexican  story.  Many  of 
the  remains  of  the  defensive  works  at  the  South 
and  across  the  land  toward  Mexico  are  of  an  un- 
finished type  and  pretty  plainly  indicate  that  the 
retreat  of  the  Mound  Builders  was  in  that  direc- 



tion,  and  that  it  was  hastened  by  the  renewed 
onslaughts  of  their  fierce  pursuers  or  by  the  dis- 
covery of  a  fair  and  distant  land,  to  which  they 
determined  to  emigrate  in  the  hope  of  secure 
and  untroubled  homes.  Professor  Short,  how- 
ever, in  his  North  Americans  of  Antiquity, 
arguing  from  the  lessor  age  of  trees  found  upon 
the  Southern  works,  is  "led  to  think  the  Gulf 
coast  may  have  been  occupied  by  the  Mound 
Builders  for  a  couple  of  centuries  after  they  were 
driven  by  their  enemies  from  the  country  north 
of  the  mouths  of  the  Missouri  and  Ohio  rivers." 
He  believes  two  thousand  years  is  time  enough 
to  allow  for  their  total  occupation  of  the  country 
north  of  the  Gulf  of  Mexico,  "though  after  all 
it  is  but  conjecture."  He  adds  :  "It  seems  to 
us,  however,  that  the  time  of  abandonment  of 
their  works  may  be  more  closely  approximated. 
A  thousand  or  two  years  may  have  elapsed  since 
they  vacated  the  Ohio  valley,  and  a  period  em- 
bracmg  seven  or  eight  centuries  may  have  passed 
since  they  retired  from  the  Gulf  coast."  The 
date  to  which  the  latter  period  carries  us 
back,  approximates  somewhat  closely  to  that  fixed 
by  the  Mexican  annalists  as  the  time  of  the  last 
emigration  of  a  people  of  Nahuan  stock  from  the 


Here  we  base  upon  firmer  ground.  The  ex- 
tent and  something  of  the  character  of  this  are 
known.  They  are  tangible  and  practical  reali- 
ties. We  stand  upon  the  mounds,  pace  off"  the 
long  lines  of  the  enclosures,  collect  and  handle 
and  muse  upon  the  long-buried  relics  now  in  our 
public  and  private  museums.  The  domain  of 
the  Mound  Builders  was  well-nigh  coterminous 
with  that  of  the  Great  Republic.  Few  States  of 
the  Union  are  wholly  without  the  ancient  monu- 
ments. Singular  to  say,  however,  in  view  of  the 
huge  heaps  and  barrows  of  shells  left  by  the 
aboriginal  man  along  the  Atlantic  shore,  there 
are  no  earth  or  stone  mounds  or  enclosures  of  the 
older  construction  on  that  coast.  Says  Professor 
Short : 

No  authentic  remains  of  the  Mound  Ruilders  are  found  in 
the  New  England  States.  .  .  .  in  the  former 
we  have  an  isolated  mound  in  the  valley  of  the  Kennebec,  in 
Maine,  and  dim  outlines  of  enclosures  neat  .Sanborn  and  Con- 
cord, in  New  Hampshire;  but  there  is  no  certainty  of  their 
being  the  work  of  this  people.  .  .  .  Mr.  .Squier 
pronounces  them  to  be  purely  the  work  of  Red  Indians. 
Colonel  Whittlesey  would   assign  these  fort- 

like structures,  the  enclosures  of  Western  New  York,  and  com- 
mon upon  the  rivers  discharging  themselves  into  Lakes  Erie 
and  Ontario  from  the  south,  differing  from  the  more  southern 
enclosures,  in  that  they  were  surrounded  by  trenches  on  their 
outside,  while  the  latter  uniformly  have  the  trench  on  the  in- 
side of  the  enclosure,  to  a  people  anterior  to  the  red  Indian 
and  perhaps  contemporaneous  with  the  Mound  Builders, 
but  distinct  from  either.  The  more  reasonable  view  is  that 
of  Dr.  Foster,  that  they  are  the  frontier  works  of  the  Mound 
Builders,  adapted  to  the  purposes  of  defense  against  the  sud- 
den irruptions  of  hostile  tribes.  .  .  .  It  is 
probable  that  these  defenses  belong  to  the  last  period  of  the 
Mound  Builders'  residence  on  the  lakes,  and  were  erected 
when  the  more  warlike  peoples  of  the  North,  who  drove  them 
from  their  cities,  first  made  their  appearance. 

The  Builders  quarried  flint  in  various  places, 
soapstone  m  Rhode  Island  and  North  Carolina, 
and  in  the  latter  State  also  the  translucent  mica 
found  so  widely  dispersed  in  their  burial  mounds 
in  association  with  the  bones  of  the  dead.  They 
mined  or  made  salt,  and  in  the  Upper  Peninsula 
of  Michigan  they  got  out,  with  infinite  labor,  the 
copper,  which  was  doubtless  their  most  useful 
and  valued  metal.  The  Lower  Peninsula  of  that 
State  is  rich  in  ancient  remains,  particularly  in 
mounds  of  sepulture;  and  there  are  "garden 
beds"  in  the  valleys  of  the  St.  Joseph  and  the 
Kalamazoo,  in  Southwestern  Michigan;  but  "ex- 
cepting ancient  copper  mines,  no  known  works 
extend  as  far  north  as  Lake  Superior  anywhere 
in  the  central  region.  Farther  to  the  northwest, 
however,  the  works  of  the  same  people  are  com- 
paratively numerous.  Dr.  Foster  quotes  a  Brit- 
ish Columbia  newspaper,  without  giving  either 
name  or  date,  as  authority  for  the  discovery  of  a 
large  number  of  mounds,  seemingly  the  works  of 
the  same  people  who  built  further  east  and  south. 
On  the  Butte  prairies  of  Oregon,  Wilkes  and  his 
exploring  expedition  discovered  thousands  of 
similar  mounds."  We  condense  further  from 

All  the  way  up  the  Yellowstone  region  and  on  the  upper 
tributaries  of  the  Missouri,  mounds  are  found  in  profusion. 
The  Missouri  valley  seems  to  have  been 
one  of  the  most  populous  branches  of  the  widespread  Mound 
Builder  country.  The  valleys  of  its  affluents,  the  Platte  and 
Kansas  rivers,  also  furnish  evidence  that  these  streams  served 
as  the  channels  into  which  flowed  a  part  of  the  tide  of  popula- 
tion which  either  descended  or  ascended  the  Missouri.  The 
Mississippi  and  Ohio  river  valleys,  however,  formed  the  great 
central  arteries  of  the  Mound  Builder  domain.  In  Wiscon- 
sin we  find  the  northern  central  limit  of  their  works;  occa- 
sionally, on  the  western  shores  of  Lake  Michigan,  but  in  great 
numbers  in  the  southern  counties  of  the  State,  and  especially 
on  the  lower  Wisconsin  river. 

The  remarkable  similarity  of  one  group  of 
works,  on  a  branch  of  Rock  river  in  the  south  of 


that  State,  to  some  of  the  Mexican  antiquities  led 
to  the  christening  of  the  adjacent  village  as 
Aztalan — which  (or  Aztlan),  meaning  whiteness, 
was  a  name  of  the  "  most  attractive  land"  some- 
where north  of  Mexico  and  the  sometime  home 
of  the  Aztec  and  the  other  Nahuan  nations.  If 
rightly  conjectured  as  the  Mississippi  valley,  or 
some  part  of  it,  that  country  may  well  have  in- 
cluded the  site  of  the  modern  Aztalan. 

Across  the  Mississippi,  in  Minnesota  and  Iowa,  the  pre- 
dominant type  of  circular  tumuli  prevails,  extending  through- 
out the  latter  State  to  Missouri.  There  are  evidences  that 
the  Upper  Missouri  region  was  connected  with  that  of  the 
Upper  Mississippi  by  settlements  occupying  the  intervening 
country.  Mounds  are  often  found  even  in  the  valley  of  the 
Red  river  of  the  North.  .  .  .  Descending  to  the 
interior,  we  find  the  heart  of  the  Mound  Builder  country  in 
Illinois,  Indiana,  and  Ohio.  It  is  uncertain  whether  its  vital 
cen  Ler  was  in  Southern  Illinois  or  Ohio — probably  the  former, 
because  of  its  geographical  situation  with  reference  to  the 
mouths  of  the  Missouri  and  Ohio  rivers. 
The  site  of  St.  Louis  was  formerly  covered  with  mounds,  one 
of  which  was  thirty-five  feet  high,  while  in  the  American  Bot- 
tom, on  the  Illinois  side  of  the  river,  their  number  approxi- 
mates two  hundred. 

It  is  pretty  well  known,  we  believe,  that  St. 
Louis  takes  its  fanciful  title  of  "Mound  City" 
from  the  former  fact. 

The  multitude  of  mound  works  which  are  scattered  over 
the  entire  northeastern  portion  of  Missouri  indicate  that  the 
region  was  once  inhabited  by  a  population  so  numerous  that 
in  comparison  its  present  occupants  are  only  as  the  scattered 
pioneers  of  a  new  settled  country.  .  .  .  The  same 
sagacity  which  chose  the  neighborhood  of  St.  Louis  for  these 
works,  covered  the  site  of  Cincinnati  with  an  extensive  sys- 
tem of  circumvallations  and  mounds.  Almost  the  entire 
space  now  occupied  by  the  city  was  utilized  by  the  mysterious 
Builders  in  the  construction  of  embankments  and  tumuli, 
built  upon  the  most  accurate  geometrical  principles,  and 
evincing  keen  military  foresight.         .         .  The  vast 

number  as  well  as  magnitude  of  the  works  found  in  the  State 
of  Ohio,  have  surprised  the  most  careless  and  indifferent  ob- 
servers. It  is  estimated  by  the  most  conservative,  and 
Messrs.  Squier  and  Davis  among  them,  that  the  number  of 
tumuli  in  Ohio  equals  ten  thousand,  and  the  number  of  en- 
closures one  thousand  or  one  thousand  five  hundred.  In 
Ross  county  alone  one  hundred  enclosures  and  upwards  of 
five  hundred  mounds  have  been  examined.  The  Alleghany 
mountains,  the  natural  limit  of  the  great  Mississippi  basin, 
appear  to  have  served  as  the  eastern  and  southeastern  bound- 
ary of  the  Mound  Builder  country.  In  Western  New  York, 
Western  Pennsylvania,  West  Virginia,  and  in  all  of  Ken- 
tucky and  Tennessee,  their  remains  are  numerous,  and  in 
some  instances  imposing.  In  Tennessee,  especially,  the 
Works  of  the  Mound  Builders  are  of  the  most  interesting 
character.  .  .  .  Colonies  of  Mound  Builders 
seem  to  have  passed  the  great  natural  barrier  in  North  Caro- 
lina and  left  remains  in  Marion  county,  while  still  others 
penetrated  into  South  Carolina,  and  built  on  the  Wateree 

Mounds  in  Mississippi  also  have  been  ex- 
amined, with  interesting  results. 

On  the  southern  Mississippi,  in  the  area  embraced  between 
the  termination  of  the  Cumberland  mountains,  near  Florence 
and  Tuscumbia,  in  Alabama,  and  the  mouth  of  Big  Black 
river,  this  people  left  numerous  works,  many  of  which  were 
of  a  remarkable  charactei.  The  whole  region  bordering  on 
the  tributaries  of  the  Tombigbee,  the  country  through  which 
the  Wolf  river  flows,  and  that  watered  by  the  Yazoo  river 
and  its  affluents,  was  densely  populated  by  the  same  people 
who  built  mounds  in  the  Ohio  valley.  .  .  .  The 
State  of  Louisiana  and  the  valleys  cf  the  Arkansas  and  Red 
rivers  were  not  only  the  most  thickly  populated  wing  of  the 
Mound  Builder  domain,  but  also  furnish  us  with  remains  pre- 
senting affinities  with  the  great  works  of  Mexico  so  striking 
that  no  doubt  can  longer  exist  that  the  same  people  were  the 
architects  of  both.        .  .        It  is  needless  to  discuss 

the  fact  that  the  works  of  the  Mound  Builders  exist  in  con- 
siderable numbers  in  Texas,  extending  across  the  Rio  Grande 
into  Mexico,  establishing  an  unmistakable  relationship  as 
well  as  actual  union  between  the  truncated  pyramids  of  the 
Mississippi  valley  and  the  Tocalli  of  Mexico,  and  the  coun- 
tries further  south. 

Such,  in  a  general  way,  was  the  geographical 
distribution  of  the  Mound  Builders  within  and 
near  the  territory  now  occupied  by  the  United 


They  are — such  of  them  as  are  left  to  our  day 
— generally  of  earth,  occasionally  of  stone,  and 
more  rarely  of  earth  and  stone  intermixed.  Dried 
bricks,  in  some  instances,  are  found  in  the  walls 
and  angles  of  the  best  pyramids  of  the  Lower 
Mississippi  valley.  Often,  especially  for  the 
works  devoted  to  religious  purposes,  the  earth 
has  not  been  taken  from  the  surrounding  soil, 
but  has  been  transported  from  a  distance,  prob- 
ably from  some  locality  regarded  as  sacred. 
They  are  further  divided  into  enclosures  and 
mounds  or  tumuli.  The  classification  of  these 
by  Squier  and  Davis,  in  their  great  work  on  "The 
Ancient  Monuments  of  the  Mississippi  Valley," 
published  by  the  Smithsonian  Institution  thirty- 
four  years  ago,  has  not  yet  been  superseded.  It 
IS  as  follows: 

I.     Enclosures — For  Defense,  Sacred,  Mis- 

II.  Mounds — Of  Sacrifice,  or  Temple-sites, 
of  Sepulture,  of  Observation., 

To  these  may  properly  be  added  the  Animal 
or  Efifigy  (emblematic  or  symbolical)  Mounds, 
and  some  would  add  Mounds  for  Residence. 
The  Garden-beds,  if  true  retHains  of  the  Build- 
ers, may  also  be  considered  a  separate  class ; 
likewise  mines  and  roads,  and  there  is  some 
reason  to  believe  that  canals  may  be  added. 



L  Enclosures  for  Defense.  A  large  and 
interesting  class  of  the  works  is  of  such  a  nature 
that  the  object  for  which  they  were  thrown  up  is 
unmistakable.  The  "forts,"  as  they  are  popu- 
larly called,  are  found  throughout  the  length  and 
breadth  of  the  Mississippi  valley,  from  the  Alle- 
ghanies  to  the  Rocky  mountains.  The  livers  of 
this  vast  basin  have  worn  their  valleys  deep  in 
the  original  plain,  leaving  broad  terraces  leading 
like  gigantic  steps  up  to  the  general  level  of  the 
country.  The  sides  of  the  terraces  are  often 
steep  and  difficult  of  access,  and  sometimes 
quite  inaccessible.  Such  locations  would  natur- 
ally be  selected  as  the  site  of  defensive  works, 
and  there,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  the  strong  and 
complicated  embankments  of  the  Mound  Build- 
ers are  found.  The  points  have  evidently  been 
chosen  with  great  care,  and  are  such  as  would,  in 
most  cases,  be  approved  by  modern  military  en- 
gineers. They  are  usually  on  the  higher  ground, 
ind  are  seldom  commanded  from  positions  suffi- 
ciently near  to  make  them'  untenable  through  the 
use  of  the  short-range  weapons  of  the  Builders, 
and,  while  rugged  and  steep  on  some  of  their 
sides,  have  one  or  more  points  of  easy  ap- 
proach, in  the  protection  of  which  great  skill  and 
labor  seem  to  have  been  expended.  They  are 
never  found,  nor,  in  general,  any  other  remains 
of  the  Builders,  upon  the  lowest  or  latest-formed 
river  terraces  or  bottoms.  They  are  of  irregular 
shape,  conforming  to  the  nature  of  the  ground, 
and  are  often  strengthened  by  extensive  ditches. 
The  usual  defense  is  a  simple  embankment 
thrown  up  along  and  a  little  below  the  brow  of 
the  hill,  varying  in  height  and  thickness  accord- 
ing to  the  defensive  advantage  given  by  the  nat- 
ural declivity. 

"The  walls  generally  wind  around  the  borders 
of  the  elevations  they  occupy,  and  when  the  na- 
ture of  the  ground  renders  some  points  more  ac- 
cessible than  others,  the  height  of  the  wall  and  the 
depth  of  the  ditch  at  those  weak  points  are  pro- 
portionally increased.  The  gateways  are- narrow 
and  few  in  number,  and  well  guarded  by  embank- 
ments of  earth  placed  a  few  yards  inside  of  the 
openings  or  gateways  and  parallel  with  them,  and 
projecting  somewhat  beyond  them  at  each  end, 
thus  fully  covering  the  entrances,  which,  in  some 
cases,  are  still  further  protected  by  projecting 
walls  on  either  side  of  them.  These  works  are 
somewhat  numerous,  and  indicate  a  clear  appre- 

ciation, of  thf:  elements,  at  least,  of  fortification,  ^, 
and  unmistakably  point  out  the  purpose  for 
which  they  were  constructed.  A  large  number 
of  these  defensive  works  consist  of  a  line  of 
ditch  and  embankment,  or  several  hnes  carried 
across  the  neck  of  penmsulas  or  bluff  headlands, 
formed  within  the  bends  of  streams — an  easy 
and  obvious  mode  of  fortification,  common  to 
all  rude  peoples."*  Upon  the  side  where  a  pe- 
ninsula or  promontory  merges  into  the  mainland 
of  the  terrace  or  plateau,  the  enclosure  is  usually 
guarded  by  double  or  overlapping  walls,  or  a 
series  of  them,  having  sometimes  an  accompany- 
ing mound,  probably  designed,  like  many  of  the 
mounds  apart  from  the  enclosures,  as  a  lookout 
station,  corresponding  in  this  respect  to  the  bar- 
bican of  our  British  ancestors  in  the  Middle 

As  natural  strongholds  the  positions  they  oc- 
cupy could  hardly  be  excelled,  and  the  labor  and 
skill  expended  to  strengthen  them  artificially 
rarely  fail  to  awake  the  admiration  and  surprise 
of  the  student  of  our  antiquities.  Some  of  the 
works  are  enclosed  by  miles  of  embankment 
still  ten  to  fifteen  feet  high,  as  measured  from  the 
bottom  of  the  ditch.  In  some  cases  the  num- 
ber of  openings  in  the  walls  is  so  large  as  to  lead 
to  the  conclusion  that  certain  of  them  were  not 
used  as  gateways,  but  were  occupied  by  bastions 
or  block-houses  long  ago  decayed.  This  is  a 
•  marked  peculiarity  of  the  great  work  known  as 
"  Fort  Ancient,"  on  the  Little  Miami  river  and 
railroad,  in  Warren  county,  Ohio.  Some  of  the 
forts  have  very  large  or  smaller  "  dug-holes  "  in- 
side, seemingly  designed  as  reservoirs  for  use 
in  a  state  of  siege.  Occasionally  parallel  earth- 
walls,  of  lower  height  than  the  embankments  of 
the  main  work,  called  "covered  ways,"  are  found 
adjacent  to  enclosures,  and  at  times  connecting 
separate  works,  and  seeming  to  be  intended  for 
the  protection  of  those  passing  to  and  fro  within 
them.  These  are  considered  by  some  antiqua- 
ries, however,  as  belonging  to  the  sacred  en- 

This  class  of  works  abound  in  Ohio.  Squier 
and  Davis  express  the  opinion  that  "there  seems 
to  have  been  a  system  of  defenses  extending 
from  the  sources  of  the  Susquehanna  and  Alle- 
ghany, in  Western  New  York,  diagonally  across 
the  country  through  central  and  northern   Ohio 

•American  Cyclopiedia,  article  "American  Antiquities." 



to  the  Wabash.  Within  this  range  the  works  that 
are  regarded  as  defensive  are  largest  and  most 
numerous."  The  most  notable,  however,  of  the 
works  usually  assigned  to  this  class  in  this 
country  is  in  Southern  Ohio,  forty-two  miles 
northeast  of  Cincinnati.  It  is  the  Fort  Ancient 
already  mentioned.  This  is  situated  upon  a  terrace 
on  the  left  bank  of  the  river,  two  hundred  and 
thirty  feet  above  the  Little  Miami,  and  occupies 
a  peninsula  defended  by  two  ravines,  while  the 
river  itself,  with  a  high,  precipitous  bank,  de- 
fends the  western  side.  The  walls  are  between 
four  and  five  miles  long,  and  ten  to  twenty  feet 
high,  accordmg  to  the  natural  strength  of  the 
line  to  be  protected.  A  resemblance  has  been 
traced  in  the  walls  of  the  lower  enclosure  "to  the 
forui  of  two  massive  serpents,  which  are  ap- 
parently contending  with  one  another.  Their 
heads  are  the  mounds,  which  are  separated  from 
the  bodies  by  the  opening,  which  resembles  a 
ring  around  the  neck.  They  bend  in  and  out, 
and  rise  and  fall,  and  appear  like  two  massive 
green  serpents  rolling  along  the  summit  of  this 
high  hill.  Their  appearance  under  the  over- 
hanging forest  trees  is  very  impressive."*  Others 
have  found  a  resemblance  in  the  form  of  the 
whole  work  to  a  rude  outline  of  the  continent  of 
North  and  South  America. 

II.  Sacred  Enclosures. — Regularity  of  form 
is  the  characteristic  of  these.  They  are  not, 
however,  of  invariable  shape,  but  are  found  in 
various  geometrical  figures,  as  circles,  squares, 
hexagons,  octagons,  ellipses,  parallelograms,  and 
others,  either  singly  or  in  combination.  How- 
ever large,  they  were  laid  out  with  astounding 
accuracy,  and  show  that  the  Builders  had  some 
scientific  knowledge,  a  scale  of  measurement, 
and  the  means  of  computing  areas  and  determm- 
ing  angles.  They  are  often  in  groups,  but  also 
often  isolated.  Most  of  them  are  of  small  size, 
two  hundred  and  fifty  to  three  hundred  feet  in 
diameter,  with  one  gateway  usually  opening  to 
the  east,  as  if  for  the  worship  of  the  sun,  and  the 
ditch  invariably  on  the  inside.  These  are  fre- 
quently inside  enclosures  of  a  different  character, 
particularly  military  works.  A  sacrificial  mound 
was  commonly  erected  in  the  center  of  them. 
The  larger  circles  are  oftenest  found  in  connec- 
tion with  squares;    some  of  them   embrace  as 

*  Rev.  S.  D.  Peet,   in  the  American  Antiquarian  for  April, 

many  as  fifty  acres.  They  seldom  have  a  ditch, 
but  when  they  do,,  it  is  inside  the  wall.  The 
rectangular  works  with  which  they  are  combined 
are  believed  never  to  haive  a  ditch.  In  several 
States  a  combined  work  of  a  square  with  two 
circles  is  often  found,  usually  agreeing  in  this  re- 
markable fact,  that  each  side  of  thfe  rectangle 
measures  exactly  one  thousand  and  eighty  >(£et, 
and  the  circles  respectively  are  seventeen  hun 
dred  and  eight  hundred  feet  in  diameter.  The 
frequency  and  wide  prevalence  of  this  uniformity 
demonstrate  that  it  could  not  have  been  acci- 
dental. The  square  enclosures  almost  invariably 
have  eight  gateways  at  the  angles  and  midway 
between,  upon  each  side,  all  of  which  are  covered, 
or  defended  by  small  mounds.  The  parallels 
before  mentioned  are  sometimes  found  in  con- 
nection with  this  class  of  works.  From  the 
Hopetown  work,  near  Chillicothe,  Ohio,  a 
"covered  way"  led  to  the  Scioto  river,  many 
hundred  feet  distant. 

III.  Miscellaneous  Enclosures.  —  The 
difficulty  of  referring  many  of  the  smaller  circular 
works,  thirty  to  fifty  feet  in  diameter,  found  in 
close  proximity  to  large  works,  to  previous  classes, 
has  prompted  the  suggestion  that  they  were  the 
foundations  of  lodges  or  habitations  of  chiefs, 
priests,  or  other  prominent  personages  among  the 
Builders.  In  one  case  within  the  writer's  obser- 
vation, a  rough  stone  foundation  about  four  rods 
square  was  found  isolated  from  any  other  work, 
near  the  Scioto  river,  in  the  south  part  of  Ross 
county,  Ohio.  At  the  other  extreme  of  size,  the 
largest  and  most  complex  of  the  works,  as  those 
at  Newark,  are  thought  to  have  served,  in  part  at 
least,  other  than  religious  purposes — that  they 
may,  besides  furnishing  spaces  for  sacrifice  and 
worship,  have  included  also  arenas  for  games  and 
marriage  celebrations  and  other  festivals,  the 
places  of  general  assembly  for  the  tribe  or  village, 
the  encampment  or  more  permanent  residences 
of  the  priesthood  and  chiefs. 

IV.  Mounds  of  Sacrifice.— These  have  sev- 
eral distinct  characteristics.  In  height  they  sel- 
dom exceed  eight  feet.  They  occur  only  within  or 
near  the  enclosures  commonly  considered  as  the 
sacred  places  of  the  Builders,  and  are  usually 
stratified  in  convex  layers  of  clay  or  loam  alter- 
nating above  a  layer  of  fine  sand.  Beneath 
the  strata,  and  upon  the  original  surface  of  the 
earth  at  the  centre  of  the  mound,  are  usually 



symmetrically  formed  altars  of  stone  or  burnt 
clay,  evidently  brought  from  a  distance.  Upon 
them  are  found  various  remains,  all  of  which  ex- 
hibit signs  of  the  action  of  fire,  and  some  which 
have  excited  the  suspicion  that  the  Builders 
practiced  the  horrid  rite  of  human  sacrifice.  Not 
only  calcined  bones,  but  naturally  ashes,  char- 
coal, and  igneous  stones  are  found  with  them; 
also  beads,  stone  implements,  simple  sculptures, 
and  pottery.  The  remains  are  often  in  such  a 
condition  as  to  indicate  that  the  altars  had  been 
covered  before  the  fires  upon  them  were  fully 
extinguished.  Skeletons  are  occasionally  found 
in  this  class  of  mounds;  though  these  may  have 
been  "intrusive  burials,"  made  after  the  construc- 
tion of  the  works  and  contrary  to  their  original 
intention.  Though  symmetrical,  the  altars  are 
by  no  means  uniform  in  shape  or  size.  Some 
are  round,  some  elliptical,  others  square  or  par- 
allelograms. In  size  they  vary  from  two  to  fifty 
feet  in  length,  and  are  of  proportional  width  and 
height,  the  commoner  dimensions  being  five  to 
eight  feet. 

V.  Temple  Mounds  are  not  numerous. 
They  are  generally  larger  than  the  altar  and 
burial  mounds,  and  are  more  frequently  circular 
or  oval,  though  sometimes  found  m  other  shapes. 
The  commonest  shape  is  that  of  a  truncated 
cone;  and  in  whatever  form  a  mound  of  this 
class  may  be,  it  always  has  a  flattened  or  level 
top,  giving  it  an  unfinished  look.  Some  are 
called  platforms,  from  their  large  area  and  slight 
elevation.  They  are,  indeed,  almost  always  of 
large  base  and  comparatively  small  height.  Oft- 
en, as  might  reasonably  be  expected,  they  are 
within  a  sacred  enclosure,  and  some  are  terraced 
or  have  spiral  ascents  or  graded  inclines  to  their 
summits.  They  take  their  name  from  the  prob- 
able fact  that  upon  their  flat  tops  were  reared 
structures  of  wood,  the  temples  or  "high  places" 
of  this  people,  which  decayed  and  disappeared 
ages  ago.  In  many  cases  in  the  Northern  States 
these  must  have  been  small,  from  the  smallness 
of  their  sites  upon  the  mounds;  but  as  they  are 
followed  southward  they  are  seen,  as  might  be 
expected,  to  increase  gradually  and  approximate 
more  closely  to  perfect  construction,  until  they 
end  in  the  great  teocallis  ("houses  of  God"). 
One  remarkable  platform  of  this  kind  in  Whit- 
ley county,  Kentucky,  is  three  hundred  and  sixty 
feet  long  by  one  hundred  and  fifty  feet  wide  and 

twelve  high,  with  graded  ascents;"  and  another, 
at  Hopkinsville,  is  so  large  that  the  county  court- 
house is  built  upon  it.  The  great  mound  at  Ca- 
hokia,  Missouri,  is  of  this  class.  Its  truncated 
top  measured  two  hundred  by  four  hundred  and 
fifty-two  feet. 

VI.  Burial  Mounds  furnish  by  far  the  most 
numerous  class  of  tumuli.  The  largest  mounds 
in  the  country  are  generally  of  this  kind.  The 
greatest  of  all,  the  famous  mound  at  Grave 
creek,  Virginia,  is  seventy-five  feet  high,  and  has 
a  circumference  at  the  base  of  about  one  thou- 
sand. In  solid  contents  it  is  nearly  equal  to  the 
third  pyramid  of  Mykerinus,  in  Egypt.  The 
huge  mound  on  the  banks  of  the  Great  Miami, 
twelve  miles  below  Dayton,  has  a  height  of  sixty- 
eight  feet.  Many  of  the  burial  mounds  are  six 
feet  or  less  in  height,  but  the  average  height,  as 
deduced  from  wide  observation  of  them,  is 
stated  as  about  twenty  feet.  They  are  usually 
of  conical  form.  It  is  conjectured  that  the  size 
of  these  mounds  has  an  immediate  relation  to 
the  former  importance  of  the  personage  or  family 
buried  in  them.  Only  three  skeletons  have  so 
far  been  found  in  the  mighty  Grave  Creek 
mound.  Except  in  rare  cases,  they  contain  but 
one  skeleton,  unless  by  "intrusive"  or  later 
burial,  as  by  Indians,  who  frequently  used  the 
ancient  mounds  for  purposes  of  sepulture.  One 
Ohio  mound,  however — that  opened  by  Profes- 
sor Marsh,  of  Yale  college,  in  Licking  county — 
contained  seventeen  skeletons;  and  another,  m 
Hardin  county,  included  three  hundred.  But 
these  are  exceptional  instances.  Calcined  hu- 
man bones  in  some  burial  mounds  at  the  North, 
with  charcoal  and  ashes  in  close  proximity,  show 
that  cremation  was  occasionally  practiced,  or  that 
fire  was  used  in  the  funeral  ceremonies;  and 
"urn  burial"  prevailed  considerably  in  the  South- 
ern States. 

At  times  a  rude  chamber  or  cist  of  stone  or 
timber  contained  the  remains.  In  the  latter  case 
the  more  fragile  material  has  generally  disap- 
peared, but  casts  of  it  in  the  earth  are  still  ob- 
servable. The  stone  cists  furnish  some  of  the 
most  interesting  relics  found  in  the  mounds. 
They  are,  in  rare  cases,  very  large,  and  contain 
several  bodies,  with  various  relics.  They  are 
like  large  stone  boxes,  made  of  several  flat  stones, 
joined  without  cement  or  fastening.  Similar,  but 
much  smaller,  are  the  stone  coffins  found  in  large 



number  in  Illinois  and  near  Nashville,  Tennes- 
see. They  are  generally  occupied  by  single 
bodies.  In  other  cases,  as  in  recent  discoveries 
near  Portsmouth  and  elsewhere  in  Ohio,  the 
slabs  are  arranged  slanting  upon  each  other  in 
the  shape  of  a  triangle,  and  having,  of  course, 
a  triangular  vault  in  the  interior.  In  the  Cum- 
berland mountams  heaps  of  loose  stones  are 
found  over  skeletons,  but  these  stone  mounds 
are  probably  of  Indian  origin,  and  so  compara- 
tively modern.  Implements,  weapons,  orna- 
ments, and  various  remains  of  art,  as  in  the  later 
Indian  custom,  were  buried  with  the  dead.  Mica 
is  often  found  with  the  skeletons,  with  precisely 
what  meaning  is  not  yet  ascertained;  also  pot- 
tery, beads  of  bone,  copper,  and  even  glass- 
indicating,  some  think,  commercial  intercourse 
with  Europe — and  other  articles  in  great  variety, 
are  present. 

There  is,  also,  probably,  a  sub-class  of  mounds 
that  may  be  mentioned  in  this  connection — the 
Memorial  or  Monumental  mounds,  thrown  up, 
it  is  conjectured,  to  perpetuate  the  celebrity  of 
some  important  event  or  in  honor  of  some  emi- 
nent personage.  They  are  usually  of  earth,  but 
occasionally,  in  this  State  at  least,  of  stone. 

VII.  Signal  Mounds,  or  Mounds  of  Ob- 
servation. This  is  a  numerous  and  very  inter- 
esting and  important  class  of  the  works. 
Colonel  Anderson,  of  Circleville,  Ohio,  a  des- 
cendant of  the  well-known  Louisville  family, 
thinks  he  has  demonstrated  by  actual  survey, 
made  at  his  own  expense,  the  existence  of  a 
regular  chain  or  system  of  these  lookouts  through 
the  Scioto  valley,  from  which,  by  signal  fires,  in- 
telligence might  be  rapidly  flashed  over  long  dis- 
tances. About  twenty  such  mounds  occur  be- 
tween Columbus  and  Chillicothe,  on  the  eastern 
side  of  the  Scioto.  In  Hamilton  county,  in  the 
same  State,  a  chain  of  mounds,  doubtless  de- 
voted to  such  purpose,  can  be  traced  from  the 
primitive  site  of  Cincinnati  to  the  "old  fort," 
near  the  mouth  of  the  Great  Miami.  Along 
both  the  Miamis  numbers  of  small  mounds  on 
the  projecting  headlands  and  on  heights  in  the 
interior  are  indubitably  signal  mounds. 

Like  the  defensive  works  already  described  as 
part  of  the  military  system  of  the  Builders,  the 
positions  of  these  works  were  chosen  with  ex 
cellent  judgment.  They  vary  in  size,  according 
to    the  height  of  the    natural    eminences    upon 

which  they  are  placed.  Many  still  bear  the 
marks  of  intense  heat  upon  their  summits,  re- 
sults of  the  long-extinct  beacon  fires.  Some- 
times they  are  found  in  connection  with  the 
embankments  and  enclosures,  as  an  enlarged 
and  elevated  part  ot  the  walls.  One  of  these, 
near  Newark,  Ohio,  though  considerably  reduced, 
retains  a  height  of  twenty-five  feet.  The  huge 
mound  at  Miamisburg,  Ohio,  mentioned  as  a 
burial  mound,  very  likely  was  used  also  as  a  part 
of  the  chain  of  signal  mounds  from  above  Dayton 
to  the  Cincinnati  plain  and  the  Kentucky  bluffs 

VIII.  Effigy  or  Animal  Mounds  appear 
principally  in  Wisconsin,  on  the  level  surface  of 
the  prairie.  They  are  of  very  low  height — one  to 
six  feet — but  are  otherwise  often  very  large,  exten- 
ded figures  of  men,  beasts,  birds,  or  reptiles,  and 
in  a  very  few  cases  of  inanimate  things.  In  Ohio 
there  are  three  enormous,  remarkable  earthwork 
efifigies — the  "Eagle  mound"  in  the  centre  of  a 
thirty-acre  enclosure  near  Newark,  and  supposed 
to  represent  an  eagle  on  the  wing;  the  ''Alligator 
mound,"  also  in  Licking  county,  two  hundred 
and  five  feet  long;  and  the  famous  "Great  Ser- 
pent," on  Brush  creek,  in  Adams  county,  which 
has  a  length  of  seven  hundred  feet,  the  tail  in  a 
triple  coil,  with  a  large  mound,  supposed  to  rep- 
resent an  egg,  between  the  jaws  of  the  figure. 

By  some  writers  these  mounds  are  held  to  be 
symbolical,  and  connected  with  the  religion  of 
the  Builders.  Mr.  Schoolcraft,  however,  calls 
them  "emblematic,"  and  says  they  represent  the 
totems  or  heraldic  symbols  of  the  Builder  tribes. 

IX.  Garden  Beds. — In  Wisconsin,  in  Mis- 
souri, and  in  parts  of  Michigan,  and  to  some  ex- 
tent elsewhere,  is  found  a  class  of  simple  works 
presumed  to  be  ancient.  They  are  merely  ridges 
or  beds  left  by  the  cultivation  of  the  soil,  about 
six  inches  high  and  four  feet  wide,  regularly  ar- 
ranged in  parallel  rows,  at  times  rectangular, 
otherwise  of  various  but  regular  and  symmetrical 
curves,  and  in  fields  of  ten  to  a  hundred  acres. 
Where  they  occur  near  the  animal  mounds,  they 
are  in  some  cases  carried  across  the  latter,  which 
would  seem  to  indicate,  if  the  same  people  exe- 
cuted both  works,  that  no  sacred  character  at 
tached  to  the  efifigies. 

X.  Mines. — These,  as  worked  by  the  Build 
ers,  have  not  yet  been  found  in  many  difTerenI 
regions;  but  in  the  Lake  Superior  copper  region 



their  works  of  this  kind  are  numerous  and  exten- 
sive. In  the  Ontonagon  country  their  mining 
traces  abound  for  thirty  miles.  Colonel  Whit- 
tlesey, of  Cleveland,  estimates  that  they  removed 
meul  from  this  region  equivalent  to  a  length  of 
one  hundred  and  fifty  feet  in  veins  of  varying 
thickness.  Some  of  :heir  operations  approached 
the  stupendous.  No  other  remains  of  theirs  are 
found  in  the  Upper  Peninsula;  and  there  is  no 
probability  that  they  occupied  the  region  for 
other  than  temporary  purposes. 


Besides  the  human  remains  which  have  re- 
ceived sufficient  treatment  for  this  article  under 
the  head  of  burial  mounds,  and  the  altars  noticed 
under  Mounds  of  Sacrifice,  the  contents  of  the 
work  of  the  Mound  Builders  are  mostly  small, 
and  many  of  them  unimportant.  They  have 
been  classified  hy  Dr.  Rau,  the  archaeologist  of 
the  Smithsonian  Institution,  according  to  the 
material  of  which  they  are  wrought,  as  follows : 

1.  Stone. — This  is  the  most  numerous  class 
of  relics,  '^hey  were  fashioned  by  chipping, 
grinding,  or  polishing,  and  include  rude  pieces, 
flakes,  and  cores,  as  well  as  finished  and  more 
or  less  nearly  finished  articles.  In  the  first  list 
are  arrow-  and  spear-heads,  perforators,  scrapers, 
cutting  and  sawing  tools,  dagger-shaped  imple- 
ments, large  implements  supposed  to  have  been 
used  in  digging  the  ground,  and  wedge  or  celt- 
shaped  tools  and  weapons.  The  ground  and 
polished  specimens,  more  defined  in  form, 
comprise  wedges  or  celts,  chisels,  gouges, 
adzes  and  grooved  axes,  hammers,  drilled  cere- 
monial weapons,  cutting  tools,  scraper  and 
spade-like  implements,  pendants,  and  sinkers, 
discoidal  stones  and  kindred  objects,  pierced 
tablets  and  boat-shaped  articles,  stones  used  in 
grinding  and  polishing,  vessels,  mortars,  pestles, 
tubes,  pipes,  ornaments,  sculptures,  and  engraved 
stones  or  tablets.  Fragmentary  plates  of  mica  or 
isinglass  may  be  included  under  this  head. 

2.  Copper. — These  are  either  weapons  and 
tools  or  ornaments,  produced,  it  would  seem,  by 
hammering  pieces  of  native  copper  into  the  re- 
quired shape. 

3.  Bone  and  Horn.  —  Perforators,  harpoon 
heads,  fish-hooks,  cups,  whistles,  drilled  teeth, 

4.  Shell.  —  Either   utensils    and    tools,  as 

celts,  drinking-cups,  spoons,  fish-hooks,  etc.,  or 
ornaments,  comprising  various  kinds  of  gorgets, 
pendants,  and  beads. 

5.  Ceramic  Fabrics.  —  Pottery,  pipes,  hu- 
man and  animal  figures,  and  vessels  in  great 

6.  Wood. — The  objects  of  early  date  formed 
of  this  material  are  now  very  few,  owing  to  its 
perishable  character. 

To  these  may  be  added : 

7.  Gold  and  Silver. — In  a  recent  find  in  a 
stone  cist  at  Warrensburg,  Missouri,  a  pottery 
vase  or  jar  was  found,  which  had  a  silver  as  well 
as  a  copper  band  about  it.  Other  instances  of 
the  kind  are  on  record,  and  a  gold  ornament  in 
the  shape  of  a  woodpecker's  head  has  been  taken 
from  a  mound  in  Florida. 

8.  Textile  Fabrics.  —  A  few  fragments  of 
coarse  cloth  or  matting  have  survived  the  de- 
stroying tooth  of  time,  and  some  specimens,  so 
far  as  texture  is  concerned,  have  been  very  well 
preserved  by  the  salts  of  copper,  when  used  to 
enwrap  articles  shaped  from  that  metal. 

the  mound  builders    civilization. 

This  theme  has  furnished  a  vast  field  for  spec- 
ulation, and  the  theorists  have  pushed  into  a 
wilderness  of  visionary  conjectures.  Some  in- 
ferences, however,  may  be  regarded  as  tolerably 
certain.  The  number  and  magnitude  of  their 
works,  and  their  extensive  range  and  uniformity, 
says  the  American  Cyclopaedia,  prove  that  the 
Mound  Builders  were  essentially  homogeneous 
in  customs,  habits,  religion,  and  government. 
The  general  features  common  to  all  their  re- 
mains identify  them  as  appertaining  to  a  single 
grand  system,  owing  its  origin  to  men  moving  in 
the  same  direction,  acting  under  common  im- 
pulses, and  influenced  by  similar  causes.  Pro- 
fessor Short,  in  his  invaluable  work,  thinks  that, 
however  writers  may  differ,  these  conclusions 
may  be  safely  accepted :  That  they  came  into 
the  country  in  comparatively  small  numbers  at 
first  (if  they  were  not  Autochthones,  and  there  is 
no  substantial  proof  that  the  Mound  Builders 
were  such),  and,  during  their  residence  in  the 
territory  occu])i2d  by  the  United  States,  they  be- 
came extremely  populous.  Their  settlements 
were  widespread,  as  the  extent  of  their  remains 
indicates.  The  magnitude  of  their  works,  some 
of  which  approximate  the  proportions  of  Egyptian 



pyramids,  testify  to  the  architectural  talent  of  the 
people  and  the  fact  that  they  developed  a  system 
of  government  controlling  the  labor  of  multi- 
tudes, whether  of  subjects  or  slaves.  They  were  ' 
an  agricultural  people,  as  the  extensive  ancient 
garden-beds  found  in  Wisconsin  and  Missouri 
indicate.  Their  manufactures  offer  proof  that 
they  had  attained  a  respectable  degree  of  ad- 
vancement and  show  that  they  understood  the 
advantages  of  the  division  of  labor.  Their  do- 
mestic utensils,  the  cloth  of  which  they  made 
their  clothing,  and  the  artistic  vessels  met  with 
everywhere  in  the  mounds,  point  to  the  develop- 
ment of  home  culture  and  domestic  industry. 
There  is  no  reason  for  believmg  that  the  people 
who  wrought  stone  and  clay  into  perfect  effigies 
of  animals  have  not  left  us  sculptures  of  their 
own  faces  in  the  images  exhumed  from  the 

They  mined  copper,  which  they  wrought  into  . 
implements  of  war,  into  ornaments  and  articles 
for  domestic  use.  They  quarried  mica  for  mir- 
rors and  other  purposes.  They  furthermore 
worked  flint  and  salt  mines.  They  probably  pos- 
sessed some  astronomical  knowledge,  though  to 
what  extent  is  unknown.  Their  trade,  as  Dr.  Rau 
has  shown,  was  widespread,  extending  probably 
from  Lake  Superior  to  the  Gulf,  and  possibly  to 
Mexico.  They  constructed  canals,  by  which 
lake  systems  were  united,  a  fact  which  Mr. 
Conant  has  recently  shown  to  be  well  established 
in  Missouri.  Their  defenses  were  numerous  and 
constructed  with  reference  to  strategic  principles, 
while  their  system  of  signals  placed  on  lofty  sum- 
mits, visible  from  their  settlements,  and  com- 
municating with  the  great  water-courses  at  im- 
mense distances,  rival  the  signal  systems  in  use  at 
the  beginning  of  the  present  century.  Their  re- 
ligion seems  to  have  been  attended  with  the  same 
ceremonies  m  all  parts  of  their  domain.  That 
its  rites  were  celebrated  with  great  demonstrations 
is  certain.  The  sun  and  moon  were  probably 
the  all-important  deities  to  which  sacrifices  (pos- 
sibly human)  were  offered.  We  have  already  al- 
luded to  the  development  in  architecture  and  art 
which  marked  the  possible  transition  of  this  peo- 
ple from  north  to  south.  Here  we  see  but  the 
rude  beginnings  of  a  civilization  which  no  doubt 
subsequently  unfolded  in  its  fuller  glory  in  the 
valley  of  Anahuac  and,  spreading  southward,  en- 
grafted   new  life  upon  the   wreck  of  Xibalba. 

Though  there  is  no  evidence  that  the  Mound 
Builders  were  indigenous,  we  must  admit  that 
their  civilization  was  purely  such,  the  natural  pro- 
duct of  climate  and  the  conditions  surrounding 


But  very  brief  mention  is  here  made  of  the 
ancient  works  found  in  the  three  counties  whose 
history  is  traversed  in  this  work;  but  full  ac- 
counts of  them  will  be  comprised  in  the  chapters 
relating  to  their  respective  localities.  Professor 
Rafinesque's  list  of  the  Antiquities  of  Kentucky, 
published  in  1824,  in  the  introduction  to  the 
second  edition  of  Marshall's  History  of  Ken- 
tucky, and  also  in  separate  form,  enumerates  but 
four  sites  of  ancient  works  and  one  monument 
in  Jefferson  county,  near  Louisville.  Dr.  Mc- 
Murtrie's  Sketches  of  Louisville,  published  in 
18 19,  after  some  reference  to  antiquities,  says: 

There  is  nothing  of  the  kind  peculiarly  interesting  in  the 
immediate  vicinity  of  Louisville.  Mounds  or  tumuli  are 
occasionally  met  with,  some  of  which  have  been  opened. 
Nothing,  however,  was  found  to  repay  the  trouble  of  the 
search  but  a  few  human  bones,  mixed  with  others,  apparently 
belonging  to  the  deer. 

Some  of  them  were  found  to  contain  but  a 
single  skeleton,  and  were  evidently  the  tombs  of 
chiefs  or  other  dignitaries  of  the  Mound  Build- 
ers; while  from  others  of  no  greater  size  as  many 
as  twenty  skeletons  were  taken. 

Hatchets  of  stone,  pestles  or  grain-beaters  of  the  same  nm- 
terial,  arrow-heads  of  flint,  together  with  the  remains  of 
hearths,  indicated  by  flat  stones  surrounded  by  and  partly 
covered  with  broken  shells,  fragments  of  bones,  charcoal, 
calcined  earth,  etc.,  are  everywhere  to  be  seen,  and  some  of 
them  in  situations  affording  an  ample  fund  for  speculation  to 
the  geognost.  Two  of  the  first-mentioned  instruments  were 
discovered  afew  miles  below  the  town,  at  the  depth  of  forty 
feet,  near  an  Indian  hearth,  on  which,  among  other  vestiges 
of  a  fire,  were' found  two  charred  brands,  evidently  the  ex- 
tremities of  a  stick  that  had  been  consumed  in  the  middle  of 
this  identical  spot.  The  whole  of  this  plain,  as  we  before  ob- 
served, is  alluvial,  and  this  fact  shows  to  what  depth  that  for- 
mation extends.  But  at  the  time  the  owners  of  these  hatchets 
were  seated  by  this  fire,  where,  I  would  ask,  was  the  Ohio? 
Certainly  not  in  its  present  bed,  for  these  remains  are  below 
its  level;  and  where  else  it  may  have  been  I  am  at  a  loss  even 
to  conjecture,  as  there  are  no  marks  of  any  obsolete  water- 
course whatever,  between  the  river  and  Silver  Creek  hills  on 
the  other  side,  and  between  it  and  the  knobs  on  the  other. 

The  doctor  brings  m  here  the  mention  of  some 
other  very  interesting  antiquities,  perhaps  of  be- 
longing to  the  period  of  the  Mound  Builders ; 

Not  many  years  past  an  iron  hatchet  was  found  in  a  situar 
*The  Americans  of  Antiquity,  pp.  95-100. 



tion  equally  sing^ular.  A  tree  of  immense  size,  whose  roots 
extended  thirty  or  forty  feet  each  way,  was  obliged  to  be 
felled  and  the  earth  on  which  it  grew  to  be  removed,  in  order 
to  afford  room  for  a  wall  connected  with  the  foundations  of 
the  great  mill  at  Shippingport  A  few  feet  below  tlie  sur- 
face, and  directly  under  the  center  of  the  tree,  which  was  at 
least  six  feet  in  diameter,  was  fo!ind  the  article  in  question, 
which,  as  was  evident  upon  examination,  had  been  formed 
out  of  a  flat  bar  of  wrou^-'it  iron,  heated  in  the  fire  to  red- 
ness and  bent  double,  leaving  a  round  hole  at  the  joint  for 
the  reception  of  a  handle,  the  two  ends  being  nicely  welded 
together,  terminated  by  a  cutting  edge.  The 

tree  must  necessarily  have  grown  over  the  axe  previously  de- 
posited there,  and  no  human  power  could  have  placed  it  in 
the  partictilar  position  in  which  it  was  found,  after  that  event 
had  taken  place.  The  tree  was  upwards  of  two  hundred 
years  old. 

Since  the  learned  Scotch  doctor's  lime,  during 
the  excavations  made  for  the  Louisville  &  Port- 
land canal  between  1826  and  1830,  other  fire- 
places of  rude  construction  were  found  in  the 
alluvial  deposit  twenty  feet  below  the  surface, 
upon  which  were  brands  of  partly  burnt  wood, 
bones  pf  small  animals,  and  some  human  skele- 
tons. Many  rude  implements  of  bone  and  flint 
were  also  thrown  out  by  the  pick  and  shovel,  and 
a  number  of  well-wrought  specimens  of  hematite 
of  iron,  in  the  shape  of  plummets  or  sinkers. 
In  the  southern  part  of  Louisville,  at  a  depth 
just  twice  as  great,  still  another  ancient  hearth 
was  found,  across  which  was  still  a  stick  of  wood 
burnt  in  the  middle,  with  a  stone  hatchet  and 
pestle  lying  close  by.  Some  of  these  remains, 
it  is  quite  possible,  should  be  referred  to  the  age 
of  the  Mound  Builder. 

On  the  other  side  of  the  river  were  also  found 
some  objects  of  antique  interest.  Says  Dr.  Mc- 

A  little  below  Clarksville,  immediately  on  the  bank  of  the 
rivef ,  is  the  site  of  a  wigwam  [village],  covered  with  an  allu- 
vial deposition  of  earth,  six  feet  in  depth.  Interspersed 
among  the  hearths,  and  scattered  in  the  soil  beyond  them,  are 
large  quantities  of  human  bones  in  a  very  advanced  stage  of 
decomposition.  Facts  most  generally  speak  for  themselves, 
and  this  one  tells  a  very  simple  and  probable  tale.  The  vil- 
lage must  have  been  surprised  by  an  enemy,  many  of  whose 
bodies,  mixed  with  those  of  the  inhabitants,  were  left  upon 
the  spot.  Had  it  been  a  common  burial-place,  something 
like  regularity  would  have  been  exercised  in  the  disposition  of 
the  skeletons,  neither  should  we  have  found  them  in  the  same 
plane  with  the  fireplaces  of  an  extensive  settlement,  or  near 
h,  but  below  it. 

The  Indiana  Gazetteer,  or  Topographical  Dic- 
tionary, of  1833,  mentions  that  in  the  digging  of 
a  well  at  Clarksville  was  found  a  walnut  plank 
several  feet  long,  more  than  a  foot  broad,  and 
about  two  inches  in  thickness,  at  the  depth  of 

forty  feet  below  the  surface.  It  was  in  a  state  of 
perfect  preservation,  and  even  retained  marks  of 
the  saw  as  plainly  as  it  it  had  not  been  more 
than  a  week  from  the  mill. 

Further  notice  of  the  works  of  the  Mound 
Builders  in  the  Ohio  Falls  counties  we  must 
leave  to  the  several  local  histories  in  this  work. 


A  Singular  Fact — No  Kentucky  Indians  Proper — A  Tradi- 
tion of  Extermination — The  Indians  Visiting  and  Roaming 
Kentucky — The  Shawnees — The  Miamis— The  Wyandots 
— The  Delawares— the  Ottawas— The  Pottawatomies — The 
Kickapoos — The  Weas — The  Chickasaws — The  Indian 
Treaties — The  Jackson  Purchase — Fortified  Stations — 
Those  in  Jefferson  County — Armstrong's  Station — Tragic 
Incidents — Colonel  Floyd's  Adventure  and  Death — A  Tale 
of  the  Salt  Licks — Bland  Ballard  Captured  and  Escapes — 
Another  Story  of  Ballard — The  Rowan  Party  Attacked — 
Alexander  Scott  Bullitt's  Adventure— The  Famous  Lancaster 
Story — Two  Boys  Surprised  and  Taken — The  Battle  of 
the  Pumpkins — Some  More  Stories — The  Hites  and  the 


It  is  not  a  little  remarkable  that  while  the 
Kentucky  wilderness  was  the  theatre  of  some  of 
the  most  desperate  battles  ever  fought  with  the 
North  American  Indians,  and  is  rife  with  legends 
of  Indian  massacre  and  captivity,  it  was  at  no 
time,  within  their  own  traditions  or  the  knowl- 
edge of  the  whites,  the  residence  of  any  one  of 
the  red-browed  tribes.  Most  of  the  savages 
found  at  any  time  by  the  pioneers  had  crossed 
the  Ohio  from  the  North  and  West,  and  were 
here  for  but  short  periods.  It  was,  in  fact,  but 
the  hunting-ground  for  the  Ohio  and  Indiana 
tiibes,  with  their  respective  territorial  jurisdic- 
tions wholly  undefined.  Between  the  Shawnee 
or  Cumberland  river  and  the  Mississippi,  how- 
ever, the  ownership  of  the  Chickasaws  was  dis- 
tinctly recognized.  Elsewhere  the  tribes  seem  to 
have  held  in  common,  for  their  several  purposes. 
Says   Mr,   Henry  R.  Schoolcraft: 

They  landed  at  secret  pomts,  as  hunters  and  warriors,  and 
had  no  permanent  residence  within  its  boundaries. 
At  an  early  day  the  head  of  the  Kentucky  river  became  a 
favorite  and  important  point  of  embarkation  for  Indians  mov- 
ing in  predatory  or  liunting  bands,  from  the  South  to  the 
North  and  West.     The  Shawnees,  after  their  great  defeat  by 



Ihe  Cherokees,  took  that  route,  and  this  people  always  con- 
sidered themselves  to  have  claims  to  these  attractive  hunting- 
grounds,  where  the  deer,  the  elk,  buffalo,  and  bear  abounded 
— claims,  indeed,  whose  only  foundation  was  blood  and 

The  history  of  these  events  is  replete  with  the 
highest  degree  of  interest,  but  cannot  here  be 
entered  on.  The  following  letter,  from  one  of 
the  early  settlers  of  the  country,  is  given  as  show- 
ing the  common  tradition  that,  while  the  area  of 
Kentucky  was  perpetually  fought  for,  as  a  cher- 
ished part  of  the  Indian  hunting-ground,  it  was 
not,  in  fact,  permanently  occupied  by  any  tribe. 
The  writer's  (Mr.  Joseph  Ficklin's)  attention  was 
but  incidentally  called  to  the  subject.  His  let- 
ter, which  is  in  answer  to  a  copy  of  a  pamphlet 
of  printed  inquiries,  bears  date  at  Lexington, 
31st  of  August,  1847: 

I  have  opened  your  circular  addressed  to  Dr.  Jarvis, 
agreeably  to  your  request,  and  beg  leave  to  remark  that  I 
have  myself  an  acquaintance  with  the  Indian  history  of  this 
State  from  the  year  1781,  and  that  nothing  is  known  here 
connected  with  your  inquiries,  save  the  remains  of  early 
settlements  too  remote  to  allow  of  any  evidence  of  the 
character  of  the  population,  except  that  it  must  have  been 
nearly  similar  to  that  of  the  greater  portion  which  once  oc- 
cupied the  rest  of  the  States  of  the  Union. 

There  is  one  fact  favorable  to  this  State,  which  belongs  to 
few,  if  any,  of  the  sister  .States.  We  have  not  to  answer  to 
any  tribunal  for  the  crime  of  driving  off  the  Indian  tribes 
and  possessing  their  lands.  There  were  no  Indians  located 
within  our  limits  on  our  taking  possession  of  this  countrv.  A 
discontented  portion  of  the  Shawnee  tribe,  from  Virginia, 
broke  off  from  the  nation,  which  removed  to  the  Scioto 
country,  in  Ohio,  about  the  year  1730,  and  formed  a  town, 
known  by  the  name  of  Lulbegrud,  in  what  is  now  Clark 
county,  about  thirty  miles  east  of  this  place.  This  tribe  left 
this  country  about  1750  and  went  to  East  Tennessee,  to  t^ie 
Cherokee  Nation.  Soon  after  they  returned  to  Ohio  and 
joined  the  rest  of  the  nation,  after  spending  a  few  years  on 
the  Ohio  river,  giving  name  to  Shawnee-town  in  the  State  of 
Illinois,  a  place  of  some  note  at  this  time.  This  information 
is  founded  on  the  account  of  the  Indians  at  the  first  settle- 
ment of  this  State,  and  since  confirmed  by  Blackhoof,  a  na- 
tive of  Lulbegrud,  who  visited  this  country  in  1816,  and 
went  on  the  spot,  describing  the  water-streams  and  hills  in  a 
manner  to  satisfy  everybody  that  he  was  acquainted  with 
the  place. 

1  claim  no  credit  for  this  State  in  escaping  the  odium  of 
driving  off  the  savages,  because  I  hold  that  no  people  have 
any  claim  to  a  whole  country  for  a  hunting  or  robbing  resi- 
dence, on  the  score  of  living,  for  a  brief  period,  on  a  small 
part  of  it.  Our  right  to  Northern  Mexico,  California,  and 
Texas,  is  preferable  to  any  other  nation,  for  the  simple 
eason  that  we  alone  subdue  the  savages  and  robbers,  and 
place  it  under  a  position  which  was  intended  by  the  Creator 
of  the  world,  as  explained  to  the  father  of  our  race. 


After  mentioning  a  tradition  of  the  Delawares, 
in  regard  to  the  extermination  of  the  Kentucky 

tribes,  Mr.  Collins  says,  in  his  History  of  Ken- 

But  this  tradition  of  the  Delawares  does  not  stand  alone. 
That  the  prehistoric  inhabitants  of  Kentucky  were  at  some 
intermediate  period  overwhelmed  by  a  tide  of  savage  invasion 
from  the  North,  is  a  point  upon  which  Indian  tradition,  as 
far  as  it  goes,  is  positive  and  expHcit.  It  is  related,  in  a 
posthumous  fragment  on  Western  antiquities,  by  Rev.  John 
P.  Campbell,  M.  D.,  which  was  published  in  the  early  part 
of  the  present  century,  that  Colonel  James  Moore,  of  Ken- 
tucky, was  told  by  an  old  Indian  that  the  primitive  inhabit- 
ants of  this  State  had  perished  in  a  war  of  extermination 
waged  against  them  by  the  Indians;  that  the  last  great  battle 
was  fought  at  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio;  and  that  the  Indians 
succeeded  in  driving  the  aborigines  into  a  small  island  below 
the  rapids,  "where  the  whole  of  them  were  cut  to  pieces." 
The  Indian  further  said  this  was  an  undoubted  fact  handed 
down  by  tradition,  and  that  the  Colonel  would  have  proofs  of 
it  under  his  eyes  as  soon  as  the  waters  of  the  Ohio  became 
low.  When  the  waters  of  the  river  had  fallen,  an  examina- 
tion of  Sandy  island  was  made,  and  "a  multitude  of  human 
bones  were  discovered." 

There  is  similar  confirmation  of  this  tradition  in  the  state- 
ment of  General  George  Rogers  Clark,  that  there  was  a 
great  bu  ying-ground  on  the  northern  side  of  the  river,  but 
a  short  distance  below  the  Falls.  According  to  a  tradition 
imparted  to  the  same  gentleman  by  the  Indian  chief  Tobacco, 
the  battle  of  Sandy  island  decided  finally  the  fall  of  Ken- 
tucky, with  its  ancient  inhabitants.  When  Colonel  McKee 
commanded  on  the  Kanawha  (says  Dr.  Campbell),  he  was 
told  by  the  Indian  chief  Cornstalk,  with  whom  he  had  fre- 
quent conversations,  that  Ohio  and  Kentucky  (and  Tennessee 
is  also  associated  with  Kentucky  in  the  pre-historic  ethnogra- 
phy of  Rafinesque)  had  gnce  been  settled  by  a  white  people 
who  were  familiar  with  arts  of  which  the  Indians  knew  noth- 
ing; that  these  whites,  after  a  series  of  bloody  contests  with 
the  Indians,  had  been  exterminated;  that  the  old  burial- 
places  were  the  graves  of  an  unknown  people;  and  that  the 
old  forts  had  not  been  built  by  Indians,  but  had  come  down 
from  "a  very  long  ago"  people,  who  were  of  a  white  com- 
plexion, and  skilled  in  the  arts. 

The  statement  of  General  Clark,  above  re- 
ferred to,  is  doubtless  what  is  mentioned  in 
greater  detail  by  Dr.  McMurtrie,  in  his  Sketches 
of  Louisville,  in  these  terms: 

About  the  time  when  General  Clark  first  visited  this  coun- 
try, an  old  Indian  is  said  to  have  assured  him  that  there  was 
a  tradition  to  this  effect:  that  therehad  formerly  existeda  race 
of  Indians  whose  complexion  was  much  lighter  than  that  of 
the  other  natives,  which  caused  them  to  be  known  by  the 
name  of  the  white  Indians;  that  bloody  wars  had  always  been 
waged  between  the  two,  but  that  at  last  the  black  Indians 
got  ihe  better  of  the  others  in  a  great  battle  fought  at  Clarks- 
ville,  wherein  all  the  latter  were  assembled;  that  the  remnant 
of  their  army  took  refuge  in  Sandy  island,  whither  their  suc- 
cessful and  implacable  enemies  followed  and  put  every  indi- 
vidual to  death. 

How  true  this  may  be  I  know  not,  but  appearances  are 
strongly  in  its  favor.  A  large  field  a  little  below  Clarksville 
contains  immense  quantities  of  human  bones,  whose  decom- 
posed state  and  the  regular  manner  in  which  they  are  scat- 
tered, as  well  as  the  circumstance  of  their  being  covered  with 
an  alluvial  deposition  of  earth  six  or  seven  feet  deep,  evidently 


prove  that  it  was  not  a  regular  burial-place,  but  a  field  of  bat- 
tle, in  some  former  century.  Relics  of  a  smiilar  description 
are  said  to  have  been  seen  in  great  plenty  on  Sandy  island  in 
1778,  none  of  which,  however,  are  visible  at  this  day  (upon 
the  surface),  which  may  be  owing  to  the  constant  deposition 
of  sand  upon  the  island  and  the  action  of  the  water  in  high 
floods,  whose  attrition  may  have  finally  removed  every  vestige 
of  such  substances. 


then,  were  really  the  Indians  of  Ohio  and  Indi- 
ana, and  probably,  to  a  less  degree,  of  the  South 
and  Southwest.  This  faci  enlarges  greatly  the 
field  of  our  inquiry,  and  compels  us  to  consider, 
at  least  briefly,  a  greater  number  of  tribes  than 
usually  dwelt  within  the  limits  of  any  tract  now 
formed  into  a  State. 

The  chief  of  these  tribes  was  undoubtedly 


The  name  of  this  once-powerful  tribe  is  de- 
rived from  Shawano  or  Oshawano,  the  name,  in 
one  of  the  most  ancient  traditions  of  the  Algon- 
quins,  of  one  of  the  brothers  of  Manabozho, 
who  had  assigned  to  him  the  government  of  the 
southern  part  of  the  earth.  The  name,  with  a 
final  ng  for  the  plural,  is  said  to  convey  to  the 
Indian  mind  the  idea  of  Southerners.  In  the 
English  mouth  and  writing  it  has  been  corrupted 
into  Shawanese  or  Shawnees,  although  Mr. 
Schoolcraft  and  other  writers  upon  the  aborigines 
often  use  the  older  form  Shawanoes.  By  the 
Iroquois  and  English,  about  1747,  they  were 
called  Satanas  (devils),  and  are  also  mentioned 
in  the  French  writings  as  Chouanons.  From  these 
the  names  Suwanee  and  Sawnee,  as  applied 
to  Southern  rivers,  where  they  formerly  resided, 
are  derived.  About  the  year  1640  the  Shawnees 
came  into  the  Ohio  valley  from  the  Appalachian 
range  by  way  of  the  Kentucky  river  (also  said  to 
have  a  Shawnee  name,  Cuttawa  or  Kentucke), 
while  other  bands  of  the  tribe,  driven  from  the 
South  by  the  Catawbas  and  Cherokees,  settled 
among  their  kinsfolk,  the  Delawares  of  Pennsyl- 

The  Shawnees  had  a  tradition  of  foreign  origin, 
or  at  least  of  landing  from  a  sea-voyage.  Colonel 
John  Johnston,  who  was  their  agent  for  many 
years,  in  a  letter  dated  July  7,  1819,  observes: 

1  111-  pi-ople  of  this  nation  have  a  ir.idition  that  their  an- 
cestors crus-f,l  the  sea.  They  are  the  only  tril)e  with  which 
I  am  acqtiainiiil  Mho  admit  a  foreign  origin.  Until  lately 
they  kept  yearly  sacrihc.-s  for  their  safe  arrival  in  this  coun- 
try. From  where  they  c.irn.-.  or  at  what  period  they  arrived 
in  .America,  thi-y  do  not  kiid.v.     It   j,   a   prevailing   opinion 

among  them  that  Florida  had  been  inhabited  by  white  f)eople, 
who  had  the  use  of  iron  tools.  Blackhoof  (a  celebrated 
chief)  affirms  that  he  has  often  heard  it  spoken  of  by  old 
people,  that  stumps  of  trees,  covered  with  earth,  were  fre- 
quently found,  which  had  been  cut  down  by  edged  tools. 
It  is  somewhat  doubtful  whether  the 
deliverance  which  they  celebrate  has  any  other  reference  than 
to  the  crossing  of  some  great  river  or  an  arm  of  the  sea. 

In  McKenney  and  Hall's  splendid  History  of 
the  Indian  Tribes  of  North  America,  published 
at  Philadelphia  in  1844,  the  following  account  is 
given  of  this  tribe: 

Much  obscurity  rests  upon  the  history  of  the  Shawanese. 
Their  manners,  customs,  and  language  indicated  northern 
origin,  and  upwards  of  two  centuries  ago  they  held  the  coun- 
try south  of  Lake  Erie.  They  were  the  first  tribe  which  felt 
the  force  and  yielded  to  the  superiority  of  the  Iroquois. 
Conquered  by  them,  they  migrated  to  the  South,  and,  from 
fear  or  favor,  they  were  allowed  to  take  possession  of  a  region 
upon  Savannah  river,  but  what  part  of  that  river,  whether  in 
Georgia  or  Florida,  is  not  known — it  is  presumed  the  former. 
How  long  they  resided  there  we  have  not  the  means  of  ascer- 
taining, nor  have  we  any  account  of  the  incidents  of  their 
history  in  that  country,  or  of  the  causes  of  their  leaving  it. 
One,  if  not  more,  of  their  bands  removed  from-  thence  to 
Pennsylvania,  but  the  larger  portion  took  p>ossession  of  the 
country  upon  the  Miami  and  Scioto  rivers  in  Ohio,  a  fertile, 
region,  where  their  habits,  more  industrious  than  those  of 
their  race  generally,  enabled  them  to  live  comfortably. 

This  is  the  only  tribe  among  all  our  Indians  who  claim  for 
themselves  a  foreign  origin.  Most  of  the  aborigines  of  the 
continent  believe  their  forefathers  ascended  from  holes  in  the 
earth,  and  many  of  them  assign  a  local  habitation  to  these 
traditionary  places  of  nativity  of  their  race;  resembling  in 
this  respect  some  of  the  traditions  of  antiquity,  and  derived 
perhaps  from  that  remote  period  when  barbarous  tribes  were 
■  troglodytes,  subsisting  upon  the  spontaneous  productions  of 
the  earth.  The  Shawnees  believe  their  ancestors  inhabited  a 
foreign  land,  which,  from  some  unknown  cause,  they  deter- 
mined to  abandon.  They  collected  their  people  together,  and 
marched  to  the  seashore.  Here  various  persons  were 
selected  to  them,  but  they  declined  the  duty,  until  it 
was  undertaken  by  one  of  the  Turtle  tribe.  He  placed  him- 
self at  the  head  of  the  procession,  and  walked  into  the  sea. 
The  waters  immediately  divided,  and  they  passed  along  the 
bottom  of  the  ocean  until  they  reached  this  "island." 

The  Shawnees  have  one  institution  peculiar  to  themselves. 
Their  nation  was  originally  divided  into  twelve  tribes  or 
bands,  bearing  different  names.  Each  of  these  tribes  was 
subdivided  in  the  usual  manner,  into  families  of  the  E^gle, 
the  Turtle,  etc.,  these  animals  constituting  their  totems. 
Two  of  these  tribes  have  become  extinct  and  their  names  are 
forgotten.  The  names  of  the  other  ten  are  preserved,  but 
only  four  of  these  are  now  kept  distinct.  These  are  the 
Makostrake,  the  Pickaway,  the  Kickapoo,  and  the  Chilli- 
cothe  tribes.  Of  the  six  whose  names  are  preserved,  but 
whose  separate  characters  are  lost,  no  descendant  of  one  of 
them,  the  Waiiphauthawonaukee,  now  survive.  The  remains 
of  the  other  five  have  become  incorporated  with  the  four 
subsisting  tribes.  Even  to  this  day  each  of  the  four  sides  of 
their  council-houses  is  assigned  to  one  of  these  tribes,  and  is 
invariably  occupied  by  it.  Although,  to  us,  they  appear  the 
same  people,  yet  they  pretend  to  possess  the  f)ower  of  dis- 
cerning at  sight  to  which  tribe  an  individual  belongs. 




Iho  celebrated  Teciimseh  and  his  brother,  Tens-kwau-ta- 
waw,  more  generally  known  by  the  appellation  of  the 
Prophet,  were  Shawnees,  and  sjirang  from  the  Kickapoo 
tribe.  They  belonged  to  the  family  or  totem  of  the  Panther, 
to  the  males  of  which  alone  was  the  name  Tecunithe,  or 
"Flying  Across, "  given.  Their  paternal  grandfather  was  a 
Creek,  and  their  grandmother  a  Shawnee.  The  name  of 
their  father  was  Pukeshinwau,  who  was  born  among  the 
Creeks,  but  removed  with  his  tribe  to  Chillicothe,  upon  the 
Scioto.  Tecumthe,  his  fourth  son,  was  born  upon  the  jour- 
ney. Pukeshinwau  was  killed  at  the  battle  at  Point  Pleasant 
at  the  mouth  of  the  Kenhawa,  in  1774,  and  the  Prophet  was 
one  of  three  posthumous  children,  born  at  the  same  birth  a 
few  months  afterwards. 

The  Kickapoos  were  doubtless  united  with  the  Shawanese 
at  a  period  not  very  distant.  The  traditions  of  each  tribe 
contain  similar  accounts  of  their  union  and  separation  ;  and 
the  identity  of  their  language  furnished  irrefragable  evident 
of  their  consanguinity.  We  are  inclined  to  believe  that  when 
the  Shawanese  were  overpowered  by  the  Iroquois,  and  aban- 
doned their  country  upon  Lake  Erie,  they  separated  into  two 
great  divisions — one  of  which,  preserving  their  original  repu- 
tation [designation],  fled  into  Florida,  and  the  other,  now 
known  to  us  as  the  Kickapoos,  returned  to  the  West  and  es- 
tablished themselves  among  the  Illinois  Indians,  upon  the 
extensive  prairies  on  that  river  and  between  it  and  the  Mis- 
sissippi. This  region,  however,  they  have  relinquished  to 
the  United  States. 

Judge  James  Hall,  of  Cincinnati,  one  of  the 
authors  of  this  work,  in  his  Essay  on  the  History 
of  the  North  American  Indians,  comprised  in 
the  third  volume,  writes  eloquently  of  this  tribe. 
A  part  of  his  account  allies  it  more  closely 
with  the  history  of  Western  Kentucky,  and  seems 
to  indicate  the  region  watered  by  the  lower  Cum- 
berland as  a  former  habitat  of  the  tribe. 

The  Shawanoe  nation,  when  first  known  to  the  whites, 
were  a  numerous  and  warlike  people  of  Georgia  and  South 
Carohna.  After  the  lapse  of  a  very  few  years,  they  aban- 
doned or  were  driven  from  that  region,  and  are  found 
in  the  southwestern  part  of  the  Ohio  valley,  giving  their  beau- 
tiful name  to  the  river  which  by  the  bad  taste  of  the  Ameri- 
cans has  acquired  the  hackneyed  name  of  Cumberland.  We 
next  hear  of  them  in  Pennsylvania,  participators  in  the  tragic 
scenes  which  have  given  celebrity  to  the  valley  of  Wyoming. 
Again  they  lecede  to  the  Ohio  valley,  to  a  locality  hundreds 
of  miles  distant  from  their  former  hunting-grounds  in  the 
West,  selecting  now  the  rich  and  beautiful  plains  of  the 
Scioto  valley  and  the  Miamis.  Here  they  attained  the  high- 
est point  of  their  fame.  Here  was  heard  the  eloquence  of 
Logan;  here  was  spent  the  boyhood  of  Tecum seh.  It  was 
from  the  romantic  scenes  of  the  Little  Miami,  from  the  Pick- 
away plains  and  the  beautiful  shores  of  the  Scioto— from 
scenes  of  such  transcending  fertility  and  beauty  as  must  have 
won  any  but  a  nature  inherently  savage  to  the  luxury  of  rest 
and  contentment,  that  the  Shawanoese  went  forth  to  battle 
oft  Braddock's  field,  at  Point  Pleasant,  and  along  the  whole 
hne  «if  the  then  Western  frontier.  Lastly,  we  find  them 
dwelling  on  the  Wabash,  at  Tippecanoe,  holding  councils 
with  the  Governor  of  Indiana  at  Vincennes,  intriguing  with 
the  Cherokees  and  Creeks  of  the  South,  and  fighting  under 
the  British  banner  in  Canada.     Here  we  find  a  people  num- 

bering but  a  few  thousand,  and  who  could,  even  as  savages 
and  hunters,  occupy  but  a  small  tract  of  country  at  any  one 
time,  roaming,  in  the  course  of  two  centuries,  over  ten  de- 
grees of  latitude  ;  changing  their  hunting-grounds,  not  grad- 
ually, but  by  migrations  of  hundreds  of  miles  at  a  time; 
abandoning  entirely  a  whole  region,  and  appearing  upon  a 
new  and  far-distant  scene.  What  land  was  the  country  of 
the  Shawanoese  ?  To  what  place  could  that  strong  local  at- 
tachment which  has  been  claimed  for  the  Indians,  have  af- 
fixed itself?  Where  must  the  Shawanoe  linger,  to  indulge 
that  veneration  lor  the  bones  of  his  fathers  which  is  said  to 
form  so  strong  a  feeling  in  the  savage  breast  ?  Their  bones 
are  mouldering  in  every, ^valley,  from  the  sultry  confines  of 
Georgia  to  the  frozen  shores  of  the  Canadian  frontier.  Their 
traditions,  if  carefully  preserved,  in  as  many  separate  dis- 
tricts, have  consecrated  to  the  affections  ol  a  little  rem- 
nant of  people  a  vast  expanse  of  territory,  which  now  em- 
braces eight  or  nine  sovereign  States,  and  maintains  five 
millions  of  people. 

Mr.  Dodge,  in  his  Red  Men  of  the  Ohio  Val- 
ley, expresses  the  opinion  that,  at  the  period  of 
the  settlement  of  Virginia,  the  Shawnees  were 
doubtless  the  occupants  of  what  is  now  the  State 
of  Kertucky,  from  the  Ohio  river  up  to  the 
Cumbei  land  basin,  the  country  of  the  Cherokees, 
and  that  they  were  driven  from  this  delightful 
land  into  the  Pennsylvania  and  Ohio  country, 
probably  by  the  Cherokees  and  Chickasaws. 

Upon  Charlevoix's  map  of  New  France,  the 
Kentucky  country  is  given  as  the  "Pays  du 
Chouanons,"  or  Land  of  the  Shawnees,  while  the 
Kentucky  river  is  noted  as  "La  Riviere  des  An- 
ciens  Chouanons,"  or  of  the  Old  Shawnees.  It 
is  well  known  that  the  Tennessee  river  was  for- 
merly called  the  Shawnee — and,  indeed,  wher- 
ever this  tribe  dwelt  in  their  earlier  history,  they 
seem  to  have  left  a  memorial  in  the  nam6  of  a 
river.  When  first  known  to  the  Europeans,  they 
were  dwelling  among  the  Creeks  on  the  Florida 
rivers.  The  "Suwanee"  of  the  popular  song 
takes  its  name  from  them. 

In  passing,  we  may  note  that  this  map  of 
Charlevoix's  marks  the  Ohio  as  the  "Oyo,  or  la 
Belle  Riviere,"  and  the  country  west  of  the 
Wabash  as  the  "Pays  des  Miamis,"  indicating 
the  reputed  habitat  of  another  great  tribe.  West 
of  these  was  the  Pays  des  Illinois. 

About  1745  the  Shawnees  retired  to  the  Mi- 
ami and  Muskingum  valleys  to  avoid  their  south- 
ern enemies.  They  were  represented  at  the 
treaty  with  the  Menguys,  and  in  the  alliance 
against  the  Cherokees,  Catawbas,  Muscologees, 
Chickasaws,  and  other  tribes  of  the  South.  Ken- 
tucky being  the  usual  ground  of  warfare  between 
these  Southern  and  Northern  tribes,  it  so  came  to 


be  called,  as  is  believed,  the  Dark  and  Bloody 


Messrs.  Kenny  and  Hall  furnish  the  following 
facts  concerning  this  tribe: 

The  Miamis,  when  first  known  to  the  French,  were  living 
around  Chicago,  upon  Lake  Michigan.  It  was  the  chief  of 
this  tribe  whose  state  and  attendance  were  depicted  by  the 
Sieur  Perot  in  such  strong  colors.  Charlevoix,  without 
vouching  for  the  entire  accuracy  of  the  relation,  observes  that 
in  his  time  there  was  more  deference  paid  by  the  Miamis  to 
their  chiefs  than  by  any  other  Indians. 

This  tribe  removed  from  Lake  Michigan  to  the  Wabash, 
where  they  yet  [1843]  retain  an  extensive  tract  of  country  up- 
on which  they  reside.  A  kindred  thbe,  the  Weas,  more 
properly  called  the  Newcalenons,  long  lived  with  the  Miamis; 
but  they  have  recently  separated  from  them  and  crossed  the 
Mississippi.  Their  whole  number  does  not  exceed  three 
hundred  and  fifty.  Of  the  Miamis  about  one  thousand  yet 

This  tribe  was  formerly  known  to  the  English  as  the  Twigh- 
twees.  They  appear  to  have  been  the  only  Indians  in  the 
West,  with  the  exception  of  one  other  tribe,  the  Foxes,  who, 
at  an  early  period,  were  attached  to  the  English  interest. 
The  causes  which  led  to  this  union  are  unknown,  but  for 
many  years  they  produced  a  decisive  effect  upon  the  fortunes 
of  the  Miamis. 

That  strangest  of  all  institutions  in  the  history  of  hu- 
man waywardness,  the  man-eating  society,  existed  among 
this  tribe.  It  extended  also  to  the  Kichapoos,  but  to 
how  many  others  we  do  not  know.  It  appears  to  have  been 
the  duty  of  the  members  of  this  society  to  eat  any  captives 
who  were  delivered  to  them  for  that  purpose.  The  subject 
itself  is  so  revolting  to  us  at  this  day,  even  to  the  Indians, 
that  it  is  difficult  to  collect  the  traditionary  details  concerning 
this  institution.  Its  duties  and  its  privileges,  for  it  had. 
both,  were  regulated  by  long  usage,  and  its  whole  ceremonial 
was  prescribed  by  a  horrible  ritual.  Its  members  belonged 
to  one  family,  and  inherited  this  odious  distinction.  The  so- 
ciety was  a  religious  one,  and  its  great  festivals  were  cele- 
brated in  the  presence  of  the  whole  tribe.  During  the  exist- 
ence of  the  present  generation,  this  society  has  flourished  and 
performed  shocking  duties,  but  they  are  now  wholly  discon- 
tinued, and  will  be  ere  long  forgotten. 


claim  to  be  "uncle"  to  all  the  other  tribes.  The 
Delawares,  they  say,  are  grandfather,  but  still  the 
nephew  of  the  Wyandots.  They  sometimes  are 
called  Hurons,  were  of  Huron  stock,  with  the 
Algonquins  as  their  allies,  and  were  driven  from 
their  ancestral  seat  on  the  St.  Lawrence  by  their 
hereditary  enemies,  the  terrible  Iroquois.  In 
their  later  homes,  however,  in  Northwestern  Ohio 
and  Northeastern  Indiana,  they  were  the  leading 
tribe.  For  ages  they  had  been  at  the  head  of  a 
great  Indian  commonwealth  or  confederacy,  and, 
though  greatly  enfeebled  by  long  and  bloody 
wars,  their  scepter  had  not  yet  quite  departed. 
Once  they  held   the  great  coimcil-fire,  and  had 

the  sole  right  of  convening  the  tribes  of  the  con- 
federacy around  it,  when  some  important  event 
or  plan  required  general  deliberation.  In  the 
possession  of  their  chiefs  an  Indian  agent  at  Fort 
Wayne  saw  a  very  ancient  belt  believed  to  have 
been  sent  to  them  by  the  Mexican  Emperor 
Montezuma,  with  a  warning  that  the  Spaniards 
under  Cortez  had  appeared  upon  the  coast. 
They  were  among  the  last  of  the  tribes  to  leave 
Ohio,  by  which  time  they  had  become  reduced 
to  but  a  few  hundred.  McKenney  &  Hall's 
History  of  the  Indian  Tribes  of  North  America 

This  tribe  was  not  unworthy  of  the  preeminence  it  enjoyed. 
The  French  historians  describe  them  as  superior,  in  all  the 
essential  characteristics  of  savage  life,  to  any  other  Indians 
upon  the  continent.  And  at  this  day  [1844]  their  intrepid- 
ity, their  general  deportment,  and  their  lofty  bearing,  confirm 
the  accounts  which  have  been  given  to  us.  In  all  the  wars 
upon  our  borders,  until  the  conclusion  of  Wayne's  treaty, 
they  acted  a  conspicuous  part,  and  their  advice  in  council 
and  conduct  in  action  were  worthy  of  their  ancient  renown. 


These  are  the  Lenni-Lenape,  or  "  original  peo- 
ple"— certainly  a  very  ancient  people,  about 
whom  many  large  stories,  if  not  absolute  fables, 
have  been  related.  When  first  known  to  the 
whites,  they  resided  chiefly  upon  the  tidewaters 
of  New  Jersey,  Pennsylvania,  and  Delaware. 
They  early  became  known  to  the  Moravian  mis- 
sionaries, who  labored  among  them  with  exem- 
plary zeal  and  care,  and  accompanied  them  in 
their  migrations  to  the  Susquehanna,  thence  to 
the  Ohio,  thence  to  the  Muskingum,  where  the 
first  white  settlements,  except  a  trading-post  or 
two,  were  made  upon  the  present  territory  of  the 
commonwealth  of  Ohio,  shared  in  their  horrible 
calamities,  went  with  them  thence  to  Lake  St. 
Clair  and  the  neighborhood  of  Sandusky,  and  re- 
mained with  them  till  their  pious  mission  was 
fulfilled.  The  unconverted  or  heathen  portion 
of  the  tribe,  after  the  removal  from  Ohio,  settled 
on  White  river,  in  Indiana,  which  they  occupied 
until  transported  beyond  the  Mississippi,  where 
they  were  settled  upon  a  reservation  in  the  south- 
west part  of  Missouri. 


were  faithful  adherents  and  allies  of  the  Wyan- 
dots, and  accompanied  them  in  all  their  migra- 
tions. The  celebrated  Pontiac,  hero  of  the  con- 
spiracy agamst  the  British  garrison  at  13etroit  so 
much   exploited  in  history,  was  an  Ottawa  chief, 



born  about  17 14.  They  became  much  scattered 
in  more  recent  days,  but  large  bands  of  them  re- 
sided upon  the  Maumee,  and  their  parties  occa- 
sionally roamed  the  hunting-grounds  of  Ken- 


were  also  occasionally  seen  by  the  pioneers  in 
these  regions.  They  were  not  Ohio  Indians,  but 
had  their  habitat  in  parts  of  Indiana,  Michigan, 
and  Illinois.  Until  they  became  degraded  and 
degenerate,  they  were  the  most  popular  tribe 
north  of  the  Ohio,  remarkable,  even  with  the 
Wyandots  so  near,  for  their  stature,  symmetry, 
and  fine  personal  bearing.  Their  residence  did 
not  extend  in  this  direction  beyond  the  White 
river  of  Indiana,  but  they  often  penetrated  south 
of  the  Beautiful  river,  and  were  probably  the 
chief  instruments  in  the  annoyance  of  the  early 
settlers  about  the  Falls. 


who  were  also  among  the  "  Wabash  Indians," 
were  simply  a  tribe  of  the  powerful  Shawnees. 
This  nation  was  originally  separated  into  twelve 
tribes,  each  divided  into  families  known  by  their 
"  totems,"  as  the  Eagle,  the  Turtle,  etc.  When 
the  period  of  white  occupancy  began  here,  all  the 
tribes  had  become  extinct  or  intermingled,  ex- 
cept four,  of  which  the  Kickapoos  formed  one. 
To  this  day,  each  of  the  four  sides  of  their  coun- 
cil-house is  assigned  to  one  of  these  tribes.  To 
the  Kickapoo  division  and  the  family  of  "  the 
Panther"  belonged  the  eloquent  and  brave  Te- 
cumseh  and  his  brother,  the  Prophet.  The 
Shawnee  tongue  seems  closely  related  to  that  of 
the  Kickapoos  and  of  some  other  Northern 


were  an  insignificant  band,  sometimes  called  the 
Newcalenons,  whose  habitat  was  upon  the  small 
river  which  bears  their  name  in  Western  Indiana. 
They  were  allied  to  the  Miamis,  with  whom  they 
long  lived.  When  they  crossed  the  Mississippi, 
their  number  scarcely  reached  four  hundred. 
General  Scott's  expedition  from  Kentucky,  in 
1 791,  was  specially  directed  against  this  tribe. 


The  only  great  Southern  tribe  with  which  this 
history  need  deal,  is  the  Chickasaws,  who  held 
the  entire  tract  of  the  Kentucky  country  west  of 
the  Tennessee  to  the  Mississippi. 

The  Chickasaws  formed  one  of  a  number  of 
Indian  nations  found  by  the  whites  in  the  south- 
ernmost States  east  of  the  Mississippi  river  in 
the  early  part  of  the  last  century.  The  Uchees, 
with  the  Lower,  Middle,  and  Upper  Creeks,  con- 
stituted the  formidable  Muscogee  confederacy; 
the  other  tribes  were  the  Seminoles,  the  Chero- 
kees,  the  Choctaws.  the  Natchez,  the  Yemasees, 
and  the  Chickasaws.  The  last-named  are  de- 
scribed by  Captain  Romans,  in  his  Concise 
Natural  History  of  East  and  West  Florida,  pub- 
lished at  New  York  in  1775,  ^s  a  fierce,  cruel,  in- 
solent, and  haughty  race,  corrupt  in  morals,  filthy 
in  discourse,  lazy,  powerful,  and  well  made, 
expert  swimmers,  good  warriors,  and  excellent 
hunters.  He  contrasts  them  unfavorably  with 
the  Choctaws,  whom  he  praises  as  a  nation  of 
farmers,  inclined  to  peace  and  industry.  The 
Chickasaws  about  this  time  lived  on  the  left  bank 
of  the  Savannah  river,  opposite  Augusta. 

The  following  facts  concerning  the  Chicka- 
saws are  derived  chiefly  from  the  first  volume  of 
Mr.  Henry  R.  Schoolcraft's  great  report  to  the 
Government  of  information  respecting  the  History, 
Condition,  and  Prospects  of  the  Indian  Tribes  of 
the  United  States.  They  are  full  of  interest,  and 
their  sources  give  them  authority  and  permanent 

The  traditional  origin  and  history  of  this 
branch  of  the  Appalachian  family  is  retained  by 
the  tribe,  in  their  later  homes  west  of  the  Mis- 
sissippi. Their  old  men  tell  the  tale  thus:  They 
came  from  the  west,  and  a  part  of  their  tribe  re- 
mained behind.  When  about  to  start  Eastward 
they  were  provided  with  a  large  dog  as  a  guard 
and  a  pole  as  a  guide.  The  former  would  give 
them  notice  whenever  an  enemy  was  at  hand, 
and  thus  enable  them  to  make  their  arrange- 
ments to  receive  them.  The  pole  they  would 
plant  in  the  ground  every  night,  and  the  next 
morning  they  would  look  at  it  and  go  in  the  di- 
rection it  leaned.  (Mr.  Schoolcraft  says  this 
allegory  of  the  dog  and  pole  probably  reveals  the 
faith  of  this  people  in  an  ancient  prophet,  or 
seer,  under  whose  guidance  they  migrated.) 
They  continued  their  journey  in  this  way  until 
they  crossed  the  great  Mississippi  river,  and,  on 
the  waters  of  the  Alabama  river,  arrived  in  the 
country  about  where  Huntsville,  Alabama,  now  is. 
There  the  pole  was  unsettled  for  several  days, 
but  finally  it  settled  and  pointed  in  a   southwest 



direction.  They  then  started  on  that  course, 
planting  the  pole  every  night,  until  they  got  to 
what  is  called  the  Chickasaw  Old  Fields,  where 
the  pole  stood  perfectly  erect.  All  then  came  to 
the  conclusion  that  that  was  the  promised  land, 
and  there  they  accordingly  remained  until  they 
emigrated  west  of  the  State  of  Arkansas  in  the 
years  1837  and  1838. 

While  the  pole  was  in  an  unsettled  situation,  a 
part  of  their  tribe  moved  further  eastward  and  got 
with  the  Creek  Indians;  but  so  soon  asa  majority 
of  the  tribe  settled  at  the  Old  Fields,  they  sent 
for  the  party  that  had  gone  on  east,  who  answered 
that  they  were  very  tired  and  would  rest  where 
they  were  a  while.  This  clan  was  called  Cush- 
e-tah.  They  have  never  joined  the  present  tribe, 
but  they  always  remained  as  friends  until  they 
had  intercourse  with  the  whites;  then  they  be 
came  a  separate  nation.  The  great  dog  was  lost 
in  the  Mississippi,  and  they  always  believed  that 
the  dog  had  got  into  a  large  sink-hole  and 
there  remained;  the  Chickasaws  said  they  could 
hear  the  dog  howl  just  before  the  evening  came. 
Whenever  any  of  their  warriors  get  scalps,  they 
give  them  to  the  boys  to  go  and  throw  them  into 
the  sink  where  the  dog  was.  After  throwing  the 
scalps,  the  boys  would  run  off  in  great  fright, 
and  if  one  should  fall  in  running  off,  the  Chicka- 
saws were  certain  he  would  be  killed  or  taken 
prisoner  by  their  enemies.  Some  of  the  half- 
breeds,  and  nearly  all  of  the  full-bloods,  now  be- 
lieve it. 

In  traveling  from  the  West  to  the  East,  they 
have  no  recollection  of  crossing  any  large  water- 
course except  the  Mississippi  river.  During  this 
exodus  they  had  enemies  on  all  sides,  and  had  to 
fight  their  way  through,  but  they  cannot  give  the 
names  of  the  people  they  fought  with  while 
traveling.  They  were  informed,  when  they  left 
the  VVest,  that  they  might  look  for  whites;  that 
they  would  come  from  the  East;  and  that  they 
were  to  be  on  their  guard  and  to  avoid  the 
whites,  lest  they  should  bring  all  manner  of 
vice  among  them. 

After  their  settlement  in  Mississippi,  they  had 
several  wars,  all  defensive.  They  fought  with 
the  Choctaws,  and  came  off  victorious  ;  with  the 
Creeks,  and  killed  several  hundred  of  them  and 
drove  them  off;  they  fought  the  Cherokees, 
Kickapoos,  Osages,  and  several  other  tribes  of 
Indians,  all   of  whom   ihcy  whipped.     The  ex- 

pedition of  De  Soto  passed  through  their  coun- 
try, had  sharp  conflicts  with  them,  and  occupied 
for  a  time  one  of  their  deserted  towns,  which  the 
Chickasaws  finally  burned  over  their  heads  in  a 
night  attack,  destroying  all  the  hogs  that  were 
being  driven  along,  many  horses,  and  other 
property.  A  large  number  of  French  landed 
once  at  the  Chickasaw  Bluff,  where  Memphis 
now  is,  and  made  an  attack  upon  this  tribe,  as 
their  traditions  relate,  but  were  beaten  off  with 
great  loss.  At  one  time  a  large  body  of  Creeks 
came  to  the  Chickasaw  country  to  kill  them  off 
and  take  their  lands.  The  Indians  knew  of  their 
coming  and  built  a  fort,  assisted  by  Captain 
David  Smith  and  a  party  of  Tennesseeans.  The 
Creeks  came  on,  but  few  of  them  returned  to 
their  own  land  to  tell  the  tale  of  disaster. 

Until  the  nation  removed  to  the  west  of  the 
Mississippi,  it  had  a  king,  who  is  recognized  by 
name  in  the  treaty  made  by  General  Jackson  in 
18 19.  The  Indian  title  was  Minko,  and  there 
was  a  clan  or  family  by  that  name  from  which 
the  king  was  taken.  He  was  hereditary  through 
the  female  side.  Since  the  migration  the  tribe 
has  elected  chiefs  from  different  families  or 

The  highest  clan  next  to  Minko  is  the  Sho-wa. 
The  next  chief  to  the  king  was  out  of  their  clan. 
The  next  is  Co-ish-to,  second  chief  out  of  this 
clan.  The  next  is  Oush-pe-ne.  The  next  is 
Uin-ne;  and  the  lowest  clan  is  called  Hus-co-na. 
Runners  and  waiters  are  taken  from  this  family. 
When  the  chiefs  thought  it  necessary  to  hold  a 
council,  they  went  to  the  king  and  requested 
him  to  call  one.  He  would  then  send  one  of 
his  runners  out  to  inform  the  people  that  a  coun- 
cil would  be  held  at  such  a  time  and  place. 
When  they  convened,  the  king  would  take  his 
seat.  The  runners  then  placed  each  chief  in  his 
proper  place.  All  the  talking  and  business  was 
done  by  the  chiefs.  If  they  passed  a  law  they 
informed  the  king  of  it.  If  he  consented  to  it, 
it  was  a  law  ;  if  he  refused,  the  chiefs  could  make 
it  a  law  if  every  chief  was  in  favor  of  it.  If  one 
chief  refused  to  give  his  consent,  the  law  was 

These  Indians  have  no  tradition  concerning 
the  large  mounds  in  Mississippi ;  they  do  not 
know  whether  they  are  natural  or  artificial.  They 
found  them  when  they  first  entered  the  country, 
and  called  them  "navels,"  from  the  notion  that 



the  Mississippi  was  l;he  center  of  the  parth  j^nd 
the  mounds  were  as  the  navel  of  a  man  in  the 
center  of  his  body. 

Beyond  the  Mississippi,  the  Chickasaws  made 
an  agreement  with  the  Choctaws,  by  which  they 
agreed  to  hve  under  the  Choctaw  laws,  in  a  re- 
publican form  of  government.  They  elect  a 
chief  every  four  years,  and  captains  once  in  two 
years.  Judges  are  elected  by  the  general  coun- 
cil. The  chiefs  and  captains  in  council  make 
all  appropriations  for  any  of  the  purposes  of  the 
Chickasaws.  The  Choctaws  have  no  control  of 
their  financial  affairs,  nor  they  of  those  of  the 
Choctaws.  Mr.  Schoolcraft,  writing  in  1850, 
says  that,  under  the  new  government,  they  had 
improved  more  in  the  last  five  years  than  they 
had  in  the  preceding  twenty  years.  They  had 
then  in  progress  a  large  manual-labor  academy, 
and  had  provided  for  two  more,  one  for  males 
and  one  for  females.  The  Chickasaw  district 
lay  north  of  Red  river,  was  about  two  hundred 
and  twenty-five  by  one  hundred  and  fifty  miles 
in  length  and  breadth,  being  large  enough  for 
two  such  tribes,and  was  esteemed  well  adapted 
to  all  their  wants.  Mr.  Schoolcraft  concludes 
his  account  as  follows  : 

The  funds  of  the  Chickasaws,  in  the  hands  of  the  Govern- 
ment, for  lands  ceded  to  the  United  States,  are  ample  for  the 
purposes  of  educating  every  member  of  the  tribe,  and  of 
making  the  most  liberal  provision  for  their  advancement  in 
agriculture  and  the  arts.  Possessing  the  fee  of  a  fertile  and 
well-watered  territorial  area  of  thirty-three  thousand  seven 
hundred  and  fifty  square  miles,  over  which  they  are  guaran- 
teed in  the  sovereignty,  with  an  enlightened  chieftaincy,  a 
practical  representative  and  elective  system,  and  a  people 
recognizing  the  value  of  labor,  it  would  be  difficult  to  im- 
agine a  condition  of  things  more  favorable  to  their  rapid  prog- 
ress in  all  the  elements  of  civilization,  self-government,  and 
permanent  prosperity. 

The  total  number  of  the  tribe  at  this  time,  in 
the  Indian  Territory  and  elsewhere,  was  about 
five  thousand. 

Mr.  Bartram,  in  his  book  of  Travels  through 
North  and  South  Carolina,  Georgia,  etc.,  pub- 
lished in  London  in  1792,  makes  the  following 
remarks  on  the  physical  characteristics  of  the 
Southern  Indians,  including  the  Chickasaws: 

The  males  of  the  Cherokees,  Muscogulgees,  Seminoles, 
Chickasaws,  Choctaws,  and  confederate  tribes  of  the  Creeks, 
are  tall,  erect,  and  moderately  robust ;  their  limbs  well 
shaped,  so  as  generally  to  form  a  perfect  human  figure;  their 
features  regular  and  countenance  open,  dignified,  and  placid, 
yet  the  forehead  and  brow  so  formed  as  to  strike  you  in- 
stantly with  heroism  and  bravery;  the  eye,  though  rather 
small,  active  and  full  of  fire;  the  iris  always  black,  and  the 

nose  commonly  inclining  to  the  aquiline.  Their  countenance 
and  actions  exhibit  an  air  of  magnanimity,  superionty,  and 
independence.  Their  complexion  of  a  reddish  brown  or 
copper  color;  their  hair  long,  lank,  coarse,  and  black  as  a 
raven,  and  reflecting  the  like  lustre  at  different  exposures  to 
the  light. 

The  Muscogulgee  women,  though  remarkably  short  of 
stature,  are  well  formed;  their  visage  round,  features  regular 
and  beautiful,  the  brow  high  and  arched;  the  eyes  large, 
black,  and  languishing,  expressive  of  modesty,  diffidence, 
and  bashfulness;  these  charms  are  their  defensive  and  oflFen- 
sive  weapons,  and  they  know  very  well  how  to  play  them  off, 
and  under  cover  of  these  alluring  graces  are  concealed  the 
most  subtle  artifices.  They  are,  however,  loving  and  affec- 
tionate; they  are,  I  believe,  the  smallest  race  of  women  yet 
known,  seldom  above  five  feet  high,  and  I  believe  the  greater 
number  never  arrive  to  that  stature;  their  hands  and  feet  not 
larger  than  those  of  Europeans  of  nine  or  ten  years  of  age; 
yet  the  men  are  of  gigantic  stature,  a  full  size  larger  than 
Europeans,  many  of  them  above  six  feet,  and  few  under 
that,  or  five  feet  eight  or  ten  inches.  Their  complexion 
is  much  darker  than  any  of  the  tribes  to  the  north  of  them, 
that  I  have  seen.  This  description  will,  I  believe,  compre* 
hend  the  Muscogulgees,  their  confederates,  the  Choctaws, 
and  I  believe  the  Chickasaws  (though  I  have  never  seen  their 
women),  excepting  some  bands  of  the  Seminoles,  Uches, 
and  Savai  nucas,  who  are  rather  taller  and  slenderer,  and 
their  complexion  brighter. 

With  these  citations  we  conclude  the  account 
of  the  Indians  who  kept  Kentucky  for  genera- 
tions as  a  hunting-ground  and  field  for  war,  and 
proceed  to  give  some  account  of  the  relinquish- 
ment of  their  claims  to  the  white  man. 


The  Iroquois,  or  Six  Nations,  although  not  in 
actual  occupation  of  the  Kentucky  country  dur- 
ing the  last  century,  had  some  sort  of  shadowy 
claim  upon  it,  which  they  assumed  to  grant  by 
treaty,  and  upon  which  the  English  found  it  con- 
venient to  base  their  claims,  as  against  the 
French  claim  by  right  of  discovery.  In  1684; 
and  again  in  1701,  the  Six  Nations  had  formally 
put  themselves  under  the  protection  of  England: 
and  in  1726,  September  14th,  a  deed  was  made 
by  the  chiefs  conveying  all  their  lands  to  the 
Crown  in  trust,  "to  be  protected  and  defended 
by  his  Majesty,  to  be  for  the  use  of  the  grantors 
and  their  heirs." 

In  June,  1744,  at  Lancaster,  Pennsylvania, 
when  the  savages  had  been  well  plied  with  liquor^ 
they  were  induced  to  sign  a  treaty  by  virtue  of 
which  they  should  recognize  the  king's  right  to 
all  lands  that  are,  or  by  his  Majesty's  appoint- 
ment shall  be,  within  the  colony  of  Virginia" — a 
remarkable  grant,  truly,  and  one  under  which 
tracts  of  indefinite  greatness  might  have  been 



On  the  9th  of  Jun«,  1752,  the  commissioners 
of  Virginia  met  the  Indians  of  some  other  tribes, 
probably  the  Twightwees,  or  Miamis,  at  Logs- 
town,  below  Pittsburg,  and  a  few  days  afterwards 
obtained  a  ratification  of  the  Lancaster  treaty  and 
a  guarantee  that  the  Indians  would  not  disturb 
settlements  southeast  of  the  Ohio. 

In  September,  1753,  William  Fairfax,  of  Vir- 
ginia, made  another  treaty  at  Winchester,  the 
pjarticulars  of  which  have  never  been  disclosed. 
The  iniquity  of  the  Lancaster  and  Logstown 
conventions  and  of  appliances  by  which  they 
were  obtained,  is  manifest  from  the  fact  that 
Fairfax  is  known  to  have  endorsed  upon  the 
treaty  that  such  was  the  feeling  among  the  In- 
dians that  he  had  not  dared  to  mention  to  them 
either  of  these.  A  more  satisfactory  interview 
occurred  at  Carlisle  the  next  month,  between 
the  representatives  of  the  leading  tribes  and 
commissioners  of  Pennsylvania,  of  whom  one 
was  Benjamin  Franklin. 

October  24,  1768,  an  inportant  congress  of 
white  and  Indian  deputies  met  at  Fort  Stanwix, 
in  Western  New  York,  during  which  a  treaty  was 
made  whereby  the  Indians  agreed  that  the  south 
line  of  their  territories  should  begin  on  the 
Ohio,  at  the  mouth  of  the  Cherokee  (Tennessee) 
river,  running  thence  up  the  Ohio  and  Alleghany 
rivers  to  Kittaning,  thence  across  to  the  Susque- 
hanna, etc.  Thus  the  whole  country  south  of 
the  Ohio  and  the  Alleghany,  to  which  the  Six 
Nations  had  any  claim,  was  transferred  to  the 
British.  The  Delawares  and  the  Shawnees  were 
also  in  the  congress  at  Fort  Stanwix,  and  were 
equally  bound  by  it  with  the  Six  Nations,  as  re- 
gards the  Kentucky  region  and  all  other  lands 
granted  by  it.  The  Shawnee  and  Delaware  dep- 
uties, however,  did  not  sign  the  treaty;  but  the 
chiefs  of  the  Six  Nations  undertook  to  bind  them 
also  as  "their  allies  and  dependents,"  together 
with  the  Mingoes  of  Ohio.  It  was  expressly 
agreed  that  no  claim  should  ever  be  made  by 
the  whites  upon  the  basis  of  previous  treaties,  as 
those  of  Lancaster  and  Logstown.  Up<yi  the 
Fort  Stanwix  treaty,  for  the  most  part,  rested  the 
English  title  by  purchase  to  Pennsylvania,  West- 
ern Virginia,  and  Kentucky.  True,  the  Chero- 
kees  had  an  interest  in  the  Kentucky  lands,  which 
was  recognized  in  1770  by  the  treaty  of  Lochaber, 
and  the  right  of  the  Southern  Indians  to  those 
north  and  east  of  the  Kentucky  river  was  bought 

by  one  Colonel  Donaldson  about  that  time. 
The  arrangement  at  Fort  Stanwix,  however, 
finally  prevailed,  although  the  Shawnees  and 
other  Ohio  tribes  held  it  in  contempt,  and  made 
fierce  raids  upon  the  settlers  south  as  well  as 
north  of  the  Ohio,  on  account  of  the  invasion 
of  their  favorite  hunting-grounds. 

Another  treaty  was  made  with  the  Six  Nations 
at  Fort  Stanwix  October  22,  1784,  by  which  the 
western  boundary  of  their  lands  was  fixed,  not 
reaching  beyond  the  Pennsylvania  line,  and  all 
claims  to  the  country  west  of  their  line  were  sur- 
rendered to  the  United  States,  which  had  now 
achieved  their  independence.  This  treaty  was 
confirmed  by  the  Iroquois,  in  the  important  con- 
vention with  General  Harmar  at  the  Muskingum 
settlement,  or  Fort  Harmar,  January  9,  1789. 

Between  the  two  former  meetings  and  treaties, 
January  21,  1785,  a  convention  was  held  at  Fort 
Mcintosh,  between  Generals  George  Rogers 
Clark  and  Richard  Butler,  and  Arthur  Lee,  com- 
missioners on  behalf  of  the  United  States  Gov- 
ernment, with  Western  Indians  alone — the  Wy- 
andots,  Delawares,  Chippewas,  and  Ottawas. 
By  the  treaty  then  concluded,  a  reservation  was 
made  to  the  Wyandots,  Delawares,  and  Ottawas, 
of  a  large  tract  in  Central  and  Northern  Ohio, 
the  Indians  acknowledging  "the  lands  east,  south 
and  west  of  the  lines  described  in  the  third  arti- 
cle, so  far  as  the  said  Indians  formerly  claimed 
the  same,  to  belong  to  the  United  States;  and 
none  of  their  tribes  shall  presume  to  settle  upon 
the  same,  or  any  part  of  it."  This  treaty  was 
also  confirmed  and  extended  by  the  Muskingum 
arrangement  in  January,  1789.  The  Wabash 
tribes  had  not,  however,  been  bound  by  this  or 
any  other  treaty,  and  continued  their  attacks  up- 
on the  Kentucky  settlements  and  voyagers  on 
the  Ohio,  until  pacificated  by  the  victory  of 
Wayne  in  1794  and  the  treaty  of  Greenville  the 
next  year,  in  which  the  Wabash  Indians  partici- 

Jackson's  purchase. 

The  entire  western  part  of  the  State  of  Ken- 
tucky, between  the  Tennessee  and  Mississippi 
rivers,  recognized  as  belonging  to  the  Chickasaw 
tribe,  was  ceded  to  the  United  States  by  treaty 
October  19,  18 18,  made  by  Generals  Andrew 
Jackson  and  Isaac  Shelby,  commissioners  on  be- 
half of  the  Government,  and  Chiunnby,  king  of 
the    Chickasaw    Nation,    Teshnamingo,   James 



Brown,  and  oth3rs,  chiefs,  and  Colonel  George 
Gilbert,  Major  William  Glover,  Goweamarthlar, 
and  other  military  leaders  of  the  tribe.  The 
"treaty-ground,  east  of  Old  Town,"  as  mentioned 
just  before  the  signatures,  is  in  Monroe  county, 
Mississippi,  on  the  Tombigbee  river,  about  ten 
miles  from  Aberdeen,  on  the  road  to  Cotton 
Gin.  The  commissioners  and  their  staff  occu- 
pied a  spot  beneath  the  spreading  branches  of  a 
magnificent  oak,  which  was  standing  many  years 
later,  and  was  locally  quite  celebrated.  By  the 
second  article  of  the  treaty  the  Indians  bound 
their  nation  to  cede  to  the  United  States,  with 
the  exception  of  a  small  reservation,  "all  claim 
or  title  which  the  said  Nation  has  to  the  land 
lying  north  of  the  south  boundary  of  the  State  of 
Tennessee,  which  is  bounded  south  by  the  thirty- 
fifth  degree  of  north  latitude,  and  which  lands, 
hereby  ceded,  he  within  the  following  boundaries, 
viz.:  Beginning  on  the  Tennessee  river,  about 
thirty  five  miles,  by  water,  below  Colonel  George 
Colbert's  ferry,  where  the  thirty- fifth  degree  of 
north  latitude  strikes  the  same;  thence  due  west 
with  said  degree  of  north  latitude,  to  where  it 
cuts  the  Mississippi  river  at  or  near  the  Chick- 
asaw Bluffs;  thence  up  the  said  Mississippi  river 
to  the  mouth  of  the  Ohio;  thence  up  the  Ohio 
river  to  the  mouth  of  Tennessee  river;  thence 
up  the  Tennessee  to  the  place  of  beginning." 

This  ceded  all  the  Indian  lands  in  Western 
Kentucky.  The  consideration  agreed  upon  was 
$20,000  per  annum,  for  fifteen  successive  years, 
with  various  smaller  sums  paid  to  the  chiefs  and 
the  Nation,  on  sundry  accounts. 

At  the  time  this  treaty  was  signed,  there  re- 
mained of  the  Chickasaw  tribe,  according  to  the 
Report  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Jedidiah  Morse,  the 
celebrated  geographer,  to  the  Secretary  of  War, 
but  three  thousand  six  hundred  and  twenty-five 
souls.  They  were  in  the  singular  proportion  of 
four  males  to  one  female,  which  inequality,  says 
Dr.  Morse,  "is  attributed  to  the  practice  of 
polygamy,  which  is  general  in  this  tribe."  He  re- 
marks further: 

The  Chickasaws  have  always  been  warm  friends  of  the 
United  States,  and  are  distinguished  for  their  hospitahty. 
Some  of  the  chiefs  are  half-breed,  men  of  sense,  possess  nu- 
merous negro  slaves,  and  annually  sell  several  hundred  cattle 
and  hogs.  The  nation  resides  in  eight  towns,  and,  like  their 
neighbors,  are  considerably  advanced  in  civilization.  The 
American  Board  of  Commissioners  for  Foreign  Missions  have 
in    contemplation    the    speedy   establishment   of  a   mission 

among  these  Indians,    prepaiations   for  which   are   already 
made.     This  is  done  at  the  earnest  solicitation  of  the  nation. 


Long  before  the  Kentucky  country  was  cleared 
of  Indians  and  Indian  titles,  however,  it  was 
necessary  for  the  white  man  to  wage  long  and  des- 
perate wars  with  his  red-browed  brother.  Promi- 
nent among  the  means  of  defense  adopted  by  the 
settlers  was  the  fortified  station,  which  took  va- 
rious forms,  as  may  be  seen  by  the  following  ex- 
tract from  Doddridge's  Notes: 

The  forts  in  which  the  inhabitants  took  refuge  from  the 
fury  of  the  savages,  consisted  of  cabins,  block-houses,  and 
stockades.  A  range  of  the  former  commonly  formed  at  least 
one  side  of  the  fort.  Divisions  or  partitions  of  logs  separated 
the  cabins  from  each  other.  The  walls  on  the  outside  were 
ten  or  twelve  feet  high,  the  slope  of  the  roof  being  invariably 
inward.  A  few  of  these  cabins  had  puncheon  floors,  but  the 
greater  part  were  earthen. 

The  block-houses  were  built  at  the  angles  of  the  fort.  They 
projected  about  two  feet  beyond  the  outer  walls  of  the  cabins 
and  stock;  des.  Their  upper  stories  were  about  eighteen 
inches  evety  way  larger  in  dimensions  than  the  under  one, 
leaving  an  opening  at  the  commencement  of  the  second 
story  to  pievent  the  enemy  from  making  a  lodgment  under 
their  walls.  A  large  folding-gate  made  of  thick  slabs  closed 
the  fort  on  the  side  nearest  the  spring.  The  stockades, 
cabins,  and  block-house  walls  were  furnished  with  ports  at 
proper  heights  and  distances.  The  entire  extent  of  the  outer 
wall  was  made  bullet-proof.  The  whole  of  this  work  was 
made  without  the  aid  of  a  single  nail  or  spike  of  iron,  >vhich 
articles  were  not  to  be  had. 

Mr.  Collins,  in  the  invaluable  Dictionary  of 
the  Stations  and  Early  Settlements  in  Kentucky, 
prefixed  to  the  second  volume  of  his  History, 
enumerates  the  following   stations   in  Jefferson 


Flovd's  station,  first  located  at  the  mouth  of  Beargrass, 
creek,  in  Louisville,  near  the  present  foot  of  Third  street; 
built  by  Colonel  John  Floyd. 

Another  Floyd's  station,  on  the  Middle  fork  of  Beargrass 
six  miles  from   the  Falls;   planted  by  Colonel  John  Floyd  in 


A  Sturgus's  station,  on  Harrod's  Trace,  settled  in  1783; 
also  Sturgus's  station,  "in  or  before  1784" — perhaps  the 

The  Dutch  station,  on  Beargrass  creek,  1780. 

Hogland's  station,  on  Beargrass,  1780. 

Kellar's  station,  before  1780. 

Moses  Kuykendall's  station,  on  the  Beargrass,  1782. 

Linn's  station,  on  the  Beargrass,  about  ten  miles  from  the 

Middle  station,  before  1787. 

New  Holland,  before  1784. 

Poplar  Level,  before  1784. 

Spring  station,  in  1784. 

Sullivan's  old  station,  on  the  Bardstown  road,  five  miles 
southeast  of  Louisville,  before  1780. 

Sullivan's  new  station,  before  1784. 

Mr.  Collins  finds  six  stations  on  the  waters  of 



the  Beargrass  in  1780,  with  a  population,  includ- 
ing Louisville,  of  six  hundred. 

Dr.  McMurtrie  says  that  in  the  fall  of  1779 
and  the  spring  of  1780  seven  stations  were  set- 
tled on  the  Beargrass. 

Some  of  these  stations  will  be  more  definitely 
legated,  and  their  story  more  fully  told,  in  subse- 
quent chapters. 

Armstrong  station  stood  at  the  mouth  of  Bull 
creek,  on  the  north  side  of  the  Ohio,  just  oppo- 
site the  Eighteen-mile  Island  bar  and  the  Grassy 
Flats,  eighteen  miles  above  Louisville.  Here 
the  block-house  was  erected,  at  some  time  be- 
tween 1786  and  1790,  by  Colonel  John  Arm 
strong,  where  the  river  was  fordable,  in  order  to 
prevent  the  Indians  from  crossing  and  making 
raids  into  Kentucky. 


are  related  of  this  part  of  the  Dark  and  Bloody 
Ground,  during  the  era  of  conflict  for  supremacy. 
We  give  a  number  of  these  below,  collected  from 
various  sources,  and  others  will  be  related  in 
future  chapters.  Some  of  them,  it  will  be  ob- 
served, are  intimately  associated  with  the  fortified 


One  of  the  most  interesting  tales  of  the  Indian 
period,  concerning  one  of  the  most  famous  of 
the  pioneer  heroes  of  this  region,  who  had  him- 
self a  fortified  station  on  the  Middle  fork  of  Bear- 
grass, only  six  miles  from  Louisville,  is  thus 
related  in  the  first  edition  of  Marshall's  History 
of  Kentucky: 

In  April  (1781)  a  station  settled  by  'Squire  Boone,  near 
where  Shelbyville  now  stands,  became  alarmed  by  the  appear- 
ance of  Indians,  and  after  some  consultation  among  the  peo- 
ple they  determined  to  remove  to  Beargrass.  In  executing 
this  resolution,  men,  women,  and  children,  encumbered  with 
household  goods  and  cattle,  were  overtaken  on  the  road 
near  Long  Run  by  a  large  parly  of  Indians,  attacked,  de- 
feated with  considerable  loss  and  general  dispersion.  Intelli- 
gence of  this  disaster  reaching  Colonel  John  Floyd,  he  in 
great  haste  raised  a  company  of  twenty-five  men  and  repaired 
toward  the  scene  of  the  late  encounter,  intent  upon  admin- 
istering relief  to  the  sufferers  and  chastisement  to  the  enemy; 
and  notwithstanding  he  divided  his  paity  and  proceeded  with 
considerable  caution,  such  was  the  address  of  the  Indians 
and  the  nature  of  the  country  that  he  fell  into  an  ambuscade 
and  was  defeated  with  the  loss  of  half  his  men,  who,  it  was 
said,  killed  nine  or  ten  of  the  Indians.  The  Indians  are  be- 
lieved to  have  been  three  times  the  number  of  Colonel  Floyd's 
party.  The  colonel  narrowly  escaped  with  the  assistance  of 
Captain  Samuel  Wells,  who,  seeing  him  on  foot  pursued  by 
the  enemy,  mounted  him  on  his  own  horse  and  fled  by  his 
side  to  support  him.     The  conduct  of  Captain  Wells  was 

the  more  magnanimous,  inasmuch  as  he  and  Colonel  Floy 
were  not  fri(>nds  at  the  time.  This  service,  however,  was  c 
a  nature  to  subdue  all  existing  animosities,  nor  was  it  b( 
stowed  on  an  unworthy  object.  Xo  man  knew  better  tha 
Floyd  how  to  regard  so  gallant  and  dismterested  an  actior 
He  lived  and  died  the  friend  of  Wells. 

A  tew  years  ago  a  monument  was  erected  ani 
dedicated  to  the  memory  of  the  slain  in  the  sa^ 
disaster.  The  end  of  the  brave  Colonel  cam 
no  great  while  after.  It  is  thus  told  in  the  er 
tertaining  pages  of  Mr.  Collins: 

On  April  12,  1783,  Colonel  Floyd  and  his  brother  Charle 
not  suspecting  any  ambush  or  danger  from  the  Indians — f( 
there  had  recently  been  serious  trouble  with  them,  and  the 
were  supposed  to  have  retreated  to  a  safe  distance — wei 
riding  together,  some  miles  from  Floyd's  station,  when  the 
were  fired  upon,  and  the  former  mortally  wounded.  He  Wi 
dressed  in  his  wedding  coat,  of  scarlet  cloth,  and  was  thus 
prominent  mark.  His  brother,  abandoning  his  own  hors 
which  was  wounded,  sprang  up  behind  his  saddle,  and  pu 
ting  his  arms  around  the  colonel,  took  the  reins  and  rot 
off  with  the  wounded  man  to  his  home,  where  he  died 
a  few  hours.  Colonel  Floyd  had  a  remarkable  horse  th; 
he  usually  rode,  which  had  the  singular  instinct  of  knowir 
when  Indians  were  near,  and  always  gave  to  his  rider  tl 
sign  of  their  presence.  He  remarked  to  his  brothe 
"Charles,  if  I  had  been  riding  Pompey  to-day  this  wou! 
not  have  happened." 

A    TALE    OF    THE    SALT    LICKS. 

The  following  narrative  is  from  the  account  c 
Mr.  William  Russell,  as  found  in  Bogart's  wor 
on  Daniel  Boone  and  the  Hunters  of  Kentucky 

It  is  more  than  fifty  years  since  salt  was  made  at  Bullitt 
lick.  The  Indians  resorted  there,  and  combined  their  hun 
ing  expeditions  with  a  pursuit  which,  however  useful,  was  n( 
at  all  to  their  liking,  distinguished  as  they  were  for  the 
aversion  to  be  classed  among  the  producing  classes — tl 
manufacture  of  salt.  There  were  guides  to  these  salt-lick 
which  told  even  the  Indian  where  they  were  to  be  found — tl 
buffalo  and  the  deer.  There  was  vast  difficulty,  of  coursi 
in  procuring  the  salt  from  the  eastward,  and  the  settlers  soo 
congregated  around  the  lick  ;  for  all  were  not  so  self-denyin 
as  the  bold  old  hunter  Boone,  who  could  pass  his  montl 
without  either  salt  or  sugar. 

There  were  scenes  in  those  salt-works  to  which  Syracus 
and  Cracow  are  strangers.  The  hunters  divided  ;  part  ( 
them  worked  at  the  boiling,  and  part  hunted  to  supply  tl" 
forest  table;  and — a  characteristic  of  the  insecurity  of  the 
position — the  remainder  served  as  an  advance  guard.  Th 
crystals  cost  the  settlers  such  price  as  made  salt  more  pn 
cious  than  gold.  The  Indian  hated  to  see  the  white  ma 
thus  engaged— not  but  that  he  liked  well  to  see  the  heav 
hand  of  labor  On  the  whites  ;  but  it  seemed  like  an  invasio 
of  the  rights  of  the  owner  of  the  soil,  and  the  very  industi 
of  the  settlers  was  a  perpetual  reproach.  It  was  part  of  t? 
arts  which  he  used,  and  before  the  exercise  of  which  the  Ii 
dian  felt  himself  fading  away.  So,  when  the  work  was  bus; 
when  the  furnaces  glowed  and  the  tramp  of  the  laborin 
man  was  all  around,  when  the  manufacturer,  and  the  hunte 
and  guard  were  all  on  the  alert,  the  Indian  crept  behind  tl 
trees,  and  thirsted  for  the  opportunity  to  send  the  shots  ( 
his  warriors'  rifles  among  the  groups  below  ;  and   thev  woul 



liave  been  hurled  there  hut  for  the  fact  he  knew  so  well,  thnt 
the  vengeance  of  the  hunter  would  he  rapid  and  certain. 

There  is  a  knot  there  which  bears  the  name  of  Cabre's 
knot,  and  it  is  associated  with  a  thrilling  incident.  'I'liero 
was  all  the  glare  and  bustle  of  a  busy  working  time.  The 
light  of  the  furnaces  shone  through  tlic  forest.  Tlie  Indian 
saw,  and  was  enraged  at  the  spectacle.  C'abre  was  bound  in 
a  chestnut  oak,  the  Indians  intending  to  bum  him  in  sight  of 
the  lick  itself — it  might  be  so  that  the  saciifice  could  in  reality 
be  seen,  and  yet  not  its  nature  detected  till  assistance  was 
too  late.  Tlie  Indians  had  collected  their  fagots  from  the 
pitch-pine,  and  while  every  preparation  for  the  horror  was 
making,  some  oxen,  grazing  on  the  hill,  moved  through  the 
thicket.  The  Indians  mistook  the  sound  for  that  of  an  ap- 
proach of  a  rescue-party  of  the  whites.  They  hastened  to 
hide  themselves  in  an  opposite  thicket,  and  Cabre,  slipping 
off  the  cords  that  bound  him,  darted  through  the  darkness 
and  escaped.  There  was  new  life  among  those  salt-boilers 
when  that  panting  fugitive  arrived  among  them,  and  the 
ladle  was  exchanged  for  the  rifie  instantly.  They  who 
had  met  to  destroy  became  the  object  of  pursuit,  and  the 
trail  was  struck  and  followed  until  they  reached  the  Ohio 


The  following  incident  was  related  of  Captain 
Bland  Ballard,  one  of  the  most  noted  olificers  of 
General  Clark's  expeditions,  in  the  address  of 
Colonel  Humphrey  Marshall,  upon  the  occasion 
of  the  re-interment  of  the  remains  of  Scott, 
Barry,  and  Ballard,  in  the  cemetery  at  Frankfort, 
November  8,  i8e;4.     Said  the  eloquent  orator: 

On  one  occasion,  while  scouting  alone  some  five  miles  be- 
yond the  Ohio,  near  the  Falls,  he  was  taken  prisoner  by  a 
party  of  savages  and  marched  to  their  village,  some  thirty 
miles  in  the  interior.  The  next  day  after  his  arrival,  while 
the  Indians  were  engaged  in  racing  with  horses  they  had 
stolen  from  the  settlements,  Ballard  availed  himself  of  a 
favorable  moment  to  spring  on  the  back  of  a  fleet  horse  in 
the  Indian  camp  and  to  fly  for  his  life.  The  Indians  gave 
immediate  pursuit,  but  Ballard  eluded  them,  and  reached 
Louisville  in   safety.  .  .  .  The   noble 

steed  was  ridden  to  death ;  the  skill  of  the  woodsman  baffled 
the  subtle  sons  of  the  forest,  and,  dashing  into  the  broad 
Ohio,  Ballard  accomplished  his  freedom. 

The  story  is  thus  told,  with  some  additional 
details,  by  the  venerable  Dr.  C.  C.  Graham,  of 
Louisville,  in  a  sketch  of  the  life  and  services  of 
Mr.  Ballard,  in  the  Louisville  Monthly  Magazine 
for  January,  1879: 

During  the  period  he  was  a  spy  for  General  Clark,  he  was 
taken  prisoner  by  five  Indians  on  the  other  side  of  the  Ohio, 
a  few  miles  above  Louisville,  and  conducted  to  an  encamp- 
ment twenty-five  miles  from  the  river.  The  Indians  treated 
him  comparatively  well,  for  though  they  kept  him  with  a 
guard,  they  did  not  tie  him.  On  the  next  day  after  his 
arrival  at  the  encampment  the  Indians  were  engaged  in 
horse-racing.  In  the  evening  two  very  old  warriors  were  to 
have  a  race,  which  attracted  the  attention  of  all  the  Indians, 
and  his  guard  left  him  a  few  steps  to  see  how  the  race  would 
terminate.  Near  him  stood  a  fine  black  horse,  which  the 
Indians  had  recently  stolen    from   Beargrass,    and  while  the 

attention  of  the  Indians  was  attracted  in  a  different  direc- 
tion, Ballard  mounted  this  horse  and  had  a  race  indeed. 
They  pursued  him  nearly  to  the  river,  but  he  escaped,  though 
the  horse  died  soon  after  he  reached  the  station.  This  was 
the  only  instance,  with  the  exception  of  that  at  the  river 
Raisin,  that  he  was  a  prisoner. 

Another  anecdote,  which  has  somewhat  closer 
relation  to  the  Falls  cities,  is  given  in  this  enter- 
taining essay: 

When  not  engaged  in  regular  campaign  as  a  soldier,  he 
served  as  hunter  and  spy  for  General  Clark,  who  was  sta- 
tioned at  Louisville,  and  in  this  service  he  continued  two 
years  and  a  half.  During  this  time  he  had  several  rencoun- 
ters with  the  Indians.  One  of  these  occurred  just  below 
Louisville.  He  had  been  sent  in  his  character  as  spy  to  ex- 
plore the  Ohio,  from  the  mouth  of  Salt  river,  and  from 
thence  up  to  what  is  now  the  town  of  Westport.  On  his 
way  down  the  river,  when  six  or  eight  miles  below  the  Falls, 
he  heard  a  noise  on  the  Indiana  shore.  He  immediately 
concealed  himself  in  the  bushes,  and  when  the  fog  had  suffi- 
ciently scattered  to  permit  him  to  see,  he  saw  a  canoe  occu- 
pied with  three  Indians  approaching  the  Kentucky  shore. 
When  they  had  approached  within  ranee,  he  fired  and  killed 
one.  The  other  two  jumped  overboard  and  endeavored  to 
get  their  ranoe  in  deep  water;  but  before  they  could  succeed 
he  killed  i  second,  and  finally  the  third.  Upon  reporting  his 
morning';,  work  to  General  Clark,  a  detachment  was  sent 
down,  who  found  the  three  dead  Indians  and  buried  them. 
For  this  service  General  Clark  gave  him  a  linen  shirt  and 
some  other  small  presents.  This  shirt  was  the  only  shirt  he 
had  for  several  years,  except  those  made  of  batten.  Of  this 
shirt  the  pioneer  hero  was  justly  proud. 

Another  anecdote  of  Ballard,  which  properly 
belongs  to  Jefferson  county  annals,  is  narrated 
by  Dr.  Graham: 

At  the  time  of  the  defeat  on  Long  run,  he  was  living  at 
Lyon's  Station,  on  Beargrass,  and  came  up  to  assist  some 
families  in  moving  from  from  'Squire  Boone's  station,  near 
the  present  town  of  Shelbyville.  The  people  of  this  station 
had  become  alarmed  at  the  numerous  Indian  signs  in  the 
country,  and  had  determined  to  renwve  to  the  stronger  sta- 
tions on  the  Beargrass.  They  proceeded  safely  until  they 
arrived  near  Long  run,  when  they  were  attacked  in  front 
and  rear  by  the  Indians,  who  fired  their  rifles  and  then  rushed 
on  them  with  their  tomahawks.  Some  few  of  the  men  ran  at 
the  first  fire  ;  of  the  other  some  succeeded  in  saving  part  of 
their  families,  or  died  with  them  after  a  brave  resistance.  The 
subject  of  this  sketch,  after  assisting  several  of  the  women  on 
horseback,  who  had  been  thrown  on  the  first  onset,  during 
which  he  had  several  single-handed  combats  with  the  Indians, 
and  seeing  the  party  about  to  be  defeated,  he  succeeded  in 
getting  outside  of  the  Indian  lines,  when  he  used  his  rifle  with 
some  effect,  until  he  saw  they  were  totally  routed.  He  then 
started  for  the  station,  pursued  by  the  Indians,  and,  on  stop- 
ping at  Floyd's  fork,  in  the  bushes  on  the  bank,  he  sa«  an 
Indian  on  horseback,  pursuing  the  fugitives,  ride  into  the 
creek.  As  he  ascended  the  bank,  near  to  where  Ballard 
stood,  he  shot  the  Indian,  caught  the  horse,  and  made  good 
his  escape  to  the  station.  Many  were  killed,  the  number  not 
being  recollected  ;  some  were  taken  prisoners,  and  some  es- 
caped to  the  station.  The  pioneers  afterwards  learned  from 
the  prisoners  taken  that  the  Indians  were  marching  to  attack 
the  station  the  whites  had  deserted,  but,  learning  from  their 



spies  that  they  were  moving,  the  Indians  turned  from  the 
head  of  BuUskin  and  marched  in  the  direction  of  Long  run. 
The  news  of  the  defeat  induced  Colonel  Floyd  to  raise  a 
party  of  thirty-seven  men.  with  the  intention  of  chastising  the 
Indians.  Floyd  commanded  one  division  and  Captain  Hol- 
den  the  other,  Ballard  being  with  the  latter.  They  proceed- 
ed with  great  caution,  but  did  not  discei-n  the  Indians  until 
they  received  their  fire,  which  killed  or  mortally  wounded 
sixteen  of  their  men.  Notwithstanding  their  loss,  the  party 
under  Floyd  maintained  their  ground  and  fought  bravely  un- 
til they  were  overpowered  by  three  times  their  number,  who 
appealed  to  the  tomahawk.  The  retreat  was  completed,  how- 
ever, without  much  further  loss.  This  occasion  has  been 
rendered  memorable  by  the  magnanimous  galla.itry  of  young 
Wells  (afterwards  the  Colonel  Wells  of  Tippecanoe),  who 
saved  the  life  of  Floyd,  his  personal  enemy,  by  the  timely  of- 
fer of  his  horse,  at  a  moment  when  the  Indians  were  near 
Floyd,  who  was  retreating  on  foot  and  nearly  exhausted. 

This  famous  Indian  fighter,  Captain  Bland  W. 
Ballard,  was  uncle  to  the  Hon.  Bland  Ballard, 
late  judge  of  the  United  States  court  for  the  Dis- 
trict of  Kentucky,  who  died  in  Louisville  in  1879. 


The  following  narrative  is  from  Collins: 

In  the  latter  part  of  April ,  1784,  the  father  of  the  late  Judge 
Rowan,  with  his  family  and  five  other  families,  set  out  from 
Louisville  in  flat-bottomed  boats,  for  the  Long  Falls  of 
Greene  river.  The  intention  was  to  descend  the  Ohio  river 
to  the  mouth  of  Greene  river,  and  ascend  that  river  to  the 
place  of  destination.  At  that  time  there  were  no  settlements 
in  Kentucky  within  one  hundred  miles  of  the  Long  Falls  of 
Green  river  (afterwards  called  Vienna).  The  families  were  in 
one  boat  and  their  cattle  in  the  other.  When  the  boats  had 
descended  the  Ohio  about  one  hundred  miles,  and  were  near 
the  middle  of  it,  gliding  along  very  securely,  as  it  was 
thought,  about  10  o'clock  of  the  night,  a  prodigious  yelling 
of  Indians  was  heard,  some  two  or  three  miles  below,  on 
the  northern  shore;  and  they  had  floated  but  a  short  distance 
further  down  the  river,  when  a  number  of  fires  were  seen 
on  that  shore.  The  yelling  continued,  and  it  was  concluded 
that  they  had  captured  a  boat  which  had  passed  these  two 
about  mid-day,  and  were  massacreing  their  captives.  The  two 
boats  were  lashed  together,  and  the  best  practicable  arrange- 
ments were  made  for  defending  them.  The  men  were  dis- 
tributed by  Mr.  Rowan  to  the  best  advantage,  in  case  of  an 
attack — they  were  seven  in  number,  including  himself  The 
boats  were  "neared  "  to  the  Kentucky  shore,  with  as  little 
noise  as  possible;  but  avoided  too  close  an  approach  to  that 
shore,  lest  there  might  be  Indians  there  also.  The  fires  of 
the  Indians  were  extended  along  the  bank  at  intervals  fur 
half  a  mile  or  more,  and  as  the  boats  reached  a  point  about 
opF>osite  the  central  fire  they  were  discovered,  and  com- 
manded to  "come  to."  All  on  board  remained  silent;  Mr. 
Rowan  had  given  strict  orders  that  no  one  should  utter  any 
sound  but  that  of  his  rifle,  and  not  that  until  the  Indians 
should  come  within  powder-burning  distance.  They  united 
in  a  terrific  yell,  rushed  to  their  canoes,  and  gave  pursuit. 
The  boats  floated  on  in  silence— not  an  oar  pulled.  The 
Indians  approached  within  less  than  a  hundred  yards,  with  a 
seeming  determination  to  board.  Just  at  this  moment  Mrs. 
Rowan  rose  from  her  seat,  collected  the  axes,  and  placed  one 
by  the  side  of  each  man,  where  he  stood  by  his  gun,  touch- 
ing him  on  the  knee  with  the  handle  of  the  axe.  as  she  leaned 

it  up  by  him  against  the  side  of  the  boat,  to  let  him  know  it 
was  there,  and  retired  to  her  seat,  retaining  a  hatchet  for  her- 
self The  Indians  continued  hovering  in  the  rear,  and  yelling, 
for  nearly  three  miles,  when,  awed  by  the  inference  which 
they  drew  from  the  silence  observed  on  board,  they  relin- 
quished farther  pursuit.  None  but  those  who  have  a  prac- 
tical acquaintance  with  Indian  warfare  can  form  a  just  idea 
of  the  terror  which  their  hideous  yelling  is  calculated  to  in- 
spire. Judge  Rowan,  who  was  then  ten  years  old,  states  that 
he  could  never  forget  the  sensations  of  that  night,  or  cease  to 
admire  the  fortitude  and  composure  displayed  by  his  mother 
on  that  trying  occasion.  There  were  seven  men  and  three 
boys  in  the  boat,  with  nine  guns  in  all.  Mrs.  Rowan,  in 
speaking  of  the  incident  afterward,  in  her  calm  way  said, 
"We  made  a  providential  escape,  for  which  we  ought  to  feel 


The  following  is  from  Mr.  CoUins's  biographi- 
cal notice  of  Alexander  Scott  Bullitt,  from  whom 
Bullitt  county  is  named: 

In  1784,  six  years  before  the  father's  death,  the  subject  of 
this  sketch  emigrated  to  Kentucky,  then  a  portion  of  Vir- 
ginia, and  settled  on  or  near  the  stream  called  Bullskin,  in 
what  is  now  Shelby  county.  Here  he  resided  but  a  few 
months,  being  compelled,  by  the  annoyances  to  which  he  was 
subjected  by  the  Indians,  to  seek  a  less  exposed  situation. 
This  he  found  in  Jefferson  county,  in  the  neighborhood  of 
Sturgus's  station,  where  he  entered  and  settled  upon  the  tract 
of  land  on  which  he  continued  to  reside  until  his  death.  In 
the  fall  of  1785,  he  married  the  daughter  of  Colonel  W. 
Christian,  who  had  removed  from  Virginia  the  preceding 
spring.  In  April,  1786,  Colonel  Christian  with  a  party  of 
eight  or  ten  men  pursued  a  small  body  of  Indians,  who  had 
been  committing  depredations  on  the  property  of  the  settlers 
in  the  neighborhood  of  Sturgus's  station.  Two  of  the  Indians 
were  overtaken  about  a  mile  north  of  Jeffersonville,  Indiana, 
and  finding  escape  impossible,  they  turned  upon  their  pur- 
suers, and  one  of  them  fired  at  Colonel  Christian,  who  was 
foremost  in  the  pursuit,  and  mortally  wounded  him.  Next 
to  Colonel  Christian  was  the  subject  of  this  sketch  and  Col- 
onel John  O'Bannon,  who  fired  simultaneously,  bringing  both 
Indians  to  the  ground.  Under  the  impression  that  the 
Indians  were  both  dead,  a  man  by  the  name  of  Kelly  in- 
cautiously approached  them,  when  one  of  them  who,  though 
mortally  wounded,  still  retained  some  strength  and  all  his 
thirst  for  blood,  raised  himself  to  his  knees,  and  fired  with  the 
rifle  which  had  not  been  discharged,  killed  Kelly,  fell  back 
and  expired. 


In  Bishop  Spalding's  valuable  book  of  Early 
Sketches  of  Catholic  Missions  in  Kentucky,  the 
misfortunes  of  John  Lancaster  and  his  compan- 
ions, at  the  hands  of  the  savages,  are  well  told. 
The  four  were  bound  from  Maysville  to  Louis- 
ville in  a  flat-boat.  On  the  8lh  of  May,  1788, 
near  the  mouth  of  one  of  the  Miami  rivers,  the 
party  was  captured.  Lancaster  alone  escaped, 
and  after  much  toil  and  danger  succeeded  in 
reaching  the  Kentucky  shore.     We  extract  the 



remainder  of  the  story,  which  lies  directly  within 
the  field  of  this  history. 

After  resting  a  short  time,  he  determined  to  float  down  the 
river  to  the  station  at  the  Falls,  which  he  estimated  was  be- 
tween twenty  and  thirty  miles  distant.  Accordingly,  he  made 
a  small  raft,  by  tying  two  trees  together  with  bark,  on  which 
he  placed  himself,  with  a  pole  for  an  oar.  When  a  little 
above  Eighteen-mile  Island,  he  heard  the  sharp  report  of  a 
rifie,  when,  thinking  that  his  pursuers  had  overtaken  him,  he 
crouched  down  on  his  little  raft,  and  concealed  himself  as 
best  he  could.  Hearing  no  other  noise,  however,  he  conclud- 
ed that  his  alarm  was  without  foundation.  But  shortly  after, 
a  dreadful  storm  broke  upon  the  river;  night  had  already 
closed  in,  and  he  sank  exhausted  and  almost  lifeless  on  his 
treacherous  raft,  drenched  with  the  rain,  benumbed  with  cold, 
and  with  the  terrible  apprehension  on  his  mind  that  he  might 
be  precipitated  over  the  Falls  during  the  night. 

At  break  of  day  he  was  aroused  from  his  death-like  lethar- 
gy, by  one  of  the  most  cheering  sounds  that  ever  fell  on  the 
ears  of  a  forlorn  and  lost  wanderer — the  crowing  of  a  cock — 
which  announced  the  immediate  vicinity  of  a  white  settle- 
ment. The  sound  revived  him ;  he  collected  all  his  energies 
for  one  last  eflFort,  and  sat  upright  on  his  little  raft.  Soon, 
in  the  gray  light  of  the  morning,  he  discovered  the  cabins  of 
his  countrymen,  and  was  enabled  to  effect  a  landing  at  the 
mouth  of  Beargrass — the  site  of  the  present  city  of  Louis- 
ville. He  immediately  rejoined  his  friends,  and  their  warm 
welcome  soon  made  him  forget  all  his  past  sufferings.  He 
lived  for  many  years  to  recount  his  adventures,  and  died 
about  1838,  surrounded  by  his  children  and  his  children's 


From  Mr.  Casseday's  History  of  Louisville  we 
have  the  following.  The  incident  occurred  in 

Another  incident  will  show  the  education,  even  in  boy- 
hood, which  the  nature  of  the  times  demanded.  Four 
young  lads,  two  of  them  named  Linn,  accompanied  by 
Wells  and  Brashears,  went  on  a  hunting  party  to  a  pond 
about  six  miles  southwest  of  Louisville.  They  succeeded 
well  in  their  sport,  having  killed,  among  other  game,  a  small 
cub  bear.  While  they  were  assisting  the  elder  Linn  to  strap 
the  bear  on  his  shoulders,  and  had  laid  down  their  guns, 
they  were  surprised  by  a  party  of  Indians,  and  hurried  over  to 
the  White  river  towns,  where  they  remained  in  captivity  sev- 
eral months.  One  of  the  party  had  in  the  meantime  been 
carried  to  another  town ;  and  late  in  the  fall  the  remaining 
three  determined  to  effect  their  escape.  When  night  had 
come  they  rose  quietly,  and  having  stunned  tbe  old  squaw, 
in  whose  hut  they  were  living,  by  repeated  blows  with  a 
small  axe,  they  stole  out  of  the  lodge  and  started  for  Louis- 
ville. After  daybreak  they  concealed  themselves  in  a  hollow 
log,  where  they  were  frequently  passed  by  the  Indians,  who 
were  near  them  everywhere ;  and  at  night  they  resumed  their 
march,  guided  only  by  the  stars  and  their  knowledge  of 
woodcraft.  After  several  days,  during  which  they  subsisted 
on  the  game  they  could  procure,  they  reached  the  river  at 
JefFersonville.  Arrived  here  they  hallooed  for  their  friends, 
but  did  not  succeed  in  making  themselves  heard.  They  had, 
however,  no  time  to  lose ;  the  Indians  were  behind  them,  and 
if  they  were  taken  they  knew  their  doom.  Accordingly,  as 
two  of  them  could  not  swim,  they  constructed  a  raft  of  the 
drift-logs  about  the  shore  and   tied   it   together   with  grape- 

vines, and  the  two  launched  upon  it,  while  Brashears  plunged 
into  the  water,  pushing  the  rafi  with  one  hand  and  swimming 
with  the  other.  Before  they  had  arrived  at  the  other  shore, 
and  when  their  raft  was  in  a  sinking  condition  from  having 
taken  up  so  much  water,  they  were  descried  from  this  side, 
and  boats  went  out  and  returned  them  safely  to  their  friends. 


The  following  account  of  the  battle  of  the 
pumpkins,  which  occurred  in  Jefferson  county, 
was  communicated  to  the  American  Pioneer 
March  25,  1843,  by  Mr.  John  McCaddon,  then 
and  for  many  years  of  Newark,  Ohio,  but  an  old 
Indian  fighter  of  Kentucky.  The  following  is 
his  narrative: 

After  I  returned  from  the  expedition  of  General  George 
Rogers  Clark  (1780),  as  related  in  the  first  volume  of  the 
Pioneer,  we  had  peace  with  the  Indians  for  about  four  weeks, 
when  two  athletic  young  men,  Jacob  and  Adam  Wickerham, 
went  out  to  a  small  lot  they  had  cleared  and  planted.  They 
filled  a  bag  wjth  pumpkins,  and  Jacob  put  it  on  his  shoulder 
and  got  over  the  fence.  Adam,  on  looking  around,  saw  an 
Indian  start  up  from  a  place  of  concealment  and  run  up 
behind  Jacob  with  his  tomahawk  in  hand.  The  Indian, 
finding  he  was  discovered,  dropped  his  weapon  and  grasped 
Jacob  round  the  body,  who  threw  the  bag  of  pumpkins  back 
on  the  Indian,  jerked  loose  and  made  off  at  the  top  of  his 
speed.  The  Indian  picked  up  his  gun  and  fired,  but  without 
effect.  During  this  time  another  Indian,  from  outside  the 
fence,  ran  up  toward  Adam,  who  was  inside.  They  coursed 
along  the  fence,  the  Indian  being  between  Adam  and  the 
fort.  Adam  outstripped  him,  leaped  the  fence  before  him, 
and  crossed  the  Indian's  path  and  ran  down  a  ravine,  across 
which  a  large  tree  had  fallen,  which  he  leaped.  Such  is  the 
agility  which  an  Indian  chase  gave  to  the  pioneers,  scarcely 
believed  possible  now  in  this  time  of  peace,  wherein  there  is 
no  such  cogent  reason  for  exertion  almost  above  belief.  The 
tree  stopped  the  Indian,  who  threw  his  tomahawk,  but  which, 
not  being  well  distanced,  hit  Adam  pole  foremost  on  the 
back,  and  left  a  ring  as  red  as  blood.  In  the  meantime  we 
in  the  fort,  hearing  the  shot,  were  all  out  in  two  or  three 
minutes,  and  the  Wickerhams  were  safe  among  us.  We,  with 
our  small  force,  not  more  than  ten  or  twelve,  visited  the 
battle-field  of  the  pumpkin-bag,  but  saw  nothing  more  of  the 
Indians  that  time. 

Colonel  R.  T.  Durrett,  of  Louisville,  in  his 
Centennial  Address,  pronounced  May  i,  1880, 
after  relating  several  of  the  stories  already  given, 
tells  the  following  in  addition: 

In  March,  1781,  a  party  of  Indians  came  near  to  Louisville 
and  killed  Colonel  Linn  and  several  other  persons.  Captain 
Aguila  Whitkaker  raised  a  company  of  fifteen  men  and  went 
in  pursuit  of  them.  They  were  trailed  to  the  Falls,  and  it  be- 
ing supposed  that  they  had  crossed  the  river.  Captain  Whit- 
kaker and  his  men  took  a  boat  to  cross  and  pursue.  They 
were  scarcely  out  from  shore  when  the  Indians,  until  then 
concealed  on  this  side  of  the  river,  fired  upon  the  boat  and 
killed  and  wounded  nine  of  the  party.  The  boat  put  back  to 
the  shore,  and  the  Indians  were  attacked  and  dispersed. 

In  the  following  year  [that  is,  1785,  the  year  after  the 
Linn,  Wells,   and  Brashears  incident  |  a  man  named  Squires 



went  out  for  a  hunt  in  the  suburbs  of  the  town.  A  slight 
snow  was  upon  the  ground,  and  an  Indian  tracked  him  to  a 
sycamore  tree  near  the  mouth  of  Beargrass  creek,  where 
Squires  had  treed  a  raccoon,  and  was  preparing  to  secure  it. 
The  Indian  came  suddenly  upon  Squires  at  the  base  of  the 
tree,  and  then  a  race  began  around  the  tree— the  Indian  some- 
times after  Squires  and  Squires  sometimes  after  the  Indian. 
Finally  both  became  weary  of  the  chase,  and  each  taking  at 
the  same  time  the  idea  of  escape  by  leaving  the  tree,  the  In- 
dian shot  off  in  one  direction  and  Squires  in  another,  much 
to  the  satisfaction  of  both.  Neither  seeming  disposed  to  re- 
new the  treadmill  chase  around  the  tree,  each  pursued  the 
course  taken  unmolested  by  tlie  other.  The  Indian  lost  his 
prisoner  and  Squires  lost  his  raccoon,  but  both,  no  doubt, 
were  satisfied  with  the  loss. 

In  1793  a  party  of  Indians  captured  a  boy  at  Eastin's  mill, 
and,  by  some  strange  fancy,  gave  him  a  scalping-knife,  a 
tomahawk,  and  a  pipe,  and  turned  him  loose  with  this  equip- 
ment. What  use  the  boy  made  of  his  instruments  of  war 
and  peace  in  after  years  is  not  known. 


Eight  miles  south  of  Louisville,  on  what  subse- 
quently became  the  Bardstown  road,  Captain 
Abraham  Hite,  of  Beikeley  county,  Virginia,  a 
brave  soldier  of  the  Revolution,  settled  in  1782, 
his  brother,  Joseph  Hite,  following  the  next  year, 
and  settling  two  miles  south  of  him,  and  their 
father,  Abraham  Hite,  Sr.,  joining  their  colony 
in  1784.  Here  they  had  somewhat  numerous 
encounters  with  the  marauding  and  murdering 
savages.  The  younger  Abraham  was  waylaid  by 
them  one  day,  while  going  from  his  house  to  a 
neighbor's,  and  shot  through  the  body,  but  got 
away  without  capture,  and,  stranger  to  say, 
eventually  recovered  of  his  wounds.  His  brother 
Joseph,  while  mounting  guard  over  a  party  of 
toilers  in  the  field,  was  fired  at  by  the  red  men, 
and  severely  but  not  dangerously  hurt.  Both 
the  brothers,  however,  bore  marks  of  their  inju- 
ries to  their  graves,  and  both  survived  for  nearly 
fifty  years  afterwards. 



The  Discovery  of  the  Ohio— La  Salle  at  the  Falls — Biographi- 
cal Sketch  of  the  Great  French  Explorer — The  Spaniard 
— The  Frenchman  Again — The  Welshman  at  the  Falls  in 
the  Twelfth  Century  (?)— The  Mound  Builders  White 
Men  (?) — The  Later  Explorers  and  Voyagers  to  the  Falls — 
John  Howard,  the  Englishman — Christopher  Gist,  Pros- 
pector for  the  Ohio  Company — Colonel  Croghan,  the  In- 
dian Agent — Captain  Harry  Gordon,  the  Surveyor — Then 
Come  the  Surveyors. 

The  first  man  of  European  stock,  whose  face 
the  placid  waters  of  La  Belle  Riviere  gave  back, 
was  undoubtedly  the  daring  explorer,  the  chival- 
rous Frenchman,  Rene  Robert  Cavelier,  Sieur 
de  la  Salle.  A  tradition  exists  that  one  Colonel 
Wood,  an  Englishman,  penetrated  from  Virginia 
into  the  Kentucky  wilds  in  1654,  reaching  the 
Mississippi  and  discovering  several  branches  of 
that  and  the  Ohio  rivers,  with  an  ultimate  view  to 
trade  with  the  Indians.  The  story  is  at  least  a 
doubtful  one,  as  is  also  the  tale  which  avers  that 
about  1670  one  Captain  Bolton  (called  Bolt  or 
Batt  in  Collins's  History  of  Kentucky)  also 
journeyed  from  Virginia  through  this  country  to 
the  Mississippi.  "  Neither  statement,"  says 
Parkman,  the  best  authority  on  such  subjects, 
"  is  improbable  ;  but  neither  is  sustained  by  suf- 
ficent  evidence."  However  these  may  be,  there 
can  now  be  but  little  debate  over  the  claim  made 
by  La  Salle  himself,  and  of  late  by  the  historians 
of  his  enterprises,  that  he  was  the  discoverer  of 
the  Ohio  in  the  winter  of  1669-70  or  in  the  fol- 
lowing spring.  To  this  we  may  add  that  he  was 
probably  the  first  man  to  look  upon  the  dense 
forests  of  primeval  Kentucky,  and  that  his  voy- 
ages down  the  river,  with  equally  strong  proba- 
bility, ended  at  or  near  the  present  site  of  the 
cities  about  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio. 

Robert  Cavelier,  commonly  called  La  Salle,  was 
born  at  Rouen,  France,  in  1643.  At  an  early 
age  he  became  a  Jesuit,  and  taught  one  of  the 
schools  of  that  order,  but  soon  abandoned  it 
and  went  in  1666  to  Canada,  whither  an  elder 
brother,  a  priest  of  St.  Sulpice,  had  preceded 
him.  A  corporation  of  these  priests,  styled  the 
Seminary  of  St.  Sulpice,  had  become  the  founders 
and  proprietors  of  Montreal,  and  were  freely 
making  grants  of  lands  to  immigrants,  in  order 
to  form  as  soon  as  possible  a  bulwark  of  settle- 
ment against  the  inroads  of  the  Iroquois.  A 
generous  offer  was  made  to  La  Salle  by  the  Su- 



perior  of  the  seminary,  in  the  gift  of  a  large 
tract  on  the  St.  Lawrence,  at  the  head  of  the 
Lachinc  rapids,  eight  or  nine  miles  above  Mon- 
treal. He  accepted  the  grant,  and  straightway 
began  its  improvement,  with  such  small  means 
as  he  could  command.  Soon  afterwards,  while 
at  Montreal  trading  in  furs,  La  Salle  heard  from 
the  Seneca  Indians  that  a  great  river  arose  in 
their  country  and  flowed  thence  to  the  sea,  which 
It  reached  so  far  away  that  eight  or  nine  months 
were  required  to  reach  its  mouth.  It  was  called 
the  "Ohio,"  but  was  evidently  confused  with  the 
Mississippi  and  identified  in  La  Salle's  mind 
with  the  "Great  River,"  which  the  geographies 
of  that  day  believed  to  flow  westward  to  the 
"Vermilion  Sea,"  or  Gulf  of  California.  De- 
termined to  discover  and  explore  it,  in  the  hope 
of  finding  the  much-sought  west  passage  to 
China,  or  at  least  of  opening  profitable  trade 
with  the  natives.  La  Salle  went  to  Quebec  to  se- 
cure for  his  expedition  the  approval  of  Courcelles, 
Governor  of  New  France.  This  was  soon  ob- 
tained, and  ofificial  letters  patent  were  granted  m 
authorization  of  the  scheme,  but  without  the  ad 
dition  of  ofificial  aid.  La  Salle  had  spent  all  his 
scanty  means  in  improving  the  land  given  him 
by  the  Superior  of  the  seminary,  and  this  he 
was  obliged  to  sell  to  procure  an  outfit  for  his 
expedition.  The  priest  who  had  granted  it,  tak- 
mg  a  lively  interest  in  his  adventurous  plans, 
bought  back  the  greater  part  of  the  tract  with 
its  improvements,  and  the  explorer,  with  two 
thousand  eight  hundred  livres  realized  from  his 
sales,  procured  four  canoes  and  the  necessary 
equipments  and  supplies,  and  hired  fourteen 
men  for  his  crew. 

The  St.  Sulpice  brethren  at  the  seminary  were 
meanwhile  fitting  out  an  expedition  for  similar 
purposes;  and  at  Quebec,  where  some  of  them 
had  gone  to  purchase  the  needful  articles  for  it, 
they  heard  of  the  meditated  Ohio  exploration 
from  the  Governor,  who  urged  upon  them  the 
advantage  of  a  union  of  the  two  expeditions. 
La  Salle  was  not  wholly  pleased  with  the  pro- 
posal, which  would  deprive  him  of  his  rightful 
place  as  leader,  and  make  him  simply  an  equal 
associate  and  co-laborer.  Furthermore,  he  feared 
trouble  between  the  Sulpitians  and  the  members 
of  the  Order  of  Loyola,  or  the  Jesuits,  to  which 
he  had  formerly  belonged,  and  who  already  oc- 
cupied  the  missionary  field   in    the   Northwest. 

He  could  notjhowever,  easily  neglect  the  official 
suggestion,  with  its  manifest  advantages;  and  the 
two  ventures  were  presently  merged  into  one. 
On  the  6th  of  July,  1669,  in  seven  canoes,  with 
twenty-five  persons  in  the  party,  the  expedition 
started  up  the  St.  Lawrence.  It  was  accom- 
panied and  guided  by  a  number  of  Seneca  In- 
dians, in  two  other  canoes,  who  had  been  visit- 
ing La  Salle.  To  their  village  upon  the  Genesee, 
in  w)  ^t  is  now  Western  New  York,  they  piloted 
the  white  voyagers  up  the  mightier  stream  and 
across  the  broad  bosom  of  Ontario.  Here  the 
explorers  expected  cordial  co-operation  and  aid, 
but  were  disappointed,  the  savages  even  burning 
at  the  stake,  in  their  presence,  a  captive  who  was 
known  to  be  in  possession  of  desired  informa- 
tion as  to  the  great  river  to  the  southwest. 

It  was  unfortunate  that  here  they  were  com- 
pelled, from  ignorance  of  the  native  language, 
to  communicate  with  the  Indians  through  a 
Jesuit  missionary  residing  at  the  village.  He 
was  thu5.  practically  master  of  the  situation,  and 
could  color  statements  from  either  side  at  will. 
The  new-comers,  not  unnaturally,  suspected  him 
of  being  the  author  of  the  obstructions  here  met, 
since  he,  in  common  with  his  fellows  of  the  or- 
der, would  be  glad  to  prevent  the  Sulpitians  from 
establishing  themselves  in  the  West.  They  were 
obliged  to  remain  at  the  Indian  village  an  entire 
month,  when,  an  Iroquois  happening  to  visit 
them,  they  learned  from"  him  that  near  the  bend 
of  the  lake  where  they  lived  they  could  obtain 
guides  into  the  unknown  country  which  they 
sought.  Accepting  his  offer  of  attendance  to 
his  lodge,  they  passed  along  the  south  shore  of 
Lake  Ontario,  and  were  the  first  of  white  men 
to  hear,  at  the  mouth  of  the  Niagara,  the  thun- 
der of  the  mighty  cataract.  At  the  Iroquois 
village  they  were  cordially  welcomed,  and  there 
found  a  Shawnee  prisoner  from  the  Ohio  coun- 
try, who  told  them  that  in  a  six-weeks'  journey 
they  could  reach  the  desired  river,  and  that  he 
would  guide  them  to  it  if  set  at  liberty.  The 
party  then  prepared  to  commence  the  journey, 
but  the  Sulpitians,  hearing  stimulating  news  of 
the  success  of  the  Jesuit  missions  at  the  North- 
west, decided  to  go  in  that  direction,  find  the 
Beautiful  river,  if  possible,  by  that  route,  and 
establish  their  own  mission  stations  in  that  quar- 
ter. The  traveler  Joliet,  returning  from  the 
Lake  Superior   region,   under  the  orders   of  M. 



Talon,  Intendant  of  Canada,  called  upon  them 
at  the  Iroquois  town,  and  further  excited  them 
by  his  accounts,  the  map  of  the  country  which 
he  presented  them,  and  his  assurance  that  the 
natives  thereabout  were  in  great  need  of  more 
missionaries.  La  Salle  warned  them  of  difificul- 
ties  with  the  Jesuits,  whom  he  knew  only  too 
well;  but  they  nevertheless  separated  from  him 
and  went  on  their  bootless  way,  as  it  proved,  to 
the  Northwest. 

La  Salle  was  just  recovering  from  a  severe 
attack  of  fever,  and  felt  the  abandonment  the 
more  keenly  in  consequence.  He  was  soon  able, 
however,  to  reorganize  his  expedition,  which  he 
took  to  Onondaga,  and  thence  was  guided  to  an 
upper  tributary  of  the  Ohio,  on  whose  current  he 
was  exultantly  borne  to  the  noble  expanse  of  the 
CQveted  La  Belle  Reviere.  Down  this,  too,  he 
went,  on  and  on,  through  jnany  perils,  even  to 
the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  where  now  rise  the  domes 
and  towers  of  the  Falls  cities.  There  is  a  tra- 
dition that  he  went  further,  so  far  as  to  the 
mouth  of  the  great  stream;  but  this  statement  is 
not  held  to  be  well  supported.  Some  doubt  has 
also  been  thrown  upon  the  daring  explorer's  ad- 
vent at  all  in  the  Ohio  valley;  but  this  doubt  is 
likewise  ill-founded.  He  himself  certainly  claims, 
in  a  memorial  of  1677  to  Count  Frontenac,  that 
he  was  the  discoverer  of  the  Ohio,  and  that  he 
passed  down  it  to  the  Falls.  His  identical  words, 
in  a  close  translation — but  writing  of  himself  in 
the  third  person — are  as  follows: 

In  the  year  1667,  and  the  following,  he  made  sundry  jour- 
neys at  much  expense,  in  which  he  4vas  the  first  to  discover 
much  of  the  country  to  the  south  of  the  great  lakes,  and 
among  others  the  great  river  Ohio.  He  pursued  that  as  far 
as  a  very  high  [tn-s  haut\  fall  in  a  vast  marsh,  at  the  latitude 
of  thirty-seven  degrees,  after  having  been  swelled  by  another 
very  large  river  which  flows  from  the  north,  and  all  these 
waters  discharge  themselves,  to  all  appeaiance,  into  the  (nilf 
of  Mexico. 

M.  Louis  Joliet,  another  of  the  explorers  of 
New  France,  and  who,  as  in  some  sense  a  rival 
of  La  Salle  in  the  race  for  fame  and  fortune  in 
the  Western  wilds,  can  hardly  be  accused  of  too 
much  friendliness  for  him,  yet  names  the  other 
upon  both  of  his  maps  of  the  Missis5i|)pi  and 
Lake  region  as  the  explorer  of  the  Ohio.* 

*  Upon  Joliefs  large  map  the  Ohio  is  called  the  "Qua 
boustikou."  In  Franquelins  great  map  of  1684  it  is  desig- 
nated as  "Fleuve  St.  Louis,  ou  Chucagoa,  ou  Casquinam- 
p)ogamou,"  while  the  Alleghany  is  marked  as  the  "Ohio,  ou 

Another  map,  probably  of  1673,  represents  the 
course  of  the  Ohio  to  a  point  somewhat  below 
the  present  site  of  Louisville,  as  if  it  were  not 
then  known  further,  and  above  it  is  the  inscrip- 
tion: "River  Ohio,  so  called  by  the  Iroquois  on 
account  of  its  beauty,  by  which  the  Sieur  de 
la  Salle  descended.  "  In  view  of  all  the  evidence, 
Mr.  Parkman  says:  "That  he  discovered  the 
Ohio  may  then  be  regarded  as  established;  that 
he  descended  it  to  the  Mississippi  he  himself 
does  not  pretend,  nor  is  there  any  reason  to  be- 
lieve that  he  did  so.  " 

From  the  Falls  La  Salle  returned  at  leisure 
and  alone — his  men  having  refused  to  go  further 
and  abandoning  him  for  the  English  and  Dutch 
on  the  Atlantic  coast — to  the  settlements  on  the 
St.  Lawrence,  there  to  prepare  for  other  and  more 
renowned  explorations  in  the  Northwest  and 
South,  which  were  finally  and  in  a  very  few  years, 
while  he  was  yet  in  the  prime  of  his  powers,  to 
cost  him  his  life.  He  perished,  as  is  well  known, 
by  the  hands  of  assassins  upon  the  plains  of 
Texas,  March  19,  1687,  at  the  age  of  forty-three, 
but  already  one  of  the  most  famous  men  of  his 
time.  He  was  but  twenty-six  years  old  when  he 
stood  here,  the  first  of  Europeans  to  behold  the 
Falls  of  the  Ohio. 


In  1669,  according  to  a  work  by  Governor 
Dewitt  Clinton,  quoted  in  a  note  to  Colonel 
Stone's  Life  of  Joseph  Brant,  which  is  copied 
without  objection  into  the  second  volume  of 
The  Olden  Tiine,  a  party  of  twenty-three  Span- 
iards, guided  by  some  Iroquois  returning  from 
captivity  among  the  Southern  tribes,  came  up  the 
Mississippi  from  New  Orleans,  passed  the  Falls 
of  the  Ohio,  and  proceeded  up  this  and  the  Al- 
leghany rivers  to  Olean  Point.  Thence  they  trav- 
eled by  land  to  a  French  colony  founded  in 
Western  New  York  three  years  before,  at  the  re- 
quest of  the  Onondagas,  where  they,  together 
with  the  villagers,  were  attacked  by  the  Indians 
before  daybreak  on  All-Saints  day,  1669,  and  not 
one  left  to  tell  the  tale.  The  Spaniards  had 
been  attracted  to  this  region  by  Indian  stories 
that  here  was  a  lake  whose  bottom  was  covered 
with  a  substance  shining  and  white.  The  Eu- 
ropeans guessed  this  to  be  silver;  it  was  very 
likely  an  incrustation  of  salt  in  the  vicinity  of 




In  a  memorial  delivered  by  the  Due  de  Mire- 
poix  to  the  British  ministry,  May  14,  1755,  dur- 
ing a  diplomatic  correspondence  concerning  the 
boundaries  of  Canada,  the  noble  Duke,  in  his 
"remarks  concerning  the  course  and  territory  of 
the  Ohio,"  which  he  claimed  as  a  Canadian  river, 
"essentially  necessary"  to  the  French  for  com- 
munication with  Louisiana,  said: 

They  have  frequented  it  at  all  times,  and  with  forces.  It 
was  also  by  that  river  that  the  detachment  of  troops  passed, 
who  were  sent  to  Louisiana  about  the  year  1739,  on  account 
of  the  war  with  the  Chickasaws. 

This  force,  then,  must  have  passed  the  Falls 
of  the  Ohio,  but  it  may  be  doubted  whether  any 
other  mention  of  it  is  made  in  history. 


Mr.  Thomas  S.  Hinde,  an  old  citizen  of  Ken- 
tucky, neighbor  and  companion  of  Daniel  Boone 
and  Simon  Kenton,  wrote  a  letter  in  his  old  age 
from  his  home  in  Mount  Carmel,  Illinois,  dated 
May  30,  1842,  to  the  editor  of  the  American 
Pioneer,  in  which  is  comprised  the  following 
startling  bit  of  information: 

It  is  a  fact  that  the  Welsh,  under  Owen  ap  Zuinch,  in  the 
twelfth  century,  found  their  way  to  the  Mississippi  and  as  far 
up  the  Ohio  as  the  falls  of  that  river  at  Louisville,  where  they 
were  cut  off  by  the  Indians  ;  others  ascended  the  Mississippi, 
were  either  captured  or  settled  with  and  sunk  into  Indian 
habits.  Proof:  In  179Q  six  soldiers'  skeletons  were  dug  up 
near  Jeffersonville;  each  skeleton  had  a  breast -plate  of  brass, 
cast,  with  the  Welsh  coat  of  arms,  the  mermaid  and  harp, 
with  a  Latin  inscription,  in  substance,  "virtuous  deeds  meet 
their  just  reward. "  One  of  these  plates  was  left  by  Captain 
Jonathan  Taylor  with  the  late  Mr.  Hubbard  Taylor,  of 
Clark  county,  Kentucky,  and  when  called  for  by  me,  in 
1814,  for  the  late  Dr.  John  P.  Campbell,  of  Chillicothe,  Ohio, 
who  was  preparing  notes  of  the  antiquities  of  the  West,  by  a 
letter  from  Hubbard  Taylor,  Jr.  (a  relation  of  mine),  now 
living,  I  was  informed  that  the  breast-plate  had  been  taken 
to  Virginia  by  a  gentleman  of  that  State — I  supposed  as  a 
matter  of  curiosity. 

Mr.  Hinde  adduces  other  "proofs"  in  support 
of  his  theory  of  the  advent  of  his  countrymen 
here  half  a  millennium  before  La  Salle  came; 
but  they  are  of  no  local  importance,  and  we  do 
not  copy  them.     This  may  be  added,  however: 

The  Mohawk  Ifldians  had  a  tradition  among  them,  respect- 
ing the  Welsh  and  of  their  having  been  cut  off  by  the  Indi- 
ans, at  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio.  The  late  Colonel  Joseph 
Hamilton  Daviess,  who  had  for  many  years  sought  for  infor- 
mation on  this  subject,  mentions  this  fact,  and  of  the  Welsh- 
men's bones  being  found  buried  on  Corn  Island ;  so  that 
Southey,  the  king's  laureate,  had  some  foundation  for  his 
Welsh  poem. 

The  story  of  the  Jeffersonville  skeletons,  we 

hardly  need  add,  is  purely  mythical.  It  is  not 
probable  that  any  pre-Columbian  Welshman  was 
ever  at  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio. 


The  Rev.  Benjamin  F.  Brown,  in  his  little 
work  on  America  Discovered  by  the  Welsh,  pub- 
lished at  Philadelphia  in  1876,  making  a  strong 
argument  for  the  proposition  embodied  m  his 
title,  quotes  Mr.  Culloh's  Researches  on  Amer- 
ica as  affirming  of  the  Western  earthworks: 

Almost  without  exception  the  traditions  of  the  red  men  as- 
cribe the  construction  of  these  works  to  white  men.  Some  of 
them  belonging  to  different  tribes  at  the  present  say  that  they 
had  understood  from  their  prophets  and  old  men  that  it  had 
been  a  tradition  among  their  several  nations  that  the  Eastern 
country  and  Ohio  and  Kentucky  had  once  been  inhabited  by 
while  people,  but  that  they  were  mostly  exterminated  at  the 
Falls  of  Ohio.  The  red  men  drove  the  whites  to  a  small 
island  (Sandy  Island)  below  the  rapids,  where  they  were  cut 
to  pieces. 

This  tradition  has  been  more  fully  related  in 
the  previous  chapter.    1456505 


We  gladly  come  back  now  to  more  recent 
times  and  to  authentic  traditions. 

In  1742  an  Englishman  named  John  Howard 
descended  the  river  in  a  skin  canoe,  after  cross- 
ing the  mountains  from  Virginia.  He  was  un- 
doubtedly at  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  went  on  to 
the  Mississippi,  and  was  there  captured  by  the 
French,  when  we  lose  sight  of  him.  Upon  his 
voyage — which  De  Hass,  author  of  a  History  of 
Western  Virginia,  seems  to  think  "a  vague  tra- 
dition"— the  English  based,  in  part,  their  claim 
to  the  Ohio  valley,  on  the  ground  of  priority  of 

Next  came  Christopher  Gist,  sent  out  in  Sep- 
tember, 1750,  by  the  Ohio  company,  to  "go  out 
to  the  westward  of  the  great  mountains,  in  order 
to  search  out  and  discover  the  lands  upon  the 
river  Ohio  down  as  low  as  the  great  falls  there- 
of; and  to  take  an  exact  account  of  all  the  large 
bodies  of  good  level  land,  that  the  company  may 
the  better  judge  where  it  will  be  the  most  con- 
venient to  take  their  grant  of  five  hundred  thou- 
sand acres."  After  making  his  way  across  the 
Ohio  wilderness  to  the  Great  Miami,  and  down 
that  stream  to  the  great  river,  he,  says  the  West- 
ern Annals,  "went  as  far  down  the  Ohio  as  the 
Falls,  and  was  gone  seven  months."  No  record 
of  his  observations  or  adventures  here  has  been 



In  1765  Colonel  George  Croghan,  a  deputy  or 
sub-commissioner  of  Sir  William  Johnson,  the 
noted  Indian  agent  in  the  employ  of  Great 
Britain,  came  down  the  river  on  a  mission  to  the 
distant  Western  Indians,  to  secure  the  alliance 
of  the  French  at  the  Illinois  settlements,  and 
prevent  their  inciting  the  savages  to  war.  The 
following  is  an  extract  from  his  Journal  : 

June  ist — We  ai rived  within  a  mile  of  the  Fails  of  the 
Ohio,  where  we  encamped,  after  coming  about  fifty  miles  this 

2d — Early  in  the  morning  we  embarked,  and  passed  the 
Falls.  The  river  being  very  low,  we  were  obliged  to  lighten 
our  boats,  and  pass  on  the  north  side  of  the  little  island 
which  lays  in  the  middle  of  the  river.  In  general,  what  is 
called  the  Falls  here  is  no  more  than  rapids  ;  and  in  the  least 
fresh  a  batteau  of  any  size  may  come  and  go  on  each  side 
without  any  risk.  This  day  we  proceed  sixty  miles,  in  the 
course  of  which  we  pass  Pigeon  river.  The  country  pretty 
high  on  each  side  of  the  Ohio. 

Colonel  Croghan  pursued  his  way  to  the  Wa- 
bash, where  he  found  a  breastwork,  made  by  the 
Indians,  as  he  supposed.  He  remained  at  the 
mouth  of  the  river  the  following  day,  and  at  day- 
break the  next  morning  was  surprised  by  a  party 
of  Kickapoos  and  "  Musquattimes,"  who  killed 
five  of  his  party,  wounded  him  and  all  the 
rest  but  three,  and  carried  the  survivors  off  as 
prisoners.  He  was  released  soon  after,  and  ac- 
complished   the  objects  of  his  mission. 

Captain  Harry  Gordon,  an  official  engineer  for 
the  British  Government,  who  passed  the  rapids 
July  22,  1766,  says  in   his  journal: 

Those  Falls  do  not  deserve  the  name,  as  the  stream  on  the 
north  side  has  no  sudden  pitch,  but  only  runs  over  a  ledge  of 
rock.s.  Several  boats  passed  them  in  the  driest  season  of  the 
year,  unloading  half  of  their  freight.  They  passed  on  the 
north  side,  where  the  carrying  place  is  three-cjuarters  of  a 
mile;  on  the  southeast  side  it  is  about  half  the  distance,  and 
is  reckoned  the  safest  passage  for  those  who  are  acquainted 
with  it,  as,  during  the  summer  and  autumn,  the  balteau.x-men 
drag  their  boats  over  the  rock.  The  fall  is  about  half  a  mile 
rapid  water,  which,  however,  is  passable  by  wading  and 
dragging  the  boat  against  the  stream  when  lowest,  and  with 
still  greater  ease  when  the  water  is  raised  a  little. 

Within  a  very  few  years  after  this  came  the  voy- 
ages of  the  pioneer  surveyors  to  the  Falls,  with 
which  we  begin  the  annals  of  Louisville  in  sub- 
sequent chapters. 



Introduction — His  Earlier  Life — He  Saves  Kentucky — The 
Illinois  Campaign — The  Ohio  Campaign— Clark  Never 
Defeated — C'haracter  of  His  Enemy — Clark  never  Caught 
Asleep — "A  Shakspeare  in  His  Way" — The  General's 
Death  and  Burial. 

This  sketch  can  give  but  a  faint  idea  of  the 
courage,  energy,  capacity,  and  indomitable  tenac- 
ity of  General  George  Rogers  Clark.  The  stern 
and  appalling  difficulties  he  encountered  assume 
the  wild  charm  of  a  startling  romance,  and  had  I 
space  for  the  details  of  time,  place,  and  circum- 
stances, it  would  transcend  fiction  itself.  In 
short,  his  life  was  a  life  of  self-reliant  and  daring 
deeds  that  stand  pre-eminent  above  all  the 
heroes  that  ever  lived  or  led  an  army.  For 
brave,  humane,  and  high-toned  chivalry  he  was 
truly  preeminent.  Though  daring  and  fierce  to 
his  enemies,  his  generous  and  social  impulses 
made  him  the  idol  of  his  friends.  Quick  to  re- 
sent an  injury,  yet  prompt  to  forgive  it;  fiery  in 
pursuit,  yet  cool  and  calculating  in  action,  he 
never  stooped  nor  shrunk  but  in  wisdom  to  gain 
strength  for  the  rebound.  Full  of  generous 
deeds  and  native  nobility  of  soul,  he  was  a  brave 
defender  of  the  "  Dark  and  Bloody  Ground,"  the 
splendid  country  now  called  Kentucky. 


George  Rogers  Clark  was  born  November  19, 
1752,  in  Albemarle  county,  Virginia.  In  early 
life  he  was,  like  Washington,  a  surveyor,  and 
then  a  major  in  the  wars  of  Lord  Dunmore 
against  the  Canadian,  French,  and  Northern  In- 
dians. Hearing  much  said  about  the  newly  dis- 
covered world  called  Kentucky,  and  the  bloody 
conflict  between  the  white  and  red  men  for  pos- 
session, he  determined  to  see  for  himself  the 
present  condition  and  future  prospect  of  the 
disputed  land.  His  arrival  in  the  promised  land 
was  in  1775,  where  he  found  a  few  isolated  forts 
in  the  heart  of  a  vast  wilderness  claimed  by  the 
most  savage  and  warlike  people  in  the  world, 
against  whom  unaided  individual  courage,  though 
great,  could  not  prevail.  He  at  once  set  his 
plans,  and  went  mentally  and  bodily  into  the 
work;  and  marvelous  was  the  result. 

*  From  a  communication  to  the  Louisville  Daily  Commer- 
cial, February  24,  1878,  by  the  veteran  Kentuckian,  Dr. 
Christopher  ('.  Graham,  now  in  his  ninety-eighth  year. 





Clark,  with  his  bold  and  penetrating  mind,  saw 
but  one  course  to  settle  the  many  conflicting 
claims  to  the  richest  region  on  earth.  All  the 
country  south  of  Kentucky  river  at  that  time  was 
clauned  by  the  noted  Colonel  Henderson  and 
the  great  Transylvania  Land  company,  in  which 
the  most  influential  men  of  the  Union  and  no- 
bility of  England  were  interested.  This  claim 
was  by  a  purchase  made  by  the  above  company 
from  the  Cherokees  South,  at  the  treaty  of 
Watauga,  while  the  colony  of  Virginia  claimed 
the  whole  region  from  the  Ohio  river  to  the 
Cumberland  mountains,  by  her  purchase  from  the 
Delawares  and  Shawnees,  and  from  other  tribes 
of  the  Northwest,  called  the  Six  Nations,  at  the 
celebrated  treaty  of  Fort  Stanwix,  by  Sir  William 
Johnson  and  his  co-English  authorities.  This 
rumor  of  a  purchase  and  lasting  peace  with  the 
Indians  produced  a  flood  of  immigration  to 
Kentucky,  which  caused  great  alarm  among  the 
Six  Nations,  many  of  whose  chiefs  had  not  been 
in  the  treaty,  and  knew  nothing  about  it;  and  the 
Six  Nations  not  being  paid  according  to  contract, 
and  being  egged  on  by  the  British,  trading-posts, 
where  large  prices  were  paid  for  Kentucky  scalps, 
all  the  tribes  were  about  to  unite  and  exterminate 
the  intruders.  Clark,  seeing  the  hopeless  con- 
dition of  the  early  settlers  and  the  danger  they 
were  in,  determined  to  put  his  life  at  stake  in 
their  defense.  The  powder  and  lead  being  well- 
nigh  exhausted,  and  the  forts  being  widely  sepa- 
rated, there  was  no  concert  of  action ;  so  he 
called  a  meeting  of  the  citizens  at  Harrodsburg 
station,  to  send  delegates  to  Virginia  to  ask  for 
a  supply  of  ammunition,  at  which  convention 
Gabriel  Jones  and  Clark  were  appointed  com- 
missioners, signed  by  Harrod  and  eighty-seven 

Clark  and  Jones  now  set  off  through  a  path- 
less wilderness  of  three  hundred  miles,  over 
rugged  mountains,  on  to  the  seat  of  government, 
Williamsburg,  and,  finding  the  Legislature  ad- 
journed, Jones  despaired  and  gave  it  up.  But 
not  so  with  Clark,  who,  with  undaunted  resolve, 
went  straightway  to  Patrick  Henry,  then  Gover- 
nor of  Virginia,  and  implored  him  to  save  the 
people  of  Kentucky  from  their  threatened  de- 
struction. The  Governor  being  sick  in  bed,  gave 
Clark  a  letter  to  the  Executive  Council,  and  they 
declining  to  take  any  responsibility,  Clark  said  to 

them,  in  firm  and  threatening  language,  that  if 
Virginia  did  not  think  Kentucky  worth  saving, 
he  would  apply  to  a  power  that  was  ready,  willing, 
and  waiting  to  save  and  protect  it.  The  execu- 
tive council,  understanding  Clark's  stern  and  in- 
dependent remarks,  granted  him  the  ammunition 
asked  for.  Spain  at  that  time  controlled  the 
navigation  of  the  Mississippi  river,  and  New  Or- 
leans being  the  only  market  for  Kentucky,  many 
of  the  leading  men  of  Kentucky,  aware  of  the 
great  commercial  advantages  Spain  oflfered,  pre- 
ferred the  protection  of  Spain  to  that  of  Eng- 
land. Clark,  from  his  penetrating  knowledge  of 
human  nature,  now  obtained,  as  I  have  said,  the 
ammunition  for  Kentucky,  but  found  great  diffi- 
culiy  in  getting  it  to  the  different  forts  in  the  far- 
off  wilderness.  He  at  last"  getting  it  to  Pitts- 
burgh fore,  was  joined  by  Jones,  and  improvising 
a  craft,  they  descended  the  Ohio,  and  though 
fired  at  frequently  by  Indians  on  the  shore,  they 
landed  near  Limestone,  took  the  powder  and 
lead  out,  set^their  craft  afloat,  and  hid  the  treas- 
ure in  the  woods.  Jones  went  to  the  nearest 
station,  and  procuring  some  ten  men,  started 
back  to  bring  in  the  powder,  but  was  attacked 
by  the  Indians  and  himself  and  others  were 
killed.  Clark,  however,  kept  on  to  Harrodsburg 
station,  got  Kenton  and  others,  brought  the  treas- 
ure safely  in,  and  supplied  the  differept  stations 
with  the  means  of  defense. 


Clark  was  always  ready  to  sally  out  against  the 
invaders  of  Kentucky,  but  with  quick  perception 
he  saw  no  end  to  such  petty  warfare,  and  that  the 
ax  must  be  laid  at  the  root  of  the  tree;  and  as 
there  was  not  sufficient  force  in  Kentucky  to  in- 
vade the  savage  strongholds  and  break  up  the 
British  trading-posts,  he  again  went  back  to  both 
Virginia  and  Pennsylvania,  through  a  wilderness 
of  hundreds  of  miles,  and,  procuring  a  hundred 
and  fifty  men  and  boats  at  Pittsburg  fort,  came 
on  to  the  Falls.  Being  here  joined  by  a  few 
Kentuckians,  swelling  his  army  of  invasion,  he 
floated  on  down  to  a  point  nearest  to  Kaskaskia, 
the  then  great  trading-post  of  the  Canadians, 
French,  and  English,  and  where  all  the  Western 
tribes  resorted.  His  march  was  rapid,  and  the 
night  before  his  attack  he  led  his  men  through  a 
tangled  forest  of  thirty  miles,  and,  taking  the 
enemy  by  surprise,  captured  them  all,  ten   times 



his  number.  In  like  manner  did  he  take  Kaho- 
kia  and  St.  Louis  forts,  making  prisoners  of  the 
English  officers  and  sending  them  to  Virginia. 

The  French  traders  and  missionaries  were  the 
first  whites  to  mix  and  intermarry  among  the 
Indians  and  gain  their  friendship.  The  Enghsh 
having  taken  posse  sion  of  Canada,  sent  their 
officers  and  traders  to  those  posts  where  they 
were  not  welcomed  either  by  the  French  or  In- 
dians, and  Clark,  by  his  inherent  knowledge  of 
mind,  soon  made  friends  of  both  French  and 
Indians  by  pledging  exclusive  trade  for  the 
French  traders,  and  protection  to  all  by  the 
powers  of  Virginia  and  Kentucky.  Thus,  having 
by  his  shrewdness  accomplished  more  than  many 
officers  with  an  army  of  ten  thousand  men  could 
have  done,  he  swore  his  newly  made  friends  to 
their  allegiance  to  Virginia  and  peace  with  Ken- 
tucky. He  left  a  single  officer,  with  the  aid  of 
the  inhabitants,  to  hold  the  place,  and  prepared 
foi"  F  is  march  to  Fort  Vincennes. 

Beiore  leaving,  he  kindly  took  the  French 
priests  and  Indian  chiefs  by  the  hand,  saying  to 
the  chiet'b-  'We  are  brothers,  and  in  you  I  have 
confid'-n'.£,  and  if  I  hear  of  the  English  dis- 
turbin,*^  your  command  I  will  bring  an  army  to 
your  defense  ;"and  expressing  a  hope  to  meet  the 
priests  in  heaven,  he  asked  for  prayer  and  de- 
parted with  his  little  fragment  of  an  army  to  at- 
tack the  British  stronghold  in  the  West.  He 
sent  spies  ahead,  one  being  the  noted  Colonel 
Vigo,  a  Spaniard  of  St.  Louis,  and  the  other  an 
influential  chief,  to  gain  the  friendship  of  the 
French  and  Indians  in  the  British  fortress  in  ad- 
vance of  the  assault.  All  things  being  made 
ready,  Clark  again  plunged  into  the  dark  and 
dismal  wilderness,  and  alter  marching  day  and 
night  through  rain,  sleet,  and  mud,  they  came 
near  the  Wabash,  which  being  out  of  its  banks, 
the  low  flats  were  for  miles  inundated  and  frozen 
over  with  ice  an  inch  thick.  The  shivering  men, 
already  being  worn  down  and  half-starved,  halted, 
and,  gazing  in  each  other's  faces  with  feelings  of 
despair,  muttered,  "Let  us  go  back;"  but  seeing 
their  commander  with  his  tomahawk  cut  a  club 
and  black  his  face  with  powder,  some  of  which 
he  drank,  all  eyes  were  upon  him  as  he  turned 
his  face  to  his  command  and,  with  a  voice  of  de- 
termination, ordered  Colonel  Bowman  to  fall  in 
the  rear,  and  put  to  death  any  that  might  refuse 
to  follow  him.     In  he   plunged,  waist  deep  and 

sometimes  to  the  chin,  breaking  the  ice  as  he 
went,  till  he  came  to  shallow  water,  where  he 
halted  for  the  moment  to  see  whether  he  had 
lost  any  of  his  men;  and  seeing  some  of  them 
like  to  faint,  he  put  the  weaker  men  by  the  side 
of  the  stronger  for  the  next  two  miles,  till  they 
came  to  trees  and  bushes  which  afforded  some 
support.  They,  at  last,  getting  on  higher  ground 
within  hearing  of  the  guns  of  the  fort,  the  enjoy- 
ment of  fire  and  rest  gave  such  life  and  hope  to 
the  whole  company  that  when  Clark  addressed 
them,  with  one  voice  they  exclaimed,  "We  will 
take  the  fort  or  die  in  the  attempt." 

One  of  Clark's  spies  came  to  his  camp  and 
told  him  that  Colonel  Hamilton,  the  British  com- 
mander, had  knowledge  of  his  approach,  but  that 
the  French  and  Indian  inhabitants,  six  hundred 
in  number,  were  in  sympathy  with  the  Ameri- 

Stop  here  and  think  of  the  wonderful  sagacity 
of  Clark.  Having  already  taken  three  fortresses 
with  numbers  more  than  his  command,  without 
the  loss  of  a  man,  now  we  see  he  has  laid  the 
foundation  for  the  capture  of  Fort  Vincennes. 
He  marched  boldly  on,  and  with  the  eye  of 
an  eagle  scanned  the  ground,  marching  and 
countermarching  behind  high  ground  where  his 
scant  numbers  could  not  be  seen,  and  where  one 
man  by  hoisting  the  flag  higher  might  be  thought 
a  full  company.  He,  moreover,  placed  his  sharp- 
shooters behind  a  hillock  close  to  the  port-holes 
of  the  artillery,  and  as  soon  as  they  opened,  a 
shower  of  balls  cut  down  the  gunners;  after 
which  not  a  man  could  be  got  to  work  the  guns. 
Hamilton,  seeing  this  and  that  the  citizens  were 
against  him,  was  paralyzed  by  alarm,  of  which 
Clark  took  the  advantage,  and  with  pretended 
feelings  of  humanity  addressed  him  in  the 
language  both  of  a  conqueror  and  a  friend, 
showing  his  astonishing  insight  into  human  na- 
ture. He  said  to  the  commander  that  he  was 
fully  able  and  determined  to  storm  the  place,  but 
to  save  bloodshed  and  the  destruction  of  prop- 
erty, he  was  willing  simply  to  hold  his  men 
prisoners  instead  of  killing  them,  and  to  let  him- 
self march  out  with  his  side-arms,  and  that  he 
would  send  a  safeguard  with  him  to  Detroit  ;  but 
if  he  had  to  take  the  place  by  assault,  he  would 
not  be  responsible  for  the  revengeful  conse- 
tjuences;  that  his  army  was  largely  composed  of 
Kentuckians,    who  had    come  with   frantic   and 



firm  resolve  to  recover  the  scalps  of  their  friends, 
for  which  he  had  paid  high  prices,  and  if  any  of 
them  lost  their  lives  in  the  attempt,  he  might  ex- 
pect the  most  excruciating  torture.  And  now 
this  singular  epistle,  which  Clark  knew  would 
touch  the  feeling  of  self-preservation,  soon 
brought  an  answer,  *'  Walk  in,"  and  thus  it  is 
seen  that  Clark's  magic  power  over  the  minds  of 
men  accomplished  more,  with  but  little  over  a 
hundred  men,  without  the  loss  of  a  single  man, 
than  others  by  brute  force  could  have  done  with 
an  army  of  a  thousand  and  the  loss  of  one-half. 
He  now  (after  sending  his  British  prisoners, 
eighty  in  number,  off  to  Fort  Pittsburg)  organ- 
ized a  colonial  government,  and,  leaving  a  sufifi- 
cient  force,  returned  to  Louisville  and  built  a 
fort,  where  he  established  his  headquarters  as 
Commander  in  chief  of  the  Northwest. 


The  four  British  posts  that  had  furnished  the 
savages  with  arms  and  ammunitions  of  war  and 
paid  premiums  for  scalps  bemg  broken  up  by  our 
noble  defender,  Kentucky  felt  safe,  and  the  flood 
of  immigration  became  great.  Kentucky's  se- 
curity, however,  did  not  continue;  it  was  not 
long  till  the  foe  again  lurked  in  every  path  from 
fort  to  fort  and  house  to  house,  crouched  in  the 
case,  and  murdered  all  who  passed,  till  Clark, 
becoming  wearied  in  his  conflicts  with  them,  de- 
termined to  invade  Ohio  and  desolate  their  own 
homes.  His  voice  being  as  great  a  charm  to  his 
friends  as  a  terror  to  his  enemies,  he  called  for 
troops,  and  soon  had  an  army  by  his  side  wait- 
ing his  orders,  with  which  force  he  defeated  the 
enemy  in  every  pitched  battle,  and  like  a  tornado 
swept  over  their  country.  Shouts  of  victory  rent 
the  air,  and  seeing  their  towns  in  flames,  the 
savages  for  the  first  time  felt  the  power  of  the 
white  man  and  begged  for  peace. 


The  conflicts  that  Clark  had  with  the  Indians 
and  British  from  time  to  time  are  too  numerous 
for  detail,  but  suffice  it  to  say  he  was  never  de- 
feated, even  by  an  enemy  of  double  his  number, 
while  other  white  commanders  contending  with 
the  same  foes,  with  double  their  numbers,  were 
defeated  with  great  slaughter.  In  Braddock's 
defeat,  of  twelve  hundred  men  engaged,  there 
were  seven  hundred  and  fourteen  killed.  In 
St.     Clair's     defeat,     out     of     fourteen     hun- 

dred men,  eight  hundred  and  ninety  were 
killed  and  wounded.  Braddock's  officers 
were  eighty-six  in  number,  of  whom  sixty- 
three  were  slain,  himself  among  them.  St.  Clair 
had  from  eighty-six  to  ninety  officers,  of  whom 
sixteen  were  killed  and  wounded — a  second 
Braddock's  defeat.  Harmar's  defeats  were  gen- 
erally calamitous,  and  that  of  the  Lower  Blue 
Lick  even  more  distressing,  where,  out  of  one 
hundred  and  eighty-two  who  went  into  the  battle, 
near  one-half  were  killed,  seven  taken  prisoners 
and  tortured  in  the  flames. 

This  latter  little  army  was  composed  of  the 
first  men  in  Kentucky,  whose  loss  was  not  only 
heart-rending  to  their  families,  but  fearful  to  all, 
as  all  hope  for  the  hves  of  the  few  left  had  de- 
parted with  the  dead.  Isolated  and  hopeless  in 
•the  far-off"  wilderness,  surrounded  by  fiends  that 
sought  their  lives,  what  but  dread  fear  could  tor- 
ment them  by  day  and  startle  their  slumbers  by 
hideous  shouts  at  night?  Clark,  stationed  at 
Louisville,  was  their  only  hope  left,  and  he, 
when  he  heard  of  the  sad  defeats,  quickly  col- 
lected a  large  force,  followed  them  to  their 
homes,  defeated  them  in  every  battle,  and  burnt 
their  towns,  to  the  great  joy  of  Kentucky. 


I  will  only  mention  a  few  more  of  the  many 
calamitous  defeats,  both  in  Ohio  and  Kentucky, 
to  show  the  kind  of  men  Clark  had  to  contend 
with,  and  the  contrast  of  his  and  other  com- 
mands. The  destruction  of  Colonel  Estill  and 
his  command  where  Mr.  Sterling  now  stands, 
and  the  defeat  of  Captain  Holdtn  at  the  Upper 
Blue  licks,  are  but  drops  of  blood  in  the  hogs- 
head that  was  spilt  on  this  once  "dark  and 
bloody  ground." 

I  will  now  indulge  in  but  one  more  incident, 
which  may  be  of  interest  to  the  reader,  to  show 
how  the  savages  tortured  their  prisoners.  When 
Colonel  Crawford  was  defeated  by  the  Indians 
in  Northern  Ohio,  he,  the  almost  only  one  left 
alive,  was,  a  few  days  after  his  capture,  put  to 
the  torture.  They  blacked  his  face  that  he  might 
know  his  fate,  bound  him  tight,  and  kept  him 
long  enough  to  suffer  more  than  death;  ther 
they  stripped  him  naked  and  shot  some  twent) 
loads  of  powder  into  his  body,  and  having 
burned  down  wood  to  lively  coals  they  put  hiir 
on  them,  and   piling  brush  around  him  quicklj 



engulfed  him  in  flames.  His  hair  was  first 
burned  from  his  head,  his  eyes  were  next  burned 
out,  all  of  which  he  bore  with  incredible  forti- 
tude, uttering  only  in  low  and  solemn  tones, 
"The  Lord  have  mercy  upon  my  soul" — till  his 
tongue  was  parched  beyond  utterance  and  his 
feet  (on  which  he  had  walked  round  upon  the 
coals)  were  crisped  to  the  bone,  when  he  quietly 
laid  himself  down  with  his  face  upon  the  fire, 
when  an  old  squaw,  with  a  wooden  shovel, 
poured  hot  embers  on  his  back  till  life  became 
extinct.  Dr.  Knight,  the  surgeon  of  Crawford's 
command,  was  captured  with  him,  and  with  his 
own  face  painted  black  for  execution,  witnessed 
the  whole  horrid  scene.  They  beat  him  (as  they 
did  Colonel  Crawford  before  his  execution) 
almost  to  a  jelly,  and  often  threw  the  bloody 
scalps  of  his  friends  in  his  face,  and  knocking 
down  a  fellow  prisoner  a  squaw  cut  off  his  head, 
which  was  kicked  about  and  stamped  into  the 
ground.  Dr.  Knight,  after  great  suffering,  was 
saved.  I  marched  over  Crawford's  battle-ground 
in  our  War  of  1812,  and  saw  the  trees  scarred 
by  the  balls. 


General  George  Rogers  Clark  never  suffered 
such  a  fate,  nor  did  one  of  his  command;  he 
never  was  caught  asleep,  but  often  took  his  ene- 
my a-napping,  conquering  as  he  went,  as  he  often 
did,  through  Ohio,  Indiana,  Illinois,  and  Mis- 
souri, till  his  name  was  a  terror  to  the  Western 
tribes.  His  first  arrival  in  Kentucky  was  marvel- 
ous. Having  made  his  way  down  the  Ohio  river, 
lined  on  either  side  with  savages  that  almost 
daily  captured  boats  and  murdered  whole  fami- 
lies, he  landed  in  a  wild  and  trackless  forest, 
filled  with  a  lurking  foe,  and  alone,  without  map 
or  guide,  traveling  over  a  hundred  miles,  and 
crossing  deep  and  dangerous  streams,  he  struck 
the  isolated  fortress  of  Harrodsburg,  after  which 
he  was  seen  foremost  in  the  defense  of  all  the 
interior  forts,  and  then  beyond  the  border  in  the 
Far  West  in  bloody  conflicts  with  fearful  odds, 
yet  ever  victorious.  No  general  ever  led  an 
army  with  more  celerity  and  secresy,  and  his 
battle-cry  in  the  onset  was  "victory  or  death, 
honor  or  disgrace;"  and  he  invariably  led  the 
way.  He  had  the  foresight  of  Napoleon  in  strat- 
egy, the  heroism  of  Cresar  in  execution,  and  the 
wisdom   of  Scipio   Africanus  in  leading  an  army 

into  the  enemy's  country.  His  addresses  to  his 
men  going  into  battle  had  much  to  do  with  his 
brilliant  victories:  "We  are  now  about  to  engage 
with  a  savage  and  cruel  enemy  who,  if  they  take 
you,  will  torture  you  in  the  flames,  and  better  a  ' 
thousand  times  to  die  in  battle;  but  victory  being  ' 
better  than  either,  you  can,  by  a  manly  and  un- 
flinching courage,  gain  it,  when  cowardice  and 
confusion  will  be  death  to  all." 


The  fame  of  General  George  Rogers  Clark 
was  not  confined  to  Kentucky  or  the  United 
States,  but  reached  the  ears  of  Napoleon,  whose  , 
Minister  to  the  United  States,  the  noted  Genet, 
conferred  upon  him  the  office  of  generalissimo, 
with  the  title  of  major-general  in  the  armies  of 
France.  Clark  was  expected  to  lead  an  army  of 
Kentuckians  to  seize  upon  New  Orleans  and  hold 
it  in  the  name  of  France,  then  at  war  with  Spain; 
but  Spain  having  shortly  ceded  Louisiana  to 
Fiance,  and  Napoleon,  about  to  engage  in  a 
war  with  England,  knowing  that  her  fleet  would 
quickly  sail  for  New  Orleans,  offered  the  whole 
of  Louisiana,  reaching  from  the  Gulf  to  the  head 
of  the  Mississippi,  and  west  to  the  Pacific,  for 
$15,000,000.  So  Clark's  expedition,  in  which 
all  Kentucky  was  ready  to  embark,  was  rendered 
unnecessary  by  Spain's  cession  to  France  aud 
France's  cession  to  the  United  States. 

Monuments  have  been  reared  in  honor  of 
politicians  whose  lives  were  frolic  and  feasting, 
while  those  who  have  risked  their  lives  a  hundred 
times,  and  worn  themselves  out  by  hardships  and 
privations  to  save  their  country  from  ruin,  sleep 
in  their  graves  forgotten  and  unthanked  by  those 
who  now  slumber  upon  their  downy  beds,  un- 
startled  by  the  Indian's  war-whoop,  the  sharp 
crack  of  the  rifle,  and  the  cry  of  distress.  Then 
forget  no^  those  who  saved  your  fathers  from 
death,  and  enabled  them  to  transmit  to  you  the 
blessings  you  now  enjoy. 

The  writer  lived  in  those  days  of  sadness  and 
sorrow  when  our  fate  seemed  certain  either  by 
the  tomahawk  or  the  torturing  flames.  Isolated 
families  and  forts  far  apart,  two  hundred  miles 
from  any  help;  in  the  midst  of  a  vast  wilderness, 
surrounded  by  cruel  savages  that  lurked  upon 
every  path  and  crouched  around  the  little  forts, 
total  destruction  to  all  without  concert  and  foreign 
aid    was   certain.     True,  we  had  men  as  willing 



and  ready  as  Clark  to  meet  the  foe  face  to  face 
and  hand  to  hand  in  bloody  conflict,  a  thing  of 
daily  occurrence;  but  we  had  no  men  of  Clark's 
strategic  and  magic  powers  of  combining  and 
controUing  masses.  When  the  reader  knows 
that  our  war  with  Great  Britain  commenced  in 
1776,  and  that  the  colonies  beyond  the  moun- 
tains being  themselves  hard  pressed,  could  afford 
us  no  aid,  he  will  see  us  as  we  were,  in  a  helpless 
condition,  struggling  against  fearful  odds. 


The  English  immediately  and  wisely  seized  the 
Western  trading-posts  in  order  to  set  the  Indians 
upon  the  frontier  settlements  of  Pennsylvania, 
Virginia,  and  Kentucky,  and  the  red  men,  like 
the  whites,  preferring  the  strong  side,  listened  to 
the  promises  of  the  English  to  restore  to  them 
their  homes  that  Kentuckians  had,  in  violation 
of  the  treaty  of  Fort  Stanwix,  taken  possession 
of.  The  Six  Nations  now  determined  to  join 
the  Southern  and  Western  tribes  in  the  recovery 
of  their  common  hunting-grounds.  Clark,  from 
his  unerring  knowledge  of  human  nature,  kept 
such  spies  as  Kenton  and  Ballard  on  the  alert, 
and  finding  out  that  Governor  Hamilto^,  of  Fort 
Vincent,  had  promised  the  chiefs  that  if  they 
would  assemble  five  thousand  warriors  by  the 
middle  of  May  he  would  furnish  two  hundred 
British  soldiers  and  light  artillery  to  quickly  rid 
Kentucky  of  every  man,  wpman,  and  child  in  it, 
and  to  nip  this  plot  in  the  bud  and  take  them  by 
surprise,  Clark  (not  being  able  to  get  sufficient 
force  in  Kentucky)  made  a  third  trip  to  Virginia 
and  Pennsylvania,  and  begged  from  these  colo- 
nies (themselves  hard  pressed)  one  hundred  and 
seventy-five  men,  with  which  he  made  his  winter 
campaign,  wading  in  mud  and  ice-water  chin 
deep,  and  taking  Governor  Hamilton's  strong- 
hold without  losing  a  man.  Thus  were  saved 
the  lives  of  the  parents  and  grandparents  of 
many  now  in  Louisville,  who  but  for  the  exer- 
tions of  General  George  Rogers  Clark,  would 
never  have  had  an  existence;  and  who,  in  the 
chase  of  fortune  and  the  luxuries  of  life,  have  no 
time  to  visit  the  grave  of  one  of  the  greatest  mili- 
tary men  of  this  globe;  one  who  accomplished 
more  by  his  strategy,  through  a  long  series  of 
brilliant  victories,  than  Washington  did  with  the 
aid  of  a  powerful  nation  or  than  Jackson  did  in 
a  single  battle  behind   his  breastworks.     Clark 


was  by  nature  a  Shakespeare  in  his  way,  and  as 
he  was  the  savior  of  Kentucky,  and  aided  much 
in  keeping  the  Indians  and  British  from  our 
mother,  Virginia,  I  say  honor  to  whom  honor  is 

General  Clark,  as  is  elsewhere  related  more 
fully,  was  the  founder  of  Clarksville,  on  the  In- 
diana shore,  in  which  his  later  years  were  chiefly 
spent.  He  died  at  the  residence  of  his  sister 
and  brother-in-law,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Croghan,  at 
Locust  Grove,  just  above  Louisville,  February  13, 
18 18,  and  was  buried  upon  the  place.  He  was 
never  married,  but  left  somewhat  numerous  rela- 
tives in  and  about  Louisville. 



' '  La  Belle  Riviere"— The  Falls  of  the  Ohio — Captain  Hutch- 
ins's  Account  of  Them — Imlay's  Narrative — Espy's  Obser- 
vations—Utilization of  the  Water-power— J  ared  Brooks's 
Map — Modern  Proposals  and  Movements — Improvement 
ot  the  Falls — The  Ship  Canal — Early  Plans — The  Indiana 
Schemes — The  Kentucky  Side  again — The  Company  That 
Built  the  Work — The  Federal  Government  Takes  a  Hand 
• — Completed  —  Mr.  Casseday's  Description  —  Subsequent 
History  of  the  Canal — Notices  of  Judge  Hall  and  Others — 
Its  Transfer  to  the  United  States — Enlargement — The 
Railway  Bridges. 

"la  belle  riviere." 

The  superb  Ohio  was  well  called  by  the 
French  explorers  and  geographers  the  Beautiful 
river.  It  flows  with  gentle,  majestic  current  and 
broad  stream,  for  nearly  a  thousand  miles, 
through  some  of  the  finest  river  scenery  in  the 
world.  Its  numerous  tributaries  drain,  for  hun- 
dreds of  miles  to  the  north  and  to  the  south,  one 
of  the  grandest,  richest,  most  fertile  valleys  on 
the  globe.  Its  value  in  the  development  of  the 
Northwest  has  been  incalculable.  Fortunate  in- 
deed are  the  cities  and  towns  that  are  located  by 
its  shores ;  and  doubly  fortunate  is  the  county  of 
Jefferson,  with  a  frontage  of  nearly  forty  miles 
upon  its  amber  waters.  Without  the  Ohio,  Louis- 
ville would  hardly  have  been.  Never  has  the 
sagacious,  unconsciously  humorous  remark  been 
better  illustrated,  that  Providence  always  causes 
the  large  rivers  to  flow  by  the  large  cities. 




Scarcely  a  break  or  ripple  occurs  in  the  tran- 
quil flow  of  the  great  river,  until  Louisville  is 
reached.  Here  an  outcrop  of  limestone  from 
the  hidden  depths — the  same  foundation  which 
underlies  the  Falls  cities  and  the  surrounding 
country  on  both  sides  of  the  river — throws  itself 
boldly  across  the  entire  stream,  producing,  not 
so  much  a  fall  as  a  rapid,  descending  for  about 
three  miles  in  the  central  line  of  the  river,  before 
resuming  the  usual  moderate  pace  and  smooth- 
ness of  the  current.  Careful  observations  have 
been  made  of  the  difference  in  the  stand  or 
height  of  water  at  the  head  and  that  at  the  foot 
of  the  Falls,  at  different  stages  of  the  river,  with 
the  following  result : 

Rise  in 

feet  at  head 

Corresponding    rise 


te  ascent  of 

of  the  Falls. 

at  foot  of  the  Falls. 







I      to    2 

24  X 

t0  25J< 


2K    "     3K 

23  K 

"  24K 


4%   "     6 

22  }< 

"  23% 


7%   "    «K 


"  22 


loji   "  13% 


"  20 


13K   "  i75< 


"  17K 


I9K     "    22% 


"  13 


24K     "     27X 


"     9 


28K     "    29K 


"     6 


2,0%     "    31% 


"     4^ 


32K     "    33K 


"     3% 


34       "  34K 


"     3J< 


3S%   "  36 


"     3 


to  20 


"     3i4 

"  40'A 


"     2 



•  Extreme  high  flood  of  1832. 

It  is  thus  seen  that  the  greatest  fall,  as  reck- 
oned between  the  extreme  head  and  extreme 
foot  of  the  Falls,  is  twenty-five  feet  and  three 
inches,  and  that  the  fall  steadily  diminishes  as 
the  river  rises,  until,  long  before  the  unwonted 
height  of  the  flood  of  1832  is  reached,  the  as- 
cent, as  compared  with  the  ordinary  ascent  of 
the  river  in  the  same  distance,  has  become  no 
longer  an  obstruction  to  navigation. 

It  is  estimated  that  three  hundred  mills  and 
factories  might  be  fully  supplied  with  water-power 
by  the  Falls. 

Some  further  account  of  this  remarkable 
physical  feature  in  the  stream  will  be  found  in 
the  subjoined  descriptions, 


Captain  Thomas  Hutchins,  of  Her  Majesty's 
Sixtieth  Regiment  of  Foot,  afterwards  Geographer 
of  the  United  States,  made  careful  examinations 
of  the  valley  of  the  Ohio,  and  much  of  the  in- 
terior country,  about  the  year    1766,   and  pub- 

lished some  years  afterward,  in  London,  an  in- 
valuable though  brief  Topographical  Description 
of  the  regions  visited.  It  contains  probably  the 
first  plan  of  the  Rapids  of  the  Ohio  ever 
made  by  a  competent  hand.  From  this  it  may 
be  observed  that  the  map  shows  no  vestige 
of  white  settlement  on  either  side  as  yet.  This 
plan  was  made,  the  Captain  says,  "on  the  spot  in 
the  year  1766."  In  the  text  of  his  book  he 
says : 

The  Rapids,  in  a  dry  season,  are  difficult  to  descend  with 
loaded  boats  or  barges,  without  a  good  Pilot ;  it  would  be 
advisable  therefore  for  the  Bargemen,  in  such  season,  rather 
than  run  any  risk  in  passing  them,  to  unload  part  of  their 
cargoes,  and  reship  it  when  the  barges  have  got  through  the 
Rapids.  It  may,  however,  be  proper  to  observe  that  loaded 
boats  in  freshes  have  been  easily  rowed  against  the  stream 
(up  the  Rapids),  and  that  others,  by  means  only  of  a  long 
sail,  have  ascended  them. 

In  a  dry  season  the  descent  of  the  rapids,  in  the  distance  of 
a  mile,  is  about  twelve  or  fifteen  feet,  and  the  passage  down 
would  not  be  difficult  except,  perhaps,  for  the  following  rea- 
sons :  Two  miles  above  them  the  River  is  deep  and  three- 
quarters  of  a  mile  broad  ;  but  the  channel  is  much  contracted 
and  does  not  exceed  two  hundred  and  fifty  yards  in  breadth 
(near  three-quarters  of  the  bed  of  the  river,  on  the  southeast- 
ern side  of  it,  being  filled  with  a  flat  Limestone  rock,  so  that 
in  a  dry  season  there  is  seldom  more  than  six  or  eight  inches' 
water),  it  is  upon  the  northern  side  of  the  River,  and  being 
confined,  as  above  mentioned,  the  descending  waters  tumble 
over  the  Rapids  with  a  considerable  degree  of  celerity  and 
orce.  The  channel  is  of  different  depths,  but  nowhere,  I 
think,  less  than  five  feet.  It  is  clear,  and  upon  each  side  of 
it  are  large  broken  rocks,  a  few  inches  under  water. 

The  rapids  are  nearly  in  Latitude  38^  8';  and  the  only  In- 
dian village  (in  1766)  on  the  banks  of  the  Ohio  river,  between 
there  and  Fort  Pitt  was  on  the  northwest  side,  seventy-five 
miles  below  Pittsburgh,  called  the  Mingo  town.  It  contained 
sixty  families. 


Captain  Imlay's  Topographical  Description  of 
the  Western  Teriitory  of  North  America,  pub- 
lished in  various  editions  about  1793,  comprises 
a  brief  notice  of  the  Falls  and  their  surround- 
ings, which,  as  it  has  some  unique  remarks  in  it, 
seems  well  worth  copying: 

The  Rapids  of  the  Ohio  lie  almost  seven  hundred  miles 
below  Pittsburg  and  about  four  hundred  above  its  confluence 
with  the  Mississippi.  They  are  occasioned  by  a  ledge  of 
rocks  which  stretch  across  the  bed  of  the  river  from  one  side 
to  the  other,  in  some  places  projecting  so  much  that  they  are 
visible  when  the  water  is  not  high,  and  in  most  places  when 
the  river  is  extremely  low.  The  fall  is  not  more  than  between 
four  and  five  feet  in  the  distance  of  a  mile;  so  that  boats  of 
any  burthen  may  pass  with  safety  when  there  is  a  flood,  but 
boats  coming  up  the  river  must  unload,  which  inconvenience 
may  very  easily  be  removed  by  cutting  a  canal  from  the  mouth 
of  Beargrass,  the  upper  side  of  the  Rapids,  to  below  the 
lower  reef  of  rocks,  which  is  not  quite  two  miles,  and  the 
country  a  gentle  declivity  the  whole  way. 



The  situation  of  the  Rapids  is  truly  delightful.  The  river 
is  full  a  mile  wide,  and  the  fall  of  water,  which  is  an  eternal  cas- 
ade,  appears  as  if  Nature  had  designed  it  to  show  how  inim- 
itable and  stupendous  are  her  works.  Its  breadth  contributes 
to  its  sublimity,  and  the  continual  rumbling  noise  tends  to 
exhilarate  the  spirits  and  gives  a  cheerfulness  even  to  slug- 
gards. The  view  up  the  river  is  terminated,  at  the  distance 
of  four  leagues,  by  an  island  in  its  centre,  which  is  contrasted 
by  the  plain  on  the  opposite  shore,  that  extends  a  long  way 
into  the  country;  but  the  eye  receding  finds  new  beauties  and 
ample  subject  for  admiration  in  the  rising  hills  of  Silver  creek, 
which,  stretching  obliquely  to  the  northwest,  proudly  rise 
higher  and  higher  as  they  e.xlend,  until  their  summits  are 
lost  in  air.  Clarksville  on  the  opposite  shore  completes  the 
prospect,  and  from  its  neighborhood  and  from  the  settle- 
ments forming  upon  the  officers'  land,  a  few  years  must  afford 
us  a  cultivated  country  to  blend  appropriate  beauty  with  the 
charms  of  the  imagination.  There  lies  a  small  island  in  the 
river,  about  two  hundred  yards  from  the  eastern  shore,  be- 
tween which  and  the  main  is  a  quarry  of  excellent  stone  for 
buildmg,  and  which  in  great  part  is  dry  the  latter  part  of 
sur  ner.  The  banks  of  the  river  are  never  overflowed  here, 
they  being  fifty  feet  higher  than  the  bed  of  the  river.  There 
is  no  doubt  but  it  will  soon  become  a  flourishing  town;  there 
are  already  upwards  of  two  hundred  good  houses  built.  This 
town  is  called  Lx)uisville. 

JOSIAH    ESPY's    observations. 

A  graphic  and  highly  interesting  description  of 
the  Falls,  as  seen  in  1805  by  the  intelligent  travel- 
er, Josiah  Espy,  then  on  his  tour  through  Ohio, 
Kentucky,  and  the  Indiana  Territory,  is  con- 
tained in  his  book  of  Memorandums,  from  which 
we  extract  as  follows: 

2nd  October,  I  took  a  view  of  the  magnificent  Falls  of  the 
Ohio.  The  rapids  appear  to  be  about  a  mile  long.  On  the 
Indiana  side,  where  the  great  body  of  the  river  runs  at  low 
water,  1  could  not  discover  any  perpendicular  falls.  It  was 
not  so  in  the  middle  and  southeast  channels,  in  both  of  which 
the  extent  of  the  rapids  were  in  a  great  degree  contracted  in- 
to two  nearly  perpendicular  shoots  of  about  seven  feet  each, 
over  rocks  on  which  the  water  has  but  little  effect.  At  some 
anterior  period  the  channel  on  the  northwest  side,  I  am  in- 
duced to  believe,  was  neatly  similar;  but  the  great  body  of 
water  that  has  been  for  ages  pouring  down  has  gradually 
worn  away  the  rocks  above,  thereby  increasing  the  length  of 
the  rapid  on  that  side,  and  diminishing  their  perpendicular 
"fall.  I  have  no  doubt  but  that  the  first  break  of  the  water 
here  is  now  much  higher  up  the  river  than  it  was  originally. 

The  beach  and  whole  bed  of  the  river  for  two  or  three 
miles  here  is  one  continued  body  of  limestone  and  petrifac- 
tions. The  infinite  variety  of  the  latter  are  equally  elegant 
and  astonishing.  All  kinds  of  roots,  flowers,  shells,  bones, 
buffalo  horns,  buffalo  dung,  yellow-jacket's  nests,  etc. ,  are 
promiscuously  seen  in  every  direction  on  the  extensive  beach 
at  low  water,  in  perfect  form.*  I  discovered  and  brought  to 
my  lodgings  a  completely  formed  petrified  wasp's  nest,  with 

•Foot-note  of  editor  of  Espy 's  narrative:  "  It  needs  but 
little  imagination  on  the  p?rt  of  one  nor  versed  in  palaeon- 
tology to  convert  the  beautiful  corals  and  other  fossils  found 
so  abundantly  at  the  falls  into  the  objects  named  by  Mr. 

the  young  in  it,  as  natural  as  when  alive.     The  entire  comt 
is  preserved. 

Nearly  every  traveler  who  subsequently  visited 
this  region  had  his  observations  to  make  con- 
cerning the  Falls;  but  we  have  presented  the 
main  points  of  interest  in  the  three  examples 
given.  Some  notes  of  the  writers,  however,  will 
be  found  in  the  annals  of  Louisville  hereafter. 
One  of  them,  an  English  traveler  named  Asle, 
actually  averred  that  he  could  hear  the  roaring  of 
the  Falls  when  still  fifteen  miles  distant! 


of  the  splendid  water-power  which  for  ages  had 
been  expending  itself  unused  at  the  Falls  very 
soon  engaged  the  attention  of  the  settlers,  and 
was  often  in  discussion.  So  early  as  1806,  Mr. 
Jared  Brooks,  the  same  surveyor  who  made  the 
first  authentic  and  recorded  survey  of  the  town- 
site,  went  thoroughly  over  the  ground  on  both 
sides  of  the  river  with  his  instruments,  and  over 
the  water  with  his  eye  and  his  calculations,  and 
embodied  the  results  in  his  published  chart,  en- 
titled, "A  Map  of  the  Rapids  of  the  Ohio  river, 
and  of  the  countries  on  each  side  thereof,  so  far 
as  to  include  the  routes  contemplated  for  Canal 
navigation.  Respectfully  inscribed  to  His  Excel- 
lency Christopher  Greenup,  Governor  of  Ken- 
tucky, by  his  very  obedient  servant,  J.  Brooks. 
Engraved  and  printed  by  John  Goodman,  Frank- 
fort, Kentucky,  1806."  Copies  of  this  map  have 
been  preserved  to  recent  times,  and  are  much 
praised  by  those  who  have  seen  them.  The  Rev. 
Richard  H.  Deering,  author  of  a  pamphlet 
printed  in  1859,  on  Louisville-  Her  Commercial, 
Manufacturing,  and  Social  Advantages,  had  a 
copy  of  it  before  him,  and  makes  the  following 
intelligent  remarks  upon  it  and  its  plan  of  secur- 
ing water-power  and  a  canal: 

A  section  of  this  map  gives  an  enlarged  "plan 
of  the  work  below  L  (upper  lock),  including  all 
the  locks  and  aqueducts  for  the  supply  of  'water- 
works,' and  situations  marked  from  i  to  12  (mill- 
sites),  which  may  be  extended  to  any  required 
distance."     In  the  "Notes,"  the  author  says: 

The  rapids  are  caused  by  a  vast  body  of  rock  which 
crosses  the  course  of  the  Ohio  at  this  place,  and  obstructs 
the  current  until  it  swells  over  its  top,  and  thence  searches  a 
passage  down  an  irregular  declivity  to  the  lower  end  of  Rock 
island.  The  draught  of  the  falls  reaches  to  the  line  before 
mentioned,  crossing  obliquely  above  the  rapids,  from  whence 
the  velocity  of  the  current  increases  to  the  great  break  of  the 
current  at  C ;  from  thence  to  D,  the  current  rates  ten  miles 
and  1,066  yards  an  hour;  from  D  to  E,  thirteen  and  a  half 



miles  an  hour;  in  all,  according  to  the  course  of  the  chan- 
nel, 3,366  yards  in  ten  minutes  and  thirty-five  seconds.  .  . 
It  is  calculated  that  the  canal  will  be  sufficiently  capacious  for 
a  ship  of  four  hundred  tons.  [No  steamboat  had  as  yet  been 
seen  on  the  Ohio].  The  water  will  be  carried  plane  with  the 
surface  above  the  rapids  to  the  bank  of  the  river  below  the 
whole  falls,  and  then  disposed  of  agreeable  to  the  enlarged  plan 
of  the  work  below  the  letter  L  (upper  lock) ;  so  that  any  required 
number  of  water-works  may  be  erected,  and  each  benefited 
by  a  perpendicular  fall  of  water  equal  to  the  whole  fall  of  the 
rapids,  viz:  twenty-four  feet.  The  water-works  will  stand 
upon  a  high  and  permanent  bank,  close  under  which  is  the 
main  and  only  channel  of  that  part  of  the  Ohio,  which  seems 
to  have  been  carved  out  of  the  rock  for  that  purpose.  Boats 
and  vessels  of  any  burthen  that  can  descend  the  river,  may 
lie  alongside  of  the  mills  and  store-houses,  and  lade  and  un- 
lade with  the  greatest  convenience  imaginable.  The  land  in 
the  vicinity  of  the  rapids,  on  both  sides  of  the  liver,  is  gen- 
erally of  the  first  quality,  and  is  so  shaped  as  to  afford  beauty 
with  convenience.  That  part  situated  within  view  of  the 
rapids,  is  beyond  description  delightful. 

This  map  of  the  Falls,  by  far  the  most  accur- 
ate and  complete  we  have  ever  seen,  exhibiting 
every  prominent  rock,  current,  and  eddy,  and 
the  forests  on  either  side  of  the  river  as  they 
stood  at  that  early  day,  shows  how  feasible  the 
development  of  the  water-power  of  the  Falls  was 
then  considered. 

In  the  absence  of  the  map  in  this  work,  we 
will  explain  to  the  reader  that  Mr.  Brooks's  plan 
for  "water-works"  consisted  of  a  couple  of  races 
taken  out,  one  on  either  side  of  the  main  canal, 
just  above  the  upper  lock,  and  running  parallel 
with  the  river  bank,  upward  and  downward,  from 
which  races  short  side-cuts  were  to  be  made  at 
convenient  distances  for  mills,  and  the  water  dis- 
charged into  the  river  after  it  left  the  wheels. 
The  race  was  to  be  extended  down  the  river  to 
any  distance  that  might  be  required,  thus  furnish- 
ing room  and  power  for  an  indefinite  number  of 

That  this  was,  and  is,  all  perfectly  ))racticable, 
no  one  at  all  familiar  with  the  subject  can  doubt; 
and  had  it  been  c  .■ried  into  execution,  simul- 
taneously with  the  canal,  Louisville  would  have 
been  at  this  day  one  of  the  greatest  manufactur- 
ing cities  in  this  country.  A  portion  of  the  peo- 
ple of  Louisville  then  opposed  the  construction 
of  the  canal,  because  it  would  destroy  the  busi- 
ness of  transporting  passengers  and  freight 
around  the  Falls,  and  a  large  commission  and 
forwarding  business,  by  which  a  vast  number 
gained  a  livelihood.  To  meet  their  objections, 
the  friends  of  the  enterprise  urged  the  fact  that 
the  canal,  when  completed,  would  make  Louis- 

ville one  of  the  greatest  manufacturing  cities  in 
America;  thus,  besides  giving  better  employ- 
ment to  the  persons  concerned,  it  would  be  the 
means  of  drawing  infinitely  more  people  and 
more  business  to  the  place  than  could  ever  be 
realized  without  the  canal.  It  was  urged  that  a 
city,  possessing  all  other  advantages  in  the  high- 
est degree  known  to  any  in  our  country,  and 
adding  this  unequaled  water-power  above  every 
other,  could  not  fail  to  advance  to  the  rank  of 
the  most  populous  and  important  of  Western 
cities.  Nor  does  it  appear  that  any  one  looked 
upon  the  canal  in  those  days  as  simply  and  solely 
to  facilitate  navigation.  Water  power  was  in  the 
mouths  of  all  its  advocates,  whether  in  the  halls 
of  legislation,  on  the  stump,  or  in  the  street.  It 
was  to  serve  the  double  purpose  of  navigation 
and  manufacturing.  How  strange,  then,  that  we 
should  be  told,  at  this  day,  that  the  canal  can 
not  spare  the  necessary  water  for  manufacturing ! 
With  the  whole  Ohio  river  to  feed  it,  men  are 
afraid  a  number  of  mill-wheels  will  drain  it  dry! 
"The  canal  cannot  spare  the  water  without  re- 
ducing the  depth  so  as  to  interrupt  navigation.'" 
Yet  not  a  canal  can  be  found  in  America,  if  it 
has  any  fall,  that  is  not  used  for  manufacturing — 
no,  not  even  the  least  of  them,  even  where  the 
"feeders"  are  miles  distant  from  the  point  where 
the  power  is  required,  while  on  our  canal  we 
have  an  immense  volume  of  water  constantly 
pushing  with  great  power,  thus  preventing  any 
material  decrease  in  the  depth.  This  objection 
is  simply  childish  and  ridiculous. 

Had  our  fathers  been  told  that  but  half  the 
original  plan  would  be  carried  to  completion  by 
the  year  1859,  and  that  their  sons  would  at  this 
day  not  only  be  neglecting  this  boundless  source 
of  wealth  and  prosperity,  but  actually  arguing 
themselves  into  the  belief  that  the  thing  is  im. 
practicable,  they  would  have  denounced  us  as  un- 
worthy of  our  origin. 

The  thing  is  and  always  has  been  practicable, 
and  of  such  easy  development  that  we  are  amazed 
when  we  consider  it.  That  a  basin  command- 
ing the  whole  power  of  the  Ohio  river  should 
stand  there  within  a  few  yards  of  the  river-bank 
for  a  period  of  twenty-nine  years,  at  an  elevation 
of  twenty-four  feet  above  the  current  passing  be- 
neath it,  and  not  be  let  into  a  mill-wheel,  is 
strange  indeed. 

To  show  more  clearly  still  the  feasibility  of  the 



water-power  here,  we  will  state  that  the  plan  as 
drawn  by  Mr.  Brooks,  and  as  the  canal  is  now 
constructed,  brings  the  water  on  the  plane  or 
level  of  the  river  above  the  Falls  to  the  upper 
lock,  which  is  only  a  few  rods  from  the  river 
bank  below  the  Falls.  The  river  bank  at  this 
point  is  composed  of  a  very  adhesive  clay,  or 
chiefly  of  this  material,  down  to  the  black  De- 
vonian slate,  which  at  this  point  forms  the  floor 
of  the  canal,  and  in  which  the  locks  are  con- 
structed. The  land  slopes  down  gradually  from 
the  upper  lock  toward  the  river,  the  main  and 
only  channel  of  which  at  low  water  is  immediate- 
ly under  this  bank.  The  water  in  the  canal  basin 
above  the  upper  lock  stands  at  an  elevation  of 
twenty-four  feet  above  the  level  of  the  water  in 
the  river  just  alluded  to.  By  taking  out  the  two 
races  as  drawn  by  Mr.  Brooks,  one  extending  up 
the  river  for  a  distance  of  half  a  mile  or  more, 
and  the  other  down  the  river  to  any  distance 
that  may  be  desirable,  water  can  be  drawn  from 
them  on  to  mill-wheels,  by  means  of  side-cuts 
for  a  vast  number  of  mills.  To  do  this  in  the 
cheapest  way  let  the  races  be  extended  only  as 
demanded  by  new  mills.  A  few  yards  of  race 
and  one  mill  will  develop  the  principle,  and  this 
can  be  done  at  less  cost  than  would  be  required 
to  start  an  ordinary  country  mill,  where  a  dam 
had  to  be  constructed.  This  arrangement,  it 
will  be  seen,  will  place  the  manufacturing  estab- 
lishments two  miles  distant  from  the  business 
part  of  the  city.  To  obviate  this  difficulty,  and 
also  to  place  the  mills  entirely  beyond  the  reach 
of  high  water,  we  will  suggest  another  plan,  which 
we  long  since  determined  in  our  own  mind  was 
feasible,  and  in  some  respects  preferable  to  the 
one  just  given. 

Just  south  of  the  canal,  from  fifty  to  one  hun- 
dred yards,  or  perhaps  more,  there  is  a  beauti- 
ful elevation  forming  the  terminus  toward  the 
river  of  the  vast  plain  or  table  land  on  which  the 
city  stands.  This  elevation  or  bluff,  as  it  is 
usually  called,  forms  a  most  beautiful  feature  of 
this  unrivaled  landscape,  and  runs  parallel  with 
the  canal  from  its  head  to  near  its  foot,  the  bluff 
bending  to  the  south  with  the  river  when  oppo- 
site the  locks,  and  the  canal  bending  a  little  to 
the  north  at  that  point  to  enter  the  river.  Imme- 
diately on  the  brow  of  this  bluff  runs  a  fine,  wide 
street,  two  miles  in  length  and  well  bouldered, 
called  High  street.     The  travel  on  it  is  immense. 

it  being  one  of  the  great  thoroughfares  between 
this  city  and  New  Albany,  on  the  opposite  side 
of  the  river,  below  the  Falls.  Between  the  bluf 
and  the  canal  there  is  a  beautiful  valley,  which  L 
generally  a  little  lower  between  the  blufiF  and  the 
canal  than  where  the  canal  runs  through  it. 
Standing  on  this  bluflf  near  the  upper  end  of  the 
canal,  and  looking  down  the  valley  westward,  one 
will  almost  declare  that  Nature  made  the  valley 
for  a  race  to  run  just  at  the  foot  of  the  bluff 
parallel  with  the  canal  from  end  to  end,  to  re- 
ceive the  water  drawn  by  hundreds  of  cross-cuts 
from  the  canal  after  it  shall  have  turned  -as  many 
wheels,  and  convey  it  off  into  the  river  at  the 
west  end  of  the  valley.  This  beautiful  bluff 
evidently  seems  to  have  been  formed  for  hun- 
dreds of  manufacturing  establishments  to  stand 
upon,  fronting  on  one  of  the  prettiest  streets  in 
the  world,  while  the  elevated  plane  south  gives 
room  for  tens  of  thousands  of  artisans  and  labor- 
ers to  build  their  homes.  ' 

Such  a  race,  it  is  believed,  can  be  made  at  a 
small  cost  as  compared  with  the  present  canal. 
First,  because  it  need  not  be  more  than  half 
or  one-third  as  large;  and  next,  because  ijKseems 
very  probable  it  will  miss  the  rock  through  which 
the  canal  is  excavated.  Several  wells  have  been 
sunk  on  the  south  side  of  the  canal,  which  re- 
veal the  fact  that  the  rock  dips  south  very  sud- 
denly. Du  Font's  great  artesian  well  is  but  a  few 
rods  south  of  it,  and  there  it  is  seventy-six  feet  to 
the  rock,  which  must  be  many  feet  below  the  bot- 
tom of  the  canal.  If  the  race  were  commenced 
at  the  lower  end,  and  a  mill  constructed  there,  so 
as  to  develop  the  practicability  of  the  plan,  the 
expense  as  in  the  other  plan  would  be  but 
small.  Then  it  could  be  extended  as  required 
until  the  upper  end  of  the  line  of  mills 
would  be  quite  in  the  business  part  of  the  city  as 
the  business  is  now  located.  The  whole  of  the 
mills  would  then  be  on  a  high  and  beautiful 
plane,  entirely  out  of  the  way  of  floods,  ice,  and 
drift.     Thus  far  Mr.  Deering. 

Nevertheless,  to  this  day  the  great  power  here 
runnmg  to  waste,  apparently,  is  but  little  utilized 
m  the  movement  of  machinery,  and  steam  re- 
mains the  preferred  motor.  It  is  understood 
that  the  frequent  floods  in  the  river,  occasionally 
very  great  and  troublesome,  constitute  an  im- 
portant factor  in  the  problem,  and  that  the  difl5 
culties  they  present  have  not  yet  been  satisfac- 



torily  overcome.  Four  plans  for  utilization  of 
the  Falls  are  still  considered,  however.  They 
are  thus  given  by  Mr.  Collins,  in  his  History  of 
Kentucky:  i.  Enlarge  the  present  Louisville 
and  Portland  canal,  and  increase  the  height  of 
water  therein  by  building. a  dam  clear  across  the 
river;  2.  Build  a  new  canal,  parallel  with  the 
Portland  canal,  only  for  the  location  of  factories 
and  mills;  3.  Tap  the  Portland  canal  east  of  its 
lower  locks,  and  build  a  new  canal  through  Port- 
land— gaining  an  enormous  water-power  and 
very  convenient  sites  for  factories  and  mills; 
4.  Tap  the  Portland  canal  east  of  its  lower  locks, 
and  cut  a  canal  across  Shippingport. 

A  determined  effort  was  made  at  a  meeting  of 
citizens  held  April  26,  1876,  to  secure  measures 
for  utilizing  the  superb  water-power  of  the  Falls. 
A  resolution  was  unanimously  adopted  request- 
ing the  General  Council  of  the  city  to  procure  a 
report  from  hydraulic  engineers  and  competent 
experts  on  the  utilization  of  the  power,  and  an- 
other for  the  appointment  of  a  committee  to  as- 
certain by  correspondence  with  steamboat  owners 
and  masters,  and  others  interested  in  the  naviga- 
tion of  the  Ohio,  whether  navigation  would  be 
impeded  by  such  use.  The  services  of  Mr.  John 
Zellmyer,  a  civil  engineer,  were  secured,  and  in 
due  time  he  made  an  elaborate  report  fixing  the 
cost  of  the  necessary  machinery,  gearing  ropes, 
timber  work,  masonry,  and  stations  for  three 
thousand  teet  of  transmission,  at  $60,000,  with- 
out definite  estimate  for  head-  and  tail-races  and 
other  improvements.  A  calculation  was  made 
oy  Mr.  Zellmyer  upon  the  basis  of  the  use  of 
steam-power  during  sixty  days  of  high  water, 
when  it  would  not  be  practicable  to  use  the  water- 
pwwer,  showing  that  the  combined  cost  of  power 
from  steam  and  water  for  three  hundred  and 
sixty  days  would  be  $46  per  horse-power,  against 
$72  per  horse-power  for  steam  alone.  Nothing 
more  tangible,  however,  has  yet  come  of  his  inves- 
tigations or  the  Centennial  effort  of  the  citizens. 


so  as  to  facilitate  their  navigation,  has  also  some- 
what engaged  public  attention.  When  Mr.  Cas- 
seday  wrote  his  little  History,  about  1852,  it  was 
proposed  to  introduce  a  system  of  slackwater 
navigation  by  dams  and  locks;  also,  to  blast  out 
the  rocks  in  and  near  the  channel,  so  as  to  turn 
all  the  water  at  low  stages  of  the  river  into  one 

chanriel,  which  it  was  calculated  would  be  suffi- 
cient for  the  passage  of  vessels.  Neither  project 
was  consummated,  however;  but,  about  five  years 
afterwards,  during  low-water  in  the  season  of 
1857,  tlie  Falls  pilots  took  the  matter  of  improve- 
ment of  the  channel  into  iheir  own  hands,  and 
deepened  and  widened  it  in  part  by  their  own 
labors  and  in  part  at  their  own  pecuniary  ex- 
pense. It  has  since,  and  very  lately,  been  greatly 
improved,  at  the  expense  of  the  General  Gov- 

The  famous  improvement  at  the  Falls,  how- 
ever, now,  and  perhaps  for  all  time  to  come,  is 
and  must  be 


We  have  seen  that,  at  a  very  early  period,  the 
attention  of  dwellers  at  the  Falls  was  attracted 
to  the  necessity  of  an  artificial  water-way  around 
this  formidable  obstruction,  and  that,  so  early  as 
1806,  a  line  had  been  marked  out  for  it.  Even 
two  years  before  this,  in  1804,  a  company  was 
incorporated  to  excavate  a  canal  around  the 
Falls;  but  nothing  came  of  this,  except,  as  be- 
fore mentioned,  some  surveys.  In  1809  or 
1810  a  bill  was  passed  by  Congress  authorizing  a 
subscription  from  the  National  Treasury  of 
$150,000  to  the  capital  stock  of  the  Ohio  Canal 
company,  conditioned  that  the  company  should 
previously  have  a  sum  funded  equal  to  half  the 
total  amount  required,  complete  its  arrangements 
for  cutting  the  canal,  and  report  the  situation, 
with  all  necessary  explanation,  to  the  President 
of  the  United  States. 

On  the  20th  of  December,  1815,  a  resolution 
passed  the  Kentucky  Legislature,  requesting  the 
co-operation  of  the  several  States  interested  in 
the  proposed  improvement.  The  State  was 
authorized  to  subscribe  for  one  thousand  shares 
($50,000)  and  to  reserve  a  subscription  of  one 
thousand  more  for  future  disposition.  To  the 
Governor  was  delegated  the  right  to  vote  in  the 
meetings  of  the  company,  on  behalf  of  the  State, 
according  _to  the  amount  of  the  public  shares. 
No  part  of  this  subscription  was  to  be  paid  until 
three  hundred  shares  were  otherwise  taken,  and 
in  any  case  only  $10,000  a  year  was  to  be  paid 
out  on  this  account,  unless  by  consent  of  the 
Assembly.  The  same  Legislature  duly  incor- 
porated the  Ohio  Canal  company  to  operate  on 
the  south  side  of  the  Falls,  and  about  the  same 
time  an  "Indiana  Canal  company"  was  granted 


a  charter  by  its  own  Legislature  on  the  other 
side.  Congress  was  asked  in  behalf  of  one  or 
both  these  companies,  to  grant  "a  pre-emption  of 
land  enabling  them  to  divide  their  rights  into 
several  parts,  and  that  before  all  the  best  lands 
were  sold,  with  the  remittance  of  part,  either 
principal  or  interest,  and  on  larger  than  usual 


A  ship  canal  on  the  north  side  had  been  pro- 
posed as  early  as  1805,  and  it  was  thought  that 
special  advantages  in  the  lie  of  the  land,  particu- 
larly in  the  situation  and  trend  of  certain  ravines, 
attended  this  project  and  promised  it  certain 
success.  General  B,  Hovey  wrote  to  the  com- 
pany about  this  time: 

When  I  first  viewed  the  Rapids  of  the  Ohio,  it  was  my  ob- 
ject to  have  opened  a  canal  on  the  side  of  Louisville,  but  on 
examination  I  discovered  such  advantages  on  the  opposite 
side  that  I  at  once  decided  in  favor  of  it. 

He  rested  his  judgment  decisively  upon  the 
two  deep  ravines,  "  one  above  the  Rapids,  and 
the  other  below  the  steepest  fall." 

The  Legislature  incorporated  his  company  on 
the  most  liberal  scale,  and  the  subscription  books 
filled  rapidly.  About  $  1 20,000  were  actually  sub- 
scribed, the  names  of  some  of  the  first  men  in 
the  country  appearing  on  the  books.  Josiah 
Espy,  from  whose  "  Memorandums  "  we  have  al- 
ready quoted,  writing  here  in  1805,  expressed  his 
confidence  of  the  success  of  the  enterprise,  and 

If  these  expectations  should  be  realized,  there  remains  but 
little  doubt  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio  will  become  the  centre  of  the 
wealth  of  the  Western  World. 

And  yet  the  scheme  came  to  utter  and  abso- 
lute failure. 

In  18 19,  when  the  founders  of  Jefferson ville, 
largely  Cine'  .lati  men,  were  actively  engaged  in 
pushing  their  projects,  this  particular  scheme  was 
revived  with  a  great  deal  of  energy,  and  a  begin- 
ning of  work  made  upon  it.  The  maps  of  the 
town-site,  made  at  this  period,  have  the  line  of 
the  intended  canal  distinctly  marked  upon  them, 
and  traces  of  the  work  actually  done  upon  it  yet 
remain  in  certain  spots.  The  canal  here  was  to 
begin  a  few  rods  east  of  the  original  plat  of  Jeffer- 
sonville,  at  the  mouth  of  the  ravine,  thence  run 
by  the  shortest  route  through  the  back  lots  of  the 
town,  and  terminate  at  the  eddy  at  the  foot  of 
the  Rapids  by  Clarksville.     It  was  to  be  two  and 

one-half  miles  long,  with  a  width  at  the  top  ol 
one  hundred  feet  and  at  the  bottom  of  fifty,  and 
an  average  depth  of  forty-five  feet.  Except  aboui 
one-fourth  of  it  in  the  upper  end,  rock  to  the 
depth  of  ten  or  twelve  feet  would  have  to  be 
blasted  out.  The  twenty-three  feet  fall  given  by 
it,  it  was  expected,  would  furnish  excellent  mill- 
seats  and  power  to  drive  machinery  for  very  ex- 
tensive manufacturing  establishments. 

"'For  the  building  of  this  the  Jefferson  ville  Ohio 
Canal  company  was  incorporated  by  the  Indiana 
Legislature  in  January,  1818,  with  a  capital  of 
$1,000,000,  and  permission  to  raise  $100,000  by 
a  lottery.  The  charter  was  to  run  until  1899,  but 
the  canal,  in  order  to  the  continued  life  of  the 
company,  must  be  completed  by  the  end  of  the 
year  1824. 

By  May,  1819,  the  line  had  been  surveyed  and 
located,  some  contracts  had  been  let,  and  exca- 
vating commenced.  A  writer  soon  after  this 
said  the  work  "  continues  to  be  prosecuted  with 
spirit,  and  the  faint  prospect  of  success."  There 
was  prospect  enough,  though,  to  prompt  Dr.  Mc- 
Murtrie,  writing  the  same  year,  to  devote  a  num- 
ber of  the  most  vigorous  pages  of  his  Sketches  of 
Louisville  to  writing  down  the  scheme  and  put- 
ting it  in  the  very  worst  light.  As  all  the  world 
now  knows,  money  in  sufficiency  could  not  be 
raised  for  it,  even  under  the  inducements  of  a 
lottery,  and  the  project  presently  fell  at  once  and 


Meanwhile  the  friends  of  the  Louisville  plan 
were  not  idle.  In  181 6  Mr.  L.  Baldwin,  a  Gov- 
ernment engineer,  was  sent  out  by  the  Federal 
authorities  to  make  surveys  and  borings  along  the 
Kentucky  shore  near  the  Falls,  and  report  as  to 
the  practicability  of  a  ship-canal  on  that  line. 
He  made  his  investigations  with  due  care,  and 
concluded  that,  by  digging  about  twenty  feet  be- 
low the  surface  (three  and  one-half  through  lime- 
stone rock),  a  sufficient  canal  for  the  passage  oi 
a  four-hundred-ton  vessel  might  be  had.  January 
30,  1818,  another  company  was  chartered  to  ex- 
cavate the  canal;  and  still  nothing  of  account 
was  done.  Finally,  seven  years  afterward,  the 
coming  men  appeared,  and  the  unmistakably 
hopeful  beginning  was  made. 


The    construction   of    the  canal    around  the 



Falls  of  the  Ohio,  on  the  Kentucky  side,  was 
authorized,  and  a  company  for  that  purpose  in- 
corporated, by  act  of  the  General  Assembly  of 
the  State,  approved  January  12,  1825.  The 
company  chartered  was  composed  mainly  of 
gentlemen  residmg  in  Philadelphia,  and  pos- 
sessed of  the  requisite  means,  intelligence,  and 
energy  for  the  prosecution  of  such  an  enterprise. 
The  names  prominently  associated  with  it  in  its 
early  day  were  James  McGilly  Cuddy,  president; 
Simeon  S.  Goodwin,  secretary;  James  Ronald- 
son,  John  C.  Buckland,  William  Fitch,  and  Mr. 
Goodwin,  directors.  Thomas  Hulme  was  also 
a  prominent  member.  The  charter  fixed  the 
amount  of  the  capital  stock  at  $600,000,  to  be 
held  in  shares  of  $100  each,  and  prescribed  the 
time  of  completion  of  the  canal  as  not  to  ex- 
ceed three  years — -a  time  which  was  subse- 
quently, by  a  legislative  act  December  20,  182$, 
extended  to  three  years  from  that  date,  and 
further  extensions  were  subsequently  granted  by 
acts  of  February  6th  and  December  11,  1828. 

Contracts  were  let  in  December,  1825,  or 
January,  of  the  next  year,  for  the  construction 
of  the  canal  by  October,  1827,  for  the  total  sum 
of  $370,000.  The  work  was  begun  in  March, 
1826,  but  dragged  along  till  the  last  of  1828 
without  completion,  when  the  contractors  failed, 
and  new  contracts  had  to  be  made  at  higher 
rates.  The  work  of  excavating  the  canal  was 
begun  as  soon  as  practicable,  but,  as  a  part  of  it 
had  to  be  cut  through  solid  rock,  its  progress 
was  at  times  necessarily  slow. 


Almost  upon  the  inception  of  the  work,  the 
Federal  Government  became  a  shareholder  in  the 
enterprise.  By  an  act  of  Congress,  approved 
May  13,  1826,  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  was 
authorized  to  subscribe  one  thousand  shares  to 
the  capital  stock  of  the  company,  and  by  another 
act,  of  date  March  2,  1829,  a  further  subscrip- 
tion was  authorized,  not  to  exceed  1,350  shares. 
Under  these  acts  the  ofificers  of  the  United  States 
subscribed  or  bought  for  tlie  Government,  2,335 
shares  at  the  full  par  value  of  $100  per  share, 
and  subsequently,  by  the  conversion  of  mterest 
and  tolls  into  stock,  it  became  the  owner  of  567 
addilional  shares,  making  2,902  in  all,  or  552 
more  than  it  was  authorized  to  acquire  by  direct 
subscription.      Down  to  1842,  it  may  here  be  re- 

marked, the  General  Government  received,  as 
earnings  of  their  stock,  in  cash  dividends,  the 
total  sum  of  $257,778 — $24,278  more  than  its 
entire  stock  had  cost  in  actual  money  payments 
— a  vastly  better  return  than  is  usual  in  the  in- 
vestments of  public  authorities.  The  company's 
capital  stock  was  increased  by  the  State  Legisla- 
ture, by  act  of  December  12,  1829,  to  $700,000; 
and  by  an  act  approved  just  two  years  from  that 
date,  it  was  raised  to  whatever  amount  might  be 
necessary  for  the  payment  of  all  costs  and  ex- 
penses of  constructing  the  canal,  and  interest  to 
the  time  it  was  opened  for  navigation.  By  tliis 
time  (December  12,  1831),  and,  indeed,  before 
the  passage  of  the  former  act,  the  work  has  been 
so  far  completed  that  a  steamer  had  passed  its 
channel  and  locks.  This  vessel  was  the  Vesta, 
(some  say  the  Uncas),  said  to  have  been  the  first 
in  the  long  line  of  steamboats  constructed  since 
the  year  181 6  at  Cincinnati.  It  made  its  transit 
through  the  canal  December  21,  1829. 

The  great  work  had  been  sufficiently  com- 
pleted for  this  purpose  within  little  more  than 
three  years.  Nothing  was  done  upon  it  in  1825; 
but  the  next  year  $66,223.56  were  expended  up- 
on the  requisitions  of  the  contractors,  and  $10,- 
946.24  for  the  land  required  for  the  canal.  In 
1827  the  expenditures  upon  the  contract  were 
$111,430.51;  in  1828,  $194,280;  1829,  $151,- 
796.03;  in  1830,  on  the  order  of  the  engineer 
in  charge,  for  labor  and  materials,  $168,302.05; 
and  in  1831,  for  completion  of  contracts  and  ad- 
ditional work,  $3,444.90,  besides  $4,960  for  ex- 
penses of  repairs  and  alterations.  For  some 
time  the  work  was  in  the  hands  of  but  a  single 
contractor,  without  competition;  but  so  small  an 
j  amount  of  labor  was  done  during  the  year  (1829) 
that  the  work  was  next  divided  into  several  con- 
venient sections,  each  of  which  was  let  only  to 
contractors  who  could  give  it  their  personal  su- 
pervision, and  so  the  construction  proceeded 
more  rapidly.  By  the  middle  of  March,  1830, 
as  many  as  seven  companies  of  contractors  were 
thus  engaged  at  prices  somewhat  lower  than 
those  which  prevailed  the  previous  year.  On 
the  first  of  December,  says  the  official  report  for 
the  year,  "the  water,  which  had  been  rising  for 
several  days,  had  attained  to  near  the  top  of  the 
temporary  dam  at  the  head  of  the  canal,  and  the 
whole  line  of  canal,  from  the  basin  to  the  grand 
lock,   being  completely   excavated    and   cleared 



out,  it  was  deemed  advisable  to  remove  the  dam 
and  fill  the  canal,  which  was  done  on  that  day." 
There  were  then  seven  feet  of  water  in  it,  from 
the  basin,  to  the  head  of  the  lock,  being  four 
feet  more  than  there  were  upon  the  Falls. 

It  was  now  announced  that  the  canal  was  com- 
pleted, and  opened  for  navigation.  Mr.  Casse- 
day,  in  his  History  of  Louisville,  gives  the  fol- 
lowmg  description  of  it: 

When  completed,  it  cost  about  $750,000.  It  is  about  two 
miles  in  length  and  is  intended  to  overcome  a  fall  of  twenty- 
four  feet,  occasioned  by  an  irregular  ledge  of  limestone  and 
rock,  through  which  the  entire  bed  of  the  canal  is  excavated, 
a  part  to  the  depth  of  12  feet,  overlaid  with  earth.  There  is 
one  guard  and  three  lift  locks  combined,  all  of  which  have 
their  foundation  on  the  rock.  One  bridge  of  stone  240  feet 
long,  with  an  elevation  of  68  feet  to  the  top  of  the  parapet 
wall,  and  three  arches,  the  center  one  of  which  is  semi-ellip- 
tical, with  a  transverse  diameter  of  66,  and  a  semi-conjugate 
diameter  of  22  feet.  The  two  arches  are  segments  of  40  feet 
span.  The  guard  lock  is  190  feet  long  in  the  clear,  with 
semi-circular  heads  of  26  feet  in  diameter,  50  feet  wide,  and 
42feethigh,  and  contains  21,775  perches  of  mason  work. 
The  solid  contents  of  this  lock  are  equal  to  15  common 
locks,  such  as  are  built  on  the  Ohio  and  New  York  canals. 
The  lift  locks  are  of  the  same  width  with  the  guard  lock,  20 
feet  high  and  183  feet  long  in  the  clear,  and  contain  12,300 
perches  of  mason  work.  The  entire  length  of  the  walls  from 
the  head  of  the  guard  lock  to  the  end  of  the  outlet  lock  is 
921  feet.  In  addition  to  the  amount  of  mason  work  above, 
there  are  three  culverts  to  drain  off  the  water  from  the  adja- 
cent lands,  the  mason  work  of  which,  when  added  to  the 
locks  and  bridge,  gives  the  whole  amount  of  mason  work 
41,989  perches,  equal  to  about  30  common  canal  locks.  The 
cross  section  of  the  canal  is  200  feet  at  top  of  banks,  50  feet 
at  bottom,  and  42  feet  high,  having  a  capacity  equal  to  that 
of  25  common  canals;  and  if  we  keep  in  view  the  unequal 
quantity  of  mason  work,  compared  to  the  length  of  the 
canal,  the  great  difficulties  of  excavating  earth  and  rock  from 
so  great  a  depth  and  width,  together  with  the  contingencies 
attending  its  construction  from  the  fluctuations  of  the  Ohio 
river,  it  may  not  be  considered  as  extravagant  in  drawing 
the  comparison  between  the  work  in  this,  and  in  that  of  70  or 
75  miles  of  common  canaling. 

In  the  upper  sections  of  the  canal,  the  alluvial  earth  to  the 
average  depth  of  20  feet  being  removed,  trunks  of  trees  were 
found,  more  or  less  decayed,  and  so  imbedded  as  to  indicate 
a  powerful  •»>' Tent  towards  the  present  shore,  some  of  which 
were  cedar,  -...m,;!  is  not  now  found  in  this  region.  Severa] 
fire-places  of  a  rude  construction,  with  partially  burnt  wood, 
were  discovered  near  the  rock,  as  well  as  the  bones  of  a 
variety  of  small  animals,  and  several  human  skeletons;  rude 
implements  formed  of  bone  and  stone  were  also  frequently 
seen,  as  also  several  well- wrought  specimens  of  hematite  of 
iron,  in  the  shape  of  plummets  or  sinkers,  displaying  a 
knowledge  in  the  arts  far  in  advance  of  the  present  race  of 

The  first  stratum  of  rock  was  light,  friable  slate  in  close 
contact  with  the  limestone,  and  difficult  to  disengage  from  it ; 
this  slate  did  not,  however,  extend  over  the  whole  surface  of 
the  rock,  and  was  of  various  thicknesses  from  three  inches  to 
four  feet. 

The  stratum  next  to  the  slate  was  a  close  compact  lime- 

stone,  in  which  petrified  sea  shells  and  an  infinite  variety  of 
coraline  formations  were  embedded,  and  frequent  cavities  of 
\  crystaline  encrustations  were  seen,  many  of  which  still  con- 
I  tained  petroleum  of  a  highly  fetid  smell,  whic'h  gives  the  name 
to  this  description  of  limestone.  This  description  of  rock  is 
on  an  average  of  five  feet,  covering  a  substratum  of  a  species 
of  cias  limestone  of  a  bluish  color,  embedding  nodules  of 
hornstone  and  organic  remains.  The  fracture  of  this  stone 
has  in  all  instances  been  found  to  be  irregularly  conchoidal, 
and  on  exposure  to  the  atmosphere  and  subjection  to  fire  it 
crumbled  to  pieces.  When  burnt  and  ground,  and  mixed 
with  a  due  proportion  of  silicious  sand,  it  has  been  found  to 
make  a  most  superior  kind  of  hydraulic  cement  or  water-lime. 

The  discovery  of  this  valuable  limestone  has  enabled  the 
canal  company  to  construct  their  masonry  more  solidly  than 
any  other  known  in  the  United  States. 

A  manufactory  of  this  hydraulic  cement  or  water-lime  is 
now  established  on  the  bank  of  the  canal,  on  a  scale  capable 
of  supplying  the  United  States  with  this  much  valued  mate- 
rial for  all  works  in  contact  with  water  or  exposed  to  moist- 
ure ;  the  nature  of  this  cement  being  to  harden  in  the  water, 
the  grout  used  on  the  locks  of  the  canal  is  already  harder 
than  the  stone  used  in  their  construction. 

After  passing  through  the  stratum  which  was  commonly 
called  the  water-lime,  about  ten  feet  in  thickness,  the  work- 
men came  to  a  more  compact  mass  of  primitive  grey  lime- 
stone, which  however  was  not  penetrated  to  any  great  depth. 
In  many  parts  of  the  excavation,  masses  of  bluish  white  flint 
and  hornstone  were  found  enclosed  in  or  encrusting  the 
fetid  limestone.  And  from  the  large  quantities  of  arrow- 
heads and  other  rude  formations  of  this  flint-stone,  it  is  evi- 
dent that  it  was  made  much  use  of  by  the  Indians  in  forming 
their  weapons  of  war  and  hunting;  in  one  place  a  magazine 
of  arrow  heads  was  discovered,  containing  many  hundreds  of 
those  rude  implements,  carefully  packed  together,  and  buried 
below  the  surface  of  the  grouud. 

The  existence  of  iron  ore  in  considerable  quantities  was 
exhibited  in  the  progress  of  excavation  of  the  canal  by 
numerous  highly  charged  Chalybeate  sjjrings,  that  gushed  out 
and  continued  to  flow  during  the  time  that  the  rock  was  ex- 
posed, chiefly  in  the  upper  strata  of  limestone.*  The  canal 
when  built  was  intended  for  the  largest  class  of  boats,  but  the 
facilities  for  navigation  have  so  far  improved  and  the  size  of 
vessels  increased  so  far  beyond  the  expectations  of  the  pro- 
jectors of  this  enterprise  that  it  is  now  found  much  too  small 
to  answer  the  demands  of  navigation.  The  consequence  is 
that  the  canal  is  looked  upon  as,  equally  with  the  Falls,  a 
barrier  to  navigation.  The  larger  lower-river  boats  refuse  to 
sign  bills  of  lading  compelling  them  to  deliver  their  goods 
above  the  Falls,  and  as  this  class  of  boats  is  increasing,  it 
promises  soon  to  be  as  difficult  to  pass  this  point  as  before 
this  immense  work  was  completed.  As  previous  to  the  under- 
taking of  this  canal,  so  there  are  now  numerous  plans  pro- 
posed for  overcoming  the  impediment ;  and  these  do  not 
differ  materially  from  those  suggested  and  noticed  in  1804. 
The  only  ground  upon  which  all  parties  agree  is,  that  what- 
ever is  done  should  be  effected  by  the  General  Government, 
and  not  left  to  be  completed  by  individual  enterprise. 

The  Government,  as  has  before  been  said,  owns  a  very 
large  part  of  the  stock  in  this  canal,  say  three-fifths,  and 
it  is  strongly  urged  by  a  part  of  the  community  that  nothing 
would  better  serve  the  interests  of  Western  navigation  than  a 
movement  on  the  part  of  the  United  States,   making  it  free. 

*This  is  extracted  from  Mr.  Mann  Butler's  account  of  the 




The  question  of  internal  improvement  is  not  witbin  the 
provinceof  this  history  to  discuss;  but  certainly  a  deaf  ear 
should  not  be  turned  by  the  General  Government  to  the  united 
voice  of  so  many  of  its  children ,  all  alike  demanding  to  be 
relieved  from  their  embarrassments,  and  the  more  particular- 
ly so,  as  it  has  already  heard  and  answered  the  supplications 
of  a  part  of  its  numerous  family.  Any  semblance  of  favor- 
itism in  a  government  is  a  sure  means  of  alienating  the  trust 
and  affection  of  a  part  of  its  dependents.  Whatever  means 
may  be  most  advisable  to  effect  the  removal  of  the  impedi- 
ments to  navigation  here  should  at  once  be  adopted.  And  if 
the  opening  of  the  canal  freely  to  all  could  tend  to  effect  this 
object,  the  Government  has  already  had  from  its  revenue  suf- 
ficent  to  warrant  it  in  taking  off  the  tax  from  navigation. 

During  the  first  year  of  operation,  much  diffi- 
culty was  experienced  from  the  accumulation  of 
mud  in  and  in  front  of  the  lower  lock,  brought 
in  by  repeated  freshets;  from  the  falling  into  the 
canal  of  some  of  the  piles  of  stone  from  the  ex- 
cavation which  had  been  allowed  temporary 
place  upon  the  berme  bank  of  the  canal;  and  the 
large  quantities  of  drift-wood  which  at  one  time 
blocked  up  the  entrance.  Relief  from  all  these 
hindrances  was  eventually  had;  but  large  loss 
was  suffered  by  reason  of  them.  During  the  en- 
tire thirteen  months  from  the  opening  of  the 
canal  December  i,  1830,  to  the  close  of  1831, 
there  were  but  one  hundred  and  four  days  dur- 
ing which  vessels  drawing  more  than  four  feet  of 
water  could  pass  into  or  out  of  the  lower  lock; 
and  it  was  estimated  that  but  for  the  obstruction 
caused  by  mud  here,  three  times  as  many  boats 
would  have  passed  the  canal.  There  were  but 
one  hundred  and  eighty-three  days,  indeed,  when 
any  boats,  however  light  their  draft,  could  pass 
it.  The  entire  transit  of  the  year,  however, 
amounted  to  eight  hundred  and  twenty-seven 
vessels,  with  an  aggregate  tonnage  of  seventy  six 
thousand  three  hundred  and  twenty-three  tons. 
It  is  interesting  to  note,  by  the  aid  of  this  report, 
the  relative  proportions  of  the  several  river-craft 
upon  this  part  of  the  Ohio  half  a  century  ago. 
These  eight  hundred  and  twenty-seven  boats  in- 
cluded less  than  half  that  number  of  steamers 
(four  hundred  and  six),  with  three  hundred  and 
fifty-seven  flat-boats,  forty-eight  keel-boats,  six- 
teen rafts.  The  broadhorn  age  on  the  Western 
waters  had  yet  by  no  means  passed  away. 

In  the  winter  of  1831-32,  and  the  spring  of 
1832,  the  river  was  closed  by  ice  for  an  unusual 
length  of  time,  and  its  break-up  was  followed  by 
great  floods,  which  swept  over  the  banks  of  the 
canal  and  brought  into  it  immense  quantities  of 
mud,  drift-wood,  and  even  houses  carried  off  by 

the  raging  waters.  After  the  flood  had  subsided, 
the  water  was  shut  off  from  the  whole  length  of 
the  canal,  and  it  was  thoroughly  cleared  and  re- 
paired, and  much  new  machinery  added.  The 
upper  and  northern  embankment  was  extended 
in  the  form  of  a  heavy  wall,  to  facilitate  the 
passage  of  boats  and  form  a  barrier  to  the  en- 
trance of  drift-wood.  The  receipts  from  tolls  for 
the  year  were  only  $25,756. 12,  and  it  became 
necessary  to  raise  over  two-thirds  as  much  more 
to  meet  the  large  expenditure. 

In  1833  a  draw-bridge  was  constructed  over 
the  guard-lock,  to  connect  the  villages  of  Port- 
land and  Shippingport.  A  dredging  machine 
was  also  built,  and  used  effectually  in  clearing 
the  mud  collected  at  both  ends  of  the  canal. 
On  the  23d  of  January,  of  this  year,  an  attempt 
was  made  by  enemies  of  the  improvement  to 
disable  it  by  blowing  up  the  locks  with  gun- 
powder. The  blast  did  not  take  effect,  probably 
on  account  of  a  heavy  rain  then  falling;  but  still 
considerable  injury  was  done,  and  it  was  thought 
necessary  to  institute  a  nightly  watch  upon  the 
canal,  and  furnish  its  line  with  lamps.  Prepara- 
tions were  also  made  by  the  perpetrators  of  the 
former  outrage  to  blow  up  the  stone  bridge,  and 
boats  loaded  with  coal  were  actually  sunk  pur- 
posely at  the  mouth  of  the  canal ;  but  all  to  no 
use,  so  far  as  any  permanent  obstruction  was 
concerned.  The  Legislature  promptly  passed 
an  act  making  such  deeds  felony. 

In  1836  the  great  expenses  of  the  canal,  in 
making  repairs  and  removing  obstructions,  made 
necessary  the  raising  of  tolls  to  sixty  cents  per 
ton  for  steamers,  and  three  cents  per  square  toot 
of  area  for  keel-  and  flat-boats.  The  tolls  before 
that  had  been  forty  and  two  cents,  respectively. 
The  next  year  the  total  reached  the  high  figure  of 
$145,424.69,  which  was  $57,081.46  more  than 
the  year  before.  In  1838  the  tolls  were  $180,- 
364.01,  the  largest  in  the  history  of  the  canal;  and 
dividends  amounting  to  seventeen  per  cent,  were 

The  following  description  of  the  work  is  given 
in  the  Louisville  Directory  for  1838-39: 

The  first  public  work  worthy  of  regard  for  its  architecture, 
is  the  Louisville  and  Portland  canal.  A  beautiful  bridge  of 
stone  is  thrown  over  it,  about  midway  with  one  principal 
and  two  smaller  arches ;  the  former  semi-elliptical  of  sixty 
feet  space  and  sixty -eight  feet  to  the  top  of  the  principal  wall, 
the  side-arches  and  segments  of  forty  feet  space.  There  is 
one  guard  and  three  lift-locks,  the  former  one  hundred  and 
ninety  feet    long,  in    the   clear,    with   semi-circular  heads  of 



twenty-six  feet  diameter,  fifty  feet  wide,  and  forty-two  feet 
high,  containing  21,775  perches  of  stone-work.  The  lift- 
locks  are  of  the  sanrie  width  with  the  guard-locks,  twenty  feet 
high  and  one  hundred  and  eighty-three  feet  long  in  the  clear, 
and  contain  12,300  perches  of  masonry.  The  entire  length 
of  the'wall  is  nine  hundred  and  twenty-one  feet.  There  are 
ako  three  culverts,  making  the  whole  masonry  of  the  canal 
41,689  perches. 

In  1839-40  enough  additional  shares  were  sold 
to  raise  the]capital  stock  to  $1,000,000,  to  which 
amount  it  was  resolved  to  limit  the  stock.  In 
February,  1842,  an  act  was  passed  by  the  Gener- 
al Assembly  authorizing  the  stockholders  to  ap- 
propriate the  net  income  of  the  company  to  the 
purchase  of  shares  held  by  individuals,  to  the  in- 
tent that,  when  the  said  shares  should  all  be 
bought  up,  the  canal  might  be  made  free  of 
tolls,  under  the  direction  and  supervision  of  the 
United  States,  which  would  then  be  the  sole  re- 
maining stockholder;  or,  if  the  trust  were  de- 
clined by  the  General  Government,  that  it  might 
be  offered  the  city  of  Louisville  or  the  State  of 
Kentucky.  The  maximum  price  to  be  paid  per 
share  was  fixed  by  this  act  at  $150,  which  indi- 
cates a  large  appreciation  of  the  stock  since  the 
original  subscriptions  were  made. 

The  provisions  of  the  act  were  formally  ac- 
cepted by  the  stockholders,  nearly  all  of  whom 
agreed  to  sell  at  the  maximum  price.  Four  hun- 
dred and  seventy-one  shares  were  bought  next 
year,  and  five  hundred  and  fifiy-four  shares  in 
1844.  A  brief  enactment  was  passed  by  the  As- 
sembly this  year,  to  settle  a  mooted  question  of 
jurisdiction,  in  case  the  Federal  Government 
should  become  sole  owner  of  the  canal.  It  was 
provided  that  then  the  jurisdiction  of  Kentucky 
should  be  wholly  relinquished  to  the  United 
States,  and  that  the  annual  reports  to  the  General 
Assembly,  required  by  the  charter,  need  not  be 
made  by  the  United  States.  A  greater  amount 
of  tonnage  passed  the  canal  this  year  than  dur- 
ing any  previous  year;  but  the  tolls  had  been 
reduced  to  fifty  cents  a  ton,  and  the  total  re- 
ceipts were  not  so  greatly  increased.  During 
1846,  the  Mexican  war  then  prevailing,  the 
steamers  exclusively  employed  by  the  General 
Government  were  permitted  to  pass  the  canal 
free  of  tolls,  on  account  of  the  large  interest 
the  Government  had  acquired  in  the  canal. 
Of  ten  thousand  shares  in  its  capital  stock,  all 
but  3,982  were  virtually  the  property  of  the  Uni- 
ted States.  The  State  of  Kentucky,  however, 
had  begun  to  tax  the  property  and  franchises  of 

the  canal,  and  $3,490  had  to  be  paid  this  year  on 
tax  account. 

By  January  31,  1847,  the  total  number  of 
19.875  steamers  had  passed  the  canal,  and  5,772 
flat-  and  keel  boats,  the  whole  having  a  tonnage 
of  3,698,266.  The  tolls  collected  amounted  to 

Judge  James  Hall,  of  Cincinnati,  who  published 
in  1848  an  interesting  work  on  The  West: 
Its  Commerce  and  Navigation,  includes  some 
severe  remarks  concerning  this  great  work.  He 
says  in  his  chapter  VI.: 

This  work,  which  was  intended  as  a  facility  to  our  com- 
merce and  a  benefit  to  the  whole  people  of  the  West,  has  sig- 
nally failed  in  accomplishing  the  purpose  for  which  it  was 
constructed;  and  as  the  Government  of  the  United  States, 
with  the  beneficent  view  of  patronizing  a  work  of  public  util- 
ity, became  a  partner  in  the  canal,  it  cannot  be  thought  invid- 
ious to  call  the  attention  of  Congress  to  its  deficiencies.  The 
objections  to  this  work  are; 

"  I.  The  contracted  size  of  the  locks,  which  do  not  admit 
the  passage  of  the  largest  class  of  boats. 

"2.  The  iiicfficiency  of  the  construction  of  the  canal, 
which  being  deficient  in  width  and  depth,  causes  great  delay, 
and  often  serious  injury,  to  passing  boats. 

"  3.   The  enormous  and  unreasonable  ta.x  levied  in  tolls." 

Each  of  these  objections  he  proceeds  to  discuss 
at  some  length,  and  not  without  reason  and  force, 
though  with  evident  prejudices  against  the  canal. 

The  last  purchases  of  stock  (except  a  nominal 
amount  of  one  share  for  each  of  five  stockhold- 
ers, retained  at  the  request  of  the  Secretary  of 
the  Treasury,  that  they  might  continue  the  man- 
agement of  the  canal,  pending  the  passage  of  an 
act  of  Congress  to  accept  the  work)  weie  made 
in  January,  1854,  and  January,  1855.  The  price 
of  shares  had  now  greatly  increased,  and  the  six 
hundred  and  ten  bought  in  1854  cost  $249  each; 
for  those  bought  the  next  year  (one  hundred  and 
ninety-five)  $257  per  share  were  paid. 

During  the  year  1854  the  Portland  dry  dock 
and  basin  were  purchased  for  the  uses  of  the 
canal,  at  the  price  of  $50,000.  It  was  estimated 
that  the  use  of  the  dock  basin  added  at  least 
$8,000  a  year  to  the  tolls,  while  the  dock  was 
greatly  needed  to  repair  the  craft  used  in  the 
regular  operations  of  the  canal.  February  i, 
1855,  the  tolls  were  reduced  by  fully  one-half — 
from  fifty  to  twenty-five  cents  per  ton.  Extensive 
improvements  were  made  this  year,  costing  $24,- 
203.67,  and  the  next,  to  the  amount  of  $99,- 
253.42.  During  the  latter  year,  Congress  having 
so  far  declined  to  accept  the  work,  under  the 
condition   of  the  act,  that   it  should  be  enlarged 



"so  as  fully  to  answer  the  purpose  of  its  estab- 
lishment," the  company,  under  the  advice  of  the 
Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  determined  to  have 
surveys  made  for  the  location  of  a  branch  canal, 
with  locks  capacious  enough  to  pass  the  largest 
vessels  on  the  river,  and  to  purchase  the  necessary 
land  for  its  site.  Surveys  and  drawings  were 
accordingly  made  m  1857,  which  were  approved 
at  the  Treasury  Department,  and  on  the  19th  of 
December  the  Assembly  authorized  the  com- 
pany "to  construct  with  the  revenues  and  on  the 
credit  of  the  corporation,  a  branch  canal  suffi- 
cient to  pass  the  largest  class  of  steam  vessels 
navigating  the  Ohio  river."  The  next  year,  a 
change  having  occurred  in  the  Secretaryship  of 
the  Treasury,  the  Hon.  Howell  Cobb,  now  Sec- 
retary, directed  the  total  stopping  of  the  work, 
until  the  pleasure  of  Congress  should  be  further 
known.  The  company  obeyed,  although  pro- 
testing against  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Depart- 
ment to  this  extent,  since,  under  the  act  of  Feb- 
ruary, 1842,  the  United  States  had  as  yet  abso- 
lute control  over  only  its  original  block  of  2,902 
shares  in  the  capital  stock. 

In  1859  large  meetings  of  persons  interested 
in  the  enlargement  of  the  canal  were  held  in 
Louisville,  Cincinnati,  Madison,  and  in  other 
cities,  and  the  importance  of  the  measure 
was  earnestly  pressed  upon  Congress.  That 
body  duly  authorized  the  enlargement  and 
branch  canal  by  resolution  in  May,  i860,  with 
provisos  that  the  United  States  should  not  be 
in  any  way  liable  for  its  cost,  and  that,  when  the 
enlargement  was  completed  and  paid  for,  no 
more  tolls  should  be  collected  thafl  would  pay 
for  its  repair,  superintendence,  and  management. 
In  effect,  Congress  thus  ceded  the  stock  owned 
by  the  United  States  to  the  purposes  of  the  trust 
declared  by  the  Kentucky  statute  of  1842.  Con- 
tracts were  promptly  let  to  Messrs.  Benton  Rob- 
inson &  DeWolf — at  first  for  the  construction 
of  the  branch  canal,  and  then  for  the  enlarge- 
ment of  the  branch  canal,  and  the  work  rapidly 
proceeded.  In  1861  the  sum  of  $357,763.30 
was  paid  on  account  of  canal  improvement, 
about  equally  in  cash  and  mortgage  bonds,  and 
$359,067.50  the  next  year,  mostly  in  bonds. 
Receipts  of  tolls  fell  off  enormously,  in  conse- 
quence of  the  civil  war;  the  rate  was  raised  in 
1862  to  thirty-seven  and  a  half  cents  per  ton,  and 
in  March,  1863,  to   the   old   rate   of  fifty  cents. 

The  canal  improvement  this  year  cost  $274,551.- 
02;  the  next  year  (1864),  $290,297,63;  the  next, 
$143,284.84;  and  the  next,  on  final  settlement 
with  the  contractors,  who  had  been  compelled 
to  surrender  their  contracts  (and  the  company's 
over-work  included),  $256,353.54.  The  means 
applicable  to  the  work,  after  the  expenditure  of 
these  large  sums,  were  now  exhausted,  and  it  was 
estimated  that,  under  the  greatly  increased  cost 
of  labor  and  material  induced  by  the  war,  $1,- 
000,000  more  would  be  necessary  to  finish  it. 
(The  original  estimate,  before  the  war,  for  the 
cost  of  the  work  was  $1,800,000.)  A  mortgage 
was  made  in  i860  upon  the  canal  and  its  reve- 
nues, to  Isaac  Caldwell,  of  Louisville,  and  Dean 
Richmond,  of  Buffalo,  to  secure  the  payment  of 
the  sixteen  thousand  bonds  issued,  of  the  de- 
nomination of  $1,000  each. 

During  1864  the  tow-boat  Thomas  Walker  was 
built  by  the  company,  at  a  cost  of  $15,000,  and 
was  found  exceedingly  useful  in  the  operations 
of  the  canal,  as  well  as  giving  a  handsome  reve- 
nue from  towing  for  others.  The  next  year  a 
dredge-boat  was  bought  of  the  United  States  for 
$1,750.  The  taxes  paid  this  year  were  very  large 
— $7,676  to  the  United  States,  and  $4,022  to  the 
State,  or  $11,698  in  all.  In  1866  $10,430  were 
paid  on  this  account 


Finally,  by  resolutions  of  the  Kentucky  Legis- 
lature passed  in  the  Senate  March  27,  1872,  in 
the  House  March  29th,  approved  by  the  Gov- 
ernor the  same  day,  the  control  of  the  canal  was 
definitely  surrendered  by  this  Commonwealth  to 
the  General  Government,  upon  the  conditions 
precedent  set  forth  in  the  resolutions,  which  were 
accepted  by  the  United  States.  The  text  of  this 
important  measure  should  be  here  recorded  in 

Whereas,  All  the  stock  in  the  Louisville  &  Portland  canal 
belongs  to  the  United  States  Government,  except  five  shares 
owned  by  the  Directors  of  the  Louisville  &  Portland  Canal 
Company,  and  said  Directors,  under  the  authority  of  the 
Legislature  of  Kentucky  and  the  United  States,  executed  a 
mortgage  to  Isaac  Caldwell  and  Dean  Richmond  to  secure 
bonds  named  in  said  mortgage,  some  of  which  are  out  and 
unpaid,  and  said  Canal  Company  may  owe  other  debts;  and 
whereas,  it  is  right  and,  proper  that  the  Government  of  the 
United  States  should  assume  the  control  and  management  of 
said  canal;  therefore,  be  it 

Resolved  by  the  General  Assembly  of  the  Commonwealth  of 
Kentucky,  That  the  President  and  Directors  of  the  Louisville 
&  Portland  Canal  Company  are  hereby  authorized  and  direct- 
ed to  surrender  the  said  canal,  and  all  the  property  connect- 



ed  therewith  to  the  Government  of  the  United   States,  upon 
the  following  terms  and  conditions: 

1.  That  the  Government  of  the  United  States  shall  not 
levy  tolls  on  said  canal,  except  such  as  shall  be  necessaiy  to 
keep  the  same  in  repair,  pay  all  necessary  superintendence, 
custody,  and  expenses,  and  make  all  necessary  improve- 

2.  That  the  cijy  of  Louisville  shall  have  the  right  to  throw 
bridges  over  the  canal  at  such  points  as  said  city  may  deem 
proper:  Provided,  always,  that  said  bridges  shall  be  so  lo- 
cated as  not  to  interfere  with  the  use  of  the  canal,  and  so 
constructed  as  not  to  interfere  with  its  navigation. 

3.  That  the  title  and  possession  of  the  United  States  of 
the  said  canal  shall  not  interfere  with  the  right  of  the  State 
to  serve  criminal  and  civil  processes,  or  with  the  State's 
general  power  over  the  tenitory  covered  by  the  canal  and  its 

4.  A  lid  further.  That  the  city  of  Louisville  shall  at  all  times 
have  the  right  of  drainage  into  said  canal,  provided  that  the 
connections  between  the  drains  and  the  canal  shall  be  made 
upon  the  plan  to  keep  out  mud  and  garbage. 

5.  That  the  use  of  the  water-power  of  the  canal  shall  be 
guaranteed  forever  to  the  actual  owners  of  the  property  con- 
tiguous to  said  canal,  its  branches  and  dams,  subject  to  such 
restrictions  and  regulations  as  may  be  made  by  the  Secretary 
of  the  Department  of  the  United  States  Government  which 
may  have  charge  of  said  canal. 

6.  That  the  Government  of  the  United  States,  before  such 
surrender,  discharge  all  the  debts  due  by  said  canal  company 
and  purchase  the  stock  of  said  directors. 

The  total  amount  of  tolls  received  on  the 
canal  year  by  year,  since  183 1,  when  tolls  first 
figured  in  the  annual  reports  of  the  company,  to 
187 1,  are  as  follows: 

1831 $  12,750.77 

1832 25,756.12 

1833 60,736.92 

1834 61,848.17 

1835 80,165.24 

1836 88,343.23 

1837 145.424-69 

1838 121,107.16 

1839 180,364.01 

1840 134,904.55 

1841  113.944-59 

1842 95,005. 10 

1843 107,274.65 

1844 140,389.97 

1845 138.291-17 

1846 149,401.84 

1847 139,900.72 

1848 158,067.96 

1849 129,953.46 

1850 115,707.88 

852 $153,758.12 

853 178.869.39 

854-S  (13  mo.)..  149,640.43 

855  (II  months)..  94,356.19 

856 75.791-85 

857 110,015.38 

858 75,479.21 

859 90.905-63 

860 131,917.15 

861 42,650.02 

862 69,936.90 

863 152,937.02 

864 164,476.26 

865 175.515-49 

866 180,925.40 

867 114,961.35 

868 155.495-88 

869 167,171.60 

870 139,175.00 

871 159.838.90 

1851 167,066.49 

Since  the  enlargement  of  the  canal  and  its 
transfer  to  the  F'ederal  Government,  the  heavy 
tolls  before  exacted  have  been  abolished  and  the 
work  is  now  practically  free  to  the  commerce  of 
any  and  every  State. 


so   long   desired  was   made  in  1870-71,  and  the 

new  locks  were  opened  November  20,  1871,  for 
the  passage  of  boats.  Mr.  Collins  says:  "In 
widenmg  it  to  90  feet  40,000  cubic  yards  of  earth 
were  taken  out,  and  90,00c  of  solid  limestone — 
the  ledge  11  to  12  feet  thick;  11,000  cubic  yards 
of  dry  wall  masonry  were  built.  Instead  of  a 
fall  of  16  feet  in  1 1^  miles,  will  be  a  fall  of  26 
feet  in  nearly  two  miles — a  lengthening  the  dis- 
tance the  water  will  have  to  flow  between  the 
head  and  foot  of  the  fall,  in  order  to  lessen  the 
force  of  the  current." 

Work  upon  the  improvement  contmued  dur- 
ing the  succeeding  years,  and  by  the  close  of 
1881  the  total  enlargement  was  $1,451,439.40, 
and  it  was  estimated  that  $50,000  more  could  be 
profitably  expended  upon  it  during  the  next  six 
months.  By  means  of  the  improvement  boats 
so  large  as  three  hundred  and  thirty-five  feet 
long  and  eighty-five  feet  wide  can  easily  pass 
the  canal.  The  total  passing  of  the  year  1881 
was  4,196  vessels,  with  a  registered  tonnage  of 
1,424,838  tons,  while  1,723  boats  with  517,361 
tons  passed  down  the  Falls.  The  canal  was 
open  280  days  this  year,  being  closed  by  high 
water  41  days  and  by  ice  25.  Below  the  canal 
an  important  improvement  was  made  this  year, 
in  the  extension  of  Portland  dyke  2,300  feet, 
with  700  to  be  constructed  in  1882,  which  would 
render  the  bar  near  it  navigable  in  all  stages  of 


The  project  of  a  bridge  across  the  Falls  of  the 
Ohio  naturally  occupied  the  attention  of  intelli- 
gent people  at  the  Falls  cities  for  many  years. 
To  it  the  late  Hon.  James  Guthrie  and  other 
leading  capitalists  and  public-spirited  men  gave 
some  of  their  best  energies.  Among  other 
efforts  to  awaken  public  attention  to  the  import- 
ance of  the  enterprise,  an  able  article  in  thf 
Daily  Courier  of  March  4,  1854,  is  especially  re- 
membered. On  the  loth  of  March,  1856,  the 
Legislature  of  Kentucky  granted  a  charter,  to 
Thomas  W.  Gibsort;  L.  A.  Whiteley,  Joshua  F. 
Bullitt,  Joseph  Davis  Smith,  and  David  T,  Mon- 
sarrat,  as  corporators  of  the  Louisville  Bridge 
company.  Nothing  to  speak  of  was  done  under 
it,  however,  except  to  keep  the  project  more  con- 
spicuously before  the  public.  At  length,  on  the 
19th  of  February,  1862,  another  act  was  passed 
by  the  General  Assembly,  "to  incorporate  the 
Lonisville  Bridge  company,"  which  revived  and 



confirmed  the  charter  of  1856,  to  James  Guth- 
rie, D.  Ricketts,  G.  H.  Ellery,  and  their  asso- 
ciates, as  successors  to  the  persons  named  in  the 
former  charter,  and  vested  with  all  its  powers 
and  rights.  January  17,  1865,  an  act  of  Con- 
gress was  approved,  supplemental  to  an  act  to 
establish  post-roads  (under  which  the  bridges  at 
Steubenviile,  Bellaire,  and  Parkersburg  were 
built),  and  authorizing  the  Louisville  &  Nashville 
and  Jeffersonville  railroad  companies,  which  had 
become  stockholders  in  the  company,  to  con- 
struct a  railway  bridge  across  the  Ohio  at  the 
head  of  the  Falls,  at  a  height  not  less  than  fifty- 
five  feet  above  low-water  mark,  and  with  three 
draws  sufficient  to  pass  the  largest  boats  navigat- 
ing the  Ohio  river — one  over  the  Indiana  chute, 
one  over  the  middle  chute,  and  one  over  the  canal; 
with  spans  not  less  than  two  hundred  and  forty 
feet,  except  over  the  said  chutes  and  canal,  and 
with  draws  of  one  hundred  and  fifty  feet  wide  on 
each  side'of  the  pivot  pier  over  the  Indiana  and 
middle  chutes,  and  ninety  feet  wide  over  the 
canal;  the  bridge  and  draws  to  be  so  constructed 
as  not  to  interrupt  the  navigation  of  the  river. 
Such  bridge  was  declared,  when  built,  to  be  a 
lawful  structure,  and  to  be  recognized  and  known 
as  a  post-route. 

In  a  hundred  days  from  the  passage  of  this 
act  the  war  was  over,  and  the  way  for  the  great 
work  was  clearer.  Many  months  more  were 
necessarily  passed  in  settling  the  legal  questions 
arising  under  the  act  of  Congress,  and  in  making 
the  indispensable  arrangements  for  money  and 
labor;  but  in  the  fullness  of  time  all  was  ready, 
and  the  contracts  were  let.  The  materials  for 
the  first  span  were  to  be  delivered  by  June  i, 
1868,  and  for  the  others  as  fast  as  would  be  re- 
quired by  the  completion  of  the  masonry.  The 
erection  of  the  superstructure  was  begun  in  May, 
1868;  and  the  work  went  forward  with  reasona- 
ble rapidity.  There  were  occasional  unfortunate 
accidents  in  its  progress,  some  of  them  involving 
loss  of  life;  but  none  seriously  delaying  the  work 
except  extraordinary  freshets  in  September  and 
October,  1868,  and  an  accident  on  the  7th  of 
December,  1869,  when  a  steamboat  with  a  tow 
of  barges,  passing  the  Falls  during  a  heavy 
freshet,  knocked  out  and  destroyed  the  false 
work  erected  for  the  last  span — that  next  the  In- 
diana chute.  But  for  this  disaster  the  bridge 
would  have   been   completed    the  same  month. 

With  tremendous  energy  and  very  large  expense, 
however,  the  material  was  replaced  and  the  span 
put  in;  the  first  connection  of  superstructure  be- 
tween the  two  shores  was  made  February  i,  1870; 
the  railway  track  was  promptly  laid,  and  the  first 
train  passed  over  on  the  12th  of  that  month;  and 
the  bridge  was  thrown  open  to  the  public  on  the 
24th.  The  foot  walks  on  the  east  side  of  the 
bridge  were  not  ready  for  use  until  the  13th  of 
the  next  November.  The  bridge  had  cost,  to 
the  close  of  1870,  $2,003,696.27,  including 
$114,562  interest  on  the  capital  stock,  and  all 
other  expenses.  The  construction  account 
alone  was  $1,641,618.70,  reaching  not  greatly 
beyond  the  estimate  of  the  chief  engineer  Janu- 
ary I,  1868,  which  was  $1,500,000.  The  partial 
year  of  operation  in  1870  yielded  the  company 
a  gross  income  of  $121,267.55 — $84,605.98  tolls 
from  railway  freights,  $35,515-97  from  railway 
passengers,  and  $1,145.60  tolls  on  the  foot  walks. 
The  operating  expenses  were  $91,023.77. 

Mr.  Albert  Fink  was  the  chief  engineer  for  the 
construction  of  this  mighty  work,  his  connection 
with  it  ceasing  March  i,  1870.  His  principal 
assistant  was  Mr.  F.  W.  Vaughn,  and  Edwin 
Thacher  was  assistant  in  charge  of  the  instru- 
mental work.  Patrick  Flannery  and  M.  J. 
O'Connor  had  the  masonry  in  charge,  and  Henry 
BoUa  the  iron  superstructure.  The  contractors 
for  this  were  the  Louisville  Bridge  and  Iron  com- 
pany, Mr.  E.  Benjamin  superintendent. 

The  bridge  is  used  by  the  Ohio  &  Mississippi, 
the  Louisville,  New  Albany  &  Chicago,  and  the 
Jeffersonville,  Madison  &  Indianapolis  railroads. 
The  Pennsylvania  company,  controlling  the  last- 
named,  which  built  the  embankment  at  the  east 
end  of  the  bridge,  thus  aontiols  the  Indiana  ap- 

The  following  description  of  the  bridge  is  ex- 
tracted from  a  report  made  to  the  chief  of  en- 
gineers of  the  United  States  army  in  187 1  by 
Generals  G.  K.  Warren  and  G.  Weitzel  and 
Colonel  Merrill,  a  Board  detailed  to  examine 
and  report  upon  the  work: 

This  bridge,  sometimes  known  as  the  Ohio  Falls  bridge,  is 
a  railroad  and  foot  bridge,  and  it  crosses  the  Ohio  river  at 
the  head  of  the  Falls,  extending  from  a  point  just  below  the 
city  of  Jeffersonville,  in  Indiana,  to  the  foot  of  Fourteenth 
street  in  the  city  of  Louisville.  It  belongs  to  a  special 
bridge  corporation,  and  serves  to  connect  the  Indiana  rail- 
way system  with  the  roads  on  the  south  of  the  Ohio  that 
centre  at  Louisville. 

The  bridge,  as  built,  belongs  to  the  class  of  ' '  high  "  bridges. 



IS  distinguished  from  bridges  with  draws  and  an  elevation  of 
but  seventy  feet. 

It  has  a  single  railroad  track,  and  two  sidewalks,  each  6.2 
feet  wide,  and  its  total  length  between  abutments  is  5,218?^ 
feet.  The  spans  commencing  at  the  abutment  on  the  In- 
diana or  north  shore  are  as  follows:  99,  149.6,  180,  180,  iRo, 
398 K  (Indiana  Chute).  245^,  245^,  245^,  245}^,  245^, 
2455^.  370  (Middle  Chute),  227,  227,  210,  210,  180,  180, 
149.58,  149.58,  149.58,  149.58,  132,  132  (draw  over  canal), 
50,  50.  These  dimensions  are  from  center  to  center  of  piers, 
and  they  are  greater  by  the  half-widths  of  two  piers  than  the 
clear  waterway.  The  trusses  themselves  are  of  the  two  styles 
patented  by  Mr.  Albert  Fink,  the  chief  engineer  of  the 
bridge.  The  two  channel-spaces  are  spanned  by  Fink  trian- 
gular trusses,  and  all  the  others  except  the  draw  by  Fink 
trussed  girders.  The  draw-bridge  is  what  is  generally  known 
as  a  Warren  girder,  differing  only  from  the  triangular  in  that 
the  latter  has  certain  additional  members  that  are  necessary 
to  adapt  it  to  long  spans.  The  former  are  "through,"  or 
"over-grade"  bridges,  and  the  Litter  "deck,"  or  "under- 
grade." The  clear  waterway  at  the  Indiana  chute,  meas- 
ured on  the  low  water  line,  is  380  feet,  and  at  the  Middle 
chute  352  Ji  feet.  The  roadway  bearers  of  the  channel-spans 
are  suspended  below  the  bottom  chords,  and  consequently 
the  height  under  the  bridge  available  for  steamboats  must 
be  measured  to  these  members.  The  line  of  the  roadway 
bearers  of  the  Indiana  channel-span  is  96}^  feet  above  low 
water,  and  45}^  feet  above  highest  water,  the  ma.ximum 
oscillation  being  51  feet.  At  the  middle  channel-space  the 
river  is  dry  at  low  water,  and  the  available  space  above  the 
river  bed  is  90  feet.  These  two  channel-spans  are  on  the 
same  level,  but  at  the  Indiana  channel  the  break  in  the  rocky 

ledge  is  1,000  feet  above,  while  in  the  middle  channel  it  is 
6,000  feet  below.  The  line  of  the  crest  of  the  Falls  is  e.xceed- 
ingly  irregular,  crossing  the  line  of  the  bridge  between  the 
two  channel-spans  nearly  at  right  angles. 

The  tops  of  the  channel  piers  and  of  all  piers  between 
them  are  97  Ji'  feet  above  low  water  of  the  Indiana  chute. 
The  others  are  lower,  conforming  to  the  grades  of  the 

The  foundations  of  all  the  piers  of  this  bridge  were  laid 
on  the  solid  rock,  and  therefore  there  is  no  need  of  any  rip- 
rap protection  around  them. 

The  right  pier  of  the  Indiana  channel-space  is  64  feet  6 
inches  by  17  feet  io}i  inches  at  bottom;  thence  it  is  carried 
up  vertically,  with  10^4  inches  of  offsets,  to  10  feet  above 
low  water.  Above  this  the  sides  have  the  uniform  batter  up 
to  the  coping  of  7-16  of  an  inch  per  foot.  The  left  pier  is 
65  feet  6  inches  by  18  feet  8  inches  at  bottom,  and  is  carried 
up  vertically  with  i  foot  6%  inches  of  offsets  to  18  feet  above 
low  water.  Above  this  the  sides  have  the  usual  batter.  The 
up  and  down-stream  ends  of  the  pier?  are  built  alike,  with 
starlings  formed  by  the  mtersections  of  arcs  of  circles  with 
radii  of  12  J^  feet.  They  are  capped  by  hoods  at  high-water 
mark,  and  above  this  are  finished  with  semicircular  sections. 
These  piers  on  top  (without  coping),  measure  33  by  10. 
The  piers  of  the  middle  channel  are  64  by  17  X  feet  at  bot- 
tom, and  33  by  10  feet  on  top,  with  starlings  and  hoods  like 
the  other  channel  piers.  The  other  piers  are  similarly  con- 
structed, excepting  that  above  the  lower  starlings  and  hoods 
they  have  another  starling  and  hood,  which  makes  a  shorter 
length  of  pier  on  top.  The  top  of  pier  No.  7 
(without  coping)  are  21  by  7,  the  dimensions  at  bottom  being 
45  5-6  feet  by  14'^. 

The  grades  and   curvatures   on  this  bridge   and   its   ap- 

proaches are  as  follows,  commencing  at  the  face  of  the  abut- 
ment on  the  Indiana  or  northern  shore  : 








Tangent. . 

Indiana  side. 

Channel. spans  and  spans  be- 

Kentucky  side.             [tween. 


The  approach  to  this  bridge  on  the  Indiana  shore  consists 
of  a  long  and  high  embankment.  This,  however,  does  not 
properly  belong  to  the  biidge,  and,  in  accordance  with  the 
rule  adopted  for  other  bridges,  we  consider  that  we  have 
reached  the  end  of  a  bridge  when  we  come  to  earth-work. 
Under  this  rule  this  bridge  has  no  approaches,  the  entire 
space  from  abutment  to  abutment  being  waterway. 

This  bridge  crosses  the  Louisville  and  Portland  canal  1,700 
feet  below  the  guard-lock  at  the  head.  An  unobstructed 
passageway  for  steamboats  is  secured  by  means  of  a  draw, 
giving  a  clear  opening  of  114  feet  over  the  canal.  The  other 
end  of  the  draw  projects  over  a  portion  of  the  river,  and  by 
modifying  the  canal-bank  on  this  side  so  that  it  shall  just 
have  the  width  of  the  pivot  of  the  draw,  it  will  be  practicable 
for  steamboats  in  high  water  to  ascend  the  river  without 
lowering  the  chimneys.  This  is  a  very  valuable  provision  for 
boats  that  habitually  run  where  there  are  no  bridges,  which 
yet  may  occasionally  wish  to  go  above  Louisville.  In  low 
water  such  boats  can  pass  through  the  canal,  and  in  high 
water,  by  using  the  other  end  of  the  same  draw,  they  can 
pass  up  the  river  even  should  they  be  too  wide  to  get  through 
the  new  locks.     ... 

The  total  high-water  section  of  the  river  on  the  line  of  the 
bridge  is  216,249  square  feet,  of  which  13,573  square  feet,  or 
six  per  cent.,  is  occupied  by  the  piers.  This  contraction 
would  probably  cause  no  perceptible  increase  of  velocity. 
The  low-water  section  is  1,377  square  feet,  of  which  60  square 
feet,  or  four  and  one-half  per  cent. ,  is  obstructed.  All  the 
water  at  this  stage  is  running  through  the  Indiana  chute;  but 
there  being  no  navigation  possible,  the  effect  of  the  piers 
need  not  be  considered. 

The  board  have  no  changes  to  recommend  in  this  bridge, 
which  they  consider  a  first-class  structure  throughout,  and 
very  much  less  an  obstruction  than  it  might  have  been  had 
its  builders  limited  themselves  to  giving  only  what  they  were 
compelled  by  law  to  give.  On  the  contrary,  they  have 
chosen  to  build  according  to  the  highest  of  the  three  author- 
ized plans,  and  have  exceeded  the  heights  and  widths  that 
even  this  plan  required,  spending  $150,000  more  than  was 
necessary  to  comply  with  the  letter  of  the  law.  Instead  of  a 
300-foot  opening  at  low  water,  one  of  their  channel-spans 
gives  380  feet,  and  the  other  352 X  feet.  The  total  cost  of 
the  bridge,  from  abutment  to  abutment,  was  $1,615,120. 


This  is  in  course  of  construction  across  the 
Ohio,  from  the  foot  of  Twenty-third  street,  Louis- 
ville, over  Sand  Island  to  the  foot  of  Vincennes 
street.  New  Albany,  a  distance  of  2,551  feet.  It 
is  the  outgrowth  of  the  project  of  the  Louis- 
ville, Evansville  &  St.  Louis  railroad,  presently 
to  be  consummated,  and  which  saw  no  way 
into  Louisville  except  by  a  lengthy  steam-ferry 



reached  by  precipitous  banks  or  by  the  track 
from  New  Albany  to  Jeffersonvilie,  controlled  by 
the  Pennsylvania  company,  and  thence  by  the 
present  bridge.  This  compels  the  traverse  of  a 
distance  of  six  miles,  which  the  new  bridge  re- 
duces one-half 

April  I,  1880,  the  Kentucky  Legislature  grant- 
ed a  very  liberal  charter  to  the  Kentucky  &  In- 
diana Bridge  company  for  the  erection  of  this 
bridge.  A  similar  act  of  incorporation  was  se- 
cured in  Indiana.  October  19,  1881,  an  ordin- 
ance of  the  Louisville  General  Council  was  ap- 
proved, granting  the  company  the  right  of  way  in 
the  city,  for  the  location  and  building  of  piers, 
approaches  to  and  abutments  of  its  bridge.  The 
company  had  meanwhile  (in  February,  1881) 
been  organized,  with  Colonel  Bennett  H.  Young, 
of  Louisville,  as  president.  The  stock-books  of 
the  company  were  opened  in  Louisville,  and 
within  two  days  twice  as  many  subscriptions  were 
offered  as  could  be  received.  Ample  surveys 
and  soundings  were  made,  and  plans  and  specifi- 
cations prepared.  Mr.  John  MacLeod  was  em- 
ployed as  chief  engineer,  and  Mr.  C.  Shaler 
Smith,  consulting  engineer.  Their  estimate  for 
the  entire  cost  of  the  work  was  $1,385,000,  but 
contracts  were  let  the  same  year  to  the  amount 
of  $1,400,000.  The  foundation  work  was  con- 
tracted at  $59,000,  the  iron  and  steel  for  the 
main  bridge  at  $577,000.  The  corner-stone  of 
the  new  bridge  was  laid  in  New  Albany,  October 
29,  1 88 1,  with  imposing  ceremonies,  of  which  a 
sufficient  account  is  comprised  in  the  history  of 
that  place.  The  city  had  endorsed  $250,000  of 
the  $1,000,000  thirty-year  five  per  cent,  bonds 
issued  by  the  company,  the  city  stipulating  that 
work  should  begin  before  October  11,  1881.  It 
was  commenced  in  the  first  week  of  that  month; 
two  of  the  seven  river  foundations  were  soon 
secured,  and  work  upon  the  third  was  to  begin  by 
November  loth.  It  is  understood  at  this  writing 
(March,  1882,)  that  the  bridge  will  go  on  rai)idly 
to  completion. 

The  report  of  the  ceremonies  at  the  laying  of 
the  corner-stone  embodies  a  description  of  the 
bridge  to-be,  from  which  we  quote  the  follow- 

The  Kentucky  and  Indiana  bridge  will  be  2,400  feel  in 
Iciigih,  but  4,800  feet  fram  grade  to  grade,  43  feet  wide  on 
roadway  deck,  the  only  bridge  on  the  Ohio  entirely  of 
wrought  iron  and  steel  of  the  finest  qu.ility,  and  the  only 
structure  which  impedes  navigation   so   little;  also    have  its 

piers  located  so  as  to  please  the  coal  men  (who,  if  rumors 
be  true,  are  not  the  most  easily  satisfied  persons  in  the 

The  two  channel  spans  are  483  and  480  feet  in  length  and 
require  5,400,000  pounds  of  metal,  each  demanding  propor- 
tionally two  and  a  half  times  as  much  steel  and  iron  as  the 
400-foot  span  of  the  upper  bridge  ;  that  while  adding  83  feet 
to  the  length  of  the  span  the  width  is  also  doubled ;  that  in 
addition  to  the  weight  of  the  material  required  in  the  con- 
struction of  the  highway  and  footway  the  present  increased 
weight  of  railway  rolling  stock  has  been  provided  for. 

The  great  development  both  in  trade  and  population  of  the 
cities  to  be  connected  forbids  the  construction  now  of  a  bridge 
that  will  not  accommodate  all  classes  of  travel.  This  struc- 
ture now  to  rise  will  carry  s:ife!y  the  single  footman  who  may 
wish  to  pass  from  shore  to  shore,  while  by  his  side  at  the  same 
level  will  move,  if  required,  two  40-ton  engines,  drawing 
thirty  cars  laden  with  stone ;  and  still  alongside  a  double 
procession  of  wagons,  loaded  to  their  fullest  capacity,  can 
pass ;  and  yet  with  this  enormous  burden,  the  stram  on  any 
part  will  have  reached  only  one-fifth  its  ultimate  strength. 

The  piers  on  either  side  will  consist  of  two  iron  cylinders 
sunk  to  a  solid  foundation  and  filled  with  concrete  and 
capped  with  stone,  while  the  seven  river  piers  will  be  built  of 
Bedford  oolitic  limestone,  rising  one  hundred  and  eleven  feet 
in  height.  The  Indiana  approach  will  be  fifteen  hundred  feet 
long,  with  a  nine  hundred  and  ten  foot  highway  approach. 
The  piers  will  contain  19,492  cubic  yards  of  masonry  and  the 
two  approaches  3,330  more;  the  main  bridge  will  require  4,- 
092,000  pounds  of  iron  and  3,180,000  pounds  of  steel,  with 
1,051,000  feet  of  lumber,  board  measurement;  while  the  ap- 
proaches will  consume  2,551,000  pounds  of  iron,  and  819,000 
feet  of  lumber.  The  railway  and  wagon-way  are  entirely  sep- 
arate, never  crossing  each  other,  and  the  horses  will  never 
see  the  trains.  The  piers  will  be  carried  down  to  bed  rock, 
and  for  the  first  time  on  the  Ohio  river  the  channel  spans  will 
be  built  without  the  use  of  false  work  to  impede  navigation. 
The  masonry  for  eighteen  feet  above  low  water  mark  is  laid 
in  Portland  cement,  and  will  to  that  height  have  a  granite 
facing.  The  entire  wood  in  the  bridge  will  be  of  treated 
lumber,  having  had  the  preservative  forced  in  under  a  pres- 
sure of  one  hundred  jjounds  to  the  square  inch,  while  the 
roadways  will  be  made  of  creosoted  gum  blocks  laid  in  asphalt 
and  gravel.  All  other  highways  on  Ohio  river  bridges  are 
simply  plank.  The  structure  will  also  have  a  double  draw, 
giving  one  hundred  and  eighty-five  feet  channel  room  on 
either  side  of  the  pier  and  be  operated  by  steam,  improve- 
ments found  in  no  other  bridge  on  the  river. 

There  has  for  many  years  existed  the  belief  that  over  Sand 
Island  is  the  best  place  on  the  river  for  a  bridge,  and  the  one 
which  nature  had  specially  designed  for  that  purpose.  Here 
there  are  only  nine  piers;  above  there  are  twenty-si.K. 

There  is  however  one  peculiarity  at  this  site.  The  rise  and 
f.iU  of  the  water  here  exhibit  the  greatest  difference  at  any 
point  on  the  river.  The  vast  volume  of  water  that  pours 
over  the  Falls  with  such  terrific  force  can  not  escape  through 
the  narrow  banks  from  here  to  the  bend  below  New  Albany 
— it  bacKS  up  and  crowds  over  the  banks;  and  according  to 
the  test —the  great  rise  of  1832- shows  here  a  difference  of 
si.xty-seven  and  a  half  feet  between  high  and  low  water  mark, 
thus  rec|uiring  this  bridge  to  be  laid  on  one  hundred  and 
eleven  foot  piers,  ten  feet  higher  than  the  upper  bridge  piers, 
and  making  the  bottom  chord  one  hundred  and  ten  feet  above 
low  and  forty-five  feet  above  high  water,  which  is  now  re- 
quired by  the  act  of  Congi-ess  providing  for  the  construction 
of  bridges  over  this  portion  of  the  stream. 





Early  Locomotive  in  Louisville — The  Lexington  &  Ohio 
Railroad — The  Louisville,  Cincinnati  &  Lexington  (Short 
Line) — A  Reniiniscence  of  1838-39— The  yeffersonville, 
Madison  &  Indianapolis — The  Louisville  &  Nashville — The 
Louisville,  New  Albany  &  Chicago — The  Elizabethtown 
&  Paducah — The  Ohio  &  Mississippi — The  Louisville, 
Evansville  &  St.  Louis — The  Chesapeake  &  Ohio — The 
Fort  Wayne,  Cincinnati  &  Louisville— The  Louisville, 
Harrod's  Creek  &  Westport  Narrow  Guage — Railway 
Notes — Turnpike  Roads — The  Louisville  &  Cincinnati 
United  States  Mail  Line  of  Steamers. 


It  is  a  fact  not  generally  known,  we  suspect, 
even  to  residents  of  the  Falls  cities,  that  some 
of  the  very  first  attempts  at  the  building  of  loco- 
motive engines  and  of  railways  were  made  in 
this  region,  on  the  Kentucky  side.  Not  a  mile 
had  yet  been  traversed  on  an  iron  way  in  Amer- 
ica, with  steam  as  a  motor,  before  Thomas  H. 
Barlow,  a  Lexington  man,  in  the  late  '20's  built 
a  small  locomotive  in  that  place,  of  which  he 
made  a  public  show  upon  a  circular  track  in  a  hall 
there,  and  in  1827  brought  it  to  Louisville  and 
exhibited  its  working  upon  a  similar  track  in  the 
old  Woodland  Garden.  A  little  passenger  car, 
with  two  seats,  was  drawn  by  it,  and  many  old 
citizens  of  the  town  had  a  ride  in  what  was  prob- 
ably the  first  vehicle  drawn  by  steam  in  the  New 
World.  The  model  of  Barlow's  locomotive  may 
be  seen  to  this  day  in  the  museum  of  the  Asylum 
at  Lexington;  and  one  of  his  remarkable  "plane- 
tariums  "  is  in  the  collection  of  the  Polytechnic 
society,  in  Louisville. 

It  was  about  tyvo  years  after  the  exhibition  by 
Barlow  in  Louisville  before  the  first  locomotive 
in  this  country,  an  English  one,  drew  a  train  up- 
on the  first  steam  railroad,  that  of  the  Delaware 
&  Hudson  Canal  company,  on  the  track  from 
their  mines  to  Honesda^e.  Pennsylvania. 


This  was  the  pioneer  railway  in  Kentucky,  and 
the  first  to  enter  Louisville.  Its  company  was 
chartered  in  1830,  at  the  instance  of  a  number 
of  the  leading  men  of  Lexington,  with  a  capital 
of  $1,000,000,  and  authority  to  build  a  road  from 
Lexington  to  some  place  on  the  -Ohio  river, 
Louisville  was  the  terminal  point,  however,  in 
view  from  the  beginning,  and  prominent  citizens 
of  this  place  were  early  and  eagerly  interested  in 
the  project. 

It  has  been  asserted  that  this  was  the  second 
steam  railway  started  in  the  United  States,  which 
is  not  quite  true;  but  another  assertion,  made 
by  Colonel  Durrett  in  one  of  his  historical  articles 
of  1880,  is  undoubtedly  correct,  that  when  the 
charter  for  it  was  granted,  but  twenty-three  miles 
of  such  railroad  were  operated  in  all  the  land, 
and  when  work  was  begun  the  next  year,  only 
ninety-five  miles  had  been  completed  on  this 
continent.  The  first  spike  of  the  Lexington  & 
Ohio  road  was  driven  October  21,  183 1,  at  the 
intersection  of  Water  and  Mill  streets,  in  Lexing- 
ton, by  Governor  Thomas  Metcalf,  then  Chief 
Executive  of  the  State.  Dr.  Charles  Caldwell, 
of  the  Medical  Department  of  Transylvania  Uni- 
versity, delivered  the  address  of  the  occasion. 
The  city  of  Louisville,  four  years  after,  con- 
tributed $200,000  to  the  road.  Colonel  Durrett's 
lucid  words,  in  the  newspaper  article  above  re- 
ferred to,  will  tell  the  rest  of  the  story: 

The  work  of  construction  progressed  slowly,  and  trains  did 
not  get  through  to  Frankfort,  a  distance  of  twenty-nine 
miles,  until  about  the  close  of  the  year  1835.  The  first  ma- 
terials for  construction,  and  the  first  freight  and  passengers 
were  drawn  over  the  road  by  horse;  but  when  part  of  the 
road  had  been  formally  opened  to  the  public,  in  1834,  and 
the  locomotive  went  thundering  over  it,  a  grand  ball  cele- 
brated the  event,  at  Brennan's  tavern,  in  Lexington.  The 
track  was  originally  laid  with  fiat  rails  spiked  down  to  stone 
sills,  and  much  trouble  and  danger  was  caused  by  one  end  of 
the  thin  iron  bars  rising  up  when  the  locomotive  wheels 
pressed  upon  the  other. .  All  these  difficulties  have  since 
been  overcome  by  sleepers,  cross-ties,  and  T  rails  of  the  mpst 
approved  style,  rendering  the  road  one  of  the  best. 

Things  neither  started  nor  progressed  so  well  at  the  Louis- 
ville end  of  the  road.  Disputes  rose  early  and  continued  late, 
between  the  directors  and  city  authorities  and  citizens,  as  to 
the  location  of  the  road  at  this  end.  The  railroad  directory 
wanted  the  Louisville  end  to  terminate  at  Portland,  and  then 
sprang  up  the  dispute  as  to  the  location  of  the  road  through 
the  city  so  as  to  get  to  Portland.  Elisha  C.  Winter,  of  Lex- 
ington, was  president  of  the  road,  and  John  C.  Bucklin, 
mayor  of  Louisville,  and  they  could  come  to  no  agreement 
as  to  the  location  through  the  city.  Neither  could  the  Lex- 
ington directory,  who  were  Richard  Higgins,  John  Brand, 
Elisha  Warfield,  Luther  Stephens,  Joseph  Bnien,  Benjamin 
Gratz,  and  George  Boswell,  come  to  any  unde-standing  with 
George  Keats  and  Benjamin  Cawthon,  who  were  the  Louis- 
ville directors.  The  city  council,  consisting  of  G.  W.  Meri- 
weather,  B.  G.  Weir,  James  Guthrie,  James  Rudd,  J.  P. 
Declary,  Jacob  Miller,  Robert  Buckner,  F.  A.  Kaye,  J.  M. 
Talbott,  and  W.  Alsop,  could  not  agree  concerning  any  pro- 
posed route,  and  as  for  the  citizens  who  lived  along  any  of 
the  suggested  lines,  they  would  agree  to  nothing.  Finally  an 
appeal  was  made  to  the  Legislature  for  settling  the  difficulty, 
and  an  extraordinary  law  passed  in  1833,  empowering  Wil- 
liam O.  Butler,,  of  Gallatin  county;  John  L.  Hickman,  of 
Bourbon;  George  C.  Thompson,  of  Mercer,  and  James 
Crutcher,  of  Hardin,  to  determine  the  streets  through  which 
the  road  was  to  pass  through  the  city. 



While,  therefore,  our  neighbors  of  Ixxington  at  once  be- 
gan war  upon  their  end  of  the  road,  with  the  Chief  Execu- 
tive of  the  State  dri  Ing  the  first  spike,  and  an  eminent  pro- 
fessor deHvering  an  inaugural  oration,  we  at  the  Louisville 
end  set  out  with  quarreling,  and  continued  for  two  years, 
about  where  the  work  was  to  begin.  It  was  finally  deter- 
mined, however,  that  the  road  should  enter  the  city  at  tlie  in- 
tersection of  Jefferson  and  Wenzcl  streets;  thence  proceed 
along  Jefferson  to  Sixth,  down  Sixth  to  Main,  along  Main  to 
Twelfth,  down  Twelfth  to  Portland  avenue,  and  then  along 
the  avenue  to  Portland.  In  1838,  three  years  after  the  Lex- 
ington end  was  working  from  that  city  to  Frankfort,  this  end 
was  completed  from  Portland  to  Sixth  street,  and  Louisville 
couldthen  boast  of  a  league  of  railroad,  with  a  locomotive  dash- 
ng  over  it,  very  much  to  the  annoyance  instead  of  the  joy  of 
ner  citizens,  especially  those  who  resided  or  carried  on  busi- 
ness along  its  line.  The  first  through  train  on  this  our  first 
railroad  went  all  the  way  from  Portland  to  the  northwest  cor- 
ner of  Main  and  Sixth  streets  (where  the  store  of  J.  M.  Rob- 
inson &  Co.  now  stands)  on  the  29th  of  February,  1838.  The 
citizens,  however,  did  not  rejoice  and  celebrate  the  event  with 
a  grand  ball,  as  was  done  by  our  neighbors  of  Lexington  at 
the  other  end  when  the  first  train  went  through  from  that  city 
to  Frankfort.  On  the  contrary,  they  were  silent  and  talked 
of  pulling  up  the  rails  and  throwing  the  locomotive  and  the 
cars  into  the  river.  They  concluded,  however,  to  go  to  law 
about  it,  after  enduring  it  for  about  six  months.  A  number 
of  citizens  owning  property  and,  doing  business  on  Main 
between  Sixth  and  Thirteenth  streets,  with  Ehsha  Applegate 
at  their  head,  filed  a  bill  in  Chancery  on  the  9th  of  October, 
1838,  for  an  injunction  against  the  further  use  of  the  locomo- 
tive in  that  region.  It  was  declared  to  be  a  nuisance,  endan- 
gering life,  depreciating  property,  and  injuring  business. 
Levi  Tyler,  then  president  of  the  road,  answered  on  the  19th, 
and  set  forth  the  merits  of  the  road  with  commendable  skill. 
The  company  had  then  spent  about  $800,000  in  making  the 
road  from  Frankfort  to  Lexington  and  from  Portland  to  Sixth 
street,  Louisville,  and  had  some  of  the  $r50,ooo  furnished  it 
by  the  State,  but  not  enough  to  make  the  road  from  Frank- 
fort to  Louisville. 

They  were,  however,  doing  a  pretty  fair  business  at  the 
Louisville  end.  Fiom  the  opening  of  this  end  of  the  road 
for  through  trains  from  Portland  to  Sixth  street,  on  the  29th 
of  April,  to  the  6th  of  November,  when  the  injunction  was 
granted,  they  had  carried  93,240  passengers,  at  twelve  and 
one-half  cents  each,  from  Portland  to  Sixth  street,  and  re- 
ceived for  it,  in  cash,  $11,656.17.  This  was  at  the  rate 
of  about  $425.25  per  week,  and  their  expenses  were  $202.30 
wer  week,  leaving  a  neat  profit  of  $229.42  per  week.  Of 
course,  it  was  hard  that  such  a  business  sliould  be  stojjped 
by  an  injnnction,  even  if  it  did  endanger  life  and  de]jrcciate 
property  and  injure  business,  as  clainied  by  tlie  citizens  who 
brought  the  suit.  Judge  Bibb,  then  chancellor,  granted  and 
sustained  the  injunction,  but  the  comi)any  took  the  case  to 
the  court  of  appeals  and  it  was  reversed,  with  instructions  to 
so  shape  proceedings  in  the  court  below  as  to  let  that  loco- 
motive continue  to  convey  passengers  from  Sixth  street  to 
Portland,  and  from  Portland  to  Sixth  street. 

The  road,  however,  ni  tlie  midst  of  a  ho.stilc  pooiilo  could 
never  succeed.  The  citizens  who  had  attempted  to  enjoin  it, 
were  prominent,  and  had  influence  enough  to  make  it  too  un- 
popular for  success.  It  never  extended  its  line  to  tlie  Louis- 
ville wharf  as  authorized  by  the  City  Council  and  intended,  the 
gap  between  Sixth  street  and  the  present  depot  on  yeffcrson 
never  was  filled  up,  and  our  first  railroad  from  Portland  to 
Sixth  street,  instead  of  being  extended  through  the  city  and 

protracted  in  length  one  way  or  the  other,  was  transferred  to 
a  corporation  entitled  the  Louisville  &  Portland  Railroad 
company,  in  1844,  for  the  benefit  of  the  Kentucky  Institution 
for  the  Education  of  the  Blind.  This  transfer  was  made  by 
the  State  of  Kentucky,  which  had  become  the  owner  of  the 
whole  hne  by  foreclosing  a  lien  for  $150,000  furnished  to  the 
company  in  1833.  The  Louisville  and  Portland  Company 
afterward  transferred  the  road  to  Isham  Henderson,  who 
converted  it  into  a  street  railroad  operated  by  horse  power, 
in  which  capacity  it  still  exists. 

It  may  added  that,  of  the  thousand  miles  or 
more  of  street  railway  now  in  the  United  States, 
the  first  three  miles  were  operated  in  Louisville 
by  this  Mr.  Henderson. 

the  louisville,  cincinn.\ti   and    lexington 
(short  line). 

The  Louisville  &  Frankfort  Railroad  Company 
was  incorporated  in  1847,  and  to  it  was  trans- 
ferred by  the  State  so  much  of  the  old  Lexing- 
ton &  Ohio  road  as  lay  between  the  two  former 
places.  The  consideration  for  this  was  six  per 
cent,  of  the  valuation,  to  be  paid  before  any 
dividends  were  paid  to  the  stockholders  of  the 
new  company.  The  division  between  the  State 
capital  and  Lexington  was  also  transferred  by 
the  State  to  a  new  company,  the  Lexington  & 
Frankfort,  chartered  in  1848,  for  one  thousand 
five  hundred  shares  in  this  company's  stock. 
This  part  of  the  old  road,  although  in  a  weak 
sort  of  operation  since  1835,  could  not  yet  be 
called  completed,  nor  was  it  until  the  next  year. 
The  Louisville  division  was  also  finished  by  the 
new  organization  in  1851 ;  and  then,  for  the  first 
time,  traffic  by  rail  passed  through  from  Louis- 
ville to  Lexington.  The  large  sum  of  $275,000 
was  voted  to  this  road  by  the  city  of  Louisville. 
Colonel  Durrett  continues: 

The  working  of  the  two  separate  ends  of  the  road  under 
independent  companies  not  proving  satisfactory  to  either,  in 
1856  the  Legislature  authorized  them  to  consolidate.  The 
Sliort-line  was  built  under  acts  of  the  Legislature  passed  in 
1866  and  1867,  and  the  whole  consolidated  under  the  name 
of  the  Louisville,  Cincinnati  and  Lexington  Railroad  Com- 
|)any.  .And  thus  the  whole  line  from  Louisville  to  Lexing- 
ton got  back  again  under  a  single  company,  as  it  oiiginally 
was.  The  company  now  owns  and  controls  two  hundred 
and  thirty-three  miles  of  road,  as  follows:  From  Louisville 
to  Lexington,  ninety-four  miles;  from  the  Lagrange  Junction 
to  Newport,  known  as  the  Short-line,  eighty-one  miles;  New- 
])ort  and  Cincinnati  bridge,  one  mile;  Louisville  Railroad 
Transfer,  four'miles;  Elizabethtown,  Lexmgton,  and  Big 
Sandy,  thirty-four  miles;  and  the  Shelby  county  road,  nine- 
teen miles.  The  whole  has  cost  nearly  $6,ooo,coo,  and  the 
company's  liabilities  about  reach  that  sum  in  the  shape  of 
common  and  preferred  stocks,  and  bonded  and  floating  debt. 

The  Short-Line  now  operates  under^  lease  the 



Northern  Division  of  the  Cumberland  &  Ohio 
Railroad,  from  Shelbyville  to  Taylorsville,  mak- 
ing 73.09  miles  operated  in  this  way  by  the  road, 
besides  174.9  owned  by  it,  or  247.99  i"  ^1'- 
May  I,  1881,  the  new  roadway  on  the  Beargrass 
fill,  prepared  for  it  at  the  expense  of  the  city,  in 
order  to  secure  the  vacation  of  the  right  of  way 
so  long  occupied  on  Jefferson  street,  was  occu- 
pied, together  with  the  spacious  new  brick  freight 
depot  on  Water  street,  between  First  and  Brook. 
Later  in  the  season,  a  new  passenger  depot,  built 
dunng  the  year  on  Water,  between  First  and 
Second  streets,  was  also  occupied.  Very  nearly 
the  whole  of  the  main  line,  and  much  of  the 
Lexington  Branch,  has  recently  been  relaid  with 
steel  rails.  The  engines  and  cars  of  the  road 
are  built  in  part  at  its  own  shops  in  Louisville. 
The  road  is  now  in  the  great  Louisville  and 
Nashville  combination,  with  General  E.  R  Alex- 
ander as  president  and  S.  S.  Eastwood  secretary- 


The  following  notes  of  the  first  of  Louisville 
railroads  is  made  in  the  City  Directory  for 

The  principal  roads  now  completed  and  being  completed, 
pointing  to  Louisville  as  a  center,  are  the  Lexington  &  Ohio 
railroad,  which  is  destined  to  open  a  speedy  communication 
with  the  Atlantic  at  Charleston  [!]. 

The  railroad  intersects  Jefferson  street  at  its  eastern  limit 
near  Wenzel ;  it  then  passes  down  Jefferson  and  continues 
from  Sixth  down  Main  street  to  Portland.  The  road  is  now  in 
full  operation  from  Lexington  to  Ftankfort,  and  from  Sixth 
street  to  Portland.  The  balance  of  the  road,  or  a  great  por- 
tion of  it,  I  understand,  is  under  contract.  Office  corner 
Main  and  Sixth  streets. 

There  were  at  this  time  in  the  public  thought 

and  expectancy  railroad  enterprises  to  Nashville, 

from    Jeffersonville    through    Indiana,    and  to 

Alton,  Illinois,  through   which   St.   Louis  would 

be  reached. 


This  is  a  consolidation  of  two  roads,  the  Jeffer- 
sonville and  the  older  Madison  &  Indianapolis, 
taking  the  combined  name.  The  former  was 
originally  the  Ohio  and  Indianapolis  railroad, 
chartered  by  the  Legislature  of  Indiana,  January 
20,  1846,  and  changed  to  the  Jeffersonville  rail- 
road three  years  after — January  15,  1849.  It  was 
first  in  full  operation  February  i,  1853.  The 
other  was  chartered  in  June,'  1842,  and  set  in 
operation  in  October,    1847.     ^^  was  afterwards 

sold  under  foreclosure,  and  reorganized  March 
28,  1862,  as  the  Indianapolis  &  Madison  railroad 
company.  May  i,  i866,  the  companies  became 
one,  and  merged  their  lines  into  a  single  one, 
from  Jefferson  to  Indianapolis.  January  i,  1873, 
the  whole  was  leased  to  the  powerful  Pennsyl- 
vania company,  which  now  operates  it. 

The  contribution  of  the  city  of  Louisville  to 
this  enterprise,  in  1851,  was  $200,000.  It  in- 
cludes the  following  lines:  Main  trunk,  Louis- 
ville to  Indianapolis,  110.28  miles;  Madison  di- 
vision, 45.9;  Shelbyville  branch,  Shelbyville  to 
Columbus,  23.28;  New  Albany  branch,  6.44; 
total,  185.9.  The  Pennsylvania  company  also 
operate,  in  connection  with  it,  18.42  miles  on 
the  Shelby  &  Rush  railroad,  and  20.8  on  the 
Cambridge  Extension,  making  a  grand  total  of 
225.72  miles.  Its  capital  stock  is  $2,000,000, 
principally  owned  by  the  Pennsylvania  company. 
The  total  cost  of  its  own  lines  (185.9  miles)  was 
$6,508,712.77.  The  Jollowing  is  a  statement  of 
its  gross  earnings  for  nine  recent  years:  1872, 
$1,246,381.23;  1873,  $1,363,120,85:  1874,  $1,- 
345,243.67;  1875,  $1,224,147.25;  1876,  $1,171,- 
874.69;  1877,  $1,176,174.69;  1878,  $1,150,014.- 
92;  1879,  $1,246,333.78;  1880,  $1,388,564.91. 


The  beginnings  of  this  important  highway  to 
the  southward  were  made  by  the  charter  of  its 
company  March  2,  1850.  First  and  last,  in 
various  sums  and  at  various  times,  the  city  of 
Louisville  contributed  a  very  large  amount  to 
this  corporation,  burdening  itself  severely  with 
public  debt  for  its  and  the  city's  benefit.  In 
1851  $1,000,000  of  the  people's  money  was  sub- 
scribed to  it,  and  a  like  sum  four  years  later. 
The  Lebanon  branch  received  $275,000  the 
same  year,  $300,000  in  ^863,  and  a  round  mil- 
lion in  1867;  the  Memphis  branch  $300,000  in 
1858;  the  Richmond  branch  $100,000  in  1867; 
and  the  $2,000,000  voted  to  the  Elizabethtown 
&  Paducah  railroad  became  also  a  practical  ben- 
efit to  the  Nashville  road,  by  its  absorption  of 
the  Cecilian  branch  in  1877;  '^hus  completing  a 
total  of  $6,275,000  public  indebtedness  carried 
for  this  one  line  and  its  belongings. 

The  main  line,  however,  was  not  opened  to. 
Nashville  until  November,  1859.  The  following 
summary  of  additional  historic  facts  is  from  the 
valuable  pamphlet  on  the  Industries  of  Louis- 
ville, published  in  1 881: 



The  Knoxville  branch  was  opened  to  Livingston  in  Sep- 
tember, 1870.  The  Bardstown  branch  was  constructed  by 
the  Bardstown  &  Louisville  Railroad  company,  and  came 
into  possession  of  the  Louisville  &  Nashville  Railroad  com- 
pany by  lease,  February  24,  i86o,  and  by  purchase  in  June, 
1865.  The  Richmond  branch  was  opened  in  November, 
1868.  The  Cecilian  branch  was  purchased  January  19,  1877. 
The  Glasgow  branch  (the  Barren  County  railroad)  is  oper- 
ated under  temporary  lease.  The  Memphis  branch  was 
completed  in  September,  i860,  and  was  operated  in  connec- 
tion with  the  Memphis,  Clarksville  &  Louisville,  and  the 
Memphis  &  Ohio  railroads;  the  first  leased  February  7,  1868, 
and  purchased  October  2,  1871,  and  the  latter  leased  Septem- 
ber I,  1867,  and  purchased  June  30,  1872.  The  lease  of  the 
Nashville  &  Decatur  railroad  is  dated  May  4,  1871,  and"be- 
came  operative  July  i,  1872.  The  South  &  North  Alabama 
railroad  was  built  in  the  interest,  and  is  under  control,  of  the 
Louisville  &  Nashville  Railroad  Company,  and  was  opened 
October  i,  1872.  This  company  also  acquired  the  middle 
division  of  the  Cumberland  &  Ohio  railroad,  from  Lebanon 
to  Greensburg,  31.4  miles,  and  completed  it  in  1879.  The 
company  also  bought  the  Tennessee  Division  of  the  St. 
Louis  &  Southeastern  railroad,  47  miles,  April  6,  and  the 
Kentucky  Division  of  the  same,  98.25  miles.  May,  1879. 

At  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year  of  the  company, 
June  30,  1879,  the  Louisville  &  Nashville  corpo- 
ration owned  its  original  main  stem  and  branches, 
651.73  miles  m  all;  operated  under  lease  the 
Nashville  &  Decatur,  119.09  miles,  and  the  Glas- 
gow Branch,  10.5  miles;  and  under  stock  ma- 
jority, the  South  &  North  Alabama,  188.88  miles; 
making  a  total  of  owned  and  leased  lines  of 
970.2  miles.  Very  large  accessions  were  made 
to  the  lines  in  1879-80-81;  and  the  operations 
of  the  company  June  30,  of  the  last  year  named, 
were  represented  by  the  following  statement  in  its 
annual  report : 

Owned  in  fee  or  through  entire  capital  stock: 
Main  Stem,  185.23  miles;  Bardstown  Branch, 
17.3  miles;  Lebanon-Knoxville  Branch,  110.3 
miles;  Richmond  Branch,  33.8  miles;  Cecilian 
Branch,  46  miles;  Memphis  Division,  259.1 
miles;  Henderson  Division,  135.22  miles;  Pen- 
sacola  Division,  45  miles;  Pensacola  &  Selma 
Division,  40  miles;  Pensacola  Extension,  32 
miles;  Southeast  and  St.  Louis,  208  miles;  Mo- 
bile &  Montgomery,  180  miles;  New  Orleans 
&  Mobile,  141  miles;  Pontchartrain,  5  miles; 
total,  1,437.95  miles.  Operated  under  lease; 
Nashville  &  Decatur,  119.09  miles;  Southern 
Division  Cumberland  &  Ohio,  30.58  miles;  Glas- 
gow Branch,  10.5  miles;  Selma  Division  (West- 
ern of  Alabama),  50  miles;  total  210.17  miles. 
Operated  under  stock  majority:  South  &  North 
Alabama,  188.88  miles;  Owensboro  &  Nashville, 
35  miles;  total,  223.88 — making  a  total  directly 

operated  of  1,872  miles.  In  addition  the  com- 
pany is  interested  in  the  control  and  manage- 
ment of  the  following  lines,  operated  under  sep- 
arate organizations:  Nashville,  Chattanooga  & 
St.  Louis  railway  system  (in  which  the  Louisville 
&  Nashville  company  owns  a  majority  of  the 
capital  stock),  521  miles;  Georgia  railroad  and 
dependencies  (controlled  through  joint  lease 
with  the  Central  railroad  company  of  Georgia)  as 
follows:  Georgia  railroad  and  branches,  305 
miles;  Atlanta  &  West  Point  railroad,  87  miles; 
-Rome  railroad  of  Georgia,  20  miles;  Port  Royal 
railroad,  112  miles;  Western  railroad  of  Alabama, 
117  miles;  total  1,162.  Add  to  this  the"  Louis- 
ville &  Nashville  system  proper,  as  above,  1,872 
miles.  Total  of  roads  owned,  operated,  and 
controlled  in  the  interest  of  the  Louisville  & 
Nashville  company,  3,034  miles. 

Later  in  1881  the  company  acquired  control 
of  the  Short  Line  road  (Louisville,  Cincinnati  & 
Lexington),  by  the  purchase  of  its  entire  stock, 
and  thus  added  174.9  miles  of  standard  guage 
(also  51.6  miles  leased)  and  11  miles  of  narrow 
guage  line,  to  its  already  gigantic  total,  making 
an  aggregate  of  3,271  j^  miles  of  its  lines.  The 
Louisville,  Westport  &  Harrod's  Creek  Narrow 
Guage  railroad  is  now  operated  by  this  company. 
The  Short  Line  was  made  an  integral  part  of  the 
Louisville  &  Nashville  system,  and  is  operated 
simply  as  a  division  thereof. 

The  earnings  of  the  company  from  trafific  dur- 
ing the  year  1880-81,  were  $4,198,518.32  ;  real- 
ized from  investments,  $225,209.17;  undivided 
earnings  from  previous  year,  $228,382.62; — 
total  credits  to  income  account,  $4,652,110. 11. 
Charges  of  all  kinds  against  income  account, 
$3,079,088.41.  Balance  to  credit  of  income 
account,  $1,573,021.70,  from  which  $1,087,800 
had  been  paid  in  semi-annual  dividends  to  stock- 
holders of  3  per  cent,  and  a  surplus  carried  to  the 
income  account  of  1881-82  of  $485,221.70. 

The  general  offices  of  this  great  company  are 
in  Louisville.  Mr.  C.  C.  Baldwin  is  president ; 
General  E.  P.  Alexander,  first  vice-president ; 
George  A.  Washington,  second  vice-president ; 
Willis  Ranney,  secretary ;  A.  M.  Quarrier,  as- 
sistant president  and  secretary ;  Fred  De  Funiak, 
general  manager. 


This  is  the  old  New  Albany  &  Salem  railroad. 



with  its  later  extension  and  branches.  The  orig- 
inal company  was  formed  January  25,  1847. 
The  Louisville  Courier-Journal  for  November 
26,  1880,  contains  an  excellent  sketch  of  the 
history  of  this  road,  from  which  we  extract  the 

Its  early  history  is  connected  with  the  effort  on  the  part 
of  the  State  of  Indiana  to  foster  internal  improvements. 
Long  before  1850  it  was  laid  out  as  a  macadamized  road 
from  New  Albany  to  Crawfordsville.  It  was  one  part  of 
that  system  of  internal  improvements  which  Indiana  began 
and  which  her  statesmen  deemed  the  turning-point  in  her 
destiny,  and  which  they  considered  would  make  her  the 
greatest  of  the  Western  States.  When,  however,  she  was 
compelled  to  give  up  her  scheme  of  internal  improvements, 
compound  her  debts,  and  surrender  the  portion  of  the  work 
she  had  accomplished  to  private  corporations,  this  road,  un- 
der a  special  law,  became  the  New  Albany  &  Salem  railroad, 
and  was  completed  between  these  two  pomts. 

Then  a  more  ambitiouk  turn  seized  its  owners  and  holders, 
and  they  resolved  to  cross  -the  State  of  Indiana  from  end  to 
end — to  run  from  the  Ohio  river  to  Lake  Michigan — and 
make  this  hne  the  great  connecting  link  between  the  North- 
west lakes  and  the  Ohio  river  and  its  outlets.  It  was  opened 
from  New  Albany  to  Michigan  City  on  the  4th  day  of  July, 
1852,  amid  great  rejoicings  and  with  anticipations  of  un- 
bounded success. 

It  had  been  opened  from  New  Albany  to  Salem  in  1849, 
and  had  been  pushed  with  great  vigor  until  it  reached,  as  be- 
fore said,  from  the  Ohio  river  to  the  lakes.  It  started  with 
the  bane  of  all  railway  enterprises  in  the  West — too  much 
debt.  It  had  a  bonded  debt  at  first  of  $2,325,000  in  eight 
per  cents.;  $500,000  ten  per  cents.;  $2,070,000  seven  per 
cents.;  $405,456  income  bonds,  and  $12,840  six  per  cent. 
bonds,  and  $2,525,223  of  capital  stock,  making  a  grand  total 
of  $7,838,519. 

In  1858  trouble  began.  With  the  then  state  of  develop- 
ment of  the  railroad  system,  the  bonded  debt  of  the  road  was 
too  large.  The  road  defaulted  for  one  year  upon  its  inter- 
est. It  was  then  placed,  by  the  agreement  of  all  parties, 
into  the  hands  of  D.  D.  Williamson,  trustee,  who  had  been 
one  of  the  most  prominent  and  trusted  men  of  New  York, 
and  who  was  comptroller  of  New  York  and  president  of  the 
Farmers'  Loan  and  Trust  company.  The  road  was  held  by 
Mr.  Williamson  as  such  trustee  until  1869,  when  proceedings 
were  had  for  a  foreclosure  of  the  mortgage  liens,  and  after 
various  changes  in  courts  it  was  finally  sold  under  a  decree  of 
the  United  States  circuit  court  for  the  district  of  Indiana  in 
September,  1872,  and  purchased  by  the  bondholders,  and  re- 
organized in  December,  1872,  with  a  capital  stock  of  $3,000,- 

George  L.  Schuyler,  of  New  York,  was  the  first  President. 
In  one  year  William  F.  Reynolds,  of  Lafayette,  Indiana,  suc- 
ceeded him,  and  remained  in  office  until  March,  1877,  when 
he  in  turn  was  succeeded  by  George  P.  Tolman,  of  New 
York.  Mr.  Tolman  held  his  position  until  January,  1880, 
when  R,  S.  Veech,  of  Louisville,  Kentucky  (its  present  chief 
officer),  assumed  control  of  the  destinies  of  this  corporation. 

From  1872  down  to  1880  absolutely  nothing  was  done  with 
this  great  property.  Its  tracks  became  worn  and  out  of  con- 
dition ;  its  iron,  of  old  English  chain-rail,  became  loose  and 
disjointed  ;  its  ties  rotten,  and  only  until  1879  was  any  great 
sum  expended  upon  the  repair  and  equipment  of  the  road. 

Mr.  Veech,  assisted  by  Dr.  Standiford,  then 
president  of  the  Louisville  &  Nashville  railroad, 
Colonel  Bennett  H.  Young,  and  Mr.  St.  John 
Boyle,  had  already  and  very  quietly  secured  a 
controlling  interest  in  the  road  by  arrangement 
with  large  stockholders  and  by  purchase  of  its 
stock  in  New  York  city — which,  when  they  be- 
gan to  buy.  could  be  had  at  twenty-five  cents  on 
the  dollar.  Under  the  new  administration,  says 
the  Courier-Journal  writer,  "the  equipment  was 
immediately  and  largely  increased;  new  engines, 
new  cars,  new  track,  new  everything,  were  want- 
ing, which  were  supplied.  Through*  trams  were 
put  upon  the  road,  and  its  earnings  increased 
with  almost  startling  rapidity,  the  first  few 
months  running  up  to  an  increase  of  from  sixty 
to  seventy  per  cent,  over  the  business  of  the 
previous  year.  These  earnings  developed  the 
capacity  of  the  road  not  only  to  pay  the  interest 
upon  a  large  debt,  but  also  to  provide  for  a  divi- 
dend upon  the  stock,"  In  addition  98  miles  of 
track  w(.'re  relaid  during  1880  with  the  fish-bar 
joint,  15  miles  of  it  with  steel;  16  bridges  were 
entirely  rebuilt,  and  others  repaired  or  remodeled, 
at  a  cost  of  $90,000.  Many  other  improvements 
have  been  made,  and  the  road  is  now  on  a  solid 
and  apparently  permanent  foundation. 


The  road  was  chartered  under  this  name  in 
1867.  The  next  year  the  city  of  Louisville 
voted  it  a  million,  and  another  million  in  1873. 
Its  name  subsequently  became  the  Paducah, 
Elizabethtown  &  Southern  railroad.  It  was  fin- 
ished from  Paducah  to  Elizabethtown  in  1872, 
and  two  years  later  the  Cecilian  Branch,  or 
Louisville  end,  was  opened.  April  18,  1876,  a 
decree  of  foreclosure  and  sale  was  made  against 
it  by  Judge  Ballard,  of  the  United  States  court, 
and  it  was  sold  thereunder  August  24th  of  the 
same  year.  It  was  purchased  by  a  new  com- 
pany, which  presently  sold  the  Cecilian  Branch 
(forty-five  miles)  to  the  Louisville  &  Nashville 
corporation,  they  retaining  the  rest,  or  mam  hne 
of  185  miles.  The  cost  of  the  whole  230  miles 
was  about  $4,500,000. 


This  road  was  chartered  by  Indiana  February 
12,  1S48;  Ohio,  March  15,  1849;  and  Illinois, 
February  12,  1851.  It  was  built  by  two  separate 
corporations,  and  completed  in   1867,  with  a  six- 




foot  guage,  which  has  since  been  changed  to 
standard.  Since  November  21,  1S67,  it  has 
been  operated  under  one  management,  but  in 
two  divisions — the  Eastern,  froni  Cincinnati  to 
the  Illinois  State  hne;  and  the  Western,  com- 
prising the  line  thence  to  St.  Louis.  An  act  of 
the  Indiana  Legislature  March  3,  1865,  i)rovided 
for  the  branch  from  North  Vernon,  through 
Clark  and  other  counties  in  that  State,  to  Louis- 
ville, which  was  opened  in  1868,  and  has  since 
been  successfully  operated.  Its  Louisville 
branch  is  52.52  miles  long. 


The  germ  of  this  road  lay  in  a  project  of 
forty-five  years  ago.  In  1837  a  line  was  pro- 
jected from  New  Albany  to  Alton,  Illinois;  but  it 
never  got  further  than  the  grading  of  the  section 
between  Mt.  Carmel  and  Albion.  In  1869  a 
charter  was  granted  by  the  Legislature  of  Indiana 
to  a  New  Albany  &  St.  Louis  Railroad  company, 
and  soon  after  another  to  the  St.  Louis,  Mt. 
Carmel  &  New  Albany  Railroad  company. 
These  corporations  were  united  in  July,  1870, 
under  the  name  of  the  Louisville,  New  Albany  & 
St.  Louis  Railroad  company.  Its  first  officers 
were  the  Hon.  Augustus  Bradley,  of  New  Al- 
bany, president;  Jesse  J.  Brown,  of  New  Albany, 
vice-president;  George  Lyman,  secretary  and 
treasurer;  and  Roland  J.  Dukes,  chief  engineer. 
A  number  of  routes  were  surveyed,  and  location 
final'y  made  as  follows:  From  Louisville  to 
New  Albany,  by  the  bridge  and  the  track  of  the 
Jeffersonville,  Madison  &  Indianapolis  railroad; 
thence  in  an  "  air  line  "  to  the  Wabash  river  at 
Mt.  Carmel;  thence  to  Mt.  Vernon,  Illinois, 
where  it  would  connect  with  the  St.  Louis  & 
Southeastern  railroad.  Its  own  line  would  thus 
be  but  one  hundred  and  eighty  miles  long;  and 
its  cost  was  estimated,  in  that  era  of  high  prices, 
at  $6,205,000.  The  city  of  Louisville  subscribed 
$500,000,  New  Albany  $300,000,  the  Jefferson- 
ville,  Madison  &  Indianapolis  railroad,  $100,000, 
the  Louisville  Bridge  company  $25,000,  Floyd 
county  $95,000;  other  counties  or  municipalities, 
$330,000;  and  individuals,  $1,411,350.  Work 
was  presently  begun  on  the  line,  and  went  on 
briskly  till  these  subscriptions  were  used  up. 
The  directors  resolved  to  issue  first  mortgage 
bonds  to  the  amount  of  $4,525,000;  but  the 
time  was  unfavorable  for  selling  them,  and  the 

work  stopped.  Most  of  the  grading,  tunneling, 
and  trestle-work,  however,  for  eighty  miles  west 
of  New  Albany,  was  done;  while  three  miles  of 
track  had  been  laid  out  of  New  Albany,  and 
trains  were  running  on  a  twenty-eight  mile  sec- 
tion between  Princeton,  Indiana,  and  Albion, 
Illinois.  In  1875  the  company  was  unable  to 
meet  the  interest  upon  even  the  small  amount  of 
bonds  which  had  been  paid  out  or  negotiated, 
the  mortgage  was  foreclosed,  and  the  road  sold 
out  for  $23,000 !  A  new  board  was  formed, 
with  Dr.  Newland,  of  New  Albany,  president, 
and  Jesse  J.  Brown,  vice-president.  The  project 
still  lay  dormant,  however,  till  February,  1879, 
when  a  reorganization  of  the  board  was  effected, 
with  St.  John  Boyle,  of  Louisville,  as  president; 
G.  C.  Cannon,  of  New  Albany,  as  vice-president; 
and  George  Lyman,  of  the  same,  secretary  and 
treasurer.  The  "  Air-line "  was  dropped  from 
the  name,  and  it  became  the  Louisville,  New 
Albany  &  St.  Louis  Railroad  company.  The 
purpose  of  the  company  was  changed  to  a  build- 
ing of  the  road  from  New  Albany  to  Princeton, 
Indiana,  whence  cars  are  running  to  Albion, 
Illinois,  where  a  St.  Louis  junction  is  made  with 
the  road  from  Cairo  to  Vincennes.  It  was 
thought  this  could  not  be  done  for  $1,500,000. 
Later,  the  company  has  bought  the  roads  from 
Jasper,  Indiana,  to  Evansville  and  Rockport, 
and  the  name  of  the  lirte  has  been  changed  to 
the  Louisville,  Evansville  &  St.  Louis.  At  the  " 
meeting  of  the  Directors  in  Boston  in  March, 
1882,  Mr.  John  Goldthwaite,  of  that  city,  was 
re  elected  president ;  St.  John  Boyle,  of  Louis- 
ville, vice-president  and  general  manager;  and 
Edward  Cummings,  of  Boston,  second  vice- 
president.  All  necessary  money  to  complete  the 
road  had  been  raised.  Until  the  new  Kentucky 
&  Indiana  bridge  is  built,  a  ferry  transfer  will  be 
used  between  New  Albany  and  Louisville,  and  a 
track  laid  down  the  Kentucky  shore  from  Port- 
land to  the  Louisville  &  Nashville  depot. 


The  Louisville,  Evansville  &  St.  Louis  road, 
it  is  announced,  will  form  the  western  connection 
of  the  Chesapeake  &  Ohio  Railroad,  the  com- 
pletion of  which  from  Huntington,  West  Vir- 
ginia, to  Lexington,  Kentucky,  in  the  summer 
of  1 88 1,  opened  to  Louisville  very  important 
new  connections  with   Richmond,   Norfolk,  and 



other  cities  of  the  Atlantic  seaboard.  By  favora- 
ble arrangements  with  the  Short  Line,  the 
Chesapeake  &  Ohio  is  bringing  its  traffic  directly 
to  Louisville;  and  as  we  close  these  pages  it  is 
announced  that  the  square  fronting  on  Water 
street,  and  running  back  to  the  Bremaker-Moore 
paper-mill,  in  Louisville,  has  been  purchased  by 
this  corporation  for  depot  purposes.  It  is  possi- 
ble also  that  shops  of  the  road  may  be  located  in 
the  city. 


This  road  does  not  enter  Louisville.  It  is  the 
new  name  of  the  Fort  Wayne,  Muncie  &  Cin- 
cinnati Railroad,  running  fiom  Newcastle,  In- 
diana, to  Rushville,  Indiana,  where  it  connects 
with  a  road  owned  by  the  Cincinnati,  Indianap- 
olis, St.  Louis,  &  Chicago  Railroad,  which  runs  to 
North  Vernon,  whence  the  Ohio  &  Mississippi 
Branch  brings,  the  connection  into  Louisville. 
The  Fort  Wayne,  Muncie  &  Cincinnati  was  sold 
under  foreclosure  the  latter  part  of  1881,  and  on 
New  Year's  day  following  the  Fort  Wayne,  Cin- 
cinnati &  Louisville  Company  took  possession. 
A  link  of  the  line  from  Louisville  to  Fort  Wayne 
(two  hundred  and  nine  miles)  had  been  completed 
shortly  before  from  Greensburg  to  Rushville, 
Indiana,  so  that  there  is  now  direct  railway  con- 
nection between  the  former  two  cities. 


This,  a  mere  local  narrow-guage  road,  of  only 
eleven  miles'  length,  was  opened  in  1875.  It  was 
an  unfortunate  venture,  pecuniarily  regarded;  and 
it  was  sold  June  23,  1879,  ^^^  o'^ly  $30'5oo.  to 
the  Short  Line,  by  which,  or  rather  by  the  late 
owner,  the  Louisville  &  Nashville  corporation,  it 
is  now  operated.  It  is  the  only  railway  lying 
altogether  in  Jefferson  county. 


The  Louisville  Transfer  railway,  however,  of 
4.13  miles'  length,  and  a  double  guage  of  5  feet 
and  4  feet  S}4  inches,  connects  the  Louisville  and 
Nashville  tracks,  a  little  south  of  the  city, 
with  the  Short  Line  tracks  and  depots,  thus 
obviating  the  necessity  of  tracks  through  more 
crowded  parts  of  the  city.  It  was  constructed 
in  1872. 

The  Louisville  Railway  bridge  has  also  a  mile 
of  track. 

A  recently  formed  company  is  about  to  build 

a  belt  railway  from  New  Albany  to  Jefferson  and 
Watson,  five  miles  out  on  the  Ohio  and  Missis- 
sippi branch,  thus  bringing  that  road  into  more 
intimate  connections  with  the  first-named  city 
and  the  new  Kentucky  and  Indiana  bridge. 

In  1877  Louisville  subscribed  $150,000  to  a 
road  in  the  interior  called  the  Richmond,  Irwin 
&  Three  Forks  railroad,  conditioned  that  this 
subscription  should  complete  the*  track  from 
Richmond  to  Beattyville,  Lee  county,  and  thus 
open  up  connections  between  Louisville  and  the 
rich  timber  and  mineral  region  about  the  head- 
waters of  the  Kentucky  river. 

New  Albany  had  an  interest  in  the  first  rail- 
road company  formed  in  Southern  Indiana.  It 
was  chartered  at  the  legislative  session  of  1835- 
36,  to  build  a  railway  between  the  two  points 
named ;  but  the  project  was  killed  by  the  great 
financial  crisis  of  1837. 

The  New  Albany  &  Sandusky  railroad  was 
chartered  at  the  session  of  1852-53.  The  city 
council  of  New  Albany  subscribed  $400,000  to 
the  project,  and  work  was  begun  on  the  road- 
bed; but  a  public  meeting  of  citizens  indignantly 
repudiated  the  issue  of  bonds,  and  the  scheme 
did  not  survive  the  blow. 


Many  historic  notes  concerning  these  are  em- 
braced in  our  township  histories.  We  give  here 
such  of  more  general  interest  as  have  been  picked 
up  in  the  course  of  other  investigations. 

In  1832  the  Louisville  &  Portland  Turnpike 
company  had  been  formed,  with  a  capital  of 
$jo,ooo,  to  construct  three  miles  of  wagon-road 
between  the  two  places — then,  of  course,  separ- 
ate. J.  T.  Gray  was  president  of  the  company; 
George  C.  Gwathmey,  treasurer;  Richard  Tun- 
stall,  toll-keeper. 

The  Louisville  &  Shippingport  company  had 
two  miles  of  road  and  $8,000  capital.  W.  W. 
Worsley  was  president,  and  S.  S.  Goodwin  treas- 

The  same  year  the  Louisville  &  Shelbyville 
Turnpike  company  was  in  existence,  with  $100,- 
000  capital  and  twenty  miles  of  road.  B.  N. 
Hobbs,  president;  G.  C.  Gwathmey,  treasurer. 

Also  the  Louisville  &  Bardstown  company, 
with  ten  miles  of  turnpike;  John  Speed,  presi- 
dent, and  J.  R  Oldham,  treasurer. 



When  the  second  Directory  was  published  in 
Louisville,  that  for  1838-39,  the  following  turn- 
pike companies  had  their  headquarters  in  the 
city,  and  are  thus  noticed  : 

Louisville  &  Lexington  Turnpike  Road  company.  Levi 
Tyler,  president.  This  road  intersects  Main  street  at  the 
eastern  limits  of  the  city,  near  Wenzel  street. 

Louis\'ille  &  Bardstown  Turnpike  Road  company.  Levi 
Tyler,  president.  Intersecting  Jefferson  street  at  its  eastern 
limit,  near  Wenzel  street, 

Louisville  &  Elizabethtown  Turnpike  Road  company. 
Robert  N.  Miller,  president ;  Daniel  E.  Jones,  treasurer. 

Louisville  Southern  Turnpike  Road  company.  John  W. 
Tyler,  president.  This  road  intersects  the  Louisville  & 
Elizabethtown  Turnpike  road  at  or  near  Eighteenth  street, 
until  it  intersects  the  Ohio  river  a  short  distance  above 
Paddy's  run,  intending  to  meet  a  road  laid  off  by  the  States 
of  Indiana  and  Illinois,  commencing  immediately  opposite  on 
the  Indiana  shore,  and  running  through  Indiana  and  Illinois 
to  Alton. 

In  the  Historical  Sketch  of  Louisville,  ap- 
pended to  the  same  work,  is  another  notice  of 
townships  and  railroads,  in  which  occurs  the  fol- 

The  principal  roads  now  completed  and  being  completed, 
pointing  to  Louisville  as  a  center,  are  .         turnpikes 

to  Frankfort  by  Shelbyville,  to  Bardstown  by  Elizabethtovv'n, 
which  will  be  extended  as  mterest  may  determine  hereafter; 
turnpike  from  New  Albany  to  the  interior  of  Indiana.  Be- 
sides these,  many  other  avenues  for  trade  are  contemplated 
and  will  be  opened  in  a  few  years,  such  as  a  railroad  or 
turnpike  to  Nashville,  a  railroad  from  Jeffersonville  through 
Indiana,  a  railroad  to  Alton,  Illinois,  and  many  others  which 
the  great  resources  of  the  growing  country  will  point  out  as 

One  of  the  most  notable  enterprises  of  the 
kind  on  the  Indiana  side  was  the  New  Albany 
&  Vincennes  turnpike,  provided  for  by  the  Leg- 
islature during  the  internal  improvement  mania 
of  1835-36.  The  State  spent  from  its  own  treas- 
ury $616,516  upon  it,  and  then,  having  no  more 
money  or  credit  to  expend,  transferred  it  to  a 
private  company,  getting  back  in  all  but  $27,311 
in  tolls.  The  company  completed  the  road  from 
New  Albany  to  Paoli,  which  is  still  in  excellent 
condition  and  doing  good  service  to  the  trade 
and  travel  of  the  former  place. 


Some  half-dozen  steamer  lines  accommodate 
the  cities  at  the  Falls;  but  we  have  space  to 
notice  but  one,  the  most  famous  and  venerable 
of  all,  the  staid  and  staunch 


This  is  by  far  the  oldest  transportation  line  on 
the  Western  waters.  The  company  to  run  steam- 
ers between  Cincinnati  and  Louisville  was  formed 
in  18 1 8,  and  is  maintained  to  this  day — sixty- 
four  years.  In  that  year  it  built  the  "General 
Pike,"  the  first  steamer  built  exclusively  for  pas- 
sengers. Her  trip  was  between  Louisville  and 
Cincinnati,  making  the  distance  in  thirty-one 
hours,  which  was  regarded  as  good  time  for  that 
day.  Captain  Bliss  was  her  first  commander; 
then,  in  order,  came  Captains  Penewitt  and 
John  M.  Rowan.  Jacob  Strader,  afterwards  a 
very  wealthy  and  prominent  steamboatman  at 
Cincinnati,  was  then  clerk  in  the  company's  office. 
This  boat  was  very  successful,  and  it  soon  be- 
came necessary  to  build  larger  and  better  vessels. 
In  1847  ten  fine  steamers  were  built  for  an  addi- 
tional line  from  Cincinnati  to  St.  Louis.  By  these 
the  time  from  the  Falls  to  the  latter  city  was  re- 
duced trom  four  or  five  days  to  thirty-nine  to 
forty-four  hours.  About  1855  the  company  built 
the  two  floating  palaces,  the  Jacob  Strader  and 
the  Telegraph  No.  2,  at  a  cost  together  of  nearly 
$400,000.  These  boats  could  run  eighteen 
miles  per  hour.  The  company  has  since  owned 
the  fine  steamers  Benjamin  Franklin,  United 
States,  General  Lyttle,  General  Anderson,  General 
Buell,  General  Pike,  Lewis  E.  Sherley,  and  City 
of  Frankfort,  most  of  which  are  well  known  to 
the  traveling  public.  The  general  offices  of  the 
company  are  in  Cincinnati. 



Jefferson  County,  Kentucky, 



Geographical  Description  —  Area — Acres  Improved  —  Pre- 
cincts— Towns — Post-offices — Surface  of  the  County — Re- 
sources— The  Knobs— Waters  of  the  County — Beargrass 
Creek — Harrod's  Creek — Dr.  Drake  on  the  Topography  of 
the  Louisville  Region — Old  Buffalo  Roads — Wild  Animals 
in  the  Early  Day — The  Climate — The  Soil  and  its  Culture 
— Geology  of  the  County  in  Detail — Analysis  of  Soils  and 


Jefferson  county,  Kentucky,  is  situated  upon 
the  river  Ohio,  about  midway  of  its  tortuous 
course  along  the  northern  and  western  fronts  of 
the  State,  and  not  far  from  equidistant  from  Cat- 
lettsburg,  in  the  northeastern  corner,  and  Hick- 
man in  the  southwest,  but  somewhat  nearer  to 
Catlettsburg.  It  is  bounded  on  the  north  by 
Oldham  county  and  the  river  Ohio,  beyond  which 
it  looks  across  to  the  counties  of  Clark,  Floyd, 
and  Harrison,  in  Indiana;  on  the  west  by  the 
same  stream;  on  the  south  by  Bullitt  county;  and 
on  the  east  by  Shelby  and  Spencer  counties.  It 
contains  about  six  hundred  square  miles,  and  the 
number  of  acres  improved  is  not  far  from  one  hun- 
dred and  sixty  thousand,  or  nearly  one-half  the 
entire  area  of  the  county.  (In  1876  the  number 
of  improved  acres  was  152,494.  This  is,  we  sup- 
pose, exclusive  of  the  space  occupied  by  the  city 
and  by  town-sites.) 

The  county  is  divided  into  twenty-one  pre- 
cincts, corresponding  to  the  "townships"  of  most 
of  the  Northern  States.  They  are  Anchorage, 
Blankenbaker,  Boston,  Cane  Run,  Cross  Roads, 
Fairmount,  Fisherville,  Oilman's,  Harrod's  Creek, 
Jeffersontown,  Johnstown,  Meadow  Lawn,  Mid- 

dletown,  O'Bannon,  Seatonville,  Shardine,  Shive- 
ly's  Springdale,  Spring  Garden,  Two-mile  House, 
and  Wood's.  The  villages  or  towns  of  the  county 
are  Anchorage,  Fisherville,  Harrod's  Creek,  Jef- 
fersontown, Newburg,  Middletown,  and  St.  Mat- 
thew's. Besides  these  there  are  post-offices  as 
follow:  Crescent  Hill,  Cross  Roads,  Eden,  Fair- 
mount,  Floyd's  Fork,  Lockland,  Long  Run, 
Lyndon,  O'Bannon,  Orell,  Pleasure  Ridge  Park, 
River  View,  Taylor's  Station,  Valley  Station,  and 
Worthington.  The  county  is  thus  well  provided 
with  postal  facilities,  and  has  a  goodly  number  of 
post  offices  at  convenient  distances  within  it. 


of  the  county  is  undulating  and  broken  in  the 
southwest  part,  which  has  a  stiff  clay  soil,  and 
on  the  lower  levels  produces  well  in  crops  of 
corn,  oats,  and  grapes;  on  the  higher  grounds 
fiuit  is  grown  to  advantage.  The  northern  and 
northwestern  part,  including  most  of  the  Louis- 
ville region,  is  generally  a  level  plateau,  well  ele- 
vated above  the  highest  reach  of  inundations  by 
the  river,  and  forming  a  beautiful  and  produc- 
tive plain.  It  has  a  rich,  alluvial  soil,  yielding 
in  abundance  and  great  perfection  all  kinds  of 
vegetables,  grains,  and  fruits  grown  in  the  temper- 
ate zone.  The  frontage  of  the  county  on  the 
Ohio  river  is  about  forty  miles,  and  the  alluvial 
bottoms  all  along  are  exceedingly  productive. 
The  northeast  part  of  the  county,  all  the  way 
above  Louisville,  is  beautifully  undulating,  with 
a  fine,  fertile  soil,  producing  luxuriantly  the 
cereal  grains  and  fruits.  The  whole  country, 
indeed,  has   peculiar  fitness  for  the  market-gar- 




dening  and  fruit-raising  so  desirable  in  the  vicinity 
of  a  large  city.  The  southeast  part  of  the  county 
becomes  more  broken  as  it  nears  the  knobs  ^long 
the  Salt  river,  but  it  is  also  productive  and  like- 
wise healthful,  with  varied  and  beautiful  scenery, 
making  it  a  favorite  region  for  the  better  sort  of 
private  residences. 


There  is  no  coal  in  the  county,  but  the  cement 
and  limestone  turned  out  at  Louisville  are  among 
the  finest  in  the  world.  The  water-power  at  the 
Falls  is  the  best  in  the  country.  The  tobacco 
market  at  Louisville  is  the  largest  in  the  land, 
the  actual  sales  aggregating  $10,000,000  a  year, 
with  twenty-five  firms  engaged  in  the  business. 
Other  elements  of  wealth  in  the  city  and  county 
will  appear  as  we  proceed  with  this  narrative. 

We  now  give  some  special  description  of  the 
most  remarkable  region  in  the  county,  topo- 
graphically regarded. 

"the  knobs." 

In  the  northwest  of  this  county,  a  belt  of 
knobby  country,  of  several  miles'  width,  stretches 
from  the  foot  of  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio  to  the 
mouth  of  Salt  river,  and  thence  up  that  river  val- 
ley in  a  nearly  southern  direction,  with  a  slight 
curve  towards  the  east  as  far  as  Muldrough's 
Hill,  and  so  on  southeastwardly.  These  knobs 
are  in  ranges  of  conical  hills  two  to  three  hun- 
dred feet  in  height,  and  are  so  conspicuous  a 
feature  in  the  geology  of  the  State  that  they  have 
given  the  name  of  Knob  Formation  to  a  division 
of  the  sub-carbonifei-ous  rocks  in  Jefferson,  Bul- 
litt, and  Larue  counties.  These  consist  mainly 
of  a  fine-grained  sandstone,  which  runs  out  into 
the  limestone  shales  of  Russell,  Cumberland, 
and  other  counties.  When  sufficiently  weathered, 
it  produces  a  silico-argillaceous  soil,  which 
washes  easily,  and  is  therefore  thin  and  shallow. 
It  is  not,  generally,  a  characteristic  soil,  or  soil  by 
itself,  but  is  commonly  mixed  largely  with  a  white 
soil  derived  more  closely  from  the  underlying 
shales,  which  are  of  ashy  color,  and  crop  out  on 
the  slopes  and  in  the  narrow  valleys  between  the 
knobs,  and  is  sometimes  intermingled  with  the 
debris  from  a  thin  cap  of  the  sub-carboniferous 
limestone.  The  summits  of  the  knobs,  however, 
have  a  much  richer  soil,  fertilized  as  it  has  been, 
probably,  by  the  roosting  and  alighting  of  birds 
upon  the  hill-tops  through  many  long  ages.     Not 

much  agriculture  is  yet  practicable  on  the  sum- 
mits or  slopes  of  the  knobs ;  but  a  great  deal  of 
timber  has  been  taken  from  them  and  their  vi- 
cinity, particularly  in  the  shape  of  railway  ties, 
mainly  cut  from  the  black  locust.  The  other 
forest  products  of  the  knobs  are  the  white,  red, 
black,  and  chestnut  oaks,  a  small  kind  of  hickory 
iy^^g^^"^  tomentosd),  the  black  gum-tree,  in  flat 
and  wet  positions  the  sweet  gum  and  the  elm, 
and  in  some  specially  favorable  situations  the 
poplar.  The  argillaceous  shales  at  the  base  of 
the  formation  contain  a  limited  percentage  of 

THE    waters    of   JEFFERSON. 

It  is  a  very  well-watered  county,  though  it 
shares  the  general  characteristic  of  the  State  in 
the  comparative  absence  of  lakes.  Ponds,  how- 
ever, abounded  upon  the  Louisville  plateau  in 
the  early  day,  and  induced  much  malarial  sick- 
ness ;  but  they  have  now  mostly  disappeared. 
The  historic  Salt  river  no  longer  intersects  the 
county,  as  in  the  early  day  of  its  greatness  of 
territory;  but  enters  the  Ohio  a  little  below  the 
southwestern  corner,  receiving  one  or  two  small 
affluents  from  the  soil  of  Jeflferson.  The  Ohio 
river  and  the  Falls,  so  prominent  in  making  the 
county  and  its  city  what  they  are,  receive  par- 
ticular notice  in  another  chapter.  Harrod's 
creek  and  the  Beargrass  are  the  best  known  of 
the  other  streams"  here  and  hereabout,  and  are 
very  serviceable  waters  in  the  county.  We  copy 
the  following  descriptions  from  Dr.  McMurtrie's 
Sketches  of  Louisville,  which,  although  wtitten 
more  than  sixty  years  ago,  answers  well  enough 
for  the  present  day,  due  allowance  being  made 
for  the  removal  of  the  mouth  of  the  Beargrass 
about  two  miles  north  of  its  old  site : 


Beargrass,  which  gives  its  name  to  the  fertile  and  wealthy 
settlement  through-  which  it  passes,  is  a  considerable  mill- 
stream,  affording  a  plentiful  supply  of  water  eight  or  ten 
months  in  the  year.  It  rises  by  eight  different  springs  ten 
miles  east  of  Louisville,  that  unite  and  form  the  main  body 
of  the  creek  within  two  miles  of  that  place.  This,  like  the 
preceding  one,  sometimes  disappears,  pursuing  a  secret 
course  for  a  quarter  of  a  mile  together,  subsequently  emerg- 
ing with  a  considerable  force.  On  its  banks  are  several  grist- 
mills, and  one  for  paper.  It  enters  the  Ohio  (to  which  for 
the  last  half-mile  it  runs  nearly  parallel)  opposite  Louisville, 
leaving  between  it  and  the  river  an  elevated  strip  of  land, 
covered  with  large  trees,  that  afford  a  delightful  and  shady 
promenade  to  the  citizens  during  the  heats  of  summer. 

At  the  mouth  of -this  creek  is  one  of  the  best  harbors  on 
the  Ohio,  perfectly  safe  and  commodious  for  all  vessels  un- 



der  five  hundred  tons'  burthen,  there  being  twelve  feet  water 
I  constantly  found  here  during  the  greatest  depresion  of  the 
I  river.  It  is  from  this  harbor  or  basin  that  the  contemplated 
j  canal  will  be  supplied  with  its  destined  element,  which  may 
I  perhaps  produce  a  beneficial  effect,  by  quickening  its  motion 
and  that  of  Beargrass,  whose  sluggishness  during  the  sum- 
mer  is,  I  have  no  doubt,  productive  of  consequences  injur- 
I  ious  to  the  health  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  town. 

harrod's  creek. 

I  Harrod's  creek  is  a  valuable  stream  emptying  into  the  Ohio 
I  nine  or  ten  miles  above  Louisville,  where  it  is  forty  yards 
I  wide.  About  a  fourth  of  a  mile  from  its  mouth  is  a  natural 
I  fall  of  six  or  seven  feet,  occasioned  by  the  oblique  direction  of 
the  rock  forming  its  bed,  which  dips  at  an  angle  of  seven  de- 
'  grees.  It  has  been  refjorted  that,  like  many  others  in  the 
j  State,  it  has  found  a  subterraneous  passage,  through  which  a 
'  great  part  of  the  water  flows,  without  crossing  the  Falls. 


Dr.  Daniel  Drake,  in  the  last  and  greatest  work 
of  his  life,  the  treatise  on  the  Principal  Diseases 
of  the  Interior  Valley  of  North  America,  pub- 
lished in  1850,  makes  the  following  note  of  the 
topography  of  the  country  below  the  Falls,  on 
the'Kentucky  side: 

In  ascending  the  Ohio  river  from  the  mouth  of  Salt  river  to 
the  Falls,  the  course  is  but  a  few  degrees  east  of  north,  the 
distance  about  twenty  miles.  In  traveling  from  one  point  to 
the  other  by  land,  the  journey  is  over  a  plain,  the  elevation  of 
which  is  above  high-water  mark,  and  its  breadth  from  three 
to  five  or  six  miles.  From  every  part  of  this  plain,  which  e.\- 
tends  to  the  river  on  the  west,  the  blue  range  of  Silver  Creek 
hills  may  be  seen,  running  parallel  with  the  river  on  its  west- 
em  or  right  side,  while  a  lower  range,  called  the  "knobs,"  is 
seen  to  terminate  the  plain  on  the  opposite  or  eastern  side. 

Thus,  between  Salt  river  and  the  Falls,  there  is  an  ample 
terrace,  elevated  nearly  as  high  as  rhe  second  bottoms  of  the 
river,  already  described  in  section  two  of  this  chapter.  It 
cannot,  however,  in  strictness  be  classed  with  those  deposits 
which,  generally  sloping  back  toward  the  hills,  and  composed 
largely  of  gravel,  pebbles,  and  bowlders,  retain  but  little 
water  on  their  surface;  while  this,  although  it  presents  many 
beds  and  ridges  of  sand  or  sandy  loam,  so  abounds  in  clay 
that  the  rains  are  but  slowly  absorbed,  and  at  the  same  time 
it  is  so  level  as  to  prevent  their  readily  flowing  off.  Thus,  in 
times  long  gone  by,  they  accumulated  in  the  depressions  on 
its  surface  and  overspread  it  with  ponds  and  limited  elm  and 
maple  swamps,  which  dry  up  in  summer  and  autumn,  but  at 
other  seasons  send  out  small  streams  that  make  their  way 
into  Salt  river  and  into  the  Ohio,  both  above  and  below  the 
Falls.  The  middle  and  southern  portions  of  this  plain, 
where  the  natural  cisterns  were,  and  still  are,  of  greatest  ex- 
tent, is  called  by  the  ominous  name  of  the  "  Pond  Settle- 
ment." The  area  of  the  entire  plateau  cannot  be  less  than 
sixty  square  miles,  the  whole  of  which  lies  to  the  summer- 
windward  of  the  city  of  Louisville,  which  is  built  on  its  north- 
em  extremity,  opposite  to  and  above  the  Falls. 


One  of  the  most  remarkable  physical  features 
of  Kentucky,  as  found  by  the  pioneers  in  the 
early   day,   were   the   great  roads   through   the 

forest,  traversed  by  the  buffaloes  in  their  journeys 
to  and  from  the   salt   licks,    and    the    extensive 
"clearings" — for  such  they  were— made  by  these 
remarkable  animals.     Their  pathways,  in    many 
cases,  were  sufficient,  in  width  and  comparative 
smoothness,  for  wagon-ways,  and  of  course  fol- 
lowed the  most  eligible  routes,  for   man  as  well 
as  beast.     These  roads  were  much  used  by  the 
early  explorers,  surveyors,  and  settlers,  and  great- 
ly facilitated  their  movements  through  the  dense 
woods.     John  Filson,  the  schoolmaster,  one  of 
the  intending  founders  of  Cincinnati,  in  his  Httle 
work  on  the  Discovery,  Settlement,  and  Present 
State  of  Kentucky,  first  published  in  1784,  after 
some  description  of  the  licks — in  which  he  men- 
tions "Bullet's  Lick  "  as  "improved,  and  this  af- 
fords salt  sufficient  for  all  Kentucky,  and  exports 
some  to  the  Illinois  " — writes   the  following  of 
the  roads  and  other  traces  of  the  buffalo  herds. 
He  vrote,  it  should  be  observed,  before  the  bison 
had  been  driven  beyond  the  Mississippi: 

To  these  [the  licks]  the  cattle  repair,  and  reduce  high  hills 
rather  to  valleys  than  plains.  The  amazing  herds  of  buffalo 
which  resort  thither,  by  their  size  and  number,  fill  the  traveler 
with  amazement  and  terror,  especially  when  he  beholds  the 
prodigious  roads  they  have  made  from  all  quarters,  as  if  lead- 
ing to  some  populous  city  ;  the  vast  space  of  land  around 
these  springs  desolated  as  if  by  a  ravaging  enemy,  and  hills 
reduced  to  plains— for  the  land  near  those  springs  are  chiefly 
hilly.  Tiese  are  truly  curiosities,  and  the  eye  can  scarcely 
be  satisfied  with  admiring  them. 


The  early  settlers  found  all  varieties  of  large 
game  known  to  this  country  and  latitude  here  in 
great  abundance,  as  the  buffalo,  bear,  elk,  deer, 
beaver,  and  otter,  as  well  as  the  smaller  animals 
that  remain  in  diminishing  numbers  to  this  day. 
The  first-named,  it  is  said,  was  sometimes  seen 
in  droves  at  the  salt  licks,  of  seven  to  eight  thou- 
sand. Dr.  McMurtrie  also  notices  the  great 
buffalo  trails.     He  says : 

The  roads  opened  by  these  animals,  in  their  progress 
through  the  woods,  may  be  reckoned  among  the  natural  curi- 
osities of  the  State,  being  generally  wide  enough  for  a  car- 
riage or  wagon  way,  in  which  the  trees,  shrubs,  etc.,  are  all 
trampled  down,  and  destroyed  by  the  irresistible  impetus  of 
the  mighty  phalanx. 

Not  one  of  these  animals  was  left  in  Kentucky 
when  the  Doctor  wrote  in  1819.  He  says  that 
the  beaver  had  abounded  within  a  few  miles  of 
Louisville,  "and  were  we  permitted  to  judge 
from  the  remains  of  their  fortifications,  we  should 
pronounce  them  to  have  been  the  innumerable 



possessors  of  the  soil  from  time  mimemorial."  He 
writes  further 

Every  pond,  creek,  and  river  exhibits  some  traces  of  them, 
but  their  metropoHs  appears  to  have  been  situated  about  four 
miles  east  of  Louisville,  where,  among  a  variety  of  extensive 
dams,  I  measured  one  whose  length  is  1,500  feet,  height  8, 
thickness  at  the  base  14,  with  a  talus  equal  to  45°  extending 
to  the  top.  At  the  end  of  this  bank,  which  runs  perfectly 
straight  and  which  is  thrown  up  and  sloped  in  a  most  work- 
manlike style,  is  a  second  one  stretching  out  nearly  at  right 
angles  from  it,  in  form  of  a  crescent.  Back  of  the  latter 
may  be  seen  their  dens,  which  are  disposed  with  great  regu- 
larity, about  twenty  feet  from  the  bank.  Their  covered  ways, 
by  which  in  times  of  low  water  they  manage  to  secure  a 
sufficiency  of  it,  so  as  to  conceal  themselves  in  their  passage 
to  and  from  them,  are  also  very  visible.  I  have  been  in- 
formed by  a  respectable  old  gentleman  who  was  among  the 
earlier  settlers,  that  when  he  first  arrived  here  the  beaver 
was  somtimes  seen  in  the  neighborhood,  and  that  at  that 
time  the  great  dam  spoken  of  was  at  least  fourteen  feet  high, 
a  prodigious  monument  of  the  industry  and  skill  of  this 
social  little  animal. 

The  otter,- formerly  abundant  in  the  Ohio  and 
its  tributary  waters,  had  wholly  disappeared  from 
this  region  in  18 19,  though  still  caught  in  the 
Mississippi.  Serpents  were  not  numerous  or 
dangerous,  though  sometimes  huge  rattlesnakes 
were  encountered.  The  snapping-turtle  was 
found  in  the  river,  sometimes  of  fifty  to  seventy 
pounds  weight,  also  the  lesser  soft-shelled  turtle, 
which  was  much  esteemed  by  epicures.  Deer 
still  frequented  the  barrens,  and  werg  seen  at 
times  but  a  few  miles  from  the  town;  while  bears 
kept  at  a  greater  distance  in  the  woods.  "Foxes 
occasionally  disturb  the  farmer's  hen-roosts,  and 
wolves  now  and  then  pick  up  a  stray  sheep;  they 
are,  however,  neither  very  numerous  nor  fierce." 


Dr.  McMurtrie's  observations  upon  the  meteor- 
ology of  this  region  are  also  valuable.  He  re- 
marks : 

It  appears  from  a  variety  of  thermometrical  observations 
and  comparisons,  that  the  climate  of  this  country  is  uniform- 
ly milder  than  that  of  the  Atlantic  States  In  the  same  parallel 
of  latitude.  This  has  been  contested,  but,  until  facts  and 
the  evidence  of  our  senses  are  considered  as  inferior  to  the- 
ory, the  position  must  be  considered  as  correct.  Among  the 
most  remarkable  of  the  former,  noticed  by  preceding  and 
able  writers,  are  the  presence  of  the  parakeet,  thousands  of 
which  enlighten  our  woods  winter  and  summer,  the  existence 
of  many  plants  that  cannot  support  the  cold  of  the  Atlantic 
States  in  the  same  latitude,  the  short  duration  of  ice  and 
snow,  and  finally  by  the  prevalence  of  the  southwesterly 
winds.  The  remark  applied  by  Dr.  Rush  to  the  climate  of 
rennsyhania  is  equally  true  with  respect  to  that  of  Ken- 
tucky (which  is,  in  fact,  the  more  disag'reeable  of  the  two), 
its  most  steady  trait  being  its  irregularity.  Heat  and  cold 
succetd  each  other  so  rapidly  and  so  often  in  the  twenty-four 

hours,  that  it  is  impossible  to  vary  your  dress  so  as   to   be 
comfortable  under  their  changes. 

A  sketch  of  the  weather  during  the  last  winter  will  convey 
as  much  information  upon  the  subject  as  a  volume.  Elarly 
in  the  fall  the  Indian  summer,  as  it  is  called,  succeeded  the 
autumn,  and  lasted  four  weeks,  with  occasional  days  of  ex- 
tremely cold  weather;  this  was  succeeded  by  a  week  of 
changes  the  most  sudden  and  extraordinary  I  ever  Witnessed, 
the  ponds  in  the  town  being  frozen  and  thawed  alternately 
during  the  same  day,  which  was  closed  by  a  night  equally  as 
variable.  The  cold  now  appeared  as  though  it  had  com- 
menced in  good  earnest;  during  the  space  of  three  weeks  it 
was  very  intense,  quantities  of  drifting  ice  were  seen  on  the 
Ohio,  the  ponds  were  incrusted  by  it  three  inches  deep,  when 
the  wind,  which  had  hitherto  blown  from  the  northwest,  sud- 
denly veering  to  the  south  and  south-southwest,  a  warm  rain 
fell,  which  dissolved  the  icy  fetters  of  winter  and  again  re- 
stored the  Indian  summer.  Such  was  the  mildness  of  the 
weather  till  the  latter  end  of  January,  that  the  buds  of  the 
peach-tree  were  swelled,  and  had  not  a  few  frosty  nights 
supervened  they  would  have  blossomed.  On  the  7th  day  of 
February  the  weeping  willows  were  in  leaf.  From  which  time 
to  the  ist  of  March  the  weather  continued  variable,  but 
generally  warm,  at  which  period  the  cold  of  winter  again  as- 
sailed our  ears  and  rendered  welcome  a  blazing  hearth. 

Spring  is  unknown,  the  transition  from  winter  to  summer 
being  almost  instantaneous,  the  former  concluding  with 
heavy  rains  that  I  have  known  to  last  for  three  weeks  nearly 
without  intermission,  at  the  expiration  of  which  time  summer 
is  at  hand. 

The  quantity  of  rain  that  falls  here  is  quite  considerable, 
which,  together  with  the  number  of  stagnant  waters  that  are 
in  the  vicinity,  occasion  a  humidity  universally  complained 
of;  books,  polished  steel  instruments,  paper,  and  in  fact 
everything  that  is  not  in  daily  use,  proclaim  its  prevalence. 

Thunder  storms  during  the  months  of  July  and  August  are 
very  severe,  attended  with  great  discharges  of  the  electric 
fluid,  sometimes  as  violent  as  any  ever  witnessed  under  the 
tropics,  the  thunder  being  of  that  pealing,  rattling  kind 
which  would  startle  even  a  Franklin.  The  winds  at  such 
periods  are  all  in  wild  confu.sion,  blowing  in  various  directions 
at  various  elevations  from  the  earth's  surface,  as  indicated  by 
the  courses  of  the  'scuds,"  which  I  have  remarked  traveling 
to  three  different  points  of  the  compass  at  one  and  the  same 
moment,  with  a  degree  of  velocity  far  superior  to  any  I  have 
ever  noticed,  with  the  exception  of  those  of  the  hurricanes  of 
the  East  and  West  Indies.  Awful  i^  the  scene  presented  in 
the  forests  at  such  periods.  Naught  is  to  be  heard  but  the 
crackling  of  fallen  timber,  mixed  with  the  roar  of  Heavens 
artillery,  and  nothing  to  be  seen  but  great  branches  wrenched 
and  torn  from  the  parent  stem,  which  is  the  ne.xt  moment 
leveled  with  the  ground.  Sometimes  a  single  tree  here  or 
there  in  exposed  situations  is  destroyed,  then  again  whole 
acres  are  laid  waste  by  its  resistless  fury.  Happily  for  this 
country  those  of  the  first  degree  of  vio'ence  are  rare,  while 
those  of  the  second  and  third  rates  are  not  at  all  dangerous. 

The  quantity  of  snow  and  ice  is  very  inconsiderable,  the 
cold  seldom  being  sufficiently  intense  to  close  the  river,  and 
the  latter  has  not  at  any  time  since  I  have  been  a  resident  of 
the  place  exceeded  two  inches  in  depth  at  any  one  time. 
Sleighs  are  consequently  strangers. 

I  am  w  ell  assured  from  very  unexceptionable  authority  that 
the  climate  of  Kentucky  has  undergone  a  considerable 
change  for  the  worse  during  the  last'twenty  years.  The  sea- 
sons were  formerly  more  distinct,  the  weather  milder  and 
more  uniform,   and  thunder-storms  very  uncommon.     The 



only  traces  left  of  this  happy  state  of  things  are  now  to  be 
seen  in  the  fall  of  the  year,  which  is  generally,  though  not 
always,  remarkable  for  pleasantness.  Combustion  is  much 
more  rapid  here  than  in  the  .Atlantic  States,  a  remark  made 
by  seveial  others  beside  myself.  Whether  this  be  owing  to 
spongy  and  porous  nature  of  the  wood,  arising  from  its  rapid 
growth,  or  a  greater  quantity  of  oxygen  existing  in  the  atmos- 
phere, I  am  at  a  loss  to  determine.  The  fact,  however,  may 
be  relied  on. 


The  Doctor's  remarks  upon  the  agricultural 
capabilities  of  this  region,  as  they  existed  in  his 
day,  also  have  interest.     He  says: 

Perhaps  no  city  in  the  Union  is  supported  by  a  more  fertile 
and  productive  soil  than  Louisville.  The  lands  throughout 
the  county  generally  are  well  timbered,  the  first-rate  being 
covered  with  walnut,  mulberry,  locust,  beech,  sugar-tree, 
cherry,  pawpaw,  buckeye,  elm,  poplar,  and  graperies,  the 
two  latter  of  which  attain  a  most  enormous  size.  I  have  fre- 
quently met  with  graperies  in  the  Beargrass  settlement  meas- 
uring thirty-six  inches  in  circumference,  and  as  to  the  poplar 
it  is  proverbially  gigantic.  From  six  to  ten  feet  is  the  usual 
diameter  of  these  trees,  and  of  the  sycamore,  one  individual 
of  which  is  said  to  be  still  standing  in  the  interior,  into  whose 
hollow  a  gentlemen  assured  me  he  had  stepped  with  a  ■ 
measured  rod  twenty  feet  long,  which  grasping  by  its  middle, 
he  could  turn  in  every  direction.  If  in  addition  to  this  we 
consider  the  thickness  of  sound  wood  on  each  side  of  the 
tree  necessary  to  sustain  its  tremendous  and  superincumbent 
weight,  we  may  have  some  idea  of  this  great  monarch  of  the 
Western  forest. 

The  second-rate  lands  produce  dogwood,  oak,  hickory,  and 
some  sugar-trees;  the  third-rate  nothing  but  blackjack  oak 
and  fir.  Red  cedar  is  found  on  the  banks  of  the  rivers  and 
creeks,  and  white  pine  only  in  the  mountains. 

The  first-rate  lands  were  too  strong  for  wheat, 
but  were  excellently  adapted  to  corn,  and  in 
favorable  seasons  would  yield  one  hundred  bush- 
els to  the  acre.  When  weakened  by  a  few  crops 
of  corn,  such  ground  would  yield  thirty  bushels 
of  wheat  to  the  acre,  or  three  hundred  of  pota- 
toes, thirty-five  to  forty  of  oats,  six  to  eight  hun- 
dred pounds  of  hemp,  or  fifteen  hundred  to 
two  thousand  pounds  of  tobacco.  The  second 
and  third  rates  of  land  will  give  yields  in  propor- 
tion.    The  Doctor  adds : 

An  attempt  to  cultivate  cotton  has  been  made,  but  although 
on  a  small  scale  under  the  superintendence  of  a  few  good 
housewives  it  ripens  extremely  well,  yet  on  a  large  one  it  has 
always  failed. 

The  prices  of  lands  at  this  time  were  $10  to 
$200  an  acre,  and  in  most  cases  the  titles  were 
doubtful.     But,  says  the  Doctor: 

There  are,  however,  seventy  thousand  acres  of  military 
surveys  in  the  Beargrass  settlement,  which  hold  out  the  pros- 
pect of  a  golden  fleece  to  the  agricultural  emigrant,  not  only 
from  the  great  fertility  of  the  soil  and  the  undisputed  validity 
of  the  title,  but  from  the  great  price  he  can  immediately  ob- 
tain for  every  article  he  can  raise,  without  any  trouble  or 


The  following  extracts  are  made .  from  the 
report  of  the  Geological  Survey  made  in  1854 
and  subsequent  years  by  David  Dale  Owen,  first 
State  Geologist,  to  whom  Professor  Robert 
Peter,  of  Lexington,  was  Chemical  Assistant,  and 
Mr.  Sidney  S.  Lyon,  of  Louisville,  Topographical 


The  knob  formation,  very  similar  in  its  compo- 
nent members  to  that  described  at  Button 
Mould  Knob,  extends  into  the  southern  part  of 
Jefferson  county,  forming  the  range  of  knobs  on 
the  waters  of  Pond  and  Mill  creek,  their  sum- 
mits being  capped  with  soft  freestone,  while  the 
ash-colored  shales,  with  the  intercalations  of 
encrinital  limestones,  form  their  principal  mass, 
resting  on  black  Devonian  shale. 

[The  "Button  Mould  Knob,"  in  Bullitt 
county,  had  been  previously  described  as  a  cele- 
brated locality  for  encrinites,  having  three  or 
more  encrinital  beds,  interstratified  with  the  ash- 
colored  shale,  which  form  a  remarkable  steep 
glade  on  the  southern  side  of  the  knob,  the 
glade  commencing  one  hundred  and  twenty-five 
feel  below  the  summit  of  the  knob.  The  follow- 
ing table  is  given  of  the  composition  of  this  emi- 
nence, which  helps  the  reader  to  an  understand- 
ing of  the  knobs  in  Jefferson  county: 

250.   Summit  of  knob. 

235.  Top  of  second  bench  of  sandstone,  in  quarry. 
225.  Top  of  ledge  of  first  bench  sandstone. 
200.  Slope  with  sandstone. 
162.   Lowest  exposure  of  sandstone, 
no.  Top  of  bare  glade, 
lot^.   Orthis  michellina  bed. 
100.   Orthus  Miscellina  bed  not  abundant. 

Ash-colored  shale. 
97.   Weathered-out  carbonate  of  iron. 
95.  Weathered-out  carbonate  of  iron. 

Ash-colored  shales. 
80.   Branching  corallines. 
75.  Weathered  carbonate  of  iron. 
65.   Encrinital  limestone. 
60.  Weathered  carbonate  of  iron. 

Ash-colored  shale. 
49.  Encrinital  limestone. 

Ash-colored  shale. 
35.  Encrinital  limestone. 

Ash-colored  shale  at  base  of  bare  glade. 
25.   Black   sheety   Devonian   shale  extending  to  bed   of 

Here,  says  the  Report,  we  have  nearly  100 
feet  of  ash-colored  shales  exposed,  in  a  bare 
glade,  with   repeated  alternations  of  thin  bands 



of  carbonate  of  iron,  encrinital,  argillaceous,  and 
shell  limestones,  forming  a  remarkable  feature 
of  the  landscape  in  the  northern  part  of  Bullitt 
county,  adjoining  Jefferson  county. 

The  iron  ore  from  this  knob  is  described  in 
the  Chemical  Report  of  the  Survey  as  a  fine- 
grained, compact  carbonate  of  iron,  interior  gray, 
shading  into  rust-brown  on  the  exterior,  powder 
dull  cinnamon  color.  An  analysis  exhibited  31.3 
per  cent,  of  iron — "an  ore  sufficiently  rich  for 
profitable  smelting,  which  could  be  worked  with- 
out much  additional  fluxing  materials."] 

Jefferson  county  affords  the  best  exposures  of 
the  calcareous  rocks,  under  the  black  slate  be- 
longing to  the  Devonian  period,  yet  seen.  The 
projecting  ledges  on  the  bank  of  the  Ohio  river, 
that  appear  in  connected  succession  between  the 
head  and  foot  of  the  Falls,  afford,  probably,  the 
best  sections  of  these  rocks  in  the  Western 
States.  We  observe  there  the  following  succes- 
sion and  superposition : 

1.  Black  bituminous  slate  or  shale. 

2.  Upper  crinoidal,  shell,  and  coraline  limestones  above. 

3.  Hydraulic  limestone. 

4.  Lower  crinoidal,  shell,  and  coraline  limestones. 

5.  Olivanites  bed. 

6.  Spirifer  Gregaria  and  shell  coraline  beds. 

7.  Main  beds  of  coral  limestones. 

These  beds  rest  upon  a  limestone  containiug 
chain  coral,  which  is  seen  just  above  the  lowest 
stage  of  water,  at  the  principal  axis  of  the  Falls, 
where  the  waters  are  most  turbulent.  Only  a 
portion  of  the  lower  part  of  the  black  slate  is 
seen  immediately  adjacent  to  the  Falls.  Its  junc- 
tion with  the  upper  crinoidal  bed.  No.  2,  of  the 
above  section,  can  be  well  seen  below  the  mouth 
of  Silver  creek,  on  the  Indiana  side,  where  there 
is  a  thin,  hard,  pyritiferous  band  between  the 
black  slate  and  limestone,  containing  a  few  en- 

Three  subdivisions  may  be  observed  in  the 
upper  coralline  bed,  No.  2,  of  this  Falls  section  : 

(A).  White  or  yellowish  white  earthy  frac- 
tured layers,  containing,  beside  Crinoidea,  a 
Favosite,  a  large  Leptana  and  Atrypa  prisca,  with 
a  fringe. 

(B).  Middle  layers,  contaming  also  a  few 

(C).  Lower  layers  containing  most  Cystiphyl- 
lidae,  and  on  Corn  Island  remains  of  fishes. 
This  is  what  has  been  designated  as  the  Upper 
Fish  Bed. 

These  crinoidal  beds  contain  a  vast  multitude 
of  the  remains  of  different  species  of  encrinites, 
mostly  silicious,  andmore  so  than  the  imbedding 
rock,  so  that  they  offen  project  and  appear  like 
black  concretions.  Remains  of  the  Actinocrinus 
abnormis,  of  S.  S.  Lyon's  report,  are  the  most 
abundant.  There  is  also  a  Syringapora  and 
short,  truncated  Cyathophyllium.  The  Cysliphyl- 
lum  is  long,  slender,  and  vermiculiform,  some- 
times extending  to  the  length  of  fifteen  inches 
or  more;  also  a  coralline,  referrible  either  to  the 
germs  Forties  or  Astrea. 

The  hydraulic  bed  is  an  earthy  magnesian 
limestone,  in  which  the  lime  and  silica  are  in  the 
proportions  of  their  chemical  equivalents.  It  is 
variable  both  in  its  composition,  thickness,  and 
dip.  In  the  upper  part  of  the  bed,  where  it  con- 
tains many  Spirifer  euratines  and  Atrypa  prisca, 
it  is  more  silicious  than  that  quarried  for  cement. 
At  the  head  of  the  Falls  it  is  eight  feet  above 
low  water.  At  the  foot  of  the  Falls  it  is  only  four 
feet  above  low  water;  aud  at  the  quarry  on  the 
Indiana  shore  eleven  to  thirteen  feet.  Here 
there  are  twelve  feet  exposed,  but  only  a  foot  to 
eighteen  inches  of  it  quarried  for  cement.  At 
the  Big  Eddy  it  is  twelve  to  thirteen  feet  above 
low  water,  and  at  the  middle  of  the  Falls  as 
much  as  thirty-five  feet  above  low  water. 

From  the  head  to  the  foot  of  the  Falls,  the 
Ohio  river  falls  nineteen  to  twenty-one  feet;  de- 
pending on  the  stage  of  the  water,  and  the  dis- 
tance on  the  general  line  of  dip,  west  by  south, 
one  and  one-half  miles.  Hence  there  is  an  an- 
ticlinal axis  about  the  middle  of  the  Falls,  not 
uniform,  but  undulating,  amounting  on  the  whole 
to  upwards  of  thirty  feet  in  three-fourths  of  a 
mile  west  by  south.  In  the  distance  of  four 
hundred  and  fifty  yards  from  the  quarry  on  the 
Indiana  shore,  down  stream,  the  strata  decline 
fifteen  to  sixteen  feet.  It  is  at  the  anticlinal 
above  mentioned,  where  the  steamboats  so  fre- 
quently scrape  the  rocks  in  gliding  over  the  most 
turbulent  portion  of  the  Falls.  It  is  thickest  at 
the  foot  of  the  Falls,  where  it  is  twenty-one  feet; 
it  thins  rapidly  out  in  a  northeast  direction.  At 
a  distance  of  two  and  one-half  miles  nearly  east, 
where  it  is  seen  in  the  northwest  end  of  the 
Guthrie  quarries,  it  is  eighteen  inches,  and  in  a 
distance  of  three  hundred  yards  to  the  southeast 
from  this,  it  divides  into  two  beds  and  thins 
away  to  a  few  inches.     Where  it  is  divided  an 



earthy  limestone  is  interposed,  not  considered  to 
j  possess  hydraulic  properties.  It  would  seem, 
therefore,  that  the  principal  source  of  the  hy- 
draulic material  was  northwest  of  the  main  axis. 

The  limestone  which  lies  below  the  hydraulic 
hmestone,  composed,  in  a  great  measure,  of  com- 
minuted remains  of  crinoidea,  affords  also  Spiri- 
fer  culiriguzalus,  a  very  large  undescribed  species 
of  Leptana,  which  has  been  referred  by  some  of 
our  geologists  to  the  Euglypha,  also  Atrypa 
prisca  and  remains  of  fishes.  This  limestone  is 
obscure  on  the  middle  of  the  Falls;  to  the  east 
it  is  better  defined.  On  Fourteen-mile  creek  it 
is  eleven  feet  thick ;  near  the  mill,  on  the  east 
side  of  the  Ohio,  it  is  only  three  feet  to  three 
feet  eleven  inches.  At  Big  Eddy  the  place  of 
this  limestone  is  six  feet  above  the  top  of  the 
Lower  Fish  Bed,  but  it  is  very  ob.scurely  marked 
at  this  point.  To  the  east,  in  Jefferson  county, 
Indiana,  it  passes  into  a  well-developed  cherty 
mass  of  four  or  five  feet  in  thickness,  and  is 
almost  blended  with  the  aforementioned  cherty 
interpolations  of  the  overlaying  beds. 

Under  the  cultrigazalus  bed  succeeds  the  Oli- 
vanites  bed,  which  is  only  six  inches  thick,  near 
the  mill  on  the  south  side  of  tbe  Ohio,  but  attains 
a  thickness  of  six  or  seven  feet  on  Fourteen-mile 
creek,  and  runs  down  to  a  few  inches  at  some 
places  in  the  Falls. 

The.  next  layer  which  is  recognizable  is  a 
cherty  band  charged  with  Spirifer  gregaria  of  Dr. 
Clapp,  and  many  small  hemispherical  masses  of 
Favosites  spongiies,  as  at  the  foot  of  Little  Island 
— one  foot  thick.  Then  comes  a  layer  contain- 
ing conocardium  sub-trigonate  of  D'Orbigny,  layer 
hemispherical  masses  of  Stromatopora  and  a 
Ceiropore{?)  three  to  five  feet. 

Next  come  the  Lower  Fish  Beds,  19  feet  in 
thickness,  consisting  of  limestone  containing  a 
layer  and  beautiful  species  of  undescribed  Turbo, 
a  large  Murchisonia,  a  Conocardium,  Spirifer 
gregaria,  some  small  Cyathophyllida,  and  a 
Leptana.  The  Conocardium  layer  is  light  gray 
and  more  granular  than  the  upper  part,  and  es- 
teemed the  best  bed  for  lime  on  the  Falls.  The 
Leptcznm  lie  mostly  about  two  feet  above  the  Cono- 

Next  come  chert  layers,  underlaid  by  coral 
layers,  containing  Favosites  maxima  of  Troost 
and  Favosites  basaltica,  Goldfuss,  which  repose 
on  a  very  hard  layer. 

The  most  of  the  remains  of  the  fishes  are 
found  about  three  feet  above  the  Turbo  bed,  but 
are  more  or  less  disseminated  through  the  differ- 
ent layers,  which  have  been  designated  as  the 
Lower  Fish  Beds,  and  may  therefore  be  sub- 
divided thus: 

1.  Shell  beds. 

A.  Conocardium  bed,  7  inches. 

B.  Leptasna  bed  (also  with  some  conocardium)  6  feet. 

2.  Parting  chert  layers,  3  feet. 

3.  Coral  layers,  7  feet. 

4.  Very  hard  rock,  2  feet. 

The  principal  mass  of  corals  on  the  Falls  of 
the  Ohio,  which  must  probably  be  grouped  in  the 
Devonian  system,  underlie  these  shell  and  fish 
beds  just  mentioned  and  repose  upon  a  bed 
which  can  just  be  seen  above  the  water  level,  at 
the  principal  axis,  at  extreme  low  water,  which 
contains  the  chain  coral  and  which  appears  to  be 
the  highest  "position  of  this  fossil. 

Amongst  the  main  coralline  bed  of  the  De- 
vonian period  of  the  Falls  may  be  recognized— 

1.  Dark-gray  bed,  containing  large  masses  of 
Favosites  maxima  of  Troost,  Zaphrentis  gigantea, 
and  immense  masses  oi  Favosites  basaltica,  some- 
times as  white  as  milk,  Favosites  allied  to  poly- 
morpha,  but  probably  a  distinct  species,  general- 
ly silicified  and  standing  out  prominently  from 
the  rock. 

2.  Black  coralline  layers,  being  almost  a  com- 
plete list  of  fossilized  corals,  amongst  which  a 
Cystiphyllum,  Favosites  cronigera  of  D'Orbigny, 
and  Zaphrentis  gigantea,  are  the  most  abundant. 
These  black  layers  contain  also  large  masses  of 
Syringapora,  a  large  Turbo,  different  from  the 
species  in  the  shell  beds,  also  the  large  Cyatho- 
phylliform  Favosite,  allied  to  polymorpha,  with 
star-shaped  cells  opening  laterally  on  the  surface 
of  the  cylinder,  in  pores  visible  to  the  naked  eye, 
some  Cystiphyllum  carved  into  a  semi-circle,  large 
Astrea  pentagonusl  of  Goldfuss,  silicified,  pro- 
minent, rugged,  and  black:  this  is  the  so-called 
"buffalo  dung." 

The  termination  of  these  coralline  beds  of  the 
the  Devonian  system  probably  marks  the  place 
of  the  conocardium  calcareous  grit  of  the  falls  of 
Fall  Creek,  Madison  county,  Indiana,  and  which 
is  undoubtedly  the  equivalent  of  the  Schoharie 
shell  grit  near  Cherry  Valley,  in  New  York, 
which  underlies  the  Onondaga,  limestone  of  the 
New  York  system.  No  vestige  of  this  calcareous 
grit    has    yet  been    found    on    the  Falls,    but 



there  is  reason  to  believe  that  it  may  be  found  in 
Jefferson  county,  about  six  miles  above  the  Falls 
to  the  northeast,  on  the  farm  of  the  late  Dr.  John 
Croghan,  on  the  head  of  the  Muddy  Fork  of 
Beargrass;  and  if  so,  though  the  Devonian  and 
Silurian  are  apparently,  at  first  view,  so  blended 
together  on  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  the  horizon 
between  the  black  coralline  beds  above  and  the 
chain  coralline  bed  below,  marks  most  satisfac- 
torily the  line  of  division  between  these  two  sys- 
tems of  rocks  m  Kentucky. 

Time  has  not  yet  permitted  a  thorough  mves- 
tigation  into  the  specific  character  of  the  numer- 
ous beautiful  fossil  shells,  corals  and  fish  remains 
which  occur  at  this  highly  interesting  locality. 
Hereafter  it  is  proposed,  if  occasion  offers,  to  give 
more  full  and  specific  details  of  these  rocks  and 
their  imbedded  organic  remains. 

As  yet  we  have  no  good  detailed  sections  of 
the  Upper  Silurian  beds  of  Jefferson  county, 
lying  between  the  upper  chain-coral  bed  and  the 
magnesian  building-stone.  In  the  eastern  part 
of  Jefferson  county,  on  Harrod's  creek,  a  good 
section  was  obtained,  showing  the  junction  of  the 
upper  and  lower  beds  with  some  of  superior  and 
mferior  stratification. 

The  following  is  the  section  presented  in  the 
cut  of  Harrod's  creek: 


240.  Sneider  House. 

235.  Magnesian  limestone,  below  house. 

220.   Red  chert,  with  Spirifer gregaria. 

Pontes  and  other  fossils. 
180.  Top  of  third  bench  of  magnesian  limestone. 

Slope,  with  rocks  concealed. 
163.   Base  of  third  bench  or  offset  of  magnesian  limestone. 
160.  Top  of  second  bench  of  magnesian  limestone. 
154.  Base  of  second  bench  of  magnesian  limestone. 

Slope,  with  rocks  concealed. 
115.   Base  of  overhanging  ledges  of  cellular  magnesian  lime- 
no.  Thin  gray  and  reddish  layers  weathering  and  under- 
mining the   overhanging  magnesian  limestone,   per- 
haps hydraulic  in  its  properties. 
107.   Base  of  upper  bench  under  the  fall. 

Earthy   rock  with  some   magnesia,    perhaps   with   hy- 
draulic properties. 
100.   Elarthy  rock  with  less  magnesia  ? 

95.  Earthy  reddish  and  green  layers,  weathering  with  round- 
ed surfaces  like  hydraulic  limestones. 
91.   Hard  grey  silicious  limestone,  projecting  from  the  bank. 
90.  Soft  argillaceous  layer,  decomposing  under  overhanging 
ledge  above,  partly  hydraulic,   upper  two  feet   most 
85.   Hard  layer  on  top  of  a  little  fall  in  bed  of  creek. 
84.  Ash-colored,    easily   decomposing  layers;  lowest   layer 
with   nearly  vertical  fracture  at   right  angles   to   the 

86.  Top  of  ash-colored,  earthy  hydraulic  layers. 
80.  Top  of  lowest  layer,  with  vertical  cross  fracture. 

Junction  of  Upper  and  Lower  Silurian  formations. 
79.  Limestone,  with  Orthis  Lynx. 

78.  Brown  layer  of  limestone,  with  branching  Chaetetes. 
76.  Layer  with  Cyathophylum? 
67.  More  marly. 
65.  Hard,  thin  layers  of  Leptaena  limestone,  with  branching 

59.   Hard,  thin  layers  of  limestone,  containing  Leptcena  al- 

tematce  and  Atrypa  capax. 
58.  Hard  layer,  with  irregular  surface,  four  inches  thick. 
52.   Hard  layer,  six  inches  thick. 
50.  Concretionary  marly  layer,  containing  Leptaena //a««»»- 

41.   Irregular,  light-colored  layers,    with  remains   of  Isote- 

lus,  Orthis,  etc.,  five  inches  thick. 
Dark,  marly  regular  layer,  containing  branching  Chatetei- 
nine  inches  thick. 
40.  Ash  colored,  irregular  layers,  containing  small,  branch 

ing  ChcBtetes. 
25.   Fossiliferous    slabs,    with     Orthis    Lynx  and    Orthis 

22.   Concretionary    and  marly,     ash-colored    layers,    with 

Orthis  Lynx. 
o.  Slabs,  with  Atrypa  capax  and   Modesta,  at  the  junc- 
tion of  Harrod's  creek  with  its  Sneider  branch. 

The  gregaria  chert-bed  lies  on  the  Falls  of  the 
Ohio,  about  thirty  feet  above  the  base  of  the 
rocks  of  Devonian  date.  In  this  Harrod's  creek 
section  they  were  observed  at  two  hundred  and 
twenty  feet,  where  the  junction  of  the  Upper 
Silurian  and  Lower  Silurian  occurs  at  eighty 
feet;  hence,  if  the  rocks  of  Devonian  date  have 
the  same  thickness  in  the  eastern  part  of  Jeffer- 
son county  as  in  its  northern  confines,  the  Up- 
per Silurian  rocks  have  a  thickness  on  Harrod's 
creek  of  one  hundred  and  ten  feet.  It  is  prob- 
able, therefore,  that  the  upper  chain-coral  bed, 
which  marks  the  top  of  the  Upper  Silurian 
strata,  is  concealed  ten  feet  up  the  slope,  above 
the  upper  bench  of  protruding  magnesian  lime- 
stone in  the  above  section. 

Near  the  boundary  between  Jefferson  and 
Oldham  counties,  the  cellular  beds  of  the  mag- 
nesian limestones  of  the  Upper  Silurian  period 
from  the  surface  stratum,  which  is  reached  in 
sinking  wells,  and  found,  on  account  of  its  spongy 
character,  very  difficult  to  blast. 


A  large  number  of  analyses  of  soils  and  rocks, 
from  different  parts  of  the  county,  were  made  by 
the  chemist  in  the  employ  of  the  State;  and  we 
copy  several  of  them,  for  whatever  value  they 
may  have  at  this  day : 

Hydraulic  limestone  (unburnt),  from  the  Falls 
of  the  Ohio  at  Louisville : 



A   greenish-grey,    dull,  fine,   granular  limestone;   adheres 
slightly  to  the  tongue;  powder  light-grey. 

Composition,  dried  at  212°  Fahrenheit. 

Carbonate  of  lime 50.43-28.29  lime. 

Carbonate  of  magnesia 18.67-  8.89  magnesia. 

Alumina   and   oxides  of  iron 

and  magnesia 

Phosphoric  acid 

Sulphuric  acid 1.58 


Soda. . 
Loss . . . 


Silica  and  insoluble  silicates. .     25.78 

'  Silica, 

Alumina  color- 
ed with  oxide 
of  iron 

Lime,    magne- 


100.00  (.    sia,  and  loss,       .32 

The  air-dried  rock  lost  70  per  cent,  of  moisture 
at  212°  Fahrenheit. 

The  analysis  of  this  well-known  water-lime  will 
serve  for  comparison  with  that  of  other  lime- 
stones supposed  to  possess  hydraulic  qualities. 

Soil  labeled  "Virgin  soil,  from  O'Bannon's 
farm,  O'Bannon's  Station,  overlying  cellular 
magnesian  limestone  of  the  Upper  Silurian  forma- 
tion, twelve  miles  from  Louisville." 

Dried  soil  of  a  grey-brown  color;  some  small 
rounded  particles  of  iron  ore  in  it.  As  this  and 
the  following  soils  were  received  just  before  this 
report  was  made  up,  there  was  not  time  for  di- 
gestion in  water  containing  carbonic  acid,  to 
ascertain  the  relative  amount  of  matters  soluble 
in  that  menstruum.  They  were  therefore  sub- 
mitted to  ordinary  analysis,  dried  at  370°  Fahren- 

The  composition  of  this  soil  is  as  follows: 

Organic  and  volatile  matters 7-996 

Alumina,  and  oxides  of  iron  and  magnesia 7.480 

Carbonate  of  lime .394 

Magnesia .  240 

Phosphoric  acid 205 

Sulphuric  acid .082 

Potash .  200 

Soda 042 

Sand  and  insoluble  silicates 83. 134 

Loss .  226 

The  air-dried  soil  lost  4.42  per  cent,  of  mois- 
ture at  370°. 

Soil,  labeled  "  Soil  from  an  old  field,  over  cel- 
lular magnesian  limestone  of  the  Upper  Silurian 
formation,  which  lies  from  six  to  twelve  feet  be- 
neath the  surface.  Has  been  from  twenty-five  to 
thirty  years  in  cultivation;  E.  B.  O'Bannon's 

Color  of  dried  soil  light  greyish-brown,  light( 
than  the  preceding. 

Composition,  dried  at  400°  Fahrenheit : 

Organic  and  volatile  matters a  a, 

Alumina,  and  oxides  of  iron  and  manganese 6.2. 

Carbonate  of  lime 3 

Magnesia 2< 

Phosphoric  acid j, 

Sulphuric  acid o 

Potash 1 

Soda o 

Sand  and  insoluble  silicates .   88.3 

The  air-dried  soil  lost  2.8  per  cent,  ofmoistur 
at  300°  Fahrenheit. 

By  comparison  of  the  two  preceding  analysi 
it  will  be  seen  that  the  soil,  which  has  been 
cultivation  from  twenty-five  to  thirty  years,  h; 
lost  of  its  original  value :  First,  it  has  lost  c 
ganic  and  volatile  matters,  which  is  evinced  al; 
in  its  lighter  color  and  in  the  smaller  quantity  1 
moisture  which  it  is  capable  of  holding  at  the  c 
dinary  temperature,  but  which  was  driven  off 
the  heat  of  400°.  These  organic  matters  absoi 
and  retain  moisture  with  great  power.  Besid 
the  nourishment  which  organic  matters  in  tl 
soil  give  directly  to  vegetables,  by  their  gradu 
decomposition  and  change,  these  substances  ah 
greatly  increase  the  solubility  of  the  earthy  an 
saline  ingredients  in  the  soil,  which  are  necessai 
to  vegetable  growth.  Second,  it  has  lost  son 
of  every  mineral  ingredient  of  the  soil  which  e; 
ters  into  the  vegetable  composition;  as  lim 
magnesia,  oxide  of  iron,  phosphoric  acid,  su 
phur,  and  the  alkalies.  The  only  apparent  e 
ception  to  this  is  in  the  greater  proportion  < 
soda  in  the  old  soil  than  in  the  virgin  soil.  Th 
increase  may  have  been  occasioned  by  the  ore 
nary  free  use  of  salt  on  the  farm,  and  its  transf 
to  the  cultivated  field  by  the  animals  feedir 
on  it. 

It  will  be  seen,  in  the  third  place,  that  the  pr 
portion  of  alumina  and  oxide  of  iron  to  the  sar 
and  silicates  is  smaller  in  the  soil  of  the  old  fie 
than  in  the  virgin  soil,  cultiva,tion  having,  p€ 
haps,  favored  the  washing  down  into  the  sub-s( 
those  ingredients  which  are  the  most  readily  trar 
ported  by  water.  To  renovate  this  field  to  i 
original  state  would  require  the  application  ( 
ordinary  barn-yard  manure,  which  contains  i 
the  ingredients  which  have  been  removed  fro 
it  except  the  alumina  and  oxides  of  iron  ar 



manganese.  To  supply  these,  if  it  be  deemed 
desirable,  the  red  sub-soil  found  on  the  washed 
slopes  of  the  old  field,  presently  to  be  described, 
would  answer  very  well,  applied  as  a  top-dressing; 
but  the  immediate  subsoil,  next  to  be  described, 
does  not  by  its  analysis  promise  to  be  of  any 
service  in  this  or  in  any  other  respect. 

Would  this  be  a  good  soil  for  the  cultivation 
of  the  grape?  If  it  has  sufificient  drainage  to 
prevent  the  habitual  lodgment  of  water  in  the 
sub-soil,  there  is  nothing  in  the  composition  of 
the  soil  to  forbid  its  use  for  this  purpose.  The  soil 
which  will  produce  good  Indian  corn  will  gener- 
ally produce  the  grape.  The  vine  requires  for  its 
growth  and  the  production  of  its  fruit  precisely 
the  same  mineral  ingredients  which  are  necessary 
to  every  other  crop  which  may  be  produced  on 
the  soil,  differing  in  this  respect  from  them  only 
in  the  proportion  of  these  several  ingredients. 
The  juice  of  the  grape  contains  a  considerable 
proportion  of  potash,  much  of  which  is  depos- 
ited in  the  wine-cask,  after  fermentation,  in  the 
form  of  tartar  (acid  tartrate  of  potash),  and  which 
must  be  supplied  to  the  growing  vine  from  the 
soil  to  enable  it  to  produce  the  grape.  It  has 
hence  been  generally  believed  that  vineyard  cul- 
ture tends  speedily  to  exhaust  the  soil  of  its  al- 
kalies, unless  they  are  habitually  re-applied  in 
manures.  This  is  true  in  regard  to  every  green 
crop  which  is  carried  off  the  ground;  as  hay, 
turnips,  potatoes,  and  especially  tobacco  and  the 
fruits  of  the  orchard;  whilst  the  Indian  corn  and 
other  grains  carry  off  less  of  the  alkalies,  they 
also  require  and  remove  them  in  considerable 

To  return  to  the  two  comparative  soil  analyses. 
The  difference  between  the  proportions  of  the 
valuable  ingredients  of  the  two  above  stated  may 
seem  quite  unimportant  on  a  superficial  examina- 
tion; but  when  we  apply  these  differences  to  the 
more  than  three  million  pounds  of  silver  which 
are  contained  in  an  acre  of  ground,  calculated 
only  to  the  depth  of  one  foot,  we  may  see  their 
significance.  Thus  the  potash  in  the  original 
soil  is  in  proportion  of  0.200  per  cent.,  and  in 
the  soil  of  the  old  field  in  that  of  0.158.  This 
proportion  gives  6,000  pounds  of  potash  to  the 
acre  of  earth  one  foot  deep  in  the  new  soil,  and 
4,740  pounds  only  into  the  old,  showing  that  if 
the  old  soil  was  originally  like  the  neighboring 
virgin  soil,  it  has  lost,  among  other   ingredients. 

as  much  as  1,260  pounds  of  potash  from  the 
acre,  within  one  foot  of  the  surface  only.  To  re- 
store to  it  this  amount  of  alkali  alone  would  re- 
quire the  application  of  a  large  amount  of  ordin- 
ary manure. 

Sub-soil,  labeled  "  Sub-soil,  seven  to  twelve 
inches  under  the  surface,  old  field  twenty-five  to 
thirty  years  in  cultivation,  over  cellular  magnesian 
limestone  of  the  Lower  Silurian  Formation,  E.  B. 
O'Bannon's  farm,  Jefferson  county." 

Color  of  the  dried  soil,  light  greyish  brown. 

Composition,  dried  at  400°  Fahrenheit. 

Organic  and  volatile  matters 2. 844 

Alumina,  and  oxides  of  iron  and  manganese 6.335 

Carbonate  of  lime .256 

Magnesia 226 

Phosphoric  acid .099 

Sulphuric  acid 082 

Potash 181 

Soda .028 

Sand  and  insoluble  silicates 89.900 

Loss 049 


The  air-dried  sub-soil  lost  2.98  per  cent,  of 
moisture  at  400°  Fahrenheit. 

By  the  examination  of  this  upper  sub-soil  it 
does  not  appear  that  any  of  the  valuable  ingre- 
dients of  the  surface-soil  have  lodged  in  it.  It 
contains,  it  is  true,  more  potash,  and  has  less 
organic  matter,  but  in  other  respects  does  not 
materially  differ  from  the  upper  soil.  A  greater 
difference  may  be  Jeen  in  the  deeper  sub-soil,  the 
analysis  of  which  will  next  be  given. 

Sub-soil,  labeled  "Red  sub-soil,  on  the  washed 
slopes  of  an  old  field,  found  almost  universally  a 
few  feet  under  the  surface,  E.  B.  O'Bannon's 
farm,  Jefferson  county." 

Color  ol  the  dried  soil,  light  brick-red;  it  con- 
tains some  small  nodules  of  iron  ore.  Compo- 
sition, dried  at  400°  Fahrenheit: 

Organic  and  volatile  matters 3. 112 

Alumina  and  oxides  of  iron  and  manganese 17.020 

Carbonate  of  lime 194 

Magnesia ; .366 

Phosphoric  acid .497 

Sulphuric  acid. 088 

Potash 297 

Soda Ill 

Sand  and  insoluble  silicates 77-434 

Loss 88r 


The  air-dried  sub-soil  lost  3.60  per  cent,  of 
moisture  at  400°  Fahrenheit. 

Soil  labeled  "Soil  from  a  poor  point  of  an  old 



field,    where    gravel    iron    ore  prevails,    E.   B. 
O'Bannon's  farm,  Jefferson  county." 

Color  of  the  dried  soil  rather  lighter  than  that 
of  the  preceding;  soft  pebbles  of  iron  ore,  very 
dark  in  appearance  when  broken.  Composition, 
dried  at  380°  Fahrenheit : 

Organic  and  volatile  matters 4-390 

Alumina  and  oxides  of  iron  and  manganese 11.840 

Carbonate  of  lime . 236 

Magnesia 216 

Phosphoric  acid 126 

Sulphuric  acid 109 

Potash 239 

Soda .043 

Sand  and  insoluble  silicates 82.694 

Loss 458 


The  air-dried  soil  lost  3.94  per  cent,  of  mois- 
ture at  380°  F. 

The  cause  of  the  unproductiveness  of  thissoil 
lies  more  in  the  state  of  aggregation  then  the 
composition,  as  shown  by  the  chemical  analysis. 
The  valuable  ingredients  necessary  to  vegetable 
growth  are  contained  in  it  in  at  least  as  large  pro- 
portions as  in  the  earth  from  the  other  portions 
of  the  field;  but  in  this  there  is  doubtless  a 
larger  quantity  of  them  locked  up  in  the  pebbles 
of  so-called  iron  ore,  which  the  fibres  of  the  veg- 
etable roots  cannot  penetrate.  If,  by  any  means, 
these  were  to  be  disintegrated  or  pulverized,  the 
soil  would  doubtless  be  rendered  more  fertile. 
Doubtless,  if  these  several  soils  had  been  di- 
gested in  the  carbonated  water,  this  one  would 
have  given  up  much  less  of  soluble  extract  to 
that  menstruum  than  the  others.  The  iron 
gravel  diffused  through  this  soil  has  also  been 
submitted  to  analysis. 

Ferruginous  gravel,  labeled  "  Gravel  of  iron 
ore  disseminated  in  the  sub-soil  over  cellular 
magnesian  limestone,  E.  B.  O'Bannon's  farm, 
Jefferson  county." 

Irregular  tuberculated  lumps,  from  the  size  of 
a  large  hickory  nut  down  to  that  of  a  mustard 
seed,  easily  broken,  fracture  showing  a  general 
dark  appearance  like  that  of  peroxide  of  manga- 
nese; some  of  the  lumps  presented  some  included 
lighter  earthy  matter  like  clay;  powder  of  a 
snuff-brown  color.  It  dissolved  in  hydro-chloric 
acid  with  the  escape  of  chlorine.  It  contained 
no  protoxide  of  iron,  but  much  oxide  of  manga- 

Composition,  dried  at  212°  Fahrenheit: 

Oxide  of  iron  and  alumina 33-90 

Brown  oxide  of  manganese ^.28 

Carbonate  of  lime. . .    .    eg 

Carbonate  of  magnesia 1.22 

Alkalies  and  acids  not  estimated. 

Silex  and  insoluble  silicates 58. 18 

Combined  water 8.20 

Loss 1.64 

Dried  at  212°,  it  lost  2.80  per  cent  of  moisture. 
Limestone,  labeled  "Cellular  (magnesian?) 
Limestone,  found  about  six  to  ten  feet  under 
the  surface  of  the  ground,  where  the  preceding 
soils  were  collected,  O'Bannon's  farm,  Jefferson 

A  light  grey,  friable  cellular  rock,  layers  and 
cavities  covered  with  minute  crystals.  Composi- 
tion dried  at  212°  Fahrenheit : 

Carbonate  of  lime, (28.49  lime)  50.76 

Carbonate  of  magnesia 45- 00 

Alumina,    oxides  of   iron  and  manganese,  and  phos- 
phates      1.78 

Sulphuric  acid 04 

Potash 21 

Soda 35 

Silex  and  insoluble  silicates 2.48 


The  air-dried  rock  lost  0.20  per  cent  of  moist- 
ure at  212°. 

Soil,  labeled  "Virgin  soil,  over  compact  mag- 
nesian building-stone  of  the  Upper  Silurian  for- 
mation, White  Oak  Ridge,  at  Pleasant  Grove 
Meeting-house,  William  Galey's  farm,  Jefferson 
county.  (This  soil  is  considered  not  more  than 
one-half  as  productive  as  that  over  the  cellular 
magnesian  limestone)." 

Dried  soil  of  a  dirty  grey-buff  color.  Compo- 
sition, dried  at  400°  Fahrenheit : 

Organic  and  volatile  matters 3- 761 

Alumina,  and  oxides  of  iron  and  mangauese 6.952 

Carbonate  of  lime 156 

Magnesia 240 

Phosphoric  acid 088 

Sulphuric  acid 310 

Potash 177 

Soda 801 

Silex  and  insoluble  silicates 38.294 


The  air-dried  soil  lost  3.22  per  cent,  of  mois- 
ture at  400  .  Contains  less  organic  matters, 
phosphoric  acid,  and  alkalies,  and  a  large  propor- 
tion of  sand  and  silicates,  than  the  soil  over  the 
cellular  magnesian  hmestone. 

Limestone,     labeled     "Magnesian     Building 



Stone,  found  under  the  preceding  soil,  Upper 
Silurian  formation,  same  locality  as  the  last, 
Jefferson  county." 

A  fine-grained,  light-grey  limestone ;  weathered 
surface,  having  a  buff  discoloration,  with  perox- 
ide of  iron ;  under  the  lens  appears  to  be  made 
up  of  a  mass  of  pure  crystalline  grains. 

Composition,  dried  at  212°  Fahrenheit: 

Carbonate  of  lime  (31.62  of  lime) 5636 

Carbonate  of  magnesia 3707 

Alumina,  oxides  of  iron  and  magnesia,  and  phosphates  1.28 
Sulphuric  acid,  a  trace. 

Potash 33 

Soda 35 

Silex  and  insoluble  silicates 5.68 


The  air-dried  rock  lost  o.  10  per  cent,  of  mois- 
ture at  212°. 

This  is  probably  a  very  durable  stone;  and,  in 
consequence  of  its  very  slow  disintegration,  can 
communicate  very  little  soluble  material  to  the 
soil  above  it.  It  resembles  a  good  deal  in  com- 
position the  magnesian  building-stone  from 
Grimes's  Quarry,  in  Fayette  county,  which  is  re- 
markable for  its  great  durability  amongst  the 
rocks  of  that  region. 

Soil,  labeled  "Soil,  ten  miles  from  Louisville, 
on  the  Salt  river  road,  thirty  or  forty  years  in 
cultivation;  primitive  growth,  beech,  and  some 
poplar  and  gum.     Jefferson  county,  Kentucky. " 

Color  of  the  dried  soil,  dark  yellowish-grey. 
A  few  small  rounded  ferruginous  pebbles  were 
removed  from  it  by  the  coarse  sieve.  Washed 
with  water,  it  left  76.33  per  cent,  of  sand,  etc., 
of  which  all  but  4.37  per  cent,  was  fine  enough 
to  go  through  the  finest  bolting-cloth.  This 
coarser  portion  is  composed  of  rounded  grains 
of  hyaline  and  yellow  quartz,  with  ferruginous 
particles.  One  thousand  grains  of  the  air-dried 
soil,  digested  for  a  month  in  water  containing 
carbonic  acid,  gave  up  nearly  two  grains  of  light- 
brown  extract,  which  had  the  following  compo 
sition : 


Organic  and  volatile   matters 0.370 

Alumina,    oxides  of  iron  and  manganese,    and  phos- 
phates      114 

Carbonate  of  lime 880 

Magnesia 052 

Sulphuric  acid 081 

Potash 044 

Soda 081 

Silica 200 


The  air-dried  soil  lost  3.  i  per  cent,  of  mois- 
ture at  400'  F.,  dried  at  which  temperature  it  has 
the  following  composition: 

Organic  and  volatile  matters 4-231 

Alumina 3. 580 

Oxide  of  iron 4.421 

Carbonate  of  lime 230 

Magnesia 359 

Brown   oxide   of  manganese 445 

Phosphoric   acid 262 

Sulphuric   acid 084 

Potash 04s 


Sand  and  insoluble  silicates 86.006 

Loss '. no 

Sub-soil,    labeled    "Subsoil,    ten   miles   from 
Louisville,  on  the  Salt  river  road,  field  thirty  to 
forty  years  in  cultivation.    Jefferson  county,  Ken- 

Color  of  the  dried  sub-soil  a  little  Hghter  than 
that  of  the  soil  above  it.  The  coarse  sieve  re- 
moved from  it  some  rounded  particles  of  ferrugin- 
ous mineral  and  a  few  milky  quartz  grains  about 
the  size  of  mustard-seed.  Washed  with  water, 
this  sub-soil  left  70.7  per  cent,  of  sand,  etc.,  of 
which  all  but  14.47  P^*"  cent,  passed  through  the 
finest  bolting-cloth.  This  coarser  portion  con- 
sisted principally  of  clear  grains  of  quartz,  more 
or  less  rounded,  with  some  rounded  ferruginous 
particles.  One  thousand  grains  of  the  air-dried 
soil,  digested  for  a  month  in  water  containing 
carbonic  acid,  gave  up  more  than  five  grains  of 
brown  extract,  dried  at  212°,  which  had  the  fol- 
lowing composition  : 


Organic  and  volatile  matters 2. 100 

Alumina,   oxides  of    iron  and  manganese,    and  phos- 
phate  863 

Carbonate  of  lime i'7i3 

Magnesia 133 

Sulphuric  acid 125 

Potash 048 

Soda . 
Silica . 

.   .012 
.   .200 


The  air-dried  soil  lost  3.175  percent,  of  moist- 
ure at  400°  F.,  dried  at  which  temperature  it  has 
the  following  composition: 

Organic  and  volatile  matters 4983 

Alumina 3. 

Oxide  of  iron 4. 

Carbonate  of  lime 


Brown  oxide  of  manganese 

Phosphoric  acid. ...       





Sulphuric  acid 085 

Potash 213 

Soda 051 

Sand  and  insoluble  silicates 81;. 895 

Loss 203 

This   would  be  good  soil,  if  it  were  drained. 
The  sub-soil  is  rather  richer  than  the  surface  soil. 



"Virginia" — The  County  of  Fincastle — "Louisiana" — 
"Ohio"— The  Indian  Claims  Relinquished — "Louisa," 
"  Cantuckey,"  "  Transylvania" — The  County  of  Kentucky 
— Colonel  John  Floyd — Jefferson  County — Its  Ancient 
Limits — Fayette  and  Lincoln  Counties — Counties  Carved 
from  Jefferson— The  First  Officers  of  Jefferson  County. — 
Some  other  Historic  Matters. 


The  territory  to  the  south  of  the  Ohio,  at  least 
within  the  lacitudes  of  Virginia,  was  held  by  the 
English  Government,  under  the  discoveries  by 
Sir  Walter  Raleigh,  in  the  valley  of  the  James 
river.  That  part  of  it  now  lying  within  the 
boundaries  of  the  State  of  Kentucky  was  in- 
cluded in  the  grants  bestowed  by  the  royal  patent 
upon  Sir  Walter  in  1584,  and  in  the  charter 
granted  to  the  Colony  of  Virginia.  In  this  was 
presently  formed 


This  was  an  immense  tract,  large  as  several  of 
the  present  States  of  the  Union,  and  stretching 
virtually  from  the  further  borders  of  the  county 
now  existing  under  the  name  in  Virginia  to  the 
Mississippi.  It  included  the  whole  of  the  Ken- 
tucky country. 


By  right  of  discovery,  however,  the  French 
had  long  before  claimed  the  entire  valleys  of  the 
Mississippi  and  the  Ohio,  with  the  whole  of 
Texas  and  the  region  of  the  great  lakes.  So 
lately  as  1782,  when  the  preliminaries  of  peace 
between  Great  Britain  and  her  revolted  Amer- 
ican colonies  were  being  discussed  at  Paris,  both 
France  and  Spain  made  protests  against  the  Illi- 
nois country,  conquered  by  George  Rogers  Clark 
in  1778,  being  considered  as  British  territory,  to 
be  ceded  to  the  United  States  as  a  part  of  its 

conquest;  and  it  was  only  by  virtue  of  Clark's 
conquest  that  the  claim  of  the  new  Republic  was 
finally  allowed. 

Upon  one  ot  the  old  maps  the  whole  of  this 
vast  region  is  designated  as  "Canada,  or  New 
France,"  with  "La  Louisiane"  as  an  integral 
part.  But  others,  including  the  great  map  of 
Franquelin,  who  was  official  hydrographer  to  the 
king,  represent  the  domain  in  two  separate  di- 
visions, New  France  and  Louisiana.  The  bound- 
ary between  them  was  drawn  by  Franquelin  from 
the  Penobscot  river  to  the  south  end  of  Lake 
Champlain,  thence  to  the  Mohawk,  crossing  it  a 
little  above  the  site  of  Schenectady,  thence  by  th6 
sources  of  the  Susquehanna  and  the  Alleghany, 
the  south  shore  of  Lake  Erie,  across  Southern 
Michigan  to  the  head  of  Lake  Michigan,  and 
northwestward  to  the  headwaters  of  the  Missis- 
sippi. All  south  of  that  line  was  "La  Louisi- 
ane." The  tract  occupied  by  Louisville  and 
Jefferson  county,  then,  was  originally  a  part  of 
the  far-reaching  French  province  of  Louisiana. 

The  result  of  the  French  and  Indian  war  of 
1755-62  was  to  transfer  to  the  crown  of  Great 
Britain  all  the  possessions  and  territorial  claims 
of  France  east  of  the  Mississippi,  except  some 
fishing  stations.  The  Kentucky  region,  there- 
fore, passed  into  the  undisputed  possession  of 
the  British  Crown. 


Upon  the  second  map  of  Lewis  Evans,  pub- 
lished in  Philadelphia  in  1764,  the  Kentucky 
country  is  shown  for  the  first  time  in  cartography, 
and  is  designated,  as  well  as  the  grea*  tracts  to 
the  north  of  the  Beautiful  river,  as  "Ohio." 
There  was  no  reason,  however,  in  the  govern- 
mental arrangements  of  that  time,  for  such  desig- 
nation. Ohio  was  not  yet  known  as  the  title  of 
any  political  division.  Mr,  Evans  simply  fell 
into  one  of  the  blunders  which  abounded  among 
the  geographers  of  the  period, 


November  5,  1768,  by  the  treaty  of  Fort  Stan- 
wix,  the  all-conquering  Six  Nations,  and  the 
Delawares,  Shawnees,  and  Mingoes  of  Ohio, 
granted  unto  the  Crown  of  Great  Britain  all  their 
territory  south  of  the  Ohio  and  west  of  the 
Cherokee  or  Tennessee  river,  back  of  the  En- 
glish settlements,  for  the  sum  of  ^10,460,  or 
about  $50,000. 



The  Five  Nations,  or  Iroquois,  had  previously, 
in  1846,  in  a  treaty  at  Albany  between  their 
chiefs  and  Lord  Howard,  Governor  of  the  Colony 
of  Virginia,  associated  with  Colonel  Dungan, 
Governor  of  the  Colony  of  New  York,  placed 
themselves  under  the  protection  of  the  British 
Government  and  made  a  deed  of  sale  to  it  of 
the  vast  tract  south  and  east  of  the  Illinois  river, 
and  extending  across  Lake  Huron  into  Canada. 
The  present  land  of  Kentucky  was  included  in 
this  immense  cession. 


In  the  autumn  of  1774  nine  North  Carolin- 
ians, of  whom  the  leader  was  Colonel  Richard 
Henderson,  made  overtures  for  a  treaty  with  a 
branch  of  the  Cherokee  Indians,  which  was  com- 
pleted March  17,  1775.  By  this  the  Indians 
assumed  to  cede,  for  the  consideration  of  ;^io,- 
000,  no  less  than  seventeen  millions  of  acres, 
extending  from  the  Cumberland  to  the  Kentucky 
rivers,  and  bounded  on  the  south  by  a  line  drawn 
from  the  headwaters  of  the  most  southerly  branch 
of  the  Cumberland  to  the  summit  of  Powell's 
mountain,  and  thence  to  the  most  northerly 
branch  of  the  Kentucky.  Colonel  Henderson 
in  his  journal  designates  this  tract  as  "Louisa" 
and  "Cantuckey" — the  first  name  being  derived 
from  what  was  understood  to  be  the  English 
name  of  the  Cuttawa,  Chenoca,  or  Kentucke 
river.  Upon  it,  however,  when  Daniel  Boone 
and  his  companions  had  made  the  famous 
"trace"  into  the  promised  land,  from  the  Long 
Island  in  the  Holston  river  to  the  present  site 
of  Boon^borough — the  company  was  to  attempt 
to  found  the  colony  of  Transylvania.  In  April 
they  laid  off  the  village  at  "Fort  Boone,"  and 
soon  after  appointed  the  23d  of  May  for 
a  meeting  of  delegates.  Six  members  of  the 
"House  of  Delegates  or  Representatives  of 
the  Colony  of  Transylvania"  attended  on  that 
day  "under  the  divine  elm,"  to  represent  the 
town  of  Boonesborough,  three  for  Harrods- 
burg,  and  four  each  for  the  Boiling  Spring 
Settlement  and  the  town  of  St.  Asaph.  A  min- 
iature legislature  was  organized  — "the  first 
Anglo-American  government  on  the  west  side  of 
the  Alleghany  range  of  mountains."  The  colony 
seems  already  to  have  been  formed  and  named 
merely  by  the  will  of  the  proprietors.  Bills  were 
duly  introduced,  read  twice,  and  passed,  ad- 
dresses voted  to  the  company,  and  a  compact 

between  them  and  the  people  entered  into.  The 
proprietors,  as  a  self-appointed  governing  coun- 
cil, passed  finally  upon  all  measures,  and  signed 
or  disapproved  them.  The  "House  of  Dele- 
gates" was  in  session  five  days,  and  then  ad- 
journed to  meet  at  Boonesborough  in  Septem- 
ber. It  never  re-assembled,  but  a  petition  "to 
the  Honorable  the  Convention  of  Virginia,"  was 
sent,  probably  in  December,  1775,  from  "the  in- 
habitants, and  some  of  the  intended  settlers  of 
that  part  of  North  America  now  denominated 
Transylvania,"  praying  for  relief  against  the  exac- 
tions of  the  proprietors. 

In  September  a  meeting  of  the  company  had 
been  held,  at  which  James  Hogg  was  appointed 
to  represent  the  "colony"  in  the  Continental 
Congress,  and  present  a  memorial  asking  the  ad- 
mission of  Transylvania  into  the  Union  of  Col- 
onies. It  is  needless  to  say  that  neither  he  nor 
it  was  admitted.  A  large  number  of  persons 
were  persuaded  or  hired  by  the  company  to  go 
into  the  new  country ;  but  its  sort  of  proprietary 
government  proved  unpopular,  and  its  title  was 
presently  altogether  invalidated  by  the  Virginia 
Legislature,  under  a  wise  and  ancient  colonial 
policy  which  forbade  transfers  of  territory  by  the 
Indians  to  private  persons,  as  contrary  to  the 
chartered  rights  of  the  colonies.  In  November, 
1778,  that  body  passed  the  following: 

Resolved,  That  all  purchases  of  land,  made  or  to  be 
made,  of  the  Indians  within  the  chartered  bounds  of  this 
Commonwealth,  as  described  by  the  constitution  or  form  of 
government,  by  any  private  persons  not  authorized  by  public 
authority,  are  void. 

Resolved,  That  the  purchases  heretofore  made  by  Richard 
Henderson  &  Company,  of  that  tract  of  land  called  Tran- 
sylvania within  this  Commonwealth,  of  the  Cherokee  Indians, 
is  void.  .... 

Thus  passed  away  the  transient  glory  of  Tran- 
sylvania. Ample  compensation  was  made  to  the 
company,  however,  by  the  grant  of  two  hundred 
thousand  acres  of  land,  in  a  tract  twelve  miles 
square  on  the  Ohio,  below  the  mouth  of  Ken- 
tucky river.  The  musical  name  was  preserved  for 
nearly  seventy  years,  in  the  designation  of  Tran- 
sylvania university,  at  Lexington. 


For  a  few  years  the  great  county  of  Fincastle 
exercised  nominal  jurisdiction  over  the  bears  and 
wolves,  the  panthers  and  buffaloes,  the  roaming 
Indians,  and  the  handful  of  whites  already  on  the 
Dark  and  Bloody  Ground.     The  few  civilized 



immigrants  that  first  rr.ade  their  way  into  the 
deep  wilderness  found,  however,  no  protection 
or  aid  in  the  far-away  colonial  or  county  govern- 
ment, and  were  altogether  a  law  unto  them- 

The  first  subdivision  or  county  organization 
really  known  to  the  great  wilderness  tract  since 
covered  by  the  State  of  Kentucky  was  the 
"County  of  Kentucky,"  formed  from  the  western 
part  of  Fmcastle  county,  by  the  Virginia  Legis- 
lature, on  the  31st  of  December,  1776,  soon 
after  the  independence  of  the  colonies  was  de- 
clared. George  Rogers  Clark,  then  a  young  ma- 
jor in  the  Virginia  militia,  must  be  regarded  as 
the  father  of  the  new  county.  The  story  of  his 
journeyings  on  foot  through  the  wilderness,  his 
securing  ammunition  for  the  defense  of  the  in- 
fant settlements,  and  his  procurement,  as  a  dele- 
gate to  the  Virginia  House  of  Burgesses,  of  the 
erection  of  the  county  of  Kentucky,  has  been 
told  in  part  in  our  General  Introduction,  in  the 
biographical  sketch  of  General  Clark,  and  need 
not  be  repeated  here.  The  young  major  had 
procured  the  act  for  the  erection  of  the  county, 
while  he  was  on  the  expedition  after  the  powder 
and  lead  for  the  Kentucky  settlers. 

This  gigantic  county  comprehended,  in  ;he 
definitions  of  the  creative  act,  "all  that  part 
thereof  [of  Fincastle  county]  which  lies  to  the 
sou'*',  and  westward  of  a  line  beginnmg  on  the 
Ohio  river,  at  the  mouth  of  Great  Sandy  creek, 
and  running  up  the  same  and  the  main  or  north- 
easterly branch  thereof  to  the  Great  Lawrel 
ridge  or  Cumberland  mountain,  thence  south- 
westerly along  the  said  mountain  to  the  line  of 
North  Carolina."  It  includes  substantially  what 
now  belongs  to  the  State  of  Kentucky. 

The  chief  official  of  such  subdivision  in  those 
days  was  a  "County  Lieutenant,"  or  Governor. 
In  1778  Thomas  Jefferson,  then  Governor  of 
Virginia,  appointed  as  such  officer  Colonel  John 
Bowman,  who  had  been  made  a  colonel  of  mili- 
tia in  the  county,  by  commission  of  Governor 
Patrick  Henry,  soon  after  it  was  formed.  The 
county  was  also  entitled  to  a  court  of  its  own,  a 
sheriff,  and  other  customary  officers.  The  first 
court  of  general  quarter  sessions  of  the  peace 
for  the  county  sat  at  Harrodsburg  in  the  spring 
of  1777,  'composed  of  Justices  John  Bowman, 

*There  were  already,  in  1773,  it  is  said,  sixty-nine  voters 
upon  the  present  tract  of  Kentucky. 

John  Todd,  John  Floyd,  Benjamin  Logan,  and 
Richard  Callaway,  with  Levi  Todd  as  clerL 
April  18,  of  this  year,  Colonels  Richard  Callo- 
way and  John  Todd  were  chosen  burgesses  to 
represent  Kentucky  county  in  the  General 
Assembly  of  the  Old  Dominion.  General  Green 
Clay,  Colonel  John  Miller,  'Squire  Boone  (brother 
of  Daniel  Boone),  and  Colonel  William  Irvine, 
were  afterwards  members  of  the  same  body  from 
Kentucky.  Substantially  the  same  tract,  but 
now  divided  into  three  counties,  was  subse- 
quently, June  I,  1792,  admitted  into  the  Union 
as  a  sovereign  State. 


One  of  the  most  notable  men  of  the  early 
day  was  Colonel  Floyd,  one  of  the  first  justices 
of  the  court  of  quarter  sessions,  whose  name  is 
prominent  in  the  annals  of  JefTtrson  county,  and 
from  whom  Floyd  county,  on  the  Indiana  side 
of  the  Falls,  takes  its  name.  The  Hon.  James 
T.  Morehead,  in  his  Address  in  Commemora- 
tion of  the  First  Settlement  of  Kentucky,  at 
Boonesborough  May  25,  1840,  pays  this  tribute 
to  Colonel  Floyd: 

T.owards  the  close  of  the  year  1773  John  Floyd  came  to 
Kentucky,  like  Bullitt  and  Taylor,  on  a  surveying  excursion. 
A  deputy  of  Colonel  William  Preston,  principal  surveyor  of 
Fincastle  county,  of  which  the  region  in  Virginia  west  of  the 
mountains  was  then  a  part,  he  made  many  surveys  on  the 
Ohio,  and  belonged- to  the  party  that  was  recalled  by  Lord 
Dunmore,  in  consequence  of  the  dangers  attending  the  per- 
formance of  their  official  duties.  Colonel  Floyd  returned  in 
1775,  and  became  a  conspicuous  actor  in  the  stirring  scenes 
of  the  drama.  Alternately  a  surveyor,  a  legislator,  and  a 
soldier,  his  distinguished  qualities  rendered  him  at  once  an 
ornament  and  a  benefactor  of  the  infant  settlements.  No 
individual  among  the  pioneers  was  more  intellectual  or  better 
informed;,  none  displayed,  on  all  occasions  that  called  for  it, 
a  bolder  and  more  undaunted  courage.  His  person  was 
singularly  attractive.  With  a  complexion  unusually  dark, 
his  eyes  and  hair  were  deep  black,  and  his  tall,  spare  figure 
was  dignified  by  the  accomplishments  of  a  well-bred  Virginia 


in  May,  durmg  the  session  of  1780,  the  pop- 
lation  of  the  county  of  Kentucky  having  grown 
sufficiently  to  create  demands  for  and  warrant 
the  measure,  the  huge  county  was  divided  by  the 
Virginia  Legislature  into  three  governmental  sub- 
divisions, known  respectively  as  Jefferson,  Fay- 
ette, and  Lincoln  counties.  The  second,  named 
from  General  the  Marquis  de  la  Fayette,  included 
that  part  of  the  larger  county  "which  lies  north 
of  the  line  beginning  at  the  mouth  of  thfe  Ken 



tucky  river,  and  up  the  same  to  its  middle  fork 
to  the  head ;  and  thence  southeast  to  Washing- 
ton Hne" — which  formed  the  present  boundary 
between  the  States  of  Kentucky  and  Tennessee, 
the  latter  of  which  was  about  that  time  known 
as  the  "District  of  Washington." 

Jefferson  county,  named  from  Thomas  Jeffer- 
son, author  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence 
and  afterwards  President  of  the  United  States, 
but  just  then  Governor  of  Virginia,  took  in  all 
"that  part  of  the  south  side  of  Kentucky  river 
which  lies  west  and  north  of  a  line  begin- 
ning at  the  mouth  of  Benson's  big  creek,  and 
running  up  the  same  and  its  main  fork  to  the 
head;  thence  south  to  the  nearest  waters  of 
Hammond's  creek,  and  down  the  same  to  its 
junction  with  the  Town  fork  of  Salt  river;  thence 
south  to  Green  river,  and  down  the  same  to  its 
junction  with  the  Ohio." 

The  rest  of  the  older  Kentucky  county  was 
embraced  within  the  limits  of  Lincoln  county, 
which  took  its  name  from  General  Benjamin 
Lincoln,  a  distmguished  soldier  of  the  Revolu- 

Jefferson  was  originally  an  immense  county,  as 
may  be  inferred  from  the  fact  that  out  of  it  have 
been  carved,  wholly  or  paitly,  twenty-eight  other 
counties.  Less  than  four  years  after  its  forma- 
tion, in  October,  1784,  Salt  river  was  taken  as  the 
dividing  line  for  a  new  county,  which  was  called 
Nelson.  Subdivisions  of  the  other  counties  were 
made  in  1785  and  1788,  so  that  there  were  nine 
counties — Jefferson,  Nelson,  Fayette,  Bourbon, 
Mason,  Woodford,  Lincoln,  Mercer,  and  Madison 
— in  Kentucky  when  it  was  admitted  into  the 
Union.  The  counties  which  have  since  been 
formed  directly  from  Jefferson  are  Shelby,  in 
J  792;  Bullitt  (partly),  in  1796;  and  Oldham  (in 
part),  1823.  Washington,  "the  first-born  of  the 
State,"  1792;  Hardin,  Henry,  Ohio,  and  twenty 
other  counties  have  been  erected  upon  the  terri- 
tory originally  assigned  to  Jefferson. 

The  first  officers  appointed  to  this  county  by 
the  organic  act  of  the  Legislature,  after  the  man- 
ner of  the  time,  were  John  Floyd  colonel,  Wil- 
liam Pope  lieutenant  colonel,  and  George  May 
surveyor.  Each  of  the  new  counties  had  a 
county  court  or  court  of  general  quarter  sessions 
of  the  peace,  which  met  monthly,  and  a  court  of 
common  law  chancery  jurisdiction,  in  session 
once  a  quarter,  with  an  abundance  of  magistrates 

and  constables.  There  was  as  yet,  however,  no 
tribunal  for  the  trial  of  high  crimes,  as  the  court 
of  quarter  sessions  could  take  cognizance  only  of 
misdemeanors ;  but  the  defect  was  remedied 
early  in  1783,  when  Kentucky  was  made  a  judi- 
cial district  and  a  court  established  which  had 
full  criminal  and  civil  jurisdiction.  It  was 
opened  at  Harrodsburg  the  same  season.  John 
Floyd,  of  Jefferson  county,  and  Samuel  Mc- 
Dowell, were  judges;  Walker  Daniel  was  prose- 
cuting attorney,  and  John  May  clerk. 

We  subjoin  an  historic  note  or  two  found 
among  our  memoranda  : 

A  quarter-century's  growth. 

Some  figures  reported  by  the  city  civil  en- 
gineer, of  Louisville,  in  1866,  exhibit  in  brief 
compass  the  growth  of  the  county  in  wealth  and 
power  from  1840  to  1866.  In  the  former  year 
the  valuation  of  the  State  (excluding  vehicles, 
time-pieces,  pianos,  and  plate)  was  $272,250,027, 
and  that  of  Louisville  and  Jefferson  county  was 
$26,162,463,  or  nearly  one-tenth  of  the  entire 
State.  In  1844  the  valuation  was  reported  at 
but  $18,621,339,  the  next  year  $21,270,500,  in 
1846  $22,940,533,  and  1847  $24,206,443.  The 
next  year  the  city  and  county  regained  and 
passed  the  figures  of  1840,  having  $26,697,663; 
in  1849  it  was  $27,974,735;  in  1850,  $29,187,- 
023.  The  State  valuation  this  year  was  $299,- 
381,809,  so  that  the  city  and  county  had  again 
pretty  nearly  one-tenth  of  the  whole.  The  figures 
for  the  next  decade  are:  1851,  $32,830,347; 
1852,  $35,236,899;  1853,  $42,106,310;  1854, 
$49.755>832;  1855,  $47,031,150;  1856,  $44,- 
533.518;  1857,  $50,034,033;  1858,  $50,443,- 
532;  1859,  $52,407,083;  i860,  $54,680,868. 
The  valuation  of  the  city  and  county  had  now 
grown  to  about  one-ninth  of  the  whole.  The 
average  annual  increase  during  the  previous 
twenty  years  had  been  but  about  $13,000,000  in 
the  State;  while  it  had  been  nearly  $1,400,000 
a  year  in  the  city  and  county,  showing  a  very 
satisfactory  rate  of  gain.  The  valuation  of  the 
latter  in  i860  was  more  than  one-half  that  of 
the  entire  State  ($108,549,638)  thirty  years  ago. 
In  1861  the  local  valuation  was  $50,492,510; 
1862,    $36,711,943;  1863,    $41,676,811;  1864, 



$55,141,938;  1865,  $62,211,339;  1866,  $76,- 
028,753.  There  was  much  fluctuation  in  these 
years;  but  while  the  State  valuation  had  fallen 
off  between  i860  and  1866  about  $20,000,000  a 
year,  that  of  the  city  and  county  had  increased 
$21,347,685,  or  about  $3,500,000  per  annum. 
In  the  latter  year  the  city  and  county  contributed 
very  nearly  one-fifth  of  the  whole  revenue  of  the 
State,  and  their  valuation  was  three-fourths  of 
that  of  the  State  in  1830,  one-fourth  of  that  in 
1840  and  1850,  one-seventh  of  that  of  i860,  and 
one-fifth  of  all  in  1866. 


SO  far  as  we  have  been  able  to  learn,  was  formed 
in  1837.  The  following-named  were  its  officers 
in  1844:  Stephen  Ormsby,  president;  Lawrence 
Young  and  E.  D.  Hobbs,  vice-presidents ;  Wil- 
liam Mix,  secretary  and  keeper  of  the  funds ; 
George  W.  Weissinger,  corresponding  secretary; 
J.  W.  Graham,  L.  Sherley,  S.  Bnce,  H.  After- 
burn,  S.  Brengman,  executive  committee.  Meet- 
ings were  held  twice  a  year,  in  the  fall  and  the 
spring,  at  the  former  of  which  premiums  were 



The  Old  County  Court — The  Circuit  Court — The  Court  of 
Common  Pleas — The  County  Court — The  County  Judge — 
The  City  Courts — A  Reminiscence  of  1786 — Mr.  Flint's 
Notes — The  County  Court-house — The  Old  "Gaol" — The 
New  Jail. 


This  was  a  monthly  court  established  by  the 
former  constitution,  held  in  each  county  at  the 
places  assigned  for  the  purpose  and  on  the  days 
fixed  by  law,  and  at  no  other  time  and  place.  It 
was  composed  of  the  justices  of  the  peace  ap- 
pointed for  the  county,  three  of  whom  were  suf- 
ficient to  constitute  a  quorum.  It  had  power  to 
recommend  the  appointment  of  the  surveyor, 
coroner,  and  justices  of  the  peace,  and  itself  to 
appoint  inspectors,  collectors,  and  their  deputies, 
surveyors  of  highways,  constables,  jailors,  and 
other  minor  officers.  Its  further  jurisdiction  was 
thus  defined  by  the  act  of  1796  : 

The  County  Courts  shall  and  may  have  cognizance,  and 
shall  have  jurisdiction  of  all  causes  respecting  wills,  letters  of 
administration,  mills,  roads,  the  appomtment  of  guardians 
and  settling  of  their  accounts,  and  of  admitting  deeds  and 
other  writmgs  to  record  ;  they  shall  superintend  the  public 
inspections,  grant  ordinary  license,  and  regulate  and  restrain 
ordinaries  and  tippling-houses,  and  appoint  processioners ; 
they  shall  hear  and  determine,  according  to  law,  the  com- 
plaints of  apprentices  and  hired  servants,  being  citizens  of 
any  one  of  the  United  States,  against  their  masters  or  mis- 
tresses, or  of  the  masters  and  mistresses  against  the  appren- 
tices or  hired  servants ;  they  shall  have  power  to  establish 
ferries  and  regulate  the  same,  and  to  provide  for  the  poor 
within  their  counties. 

In  1844-45  as  many  as  twenty-five  justices 
composed  the  county  court  of  JeflTerson  county. 


The  system  of  circuit  courts  was  substituted  in 
1802,  under  the  act  of  Legislature  passed  in 
November,  1801,  after  the  adoption  of  the 
second  State  constitution,  for  the  old  system  of 
district  and  quarter-sessions  courts.  Under  this 
the  courts  had  jurisdiction  in  all  causes,  matters, 
and  things,  at  common  law  and  chancery,  within 
their  respective  circuits,  except  in  causes  where 
the  property  or  claim  in  controversy  was  of  less 
value  than  ^^,  and  also  in  some  few  other  speci- 
fied cases. 

December  19,  1821,  authority  was  given  this 
court  by  the  Legislature  to  purchase  sites  and 
provide  for  the  erection  of  poor-houses  thereon. 

When  the  new.  constitution  was  adopted  in 
1850,  it  was  provided  that  each  county  then 
existing,  or  thereafter  to  be  erected  in  the  Com- 
monwealth, should  have  a  circuit  court.  The 
first  election  of  circuit  judges  occurred  on  the 
second  Monday  in  August,  1856,  and  elections 
of  said  officers  have  since  been  held  every  six 
years,  on  the  first  Monday  of  August,  An 
eligible  candidate  for  the  ofifice  must  be  a  citi- 
zen of  the  United  States,  a  resident  of  the  dis- 
trict for  which  he  may  be  a  candidate  at  least 
two  years  next  before  his  election,  must  be  at 
least  thirty  years  of  age  and  a  practicing  lawyer 
at  least  eight  years,  which  term,  however,  may 
include  any  time  he  has  served  upon  the  bench 
of  a  court  of  record.  After  the  first  term  under 
the  constitution,  the  judges  hold  their  ofifices  for 
terms  of  six  years.  They  receive  their  commis- 
sions from  the  Governor  and  hold  until  their  suc- 
cessors are  qualified,  but  are  removable  from 
office  in  the  same  manner  as  a  judge  of  the 
Court  of  Appeals.  The  removal  of  a  judge  from 
his  district  vacates  his  ofifice.     When  a  vacancy 



occurs  the  Governor  issues  a  writ  of  election  to 
fill  it  for  the  remainder  of  the  term,  unless  that 
remainder  be  less  than  one  year,  when  the  Gov- 
ernor appoints  a  judge. 

Each  judge  of  the  circuit  court  is  a  conserva- 
tor of  the  peace  throughout  the  State,  and  may 
grant  writs  of  error  C07-am  vobis  et  nobis.  He  may 
exchange  circuits  with  another  judge,  unless  a 
majority  of  the  members  of  the  bar  prefer  to 
elect  a  special  judge  to  act  temporarily  in  his 
stead.  When  this  is  done  the  attorneys  retained 
in  a  case  about  to  be  tried  are  not  allowed  to 
vote  for  the  special  judge.  He  may  hold  a  special 
term,  whenever  the  business  demands  it,  m  any 
county  in  the  district,  to  try  penal,  criminal,  and 
chancery  cases,  or  any  class  of  them,  and  may 
order  a  grand  and  petit  jury  to  be  impanneled 
for  any  special  term,  in  term-time  or  during  vaca- 
tion. If  he  fail  to  attend  a  term,  or,  being  pres- 
ent, cannot  properly  preside  in  a  cause  or  causes 
pending,  the  attorneys  of  court  who  are  in  at- 
tendance, with  the  exception  above  noted,  may 
elect  one  of  their  number  in  attendance  to  hold 
the  term,  and  he  shall  preside  and  adjudicate 
accordingly.  More  -recently  the  provision  has 
been  extended  to  include  equity  and  criminal 
courts.  The  judges  are  paid  each  $3,000  per 
annum,  and  in  criminal  or  penal  prosecutions,  if 
a  judge  is  assigned  to  hold  court  in  another  dis- 
trict than  his  own,  he  is  allowed  his  traveling  ex- 
penses and  $10  a  day  while  holding  the  court.  • 

The  circuit  court  assumes  original  jurisdiction 
of  all  matters  at  law  and  equity  within  this  coun- 
ty, except  those  of  which  jurisdiction  is  exclu- 
sively lodged  in  another  tribunal,  and  is  fully  em- 
powered to  carry  into  effect  its  jurisdiction. 
When  the  debt  sued  for  is  less  than  $50,  it  has 
jurisdiction  of  an  attachment  of  lands.  The 
General  Assembly  has  power  to  alter  the  jurisdic- 
tion of  the  court,  but  not  to  change  the  judicial 
districts  except  when  a  new  one  is  added.  Ap- 
peals on  writs  of  error  may  be  made  to  this  court 
from  the  decisions  of  county  courts  in  the  same 
county,  in  all  controversies  relating  to  the  estab- 
lishment, alteration,  or  discontinuance  of  ferries, 
roads,  and  passages,  and  in  cases  arising  from 
the  probate  of  wills  and  from  orders  concerning 
mills  or  water-works,  or  refusing  or  allowing 
dams  to  be  built  across  water-courses,  or  from 
judgments  in  bastardy  cases,  or  judgments  and 
final  orders   in  penal  cases.     Appeals  lie   to  it 

from  decisions  of  the  quarterly  courts  and  of 
justices  of  the  peace  and  other  tribunals  having 
a  similar  civil  jurisdiction  as  justices  of  the  peace, 
in  all  civil  cases  when  the  amount  in  controversy 
is  $20  or  more,  exclusive  of  interest  and  costs; 
and  in  all  actions  of  trespass  or  trespass  upon  the 
case,  before  justices  of  the  peace,  the  aggrieved 
party  has  the  right  of  appeal  to  the  circuit  court 
of  the  same  county. 

A  Commonwealth's  or  State's  attorney  is  also 
elected  in  each  district  \  and  a  clerk  of  the  cir- 
cuit court  is  elected  for  each  county.  The  com- 
monwealth's attorney  in  the  Ninth  district  is  en- 
titled to  forty  per  cent,  of  the  amount  of  all 
judgments  returnable  to  or  for  appearance  in  the 
Jefferson  circuit  court.  In  other  counties  of  the 
State  the  fee  is  thirty  per  cent.,  unless  the  judg- 
ment is  less  than  $50,  when  he  receives  $5  in- 
stead. Onc2  every  four  years,  and  oftener  in 
case  of  a  vacancy,  the  judge  appoints  a  master 
commissioner  for  the  court.  When  a  receiver  is 
to  be  appointed  in  a  case,  the  judge  may  appoint, 
if  the  parties  fail  to  do  so,  and  may  likewise  ap- 
point examiners  to  take  depositions.  For  Jeffer- 
son county,  the  office  of  interpreter  of  the  circuit 
court  was  specially  created  by  legislative  act  Feb- 
ruary 4,  1865.  The  incumbent  thereof  is  ap- 
pointed by  the  court,  and  is  removable  at  the  pleas- 
ure of  the  judge.  He  may  appoint  the  same 
person  who  is  serving  as  interpreter  in  the  city 
court  of  Louisville.  Such  officer  must  be  thor- 
oughly competent  to  speak  both  English  and  Ger- 
man, is  to  hold  his  ofifice,  unless  removed,  for 
one  year  from  date  of  appointment,  and  receive 
a  salary  of  $500  a  year. 

The  Ninth  Judicial  district  consisted  for  a 
number  of  years  of  Jefferson,  Shelby,  Oldham, 
Spencer,  and  Bullitt  counties,  but  is  now  co- 
incident with  JeiTerson  alone.  In  1838  Jefferson 
and  Oldham  composed  the  circuit. 


This  court  was  established  by  law  February  8, 
1867.  It  is  virtually  in  perpetual  session,  and 
all  summons  executed  in  any  action  in  said  court 
in  Jefferson  county  for  twenty  days,  or  for  thirty 
days  in  any  other  county  of  the  State,  is  suffi- 
cient to  authorize  a  plaintiff  or  defendant  to  set 
his  action  on  the  trial-docket  for  trial  or  hearing. 
Actions  in  the  court  not  contested  are  tried  or 
heard  in  open  court  as  they  are  placed   for  trial 



and  called  upon  the  trial  docket,  unless  the  judge 
takes  time  to  consider  the  law  or  fact  in  such  ac- 
tion, or  time  is  given  for  argument  of  either  the 
law  or  fact  of  the  case,  when  the  court  may  lay 
over  the  action  to  a  future  day. 

If  the  judge  of  the  court  of  common  pleas  is 
at  any  time  disabled  from  discharging  his  duties, 
an  election  is  held  by  the  attorneys  participating 
in  said  court,  for  a  judge  pro  tempore,  who  must 
be  one  of  their  own  number.  Upon  election,  he 
possesses  the  same  powers,  and  draws  during  his 
period  of  services  the  same  salary,  pro  rata,  as 
the  regular  judge. 

The  judge  of  this  court  may  appoint  commis- 
missioners  to  take  depositions  for  the  court.  This 
court  is  for  Jefferson  county  alone. 


A  county  judge  is  elected  in  each  county, 
whose  term  of  office  is  four  years.  He  holds 
the  quarterly  courts,  in  which  his  jurisdiction  is 
concurrent  with  justices  of  the  peace,  in  all  civil 
cases,  in  both  law  and  equity.  He  has  also  juris- 
diction throughout  the  county  in  proceedings 
against  constables  for  defalcations  in  office,  and 
has  concurrent  jurisdiction  with  the  circuit  court 
in  all  civil  cases  where  the  amount  in  contro- 
versy does  not  exceed  $100,  exclusive  of  interest 
and  costs,  and  where  the  title  or  boundary  of 
real  estate  is  not  in  question.  Land  is  not  levied 
on  or  sold  under  execution  from  the  quarterly 
court;  but  where  any  such  execution  has  been 
returned  as  finding  no  property,  in  whole  or  in 
part,  a  certified  copy  of  the  judgment  and  ex- 
ecution may  be  filed  in  the  clerk's  office  of  the 
county  in  which  the  judgment  was  rendered, 
which  shall  be  copied  in  a  book  kept  for  the 
purpose.  The  court  may  appoint  a  clerk,  who 
has  power  to  issue  summons,  subpoenas,  execu- 
tions, etc.  At  its  quarterly  sessions  it  makes  all 
necessary  orders  relating  to  bridges,  changes  or 
erections  of  precincts,  and  such  matters  as  in 
other  States  are  usually  confided  to  boards  of 
supervisors  or  county  commissioners. 


is  the  probate  judge  or  surrogate  judge  of  the 
county.  His  court  is  held  quarterly,  and  must 
remain  in  session  until  business  on  the  docket  is 
disposed  of.  In  it  wills  are  proved,  administra- 
tors' and  executors'  business  transacted,  and  the 
customary  matters  relating  to  estates  of  deced- 

ents are  heard  and  determined.  The  judge  has 
exclusive  jurisdiction  to  grant  administration  on 
estates  of  deceased  persons  in  Kentucky.  He 
may  appoint  or  remove  guardians;  he  has  con- 
current jurisdiction  with  justices  of  the  peace  in 
all  cases  of  riots  and  breaches  of  the  peace, 
and  of  all  misdemeanors  under  the  common  law 
or  statutes  of  the  Commonwealth.  He  is  a  con- 
servator of  the  peace  in  his  county,  and  has  all 
the  powers  of  a  justice  of  the  peace  in  penal  and 
criminal  proceedings  and  in  courts  of  enquiry. 
He  has  appellate  jurisdiction  of  the  judgements 
of  a  justice,  when  the  amount  in  controversy  is 
$5  or  more,  but  not  of  judgments  on  injunctions 
of  forcible  entry  and  detainer.  He  has  concur- 
rent jurisdiction  with  the  circuit  court  where  the 
sum  in  controversy,  exclusive  of  interest  and 
costs,  does  not  exceed  $100,  and  where  the  title 
or  boundary  of  real  estate  is  not  in  question. 
He  is  ex-officio  presiding  judge  ot  the  quarterly 
court ;  when  the  sum  in  controversy  in  that  court 
is  above  $16,  without  reckoning  interest  and 
costs,  either  party  to  the  case  may  have  a  change 
of  venue  to  the  circuit  court  of  the  same  county, 
by  order  of  a  circuit  judge,  upon  the  party  de- 
siring the  change  making  affidavit  that  he  does 
not  believe  he  can  obtain  a  fair  trial  before  the 
presiding  judge.  And  when  the  county  judge 
has  not  his  office  at  the  county-seat  or  within  one 
mile  of  it,  or  is  absent  from  his  office,  the  clerk 
of  the  county  court  may  issue  the  summons  in 
an  action  in  the  quarterly  court  in  the  same 
manner  and  under  the  same  circumstances  as 
the  judge,  and  also  subpoenas  for  witnesses,  and 
shall  be  allowed  the  same  fees  as  the  judge. 

In  his  own  court,  or  in  the  circuit  court  of  his 
county,  the  county  judge  is  authorized  to  grant 
injunctions  and  attachments  at  common  law  or 
in  chancery.  He  has  jurisdiction  to  hold  in- 
quests upon  idiots  and  lunatics.  He  shall  be 
his  own  clerk,  with  the  powers  and  duties  of 
clerks  of  such  courts,  and  must  keep  a  record  ot 
his  proceedings.  For  all  services  rendered  in 
the  quarterly  court,  where  their  jurisdiction  is 
concurrent  with  the  circuit  court,  the  county 
judge  is  entitled  to  the  same  fees  allowed  by  law 
to  the  clerks  of  circuit  courts  for  similar  services, 
and  where  his  jurisdiction  is  concurrent  with  jus 
tices  of  the  peace,  he  is  entitled  to  justices'  fee; 
in  like  causes.  He  also  examines  and  audit; 
the  accounts  of  the  commissioners  of  cornmor 



schools,    for  services  rendered.     He    holds  his 
office  for  the  term  of  four  years. 


The  city  of  Louisville  has  its  own  chancery 
court  and  city  court. 

The  act  of  General  Assembly  approved  March 
26,  1872,  provides  for  the  election  of  a  vice- 
chancellor  for  the  period  of  six  years,  to  discharge 
the  duties  of  chancellor  in  case  of  his  absence  or 
incapacity  for  other  reason  to  sit  in  a  cause,  and 
also  to  hear  and  determine  any  other  causes  or 
questions  which  may  be  assigned  to  him  by  the 
chancellor.  He  may  hold  the  Jefferson  court  of 
common  pleas,  if  the  judge  of  that  court  be  ab- 
sent or  incapacitated,  and  may  hold  the  chancery 
court  to  aid  in  clearing  the  docket  of  the  com- 
mon pleas.  Hon.  James  Harlan  was  the  first 
vice-chancellor  under  this  act. 

A  REMINISCENCE   OF    1 786. 

The  following  account  is  extracted  from  that 
part  of  Mr.  Casseday's  entertaining  History  of 
Louisville  which  deals  with  the  events  of  1786: 

The  following  extracts  from  the  records  of  the  court  during 
this  year  will  not  give  a  very  favorable  idea  of  the  high 
degree  of  enlightenment  among  our  ancestors  in  1786.  On 
the  2ist  of  October  in  this  year,  it  is  recorded  that  "negro 
Tom,  a  slave,  the  property  of  Robert  Daniel,"  was  con- 
demned to  death  for  stealing  "two  and  thiee-fourth  yards  of 
cambric,  and  some  ribbon  and  thread,  the  property  of  James 
Patten."  This  theft,  small  as  it  now  appears,  if  estimated  in 
the  currency  of  the  times  would  produce  an  astonishing  sum, 
as  will  appear  by  the  following  inventory  rendered  to  the 
court  of  the  property  of  a  deceased  person  : 
To  a  coat  and  waistcoat  £250;  an  old  blue  do. ,  and 

do.  ;i^50 ^300 

To  pocket-book  £6;  part  of  an  old  shirt  jT^ 9 

To  old  blanket  6s;  2  bushels  salt  ;^48o 480  6s 

£789  6s 
These  were  the  times  when  the  price  of  whisky  was  fixed 
by  law  at  $30  the  pint,  and  hotel-keepers  were  allowed  and 
expected  to  charge  $12  for  a  breakfast  and  $6  for  a  bed.  Pay- 
ment, however,  was  always  expected  in  the  depreciated  Con- 
tinental money,  then  almost  the  only  currency. 

MR.    flint's   notes. 

Mr.  James  Flint,  a  Scotchman,  spent  consider- 
able time  about  the  Falls,  during  the  years 
1819-20,  and  wrote  many  interesting  observa- 
tions and  reflections  to  his  friends  abroad,  which 
were  afterwards  published  at  Edinburgh  in  a 
book  of  Letters  from  America.  In  an  epistle 
dated  at  Jeffersonville,  September  8,  1820,  he 

I  have  made  several  short  excursions  into  the  country.  I 
was  at    Charlestown,   the   seat   of  justice   in  Clark   county, 

while  the  circuit  court  sat  there,  and  had  opportunities  of 
hearing  the  oratory  of  several  barristers,  which  was  delivered 
in  language  strong,  elegant,  and  polite.  A  spirit  of  emula- 
tion prevails  at  the  bar,  and  a  gentleman  of  good  taste  in- 
formed me  that  some  young  practitioners  have  made  vast 
progress  within  two  or  three  years  past.  The  United  States 
certainly  opens  an  extensive  field  for  eloquence. 

The  foregoing  remarks,  as  well  as  those  which 
follow,  were  no  doubt  equally  applicable  on  the 
Kentucky  side  of  the  river.  After  some  notice 
of  the  composition  of  the  court  and  the  waggery 
practiced  by  lawyers,  Mr.  Flint  says : 

Freedoms  on  the  part  of  lawyers  seem  to  be  promoted  in 
the  back  country,  in  consequence  of  the  bench  being  occa- 
sionally filled  with  men  who  are  much  inferior  to  those  at  the 
bar.  The  salary  of  the  presiding  judge.  I  have  been  told,  is 
only  $700  a  year.  .  .  .  The  present  presiding 
judge  is  a  man  who  has  distinguished  himself  in  Indian  war- 
fare. Whatever  opinion  you  may  form  of  the  bench  here, 
you  may  be  assured  that  it  is  occupied  as  a  post  of  honor. 

Amongst  the  business  of  the  court,  the  trial  of  a  man  who 
had  stolen  two  horses  excited  much  interest.  On  his  being 
sentenced  to  suffer  thirty  stripes,  he  was  immediately  led  from 
the  bar  to  the  whipping-post.  Every  touch  of  the  cowhide 
(a  weapon  formerly  described)  drew  a  red  line  across  his 


was  built  in  1838-39,  substantially  in  the  shape  in 
which  it  now  appears.  The  city  directory  of  those 
years,  published  before  its  completion,  boldly 
says:  "It  will  undoubtedly  be  the  architectural 
ornament  of  the  place,  if  not  of  the  whole  West. 
Its  structure  is  stone  facing,  with  a  brick  wall  of 
two  feet  in  thickness." 


The  jail  (or  "gaol,"  as  he  called  it,  after 
the  orthography  then  current),  was  described  by 
Dr.  McMurtrie  in  18 19  as  "a  most  miserable 
edifice,  in  a  most  filthy  and  ruinous  condition, 
first  cousin  to  the  Black  Hole  of  Calcutta."  A 
new  and  more  roomy  one  had  been  contracted 
for,  which  was  to  be  commenced  shortly,  and 
"to  be  built,  as  is  the  old  one,  of  stone,  with 
arched  fire-proof  apartments  and  cells  secure,  but 
so  constructed  as  to  afford  shelter  to  the  unfor- 
tunate victim  of  the  law,  who  may  there  'address 
himself  to  sleep'  without  any  fear  of  losing  his 
ears  through  the  voracity  of  the  rats  and  other 
vermin  that  swarm  in  the  present  one." 


"It  would  be  well,"  thought  the  humane  Doc- 
tor, "to  surround  the  new  building,  when  finished, 
with  a  high  stone  wall  and  to  inclose  within  its 
limits  that  horrid-looking  engine  now  standing 
opposite  the  Court-house.     I  allude  to  the  pillory 



and  whippingpost.  Such  things  may  perhaps 
be  necessary  (and  even  that  is  very  doubtful)  for 
the  punishment  of  the  guilty;  but  I  am  sure  it 
never  came  within  the  intention  of  the  law  to 
inflict  through  it  pain  upon  the  innocent,  its  very 
appearance,  combined  with  a  knowledge  of  its 
uses,  sufficing  to  blanch  the  cheek  of  every  man 
who  is  not,  through  custom  or  a  heart  callous  to 
the  sufferings  of  humanity,  totally  regardless  of 
such  scenes." 


The  city  and  county  jail  was  completed  and 
occupied  in  1844.  It  was  72  feet  long  by  42  wide, 
and  in  its  construction  resembled  in  many  re- 
spects the  celebrated  Moyamensing  Prison,  at 
Philadelphia.  It  had  48  single  cells,  each  6  feet 
by  10,  and  double  cells,  10  feet  by  13,  all  of  solid 
stone  and  dry,  well  warmed  and  ventilated.  They 
opened  on  interior  galleries,  constructed  of 
wrought  iron  to  the  third  story.  A  large  cistern 
on  the  third  gallery  supplied  the  prisoners  with 
water,  and  was  also  used  to  clean  the  conduits 
from  the  cells.  Gas  was  used  in  all  parts  of  the 
prison.  Its  architecture  was  Gothic,  with  a  para- 
pet wall  three  feet  high,  and  turrets  and  watch- 
towers,  a  cupola  for  a  bell,  and  a  copper  covered 
roof.  The  whole  was  enclosed  with  a  wall  twen- 
ty feet  high,  of  brick,  in  a  stone  foundation  plast- 
ered and  pebble-dashed.'  The  original  plan,  sub- 
sequently abandoned,  contemplated  a  subter- 
ranean communication  between  it  and  the  Court- 
house. The  city  architect,  Mr.  John  Jeffrey, 
drew  the  plan  for  this  building  aud  superintended 
its  construction. 



Introductory  —  The  Revolutionary  War  —  Clark's  Great 
Achievement — Bowman's  Expedition — Captain  Harrod's 
Company  of  1780 — Clark's  Later  Expeditions — The  Ken- 
tucky Board  of  War — General  Scott's  Expeditions — Wil- 
kinson's Expedition — Hopkins's  Expedition — The  War  of 
1812-15 — The  Jefferson  County  Contingent — The  Mexi- 
can War — The  Utah  War — The  War  of  the  Rebellion — 
Movements  in  Louisville — A  Delegation  to  Cincinnati — 
Recruiting  Begun — The  Sanitary  Commission — State  Mili- 
tary Officers  from  Louisville — General  and  Staff  Officers 
from  Louisville— The  Jefferson  County  Contingent— The 

Infantry  Regiments— The  Cavalry  Regiments— The  Bat- 
teries—State Militia  in  United  States  Service — The  Louis- 
ville Legion — The  Louisville  Troops  in  the  Southerr 

The  soldiership  of  the  region  now  or  ancientl) 
included  within  the  limits  of  Jefferson  count} 
began  more  than  a  century  ago  ;  and  Kentucky 
military  history,  recorded  in  full,  would  make  a 
book  in  itself,  comprising  as  it  does  much  of  the 
entire  narrative  of  Indian  and  border  warfare  in 
the  Northwest  during  a  period  of  nearly  forty 
years.  It  is  a  brilliant  page  in  the  annals  of  the 
conflict  of  civilization  with  savagery  that  is  filled 
by  the  story  ot  the  men  of  Kentucky,  and  by 
none  more  nobly  than  by  those  who  clustered  in 
the  early  day  about  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio.  When- 
ever, too,  in  a  later  time,  the  call  to  arms  has 
come,  the  martial  blood  of  Jefferson  county, 
flowing  unimpaired  in  the  veins  of  worthy  de- 
scendants of  noble  sires,  has  stirred  again  with 
the  fierce  joy  of  battle,  a^jti  sent  forth  many  a 
heio  to  do  and  die  for  the  cause  to  which  he 
gave  his  allegiance.  To  the  Indian  wars  of  the 
last  quarter  of  the  last  century  and  the  first  of 
this;  to  the  war  of  the  Revolution;  the  last  war 
with  Great  Britain ;  the  prolonged  skirmish  with 
Mexico;  to  both  the  Northern  and  Southern 
armies  in  the  recent  great  civil  conflict,  the  con- 
tingents from  this  county  have  been  large  and 
brave  and  effective  in  the  field,  in  proportion  to 
the  numbers  then  settled  here,  as  those  from  any 
other  part  of  the  land,  placed  amid  similar  cir- 
cumstances. It  is  a  proud  record  which  Jeffer- 
son county  contributes  to  the  history  of  wars  in 
the  New  World.  We  can  but  outline  it  in  this 


Until  near  the  close  of  this  eventful  struggle, 
Louisville  was  not,  even  in  name;  and  Jefferson 
county  had  not  yet  been  set  apart  from  the  vast 
domain  so  far  comprised  in  the  State  of  Virginia. 
The  State  of  Kentucky  to-be  was  as  yet  the 
great  county  of  Kentucky.  Nevertheless,  the 
region  around  the  Falls  is  associated  with  one  of 
most  interesting  and  important  events  of  the 
entire  seven-years'  contest,  in  that  here  was  the 
final  point  of  departure  from  civilized  settlements, 
for  the  renowned  expedition  of  General  George 
Rogers  Clark,  in  the  summer  of  1778,  against 
the  Illinois  country,  which  permanently  retrieved 
that  region  from  the  British  possession,  for  the 
rising  young  empire  of  the  United  States.     The 



story  is  well  told,  with  sufficient  fullness  for  8tir 
purposes,  in  the  Rev.  John  A.  McClung's  Out- 
line History,  included  in  CoUins's  History  of 
Kentucky : 

When  Clark  was  in  Kentucky,  in  the  summer  ot  1776,  he 
tfeok  a  more  comprehensive  survey  of  the  Western  country 
tl«an  the  rude  pioneers  around  him;  his  keen  military  eye  was 
cast  upon  the  Northwestern  posts,  garrisoned  by  British 
troops,  and  affording  inexhaustible  supplies  of  arms  and  am- 
munition to  the  small  predatory  bands  of  Indians  which  in- 
fested Kentucky.  He  saw  plainly  that  they  were  the  true 
fountains  from  which  the  thousand  little  annual  rills  of  Indian 
rapme  and  murder  took  their  rise,  and  he  formed  the  bold 
project  of  striking  at  the  root  of  the  evil. 

The  Revolutionary  war  was  then  raging,  and  the  Western 
posts  were  too  remote  from  the  great  current  of  events  to  at- 
tract, powerfully,  the  attention  of  either  friend  or  foe;  but  to 
Kentucky  they  were  objects  of  capital  interest.  He  un- 
folded his  plan  to  the  Executive  of  Virginia,  awakened  him 
to  a  true  sense  of  its  importance,  and  had  the  address  to  ob- 
tain from  the  impoverished  Legislature  a  few  scanty  supplies 
of  men  and  munitions  for  his  favorite  project.  Undismayed  by 
the  scaniincis  of  his  means,  he  embarked  in  the  expedition 
with  all  ihi  ardor  of  his  character.  A  few  State  troops  were 
fuinished  by  Virginia,  a  few  scouts  and  guides  by  Kentucky, 
and.  with  a  secresy  and  celerity  of  movement  never  surpassed 
by  Napoleon  in  his  palmiest  days,  he  embarked  in  his  daring 

Having  descended  the  Ohio  in  boats  to  the  Falls,  he  there 
landed  thii  teen  families  who  had  accompanied  him  from  Pitts- 
burg, as  emigrants  to  Kentucky,  and  by  whom  the  founda- 
tion of  Louisville  was  laid.  Continuing  his  course  down  the 
Ohio,  he  disembarked  his  troops  about  sixty  miles  above  the 
mouth  of  that  river,  and  marching  on  foot  through  a  pathless 
wilderness,  he  came  upon  Kaskaskia  [on  the  4th  of  luly]  as 
suddenly  and  unexpectedly  as  if  he  had  descended  from  the 
skies.  The  British  officer  in  command,  Colonel  Rochdu- 
blare,  and  his  garrison,  surrendered  to  a  force  which  they 
could  have  repelled  with  ease,  if  warned  of  their  approach; 
but  never,  in  the  annals  of  war,  was  surprise  more  complete. 
Having  secured  and  sent  off  his  prisoners  to  Virginia,  Clark 
was  employed  for  some  time  in  conciliating  the  inhabitants, 
who,  being  French,  readily  submitted  to  the  new  order  of 
things.  In  the  meantime,  a  storm  threatened  him  from 
Vincennes.  Governor  Hamilton,  who  commanded  the  Brit- 
ish force  in  the  Northwest,  had  actively  employed  himself 
during  the  fall  season  in  organizing  a  large  army  of  savages, 
with  whom,  in  conjunction  with  his  British  force,  he  deter- 
mined not  only  to  crush  Clark  and  his  handful  of  adventur- 
ers, but  to  desolate  Kentucky,  and  even  seize  Fort  Pitt.  The 
season,  however,  became  so  far  advanced  before  he  had 
completed  his  preparations,  that  he  determined  to  defer  the 
project  until  spring,  and  in  the  meantime,  to  keep  his  Indians 
employed,  he  launched  them  against  the  frontiers  of  Pennsyl- 
vania and  Virginia,  intending  to  concentrate  them  early  in 
the  spring,  and  carry  out  his  grand  project. 

Clark  in  the  meantime  lay  at  Kaskaskia,  revolving  the  diffi- 
culties of  his  situation,  and  employing  his  spies  diligently  in 
learning  intelligence  of  his  enemy.  No  sooner  was  he  in- 
formed of  the  dispersion  of  Hamilton's  Indian  force,  and  that 
he  lay  at  Vincennes  with  his  regulars  alone,  than  he  deter- 
mined to  strike  Vincennes  as  he  had  struck  Kaskaskia.  The 
march'  was  long,  the  season  inclement,  the  road  passed 
through  an  untrodden   wilderness  and  through  overflowed 

bottoms;  his  stock  of  provisions  was  scanty,  and  was  to  be 
carried  upon  the  backs  of  his  men.  He  could  only  muster 
one  hundred  and  thirty  men;  but,  inspiring  this  handful  with 
his  own  heroic  spirit,  he  plunged  boldly  into  the  wilderness 
which  separated  Kaskaskia  from  Vincennes,  resolved  to 
strike  his  enemy  in  the  citadel  of  his  strength  or  perish  in  the 
effort.  The  difficulties  of  the  march  were  great,  beyond 
what  his  daring  spirit  had  anticipated.  For  days  his  route 
led  through  the  drowned  lands  of  Illinois;  his  stock  of  pro- 
visions became  exhausted,  his  guides  lost  their  way,  and  the 
most  intrepid  of  his  followers  at  times  gave  way  to  despair. 
At  length  they  emerged  from  the  drowned  lands,  and  Vin- 
cennes, like  Kaskaskia,  was  completely  surprised.  The  Gov- 
ernor and  garrison  became  prisoners  of  war,  and,  like  their 
predecessors  at  Kaskaskia,  were  sent  on  to  Virginia.  The 
Canadian  inhabitants  readily  submitted,  the  neighboring 
tribes  were  overawed,  and  some  of  them  became  allies,  and 
the  whole  of  the  adjacent  country  became  subject  to  Virginia, 
which  employed  a  regiment  of  State  troops  in  maintaining 
and  securing  their  conquest.  A  portion  of  this  force  was  af- 
terwards permanently  stationed  at  Louisville,  where  a  fort 
was  erected,  and  where  Clark  established  his  headquarters. 

The  story  of  this  fort  and  its  successors  will  be 
told  in  connection  with  the  annals  of  Louisville, 
to  which  division  of  our  narrative  it  seems  more 
properly  to  belong. 

The  following-named  soldiers  of  the  Revolu- 
tion were  found  to  be  still  living  in  Jefferson 
county  as  late  as  July,  1840:  Benjamin  Wilke- 
son,  aged  95  ;  Levin  Cooper,  Sr.,  aged  87  ; 
Samuel  Conn,  aged  78;  John  Murphy,  aged  76; 
Jane  Wilson  (probably  a  soldier's  widow),  aged 
78.  Many  had  by  this  time  died  or  been  killed  in 
war  who  were  known  to  have  been  Revolution- 
ary soldiers,  as  Colonel  Richard  C.  Anderson, 
General  George  Rogers  Clark,  Colonel  John 
Floyd,  and  other  heroes  of  the  war  for  inde- 

bowman's  expedition. 

The  next  year  after  Clark's  great  achievement 
is  made  famous,  in  part,  by  the  expedition  of 
Colonel  John  Bowman,  county  lieutenant  of 
Kentucky  —  not  against  white  enemies,  but 
against  the  savages  of  the  Miami  country,  now 
in  the  State  of  Ohio.  His  coinmand,  variously 
estmiated  as  numbering  one  hundred  and  sixty 
to  three  hundred  men,  did  not  rendezvous  here, 
but  certainly  included  a  company  from  the  Falls, 
numbering  enough  to  make  a  large  fraction  of 
the  entire  force.  It  was  commanded  by  the 
celebrated  Kentucky  pioneer  and  Indian  fighter, 
William  Harrod.  Long  afterwards  one  of  the 
witnesses  in  a  land  case  involving  early  titles  in 
Kentucky  testified  that  "a  certain  William  Har- 
rod, who,  this  deponent  concludes,  commanded 
then  at  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,   harangued  the 



proprietors  then  there  showing  the  necessity  of 
the  expedition,  and  that  the  settlers  from  other 
parts  of  Kentucky  were  desirous  of  having  the 
expedition  carried  into  effect."  Another  sur- 
vivor testified  in  1804:  "The  men  from  the 
Falls  were  directed  to  meet  us  at  the  mouth  of 
Licking  with  boats  to  enable  us  to  cross."  They 
took  two  batteaux,  which  were  of  material  assist- 
ance to  the  little  army  in  the  crossing. 

The  unfortunate  history  of  this  expedition  is 
well  known.  It  was  directed  particularly  against 
the  Indian  town  of  Old  Chillicothe,  near  the 
present  site  ot  Xenia — the  same  visited  by  Cap- 
tain Bullitt  some  years  before,  and  the  place 
where  Daniel  Boone  was  held  a  prisoner  and 
whence  he  escaped  in  June,  1778.  The  men 
were  collected  in  May,  crossed  the  Ohio  at  the 
mouth  of  the  Licking,  moved  in  single  file  along 
the  narrow  Indian  trail  through  the  dense  woods 
of  the  plain  and  up  the  rich  valley  now  occupied 
by  the  great  city  of  Cincinnati  and  its  suburbs, 
and  soon  neared  the  savage  stronghold.  Says 
Mr,  McClung  in  his  Outline  History: 

The  march  was  well  conducted,  the  plan  of  attack  well 
concerted,  and  the  division  led  by  Logan  performed  its  part 
well.  Yet  the  whole  failed  by  feason  ol  a  want  of  promptness 
and  concert  in  taking  advantage  of  the  surprise,  or  by  misun- 
derstandmg  orders.  Logan's  division  was  compelled  to  make 
a  disorderly  retreat  to  the  main  column,  and  the  rout 
quickly  became  general.  All  would  have  been  lost  but  for 
the  daring  bravery  of  some  of  the  subordinate  officers,  who 
charged  the  enemy  on  horseback  and  covered  the  retreat ; 
but  the  failure  was  as  complete  as  it  was  unexpected. 

There  were  some  redeeming  features,  how- 
ever, to  offset  the  comparative  failure.  Two 
noted  chiefs  of  the  enemy,  Blackfeet  and  Red 
Hawk,  were  killed,  one  hundred  and  sixty-three 
horses  and  much  other  spoil  were  seized,  and  the 
Indian  town  was  destroyed. 


It  is  probable  that  most  of  the  men  from  the 
fortified  stations  at  and  near  the  Falls  of  the 
Ohio,  who  are  known  to  have  been  members  of 
Captain  Harrod's  company  the  next  year,  were 
out  m  Colonel  Bowman's  expedition.  Lieuten- 
ant James  Patten  was  certainly  with  it,  as  he  is 
mentioned  by  name  and  title  in  the  depositions 
of  1804.  The  following  is  the  roster  of  the 
company,  numbering  ninety-six  (the  Falls  com- 
pany with  Bowman  counted  about  sixty),  as  it 
stood  in  1780,  and  as  given  in  the  first  volume 
of  Collins's   History.     Some  of  the  names  are 

doubtless  wrongly  spelt,  as  the  rolls  were  fre 
quently  made  up  by  officers  or  clerks  who, 
though  wonderfully  learned  in  forest-craft  and 
Indian  fighting,  were  quite  independent  of  for 
mulas  m  orthography,  and  spelt  more  by  sound 
than  by  the  prescriptions  of  dictionaries  and 


Captain  William  Harrod. 
Lieutenant  James  Patton. 
Ensign  Ed.  Bulger. 


Peter  Balance,  Alexander  Barr,  James  Brand.  John  Buck- 
ras,  A.  Cameron,  Amos  Carpenter,  Solomon  Carp>enter, 
Benjamin  Carter,  Thomas  Carter,  Reuben  Case,  Thomas 
Cochran,  John  Conway,  John  Corbley,  John  Crable,  Robert 
Dickey,  Daniel  Driskill,  Isaac  Dye,  John  Eastwood,  Samuel 
Forrester,  Joseph  Frakes,  Samuel  Frazee,  John  Galloway, 
William  Galloway,  James  Garrison,  Joseph  Goins,  Isaac 
Goodwin,  Samuel  Goodwin,  James  Guthrie,  Daniel  Hall, 
William  Hall,  John  Hatt,  Evan  Henton,  Thomas  Henton, 
William  Hickman,  A.  Hill,  Andrew  Hill,  Samuel  Hinck, 
Frederick  Honaker,  Joseph  Hughes,  Rowland  Hughes, 
Michael  Humble,  John  Hunt,  Abram  James,  John  Kenney, 
Valentine  Kinder,  Moses  Kuykendall,  John  Lewis,  John 
Lincant,  Samuel  Lyon,  Patrick  McGee,  Samuel  Major, 
Amos  Mann,  Edward  Murdoch,  John  Murdoch,  Richard 
Morris,  William  Morris,  William  Oldham,  John  Paul, 
George  Phelps,  Joseph  Phelps,  Samuel  Pottinger,  F.  Potts, 
Reuben  Preble,  Urban  Ranner,  Benjamin  Rice,  Reed  Rob- 
bins,  Thomas  Settle,  William  Smiley,  Jacob  Speck,  John 
Stapleton,  James  Stewart,  James  Stewart,  Daniel  Stull, 
Miner  Sturgis,  Peter  Sturgis,  James  Sullivan,  William  Swan, 
Joseph  Swearingen,  Samuel  Swearingen,  Van  Swearingen, 
Robert  Thorn,  John  Tomton,  Beverly  Trent,  Thomas  Trib- 
ble.  Robert  Tyler,  Abraham  Vanmetre,  Miohael  Valleto, 
Joseph  Warlord,  James  Welch,  Abram  Whitaker,  Aquilla 
Whitaker,  Jacob  Wickersham,  Ed.  Wilson. 

Clark's  later  expeditions. 
In  July  of  this  year  (1780),  Colonel  Clark 
ordered  out  his  battalion  of  State  troops  from 
the  fort  and  stations  about  Louisville,  to  which 
were  joined  the  forces  from  other  parts  of  Ken- 
tucky, altogether  numbering  one  thousand  men, 
for  another  invasion  of  the  Indian  country. 
Colonels  Benjamin  Logan  and  William  Linn, 
respectively,  were  at  the  head  of  the  regiments 
formed.  They  rendezvoused  at  the  usual  place, 
at  the  mouth  of  the  Licking,  crossed  the  Ohio 
and  pushed  into  the  interior,  where  Clark  de- 
feated the  natives  in  a  pitched  battle,  destroyed 
the  Indian  towns  and  devastated  the  corn-fields 
at  Piqua  and  Old  Chillicothe,  and  captured  the 
English  trading-post  at  Loramie's  store,  far  up 
the  Miami  country,  near  the  present  western 
boundary  of  Ohio.  This  expedition  is  notable, 
in  good  part,  for  having  built  a  blockhouse  dur- 



ing  the  movement  northward,,  upon  a  spot  t^p- 
posite  the  mouth  of  the  Licking,  the  first 
house  built  by  civiHzed  hands  (unless  by  the 
Mound  Builders)  upon  the  subsequent  site 
of  Cincinnati.  The  invasion  was  undertaken  to 
retaliate  for  captures  made  and  atrocities  com- 
mitted by  an  expedition  under  the  English 
Colonel  Byrd,  who  came  down  from  Detroit  the 
previous  June  with  a  mixed  force  of  Canadians 
and  Indians,  went  up  the  Licking  and  reduced 
Riddell's  and  Martin's  stations,  near  that  river. 

During  the  same  summer — probably  earlier 
than  the  Miami  expedition — Colonel  Clark  was 
instructed  to  execute  a  plan  which  had  been  con- 
templated more  than  two  years  before  by  Patrick 
Henry,  while  Governor  of  Virginia,  and  had 
been  embodied  in  orders  by  his  successor, 
Thomas  Jefferson,  "to  establish  a  post  near  the 
mouth  of  the  Ohio,  with  cannon  to  fortify  it." 
Clark  took  about  two  hundred  of  his  troops  from 
the  Falls,  went  down  the  Ohio  to  its  mouth,  and 
thence  about  five  miles  down  the  Mississippi  to 
a  place  at  the  mouth  of  Mayfield  creek,  called 
the  Iron  Banks,  where  he  erected  Fort  Jefferson, 
named  from  the  Governor  and  future  President, 
with  several  blockhouses  attached — a  strong  and 
useful  work.  One  object  of  establishing  the 
post  here  was  to  signify  the  title  of  the  United 
States'to  all  the  territory  in  this  direction  to  the 
Mississippi.  The  Chickasaw  Indians,  however, 
claimed  this  region  as  their  hunting-ground;  and, 
as  their  consent  to  the  erection  of  the  fort  had 
not  been  obtained,  they  soon  began  maraud- 
ing and  murdering  about  it,  and  finally,  in 
1 78 1,  besieged  it  for  several  days.  The  garrison 
and  the  settlers  crowded  within  the  work  were 
reduced  to  great  distress,  but  were  finally  relieved 
by  the  arrival  of  Clark  from  Kaskaskia,  with  pro- 
visions and  reinforcements.  The  difficulty  of 
supplying  the  fort  led  to  its  abandonment  not 
long  after.  During  the  late  War  of  the  Rebel- 
lion, a  singularly  long  iron  cannon,  of  six-pound 
calibre,  buried  under  the  old  fort,  was  partly  ex- 
posed by  the  wash  of  the  river  and  the 
rest  dug  out  by  the  owner  of  the  spot,  from 
whom  It  was  taken  by  the  Federal  soldiers  to 
Cairo.  The  site  is  now  in  Ballard  county,  one 
of  the  latest  formed  in  the  State,  and  named 
from  Captain  Bland  Ballard,  the  famous  pioneer 
and  border  warrior  of  the  Louisville  region. 

In  November,  1782,  in  punishment  for  the  ter 

rible  defeat  inflicted  upon  the  Kentuckians,  in- 
cluding Boone,  Kenton,  Todd,  Trigg,  and  other 
famous  pioneers,  at  the  battle  of  Lower  Blue 
Licks,  m  August,  Clark  (now  brigadier-general) 
made  his  final  expedition  against  the  Indian 
towns  of  the  upper  Miami  county.  He  called 
out  the  Kentucky  militia,  of  which  one  division, 
under  Colonel  John  Floyd,  assembled  at  the 
Falls.  The  other,  commanded  by  Colonel  Ben- 
jamin Logan,  got  together  at  Bryan's  Station; 
and  then  all,  to  the  number  of  1,050  men,  ren- 
dezvoused at  the  mouth  of  the  Licking.  They 
made  a  rapid  march  some  one  hundred  and 
thirty  miles  northward,  completely  surprising  the 
enemy,  destroying  the  principal  town  of  the 
Shawnees,  many  villages  and  cornfields,  and  the 
trading-post  at  Loramie's,  which  was  thoroughly 
plundered,  and  the  contents  distributed  among 
the  soldiers  of  the  expedition.  The  Indians 
thenceforth  ceased  to  invade  Kentucky  and  har- 
ass the  settlements  from  this  quarter.  Accord- 
ing to  some  statements,  two  block-houses  were 
built  upon  the  site  of  Cincinnati  by  men  of  this 
expedition,  near  one  of  which  was  buried  Captain 
McCracken,  a  brave  soldier  who  was  wounded  by 
the  Indians  in  a  skirmish,  and  died  as  he  was 
being  borne  back  in  a  rude  litter  over  one  of  the 
neighboring  hills. 

Clark's  last  expedition  against  the  red  men 
was  his  only  unsuccessful  one.  It  was  under- 
taken in  September,  1786,  to  check  the  persistent 
depredation?  and  outrages  of  the  Wabash  In- 
dians. Mr.  McClung  gives  the  following  excel- 
lent summary  of  the  unhappy  event  and  its  re- 
sults. According  to  this  writer,  the  expedi- 
tion was  undertaken  in  response  to  the  demands 
of  the  people,  but  in  violation  of  solemn  treaties 
made  by  Congress,  and  the  absence  of  any  legal 
power  or  instructions  from  higher  authority  to 
undertake  it.  If  so,  the  ventuie  met  with  merited 

A  thousand  volunteers  under  General  Clark  rendezvoused 

at  Louisville,  with  the  determination  thoroughly  to  chastise 

the  tribes  upon  the    Wabash.     Provisions  and   ammunition 

were  furnished  by  individual   contribution,  and  were  placed 

on  board  of  nine  keel-boats,  which  were  ordered  to  proceed 

to  Vincennes  by  water,  while  the  volunteers  should  march  to 

the  same  point  by  land. 

I        The   flotilla,  laden  with  provisions  and  munitions  of  war, 

I     encountered    obstacles    in    the    navigation    of    the   Wabash 

I     which  had  not  been  foreseen,  and  was   delayed  beyond  the 

time  which  had  been  calculated.     [Large  part  of  the  supplies 

of  food  was  thus  spoiled.]     The  detachment  moving  by  land 

reached  the  point  of  rendezvous  first,  and  awaited  for  fifteen 




days  the  arrival  of  the  keel-boat's.  This  long  interval  of  in- 
action gAve  time  for  the  unhealthy  humors  of  the  volunteers 
to  ferment,  and  proved  fatal  to  the  success  of  the  expedi- 
tion. The  habits  of  General  Clark  had  also  become  intem- 
perate, and  he  no  longer  possessed  tlie  undivided  confidence 
of  his  men.  A  detachment  of  three  hundred  volunteers 
broke  ofi  from  the  main  body,  and  took  up  the  line  of  march 
for  their  homes.  Clark  remonstrated,  entreated,  even  shed 
tears  of  grief  and  mortification  ;  but  all  in  vain.  The  result 
was  a  total  disorganization  of  the  force,  and  a  return  to 
Kentucky,  to  the  bitter  mortification  of  the  commander  in 
chief,  whose  brilliant  reputation  for  the  time  suffered  a  total 

This  expedition  led  to  other  ill  consequences.  The  con- 
vention which  should  have  assembled  in  September,  was  un- 
able to  muster  a  quorum,  the  majority  of  its  members  having 
marched  under  Clark  upon  the  ill-fated  expedition.  A  num- 
ber of  the  delegates  assembled  at  Danville  at  the  appointed 
time,  and  adjourned  from  day  to  day  until  January,  when  a 
quorum,  at  length  was  present,  and  an  organization  effected. 
In  the  meantime,  however,  the  minority  of  the  convention, 
who  had  adjourned  from  day  to  day,  had  prepared  a  me- 
morial to  the  Legislature  of  Virginia,  informing  them  of  the 
circumstances  which  had  prevented  the  meeting  of  the  con- 
vention, and  suggesting  an  alteration  of  some  of  the  clauses 
of  the  act ,  which  gave  dissatisfaction  to  their  constituents, 
and  recommending  an  extension  of  the  time  within  which  the 
consent  of  Congress  was  required.  This  produced  a  total 
revision  of  the  act  by  the  Virginia  Legislature,  whereby  an- 
other convention  was  required  to  be  elected  in  August  of 
1787,  to  meet  at  Danville  in  September  of  the  same  year, 
and  again  take  into  consideration  the  great  question,  already 
decided  by  four  successive  conventions,  and  requiring  a  ma- 
jority of  two-thirds  to  decide  in  favor  of  separation,  before 
the  same  should  be  effected.  The  time  when  the  laws  of 
Virginia  were  to  cease  was  fixed  on  the  ist  day  of  January, 
1789,  instead  of  September,  1787,  as  was  ordered  in  the  first 
act;  and  the  4th  of  July,  1788,  was  fixed  upon  as  the  period, 
before  Congress  should  express  its  consent  to  the  admission 
of  Kentucky  iuto  the  Union. 

General  Clark  soon  afterwards  sent  Colonel 
Logan,  then  in  camp  on  Silver  creek,  on  the  In- 
diana side,  on  a  recruiting  excursion  into  Ken- 
tucky, with  instructions  to  make  a  raid  upon  the 
Ohio  Shawnees.  Logan  raised  about  five  hun- 
dred men,  with  which  he  crossed  the  Ohio  at 
Limestone  (now  Maysville),  marched  to  the 
headwaters  of  the  Mad  river,  killed  the  principal 
chief  and  about  twenty  warriors  of  the  tribe,  cap- 
tured seventy  or  eighty  Indians,  destroyed  several 
towns  and  a  great  amount  of  standing  corn,  and 
marched  triumphantly  back  to  Kentucky. 

THE    "board    of    war." 

In  January,  1791,  the  continuing  border  war- 
fare made  it  advisable,  on  the  part  of  the  Gen- 
eral Government,  in  response  to  the  petition  of 
the  people  that  they  be  allowed  to  fight  the  In- 
dians at  discretion  and  in  their  own  way,  to  cre- 
ate a  sort  of  subordinate  War  Department  in  Ken- 

tucky, which  was  accordingly  done.  A  "board 
of  war"  for  the  District  of  Kentucky  was  ap- 
pointed, consisting  of  Brigadier-General  Charles 
Scott,  Isaac  Shelby,  Colonel  Benjamin  Logan, 
John  Brown,  and  Harry  Innes.  To  this  board 
was  committed  discretionary  power  to  provide  for 
the  defense  of  the  settlers  and  the  prosecution 
of  border  wars.  They  were  authorized,  whenever 
they  thought  the  rtieasure  demanded  by  the  ex- 
igencies of  the  situation,  to  call  the  local  militia 
into  the  service  of  the  United  States,  to  serve 
with  the  regular  forces.  As  will  be  seen  by  the 
names,  Jefferson  county,  which  had  by  this  time 
been  formed,  had  her  honorable  share  in  the 
composition  of  the  board. 


Soon  after  the  appointment  of  this  board,  on 
the  9th  of  March,  1791,  President  Washington 
issued  an  order  authorizing  it  "to  call  into  the 
service  a  corps  of  volunteers  for  the  District  of 
Kentucky,  to  march  on  an  expedition  against 
the  Indians  northwest  of  the  Ohio,  and  to  be 
commanded  by  Brigadier-General  C.  Scott,"  who 
was  himself,  it  will  be  remembered,  the  head  of 
the  board.  Eight  hundred  mounted  men,  of 
which  Jefferson  county  furnished  its  full  con- 
tingent, were  collected  at  the  mouth  of  the  Ken- 
tucky, where  the  Ohio  was  crossed,  and  a  march 
begun  upon  thfe  Indian  towns  on  the  Wabash, 
not  far  from  the  present  location  of  Lafayette, 
Indiana.  Here  the  chief  town  of  the  natives, 
Ouiatenon,  a  village  of  about  seventy  huts,  was 
destroyed,  with  other  clusters  of  wretched  homes. 
The  Indians  were  encountered  several  times  dur- 
ing the  campaign,  but  were  invariably  defeated, 
with  loss  of  about  fifty  killed;  and  a  large  num- 
ber of  them  were  taken  prisoners. 

The  muster-roll  of  one  of  the  companies 
"mustered  in  at  the  Rapids  of  the  Ohio,  June 
15,  1 791,  by  Captain  B.  Smith,  First  United 
States  regiment,"  has  been  preserved  and  is 
printed  by  Mr.  Collins  in  his  second  volume. 
It  IS  that  of  the  company  of  mounted  Kentucky 
volunteers,  recruited  by  Captain  James  Brown 
for  the  expedition  against  the  Wea  Indians,  com- 
manded by  Brigadier-General  Charles  Scott.  As 
will  be  seen  by  the  roll,  the  command  consisted 
of  one  captain,  one  lieutenant,  one  ensign,  four 
sergeants,  and  seventy-one  privates  present  and 
one  absent   (James  Craig,  who  was  "lost  in  the 



woods"   while    traveling    from    the   interior    to 


Captain  James  Brown. 
Lieutenant  William  McConnell. 
Ensign  Joshua  Barbae. 


First  Sergeant  Joseph  Mosby. 
Second  Sergeant  Adam  Hanna. 
Third  Sergeant  Samuel  Mcllvain. 
Fourth  Sergeant  William  Kincaid. 


Aaron  Adams.  William  Baker,  Edward  Bartlett,  Alexander 
Black,  John  Brown,  .Samuel  Buckner,  Richard  Burk,  John 
Caldwell,  Phillips  Caldwell,  Peter  Carr,  John  Caswell,  Wil- 
liam Clark,  Robert  Conn,  James  Craig,  Robert  Curry,  Wil- 
liam Davidson,  AVilliam  Dougherty,  Hugh  Drennon,  Nat. 
Dryden,  Alexander  Dunlap,  James  Dunlap,  Robert  EUiston, 
Matthew  English,  John  Ferrell,  Benjamin  Fisher,  Morgan 
Forbes,  James  Forgus,  John  Fowler,  Alexander  Gilmore,  Job 
Glover,  John  Hadden,  Robert  Hall,  Thomas  Hanna,  Wil- 
liam Hanna,  Randolph  Han  is,  John  Henderson,  Andrew 
Hodge,  David  Humphreys,  David  Humphries,  Robert  Irvin, 
Samuel  Jackson,  Gabriel  Jones,  David  Knox,  James  Knox, 
Nicholas  Leigh,  Richard  Lewis,  George  Loar,  Abraham  Mc- 
Clellan,  Joseph  McDowell,  John  Mcllvaine,  Moses  Mcll- 
vaine,  James  Nourse,  Robert  Patterson,  John  Peoples,  Arthur 
Points,  Francis  Points,  Percy  Pope,  Samuel  Porter,  Benjamin 
Price,  William  Reading,  William  Rogers,  George  Sia,  Wil- 
liam Smith,  John  Speed,  John  Stephenson,  Joseph  Stephen- 
son, Robert  Stephenson,  Samuel  Stephenson,  John  Strick- 
land, Edmund  Taylor,  Stephen  Trigg,  Joshua  vVhittington. 


More  than  two  years  afterwards,  in  October, 
i793»  ^he  same  General  Scott  led  a  reinforce- 
ment of  one  thousand  Kentucky  cavalry  across 
the  Ohio  and  up  the  Miami  country,  to  reinforce 
the  army  of  General  Wayne,  then  in  the  vicinity 
of  Fort  Jefferson,  about  eighty  miles  north  of 
Cincinnati.  On  the  24th  of  that  month  he  re- 
ported his  fine  command  to  "Mad  Anthony;" 
but  they  had  to  be  sent  home,  as  the  season  was 
late,  supplies  were  too  scarce  to  subsist  them, 
and  no  immediate  attack  upon  the  Indians  was 
contemplated.  A  larger  number  of  Kentuckians, 
however,  under  the  same  general,  joined  Wayne 
in  July  of  the  next  year,  and  shared  in  the  glori- 
ous victory  of  the  Battle  of  the  Fallen  Timbers. 
Wilkinson's  expedition. 

In  Scott's  expedition  of  May,  1791,  the  sec- 
ond in  command  was  Colonel  James  Wilkinson, 
who  afterwards,  as  General  Wilkinson,  was  com- 
mander in  chief  of  the  Western  forces,  with 
his  headquarters  at  Fort  Washington,  Cincinnati. 
He  was  also  implicated  in  the  Franco-Spanish  in- 

trigues of  1793-95,  instigated  in  Kentucky  by 
the  French  Minister,  Genet,  with  a  view  to  wrest- 
ing Louisiana  by  force  from  the  domination  of 
the  Spanish.  August  i,  1791,  the  Kentucky 
Board  of  War  dispatched  Colonel  Wilkinson  by 
way  of  Fort  Washington,  with  five  hundred  and 
twenty-three  Kentuckians,  to  burn  the  Indian 
towns  and  destroy  the  corn-fields  near  the  junc- 
tion of  the  Wabash  and  Eel  rivers.  They  make 
their  march  and  effect  their  destruction,  with 
little  loss  of  human  life  on  either  side.  Louis- 
ville is  the  point  where  the  march  ends  and  the 
expedition  disbands.  August  21st,  Wilkinson 
reaches  this  place,  delivers  his  captives  to  the 
commanding  ofificery.  and  dismisses  his  force. 
The  general  resided  for  a  time  here  and  in  other 
parts  of  Kentucky. 

Hopkins's  expedition. 
A  larger  force  than  any  that  had  hitherto  col- 
lected at  the  Falls  for  operations  against  the 
Indians,  gathered  here  in  October,  1812,  under 
General  Samuel  Hopkins.  The  war  with  Great 
Britain  had  opened  in  June;  Hull  had  surrend- 
ered his  army  at  Detroit;  the  invasion  of  Canada 
from  the  Niagara  had  failed,  and  the  Indians,  in 
great  number  and  with  relentless  atrocity,  were 
harassing  the  border  settlements.  One  thousand 
five  hundred  volunteers  were  called  for  by  Isaac 
Shelby,  first  Governor  of  the  State,  now  again  in 
the  executive  chair,  after  the  lapse  of  twenty 
years  since  he  first  took  the  oath  of  office.  More 
than  two  thousand  responded  to  the  call,  and 
were  all  received  into  the  temporary  service. 
They  marched  gaily  away  into  the  Indian  coun- 
try; but  when  their  supplies  began  to  give  out, 
and  marches  in  deep  swamps  and  across  path- 
less prairies  wearied  the  flesh,  their  martial  ardor 
cooled.  Suddenly,  in  the  same  independent 
spirit  which  had  led  to  the  abandonment  of  the 
gallant  Clark  sixteen  years  before,  they  rise  in 
revolt,  refuse  [to  obey  orders  or  remain  longer, 
and  start  in  straggling  parties  upon  the  return 
march.  The  expedition  failed  without  having 
met  the  enemy  or  smelt  a  grain  of  hostile  pow- 
der. It  was  the  last  of  the  Kentucky  expedi 
tions  against  the  savages. 

THE    WAR   OF  1812-15. 

Little  is  known  at  this  day,  beyond  what  we 
have  related,  of  the  effects  in  this  region  of  the 
last  war  with  Great  Britain.     It  is  mattiai'»ol.his- 



tory  that  the  earliest  volunteers  from  Kentucky, 
under  Colonels  Allen  Lewis  and  Scott,  left  their 
homes,  in  general,  on  the  12th  of  August,  181 2, 
rendezvoused  at  Georgetown,  marched  thence 
along  the  Dry  ridge  to  the  Ohio,  opposite  Cincin- 
nati, where  they  remained  a  few  days,  and  then 
moved  northward  to  Piqua,  and  on  to  the  relief 
of  Fort  Wayne,  meeting  as  they  went  the  news 
of  the  disgraceful  surrender  of  Hall  at  Detroit. 
We  have  no  information  as  to  the  share  Jefferson 
county  had,  if  any,  in  this  force  at  the  northward. 

One  company  at  least  was  recruited,  or  rather 
drafted,  in  this  region  in  the  fall  of  1814,  to  join 
the  army  of  General  Jackson  at  New  Orleans. 
There  does  not  seem  to  have  been  a  wild  enthu- 
siasm at  this  time  to  smell  gunpowder;  the  com- 
pany, as  may  be  seen  below,  was  composed 
largely  of  substitutes;  and  a  number  of  its  mem- 
bers, both  drafted  and  substitutes,  failed  to  .re- 
port for  duty.  The  roll  included  the  names  of 
ninety-four  officers  and  men;  but  this  number 
was  sadly  cut  down  before  they  reached  the 
Crescent  city.  Upon  the  embarkation  from 
Louisville,  November  21,  Captain  Joyes  drew  ra- 
tions for  seventy-four  men,  and  in  middle  De- 
cember for  but  fifty-three,  though  he  added  for 
two  more  the  latter  part  of  that  month. 

This  company  was  led  by  Captain  Thomas 
Joyes,  of  the  well-known  pioneer  family  of 
Louisville.  Though  now  but  a  youth  of  twenty- 
six  years,  he  had  already  seen  severe  service  in 
the  escort  of  baggage-trains  going  from  Louis- 
ville to  Vincennes  in  the  latter  part  of  18 12,  and 
afterwards  as  a  spy  and  ranger  under  General 
Hopkins,  commanding  at  Vincennes,  and  then  in 
the  quartermaster's  department  at  that  place.  He 
became  a  captain  in  the  Thirteenth  Regiment  of 
Kentucky  Detached  Militia,  and  was  recalled 
into  service  by  Governor  Shelby  in  November, 
1814,  with  his  company.  The  diary  of  his  ser- 
vice in  Indiana  has  been  preserved,  and  it  is  in 
possession  of  Patrick  Joyes,  Esq.,  of  Louisville, 
but  contains  nothing  necessary  to  this  History. 

The  camp  of  the  Thirteenth  Regiment  was 
pitched  on  Beargrass  creek,  at  no  great  distance 
from  the  river,and  was  officially  known  as  "  Camp 
Beargrass."  Colonel  Slaughter's  (Fifteenth) 
regiment  of  detached  militia,  and  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  Gray's  (the  Thirteenth)  formed  the  camp, 
with  Major-General  Thomas  personally  in  com- 
mand.    Captain  Joyes's  company,  and  probably 

the  other  companies,  wer^  mustered  into  service 
November  10,  18 14.  After  some  delay  in  col- 
lecting vessels  and  supplies,  the  commands  were 
embarked  in  flatboats  on  the  21st  of  November, 
and  started  on  the  long  and  tedious  voyage  down 
the  Ohio  and  Mississippi.  The  troops  had  been 
but  poorly  provided  in  camp,  and  they  fared 
worse  in  their  crowded  and  frail  barks,  many  of 
them  being  without  even  a  plank  to  shelter 
them,  and  many  becoming  sick  from  the  ex- 
posure and  hardship.  New  Orleans  was  reached 
at  last,  J^juary  3,  1815;  but  the  boats  floated 
on  to  a  landing  some  distance  below,  where  the 
troops  disembarked  and  encamped  near  Camp 
Jackson,  making  shelter  of  the  planks  of  their 
boats.  Nothing  of  note  occurred  till  the  even- 
ing of  the  7th,  when,  says  Captain  Joyes  in  his 
journal  of  the  campaign,  which  has  also  been  pre- 
served : 

About  two  hundred  and  forty  of  Colonel  Davis's  regiment 
[late  Colonel  Gray's]  were  detached  to  cross  the  river,  to  re- 
pulse the  enemy,  who  was  expected  to  land  on  the  opposite 
side,  to  assail  our  little  establishment  there,  they  having  cut 
a  canal  from  the  bayou  where  their  launches  lay  in  the 
swamp  to  the  Mississippi,  by  which  means  they  got  their 
boats  through  and  finally  effected  a  landing  that  night  below 
General  Morgan's  camp,  whose  men  lay  in  apparent  tran- 
quillity, without  an  endeavor  to  intercept  them.  Our  detach- 
ment reached  General  Morgan's  camp  a  little  after  daylight, 
having  been  detained  by  every  sentinel  on  our  way  up  to  the 
city,  where  we  crossed  fhe  river  in  wood-boats,  procured  by 
me  under  direction  of  T.  L.  Butler,  and  similarly  impeded 
on  our  way  down  on  the  other  side.  So  soon  as  we  reached 
General  Morgan's  camp,  we  were  ordered  to  lay  down  our 
knapsacks,  etc.,  and  push  on  to  meet  the  enemy,  who  was 
approaching  with  precipitation.  At  this  moment  a  test 
rocket  was  thrown  from  the  enemy's  camp,  which  we  suf)- 
posed  was  the  signal  for  an  attack,  as  the  cannons  were  let 
loose  like  thunder.  Our  situation  on  the  Camp  Morgan  side 
being  an  unfortunate  one,  and  the  field  officers  who  ought  to 
have  commanded  us  not  having  come,  we  were  disposed  at 
random.  Myself  and  thirty-odd  of  my  company,  who  were 
on  the  front  flank,  next  the  enemy,  were  ordered  out  as  a 
flanking  party;  and,  the  swamp  being  so  impenetrable,  we 
were  unable  to  make  in.  Having  got  below  the  firing  of  the 
retreat  and  pushed  up  the  levee,  we  got  in  this  dismal  swamp 
and  attempted  to  come,  when  we  discovered  we  had  run  al- 
most up  to  the  British.  We  then  wheeled  and  ran  in  a  di- 
rection up  the  river  to  make  for  our  party,  whom  we  supposed 
to  be  retreating.  At  length,  after  a  horrid  ramble,  we 
reached  a  picket-guard  which  our  party  had  placed  out. 
They  conducted  us  in  to  where  our  troops  lay  in  the  action. 
Joseph  Tyler,  of  my  company,  was  killed,  James  Stewart 
wounded,  and  Thomas  Ross  taken  prisoner. 

The  Louisville  company,  then,  being  on  the 
west  side  of  the  river,  did  not  share  in  the  glori- 
ous victory  won  that  day  on  the  other  shore,  in 
which    many     other     Kentuckians    had    part. 



The  remainder  of  the  service  was  uneventful. 
On  the  13th  of  March  news  of  the  peace  arrived, 
and  about  the  i8th  the  army  was  disbanded. 
The  company  returned  to  Louisville^  and  was 
there  mustered  out  May  10,  181 5. 


Muster  roll  of  a  company  of  mfantry,  under 
the  command  of  Captain  Thomas  Joyes,  in  the 
Thirteenth  regiment  of  Kentucky  militia,  com- 
manded by  Lieutenant-Colonel  Presley  Gray,  in 
the  service  of  the  United  States,  commanded  by 
Major-General  John  Thomas,  from  November 
10,  1814: 


Captain  Thomas  Joyes. 
Lieutenant  Andrew  Pottorff. 
Ensign  Samuel  Earickson. 


Sergeant  John  Hadley,  substitute  for  William  W.  Lawes. 
Sergeant  James  B.  Finnell,  substitute  for  John  H.  Voss. 
Sergeant  John  Booker. 
Sergeant  John  Bainbridge. 
Corporal  John  Ray. 

Corporal  William  Sale,  substitute  for  Samuel  Boscourt. 
Corporal  Alex.  Calhoon,  substitute  for  Jacob  Smiser,  Jr. 
Corporal  William  Duerson. 

Musician  Anson  S.   Milliard,  substitute  for  Courtney  M. 
Musician  Peter  Marlow,  substitute  for  K.  Campion. 


Christopher  Kelly,  substitute  for  Lewis  Pottorff. 
Nathaniel  Floyd,  substitute  for  Jacob  Hikes. 
Alex.  Ralston,  substitute  for  Michael  Berry. 
Westley  Martin,  substitute  for  Henry  Martin. 
Adam  Groshart. 
Jacob  Brinley. 
Thomas  Dunn. 
John  Little,  Jr. 
Godfrey  Meddis. 

Thomas  Talbott,  substitute  for  John  Reed. 
Isaac  Batman. 
John  Sebastian. 

Cornelius  Croxton,  substitute  for  Thomas  Long. 
Joseph  Tyler,  killed  8th  of  January  [  1815  ]  in  battle. 
Mason  Hill,  substitute  for  George  B.  Didlick. 
William  Littell,  discharged  by  habeas  corpus. 
Hugh  Carson,  substitute  for  H.  W.  Merriwether. 
David  Turner,  absentee,  claimed  not  legally  drafted. 
Samuel  Vance,  absentee. 

Price  Parish,  substitute  for  William  Anderson. 
Jacob  Hubbs,  substitute  for  Alex.  Pope. 
John  Grenawalt. 

Abraham  Balee,  substitute  for  James  Hughes. 
James  Stewart,  substitute  for  William  Ferguson  ;  wounded 
8th  January,  1815,  in  battle. 
James  Risley. 

Gershom  Rogers,  failed  to  appear. 
John  Booty,  substitute  for  Ebenezer  Buckman. 
George  R.  C.  Floyd,  discharged  by  habeas  corpus. 
John  Miller,  substitute.for  Solomon  Neal. 

John  Merryfield,  substitute  for  Thomas  S.  Baker. 

Levi  Miller,  substitute  for  Charles  Stevens. 

James  Chinoweth,  discharged  by  court  of  enquiry. 

William  Johnston,  substitute  for  James  Johnston. 

James  Glasgow. 

John  Jones,  substitute  for  Robert  McConnell. 

Patrick  Stowers,  substitute  for  Samuel  Stowers. 

Philip  Traceler,  substitute  for  James  Fontaine. 

William  Myrtle. 

Samuel  Lashbrook,  substitute  for  James  A.  Pearce. 

George  Jackson,  substitute  for  Daniel  Carter. 

William  Cardwell. 

John  Glasgow,  substitute  for  Thomas  Colscott. 

Moses  Williams,  [substitute  for  ?]  John  Yenawine,  Sr. 

Robert  B.  Ames,  substitute  for  Charles  Ray. 

John  Robbins. 

Stephen  J  ohnston,  discharged  by  court  of  enquiry. 

John  Fowler. 

Peter  Omer. 

Jacob  Slaughter,  substitute  for  William  Hodgin. 

James  Woodward,  substitute  for  George  Markwell. 

George  Miller. 

Moses  Guthrie. 

Samuel  Holt,  substitute  for  John  .Sousley. 

Jesse  Wheeler,  substitute  for  Moses  Williamson. 

William  Thickston. 

Moses  Welsh. 

Squire  Davis,  substitute  for  Thomas  McCauley. 

William  Newkirk. 

William  Junkins,  absentee. 

Isaac  Mayfield,  substitute  for  Jeremiah  Starr. 

Francis  D.  Carlton. 

John  Bagwell,  substitute  for  Jacob  Martin. 

Charles  Cosgrove,  substitute  for  George  Brown. 

Philip  Manville,  absent. 

Patrick  Dougherty. 

William  Elms. 

George  R.  Pearson,  substitute  for  Thomas  Pearson. 

Absalom  Brandenburgh,  substitute  for  Joshua  Heading- 

Chester  Pierce,  substitute  for  James  Garrett. 

William  Steele,  substitute  for  J  ohn  Keesacker. 

John  Morrow,  substitute  for  John  D.  Colmesnil. 

John  O'Hanlon. 

Benjamin  K.  Beach,  failed  to  appear;  substitute  for  John 
M.  Poague. 

John  Laville,  absent. 

Harvey  Ronte,  absent. 

Reason  Reagan,  absent. 

John  McCord,  absent. 

Thomas  Ross,  substitute  for  Silas  C.  Condon ;  captured 
by  the  enemy  8th  January,  1815. 

Michael  Stout,  substitute  for  Arltun  McCauley. 

Abner  C.  Voung. 

John  Minter. 


No  military  movement  calling  for  aid  from 
Kentucky  could  have  occurred  since  the  white 
man  first  set  the  stakes  of  civilization  at  the  Falls 
of  the  Ohio,  without  calling  out  as  large  a  pro- 
portion of  the  fighting  men  of  this  region  as 
went  from  any  other  part  of  Kentucky,  or  of  the 
Northwest.     Every   war  from   the  beginning  of 




warfare  in  America,  after  the  settlement  of  the 
Ohio  valley  began,  had  in  it  a  large  contingent 
from  Louisville  and  Jefiferson  county.  This  was 
eminently  the  case  when  the  Mexican  war  broke 
out,  in  which  Kentucky  volunteers  bore  so  great 
and  distinguished  a  part.  May  13,  1846,  the 
Congress  of  the  United  States  made  formal 
declaration  that,  "by  the  act  of  the  Republic  of 
Mexico  [the  invasion  of  the  soil  of  Texas,]  a 
state  of  war  exists  between  that  Government  and 
the  United  States."  A  requisition  was  made 
upon  Governor  Owsley,  of  this  State,  by  Major- 
General  Gaines,  of  the  United  States  army,  for 
four  regiments  of  volunteers.  The  Governor 
had  already,  before  receiving  this  call,  appealed 
to  the  citizens  of  Kentucky  to  organize  into  mil- 
itary companies.  On  the  next  day  after  his 
proclamation  (dated  Sunday,  May  17th),  the 
Louisville  Legion,  then  stronger  than  now  by 
half — in  number  of  companies,  which  counted 
nine,  commanded  by  Colonel  Ormsby — offered 
its  service  for  the  war,  which  was  accepted  by 
the  Governor.  A  subscription  of  $50,000  for 
extraordinary  expenses  ot  the  State  was  ob- 
tained in  the  city  by  Hon.  William  Preston,  and 
placed  in  the  Bank  of  Kentucky,  ready  for  use. 
May  22d,  the  Governor  issues  his  proclamation, 
in  accordance  with  the  call  of  the  President  upon 
the  States,  asking  volunteers  enough  from  Ken- 
tucky to  fill  two  regiments  of  infantry  and  one 
regiment  of  cavalry.  Four  days  thereafter  he 
announces  that  the  quota  of  the  State  is  full. 
The  Louisville  Legion,  forming  bodily  the  First 
regiment  of  Kentucky  volunteer  infantry,  is  al- 
ready upon  transports  for  the  movement  lo  Mex- 
ico. The  Second  regiment  contains  no  entire 
company  from  Jefferson  county,  but  some  gallant 
officers  and  men,  as  Lieutenant-Colonel  Henry 
Clay,  Jr.,  who  afterwards  went  down  in  the  storm 
of  battle  at  Buena  Vista,  have  been  recruited 
here.  The  cavalry  regiment  is  commanded  by 
a  Louisville  soldier.  Colonel  Humphrey  Marshall, 
the  well-known  Confederate  General  of  the  late 
war,  and  has  two  Jefferson  county  companies, 
the  first  and  second,  commanded,  respectively,  by 
Captains  W.  J.  Heady  and  A.  Pennington. 
Seventy-five  companies  more  than  the  call  de- 
manded, or  one  hundred  and  five  in  all,  were 
tendered  to  the  Governor  from  different  parts  of 
the  State.  The  martial  spirit  was  rife  among  the 

August  31,  1847,  another  requisition  is  made 
by  the  General  Government  upon  Kentucky — 
this  time  for  two  regiments  of  infantry,  which 
are  speedily  raised  and  sent  to  the  theater  of 
war.  The  Third  regiment  of  Kentucky  volunteer 
infantry  contains  no  Jefferson  county  company  ; 
but  there  is  one  in  the  Fourth — the  fifth,  num- 
bering sixty-eight  men,  commanded  by  Captain 
T.  Keating,  and  among  the  field  oflficers  of  the 
regiment  is  Lieutenant-Colonel  William  Preston, 
of  Louisville.  Three  more  companies  from  the 
city  are  recruited  and  offered  to  the  Governor  ; 
but  too  \ate,  and  they  cannot  be  accepted. 


In  February,  1858,  it  having  been  determined 
by  the  authorities  at  Washington  to  send  an 
armed  force  to  Utah,  to  bring  the  rebellious 
Mormons  to  terms,  the  Legislature  of  Kentucky 
authorized  the  Governor  of  the  State  to  raise  a 
regiment  of  volunteers  to  be  offered  in  aid  of  the 
expedition.  On  the  6th  of  March  Governor 
Morehead  made  proclamation  accordingly,  and 
within  about  a  month  twenty-one  companies,  or 
more  than  twice  the  number  needed,  were  ten- 
dered to  the  State.  Among  them  were  three 
from  Louisville,  commanded  by  Captains  Rogers, 
W^les,  and  Trimble,  being  one-seventh  of  th<! 
entire  number  reported  from  the  State  at  lai^e. 
The  Governor  was  reduced  to  the  necessity  of 
making  a  selection  by  lot,  which  resulted  'in  the 
choice,  among  others,  of  the  commands  of  the 
two  captains  first  named,  making  one-fifth  of  the 
whole  regiment. 


When  the  recruiting  for  the  Utah  raiment 
was  going  on  in  Louisville,  it  was  little  thought 
by  most  ot  those  engaged  in  the  patriotic  work 
that  soon  a  storm-cloud  of  infinitely  greater 
depth  and  width  and  blackness  would  lower 
upon  the  land,  whose  fell  influences  should  sep- 
arate husband  and  wife,  brother  from  brottier, 
father  from  son,  friend  from  friend,  and  plunge 
the  whole  great  country  in  grief.  But  already 
the  cloud  was  gathering;  the  next  year  it  lowered 
more  closely;  and  when  in  i860  the  election  of 
Abraham  Lincoln  to  the  Presidency  <pf  the 
American  Union  aroused  the  South  to  a  move- 
ment looking  to  separate  existence,  few  were  so 
blind  as  not  to  see  that  an  imminent,  deadly 
struggle  between  the  States  was  impending. 



On  the  1 8th  of  December  of  this  year,  Senator 
John  J.  Crittenden,  of  Kentucky,  who  stood  by 
President  Buchanan's  message  denying  the  right 
of  secession  to  a  State,  offered  his  celebrated 
compromise  in  the  Senate.  It  leading  provis- 
sions  have  been  summarized  as  follow:  To 
renew  the  Missouri  line  36°  30' ;  prohibit  slavery 
north  and  permit  it  south  of  that  line ;  admit 
new  States  with  or  without  slavery,  as  their  con 
stitutions  may  provide ;  prohibit  Congress  from 
abolishing  slavery  in  the  States  and  in  tWe  Dis- 
trict of  Colombia,  so  long  as  it  exists  in  Virginia 
or  Maryland ;  permit  free  transmission  of  slaves 
by  land  or  water,  in  any  State  ;  pay  for  fugitive 
slaves  rescued  after  arrest ;  repeal  the  inequality 
of  commissioners'  fees  in  the  fugitive  slave  act ; 
and  to  ask  the  repeal  of  peisonal  liberty  bills  in 
the  Northern  States.  These  concessions  to  be 
submitted  to  the  people  as  amendments  to  the 
United  States  Constitution,  and  if  adopted  never 
to  be  changed.  Mr.  Crittenden,  the  same  day, 
made  one  of  the  greatest  intellectual  efforts  of 
his  life  in  support  of  his  measure.  But  all  was 
of  no  avail.  Four  days  thereafter  his  proposi- 
tions were  negatived  by  the  Senate  committee  of 

These  facts  are  restated  here,  in  order  to  ex- 
plain the  action  of  the  two  State  conventions 
which  assembled  in  Louisville  on  the  8th  of 
January  (Battle  of  New  Orleans  day),  1861 — the 
Constitutional  Union,  or  Bell  and  Everett  con- 
vention, and  the  Democratic  Union,  or  Douglas 
convention.  Each  was  presided  over  by  a  former 
Governor  of  the  State-^the  one  by  ex-Governor 
John  L.  Helm,  the  other  by  ex-Governor  Charles 
A.  Wickliffe.  They  appointed  a  joint  conference 
committee,  by  which  a  brief  series  of  resolutions 
were  agreed  upon,  submitted  to  the  respective 
conventions,  and  by  each  adopted  without  a  dis- 
senting voice.     They  read  as  follows: 

Rtiolved,  That  we  recommend  the  adoption  of  the  propo- 
sitions of  our  distinguished  Senator,  John  J.  Crittenden,  as 
a  fair  and  honorabie  adjustment  of  the  difficulties  which 
divide  and  distract  the  people  of  our  beloved  country. 

Resolved,  That  we  recommend  to  the  Legislature  of  the 
State  to  put  the  amendments  of  Senator  Crittenden  in  form, 
and  submit  them  to  the  other  States;  and  that,  if  the  disor- 
ganization of  the  present  Union  is  not  arrested,  the  States 
agreeing  to  these  amendments  of  the  Federal  constitution 
shall  form  a  separate  confederacy,  with  power  to  admit  new 
States  under  our  glorious  constitution  thus  amended. 

Resolved,  That  we  deplore  the  existence  of  a  Union  to  be 
held  together  by  the  sword,  with  laws  to  be  enforced  by 

standing  armies:  it  is  not  such  a  Union  as  our  fathers 
mtended,  and  not  worth  preserving. 

These  resolutions  probably  expressed  accurately 
the  sentiments  of  the  vast  majority  of  the  people 
of  Louisville,  and  indeed  of  the  entire  State, 
who  were  not  already  committed  to  the  cause  of 
secession.  A  Union  State  central  committee 
was  appointed,  consisting,  it  will  be  observed,  1 
almost  solely  of  citizens  of  Louisville,  viz: 
Messrs.  John  H.  Harney,  William  F.  Bullock, 
George  D.  Prentice,  James  Speed,  Charles  Rip- 
ley, William  P.  Boone,  Phil.  Tompert,  Hamilton 
Pope,  Nat.  Wolfe,  and  Lewis  E.  Harvie.  On 
the  1 8th  of  April,  following,  after  the  fall  of 
Sumter,  the  call  of  the  Secretary  of  War  upon 
Governor  Magoffin  for  four  regiments  of  Ken- 
tucky troops,  his  refusal,  and  the  great  speech  of 
Senator  Crittenden  at  Lexington,  urging  the 
neutrality  of  Kentucky  in  the  coming  struggle, 
the  committee  issued  an  address  to  the  people  of 
the  CorHmonwealth  reading  as  follows: 

Kentucky,  through  her  executive,  has  responded  to  this 
appeal  [of  the  President  for  militia,  to  suppress  what  he  de- 
scribes as  "combinations  too  powerful  to  be  suppressed  in 
the  ordinary  way,"  etc.].  She  has  refused  to  comply  with  it. 
And  in  this  refusal  she  has  acted  as  became  her.  We  ap- 
prove the  response  of  the  Executive  of  the  Commonwealth. 
One  other  appeal  now  demands  a  response  from  Kentucky. 
The  Government  of  the  Union  has  appealed  to  her  to  furnish 
men  to  suppress  the  revolutionary  combinations  in  the  cotton 
States.  She  has  refused.  She  has  most  wisely  and  justly 
refused.  Seditious  leaders  in  the  midst  of  us  now  appeal  to 
her  to  furnish  men  to  uphold  those  combinations  against  the 
Government  of  the  Union.  Will  she  comply  with  this  ap- 
peal?   Ought   she    to   comply    with   it?    We  answer,  with 

emphasis,  NO  ! She  ought  clearly  to  comply  with  neither 

the  one  appeal  or  the  other.  And,  if  she  be  not  smitten  with 
judicial  blindness,  she  will  not.  The  present  duty  of  Ken- 
tucky is  to  maintain  her  present  independent  position — tak- 
ing sides  not  with  the  Government  and  not  with  the  seceding 
States,  but  with  the  Union  against  them  both;  declaring  her 
soil  to  be  sacred  from  the  hostile  tread  of  either,  and,  if 
necessary,  making  the  declaration  good  with  her  strong  right 
arm.  And — to  the  end  that  she  may  be  fully  prepared  for 
this  last  contingency  and  all  other  possible  contingencies — 
we  would  have  her  arm  herself  thoroughly  at  the  earliest  prac- 
ticable moment. 

What  the  future  duty  of  Kentucky  may  be,  we,  of  course, 
cannot  with  certainty  foresee;  but  if  the  enterprise  announced 
in  the  proclamation  of  the  President  should  at  any  time  here- 
after assume  the  aspect  of  a  war  for  the  overrunning  and 
subjugation  of  the  seceding  States — through  the  full  asser- 
tion therein  of  the  national  jurisdiction  by  a  standing  military 
force — we  do  not  hesitate  to  say  that  Kentucky  should 
promptly  unsheath  her  sword  in  behalf  of  what  will  then  have 
become  the  common  cause.  Such  an  event,  if  it  should  oc. 
cur — of  which,  we  confess,  there  does  not  appear  to  us  to  be 
a  rational  probability — could  have  but  one  meaning,  a  mean- 
ing which  a  people  jealous  of  their  liberty  would  be  keen  to 
detect,    and   which   a   people   worthy  of  liberty    would  be 



prompt  and  fearless  to  resist.  When  Kentucky  detects  this 
meaning  in  the  action  of  the  Government,  she  ought — with- 
out counting  the  cost — to  take  up  arms  at  once  against  the 
Government.  Until  she  does  detect  this  meaning,  she  ought 
to  hold  herself  independent  of  both  sides,  andcompel  both  sides 
to  respect  the  inviolability  of  her  soil. 

The  same  day  an  important  Union  meetmg 
was  held  in  Louisville,  which  was  addressed  by 
the  Hon.  James  Guthrie,  who  had  similarly 
spoken  to  a  large  assembly  in  the  city  March 
1 6th,  and  by  Judge  William  F.  Bullock,  Archi- 
bald Dixon,  and  John  Young  Dixon.  It  did  not 
advocate  armed  resistance  to  secession,  however, 
but  fell  in  with  the  prevailing  current  in  behalf 
of  neutrality,  and  opposing  coercion  by  the 
North,  as  well  as  secession  by  the  South.  It  was 
declared  by  this  meeting  that  Kentucky  would 
be  loyal  until  the  Federal  Government  became 
the  aggressor  upon  her  rights.  The  City  Coun- 
cil, on  the  23d  of  the  same  month,  appropriated 
$50,000  to  arm  and  defend  the  city,  and  pres- 
ently increased  the  sum  to  $250,000,  provided 
the  people  should  sustain  the  measure  by  a  ma- 
jority vote.  The  Bank  of  Louisville  and  the 
Commercial  Bank  agreed  to  make  temporary 
loans  of  $10,000  each  for  arming  the  State,  in 
response  to  the  request  of  the  Governor;  but 
the  Bank  of  Kentucky  declined  to  furnish  any 
money  for  the  purpose,  except  under  the  express 
stipulation  that  it  should  be  used  exclusively 
"  for  arming  the  State  for  self-defense  and  protec 
tion,  to  prevent  aggression  or  invasion  from 
either  the  North  or  the  South,  and  to  protect  the 
present  status  of  Kentucky  in  the  Union." 

By  this  time  (the  last  week  in  April)  the  situa- 
tion was  beginning  to  excite  grave  apprehension 
and  not  a  little  vivid  indignation  in  Kentucky — 
particularly  at  Louisville,  whose  commercial  in- 
terests were  seriously  threatened  by  certain  of 
the  demonstrations  there.  This  part  of  the  story 
may  best  be  told  in  the  words  of  Mr.  Whitelaw 
Reid,  no  editor  of  the  New  York  Tribune,  and 
former  compiler  of  the  great  work  in  two  vol- 
umes, known  as  Ohio  in  the  War.  In  his  de- 
scription of  the  sentiment  and  scenes  in  Cincin- 
nati at  the  outbreak  of  the  war,  Mr.  Reid  says : 

The  first  note  of  war  from  the  East  threw  Cincinnati  into 
a  spasm  of  alarm.  Her  great  warehouses,  her  foundries 
and  machine  shops,  her  rich  moneyed  institutions,  were  all  a 
tempting  prize  to  the  Confederates,  to  whom  Kentucky  was 
believed  to  be  drifting.  Should  Kentucky  go,  only  the  Ohio 
river  would  remain  between  the  great  city  and  the  needy 
enemy,  and  there  were  absolutely  no  provisions  for  defense. 

The  first  alarm  expended  itself,  as  we  have  already  seen. 

in  the  purchase  of  huge  columbiads,  with  which  it  was  prob- 
ably intended  that  Walnut  Hills  should  be  fortified.  There 
next  sprang  up  a  feverish  spirit  of  active  patriotism  that  soon 
led  to  complications.  For  the  citizens,  not  being  accustomed 
to  draw  nice  distinctions  or  in  a  tempyer  to  permit  anything 
whereby  their  danger  might  be  increased,  could  see  little  dif- 
ference between  the  neutral  treason  of  Kentucky  to  the  Gov- 
ernment and  the  more  open  treason  of  the  seceded  States. 
They  accordingly  insisted  that  shipments  of  produce,  and 
especially  shipments  of  anns,  ammunition,  or  other  articles 
contraband  of  war,  to  Kentucky  should  instantly  cease. 

The  citizens  of  Louisville,  taking  alarm  at  this  threatened 
blow  at  their  very  existence,  sent  up  a  large  delegation  to 
protest  gainst  the  stoppage  ol  shipments  from  Ohio.  They 
were  received  in  the  council  chamber  of  the  city  hall,  on  the 
morning  of  April  23d.  The  city  Mayor,  Mr.  Hatch,  an- 
nounced the  object  of  their  meeting,  and  called  upon  Mr. 
Rufus  King  to  state  the  position  of  the  city  and  State  au- 
thorities. Mr.  King  dwelt  upon  the  friendship  of  Ohio  to 
Kentucky  in  the  old  strain,  and  closed  by  reading  a  letter 
which  the  mayor  had  procured  from  Governor  Dennison,  of 
which  the  essential  part  was  as  follows : 

' '  My  views  of  tbe  subject  suggested  in  your  message  are 
these :  So  long  as  any  State  remains  in  the  Union,  with  pro- 
fessions of  attachment  to  it,  we  cannot  discriminate  between 
that  State  and  our  own.  In  the  contest  we  must  be  clearly  in 
the  right  in  every  act,  and  I  think  it  better  that  we  should 
risk  something  than  that  we  should,  in  the  slightest  degree, 
be  chargeable  with  anything  tending  to  create  a  rupture  with 
any  State  which  has  not  declared  itself  already  out  of  the 
Union.  To  seize  arms  going  to  a  State  which  has  not  actu- 
ally seceded,  could  give  a  pretext  for  the  assertion  that  we 
had  inaugurated  hostile  conduct,  and  might  be  used  to  create 
a  popular  feeling  of  favor  of  secession  where  it  would  not  ex- 
ist, and  end  in  border  warfare,  which  all  good  citizens  must 
deprecate.  Until  fliere  is  such  circumstantial  evidence  as  to 
create  a  moral  certainty  of  an  immediate  intention  to  use 
arms  against  us,  I  would  not  be  willing  to  order  their  seizure; 
much  less  would  I  be  willing  to  interfere  with  the  transporta- 
tion of  provisions. " 

"Now,"  said  Mr.  King,  "  this  is  a  text  to  which  eveiy  citi- 
zen of  Ohio  must  subscribe,  coming  as  it  does  from  the  head 
of  the  State.  1  do  not  feel  the  least  hesitation  in  saying  that 
it  expresses  the  feeling  of  the  people  of  Ohio. " 

But  the  people  of  Ohio  did  not  subscribe  to  it.  Even  in 
the  meeting  Judge  Bellamy  Storer,  though  very  guarded  in 
his  expressions,  intimated,  in  the  course  of  his  stirring 
speech,  the  dissatisfaction  with  the  attitude  of  Kentucky. 
"This  is  no  time,"  he  said,  "for  soft  words.  We  feel,  as 
you  have  a  right  to  feel,  that  you  have  a  Governor  who  can- 
not be  depended  upon  in  this  crisis.  But  it  is  on  the  men  of 
Kentucky  that  we  rely.  All  we  want  to  know  is  whether  you 
are  for  the  Union,  without  reservation.  Brethren  of  Ken- 
tucky, the  men  of  the  North  have  been  your  friends,  and 
they  still  desire  to  be.  But  I  will  speak  plainly.  There  have 
been  idle  taunts  thrown  out  that  they  are  cowardly  and  timid. 
The  North  submits;  the  North  obeys;  but  beware!  There 
is  a  point  which  cannot  be  passed.  While  we  rejoice  in  your 
friendship,  while  we  glory  in  your  bravery,  we  would  have 
you  understand  that  we  are  your  equals  as  well  as  your 
friends. " 

To  all  this  the  only  response  of  the  Kentuckians,  through 
their  spokesman.  Judge  Bullock,  was  "that  Kentucky  wished 
to  take  no  part  in  the  unhappy  struggle  ;  that  she  wished  to 
be  a  mediator,  and  meant  to  retain  friendly  relations  with  all 



her  sister  States.     But  he  was  greatly  gratified  with  Governor 
Dennison's  letter." 

The  citizens  of  Cincinnati  were  not.  Four  days  later, 
when  their  indignation  had  come  to  take  shape,  they  held  a 
large  meeting,  whereat  excited  speeches  were  mnde  and  reso- 
lutions passed  deprecating  the  letter,  calling  upon  the  Gover- 
nor to  retract  it,  declaring  that  it  was  too  late  to  draw  nice 
distinctions  between  open  rebellion  and  armed  neutrality 
against  the  Union,  and  that  armed  neutrality  was  rebellion 
to  the  Government.  At  the  close  an  additional  resolution 
was  offered,  which  passed  amid  a  whirlwind  of  applause  : 

"Resolved,  That  any  men,  or  set  of  men,  in  Cincinnati  or 
elsewhere,  who  knowingly  ship  one  ounce  of  flour  or  pound 
of  provisions,  or  any  arms  or  articles  which  are  contraband 
of  war,  to  any  person  or  any  State  which  has  not  declared  its 
firm  determination  to  sustain  the  Government  in  its  present 
crisis,  is  a  traitor,  and  deseives  the  doom  of  a  traitor." 

So  clear  and  unshrinking  was  the  first  voice  from  the  great 
conservative  city  of  the  Southern  border,  whose  prosjjerity 
was  supposed  to  depend  on  the  Southern  trade.  They  had 
reckoned  idly,  it  seemed,  who  had  counted  on  hesitation 
here.  From  the  first  day  that  the  war  was  opened,  the  people 
of  Cincinnati  were  as  vehement  in  their  deteriT'ination  that  it 
should  be  relentlessly  prosecuted  to  victory,  as  the  people  of 

They  immediately  began  the  organization  of  home  guards, 
armed  and  drilled  vigorously,  took  oaths  to  serve  the  Gov- 
ernment when  they  were  called  upon,  and  devoted  themselves 
to  the  suppression  of  any  contraband  trade  with  the  South- 
ern States.  The  steamboats  were  watched  ;  the  railroad 
depots  were  searched  ;  and,  wherever  a  suspicious  bo.\  or  bale 
was  discovered,  it  was  ordered  back  to  the  warehouses. 

After  a  time  the  General  Government  undertook  to  prevent 
any  shipments  into  Kentucky,  save  such  as  should  be  re- 
quired by  the  normal  demands  of  her  own  population.  A 
system  of  shipment  permits  was  established  under  the  super- 
vision of  the  Collector  of  the  Port,  and  passengers  on  the 
ferry-boats  into  Covington  were  even  searched  to  see  if  they 
were  carrying  over  pistols  or  other  articles  contraband  of 
war;  but,  in  spite  of  all  efforts,  Kentucky  long  continued  to 
be  the  convenient  source  and  medium  for  supplies  to  the 
Southwestern  seceded  States. 

The  day  after  the  Cincinnati  meeting  denouncing  his 
course  relative  to  Kentucky,  Governor  Dennison,  stimulated 
perhaps  by  this  censure,  but  in  accordance  with  a  policy 
already  formed,  issued  orders  to  the  presidents  of  all  rail- 
roads in  Ohio  to  have  everything  passing  over  their  roads  in 
the  direction  of  Virginia,  or  any  other  seceded  State,  whether 
as  ordinary  freight  or  express  matter,  examined,  and  if  con- 
traband of  war,  immediately  stopped  and  reported  to  him. 
The  order  may  not  have  had  legal  sanction,  but  in  the  excited 
state  of  the  public  mind  it  was  accepted  by  all  concerned  as 
ample  authority.  The  next  day  similar  instructions  were  sent 
to  all  express  companies. 

The  leading  incidents  of  the  war,  so  far  as 
Louisville  or  this  county  had  part  in  them,  will 
be  related  in  our  annals  of  the  city;  we  have 
designed  to  furnish  simply  enough  by  way  of  in- 
troduction to  the  large  roster  of  the  Jefferson 
county  contingent  in  the  war.  Recruiting  for 
either  army  was  not  long  delayed  by  Kentucky's 
neutrality.  The  Louisville  Legion  now,  as  when 
the  war  with  Mexico  broke  out,  was  again  early 

in  the  field  with  its  offer  of  service,  and  the  ma- 
jority of  its  members  formed  the  nucleus  of  the 
Fifth  Kentucky  volunteer  infantry,  which,  under 
the  lead  of  Lovcll  H.  Rousseau,  was  rendez- 
voused and  drilled  on  Indiana  soil,  at  Camp  Joe 
Holt,  Jeffersonville,  in  deference  to  the  sentiment 
at  home  against  encampment  on  Kentucky  ter- 
ritory. When  neutrality  was  finally  and  forever 
broken  by  both  sides  in  the  conflict,  recruiting 
thenceforth  went  on  rapidly,  and  Camps  Sigel 
and  others  were  in  due  time  formed  in  Jeffer- 
son county, where  many  other  regiments  or  parts 
of  regiments  were  assembled  and  equipped. 

Shortly  after  the  formation  of  the  United 
States  Sanitary  Commission,  in  i86r,  the  Ken- 
tucky Branch  of  the  Commission  was  organized, 
with  Dr.  Theodore  S.  Bell,  of  Louisville,  as  pres- 
ident, and  the  Rev.  J.  H.  Heywood,  vice-presi- 
dent. Says  Mr.  Heywood,  in  his  History  of  the 

Dr.  Bell  was  chosen'president  by  the  unanimous  and  hearty 
vote  of  the  members.  From  beginning  to  end  he  labored 
unweariedly,  bringing  to  the  great  work  not  only  fervent 
patriotism  and  broad  humanity,  but  a  mind  alike  capacious 
and  active,  extensive  medical  experience,  a  thorough  mastery 
of  sanitary  law,  and  an  intense,  unrelaxing  energy  that  was 
as  vitalizing  as  it  was  inherently  vital.  And  while  rendering 
this  invaluable  service  to  the  general  cause — service  to  which 
Dr.  Newberry,  the  accomplished  Western  Secretary  of  the 
United  States  Sanitary  Commission,  repeatedly  paid  the 
tribute  of  highest  admiration — Dr.  Bell  had  personal  charge 
of  a  large  hospital,  which  he  so  conducted  as  to  command 
the  esteem  of  and  win  the  love  and  gratitude  of  hundreds 
and  thousands  of  sick  and  wounded  soldiers  and  their  re- 
lations and  friends.  Never  in  any  country  or  any  age  has 
there  been  more  untiring  consecration  of  rare  powers  and 
extraordinary  attainments  to  noblest  ends  than  was  made  by 
our  honored  fellow-citizen  during  those  eventful  years  of  des- 

The  brief  but  excellent  memoir  of  Dr.  Bell, 
contained  in  Louisville  Past  and  Present,  adds 
the  following  concerning  his  services: 

The  part  Dr.  Bell  enacted  for  the  relief  of  the  sick  and 
wounded  of  both  armies  during  the  war  for  the  maintenance 
of  the  Union  is  especially  worthy  of  mention  here.  In  the 
sanitary  report  mentioned  above  [that  of  Dr.  Newberry, 
secretary  of  the  Western  department  of  the  commission]  it  is 
stated  that  on  the  night  of  the  gth  of  October,  1862,  a  meet- 
ing in  Louisville  was  called  to  provide  for  the  sufferers  of  the 
battle  of  Perryville,  fought  on  the  previous  day.  Dr.  Bell, 
whose  energies  had  been  so  severely  taxed  that  a  severe  spell 
of  sickness  ensued  and  he  was  supposed  to  be  near  death's 
door,  was  iiiformed  by  his  faithful  and  sympathetic  friend. 
Captain  Z.  M.  Sherley,  of  the  intended  meeting,  andt  Dr. 
Bell  announced  his  intention  of  attending  it.  Captain  Sher- 
lev  protested  against  this  course  in  a  man  who  could  not 
stand  alone;  but  finding  the  doctor  inexorable,  called  and 
aided  him  in  gelling  10  the    meeting.      Dr.  Bells  knowledge 



of  sanitary  measures  guided  the  meeting,  and  the  matter  was 
committed  to  his  keeping.  A  friend  called  and  informed  him 
that  he  and  another  gentleman  were  going  to  Perryville  in  a 
spring  wagon  and  a  team  of  two  mules.  The  gentleman 
agreed  to  carry  for  Dr.  Bell  seventy  pounds  of  stores  for  the 
wounded.  This  package,  consisting  of  a  bale  of  oakum,  a 
number  of  pounds  of  pure  chloroform,  bandages,  and  beef 
extract,  was  put  up  under  his  supervision,  and  reached  Perry- 
ville far  in  advance  of  any  of  the  numerous  other  transporta- 
tion wagons  and  ambulances.  The  medical  director,  Dr. 
Murray,  said  as  soon  as  he  saw  the  package  opened  he  knew 
that  a  doctor  had  presided  over  that  merciful  package. 

A  great  number  of  Confederate  sick  and  wounded  were 
left  at  Perryville  and  Harrodsburg,  and  their  friends  in  this 
city  contributed  funds  for  their  relief  Under  an  order  of 
General  Boyle  these  articles  had  to  pass  through  the  hands 
of  Dr.  Bell  as  president  of  the  Kentucky  branch  of  the  San- 
itary Commission.  He  was  so  faithful  to  the  dictates  of 
mercy  in  forwarding  everything  of  this  kmd  that  when  Cap- 
tain Harry  Spotts,  who,  as  one  of  the  active  friends  of  the 
Confederates,  still  had  a  fund  of  about  $300  in  his  hands, 
was  about  leaving  Kentucky  to  take  charge  of  the  St.  Nich- 
olas hotel,  he  called  upon  Dr.  Bell  to  take  charge  of  this  fund 
and  purchase  needed  articles  for  the  Confederate  sufferers  at 
Perryville  and  Harrodsburg.  While  Dr.  Bell  was  willing  to 
undergo  the  labor,  he  felt  the  delicacy  of  his  position;  but 
he  made  the  purchases  of  Wilson  &  Peter,  who  filled  the  bill 
in  the  most  liberal  manner,  and  he  presented  their  bill  of 
items  to  Captain  Spotts,  who  expressed  his  entire  satisfaction 
with  his  expenditure  of  what  he  very  properly  deemed  a 
sacred  treasure.  The  articles  were  forwarded  to  the  hospitals 
to  the  care  of  those  who  were  ministering  to  those  Con- 
federate sufferers.  General  Boyle  gave  full  permission  to 
him,  as  president  of  the  Kentucky  branch  of  the  United 
States  Sanitary  Commission,  to  forward  to  the  sick  and 
wounded  Confederate  soldiers  at  Harrodsburg  the  liberal 
contributions  of  their  friends  in  this  city,  and  Dr.  Bell  per- 
sonally superintended  the  forwarding  of  these  articles  by  the 
means  of  transportation  placed  at  the  disposal  of  the  Sanitary 

Dr.  Woods,  of  the  Indiana  branch  of  the 
sanitary  commission,  wrote  thus  at  one  time  of 
its  operations  here: 

We  render  assistance  to  all  that  we  can.  We  give  prece- 
dence to  the  most  distressing.  A  poor  soldier  is  about  to 
die  at  Park  barracks.  We  obtain  for  him  a  discharge  fur- 
lough, give  him  transportation,  and  send  him  home  to  die  in 
his  family.  I  spent  a  whole  day  with  his  ca^e  alone.  A 
poor  widow  came  here,  with  but  one  child  in  the  world,  and 
he  is  a  soldier  sick  in  the  hospital.  .  She  has  no  dependence 
but  him.  She  is  robbed  at  the  depot  of  every  cent  she  has. 
No  possible  means  to  go  home  except  to  get  her  son  dis- 
charged, draw  his  pay,  and  go  home  on  that.  She  obtains 
from  the  surgeon  a  certificate  of  disability.  His  case  is  re- 
jected by  the  board  of  examining  surgeons.  For  her  we  work. 
I  met  a  soldier  who  had  lost  the  power  of 
speech  by  sickness.  He  had  been  sent  here  without  a  pass. 
He  knew  no  more  what  to  do  or  where  to  go  than  a  sheep. 
I  took  him  to  the  medical  director  and  the  hospital. 


The  citizens  of  Louisville,  as  may  easily  be 
supposed,  were  fully  represented  among  the  State 

military  authorities  during  the  war-period,  as  well 
as  among  the  soldiers  in  the  field.  Hamilton 
Pope,  Esq.,  a  prominent  lawyer  of  the  city,  and 
son  of  Worden  Pope,  the  famous  old  pioneer, 
was  placed  in  charge  of  the  State  guard  at  the 
outset  of  the  war,  with  the  rank  of  brigadier- 
general,  and  remained  in  command  until  the 
troops  were  received  and  mustered  into  the  Fed- 
eral service.  Samuel  Gill,  of  that  city,  was  a 
commissioner  on  the  military  board  under  the 
legislative  act  of  May  24,  1861,  and  also  under 
that  of  September  25th,  of  the  same  year.  Gen- 
eral John  Boyle  was  Adjutant-General  of  the 
State  from  September  i,  1863,  to  August  i, 
1864,  when  he  resigned.  Messrs.  James  W. 
Gault,  W.  DeB.  Morrill,  and  James  F.  Flint, 
were  State  military  agents  until  February  15, 
1866.  Dr.  Isaac  W.  Scott  was  surgeon-general 
from  September  3,  1863,  with  the  grade  of  col- 
onel. The  Hon.  James  Speed,  afterwards  At- 
torney-general of  the  United  States,  was  long 
mustering  officer  for  the  Northern  armies  at  this 


It  is  a  fact  well  very  worth  noting  that,  although 
Louisville  is  very  far  from  comprising  one-fifth 
of  the  entire  population  of  the  State,  and  did  not 
furnish  near  twenty  per  cent,  of  the  total  number 
of  Federal  soldiers  who  enlisted  in  Kentucky 
during  the  war,  yet  one  fifth  (22)  of  the  whole 
(115)  list  of  general  and  staif  officers  in  the  Union 
army,  appointed  and  commissioned  by  the  Pres- 
ident, were  selected  from  her  loyal  ranks.  The 
following  is  believed  to  be  a  full  or  nearly  full 
list : 

Lovell  H.  Rousseau,  brigadier-general,  October  i,  1861  ; 
major-general,  October  8,  1862;  resigned  November  30,  1865. 

William  T.  Ward,  brigadier-general,  September  18,  1861; 
breveted  major-general  February  24,  1865 ;  honorably 
mustered  out  August  24,  1865. 

Walter  C.  Whitaker,  brigadier-general,  June  25,  1863; 
breveted  major-general,  March  13,  1865 ;  honorably  muster- 
ed out  August  24,   1865. 

Jeremiah  T.  Boyle,  brigadier-general,  November  9,  1861 ; 
resigned  January  26,  1864. 

Thomas  E.  Bramlette,  brigadier-general,  April  24,  1863; 
declined  accepting. 

Eli  H.  Murray,  Colonel  Third  Kentucky  Veteran  Caval- 
ry; brevet  brigadier-general,  March  25.   1865. 

Alexander  M.  Stout,  colonel  Seventeenth  Kentucky  In- 
fantry; brevet  brigadier-general,  March  13,  1865. 

J.  Rowan  Boone,  lieutenant-colonel  Ken- 
tucky Veteran  Infantry;  brevet  colonel  March  13,  1865. 

Philip  Speed,  major  and  paymaster  September  11,  1861 ; 
resigned  December  23,  1862. 



L.  T.  Thustin, 'major  and  paymaster,  September  ii,  1861 ; 
breveted  lieutenant-colonel ;  honorably  mustered  out  April 
30,  1866. 

John  Speed,  captain  and  assistant  adjutant -ge;neral,  March 
II,  1863;  major  and  paymaster,  March  22,  1865 ;  resigned 
March  19,  1865. 

Alexander  C.  Semple,  captain  and  assistant  adjutant- 
general,  September  29,  1862;  resigned  March  18,  1864. 

J.  Speed  Peay,  captain  and  assistant  adjutant-general, 
July  15,  1862;  resigned  May  2,  1863. 

H.  C.  McDowell,  captain  and  assistant  adjutant-general, 
November'19,  1861;  resigned  August  27,  1862. 

William  P.  McDowell,  major  and  adjutant-general  March 
II,  1863;  resigned  December  9,  1863. 

Stephen  E.  Jones,  captain  and  aid-de-camp  July  9,  1862; 
resigned  March  13,  1865. 

William  L.  Neal,  captain  and  assistant'. quartermaster. 
May  18,  1864;  honorably  mustered  out  July  28,  1865. 

George  P.  Webster,  captain  and  assistant  quartermaster, 
May  12,  1862. 

R.  C.  Welster,  captain  and  assistant  quartermaster,  Sep- 
tember 30,  1861. 

Joshua  Tevis,  captain  and  assistant  commisary  of  subsis- 
tence, November  26,  1862;  canceled. 

John  Fry,  captain  and  assistant  commissary  of  subsistence, 
October  31,  1861;  breveted  major  March  13,  1865;  honorably 
mustered^out  February  2,  1866. 

J.  F.  Huber,  captain  and  assistant  [commissary  of  subsistence 
October  25,  1861;  breveted  major;  honorably  mustered  out 
October  la,  1865. 


It  is  probably  impossible  to  make  up  from  any 
sources  accessible  to  the  local  historian  an  exact 
roster  of  the  soldiers  contributed  to  the  Federal 
armies  by  Louisville  or  Jefferson  county.  Had 
the  massive  volumes  in  which  the  enterprise  and 
liberality  of  the  State  have  embodied  her  rolls 
of  Union  soldiers,  the  Adjutant  General's  Report, 
for  1861-66,  contained,  as  does  the  Adjutant  Gen- 
eral's Report  of  Indiana  for  the  same  period,  the 
places  of  residence  as  well  as  the  names  of  the 
soldiers,  the  work  would  be  comparatively  easy. 
Fortunately,  the  alphabetical  list  of  officers, 
near  the  close  of  the  great  work,  does  supply  the 
places  of  residence  of  the  commanders;  and 
with  these  as  a  partial  guide,  it  has  been  possible 
to  compile  with  reasonable  certainty  the  lists 
of  Federal  commands  from  this  city  and  county. 
Still  many  soldiers  must  have  been  recruited 
here  for  regiments  and  Jbatteries  which  con- 
tained, perhaps,  not  a  single  officer  from  this 
region,  and  so,  particularly  if  the  recruitwas  mus- 
tered into  service  elsewhere,  there  is  absolutely 
no  clue  to  his  residence  here.  On  the  other 
hand,  it  would  not  answer  to  accredit  Louisville 
with  every  soldier  mustered  iuto  service  here; 
since  large  numbers  of  r'len  who  had  no  residence 

in  this  region  came  or  were  brought  here  for  the 
purpose  of  muster-in.  Notwithstanding  these 
difficulties,  however,  it  is  believed  that  an  approx- 
inpately  correct  list  has  been  prepared.  If  any 
mistakes  in  spelling  are  found,  they  must  be 
charged  over  to  the  office  of  the  Adjutant-Gen- 
eral of  the  State;  since  the  printed  words  of  the 
Report  have  been  in  our  compositors'  hands,  and 
the  whole  has  been  carefully  read  by  copy. 


Colonel  William  E.  Woodruff. 
Colonel  Thomas  D.  Sedgewick. 
Adjutant  Henry  Weindell. 
Surgeon  David  J.  Griffiths. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Frederick  Rectanus. 

First  Lieutenant  Archibald  McLellan. 
First  Lieutenant  George  R.  McFadden. 
Second  Lieutenant  Sidmund  Huber. 


Colonel  Thomas  E.  Bramlette. 

Regimental  Quartermaster  Thomas  M.  Selby,  Jr. 

Surgeon  Joseph  Foreman. 

Assistant  Surgeon  James  R.  Scott. 




First  Lieutenant  Henry  Teney. 


The  Fifth  was  organized  in  the  summer  of 
1 86 1,  under  Lovell  H.  Rousseau  as  colonel,  and 
was  mustered  into  the  United  States  service  on 
the  9th  day  of  September,  1861,  at  Camp  Joe 
Holt,  Indiana,  by  W.  H.  Sidell,  major  Fifteenth 
United  States  infantry,  and  mustering  officer. 
Colonel  Rousseau  was  promoted  to  brigadier- 
general  October  5,  1861,  and  Harvey  M.  Buck- 
ley was  then  commissioned  colonel.  He  re- 
signed January  26,  1863.  William  W.  Berry 
was,  on  the  9th  of  February,  1863,  mustered  as 
colonel,  and  commanded  the  regiment  until  its 
muster-out  of  service  at  Louisville  September  14, 
1864.  A  portion  of  the  regiment  veteranized, 
and  at  the  muster-out  of  the  regiment  the  re- 
cruits and  veterans  were  transferred  to  the  Second 
Kentucky  Veteran  cavalry. 

It  is  with  regret  that  a  report  of  this  regiment 

*The  regimental  histories  are  used,  almost  verbatim,  as 
they  are  found  in  the  Adjutant-General's  Reports. 



is  published  without  a  full  history  of  its  career,  it 
having  been  one  of  the  very  first  Kentucky  regi- 
ments which  "rallied  around  the  flag,"  and 
formed  part  of  Rousseau's  gallant  command, 
who,  by  their  timely  occupation  of  Muldrough's 
Hill,  kept  at  bay  the  rebel  forces,  and  saved 
Kentucky  from  being  drawn  entirely  within  the 
enemy's  lines.  The  difficulties  under  which  the 
regiment  was  raised,  having  been  organized  at 
the  time  that  Kentucky  was  resting  upon  her 
neutrality,  assure  to  its  officers  the  greatest  credit 
for  their  success. 

At, the  alarm  of  an  invasion  of  Kentucky  by 
Buckner,  this  gallant  command  was  thrown  out 
in  defense  of  Louisville  by  General  (then  Colonel) 
Rousseau,  held  them  in  check  until  reinforce- 
ments arrived  from  Ohio  and  Indiana,  and  for- 
ever refuted  the  idea  of  a  State  standing  in  a 
neutral  position  when  the  integrity  or  unity  of  the 
nation  was  assailed.  From  the  time  the  Fifth 
crossed  the  Ohio  river  from  Camp  Joe  Holt,  re- 
cruiting progressed  rapidly  throughout  Kentucky. 
Having  been  thoroughly  disciplined  during  the 
time  it  was  encamped  at  Joe  Holt,  it  took  the 
lead  of  and  was  the  nucleus  around  which  the 
Grand  Army  of  the  Cumberland  was  formed.  It 
served  with  distinction,  and  gained  repeatedly 
praise  from  the  department  commanders.  Be- 
sides numerous  others,  it  participated  in  the  fol- 
lowing-named battles  in  which  loss  was  sus- 
tained, viz:  Bowling  Green,  Shiloh,  Stone  River, 
Chickamauga,  Mission  Ridge,  Rocky  Face 
Ridge,  Resaca,  Dallas,  Kenesaw,  Atlanta,  Dallas, 
Orchard  Knob,  Liberty  Gap,  and  Blain's  Cross 


Colonel  Lovell  H.  Rousseau. 
Colonel  William  W.  Berry. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  John  L.  Treanor. 
Major  Charles  L.  Thomasson. 
Adjutant  Edward  W.  Johnstone. 
Regimental  Quartermaster  Thomas  C.  Pomroy. 
Regimental  Quartermaster  John  M.  Moore. 
Surgeon  John  Matthews. 
Chaplain  James  H.  Bristow. 
Sergeant-Major  James  T.  O.  Day. 
Sergeant-Major  A.  Sidney  Smith. 
Sergeant-Major  Hervey  R.  Willett. 
Quartermaster-Sergeant  Frederick  N.  Fishe. 
Quartermaster-Sergeant  William  H.  Hayars. 
Commissary-Sergeant  Henry  A.  Day. 
Hospital  Steward  John  Wyatt. 


Principal  Musician  Simon  Boesser. 
Principal  Kftisician  James  Matthews. 

Musician  Major  C.  Barkwell. 
Musician  Joseph  Einseidler. 
Musician  Christian  Gunter. 
Musician  Bernhard  Klein. 
Musician  Charles  Oswald. 
Musician  Samuel  Ross. 
Musician  John  Ruef. 
Musician  Richard  Schwenzer. 
Musician  Philip  Selbert. 
Musician  John  Spillman. 
Musician  Edward  S.  Sargeant. 
Musician  Philip  Schenkle. 
Musician  John  Schottlin. 
Musician  Joseph  Von  Berg. 
Musician  Sebastian  Walter. 
Musician  Amos  ^ippincott. 

Captain  William  Mangen. 
Captain  Thomas  Foreman. 
First  Lieutenant  John  M.  Smith. 


First  Sergeant  James  Maloney. 
Sergeant  Paul  Clinton, 
Sergeant  Andrew  C.  O'Neil. 
Corporal  Robert  Cosgrave. 
Corporal  Benjamin  D.  Edsell. 
Corporal  Francis  M.  Gray. 
Corporal  Michael  Hammond. 
Corporal  James  Joyce. 
Coiporal  Bartholomew  Buckley. 
Teamster  Charles  Bowers. 


Thomas  Corbitt,  James  Crow,  Thomas  Dunn,  John  F. 
Dietz,  John  Dutch,  Joseph  Eisner,  James  Fisher,  Patrick 
Gorman,  Robert  Johnson,  Daniel  Keefe,  William  Keiley, 
Lewis  Keele,  John  Mannii^g,  Alenanzer  Monroe,  Edward 
Murphy,  John  Mara,  Bernard  McElroy,  Jeremiah  McCot- 
mick,  Timothy  McCormick,  Patrick  McCormick,  J ohn  Mc- 
Keown,  Michael  O'Malia,  Theodore  Pohlmeyer,  John  Pil- 
kington,  Jeremiah  Rager,  John  Rimo,  Bernard  Smith,  Jacob 
Suffell,  John  L.  Swabb,  Peter  S.  Kennedy,  Thomas  Lewis, 
Thomas  Loftie,  Oliver  Newell,  Henry  Runch,  James  Ryan, 
John  Toomey,  Henry  Toby,  John  Thornton,  James  Tevlin, 
Larkin  Adams,  John  Kilroy,. Moses  M.  Pounds,  William 
Bediker,  Daniel  Curran,  William  W.  Cassedy,  John  W. 
David,  Alexander  Gilbert,  George  Grimshaw,  William  H. 
Harrison,  Owen  Keiley,  Benjamin  Lowery,  Philip  F.  Moore, 
John  Myer,  Michael  McCook,  John  Turnboe,  Patrick  Vale, 
Thomas  Dwyer,  William  Herren,  Hugh  McElroy. 

Captain  Lafayette  P.   Lovett. 
First  Lieutenant  John  P.  Hurley, 
Second  Lieutenant  Thomas  J.  McManen. 
Second  Lieutenant  David  Jones. 


First  Sergeant  George  Sambrall. 
Sergeant  James  D.  McCorkhill. 
Sergeant  Lewis  P.  Cox. 
Sergeant  John  M.  Sutton. 
Sergeant  John  Ott. 
Sergeant  William  Batman. 



Serjeant  John  Vickrey. 
Corporal  Frank  Pope. 
Corporal  Joseph  Conen. 
Corporal  William  P.  Dueley. 
Corporal  James  Noonan. 
Corporal  John  Keohler. 
Corporal  William  Gibson. 
Corporal  Edward  O'Brien. 
Corporal  Sanford  T.  Thurman. 
Corporal  Thomas  Selvage. 
Corporal  Richard  Sweeney. 
Wagoner  Nicholas  Larence. 
Musician  Joseph  Hazlewood. 


Joseph  W.  Bennett,  Benjamin  F.  Bennett,  Robert  Beatt, 
Patrick  Cleary,  John  Carter,  James  Connell,  George  Cancel- 
man,  Thomas  Frothingham,  Michael  Frank,  Jolin  Gunn, 
George  W.  House,  Frederick  Herns,  Louis  Hode^,  John 
Jordan,  John  Kenney,  Henry  Kendall,  John  F.  Koeh,  Jere- 
miah Knapp,  Henry  Manore,  Joseph  Miller,  Edward  Mitch- 
ell, Thomas  Murray,  James  Mulcha,  Charles  Ott,  Joseph 
Smith,  William  Snider,  John  T.  Steele,  William  T.  Thur- 
man, Elijah  Thurman,  Thomas  Hardin,  Thomas  Barrett, 
John  Branan,  Henry  Conner,  John  Dunn,  Augustus  Hess, 
William  B.  Jones,  William  Movyers,  Enos  Sutton,  Ale.xander 
Tinock,  Louis  Base,  Joseph  Dey,  Frederick  N.  Frishe,  Pat- 
rick Woods,  John  Metz,  Johnson  Todd,  Beauford  Thurman, 
Levin  W.  Collins,  Simon  Echart,  Thomas  Gunn,  Conrad 
Granco,  Charles  Shupp,  Christopher  Beeker,  Melville  F. 
Howard,  Richard  Henan,  Alexander  Mullen,  John  Norris, 
John  W.  Sutton,  Petre  Sutton,  William  Stewart,  James  H. 
Sirles,  Richard  Toole,  Thomas  Voss. 



Captain  Asaph  H.  Speed. 
Captain  Christopher  Leonard. 
First  Lieutenant  Richard  Jones. 


First  Sergeant  Albert  Webb. 
Sergeant  Lewis  Hagerman. 
Sergeant  William  Foster. 
Sergeant  William  Shaw. 
Sergeant  John  Rhodes. 
Sergeant  Mason  L.  Speed. 
Sergeant  Frank  Lightner. 
Sergeant  Le  Grand  Dunn. 
Sergeant  Stephen  Jewell. 
Corporal  George  W.  Byers. 
Corporal  Henry  B.  McKinney. 
Corporal  Charles  Sliglitz, 
Corporal  Peter  Holback. 
Corporal  John  Ernwine. 
Corporal  Richard  Goodman. 
Corporal  Charles  Osterman. 
Corporal  John  Peevler. 
Corporal  Henry  Hoos. 
Musician  George  Puff. 


Jacob  Barber,  John  Backhoff,  Martin  Butler,  Sidney 
Broadas,  James  Carroll,  Benjamin  F.  Davis,  Robert  Dotson, 
Anthony  Dunbar,  James  Hagerman,  Jesse  Hill,  Henry  Hess, 
Thomas  Kelly,  James  Kennedy,  Thomas  Kennedy,  Joseph 
McGuire,  Thomas  Molumby,  James  Medlock,  Thomas 
Maher,  Michael  O'Brien,  Zachariah  Owens,  Peter  O'Connell, 

John  J.  Oakley,  Willaby  Richardson,  John  Riley,  Christo- 
pher Schiffman,  Joseph  Wright,  Henry  Wright,  Alonzo  Bu- 
chanan, William  Burns,  John  Donahoo,  Michael  Dublin, 
Henry  Hopsmeyei,  William  H.  McCoy,  John  Myrick,  Frank 
Partridge,  Thomas  J.  Peters,  Charles  Rumsey,  Jesse  D.  Sea- 
ton,  Martin  Seibert,  Conrad  Wenzel,  Henry  Wilkins,  Dennis 
Burk,  George  Weimhoff,  John  Brown,  Dennis  Conroy,  Pat- 
rick Flinn,  George  Hughes,  George  Letzinger,  John  McCor- 
mick,  Wiliiam  S.  Riley,  Thomas  Sly,  Bernard  Arthur,  John 
Casper,  John  Cronan,  William  Dotson,  William  D.  Laffy, 
Michael  Collins,  Michael  Conley,  Elijah  Davis,  John  Mc- 
Laughlin, Henry  Miller,  Joseph  N.  Parrish,  Richard  Kuhl- 
man,  Gothart  Schnell,  Henry  Valentine,  George  Ward. 



Captain  William  W.  Rowland. 

First  Lieutenant  Theodore  F.  Cummings. 


First  Sergeant  Adam  Kraher. 
Sergeant  Conrad  Shire. 
Sergeant  John  P.  Richardson. 
Sergeant  Dauiel  R.  Grady. 
Sergeant  Edwin  R.  Waldon. 
Sergeant  Elijah  Tansill. 
Corporal  James  Kennedy. 
Corporal  Alexander  McKeon. 
Corporal  John  Apel. 
Corporal  Alfred  W.  Harris. 
Corporal  James  C.  Gilh 
Corporal  Louis  Glass. 
Corporal  David  Ward. 
Corporal  Patrick  Burks. 
Corporal  Bryan  Drew. 
Musician  William  Edwards. 
Teamster  John  S.  Kounts. 


James  K.  Cooper,  James  Dannelsy,  Josiah  Edwards,  Pat- 
rick Gilligan,  John  P.  Gunnels,  Martin  Harback,  Charles 
Haas,  Robert  Hodgkins,  Ferdinand  Kerchendoffer,  John 
Maloy,  Sebastian  Mill,  Louis  Neas,  Francis  Powell,  James 
Ryan,  John  Stab,  Deaderick  W.  E.  Stark,  John  C.  William- 
son, Edward  Parks,  Benjamin  Patrick,  Louis  M.  Ronime, 
Austin  p.  Sweeney,  Martin  Weitz,  Keran  Egan,  John  Fox, 
William  Hacket,  John  McCormick,  Hugh  McMannus,  Rob- 
ert Smith,  Theodore  Steinbronk,  Clemance  Schroeder,  John 
Higgins,  Thomas  Larue,  Alexander  Moore,  JohnM.  Young, 
Daniel  Canning,  Patrick  Dannelly,  Henry  Geotz,  Dents 
Henderson,  James  Hartigan,  John  Mann,  Michael  McMan- 
nus, James  H.  Richardson,  George  W.  Vandergraff,  Ginrad 
Brawner,  Riley  A.  DeVenney,  Edward  Fleming,  Arthur 
Graham,  Stephen  B.  Hornback,  George  Pfiffer,  Jacob  Sauer, 
Louis  C.  Smith,  Francis  M.  Tucker. 



Captain  August  Schweitzer. 
Captain  Stephen  Lindenfelser. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frank  Dessell. 


Sergeant  Frederick  Knoener. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Schmitt. 
Sergeant  Mathias  Schontess. 
Sergeant  John  B.  Schiebel. 



Sergeant  John  Schmidt. 
Corporal  Rudolph  Egg. 
Corporal  Berhard  Sceiner. 
Corporal  William  Koch. 
Musician  George  Schweitzer. 
Teamster  Andrew  Meissner. 


Joseph  Dumpel,  Charles  Fritz,  Philip  Falter,  John  B.  Fel- 
ber,  Frank  Gehring,  George  Gerlach,  John  Huber,  Valentine 
Harper,  Christian  J utzi,  Jacob  Karcher,  Philip  R.  Klein, 
Bernhard  Keihl,  August  Koehler,  Jacob  Lanx,  Louis  Lorey. 
Charles  Murb,  Peter  Mueller,  Robert  Nere,  Thomas  Rastet- 
ter,  William  Reif,  Joseph  Stoltz,  Philip  Schneider,  Julius 
Winstel,  Jacob  Arenat,  Christian  Baker,  Michael  Boheim, 
Henry  Boheim,  Frederick  Bernds,  Charles  Evers,  John 
Eisele,  Johu  Fust,  John  Hufnagel,  Theodore  Jagar,  Anton 
Kuntz,  William  Martin,  Henry  Menze,  Joseph  Meyer, 
George  Ruckert,  Anter  Scherer,  lohn  Stokinger,  Louis 
Schernbachler,  Christian  Welker,  Joseph  Weingartner, 
Benedick  Walzer,  Casper  Weiner,  Peter  Klotz,  George  Bam- 
miester,  Frederick  Blair,  Philip  Goebel,  John  Mohr,  Francis 
Brohm,  Christian  Erisman,  Ernst  Hofsap,  Andrew  Kolb, 
Simon  Rehm,  William  Stranch,  Philip  Amann,  Ludwig  Bin- 
ger,  Bartholomew  Drebler,  Joseph  Faust,  Joseph  Overmoble, 
Frederick  Rodeloff,  John  Traber,  John  Urban,  William 
Vopel,  John  Gottschalk,  Gothard  Kling,  Adam  Newkirk, 
Henry  Niehaus,  Henry  Saner,  Benedict  Wempe,  Jacob 



Captain  John  E.  Vansant. 

First  Lieutenant  William  H.  Powell. 

Second  Lieutenant  John  Martz. 


First  Sergeant  John  O'Herrin. 
First  Sergeant  Jacob  Peterson. 
Sergeant  David  Doup. 
Sergeant  William  Knox. 
Sergeant  Franklin  Bratcher. 
Sergeant  William  Burgess. 
Sergeant  John  Keer. 
Sergeant  Charles  Kahlert. 
Sergeant  James  T.  O'Day. 
Sergeant  Williarrt  Snapp. 
Sergeant  Felix  Wolf. 
Corporal  John  F.  Beal, 
Corporal  Robert  Bryant. 
Corporal  Albert  Laycock. 
Corporal  Henry  Agee. 
Corporal  Thomas  Martz. 
Corporal  John  Brodock. 
Corporal  Nathaniel  E.  Osborn. 
Corporal  John  Wilkins. 
Musician  William  D.  Mewheny. 


James  Atwood,  Samuel  C.  Kline,  John  Cusick,  John  Dew- 
berry, Patrick  Darmady,  John  Eagan,  Joseph  Foster,  James 
Fineran,  William  Fletcher,  JohnGarrick,  William  Hamilton, 
John  Hoffman,  Patrick  Kerwin,  Frederick  Kick,  James  P. 
Lawler,  John  Lemmer,  William  Mewheney,  John  Peterson, 
Charles  Ratsfeldt,  Andrew  J.  Smith,  John  Stratton,  James 
Savage,  Harrison  Stage,  Edward  S.  Sexon,  David  Wood- 
fall,  John  Erb,  William   R.   Greathouse,   William  W.   Hill, 

Lee  Hand,  Henry  Henston,  Martin  Sunnons,  George 
Wright,  Mathew  Higgins,  Jeremiah  Lochery,  John  Scott, 
Henry  R.  Willett,  Joseph  Kraig,  Jacob  Mungee,  Jonas 
Smith,  John  W.  Thorp,  Michael  Brady,  Andrew  Connery, 
Edward  Dowling,  Irwm  Deweese,  Charles  Dolan,  James 
Knox,  Nicholas  Miller,  John  Pierce,  Henry  C.  Smith,  John 
Schmidt,  Jacob  Stencil,  David  Whittaker,  Edward  Brown, 
James  H.  Hughes,  Oliver  H.  Johnson,  Mathew  Murtchier, 
William  Pulsfort. 



Captain  John  M.  Huston. 

Captain  Willian  H.  Powell. 

First  Lieutenant  Davi4  Q.  Rousseau. 

First  Liautenant  John  W.  Huston. 

Second  l^ieutenant  Theodore  E.  Elliott. 


First  Sergeant  Elanzey  C.  Keene. 

Sergeant  Robert  W.  Grayburn. 

Sergeant  John  C.  Cahill. 

Sergeant  Jerry  McCarty. 

Corporal  William  L.  Shoemaker. 

Corporal  John  Lacey. 

Corporal  Joseph  Whitlock. 

Teamster  Francis  N.  Lord. 


William  Botts,  Thomas  Bums,  Lanson  V.  Brown,  William 
Black,  Patrick  Crane,  Michael  Colgan,  James  W.  Cobum, 
Patrick  Dougherty,  August  Depoire,  Patrick  Franey, 
Thomas  Ferrier,  Charles  Hanley,  Benjamin  P.  Henmann, 
John  W.  Hendricks,  John  Kelker,  Patrick  Morgan,  Thomas 
McGuire,  Lawrence  McGiven,  John  McCuUough,  Patrick 
RiJ^ey,  Charlps  Smith,  John  Vannorman,  Patrick  Welch, 
John  Bowman,  John  Barker,  James  Conklin,  Thomas  Cody, 
Henry »Gormely,  Dennis  Jordan,  Robert  Kyle,  Francis  S. 
McGuire.  Thomas  McGrath,  John  Nolin,  Charles  W.  Toler- 
in,  John  Bodkins,  Levi  Byron,  John  W.  Coburn,  John  Gregg, 
Henry  Hawkins,  Thomas  McLane,  John  F.  Hampton,  Wil- 
liam H.  Hambaugh,  AUeii  Smith,  Richard  Beaty,  Harvey 
Bell,  Thomas  C.  Darkin,  Martin  Donohue,  Andrew  M.  Estes, 
Patrick  Flannagan,  Charles  FIannaga%(<7eorge  B.  Lamb, 
Michael  Murphy,  Luke  Moran,  James  A.  O'Donneld,  John 
Shoemaker,  Michael  Sullivan,  James  Wall,  Martin  Brophy, 
Benjamin  H.  ConkUn,  Daniel  Dunn,  Michael  Fellon,  Michael 
Hart,  Daniel  S.  Kelly,  Patrick  Rowan,  Francis  S.  Shafer, 
Thomas  While. 

Captain  Charles  L.  Tomasson. 
Captain  Norman  B.  Moninger. 


First  Sergeant  John  Neel. 
Sergeant  Minor  McClain. 
Sergeant  Peter  Lynn. 
Sergeant  George  Borgel. 
Sergeant  George  Williams. 
Sergeant  John  M.  Adams. 
Sergeant  Rudolph  SchimpfT. 
Corporal  George  H.  Ingham. 
Corporal  James  McDonald. 
Corporal  William  Summers. 
Musician  William  Mager. 




William  Albert,  George  Bessinger,  Lewis  Brown,  John  G. 
Burklin,  Joseph  Bergman,  Frederick  Brooner,  Squire  Cable, 
John  Daughenbaugh,  William  Daughenbaugh,  Guy  Fry, 
John  Gesford,  Joseph  Hackman,  Isaac  fackson,  John  T. 
Hays,  Frederick  Jones,  Andrew  Jackson,  George  Knelling, 
James  W.  Mattingly,  Philip  Neel,  Charles  Robinson,  Homer 
Stephens,  William  Shearer,  William  Sonnice,  Peter  Schmidt, 
John  D.  Stinson,  William  Stevenson,  Andrew  H.  Ward, 
John  W.  Williams,  Richard  A.  Wilson,  Charles  Wenze,  Wil- 
liam Bumgardner,  Antone  Bessinger,  Charles  Fleckhamer, 
Sr.,  Charles  Fleckhamer,  J  r. ,  Peter  Gillett,  William  Hope- 
well, John  B.  Martin,  John  S.  Martin,  John  Manion,  Henry 
Muth,  Joseph  Ogden,  Vincent  Pellegrinni,  Frederick  Renye, 
Charles  Ross,  Chany  C,  Seymour,  Edward  Whitfield,  George 
Haltenbaum,  Edward  F.  Jenks,  Frank  Klespir,  Edward 
Kaufman,  James  P.  Williams,  Henry  B.  Clay,  James  M. 
Davidson,  William  Factor,  John  Hoffman,  John  Kriskie, 
John  Matheney,  Thomas  McNickell,  Augustine  Wilman, 
Simon  Bryant,  William  Gravatte,  James  O.  Gales,  Luke  Gal- 
lagher, Mathias  Droumiller,  Andrew  Fisher,  JohnG.  Mobins, 
William  Mackjuson,  Joseph  Roos,  Harrison  Summers, 
Thomas  L.  Martin,  Simpson  C.  Summers,  John  F.  Sugar. 



Captain  Alexander  B.  Ferguson. 
Captain  Upton  Wilson. 
First  Lieutenant  A.  Sidney  Smith. 
Second  Lieutenant  Wilson  J.  Green. 


First  Sergeant  William  Anderson. 
Sergeant  Christopher  Bender. 
Sergeant  Charles  Price. 
Sergeant  Lemuel  Younger. 
Sergeant  Thomas  J.  Manning. 
Sergeant  Henry  A.  Day. 
Sergeant  Robert  P.  Ball. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Turner. 
Sergeant  Loyd  H.  Vititoe. 
Sergeant  Ignatius  Dawson. 
Corporal  John  Moore. 
Corporal  William  Murphy. 


Charles  Brothers,  Jerry  Butler,  John  Berge,  Jacob  Conrad, 
John  E.  Eney,  Dennis  Farney,  Henry  Glass,  Charles  Ice,  Wil- 
liam Lipflint,  James  Leslie,  William  Moore,  John  McNeal, 
Edgar  C.  Parker,  William  Riley,  John  Ruder,  Joseph  Smith, 
Joseph  Tolbert,  Frederick  Wall,  Theodore  Walters,  Gerhard 
Wagner,  Marshall  H.  Anderson,  Lewis  Filmore,  Jacob  Good- 
incountz,  Matthew  Haupt,  James  M.  Hughes,  Thomas 
Johnson,  Alonzo  B.  Kitts,  Henry  C.  Miller,  William  P.  Rob- 
inson, Patrick  Ryan,  Christopher  Short,  Herman  Shroeder, 
Dennis  Younger,  Howard  A.  Anderson,  Henry  Hailman, 
James  M.  Hogan,  Alexander  Hughes,  John  Brown,  James 
V.  C.  Cusach,  Martin  Dorsey,  Joseph  Mantinus,  Henry 
Ranbergher,  James  Corrigan,  John  H.  Elliott,  Lewis  Felker, 
Michael  Green,  John  H.  Manning,  Lewis  Mawes,  Henry  R. 
Morgan,  Meredith  H.  Prewitt,  Herman  Slasinger,  Thomas 
H.  Winsant,  Moses  Briscoe,  Richard  Felker,  Conrad  Graffe, 
John  Hangs,  John  Jackson,  Frank  Klangs,  George  King- 
dom, John  Marshall,  Henry  Murback,  Franklin  Price,  Eli  H. 
Prewitt,  Christian  Stammer,  Michael  Sweeney,  Henry  Wall. 



Captain  John  D.  Brent. 

Captain  John  P.  Hurley. 

First  Lieutenant  George  W.  Richardson. 

First  Lieutenant  Morgan  Piper. 

Second  "Lieutenant  George  W.  Wyatt. 


Sergeant  Charles  Freeman. 
Sergeant  Louis  Edsell. 
Sergeant  Alexander  G.  Renfro. 
Corporal  John  Brandrick. 
Corporal  Thomas  Mullen. 
Corporal  John  Freeman. 
Teamster  Presly  T.  Richardson. 


Thomas  Agan,  Edward  Bordin,  Robert  Buckner,  Henry 
C.  Buckner,  James  A.  Coleman,  Archie  Cawherd,  James  A. 
Conner,  James  D.  Carter,  John  Dawson,  William  Dawson, 
Robert  Drummond,  Harvey  Gray,  James  Gum,  Robert  L. 
Hatcher,  Thomas  J.  Ingraham,  George  W.  Jones,  John 
Neal,  Louis  Nest,  Henry  C.  Richardson,  William  H.  Routh, 
Peter  Stone,  Edward  Welch,  William  F.  Wallace,  Orlando 
Waimer,  Frederick  Bussy,  Shadrach  T.  Butler,  Edward 
Brundage,  Michael  Higgins,  John  Knapp,  James  Lacy, 
Louis  Langolf,  William  McBee,  Lafayette  Mudd,  David  T. 
Moneypeny,  Michael  Sranesdoffer,  Sylvester  Wick,  Edgar 
Waimer,  James  Yates,  William  W.  Hill,  William  Hamilton, 
James  Long,  Edward  S.  Sexton,  Simpson  Stout,  Thomas  J. 
Craddock,  John  O.  Donohugh,  Allen  Higginbotham,  John 
H.  Hawkins,  Thomas  McDermott,  Thomas  Nunn,  John  W. 
Runyan,  Samuel  L.  Richardson,  Caleb  C.  Tharp,  John 
White,  John  C.  Cobble,  John  J.  Devaur,  Thomas  J.  Eving- 
ton,  John  J.  Gatly,  Surg.  W.  Gaddie,  Terah  T.  Hagan. 
James  Hodges,  William  P.  Jacknan,  Louis  J.  Richardson, 
Robert  Peoples,  William  Neal,  Joseph  Smith,  Elisha  O. 
Chandler,  Thomae  H.  Cook,  James  Herold,  William  W. 
Jones,  Thomas  J.  McGill,  Whitfield  N.  Pedago,  William 
Reynolds,  Garland  E.  Rabum,  Jacob  Rush,  William  H. 
Ross,  Patrick  H.  Wyatt,  John  Etherton,  Edward  McCarty. 


The  Sixth  was  organized  at  Camp  Sigel,  Jeffer- 
son county,  in  December,  1861,  under  Colonel 
Walter  C.  Whitaker,  and  was  mustered  into  the 
United  States  service  on  the  24th  December, 
1861,  by  Major  W.  H.  Sidell,  United  States 
mustering  officer.  Immediately  after  organiza- 
tion it  was  assigned  to  the  Department  of  the 
Cumberland,  and  entered  upon  active  duty.  It 
was  commanded  by  Colonel  Whitaker  until  June 
30,  1863,  when  he  was  promoted  brigadier-general, 
and  Lieutenant-Colonel  George  T.  Shackelford 
was  commissioned  colonel.  In  all  the  early  en- 
gagements in  Tennessee  and  on  the  Atlanta 
campaign,  this  regiment  took  an  active  part,  and 
in  the  battles  of  Shiloh,  Stone  River,  and  Chick- 
amauga  suffered  severely  in  killed  and  wounded. 
The  number  actually  killed  in  battle  exceeded 



ten  per  cent  of  the  number  originally  enlisted. 
It  was  the  recipient  of  frequent  orders  of  praise 
for  undaunted  gallantry,  soldierly]]conduct,  and 
discipline.  Throughout  its  whole  enlistment  its 
achievements  were  brilliant  and  without  reproach, 
and  equal  to  the  best  volunteer  regiment  in  the 
army.  It  participated  in  the  following-named 
battles,  in  which  loss  was  sustained,  viz:  Shiloh, 
Stone  River,  Readyville,  Tennessee,  Chicka- 
mauga.  Mission  Ridge,  AUatoona  Mountain,  Re- 
saca,  Kenesaw  Mountain,  Dallas,  Rocky  Face 
Ridge,  Peachtree  Creek,  Adairsville,]and  Atlanta. 
It  was  mustered  out  at  Nashville,  on  the  2d 
day  of  November,  1864,  the  recruits  and  veter- 
ans being  transferr'^^'  to  the  Kentucky  Mounted 



Major  William  N.  Hailman. 
Quartermaster  MichaeJ  Billings. 
Captain  Henry  C.  Schmidt. 
First  Lieutenant  German  Dettweiler. 
Second  Lieutenant  Gustavus  Bohn. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frederick  V.  Lockman. 


First  Sergeant  George  Murk. 
First  Sergeant  Jacob  Brooker. 
First^Sergeant  Henry  Hochl. 
Sergeant  Nicholas  Rentz. 
Sergeant  Frank  Schnatz. 
Sergeant  Charles  Gussmann. 
Sergeant  Frederick  Schneller. 
Sergeant  Charles  Thomas. 
Corporal  John  Gross. 
Corporal  Jacob  Jecko. 
Corporal  Charles  Metz. 
Corporal  George  Tuckmuller. 
Musician  Philip  Kramer. 


John  Beck,  Peter  Fie,  Frederick  Galidorf,  Adolph  Huze, 
Conrad  Hennis,  Frank  Hellinger,  Bermhardt  Holdragh, 
Jacob  Hill,  John  Jacob,  Conrad  Koehler,  Jacob  Kuhler, 
Blanis  Klump,  George  Kinch,  John  Kraup,  Anton  Mack, 
Ernst  G.  Muller,  Jacob  Mailer,  Henry  Pope,  Michael  Stab- 
ler, Thomas  Schreller,  Adam  Schork,  Jacob  Schintzler, 
Joseph  Umhofer,  Jacob  Areni,  Frederick  Borghold,  Jacob 
Brennerson,  Nicholas  Couch,  Jacob  Doll,  Sebastian  Feeker, 
Clement  Frunkle,  William  Frah,  William  Geisel,  Frederick 
Haum,  John  Kennervey,  Mathew  Knuf ,  Joseph  Meir,  Freder- 
ick Muller,  Loreng  Nussbaum,  Joseph  Ollmann,  Peter 
Pirom,  Elias  Ress,  August  Warthorn,  Staver  Egle,  Valen- 
tine Hoffman,  Frederick  Berdandig,  John  Bohain,  John 
Brown,  Frederick  Funk,  William  Knop,  Joseph  Loover, 
August  Nool,  Gottleib  Oppenkussky,  George  Rillhery, 
Christian  Wilke,  Lorenz  Vogel,  Conrad  Wittich,"  Frederick 
Buder,  John  Tusselman,  Michael  Herlick,^  Christian  Kas, 
John  Kleimer.  Bernhard  Koope,  John  P.  Kramer,  Michael 
Kramer,  John  Lintz,  Henry  Linhey,  Edward  Smith,  Heler- 
ich  Wenderlin,  Ludwig  Wirth. 



Captain  Bernhard  Hund. 

Captain  William  Frank. 

First  Lieutenant  Lorenzo  Ammon. 

Second  Lieutenant  Anton  Hurd. 

Second  Lieutenant  Valentine  Melcher. 


First  Sergeant  Lewis  H.  Branser. 
First  Sergeant  John  Dauble. 
Sergeant  Franz  Maas. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Grunewald. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Bouchard. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Kimmel. 
CorporalJEnglebert  Emig. 
Corporal  Herman  Travert. 
Corporal  Lorenz  Ultsch. 
Corporal  Mike  Wuermle. 
Corporal  George  Billing. 
Corporal  Nicholas  Voly. 


Jacob  Burlein,  George  Burlein,  John  Crecelins,  '.George 
Frederick  Dittrich,  Clemens  Erhhardt,  John  Foeister,  Charles 
Franke,  JohnjFix,''Adelbert'Grieshaber,  George  Goetz,  Lewis 
Kammerer,  Edward  Klump,  John'^'Henry  Kalthoefer,  Wil- 
liam Kreider, 'August  Lamprecht,  Christoph  Lehmann,  Jacob 
Martin,  Franz  Mueller,  ^August  ,^Prinz,  Mathews  Rudloff, 
Louis  Staute,  George'JStier,  Lewis  Strauss,  Franz  Schwerer, 
Henry  Webert,  Ignatz  jWittenauer,  Jacob  Wunsch,  Frede- 
rich^Zeitz,  Conrad^  Amon,',  Conrad  Buschman,  Frederich 
Froehlich,  John  George  Fox,  Vincent  Flaig,  Conrad  Gut- 
knecht,  Adam^Hafermaas,  JHenry  Kassling,  John  l^use, 
Peter  Lause,  John  Melcher,  Joseph  Mathes,  Joha^oerlinger, 
John  Nichter,  John  Roth,,Gattfried  RentSchler,  Jacob  Scharf, 
John  Schmidt,  Chatles  Schill,'Markus  Schmidt,  Franz  Schna- 
bel,  Joseph  Spanninger,  William  Stanze,  John  Funk,  Charles 
Grunewald,  Math6w  Herth,  August  jEversberg,  John  Long, 
Franz  Basssel,  William  Braumuller,  John  Deisingbr,  William 
Kirchhuebel,  Henry  Kolb,  Ignatz  Lorenz,  Philip  Standacher, 
Franz  Schuster,  Franz  Zaner,  Louis  Miller. 

Captain  Peter  Emge. 
Captain  Peter  Marker. 
Captain  Gottfried  Rentschler. 
First  Lieutenant  George  Marker. 
Second  Lieutenant  Henry  Canning. 
Second  LieutenaiT*^  Nicholas  Sehr. 


First  Sergeant  Peter  Kyrisch. 
First  Sergeant  Henry  Poetter. 
Sergeant  Peter  Kerkhof. 
Sergeant  Henry  Wulf. 
Sergeant  Philip  Oeswein. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Inninger. 
Sergeant  George  Klaus. 
Sergeant  David  Muengenhagn. 
Sergeant  Charles  Nodler. 
Sergeant  William  Welker. 
Sergeant  John  Kremer. 
Sergeant  Theodote  Wesendorf. 
Corporal  Julius  Hoist. 
Corporal  David  Plaggenburg. 



Corporal  Joseph  Amman. 
Musician  Richard  Engelbert. 
Wagoner  Henry  Kieser. 


Gottfried  Cannon,  George  Dickhurt,  Henry  Doppler, 
Frank  Dienst.  Wendel  Held,  John  Held,  Philip  Heiland, 
Herman  Olgesgers,  Albert  Pfiffer,  Joseph  Ritzier,  Christian 
Reiss.  Herman  Rueter,  William  Strassel,  John  Schueler, 
Jacob  Schenckel,  Theobald  Stark,  Bernhard  Teders,  Nicolaus 
Weber.  Frank  Wittman,  William  Ahrens,  John  Allgayer,  John 
M.  Baur,  John  Buechel,  Melchor  Gutgesell,  Conrad  Hard- 
mann,  Jacob  Hessler,  John  Haltmann,  John  Lauer,  Gustave 
Laun,  Herman  Russ,  John  Reuther,  Cornelius  Schwab,  John 
Atris,  Lorenz  Bohn,  Alphonzo  Carrington,  Joseph  McCombs, 
Willis  H.  Morton,  James  T.  Terhune,  Anton  Wormser,  Ed- 
ward S.  Kelly,  Michael  Bach,  Christian  Bauer,  John  Doe- 
tenbier,  Charles  Fischbach,  Joseph  Kram,  John  Matley, 
Joseph  Maas,  Adam  Mans,  Jacob  Marx,  August  Nolt, 
Henry  Oberriller,  Martin  Ring,  Christian  Schuhmacher,  John 
Schipper,  Bernhard  Schneller,  Gregor  Schneider,  John 
Stuempel,  John  Velton,  Andrew  Wagner,  Ferdinand  E. 



Captain  Isaac  N.  Johnston. 



Captain  August  Stein. 
Captain  Friedrich  Nierhoff. 
Captain  Dietrich  Hesselbein. 
First  Lieutenant  William  Frank. 


First  Sergeant  Felix  Krumriech. 
Sergeant  Christian  Lambert. 
Sergeant  Philip  Nocker. 
Sergeant  Anthony  SchoU. 
Sergeant  Julius  Horst. 
Sergeant  Rienhart  Reglin. 
Corporal  Balthasar  Hassinger. 
Corporal  J  oseph  Waltz. 
Corporal  Joseph  Valte. 


Henry  Altfultis,  Leo  Baumann,  Henry  Becker,  William 
Denhardt,  John  Dahl,  John  Eger,  Joseph  Feis,  Herman 
Flottman,  Christian  Fritz,  Louis  Gaupp,  Michael  Hoch, 
William  Hetzel,  John  Kuster,  Anthony  Klos,  John  Moser, 
Simon  Negele,  Joseph  Sauer,  Francis  Schilling,  Henry 
Schlatter,  Joseph  Schuster,  Philip  Speiger,  Valentine  Steiner, 
Charles  Stosser,  Frank  Wyle,  Christian  Bender,  John  Basler, 
Henry  Bruckmann,  Philip  Diehl,  George  Eitel,  Michael 
Hausmann,  Christian  Hausecker,  Henry  Reichart,  Christian 
Sanner,  Louis  Steinbach,  Joseph  Schumann,  Henry  Schibly, 
John  Schweitzer,  Jacob  Spatrohr,  Frederick  Utz,  Michael 
yester,  Pefer  Wagner,  John  Hubing,  Thomas  Muller,  Vital 
Bourkatt,  Casper  Backmann,  Christian  Conrad,  Casper 
Kehlin,  Clemens  Klos,  Casper  Krebs,  Christian  Mirkel, 
John  Christ  Moench,  Henry  Munsterkotter,  Joseph  Muller, 
John  Jacob  Oberer,  Frederick  Orth,  James  Rampendahl, 
Mike  Reuter,  John  Schwein,  Jacob  Schmidt,  John  Spanier, 
Conrad  Seibel. 



Assistant  Surgeon  Henry  Tammage. 


Captain  William  K.  Gray. 

First  Lieutenant  Charles  G.  Shanks. 



Regimental  Quartermaster  Francis  M.  Cummings. 

First  Lieutenant  Rufus  Somerby. 
Captain  John  M.  Vetter  (a). 


The  Tenth  was  organized  at  Lebanon,  under 
Colonel  John  M.  Harlan,  and  mustered  into 
service  on  the  21st  day  of  November,  1861. 

It  was  assigned  to  what  was  then  the  Second 
brigade.  First  division  of  the  Army  of  the  Ohio. 
On  the  31st  of  December  the  regiment  com- 
menced its  march  from  Lebanon  to  Mill  Springs. 
It  did  not  participate  in  the  battle  of  Mill 
Springs,  being  on  detached  duty,  but  joined  the 
division  in  time  to  be  the  first  to  enter  the  rebel 
fortifications.  From  Mill  Springs  it  marched  to 
Louisville,  from  which  place  it  went  by  steam- 
boat to  Nashville,  thence  to  Pittsburg  Landing, 
and  took  part  in  the  siege  of  Corinth.  A  few 
days  after,  the  brigade  of  which  the  Tenth  formed 
a  part  was  sent  by  General  Grant  up  the  Ten- 
nessee river  on  transports,  guarded  by  a  gunboat, 
all  under  the  immediate  command  of  W.  T. 
Sherman.  The  forces  landed  at  Chickasaw. 
The  object  of  the  expedition  was  to  penetrate 
the  country  from  Chickasaw  and  destroy  the  large 
railroad  bridge  east  of  Corinth  and  near  luka, 
which  was  most  successfully  done.  In  June, 
1862,  the  regiment  marched  to  Tuscumbia,  Ala- 
bama, and  garrisoned  Eastport,  Mississippi,  dur- 
ing July,  1862.  It  then  marched  through  Ten- 
nessee and  joined  the  division  at  Winchester, 
and  garrisoned  that  place  for  some  time.  In 
July,  1862,  two  companies  of  the  regiment,  A 
and  H,  then  on  duty  at  Courtland,  Alabama, 
were  surrounded  by  an  overwhelming  force  of 
the  enemy  and  captured.  The  Tenth  composed 
a  part  of  Buell's  army  in  his  pursuit  of  Bragg 
into  Kentucky;  after  which  it  returned  to  Galla- 
tin, Tennessee. 

On  the  25th  of  December,  1862,  the  brigade 



started  from  Gallatin  in  pursuit  of  the  rebel  Gen- 
eral John  H.  Morgan,  and  to  protect  the  Louis- 
ville &  Nashville  railroad.  Morgan  was  over- 
taken on  the  29th  December,  at  Rolling  Fork, 
and  driven  from  the  line  of  the  railroad.  In 
that  affair  General  Duke,  of  Morgan's  com- 
mand, was  dangerously  wounded.  The  regi- 
ment returned  to  Nashville,  and  was  immediately 
sent  by  General  Rosecrans,  with  other  troops,  in 
pursuit  of  Forrest  and  Wheeler,  on  the  Harpeth 
river,  where  it  suffered  terribly  from  cold  and 
rain.  It  was  then  stationed  at  Lavergne,  Ten- 
nessee; at  which  place,  on  the  7th  of  March, 
1863,  Colonel  Harlan  resigned  the  colonelcy  of 
the  regiment,  duties  having  devolved  on  the 
colonel  by  the  death  of  his  father,  the  late  Hon. 
James  Harlan,  which  required  his  personal  at- 
tention. After  the  resignation  of  General  Harlan, 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Hays  was  promoted  colonel, 
and  remained  in  command  until  it  was  mustered 
out  of  service. 

The  regiment  was  with  Rosecrans  in  his  sum- 
mer campaign  from  Murfreesboro  to  Chicka- 
mauga,  participating  in  actions  at  Hoover's  Gap, 
Fairfield,  Tullahoma,  Compton's  Creek,  and 
Chickamauga,  returning  with  the  army  to  Chat- 
tanoga.  It  was  under  General  Thomas  at  Chick- 
amauga, took  part  in  the  battle  of  Mission  Ridge, 
and  pursued  the  enemy  beyond  Ringgold,  Geor- 
gia. It  marched  from  Chattanooga  and  partici- 
pated in  the  action  at  Rocky  Face  Ridge  Febru- 
ary 25,  1864,  and,  returning  to  Ringgold,  which 
was  then  the  outpost  of  the  army,  it  remained 
there  until  May  10,  1864,  when  it  started  with 
General  Sherman  on  the  Atlanta  campaign,  taking 
part  in  nearly  every  action  or  movement  in  that 
long  and  eventful  campaign.  The  flag  of  the 
Tenth  was  the  first  to  be  placed  on  the  enemy's 
works  at  Jonesboro,  Georgia,  September  i,  1864. 
It  was  the  first  regiment  to  break  the  rebel  lines 
at  that  place,  and  entered  their  works,  capturing 
the  Sixth  and  Seventh  Arkansas  rebel  regiments 
and  their  colors. 

On  the  9th  July,  1864,  the  Tenth  had  a  severe 
engagement  en  the  north  bank  of  the  Chatta- 
hoochie  river,  engaging,  single-handed  and  alone, 
a  brigade  of  the  enemy  and  holding  them  in 
check  until  reinforcements  arrived.  It  would  be 
impossible  to  give  a  full  history  of  this  regiment 
in  the  short  space  allotted  for  the  purpose;  the 
last  campaign  alone  would  fill  a  volume.  Suffice 


it  to  say  that,  in  the  three  years  of  its  military  ex- 
istence, the  Tenth  performed  its  whole  duty,  and 
at  all  times  maintained  the  proud  reputation  of 
its  State.  It  was  mustered  out  of  service  at 
Louisville,  December  6,  1864. 

Besides  numerous  other  engagements,  it  par- 
ticipated in  the  following,  in  which  loss  was 
sustained,  viz :  Chickamauga,  Mission  Ridge, 
Jonesboro,  Corinth,  Rolling  Fork,  Hoover's 
Gap,  Fairfield,  Tullahoma,  Compton's  Creek, 
Rocky  Face  Ridge,  Resaca,  Chattahoochie 
River,  Atlanta,  Vining's  Station,  Pickett's  Mills, 
and  Courtland,  Alabama. 


Colonel  John  M.  Harlan. 
Major  Henry  G.  Davidson. 
Quartermaster  Samuel  Matlock. 


Second  Lieutenant  William  F.  Beglow. 

On  alphabetical  list  of  officers,  but  not  on  published  rolls: 

First  Lieutenant  Henry  W.  Barry. 

First  Lieutenant  James  Reynolds. 

Second  Lieutenant  John  Estes. 


Captain  Israel  B.  Webster. 


Captain  William  Tweddle. 

First  Lieutenafit.  fames  R.  Watts. 


First  Sergeant  Charles  Garvey. 
Sergeant  Richard  R.  Bellam. 
Sergeant  Robert  Rea,  Sr. 
Sergeant  John  L.  Lee. 
Sergeant  David  Richard. 
Sergeant  Leroy  S.  Johnston. 
Sergeant  Peter  A.  Cox. 
Sergeant  Edwnrd  Wilkins. 
Corporal  Thomas  A.  Jones. 
Corporal  Andrew  Burger. 
Corpoial  John  C.  Carroll. 
Corporal  John  F.  Lee. 
Corporal  Joseph  Montrose. 
Corporal  William  Baker. 
Corporal  Dufiald  Campbell. 
Corporal  Tobias  Burk. 
Musician  Rabert  Rea,  Jr. 
Musician  Peter  McLame. 


William  Batman,  John  Buckley,  Thomas  Brown,  Michael 
Cady,  John  Casey,  Patrick  Conway,  Peter  Dailey,  Morris 
Dorsey,  Hugh  Eady,  Patrick  Hines,  John  Hines,  David  Len- 
ihan,  Levi  M.  Lee;  Adam  Molim,  Jahn  B.  Mattingley,  Wil- 
liam H.  Mattingley,  Patrick  Munday,  Jasper  O'Doeald, 
Richard   Robeits,   William  Rase,  Joseph  Staffan,   Richard 



Wdsh.  John  Amett,  Sr.,  Ulrick  Becker,  John  A.  Campbell, 
James  Fox,  Patrick  Gegan,  James  HundleA,  Dennis  Kan- 
leahy,  Daniel  Maloy,  John  Meekin;  John  Murphey,  Patrick 
MuUoon,  Patrick  Phibban,  Thomas  B.  Sherman,  A.  G. 
Winthrop,  Michael  Wester,  John  Arnett,  Jr.,  Eli  Baugh, 
John  T.  Blair,  Adam  Cane,  James  Cutsinger,  Simon  Dearion, 
William  M.  Fumbred,  Jacob  H.  Kneibert,  Joseph  Lennon, 
John  S.  Mattingley,  Thomas  Miles,  Nicholas  Mattingley 
William  Montgomery,  James  McCann,  Jonathan  Philips, 
Alexander  Sluder,  Edward  Sutterfield,  John  Stanton,  James 
Thomas,  Thomas  Williams,  Simon  Carmode,  Dennis  Cushin, 
John  J.  Idoax,  Burtley  Murphy,  Jerry  Murphy,  William  Mc- 
Vey,  Patrick  Mayland.  Thomas  Millagan,  Daniel  Maloney, 
Stonemason  Mule. 



First  Lieutenant  Robert  H.  Mullins. 


Second  Lieutenant  Milton  A.  Sivey. 
Captain  Elisha  Simpson. 
Captain  James  L.  Burch. 
Captain  John  L.  Warden. 



Captain  Patrick  O.  Hawes. 


Captain  John  F.  Babbitt. 


Adjutant  William  W.  Woodruff. 
Adjutant  John  S.  Butler. 


The  Fifteenth  was  organized  in  the  fall  of 
1 86 1,  at  Camp  Pope,  near  New  Haven,  under 
Colonel  Curran  Pope,  and  was  mustered  into  the 
United  States  service  on  the  14th  day  of  De- 
cember, 1 86 1,  at  Camp  Pope,  by  Captain  C.  C. 
Gilbert,  United  States  mustering  officer,  and 
marched  to  Bacon  Creek;  thence  via  Bowling 
Green,  Kentucky,  Nashville,  Murfreesboro,  Shel- 
byville,  and  Fayette,  Tennessee,  to  Huntsville, 
Alabama;  thence  to  Winchester,  Tennessee; 
thence  to  Gunter's  landing  and  Elk  River.  On 
the  31st  day  of  August,  1862,  it  started  on  the 
campaign  after  Bragg,  passing  via  Murfreesboro 
and  Nashville,  Tennessee,  and  Bofvhng  Green, 
Elizabethtown,  and  West  Point,  to  Louisville, 
where  it  arrived  on  the  26th  day  of  September, 

1862.  It  left  Louisville,  and  marching  via  Tay- 
lorsville,  Bloomfield,  Chaplin,  and  Maxville,  ar- 
rived at  the  battle-field  of  Chaplin  Hills  on  the 
8th  of  October,  1862,  and  engaged  in  that  severe 
conflict.  It  then  moved  via  Danville  and  Stan- 
ford to  Crab  Orchard,  where  it  turned  back,  and 
moving,  via  Stanford,  Lebanon,  Bowling  Green, 
and  Nashville,  arrived  at  the  battle-field  of  Stone 
River  on  the  30th  day  of  December,  1862,  and 
took  part  in  the  five-days'  fight  at  that  place. 
On  the   morning  of   the  4th  day   of  January, 

1863,  it  marched  through  Murfreesboro,  and  en- 
camped until  June  24,  1863,  near  that  place.  It 
then  marched  via  Hoover's  Gap,  Manchester, 
and  Hillsboro,  to  Decherd,  Tennessee,  where  it 
remained  about  a  month,  and  then  marched  via 
Stevenson,  Raccoon,  and  Lookout  Mountains, 
to  the  battle-field  of  Chickamauga,  arriving  on 
the  19th  of  September,  1863. 

Participating  in  the  battles  of  the  19th,  20th, 
and  2 1  St  of  September,  it  covered  the  army  as 
skirmishers,  and  moved  to  Chattanooga  on  the 
2  2d  of  September,  1863,  where  it  remained  on 
post  duty  until  the  2d  of  May,  1864,  when  it 
started  on  the  Georgia  campaign,  which  was  one 
of  continual  fighting,  skirmishing,  and  marching 
for  four  months,  resulting  in  the  capture  of  At- 
lanta, which  was  occupied  by  the  United  States 
troops  on  the  2d  day  of  September,  1864. 

The  regiment  was  chiefly  engaged  in  garrison 
duty  and  guarding  railroads  until  it  was  ordered  to 
Louisville,  where  it  was  mustered  out  on  the  14th 
day  of  January,  1865  ;  the  recruits  and  veterans 
being  transferred  to  the  Second  Kentucky  Vete- 
ran cavalry. 

A  reference  to  the  casualty  list  will  show  that 
this  regiment  bore  an  honorable  part  in  the  war, 
the  number  of  killed  exceeding  fourteen  per  cent, 
of  the  entire  force,  and  the  number  of  wounded 
being  in  greater  proportion. 

It  participated  m  the  following,  among  other 
numerous  battles  in  which  loss  was  sustained, 
viz:  Chaplin  Hills,  Kentucky;  Stone  River, 
Tennessee;  Chickamauga,  Georgia;  Mission 
Ridge,  Resaca,  Kenesaw  Mountain,  Allatoona 
Mountain,  and  all  the  skirmishes  of  the  Atlanta 


Colonel  Curran  Pope, 
Colonel  James  B.  Forman. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  George  P.  Jouett. 
Major  James  S.'Allen. 



Adjutant  William  P.  McDowell. 
Regimental  Quartermaster  John  W.  Clarke. 
Surgeon  Richard  F.  Logan. 
Surgeon  Edward  H.  Dunn. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Ezra  Woodruff. 
Chaplain  William  C.  Atmore. 
Chaplain  Samuel  T.  Poinier. 



Captain  William  T.  McClure. 


Captain  Henry  F.  Kalfus. 
Captain  John  B.  McDowell. 



First  Lieutenant  John  B.  Wood. 
First  Lieutenant  Richard  F.  Shafer. 
Second  Lieutenant  Harrison  Hikes. 


First  Sergeant  Andrew  Kidd. 
Sergeant  Lawrence  Kelly. 
Sergeant  Cyrus  P.  Beatty. 
Sergeant  Alfred  Davis. 
Sergeant  John  Kiser. 
Sergeant  Gerge  H.  Fishback. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Rush. 
Sergeant  WilliamJ.  Shake. 
Corporal  James  Mathews. 
Corporal  William  H.  Miller. 
Corporal  Edward  Earl. 
Corporal  James  Wise. 
Corporal  Burr  Leslie. 
Corporal  Lee  M.  Alvis. 
Corporal  James  H.  Fields. 
Corporal  Thomas  J.  Omer. 
Corporal  Benjamin  Pennington. 
Musician  William  French. 
Musician  George  Wilkerson. 
Wagoner  William  L.  Cunningham. 

John  George  Beck,  Conrad  Bullock,  John  Burke,  William 
Burke,  Christopher  Billing,  James  Black,  John  W.  Cum- 
mins, Constantine  Crugler,  John  Cunningham,  John  Cauf- 
man,  Jacob  Denton,  Charles  Engle,  Reuben  Furguson,  John 
Ferguson,  George  i.  Fields,  Alexander  Grigsby,  Robert 
Hicks,  James  King,  James  Lawson,  Walton  McNally,  John 
O'Brien,  Fred  Plumb,  William  Ray,  John  E.  Stockton,  John 
Snitemiller,  Matt  Snyder,  John  Stanton,  Joseph  Vaughn, 
Jerry  Williams,  Mathew  J.  Cockerel,  Samuel  M.  Dorsey, 
Joseph  Fogle,  John  Lawsman,  James  McGarvey,  Charles 
L.  Maddox,  William  D.  Malott,  George  Metem,  Mike 
O'Dey,  Hiram  Potts,  Allen  J.  Parson,  Louis  Roth,  Frank 
Rouke,  John  Roush,  Thomas  Rooney,  Edwin  Sweeney, 
William  Wing,  Philip  Zubrod,  Rufus  Ammons,  Thomas  J. 
Chilton, Robert  Bishop,  Robert  Kyle,  Philomon  Olds,  William 
S.  Powell,  John  Patterson,  Joseph  Snyder,  Robert  W.  Tay- 
lor, Charles  Barnett,  Reuben  Frederick,  Thomas  Lyden, 
Thomas  J.  Metts,  fames  W.  Engle,  Jacob  F.  Winstead, 
Frederick  Koberg,  James  Rady. 


Captain  Aaron  S.  Bayne. 

First  Lieutenant  William  V.  Wolfe. 

First  Lieutenant  Judson  Bayne. 


First  Sergeant  William  A.  Phelps. 

Sergeant  James  J.  Turner. 

Sergeant  Andrew  Walters. 

Sergeant  John  K.  Abney. 

Corporal  Henry  H.  Smith. 

Corporal  Albert  G.  Bonnar. 

Corporal  John  Middleton. 

Corporal  Elijah  T.  Jackson. 

Corporiil  John  W.  Bale. 

Corporal  John  Whitman. 

Corporal  Martm  H.  Wathen. 

Corporal  Thomas  J.  Redman. 

Corporal  Aaron  F.  Abney. 

Corporal  Joseph  Teahan. 

Musician  Thomas  Warren. 


Joshua  Bayne,  Byron  Bomar,  Alfred  Brown,  James  N: 
Conner,  Milton  Davis,  George  W.  Dobson,  William  W. 
Evans,  John  P.  Gore,  James  M.  Hall,  Willis  Liggens,  Joseph 
Pepper,  Robert  Pattinger,  Cyril  D.  Pierman,  James  C. 
Strouse,  Frank  Wright,  John  B.  Walters,  Isaac  F.  Brewar, 
Oscar  Brown,  Daniel  Bell,  Francis  Daugherty,  Jacob  Ewen, 
David  Jones,  William  McGill,  Shelby  Pepper,  William^ 
Prewitt,  John  B.  Shandoin,  John  W.  Smith,  George  Trumbo, 
John  W.  Waide,  Frank  Appleton,  John  H.  Cheatham,  Gill- 
deroy  G.  Guthrie,  John  Heath,  Ephrans  S.  Hill,  Napoleon 
B., Ireland,  Samuel  Loyeton,  John  C.  Marr,  Porterfield  Mc- 
Dowell, Napoleon  McDowell,  William  B.  Beauchamp,  Rob- 
ert Bayne,  John  Davis,  John  Daily,  Abel  Elkin,  James  W. 
Gollaher,  William  H.  Heath,  Matthew  Hunt,  James  B.  John- 
son, Elijah  Rodg^s,  Jenken  Skaggs,  William  S.  Thompson, 
Elbert  P.  Al^ney,  John  Bayne,  Reuben  V.  Bale,  Jphn  Canuu 
han,  George  Ewing,  John  W.  Hoback,  Thomas  Hoages, 
George  Hill,  James  Hite,  Harrison  Lemmons,  Thomas 
Prewitt,  Isaac  Shipp,  George  Stilts,  John  C.  Skumer. 



Captain  John  B.  Wood. 

First  Lieutentint  John  D.  Lenahan. 

First  Lieutenant  Frank  D.  Gerrety. 


First  Sergeant  Patrick  Larkin. 
Sergeant  James  Gallaher. 
Sergeant  Patrick  Shealby. 
Sergeant  Patrick  Rooneg. 
Sergeant  J.oseph  Moran. 
Sergeant  Martin  Delaney. 
Corporal  Thomas  Conway. 
Corporal  Oscar  Hoen. 
Corporal  Michael  Joyce. 
Corporal  John  Scally. 
Corporal  Thomas  Scanlan. 
Musician  John  Crawley. 


Hugh  Boyle,  Patrick  Byrne,  Daniel  Buckley,  Patrick  Btafc, 
Michael  Conway,  John  Collins,  Patrick  CrawUe,  Dennis  Cuft 



John  Clark,  James  Dillon,  John  Daugher,  Thomas  Fitzger- 
ald, Patrick  Gannon,  James  Gillispie,  Timothy  Hobin, 
Thomas  Kain,  Thomas  Leonard,  John  Murphy,  Hugh 
McGready,  Thomas  McLaughlin,  Patrick  McDade,  George 
Mclntyre,  James  McCarty,  Patrick  Moore,  Michael  Nolin, 
Hugh  ORourk,  John  O'Bryne,  Joseph  Stanton,  Henry  Shea, 
James  Sergeson,  James  Shealby,  Daniel  Taughy,  Owen  Cas- 
tello,  John  Doulen,  Martin  Grimes,  Martin  Horan.  Silas 
Johnson,  Daniel  Mcllvain,  Michael  Maloney,  Henry  Scott, 
Conrad  Smith,  Thomas  Coleman,  Michael  Collins,  Patrick 
Degnan,  Michael  Hanly,  Patrick  Hannon,  Patrick  Keltey, 
James  Lamb,  Daniel  McKenley,  Martin  Ross,  Patrick 
Swift,  James  Burk,  Michael  Burk,  Malakie  Caffee,  William 
Campton,  Bartley  Donahue,  James  Donohue,  Bernard  Mc- 
Ginnis,  Dennis  Mulhern,  Thomas  Mouldry,  Samuel  Rogers, 
■William  Stanton,  David  Seery,  Edward  Boyle,  John  Monaty 
Patrick  McHale,  Patrick  O'Bryne,  James  Currie,  Patrick 
Donohue,  Charles  Sweeney. 



Colonel  Alexander  M.  Stout. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Benjamin  H.  Bristow. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Robert  Vaughan. 
Regimental  Quartermaster  Richard  C.  Gill. 



Captain  Thomas  R.  Brown. 



Second  Lieutenant  William  H.  Meglemery. 




Captain  Edmund  B.  Davidson. 
Captain  John  B.  Buckner. 


This  regiment  was  organized  at  Camp  Swigert, 
Greenup  county,,  on  the  12th  day  of  December, 
1 86 1,  under  D.  W,  Lindsey  as  colonel,  George 
W.  Monroe,  lieutenant-colonel,  and  Wesley 
Cook,  major,  by  which  officers  the  regiment  was 
principally  recruited.  Company  A  was  recruited 
from  the  city  of  Louisville  and  Franklin  county  ; 
companies  B  and  C  frpm  Greenup  county  ;  com- 
pany D  from  Carter  county ;  company  E  from 
Lewis  county  ;  company  F  from  Franklin  and 
Greenup  counties  ;  company  G  from  Carter  and 
Boyd  counties ;  company  H  and  I  from  Carter 
county ;  and  company  K  from  the  city  of  Louis- 
ville. Previous  to  the  organization  of  the  regi- 
ment, companies  A,  K,  and  the  larger  portion 
of  F  were  stationed  at  Frankfort,  and  did  efficient 
service  under  the  direction  of  the  State  authority. 
The  remaining  companies  of  the  regiment  were 
in  Eastern  Kentucky,  and  operated  effectively  in 

that  section  of  this  State  and  also  in  West  Vir- 

Immediately  after  the  organization  of  the 
regiment,  it  was  ordered  up  the  Sandy  Valley, 
and  rendered  most  important  service  in  the  ex- 
pedition against  the  rebel  General  Humphrey 
Marshall.  A  detachment  of  the  Twenty-second 
and  of  the  Fourteenth  Kentucky  infantry,  under 
command  of  Lieutenant-Colonel  Monroe,  during 
the  battle  of  Middle  Creek,  charged  and  dis- 
lodged from  a  strong  position  the  command  of 
General  Williams,  Confederate,  which  movement, 
as  the  commanding  officer,  General  Garfield, 
reports,  was  "determinate  of  the  day." 

The  mission  up  the  Sandy  having  been  ac- 
complished, the  Twenty-second  was  ordered,  by 
way  of  Louisville,  to  Cum.berland  Gap;  and 
proved  to  be  one  of  the  regiments  chiefly  relied 
upon  by  General  G.  W.  Morgan  for  the  capture 
of  that  point.  During  the  stay  of  General  Mor- 
gan at  the  Gap,  the  discipline  and  efficiency  of 
this  regiment  was  frequently  mentioned  in  gen- 
eral orders;  and,  after  the  battle  of  Tazewell,  to 
the  Twenty-second  was  assigned  the  duty  of  cov- 
ering the  retreat  of  DeCourcy's  brigade  from  the 

During  the  retreat  of  General  Morgan's  divis- 
ion from  Cumberland  Gap  to  the  Ohio  river,  this 
regiment  was  assigned  to  responsible  duty,  and 
discharged  the  same  in  such  manner  as  to  receive 
the  praise  of  the  commanding  general. 

Immediately  after  reaching  the  Ohio  river, 
Morgan's  division,  with  the  exception  of  General 
Baird's  brigade,  was  ordered  up  the  Kanawha 
valley  to  the  relief  of  General  Cox.  After  driving 
the  enemy  beyond  Gauley  Bridge,  the  same  com- 
mand was  ordered  South,  and  reached  Mem, 
phis,  Tennessee,  about  the  15th  day  of  Novem- 
ber, 1862.  At  this  place  the  division  received 
some  additions  by  recruits,  and  the  22d  was 
augmented  by  some  thirty  men  from  Captain  R. 
B.  Taylor's  company,  who  were  assigned  to  com- 
pany I;  and  Captain  Estep,  successor  to  Captain 
Taylor,  was  assigned  to  the  command  of  that 

The  regiment,  then  composing  a  part  of  Mor- 
gan's division,  of  Sherman's  command,  proceeded 
down  the  Mississippi  river,  and  on  the  28th  and 
29th  of  December,  1862,  attacked  the  works  of 
the  enemy  upon  the  Yazoo  river,  at  Haynes's 
Bluff,  or  Chickasaw  Bayou.     In  the  charge  on 



the  29th,  the  Twenty-second  lost  a  number  of 
killed  and  wounded,  among  whom  were  those 
gallant  officers,  Captains  Garrard  and  Hegan, 
and  Lieutenant  Truett,  killed;  and  Lieutenant- 
Colonel  Monroe,  Captains  Bruce  and  Gathright, 
and  Lieutenants  Bacon  and  Gray,  wounded. 

Shortly  after  the  battle  of  Chickasaw  Bayou, 
the  army  of  the  Mississippi,  under  Major-Gen- 
eral  McClernand,  captured  and  destroyed  Ar- 
kansas Post,  a  strong  position  upon  the  Arkan-* 
sas  river,  from  which  the  fort  took  its  name;  in 
which  affair  the  Twenty-second  bore  an  honora- 
ble part. 

After  remaining  at  Young's  Point  and  Milli- 
ken's  Bend  two  or  three  months,  this  regiment, 
with  McClernand's  corps,  the  Thirteenth,  of 
which  It  formed  a  part,  took  the  lead  in  the 
movement,  by  way  of  Bruensburg,  to  invest 
Vicksburg  from  the  rear;  the  Twenty-second 
performing  an  important  part  in  all  the  engage- 
ments incident  thereto,  as  well  as  in  the  capture 
of  Vicksburg.  After  the  surrender  of  that  im- 
portant pomt,  the  regiment  marched  with  the 
brigade  to  which  it  was  attached,  and  assisted  in 
the  capture  of  Jackson,  Mississippi.  The  Twen- 
ty-second then,  following  the  fortunes  of  the 
Thirteenth  army  corps,  was  sent  to  the  Depart- 
ment of  the  Gulf,  where  it  rendered  good  service. 

The  regiment  veteranized  at  Baton  Rouge  in 
March,  1864,  and  was  consolidated  with  the 
Seventh  Kentucky  veteran  infantry;  the  non- 
veterans  being  mustered  out  at  Louisville,  Ken- 
tucky, January  20,  1865. 

The  regiment  was  engaged  in  the  following 
named  general  engagements,  besides  numerous 
skirmishes,  viz:  Middle  Creek,  Kentucky;  Cum- 
berland Gap,  Tazewell,  Tennessee;  Haynes's  Bluff 
or  Chickasaw  Bayou,  Mississippi;  Arkansas  Post, 
Port  Gibson  or  Thompson's  Hill,  Champion  Hill, 
or  Baker's  Creek,  Big  Black  Bridge,  siege  of 
Vicksburg,  Jackson,  Mississippi,  and  Red  River; 
in  almost  all  of  which  the  regiment  was  com- 
manded by  Lieutenant-Colonel  Monroe;  Colonel 
Lindsey  being  in  command  of  the  bridge  or 


Major  John  Hughes. 
Quartermaster  James  W.  Barbee. 



Captain  John  Hughes. 

First  Lieutenant  Arthur  J.  Harrington. 
Second  Lieutenant  James  W.  Barbee. 


First  Sergeant  Thomas  Collins. 
First  Sergeant  William  H.  Milam. 
Sergeant  Henry  Simmons. 
Sergeant  John  Rohner. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Edinger. 
Sergeant  John  T.  Harrington. 
Sergeant  Oliver  J.  Howard. 
Corporal  Enoch  Napier. 
Corporal  George  Tanner. 
Corporal  Jacob  Fisher. 
Corpora  1  J  erem  iah  Wells. 
Corporal  John  Welsh. 
Corporal  Philip  Sneider. 
Corporal  John  C.  Seibert. 
Corporal  George  Rammers. 

Alexander  Armstrong,  Michael  Bower,  Patrick  Coakley, 
Godfrey  Geisler,  William  Gainey,  Timothy  Harrigan,  Mich- 
ael Leary,  James  Leary,  John  T.  McCoy,  Benjamin  Miller, 
John  T.  Milam,  John  Paiker,  William  Seibert,  Michael  H. 
Shay,  James  Scanlan,  William  Tagg,  William  Clark,  James 
Dailey,  Thomas  Kelley,  George  Perry  Nerns,  Thomas  S. 
Tevis,  Albert  L.  Cook,  John  T.  Gathright,  Charles  L.  Gal- 
loway, Hardy  J.  Galloway,  Patrick  Garrety,  William  Hess, 
Patrick  McCandry,  Franklin  McNeal,  William  Wilson, 
James  A.  Wells,  John  Welsh,  second,  Edward  Berry,  John 
Burns,  James  W.  Collins,  Louis  Commersour,  William  Dris- 
coll,  John  Hulet,  James  Hulet,  Thomas  Manihan,  Solomon 
Parker,  William  H.  Smith,  William  T.  Walls,  John  Cox. 

Captain  James  G.  Milligan. 
First  Lieutenant  James  W.  Barbee. 



Captain  William  B.  Hegan. 

Captain  John  T.  Gathright. 



First  Lieutenant  Charles  G.  Shanks. 


Captain  Louis  Schweizer. 

Captain  Charles  Gutig. 

First  Lieuteuant  Gustav  Wehrle. 


First  Sergeant  Jacob  Klotter. 
Sergeant  Nicholas  Ember. 
Sergeant  Adam  Warner. 
Sergeant  Henry  Stachelsha''  , 
Sergeant  Valentine  Loesh. 
Sergeant  Louis  Fisher. 
Corporal  Benjamin  Lochner. 
Corporal  Lucas  Rhine. 
Corporal  George  Klotter. 


Corporal  Felix  Gross. 
Corporal  John  Eppelle. 
Corporal  Paul  Resch. 
Corporal  John  Duckweiler. 
Corporal  Lorenz  Schaffner. 


John  Barthel,  Casper  Buchl,  George  Bremmer,  Alvis  Dres- 
sel,  Theodore  Eken,  Sebastian  Fautner,  Louis  P'insler, 
Joseph  Gutz,  Gonrad  Hecht,  Conrad  Hoeb,  Rudolph  Hess, 
Andrew  Jacoby,  Conrad  Kneiss,  Frederick  Konig,  Sebas- 
tain  Kuhr,  Joseph  Lochner,  Leopold  Lenzinger,  Michael 
Meyer,  John  Martin,  George  Pfeiffer,  Michael  Rilling,  An- 
thony Sauer,  Henry  Scherr,  Philip  Schlimer,  John  Schutz, 
John  Vogt,  Joseph  Wachter,  John  Zimmer,  John  Brimmer, 
Paul  Dressel,  Conrad  Doll,  John  Baptist  Emig.  Heiiry  En- 
glehardt,  William  Hemerich,  John  Hess,  Peter  Koil,  Martin 
Leopold,  Cassimer  Mickoley,  John  Oehler,  George  Paulus, 
Casper  Rappensberger,  George  Schlottler,  Frank  Vogt,  John 
Baker,  Charles  C.  Miller,  John  Philip  Russ,  Jacob  Trump- 
ler,  Henry  Zickel,  John  Baier,  Henry  Belger,  Wenderlien 
Fritz,  John  Huber,  George  Kuppel,  George  Seitz,  Michael 
Staublin,  Robert  Staib,  Lorenz  Wittenauer,  John  Kochler, 
Philip  Mossman,  Stephen  Wittenauer. 



Colonel  Marcellus  Mundy. 



IJeutenant  Benjamin  H.  Bristow. 


Adjutant  A.  J .  Wells. 


First  Lieutenant  John  F.  Harvey. 
Second  Lieutenant  Charles  H.  Hart. 



Second  Lieutenant  Thomas  J.  Mershon. 


Colonel  Charles  D.  Pennebaker. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  John  H.  Ward. 
Major  Alexander  Magruder. 
Adjutant  James  B.  Speed. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Robert  Dinwiddle. 
Chaplain  Robert  G.  Gardner. 


Captain  Fred.  Guy. 


First  Lieutenant  Riley  Wilson. 


Captain  William  H.  Heivey. 


The  Twenty-eighth  Kentucky  Infantry  was 
organized  in  the  fall  of  1861  at  New  Haven, 
under  Colonel  William  P.  Boone,  and  was  mus- 
tered into  service  October  8,  1861,  at  the  same 
place,  by  Captain  C.  C.  Gilbert,  First  United 
States  infantry,  mustering  officer.  The  regiment 
was  raised  under  the  call  of  the  State  for  forty 
thousand  volunteers  for  United  States  service. 
Colonel  Boone,  at  the  time  the  law  was  passed 
and  authority  granted  for  raising  the  troops,  was 
a  member  of  the  Kentucky  Legislature  from  the 
city  of  Louisville,  and  asked  leave  of  absence  for 
the  |3iurpose  of  recruiting  a  regiment.  In  four 
weeks  from  the  time  he  commenced  recruiting 
he  had  nine  companies  in  camp,  of  more  than  fifty 
men  each.  On  the  6th  of  November,  1861,  he 
received  orders  from  General  Sherman,  com- 
manding department  of  the  Ohio,  ordering  his 
regiment  on  duty.  In  the  early  stages  of  the 
war  the  Twenty-eighth  was  on  duty  at  Shepherds- 
ville.  New  Haven,  Lebanon,  Colesburg,  Eliza- 
bethtown,  and  Munfordsville,  Kentucky,  and 
Nashville,  Franklin,  Gallatin,  Lebanon,  Carthage, 
Sparta,  and  Columbia,  Tennessee ;  and  ever 
commanded  the  respect  and  attention  of  the 
commanding  generals,  whether  in  battle  or  in 
camp.  It  also  performed  duty  at  Huntsville  and 
Stevenson,  Alabama,  and  Rossville,  Rome, 
Rocky  Face  Ridge,  Ringgold,  Lafayette,  White 
Oak  Mountain,  Taylor's  Ridge,  Chickamauga 
Creek,  Pea  Vine  Church,  Tunnel  Hill,  and  Dal- 
ton,  Georgia. 

The  Twenty-eighth,  by  order  of  General 
Rosecrans,  was  armed  with  the  Spencer  repeat- 
ing rifle  and  mounted,  and  performed  gallant 
and  arduous  service  until  it  returned  to  Kentucky 
on  veteran  furlough. 

Colonel  Boone  was  much  exposed  during  the 
winter  of  1864,  whilst  in  command  of  cavalry 
and  mounted  infantry,  in  front  of  the  army  at 
Chattanooga,  Tennessee,  and  was  reluctantly 
compelled  to  resign  on  account  of  disability,  in- 
curred by  said  exposure,  on  the  28th  of  June, 
1864.  On  the  first  of  March,  1864,  the  regi- 
ment veteranized,  and  received  thirty  days'  vete- 
ran furlough,  and  on  the  7th  of  May,  under  com- 
mand of  Lieutenant-Colonel  J.  Rowan  Boone, 
rejoined  the  army  of  the  Cumberland  in  Georgia. 


Colonel  William  P.  Boone. 



Lieutenant-Colonel  J.  Rowan  Boone. 
Major  Absalom  Y.  Johnson. 
Major  John  Gault,  Jr. 
Major  George  W.  Barth. 
Surgeon  James  A.  Post. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Joseph  Habermeal. 
Chaplain  Hiram  A.  Hunter. 
Sergeant-Major  Nathaniel  Wolfe,  Jr. 
Sergeant- Major  Henry  S.  Senteny. 
Quartermaster-Sergeant  William  R.  Cox. 
Commissary-Sergeant  Josiah  Allis. 
Hospital  Steward  Stephen  A.  Catlin. 
First  Musician  William  O'Hara. 
Second  Musician  Thomas  P.  Myrick. 



Captain  William  E.  Benson. 

Captain  Paul  Byerly. 

First  Lieutenant  John  W.  Hogue. 

First  Lieutenant  Martin  Enright. 

Second  Lieutenant  John  A.  Weatherford. 


Sergeant  W.  P.  Gathright. 
Sergeant  J.  W.  Taylor. 
Sergeant  J.  D.  Holt. 
Corporal  William  O'Hara. 
Corporal  Samuel  Clark. 
Corporal  Jacob  Hesi. 
Corporal  W.J.  Head. 
Corporal  William  R.  Hoagland. 
Corporal  James  Thomas. 
Corporal  J.  A.  Dai  ley. 
Corporal  John  W.  Smith. 


William  Ash,  Josiah  Allis,  Joseph  Bensing,  Joseph  Ben- 
nett, William  Burke,  Joseph  Brobst,  John  Brewster,  Nicholas 
Brannin,  James  Cayton,  Ferdinand  Conser,  Ransom  Chase, 
Hannon  Cashing,  Almanzo  Connell,  James  Corrigan,  Edward 
Corcelus,  Michael  Carney,  C.  F.  Combs,  Peter  Coons, 
Henry  Calcamp,  Thomas  Dillon,  Abram  Drisfus,  Joseph 
Day,  Michael  Dillon,  George  Fleck,  William  Farroday, 
Frederick  Forcht.  Silas  Fuell,  Benjamin  Fuell,  Patrick  Fla- 
herty, Patrick  Gaffusy,  Gerhart  Geny,  Joseph  Gnow,  George 
W.  Graible,  Cyrus  Graible,  William  M.  Gard,Hartman  Hel- 
bert,  John  Horp,  John  Hettinger,  James  Howell,  Michael 
Hays,  George  Hanley,  Johnson  Hardin,  John  Holler,  Ber- 
nard Hochstatter,  John  Kinkead,  Joseph  Kinkead,  Henry 
Keyser,  William  Kline,  John  Kane,  George  Kelpers,  Joseph 
Kremer,  Peter  Lotze,  John  Lukenbill,  Patrick  Leary,  Ed- 
ward Leyer,  Nicholas  Miller,  John  McCarty,  John  Mc- 
Mahon,  John  Meyer,  Coonrod  Oper,  Charles  Owen,  John 
A.  Osborn,  Benjamin  Powell,  Jr.,  Gustav  Roadsloff,  Nicho- 
las Rinehart,  John  Renwick,  Charles  Reap,  G.  W.  Rodgers, 
Henry  Schafer,  Nicholas  .Show,  John  H.  .Strausburg,  Wil- 
liam Shirley,  James  Sullivan,  George  G.  F.  Shafer,  H.  C. 
Senteny,  Lewis  Suyer,  Herman  Stimpel,  George  W.  Tiller, 
Samuel  Taguc,  Henry  F.  Trantman,  Philip  Trunk,  George 
Wahlwind,  John  Wagner,  .August  Weger,  Herman  Wahmes, 
•Anselm  Wesbacher,  George  Wesel. 



Captain  James  H.  White. 
Taptam  Thomas  J.  Randolph. 


Sergeant  George  H.  Alexander. 
Sergeant  Charles  H.  Harris. 
Corporal  Usher  F.  Kelly. 
Corporal  John  W.  LeBlanc. 
Corporal  Hermogene  LeBlanc. 
Corporal  William  M.  Harris. 
Corporal  William  R.  Parish. 
Corporal  Henry  Null. 
Corporal  James  E.  -Mullen. 
Corporal  Lewis  Hawkins. 
Musician  Charles  G.  Clarke. 
Musician  Julius  G.  Johnson. 
Wagoner  Robert  Murry. 

Henry  Bull,  Lewis  H.  Bealer,  JoHn  C.  Black,  Nehemiah 
Bohnan,  Frederick  Bodka,  Lawrence  Corcoran,  James  D. 
Coulter,  Richard  Coulter,  Milton  C.  Clark,  Andrew  L. 
Domire,  William  Dooley,  John  W.  Floore,  Francis 
Faber,  Patrick  Flynn,  Patrick  W.  Fooley.  Alfred  J.  Gooch, 
August  Gardner,  William  M.  Hargin,  Philip  Margin,  James 
M.  Hilton,  George  W.  Hand,  John  Henry,  William  Hamon, 
John  G.  Hearn,  Michael  Hogan,  Henry  Honroth.  Loudey 
Howard,  Samuel  Hopewell,  Frederick  Heflferman,  William  T. 
F.Johnson,  George  ;Kountz,  James  Kleisendorf,  Orren  Lane, 
John  Means,  David  Mercer,  William  H.  Myers,  Benjamin 
B.  Medcalfe,  John  Mahner,  Dominick  Morley,  John  Meister, 
Samuel  L.  Nichols,  John  Osborn,  Barney  O'Brien,  Turling- 
ton Ragsdale,  Marion  Rowland,  James  Rawlings,  Lorenzo 
D.  Rardon,  Charles  N.  Resenbaugh,  Reuben  Shively,  Jacob 
H.  Sapp,  John  F.  Sweeney.  Christopher  Stilby,  Daniel  Suli- 
van,  Joseph  D.  Selvage,  John  H.  Sisson,  James  L.  Sisson, 
Robert  Shanks,  Klartin  L.  Stephens,  Morris  H.  Sheiffer, 
John  Sheetinger,  Benjamin  F.  Smith,  William  H.  Sherrod, 
Frank  Troutman,  William  T.  Teeter,  Michael  Whalen. 


Captain  George  W.  Barth. 

Captain  Theodore  B.  Hays. 

First  Lieutenant  Robert  W.  Catlin. 


First  Sergeant  William  Shane. 

Sergeant  Henry  Dorman. 

Sergeant  William  H.  Sanders. 

Sergeant  Silas  F.  Barrall. 

Sergeant  Stephen  Norman. 

Corporal  John  T.  Monroe. 

Corporal  William  H.  Horine. 

Corporal  Ely  Williams. 

Corporal  William  F.  Miles. 
1        Corporal  Joseph  A.  Barrall. 
,        Corporal  Charles  Lebberle. 
i        Corporal  James  Marshall. 
I        Corporal  John  Seibert. 
I         Musician  Thomas  P.  Myrick. 

Musician  Albert  Younker. 

Wagoner  Walter  Senger. 


Samuel  R.  Armes,  Abraham  Anderson,  Henry  Ahlbom, 
Henry  Beghtol,  Frederick  Bealer,  Littleberry  Batchelor, 
John  C.  Barth,  Silas  M.  Burk,  Stephen  Catlin,  Horace Cahoe, 
George  W.  Compton,  James  Corcoran,  Wellington  Crutch- 
low,  Stephen  Coch,  Louis  C.  Dennis,  William  Davis,  Henry 


C.  Dother,  Thomas  B.  Duncan,  Henry  Deal,  Henry  Ebber- 
harth,  Louis  Earickson,  Alexander  Elliott,  Edward  Egan, 
Samuel  Fleckner,  William  French,  Christian  Friendenberger, 
Anthony  Fouth,  James  Foster,  John  Geist,  Patrick  Gibbons, 
Conrad  Gleb,  John  Gunner,  Marcus  L.  Goldsmith,  August 
Hennerberger,  Christian  Harshfield,  Jacob  Hart,  Christopher 
Hapf,  George  Haller,  Thomas  Hogan,  John  Horine,  Henry 
C.  Johnson,  Thomas  Johnson,  Frederick  Kohler,  Benjamin 
King,  Thomas  Kegan,  Christian  Katzel,  Sr.,  Christian 
Katzel.Jr.,  Joseph  Long.  Casper  Lowentha,  John  J.  Myer, 
John  Myer,  Jacob  M.  Miller,  James  W.  Martin,  John  Mann, 
Charles  F.  Miller.  Arthur  May,  Thomas  McNutt,  James  Mc- 
Donald, James  M.  Melson,  John  Nagel,  Martin  Nagel, 
Peter  Nailor,  James  J.  Norman,  Warden  J.  Quick,  Barney 
Ruf,  John  J.  Samuel,  Anthony  Schmidt,  George  Seibert, 
James  Stewart,  Sidney  S.  Smith,  Madison  B.  Stinson,  Jacob 
Seipert,  Martin  Schmidt,  Richard  M.  Thompson,  John 
Thompson,  Henry  Thompson,  Jacob  Walter,  John  Webler, 
Frederick  Webber,  William  Winter. 



Captain  Henry  J.  O'Neill. 

Captain  John  Martin. 

First  Lieutenant  Henry  Monohan. 

First  Lieutenant  Patrick  O'Malia. 

Second  Lieutenant  Anthony  Hartman. 


First  Sergeant  Joseph  Flanagan. 
Sergeant  John  Jardine. 
Sergeant  Vincent  Eusada. 
Corporal  Anthony  Funn. 
Corporal  James  G^ntion. 
Corporal  George  Kinsley. 
Corporal  Richard  Langdon. 
Corporal  Morgan  O'Btien. 
Corporal  John  Farrell. 
Corporal  Daniel  O'Hera. 
Corporal  William  Naughton. 
Musician  Henry  Gallaher. 
Musician  John  McGovern. 
Wagoner  Peter  Martin. 
Cook  Edward  Clark. 

John  Atchison,  Thomas  Birmingham,  Michael  Burke  First, 
Michael  Burke  Second,  John  Bolton,  John  Bogle,  Richard  Bar- 
rett, John  Buckly,  James  Buckly,  Bryan  Connor,  Philip  Carr, 
Peter  Campbell,  Patrick  Conway, John  Cody,  Michael  Casey, 
Patrick  Curran,  James  Dooley,  Francis  Finn,  Darby  Flaher- 
ty, Patrick  Fadden,  William  Gallagher,  Nathaniel  Gallagher, 
Patrick  Gorman,  Martin  Glynn,  Patrick  Hines,  John  HoUa- 
han,  John  Hayes,  John  Hennesey,  John  Hatch,  John 
Hogan,  Patrick  Hogan,  oohn  Hanlon,  George  Hart,  Joseph 
Kimmel,  George  King,  John  Laihiff.  Lawrence  Lamer, 
Michael  Lynch,  Patrick  Lee,  Boliver  Moody,  Michael  May- 
bar,  John  McGregor,  John  Myers,  Michael  McClear,  Wil- 
liam McClellan,  Patrick  McBride,  Michael  Nicholas,  Mich- 
ael O'Donnell,  John  O'Brien,  Michael  Pimrick,  Edward 
Pope,  James  Prewett,  Thomas  Ryan,  Walter  Ross, 
I.awrence  Sulivan,  Patrick  Spratch,  Austin  Stanton,  Brian 
Solan,  Michael  Shanahan,  Bartholomew  Thornton,  Barthol- 
omew Ticmey,  James  Terrell,  John  Whalen,  Patrick  Welsh, 
Hugh  Willis. 



Captain  Franklin  M.  Hughes. 

Captain  George  W.  Conaway. 

Captain  William  C.  Irvine. 

Captain  Andrew  B.  Norwood. 

First  Lieutenant  Granville  J.  Sinkhorn. 

Second  Lieutenant  Joseph  H.  Davis. 


Sergeant  Charles  H.  Littrell. 
Sergeant  George  Mattern. 
Corporal  William  L.  G.  McPherson. 
Corporal  Cornelius  Maher. 
Corporal  Henry  H.  Hancock. 
Corporal  Thomas  T.  Baldwin. 
Corporal  Silas  W.  Young. 
Corporal  John  W.  Baldwin. 
Corporal  James  L.  Porter. 
Corporal  William  Fagar. 
Musician  Othello  Delano. 
Wagoner  Elijah  Thurman. 


Eugene  Anthony,  George  Albert,  Jacob  Arnold,  James 
Black,  Frederick  Boyer,  Richard  Bee,  William  Burke,  Rob- 
ert Barr,  John  Barr,  George  J.  Beninger,  Jabzen  N.  Baldwin, 
Marion  Bailey,  Earnest  Bitner,  Daniel  S.  Brabson,  Jesse 
Baxter,  James  Combs,  Jacob  H.  Carbaugh,  William  L.  Cou- 
ncil, James  Coons,  Cornelius  Crowley,  James  Cleary, 
Charles  E.  Figg,  George  B.  Figg,  William  W.  Figg, 
Zachariah  Fogelman,  Thomas  C.  Forsyth,  Henry  Green, 
William  Gregory,  Thomas  F.  Graham,  George  E.  Holmes. 
Theodore  F.  Hambaugh,  Uriah  G.  Hawkins,  William  A. 
Hall,  Michael  Hynes,  William  E.  Keene,  Peter  Klink, 
Henry  Kalkhoff,  Jesse  K.  Long,  Michael  Lynch,  Patrick 
Mooney,  Hugh  McGrath,  George  Morrison, Greathell  Ma.x- 
well,  John  F.  Mullen,  William  G.  Meyers,  George  Panell, 
Thomas  Pryar,  Patrick  Pryar,  Josiah  D.  Ripley,  Jacob  L. 
Spanglear,  Michael  Sehr,  William  G.  Saner,  John  W.  B. 
Shirley,  Thomas  B.  Sweeney,  James  W.  Thomas,  John  H. 
Thurman,  Charles  Thomas,  Andrew  Todd,  Samuel  C. 
Vance,  James  W.  Wilson,  Joseph  S.  West,  Joseph  Wil- 
burne,  Joseph  W.  Walker,  Charles  T.  Whalen,  John  W. 
Walton,  George  Zimmerman. 



Captain  James  R.  Noble. 
Captain  William  C.  McDowell. 
Second  Lieutenant  Henry  Hooker. 


Sergeant  Charles  Shane. 
Sergeant  Samuel  S.  Hornbeck. 
Sergeant  Stephen  M.  Gupton. 
Sergeant  William  H.  Manning. 
Corporal  William  Owen. 
Corporal  George  Ganman. 
Corporal  William  Woodfall. 
Corporal  Isaac  Hornbeck. 
Corporal  William  Morrow. 
Corporal  James  Brunton. 
Corporal  William  L.  Gupton. 
Corporal  George  Brown. 
Musician  David  Waits. 



Musician  William  R.  Cox. 
Wagoner  Benjamin  H.  Murry. 


-John  Adams,  Benhart  Bargoff,  James  Bell,  Valentine 
Berge,  Franklin  Blunk.  John  S.  Cheshire,  Kitchel  Clark, 
Zedick  Clark,  Louis  Colboker,  James  Corkeran,  John  R.  CruU, 
John  E.  Davis,  William  H.  H.  Davis,  Joseph  Elsey,  James 
Elsey,  Frederic  Emiin,  John  Ernst,  Jacob  Earwine,  James 
O.  Evans,  William  Ferguson,  John  Fields,  Michael  Galliger, 
Pious  Hardy,  William  L.  Harris,  John  Higgins,  Daniel 
Highland,  Com.  P.  Hild^rbrand,  Noell  Jackson,  William 
Leish,  John  Lee,  John  Munch,  John  P.  Means,  Thomas 
Moore,  John  Miller,  James  Middleton,  Fielding  Middieton, 
William  Middleton,  Charles  E.  Manning,  Sidney  Noe, 
George  Noe,  John  H.  C.  Overcamp,  Nathan  Pharris,  Joseph 
Perry,  Asbury  Parsley,  Henry  Puff,  Samuel  Quick,  George 
W.  Rogers,  Philip  Shull,  Abram  Sago,  Mathew  Shay,  John 
Spencer,  William  Stedman,  Frederick  Thompson,  Joseph 
Terry,  George  Tolson,  Raphael  Vinecore,  Louis  Varille, 
Thomas  B.  Wallace,  Isaac  Williams,  William  Webb,  Benja- 
min Webb,  Taylor  Windsor,  John  Windsor,  John  Whitledge, 
Robert  Wright,  John  Zinsmaster. 

Captain  Frederick  Brooks. 
Captain  James  E.  Loyal. 
First  Lieutenant  Albert  M.  Healy. 


Sergeant  Edward  O'Malley. 
Sergeant  John  G.  Fraville. 
Sergeant  Charles  Taylor. 
Sergeant  Frederick  Honroth. 
Corporal  Frederick  Troxell. 
Corporal  Samuel  Randalls. 
Corporal  Charles  B.  Fetters. 
Corporal  John  H.  Graham. 
Corporal  Frank  Read. 
Musician  Zefra  Blum. 
Musician  Joseph  Fox,  Jr. 
Musician  B.  Gary  Edward. 
Wagoner  John  Mullin. 


David  F.  Blair,  Ferdinand  Belter,  Hugh  R.  Boyd,  Thomas 
Bott,  John  Boggs,  Charles  F.  Bates,  Anthony  Berger,  Cor- 
nelius Boyd,  Eli  Burchard,  Milton  Burnham,  George  W. 
Baily,  Neil  Conway,  Timothy  Conway,  Thomas  Casey, 
Frederick  Cording,  James  Drummon,  Andrew  Dirk,  Samuel 
Dysinger,  James  Davenport,  David  Danser,  James  Eairly, 
George  R.  S.  Floyd,  Jerome  B.  Francis,  Joseph  Fox,  Sr., 
James  Farrell,  William  E.  Gary,  Jacob  Goodfred,  George 
Goodfred,  Abraham  Graham,  Peter  Haggerty,  Washington 
T.  Hudson,  Thomas  Higgins,  Henry  Hannasth,  Philip 
Hinkle,  Frederick  Joyce,  Henry  K.  Jerome,  Patrick  King, 
William  Kimball,  John  Krebsback,  William  Lewis,  Joseph 
Mets,  John  Murphy,  Thomas  More,  John  Maher,  Derire 
Mongey,  John  McDonel,  John  McGreal,  Frank  O'Neil, 
Patrick  O' Boyle,  Reuben  Ratcliffe,  Jerry  Riley,  Samuel 
Ratchfend,  William  S.  Roach,  Jonathan  Shull,  John  Shan- 
non, Owen  Sullivan,  Patrick  Toole,  Seraphine  Wohlap, 
William  Wardrip,  John  Welsh,  James  Watson,  Joseph 
Stevenson,  John  Stevenson,  Charles  W.  Farnum,  Henry  C. 
Gary,  Edward  S.  Hall,  David  Isgrig,  Jasper  A.  Jones,  William 
Keepers,  Thomas  Murphy,  Michael  Morris,  John  Masters, 

William  Miller,  Robert  Rogers,   William  Rosenbush,  Clark 
Stackhouse.  Josiah  Searles,  Andrew  Taylor.  Charles  T.  Todd. 



Captain  Robert  Cairs. 

Captain  Daniel  C.  Collins. 

First  Lieutenant  Nathaniel  Wolf,  Jr. 

First  Lieutenant  William  R.  Cox. 


First  Sergeant  Robert  W.  Reid. 
Sergeant  Henry  W.  Neve. 
Sergeant  Jacob  C.  Burris. 
Sergeant  John  V.  Sanders. 
Sergeant  Roderick  McLeod. 
Corporal  Jeremiah  Warner. 
Corpor>al  Anthony  Morley. 
Corporal  Austin  Stetler^ 
Corporal  John  W.  Brineger. 
Corpoial  Preston  Nelson. 
Corporal  William  G.  Bostwick. 
Corporal  Whitman  S.  Green. 
Corporal  Charles  Carroll. 
Wagoner  Peter  McCormick. 
Musician  Barney  Wilkins. 
Musician  August  Amborn. 


Philip  S.  Atkins,  Frederick  Booker,  Philip  Brennon,  Henry 
Beckhait,  John  Cook,  Patrick  Collopy,  Jeremiah  Crowley, 
Thomas  J.  Craycroft,  John  Curran,  Lawrence  Carroll, 
Michael  Cary.  William  Dyer,  Michael  Dermidy,  James 
Duno van,  James  W.  Deering,  Joseph  Doherty,  Thomas  El- 
lis, Beverly  Eisenbice,  James  Fitzpatrick,  John  Foos,  James 
W.  Floore,  Patrick  Gallagher,  Henry  Heinman,  John  Heen- 
an,  John  Johnson,  Stephen  Kellesher,  Thomas  Kelly,  James 
Kearney,  Jacob  Lear,  Henry  Long,  Robert  Miller,  Lawrence 
Morgan,  Michael  Mullen,  Thomas  Mann,  Thomas  Murphy, 
Henry  Medley,  Wesley  McMurry,  Francis  McDonald,  Pat- 
rick McGuife,  James  Montgomery,  Michael  Mahan,  John 
Nevill,  George  Parin,  John  Porter,  John  W.  Roberts, 
Michael  Swinney,  John  Steelen,  James  Smith,  John  Stents, 
John  Whalen,  John  Welch,  John  W.  Clarke,  Charles  Crack- 
nel!, John  P.  Deitrick,  John  Dwyer,  Thomas  Dorsey,  John 
Doyle,  Cyrus  Jeffreys,  James  Menaugh,  Anthony  Mullen, 
Charles  Shoemaker,  John  M.  Smith,  Henry  Weam. 

Captain  George  W.  Conway. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  Obst. 
First  Lieutenant  Frederick  Buckner. 
First  Lieutenant  Anthony  P.  Hefner. 
First  Lieutenant  William  T.  Morrow. 
Second  Lieutenant  William  Troxler. 
Second  Lieutenant  Isaac  Everett,  Jr. 


Sergeant  Emile  Wilde. 
Corporal  William  Hartman. 
Corporal  Henry  Lentacker. 
Corporal  Charles  Henning. 
Corporal  Joseph  Pfatzer. 
Corporal  Christian  Haag. 
Corporal  Samuel  Schwartz. 

Frederick  Arnold,  John  Algier,  Jacob  Attwejlcr,  JoWpi 



Amos,  Charles  Berger,  Conrad  Beager,  Andrew  Bauer, 
George  Bayha,  George  Bryning,  Albert  Baker,  William  F. 
Bolkemeyer,  John  Bowls,  Thon:>as  Bowls,  Lewis  Cook,  Ar- 
mitage  Carr,  John  T.  Cunningham,  ]ames  H.  Cowley, 
Thomas  G.  Conoway.  George  Comstock,  Jacob  Dries,  James 
Davenport,  Richard  Davenport,  Daniel  W.  Evans,  B.  Ed- 
ward, Casper  Foil,  James  Farrel,  Louis  B.  Fuller,  Thomas 
Gregory,  Frank  Golquilt,  Shelton  T.  Green,  Philip  Hans, 
Thaodore  Heidbring,  Jacob  Hagar,  Charles  A.  Harvey, 
William  R.  Hudspeth,  Joseph  Heaky,  Henry  Jerome,  John 
Kongka,  Sr..  John  Kongka.  Jr.,  Arnold  Kuss,  James  Kay, 
Henry  Mead,  Thomas  Moris,  Charles  Mathaes,  John  H. 
Michael,  Banjamin  March,  George  Meier,  Joseph  1 .  Meier, 
Thomas  D.  McLaughlin,  James  McGuire,  William  Magowen, 
John  T.  Mark,  Henry  Miller,  William  Meier,  Albert  Nauge- 
ster,  John  O'Haren,  Radford  M.  Osborn,  Joseph  Obermeyer, 
Robert  B.  Pennington,  William  Rhein,  Peter  Reilsburger, 
John  Reinald,  Michael  Radenheim,  Charles  Schrimpf,  Bern- 
hard  Speaker,  Vincennes  Schrimpf,  Joseph  Schmidt,  Edward 
Sulivau,  Alvis  Stanger,  Patrick  Stanton,  Albert  Thorninyer, 
William  Thompson,  James  Thomas,  Benson  Vansandt, 
Michael  Vain,  Thomas  Ward,  David  F.  Wright,  Jacob 
Wirth,  Henry  Waltring,  Frank  Weston,  William  Wardlaw, 
George  W.  Wright,  John  Warden,  George  Wichter,  John 

On  alphabetical  list   of  officers,  but  not   on 
company  rolls: 

Captain  Stephen  M.  Gupton. 
First  Lieutenant  William  L.  Gupton. 
First  Lieutenant  James  Gannon. 
First  Lieutenant  Thomas  T.  Baldwin. 
First  Lieutenant  James  E.  MuUin. 
First  Lieutenant  Charles  Harris. 
First  Lieutenant  Thomas  B.  Wallace. 


First  Lieutenant  J.  W.  S.  Smith. 



Captain  Milton  P.  Hodges. 

First  Lieutenant  William  B.  Craddock. 



Surgeon  John  J.  Matthews. 


The  Thirty-fourth  Kentucky  Infantry  was  or- 
ganized at  Louisville,  on  September  26th,  1861, 
under  Lieutenant  Colonel  Henry  Dent,  and  was 
then  designated  as  the  First  Battalion  Louisville 
Provost  Guards.  The  authority  for  its  organiza- 
tion was  received  from  General  Anderson,  then 
commanding  the  Department  of  Kentucky,  and  a 
promise  was  made  to  the  privates  fhat  they  should 
receive  twenty  dollars  per  month  during  enlist- 
ment, and  perform  duty  only  in  the  city  of  Louis- 
ville and  its  immediate  vicinity.  This  understand- 
ing remained  intact  until  General  Buell  assumed 
command,  when  an  order  was  issued  that  the 

Guards  should  not  receive  an  excess  of  pay  over 
other  soldiers  then  in  the  service  ($  1 3  per  month). 
The  order  created  much  dissension  in  the  bat- 
talion, as  they  had  already  received  two  months' 
pay  at  the  rate  of  $20  per  month,  and  an  appeal 
was  made  to  the  Honorable  Secretary  of  War  by 
Colonel  Dent,  who  decided  that  General  Buell 
was  correct  in  issuing  the  order,  but,  inasmuch 
as  the  men  had  enlisted  under  promise  of  the 
extra  pay,  allowed  all  those  who  were  unwilling 
to  remain  in  the  service  at  regulation  pay  to  be 
mustered  out.  One  entire  company  (B),  and  the 
larger  portion  of  three  others,  were  discharged 
at  Louisville,  in  October,  1862.  On  the  2d 
of  October,  1862,  the  Provost  Guard  ceased, 
and  the  organization  of  the  Thirty-fourth  Ken- 
tucky Infantry  commenced.  In  justice  to  the 
Guard,  it  has  been  conceded  by  all  that  they  per- 
formed their  duty  well,  and  rendered  efficient 
service  during  its  term  of  enlistment,  and  at  a 
time  when  the  status  of  the  State  was  in  a  criti- 
cal condition,  owing  to  the  rebellious  condition 
of  a  large  part  of  her  people,  growing  out  of  the 
indecision  in  promptly  taking  her  stand  for  an 
undivided  Union.  The  Provost  Guard,  during 
the  years  1861-62,  had  stood  guard  over  one 
hundred  and  fifty  thousand  prisoners  of  war  and 
political  prisoners. 

The  Thirty-fourth  infantry  was  relieved  of 
provost  duty  at  Louisville,  on  the  8th  day  of 
May,  1863,  and  ordered  to  report  to  General 
Judah,  at  Bowling  Green,  Kentucky,  where  it 
remained  until  July  4th,  when  it  marched  to 
Glasgow  to  assist  in  checking  John  Morgan  in 
his  raid  into  Kentucky.  It  did  garrison  duty  at 
Glasgow  until  the  28th  of  September,  when 
ordered  to  march,  via  Marrowbone  and  Burks- 
ville,  to  Knoxville,  Tennessee,  under  command 
of  General  Manson,  skirmishing  with  guerrillas 
nearly  every  day.  From  Knoxville  it  marched 
to  Morristown,  where  it  remained  until  the  battle 
of  Blue  Springs,  in  which  it  distinguished  itself 
by  capturing  nearly  all  of  Mudwall  Jackson's 
staff  and  four  hundred  and  seventy-one  of  his 
command.  When  Longstreet  laid  siege  to  Knox- 
ville, General  Burnside  ordered  the  Thirty-fourth 
to  Cumberland  Gap  from  Morristown.  After  the 
siege  of  Knoxville  was  raised  by  General  Sher- 
man, the  Thirty-fourth  was  ordered  to  Tazewell, 
Tennessee,  its  colonel  being  [)laced  in  command 
of  a  brigade  composed  of  the  Thirty-fourth  Ken- 



tucky,  One  Hundred  and  Sixteenth  and  One 
Hundred  and  Eighteenth  Indiana  infantry,  the 
Eleventh  Tennessee  cavalry,  and  the  Eleventh 
Michigan  battery. 

On  the  24th  of  January,  1864,  the  rebel 
Colonel  Carter  attacked  Tazewell  with  about 
eighteen  hundred  men ;  in  which  fight  the 
Thirty-fourth  again  distinguished  itself  for  un- 
daunted bravery  under  severe  fire.  In  this  en- 
gagement, which  lasted  about  three-quart^Vs  of 
an  hpur,  the  enemy  was  repulsed  with  a  loss  of 
thirty-one  killed  and  equally  as  many  more 
wounded.  On  the  26th  of  January  the  regi- 
ment was  again  ordered  to  the  Gap,  under  com- 
mand of  General  T.  T.  Garrard,  where  it  re- 
mained on  one-third  rations  for  near  three 
months,  News  having  been  received  by  the 
general  commanding  that  an  attack  would  be 
made  on  the  Gap  by  Generals  Jones  and  Vaughn, 
simultaneously,  approaching  in  different  direc- 
tions, he  ordered  fifty-five  men  of  the  Thirty- 
fonrth  Kentucky  infantry  to  proceed  to  Powell 
river  bridge  to  prevent  Vaughn's  forces  from 
crossing  and  forming  a  junction  with  Jones.  The 
detachment  of  the  Thirty-fourth  arrived  at  the 
bridge  just  as  Vaughn's  advance  guard  were  en- 
tering it,  and  repulsed  them  after  a  short  fight ; 
but  they  were  unable  to  tear  up  the  floor  before 
the  whole  force  came  up.  The  detachment  of 
the  Thirty-fourth  at  once  took  position  in  a  tem- 
porary blockhouse,  and  successfully  repelled 
five  charges  of  the  enemy.  Being  armed  with 
Colt's  five-shooters,  their  small  numbers  were  en- 
abled, by  undaunted  bravery  and  their  efficient 
arms,  to  contend  with  this  large  force,  and  com- 
pelled them  to  retire.  In  this  fight  all  did  their 
duty  as  true  soldiers,  and  it  would  be  invidious 
to  make  special  mention  of  any  where  all  fought 
so  well. 

On  the  17th  of  April,  1864,  General  Garrard 
was  relieved  of  the  command  of  the  Gap,  and 
Colonel  W.  Y.  Dillard,  of  the  Thirty-fourth 
Kentucky  mfantry,  remained  in  command  until 
the  8th  of  November,  1864,  when  the  Thirty- 
fourth  was  ordered  to  Knoxville,  which  place  was 
threatened  by  General  Breckinridge,  from  the  di- 
rection of  Strawberry  Plains.  The  regiment  was 
ordered  to  proceed  to  Knoxville,  via  Tazewell 
and  Walker's  Ford,  a  road  much  infested  with 
guerrillas.  It  was  reduced  to  only  three  hundred 
and  four  men,  by  the  constant  and  arduous  duty 

it  had  performed.  After  arriving  at  Walker's 
Ford,  on  Clinch  river,  it  was  unable  to  cross, 
owing  to  the  high  water  and  the  want  of  a  ferry- 
boat; consequently  was  compelled  to  return 
to  the  Gap  and  take  the  Jacksboro  road. 
The  regiment  arrived  at  Knoxville  on  the  i8th 
of  November.  It  remained  in  that  place,  on 
provost  duty,  until  February  2,  1865,  when  it 
was  ordered  back  to  the  Gap.  On  the  20th  of 
April  the  Thirty-fourth  proceeded  up  the  Vir- 
ginia valley,  in  the  direction  of  Gibson's  mills, 
where  a  force  of  the  enemy  was  reported.  On 
the  2 2d  it  was  met  by  a  flag  of  truce,  and  a 
proposition  from  Colonels  Pridemore,  Slemp, 
Richmond  and  Wicher,  to  surrender  their  forces, 
which  was  at  once  done,  their  commands  num- 
bering two  thousand  seven  hundred  and  thirteen 
men.  On  the  24th  of  April  the  Thirty-fourth 
was  again  ordered  to  Knoxville,  and  from  thence 
to  Loudon,  Tennessee,  where  it  remained  on 
garrison  duty  until  the  20th  of  June,  when  it 
returned  to  Knoxville  for  muster-out.  It  was 
mustered  out  at  Knoxville,  Tennessee,  June  24, 


Colonel  Henry  Dent. 
Colonel  .Selby  Harney. 
Colonel  William  Y.  Dillard. 
Lieutenant-colonel  Lewis  H.  Ferrell. 
Major  Milton  T.  Callahan. 
Major  Joseph  B.  Watkins. 
Adjutant  Charles  A.  Gruber. 
Adjutant  Edward  G.  Parmele. 
Regimental  Quartermaster  David  A.  Haivey. 
Surgeon  George  W.  Ronald. 
Surgeon  Henry  Tammadge. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Hugh  Ryan. 
.Sergeant-major  Henry  Sutton. 
Sergeant-major  Francis  M.  Looney. 
Sergeant-major  Andrew  Zimmerman. 
Sergeant-major  Joseph  W.  Adams. 
Quartermaster-sergeant  Charles  Bardin. 
Commissary-sergeant  William  J.  Shaw. 
Hospital  Steward  William  Meek. 
Hospital  Steward  Joseph  H.  Todd. 


Captain  William  Y.  Dillard. 
Captain  Charles  A.  Gruber. 
First  Lieutenant  John  C.  Slater. 


First  Sergeant  Peter  Frickhofen. 
Sergeant  William  S.  Edwards. 
Sergeant  William  Himberger. 
Sergeant  George  A.  Bowers. 
Sergeant  Charles  Bardin. 
Corporal  James  McElroy. 



Corporal  John  Furter. 
Corporal  Herman  Teitze. 
Corporal  Charles  Teitze. 


Edward  L.  Brining,  Frederick  W.  Brochelt,  Charles  Clay, 
Andrew  Lawson,  Fideil  Negell,  Adolph  Oppenheimer,  Simon 
Oberdorfer,  Nicholas  Powers,  John  Shoemaker,  George  W. 
St.  Clair,  Thomas  Atkinson,  Jackson  Blunk,  William  Jami- 
son, Alexander  McFarren,  Francis  T.  Roberts,  James  Smith, 
William  Thompson,  George  Crawley,  Ambrose  J.  Hofman, 
Cornelius  Sullivan,  Frank  Laner. 


Captain  Rodolph  H.  Whitmer. 

First  Lieutenant  Thomas  M.  Alexander. 

First  Lieutenant  Joseph  W.  Adams. 


First  Sergeant  John  W.  Sykes. 
Sergeant  Henry  Tate. 
Sergeant  Francis  M.  Martin. 
Sergeant  Joseph  L.  Dobson. 
Sergeant  Thomas  J.  Craycraft. 
Sergeant  Andrew  Batts. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Hughes. 
Corporal  William  C.  Golden. 
Corporal  Henry  Benton. 
Corporal  Francis  M.  Sanders. 
Corporal  George  W.  Smith. 
Musician  James  L.  Ereckson. 
Musician  Michael  J.  Flannagan. 


Stephen  Barker,  Robert  Burns,  John  Carroll,  Henry  J. 
Chappell,  William  J.  Deguire,  Washington  D.  Drane,  Wil- 
liam A.  Dunn,  Emanuel  Emrick,  William  Hall,  Gregory 
Ham,  Samuel  J.  Howard,  John  E.  Howard,  Thomas  Jones, 
Patrick  Knowland,  Martin  Knox,  Benjamin  F.  Lamb,  Peter 
Marselles,  Huston  Martin,  Florence  McCarty,  Charles  W. 
McKenzie,  P.  E.  C.  J.  Maxville,  John  M.  Price,  James  M. 
Pritchard,  William  Smith,  German  A.  Shivers,  David  Siin- 
son,  George  Staker,  John  H.  Sandefur,  Thomas  S.  Tevis, 
Jacob  B.  Tarlton,  Henry  C.  Urban,  William  VanRebber, 
Cornelius  C.  Weems,  Adam  Wehl,  Ulrich  Becker,  Burl  M. 
Dunn,  John  Knapp,  Lawrence  Hannan,  Henry  H.  Simpson, 
John  W.  Darrington,  Charles  Hughes,  Adam  J.  Tarlton, 
John  Baker,  Eli  Decker,  Frank  Hobbell,  Patrick  Shea. 


Captain  William  H.  Fagan. 


First  Sergeant  William  B.  Dearing. 
Sergeant  Frank  J.  Brocar. 
Sergeant  Calender  King. 
Sergeant  Rufus  F.  Goose. 
Sergeant  Edward  Bullock. 
Sergeant  J.  W.  Adams. 
Corporal  Wesley  Brentlinger. 
Corporal  John  B.  Henke. 
Corporal  William  D.  Hemp. 
Corporal  Hugh  Gavigan. 
Corporal  Rolen  South. 
Ccipcr      mesjeffiies. 


Henry  C.  Alford,  William  J.  Allen,  Patrick  F.  Brown, 
Louis  Buzan,  William  Cook,  Edward  Dangerfield,  Edward 
Dott,  James  Dix,  Patrick  Glendon,  Henry  W.  Harris, 
Richard  W.  Heaton,  Edward  Hogan,  John  Hawkins,  Louis 
Lewallen,  John  F.  Lee,  Frederick  Munsch,  Henry  Medley, 
Martin  Mahan,  John  Oats,  John  Odonald,  Thomas  Oliver, 
James  L.  Russell,  Jacob  Seibert,  Martin  Stanfield,  James  R. 
Stout,  William  Smith,  Lawrence  Wick,  Thomas  Wolford, 
Charles  Hawkins,  William  M.  Harris,  Philip  Kocher,  Wil- 
liam H.  Russell,  Jacob  Shaeffer,  James  Tyler,  Frederick 
Tucker,  Alexander  Young,  Gabriel  Bower,  Martin  Fury, 
Charles  T.  Reid,  Benjamin  Seigle,  Samuel  Tyler. 



Captain  James  P.  Tapp. 

Captain  Joel  M.  Coward. 

Captain  Alfred  V.  D.  Abbett. 

First  Lieutenant  George  W.  Coward. 


First  Sergeant  William  M.  Smith. 
Sergeant  Michael  J.  Boyle. 
Sergeant  Alford  A.  Mason. 
Sergeant  Franklin  Renner. 
Sergeant  Jesse  T.  Battle. 
Sergeant  Lewis  Hays. 
Sergeant  Joseph  R.  Rain. 
Sargeant  James  M.  King. 
Sergeant  John  C.  Martin. 
Sergeant  John  T.  Shadbum. 
Sergeant  John  .Shele. 
Sergeant  Benjamin  F.  Tyler. 
Sergeant  James  M.  Leatherman. 
Corporal  Albert  H.  McQuiddy. 
Corporal  Joseph  Reading. 
Corporal  John  Risinger. 
Corporal  Robert  Fulford. 
Corporal  Alphus  B.  Miller. 
Corporal  Gibson  Withers. 
Corporal  Francis  M.  Looney. 


James  R.  Bennet,  James,  D.  Connell,  Charles  J.  F.  EUi- 
cott,  Walter  T.  Ford,  James  W.  Ford,  James  W.  Gatton, 
Harman  Hallatag,  Ralston  P.  High,  Jack  Mack,  John 
Marks,  Patrick  McCann,  William  B.  McKinley,  James  Mc- 
Cauley,  Samuel  Parshley,  Samuel  Rosenthal,  Albert  Ran- 
dolph, Thomas  Riffet,  Henry  Stroker,  James  R.  Tyre,  James 
Clark, Thomas  Conley,  James  Harmer,  Miles  Houston, Charles 
Litchcock,  John  Shele,  Joseph  F.  Sachs,  Thomas  B.  Thayer, 
Christian  G.  Weller,  Amos  H.  Byram,  Joseph  H.  Todd, 
John  S.  Williams,  Francis  M.  Brisby,  C.  M.  Chappell, 
Thomas  McCormick,  John  B.  Wnght. 


Captain  John  O.  Daly. 
Captain  Thomas  H.  Tindell. 
Captain  Eugene  O.  Daly. 
First  Lieutenant  John  B.  Smith. 


First  Sergeant  John  Jeffers. 
Sergeant  Thomas  Raymond. 
Sergeant  Patrick  Corrigan. 



Sergeant  Philip  Ernest. 

Sergeant  Julius  Lunenburger. 

Corporal  John  P.  Jones. 


James  Cody,  John  N.  Feltes,  Samuel  Harmon,  Edward 
B.  Miles,  John  Nicks,  Garrett  Prendible,  Daniel  Reardon, 
Thomas  Riley,  John  Torphy,  Peter  Wolf,  Jacob  Finister, 
Abraham  Hurl,  Patrick  O'Donnell,  Richard  Pugh,  Joseph 
Reary,  Robert  Ragan,  Clarence  Scates,  David  H.  Tate, 
George  Webber,  James  Boultinghouse,  James  Butler, 
Michael  McCarthy,  Michael  Murphy,  William  Miller. 



Captain  William  F.  Stars. 
First  Lieutenant  John  Wood. 
First  Lieutenant  James  W.  Fowler. 


First  Sergeant  Henry  Watson. 
Sergeant  August  Shelby. 
Sergeant  Henry  Burnett. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Seigul. 
Corporal  Isaac  J.  Jones. 
Corporal  James  Donahue. 
Corporal  Jacob  Twenty. 
Corporal  Jacob  Wormer. 
Corporal  George  Doctorman. 
Corporal  Michael  Given. 
Corporal  W.  H.  Worth. 
Corporal  William  Egelston. 
Musician  James  Armitage. 
Musician  Darby  Scully. 


Jacob  Aimer,  William  Bollinger,  Sibburne  W.  Bogg,  Henry 
Bussman,  Peter  Borten,  Patrick  Brown,  Martin  Blumel,  John 
Brunnon,  Lionhart  Baumbache,  George  A.  Bowers,  Edward 
A.  Cutsall,  Patrick  Carroll,  George  Clator,  John  Clifford, 
Stephen  Conelly,  John  Deth,  William  Daily,  Michael  Farthy, 
Herman  Foss,  Michael  Francis,  Joseph  Gassman,  Abraham 
Graft,  John  Gurnon,  Henry  Galliger,  Paul  Hemmer,  Chris- 
tian Hartman,  John  Hofel,  Henry  Herman,  Theodore  Hab- 
bie,  Jasper  C.  Hunt,  Eniks  Habbie,  Elias  S.  Irvin,  Charles 
Jones,  Thomas  Johnson,  John  Kunz,  August  Kummer,  John 
Linn,  Daniel  Lapp,  Jacob  Lance,  Joseph  Leinhardt,  Jacob 
Lauffer,  Frederick  Madden,  Thomas  J.  Mitchel,  John  Metz, 
John  Ming,  Pierce  A.  J.  Malone,  John  Maloney,  Freley  Mil- 
ler, John  McCann,  James  McElroy,  Patrick  Niland,  Michael 
Ott,  Edward  Owen,  David  O'Conner,  Dennis  O'Brien,  Pat- 
rick xiedinton,  Lewis  Snider,  August  Schioner,  Frederick 
Stonmeir,  Eugene  Sullivan,  John  J.  Swope,  I^wrence Smith, 
Andre .V  G.  P.  Shields,  John  Summer,  Zachariah  Taylor, 
Herman  Tettel,  Frederick  Welch,  Wormley  E.  Wroe,  Wil- 
liam Wilson,  Oliver  Wood,  William  Weinbeck,  John 
Wacker,  Christian  J.  Wolf,  Francis  Vader,  Ernst  Mettle, 
Joseph  Stradle,  John  M.  Maddux,  Dietrich  Mathfield,  John 
Burger,  Joseph  Kaughfman,  John  Kittinger,  Thomas  J. 
Wright,  Martin  B.  Wright,  Benjamin  Leich. 



Captain  Christopher  C.  Hare. 
First  Lieutenant  Henry  Watson. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  R.  Farmer. 


Sergeant  John  Shotwell. 

Sergeant  Hiram  Kinman. 

Corporal  George  H.  Gate  wood. 

Corporal  Fred.  Swarts. 

Corporal  William  B.  Foster. 

Corporal  James  Curry. 


Frank  Andy,  William  Bryant,  John  Born,  Thomas  Bramel, 
William  Chadic,  Thomas  Cain,  John  Casey,  John  Conley, 
Jonathan  Chessey,  Stafford  Conley,  Michael  Coughlin, 
Michael  Concannon,  Robert  Doyle,  Thomas  Adis  Emith, 
Frederick  Eisenneger,  Silas  Elzy,  Joseph  P.  Eshenbaugh, 
Henry  Felker,  Walter  F.  Farris,  Rufus  K.  Foster,  Thomas 
Higgins,  WilhamJ.  Humble,  Richard  F.  Hamilton,  Philip 
Hursh,  Andy  Hamlit,  George  W.  Jackson,  Philip  Jordon, 
Jacob  Kizer,  John  Lendreth,  Ancil  B.  Mclntire,  William 
McGuire,  William  Marefield,  John  Murphy,  George  Mark- 
well,  Noah  B.  Moore,  Henry  Michall,  Isaac  Moore,  George 
Neice,  Frederick  Niesly,  Augustus  Odell,  James  Piatt,  Ab- 
salom Rose,  Jr.,  William  Rickards,  Thomas  S.  Smith,  John 
Snider,  Joseph  Sleetmatty,  William  Strops,  John  H.  Schamps, 
Michael  Sullivan,  James  F.  Travis,  Charles  J.  Travis,  Lycur- 
gus  Williamson,  John  W.  Yearn,  Jacob  A.  Bell,  William  A. 
Boman,  John  Crawford,  Henry  Eckert,  John  Fisher,  John 
Goss,  John  G.  Gray,  William  Hasting,  John  Johnston, 
Marshall  Merritt,  James  Murphy,  William  M.  Robinson, 
John  W.  RatlifT,  Emil  C.  L.  Sherer,  John  Troutman,  Gar- 
rett Vore,  William  H.  H.  Vailes,  John  Watson,  James 
Welsh,  John  J.  Young. 

Captain  Francis  A.  McHarry. 
Captaip  Henry  Sutton. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  M.  Williams. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  O.  Beard. 

First  Sergeant  Robert' W.  Oliver. 
Sergeant  Bollman  M.  Stevens. 
Sergeant  Alonzo  G.  Moore. 
Sergeant  Charles  D.  Ashby. 
Sergeant  Edward  P.  Speed. 
Sergeant  Andrew  Zimmerman. 
Corporal  Lawrence  Hagarman. 
Corporal  William  Errick. 
Corporal  William  Gover. 
Corporal  Sidney  Monroe. 
Corporal  William  Blunk. 


Louis  P.  Beale,  Alexander  Bruner,  Alonzo  Butcher,  James 
Birdwell,  George  Coogle,  Edward  Cotter,  John  Cready,  Wil- 
liam Costillo,  John  Franzman,  Thomas  J.  Fon,John  A.  God- 
dard,  Charles  Gasser,  Clat  Johnson,  Emil  Krucker,  George 
Kron,  George  W.  Kron,  John  Leahey,  James  R.  Lamb, 
Hiram  B.  Lamb,  Allen  Long,  Jesse  Lafallett,  Thomas  Led- 
wick,  Peters  Meyers,  Philip  G.  Monroe,  George  Morrison, 
John  W.  McDaniel,  James  H.  Moore,  John  Maloney,  James 
B.  Prewitt,  James  Pauley,  Joseph  Raubold,  Beno  Schlesinger, 
Isaac  Stewart,  Wenthrop  Simms,  Sidney  Smith,  James  M 
Speed,  William  H.  Terry,  Andrew  J.  Webb,  Peter  Crowe, 
William  W.  Duffield,  Jerry  Hunt,  Henry  Menny,  Olivei 
Newell,  Benjamin  F.  S.  Osborrf,  Samuel  Skiles.  Jacob  Sow 
der,    Charles  Wills,    Rudolph  Armbruster,  James  Burnell 



Elbert  Bruner,  Joseph  H.  Drane,    |ames  A.    Coburn,    John 
Fallow,  Jesse  Fuque,  Xavier  Hirschley,  William  Seller. 


Captain  Milton  T.  Callahan. 
Captain    oseph  Pickering 
Captain    anies  M.  Callahan. 


First  Sergeant  John  H.  Reesor. 
First  Sergeant  Thomas  M.  Alexander. 
Sergeant  Theodore  F.  Goss. 
Sergeant  Charles  H.  Peterson, 
Sergeant  William  G.  Baird. 
Sergeant  William  W.  Moss. 
Sergeant  James  R.  Homback. 
Sergeant:  Jacob  H.  Keller. 
Sergeant  Christopher  B.  Tharp. 
Sergeant  William  Meek. 
Corporal  James  Gallegar. 
Corporal  Wadsworth  Kindle, 
Corporal  Theodore  Watson. 
Corporal  William  H.  Goss. 
Corpoial  John  E.  Enlow. 
Corporal  Blackley  W.  Jenkins. 
Corporal  Alonzo  Lytle. 
Corporal  George  W.  Parris. 
Corporal  Henry  C.  Trannum. 
Musician  Arnold  Tharp. 


John  S.  Arnold,  Peter  A.  Burba,  Samuel  T.  Burba,  Na- 
than Bennett,  Conrad  Brandabery,  John  W.  Cooper.  Samuel 
F.  Drury,  Thomas  T.  Ferrell.  Bailey  S.  Green,  William  Gip- 
son,  John  Hoke,  Charles  F.  Homback,  Andrew  M.  Hom- 
back, Alfred  Hornback,  James  W.  Hunt,  RichardJ.  Hollo- 
way,  Peter  Heinibom,  Barnett  Hopkins,  Norban  G.  Jackson, 
William  enkins,  Michael  Kearney,  John  Lanin,  James  W. 
Lamb,  John  Link.  George  W.  Miller,  I^vi  H.  Melton,  Ben- 
jamin L.  Moss.  Henry  C.  Morgan,  Thomas  J.  G.  W. 
Phelps,  John  Reynolds,  Thomas  Reynolds,  Henry  C.  Rod- 
effer,  Benjamin  O.  Sympson,  Andrew  D.  Steel,  oseph  H. 
Steel,  Adam  State,  Eli  Shively,  George  R.  Tharp,  John  W. 
Waters,  William  Wood,  Henry  G.  Yates,  Anthony  Acker- 
man,  Patrick  S.  Caher,  Solomon  Irwin,  Squire  Lane,  Daniel 
J.  McClure,  Samuel  D.  McCready,  Mariano  Olivera,  David 
W.  Roach,  William  G.  Stonecypher,  Archibald  M.  Symp- 
son, Robert  Tuel,  David  P.  Willis,  Daniel  Kincaid,  William 
J.  Shaw,  Philip  Glasman,  Charles  King,  James  G.  Sympson, 
Andrew  Wolpert. 



Captain  Eli  P.  Farmer. 
Captain  James  Boultinghouse. 
First  Lieutenant  John  Armstrong. 

Second   lieutenant  Fred  Wyman  (on  alphabetical  list,  but 
not  on  company  rolls). 


First  Sergeant  Christopher  C.  Dean. 
First  Sergeant  Rodolph  H.  Whi'ner. 
Sergeant  Charles  S.  Baker. 
Sergeant  David  Crull. 
Sergeant  Abram  T.  Chappell. 
Sergeant  George  S.  Minor. 
Sergeant  JBmes  F.  McMahr  1. 

Corporal  Federick  D.  Connor. 
Corporal  Thomas  Woods. 
Corporal  Jacob  Beck. 
Corporal  James  W.  Wheeler. 
Corporal  William  F.  Smither. 
Corporal  William  M.  McKim. 
Corporal  Davis  Bumgardner. 
Corporal  James  B.  Groves. 
Corporal  Robert  H.  Morris. 
Corporal  George  L.  McKim. 


John' J.  Arnold,  Richard  Baker,  Joseph  Busath,  B.  F. 
Boultinghouse,  Franklin  ChristofF,  George  W.  Cooper, 
Henry  Doring,  Franklin  Drake,  John  Fennell,  John  Fey,  An- 
drew Gump,  Samuel  G.  Hensley,  George  B.  Herbert,  Daniel 
Hardin,  Hugh  Hagan,  John  Johnson,  Miles  James,  Peter 
Krensh,  William  Kershbaum,  John  Moss,  Henry  C  Reed, 
James  S.  Simler,  Alfred  Stinson,  Franklin  Woodward,  David 
Welsh,  Mathew  Woods,  Thomas  J.  Wilson,  David  Wilson, 
James  Williamson,  John  Waggle,  Patrick  Brannon,  Nelson 
Crull,  Marion  Eaton,  Thomas  Fitzgerald,  Charles  Flood, 
Lawrence  Hannon,  John  J.  Lang,  James  W.  Lamar,  Michael 
Morris.  John  R.  McConnell,  William  Powell,  Calvin  Samp- 
ley,  Franklin  Snawder,  Mathew  Smith,  John  Smith,  Stephen 
Terry,  Addison  Terry,  Washington  Connor,  Thomas  Dillon, 
Isaac  Hensley,  Samuel  G.  Hutchison,  Curtis  Lindsey,  Jerry 
A.  Robison,  Daniel  Shelley,  Peter  Snawder,  William  F. 


Lieutenant-colonel  Henry  Dent 
Major  Selby  Harney. 
Adjutant  Charles  A.  Gruber. 
Surgeon  George  W.  Ronald. 
Sergeant-major  Henry  Sutton. 



Captain  William  T.  Dillard. 

First  Lieutenant  Charles  A.  Gruber. 

Second  Lieutenant  Francis  A.  McHarry. 


First  Sergeant  John  C.  Slater. 
Sergeant  William  Ernst. 
Sergeant  John  M.  Snyder. 
Sergeant  William  Harper. 
Sergeant  William  H.  Miller. 
Corporal  F.  G.  Whick. 
Corporal  William  S.  Edwards. 
Corporal  Henry  Patterson. 
Corporal  Joseph  Pickering. 
Corporal  Charles  Bardin. 
Corporal  William  Cummins. 
Corporal  Peter  Frickhofer. 
Corporal  Thomas  H.  Atkinson. 
Corporal  Jacob  S.  Pierce. 
Musician  Levi  B.  Bixby. 
Musician  John  Watson. 


Frederick  Ashman,  Oliver  Allison,  Thomas  Argin,  John 
W.  Barker,  Jackson  Blunk,  Jacob  Crester,  William  Casey. 
Anthony  Clarke,  James  Corcoran,  William  Cusac,  George 
Crawley,  Charles  G.  Cushman,  John  Cook,  George  Clark, 
John  Dysinger,  Michael  Doyle,  John  Dalton,  Jacob  Dress, 



Conrad  Draul.  Joseph  P.  Estes,  Frank  Esrich,  Henry  Eber- 
hart,  Patrick  Flinn,  John  Fusion,  Bernard  Flack,  Frederick 
Frisher,  William  Griffin,  Lewis  Gross,  Alfred  J.  Groch,  Con- 
rad Groth,  Franklin  Graw,  John  Hagarman,  Laurence  Hag- 
arman,  A.  Hodapp,  Andrew  Height,  Thomas  Hennessy, 
John  W.  Jacobs,  William  Jemmison,  Anthony  Kern,  Lewis 
Kremer,  William  Kagle,  John  Kiser,  Joseph  Lauterback, 
Frank  Miller,  Henry  B.  Miller,  Michael  Murray,  William 
McMurray,  Franklin  Melvin,  Hugh  Moffitt,  Daniel  Meaher, 
Patrick  McGoflf,  Thomas  Malone,  Henry  Marcely,  Michael 
McGiemey,  Anton  MoUain,  Philip  MoUain,  Anthony  Mc- 
Ginty,  James  Maher,  John  J.  Miller,  Henry  Osterman, 
Leonard  Pairne,  Lewis  Pickering,  Mordecai  Pillow,  William 
Patterson,  Alfred  G.  Putnam,  Charles  Pickering,  George  B. 
Randolph,  Joseph  W.  Roberts,  Francis  S.  Roberts,  Andrew 
Riley,  Henry  Sutton,  William  Seibel.  Samuel  Schwer,  Joseph 
Snell,  Frederick  Stutzell,  George  Shower,  Joseph  Schwartz, 
Lewis  S.  Skiles,  Anthony  Stormel,  Leonard  Stelley,  Casper 
Suiter,  John  Shoemaker,  Charles  Seitz,  G.  H.  Timmer, 
Charles  Tietz,  Walter  Townsend,  Peter  Uhl,  Jacob  Vanan, 
George  W.  White,  Thomas  Young. 



Captain  William  Blood. 
First  Lieutenant  Christopher  C.  Hare. 
First  Lieultthant  David  A.  Harvey. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frederick  Wyman. 

nOn-commissioned  officers. 
Sergeant  Eli  Fattner. 
Sergeant  James  W.  Fisher. 
Sergeant  Benjamin  Myers. 
Sergeant  J.  R.  Farmer. 
Corporal  J.  E.  Goldsmith. 
Corporal  Morris  Davis. 
Corporal  Harrison  Bridgft. 
Corporal  P.  H.  Yenawine. 
Corporal  Levi  Cole. 
Corporal  R.  M.  McClelland. 
Corporal  Thomas  H.  Stephens. 
Corporal  George  W.  Vreland. 


John  Brady,  John  C.  Boyd,  Alexander  T.  Barker,  Neal 
Beglot,  Daniel  Bennett,  John  Connell,  A.  J.  Craig,  Henry 
Chappell,  James  Chappell,  Thomas  R.  Crandell,  J.  C.  Con- 
nell, Joseph  Carpenter,  Thomas  S.  Chesser,  Frank  Dittmar, 
John  Daker,  C.  F.  Dantic,  James  Easton,  William  Felker, 
John  Farris,  John  Freeman,  J.  T.  Froman,  Walton  Gold- 
smith, William  Gable,  Weston  Graham,  Price  Graham,  John 
Green,  William  Gallaher,  John  Hazer,  Henry  Hiser,  Henry 
J.  Holdman,  Frank  Howell,  Henry  Hartledge,  Joseph  Hart- 
ledge,  Eli  Hading,  Isaac  Holt,  William  Hobbs,  P.  M.  Horn- 
back,  George  W.  Hays,  Lewis  Hays,  Philip  Hacker,  Adam 
Jost,  Mathew  Lynch,  Michael  McGrafi",  John  McDonald, 
Warren  Morain,  Dennis  Mitchell,  Andrew  H.  Mitchell,  Wil- 
liam Mathis,  Jonathan  N.  Marion,  William  Newman,  Frede- 
rick Rice,  James  Raverty,  J.  L.  Ryley,  William  Scandler, 
George  Snell,  Philip  Seller,  J.  C.  Stammell,  Peter  Snider, 
G.  L.  E.  Scherer,  Boone  Summers,  F.  V.  Stevens,  Perry 
Snellen,  Henry  J.  Smith,  William  Thurman,  Joseph  R.  Tid- 
ings, Thomas  H.  Tehan,  J.  E.  Talbert,  Robert  Villers,  Philip 
Vollman,  William  H.  Walker,  John  Young. 

Company  C  was  Company  F  of  the  Thirty- 
fourth  Kentucky  infantry. 

commissioned  officers. 
Captain  Lewis  H.  Farrell. 
First  Lieutenant  James  P.  Tapp. 
Second  Lieutenant  Joel  M.  Coward. 

non-commissioned  officers. 
First  Sergeant  A.  W.  D.  Abbett. 
Sergeant  James  M.  Leatherman. 
Sergeant  James  Winn. 
Sergeant  John  Scheie. 
Sergeant  George  W.  Coward. 
Corporal  Alfred  M.  Hoghland. 
Corporal  Alpheus  B.  Miller. 
Corporal  Joseph  R.  Cain. 
Corporal  John  T.  Shadburn. 
Corporal  Benjamin  S.  Tyler. 
Corporal  John  Risinger. 
Corporal  Thomas  B.  Weatherford. 
Corporal  Richard  L.  Heplar. 


Richard  H.  Alpine,  Joseph  Beger,  Timothy  Brown,  Joseph 
Burkhart,  William  Brown,  John  H.  Bates,  Francis  M.  Bris- 
by,  James  Clarke,  Jacob  D.  Campbell,  Thomas  Conley, 
Isaac  Covent,  H.  C.  Conley,  George  L.  Cook,  James  T. 
Carpenter.  Duncan  Daker,  John  Daker,  Thomas  T.  Dunk- 
ester,  Edward  Dowler,  John  Dumpsey,  Mathew  Daughan, 
Peter  Feeney,  William  Fitzhenny,  James  Farmer,  Robert 
Fuiford,  George  Gans,  M.  Grisel,  George  Gutgaher,  Patrick 
M.  Gannon,  George  Gebhart,  William  A.  Green,  C.  Heckel- 
miller,  Peter  L.  Helper,  Henry  A.  Hueper,  Robert  Hagerty, 
Mills  Houston,  Theodore  Holtsclaw,  Henry  Heart,  John 
Huddy,  Stephen  L.  Jones,  William  Y.  Jones,  Richard  Jentzis, 
George  L.  Jones,  Hiram  Jones,  George  W.  Jones,  Francis 
Kennedy,  Leonard  Kopp,  James  M.  King,  Thomas  Linch, 
Francis  M.  Looney,  William  W.  Martin,  William  D.  Martin, 
Albert  H.  McQuiddy,  John  C.  Martin,  Jacob  Noss,  John 
Negson,  Bejamin  Nett,  Arthur  W.  O'Connor,  Thomas 
O'Malay,  Joseph  Parsons,  William  Ray,  John  D.  Reagh, 
William  Robinson,  Joseph  Right,  Joseph  P.  Reading, 
Ephraim  Rusk,  Henry  Rimback,  Thomao  Sanford,  Henry 
Schafer,  rank  Steins  r,  W.  L.  Smith,  Michael  Swaney, 
Joseph  F.  Sachs,  James  Scott,  Frederick  W.  Schneider, 
John  Scheie,  Theodore  Swinney,  Charles  Sinat,  Charles 
Schwardtner,  Patrick  Scully,  John  Tomlinson,  Thomas  B. 
Thayer,  Edward  Vincore,  John  Vollmar,  William  Wilson, 
Philip  Whalin,  Christian  G.  Weller,  Frederick  Wolf.  Gibson 
Withers,  John  B.  Wright,  Perry  Weatherford,  D.  R.  Way- 


commissioned  officers. 
Captain  John  O.  Daly. 
First  Lieutenant  Thomas  H.  Tindell. 
Second  Lieutenant  Eugene  O.  Daly. 

non-commissioned  officers. 
First  Sergeant  William  Dougherty. 
Sergeant  Thomas  H.  Wenstanley. 
Sergeant  Charles  Miller. 
Sergeant  Michael  Gosney. 
Sergeant  John  B.  Smith. 
Corporal  John  Jeffers. 
Corporal  Jacob  Ax. 
Corporal  Timothy  Hogan. 
Corporal  Patrick  Flood. 



Corporal  Fdward  Robinson. 
Corporal  Patrick  Halpenny. 
Corporal  ohn  N.  Felters. 
Corporal  Peter  Gias. 


James  Butler,  J.  P.  Bornthager,  James  Boultinghouse, 
Edward  Boultinghouse,  Francis  M.  Boultinghouse,  John 
Bums,  Isaac  Bennett,  Joseph  T.  Bright,  Conrad  Burghard, 
Edward  Burns,  Oscar  Cline,  John  Crawford,  William  Cos- 
tello.  Anthony  Cliden,  John  M.  Chisenhall,  Charles  Connell, 
John  Donahugh,  facob  Dunel,  L.  H.  Daniel,  James  Evans, 
Philip  Ernst.  Jacob  Ernst,  James  Enright,  .'Andrew  Fritz, 
Theodore  Farren,  Henry  Fremmen,  John  Fremmen,  Frank 
Fremmen,  William  Fremen,  Francis  Fark,  Jacob  Finsten, 
Jacob  Groby.  Thomas  G.  Gallagher,  Anthony  Giiffin,  Lewis 
Gideon,  George  W.  Glenbarker,  Patrick  Canning,  ohn 
Guy,  J.  G.  Hall,  Richard  Henry,  Anthony  Hoban,  John 
Houser,  David  F.  Henry,  Andrew  Hearn,  A.  Hurl,  Thomas 
Kent,  Andrew  Kregel,  Lewis  Kimer,  John  Lever,  Charles 
Lemmer,  William  Lear,  Nicholas  Lear,  Julius  Luenberger, 
Gobhtz  Lemier,  George  W.  Messenger,  Michael  Mc- 
Donough,  Michael  McCarthy,  John  Mills,  Edward  B.  Miles, 
David  Mercer,  John  Nix,  James  Ryan,  Robert  Ragan, 
Patrick  Riley,  Thomas  Riley,  John  Schigart,  Franklin  Schi- 
gart,  William  Schork,  John  Smith,  James  Smith,  Henry 
Schikell,  Thomas  Stanton,  Thomas  O.  Shay,  William  ShiU 
ling,  John  Shartell,  Michael  Stitzell,  Andrew  Scherk,  Fred- 
erick Sigel,  Frederick  Ungerman,  "Francis  Ulrich,  Stephen 
Vick,  William  R.  Vanover,  Charles  Webber,  Jacob  Wisen- 
berger,  William  R.  Wheeler,  John  V.  Wheeler,  Patrick 
Walsh,  Christopher  Zeigler. 


This  was  organized  under  Colonel  Charles  S. 
Hanson,  in  the  summer  of  1863,  and  Companies 
A,  B,  and  C  were  mustered  into  the  United 
States  service  at  Glasgow,  Kentucky,  September 
17,  1863.  Companies  D,  E,  F,  and  G  were  mus- 
tered-in  October  24,  1863,  at  Glasgow,  Ken- 
tucky. Captain  Stroube's  company,  originally 
raised  for  the  Fifty-first  Kentucky  infantry,  was 
mustered-in  September  4,  1863,  at  Covington, 
Kentucky,  and  consolidated  with  the  Thirty- 
seventh,  forming  Company  H.  Companies  I 
and  K  were  mustered-in  at  Glasgow,  Kentucky, 
December  21  and  22,  1863.  Charles  S.  Hanson 
was  mustered-in  as  colonel,  December  29,  1863, 
and  commanded  the  regiment  until  the  battle  of 
Saltville,  Virginia,  was  fought,  on  the  2d  day  of 
October,  1864,  when  he  was  severely  wounded, 
and  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  enemy  a  prisoner 
of  war.  He  was  afterwards  exchanged  and 
honorably  discharged  March  6,  1865. 

This  regiment  was  composed  of  the  best 
material,  and  though  a  one-year  regiment,  bore 
as  honorable  a  part  in  the  war  as  many  three- 
years  regiments,  and  was  engaged  in  all  the  battles 

occurring  in  the  locality  in  which  it  served, 
though  the  records  of  the  regiment  only  show  it 
to  have  been  engaged  in  the  battles  at  Glasgow, 
Kentucky;  Jackson  county,  Tennessee;  Saltville, 
Virginia,  and  Mt.  Sterling,  Kentucky.  It  was 
musteied-out  December  29,  1864,  at  Louisville, 
the  re-enlisted  men  being  transferred  to  the  Fifty- 
fifth  Kentucky  infantry  and  the  Fourth  Ken- 
tucky Mounted  infantry. 


Adjutant  Caswell  B.  Watts. 


Captain  William  O.  Watts. 
Second  Lieutenant    ohn  R.  Watts. 


First  Sergeant  George  W.  Alvin. 
Sergeant    ohn  Dixon. 
Sergeant  William  Knapp. 
Sergeant  Nathan  L.  R.  Melvin. 
Sergeant  Charles  Walters. 
Corporal  Levi  Gravetre. 
Corporal  o  hn  D.  Warren. 
Corporal  Henry  E.  Sanders. 
Corporal  Manuel  Evans. 
Corporal  Robert  Edmonson. 
Corporal    Militus  .  Wilson. 
Corporal  Mitchell  Wright. 
Corporal  ereniiah  F.    ei  kins. 


Jacob  Bales,  Nathan  B.  Edwards,  Green  E.  Graham, 
Thomas  Helton,  John  C.  Jenkins,  Joseph  P.  Mattingly, 
William  N.  Miles,  William  McDaniel,  Henry  Milligan, 
)ames  Nelson,  Preston  Napper,  Thomas  J.  Pepper,  William 
Perkins,  John  Perkins,  James  Peters,  John  T.  Price,  Green 
B.  Robertson,  Reuben  Ratcliff,  James  Read,  Jefferson 
Rhodes,  Robert  B.  Sanders,  Tillman  H.  Sheckles,  John 
Slaughter,  John  C.  Skaggs,  James  F.  Skaggs,  Sidney  H. 
Stennett,  Walter  Vessels,  John  R.  Wilson,  William  Wil- 
liams, John  Young,  Thomas  Burrows,  John  Burrows,  Julius 
N.  Crowley,  George  M.  Emery,  George  M.  French,  Oliver 
P.  Grace,  John  W.  Gill,  John  Hall,  William  Jones,  Jesse 
Jones,  Richard  Lyons,  William  Mitcham,  James  M.  Mundy, 
Jefferson  Morris,  Benjamin  M.  Morris,  Jasper  C.  Roberts, 
Pascal  Saltsman,  John  T.  Wade,  William  K.  Wade,  Wil- 
liam B.  Whitehouse,  Rufus  Ackridge,  David  Brewer,  Joseph 
Books,  Benjamin  Brown,  John  M.  Despain,  William  R. 
Faulkner,  Wi4fem  W.  Hunt,  Thomas  S.  Pease,  Charles  S. 
Roiise,  H.  P.  Sympson,   Henry  Wells. 


Captain  James  H.  White. 

Captain  Joseph  J.  Borrell. 

On  alphabetical  list,  but  not  on  company  rolls: 

Second  Lieutenant  George  W.  White. 





Colonel  Hartwell  T.  Burge.  M.  Courtney. 


First  Lieutenant  John  F.  Lay. 

On  alphabetical  list,  but  not  on  company  rolls: 

First  Lieutenant  John  F.  Lay. 


Colonel  Clinton  f.  True, 
Lieutenant-colonel  W.  C.  Johnson. 
Major  James  G.  Francis. 
Adjutant  Frank  D.  Tunis. 
Quartermaster  S.  J.  Housh. 
Surgeon  William  B.  Bland. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Henry  C.  Miller. 

On  alphabetical  list,  but  not  on  company  rolls: 


Second  Lieutenant  Mathew  Kennedy. 



Surgeon  Frederick  C.  Leber. 



First  Lieutenant  Benjamin  C.  Lockwood. 


The  Fifty-fifth  Kentucky  Infantry  was  raised  un- 
der special  authority  of  the  War  Department,  aud 
was  organized  at  Covington,  Kentucky,  in  Nov- 
ember, 1864.  It  was  mounted,  and  performed 
duty  in  the  counties  bordering  on  the  Kentucky 
Central  Railroad,  until  ordered  on  the  Saltville  ex- 
pedition under  General  Burbridge.  On  this  ex- 
pedition It  performed  good  and  efficient  service* 
and  was  favorably  mentioned  by  the  command- 
ing general,  among  other  troops  of  his  division, 
for  gallant  bearing  in  face  of  the  enemy.  After 
the  return  from  Virginia  the  regiment  was  by  de- 
tail posted  in  various  counties  to  protect  the  citi- 
zens from  depredations  of  guerrillas,  upon  which 
duty  it  remained  until  mustered  out  at  Louis- 
ville, on  the  19th  day  of  September,  1865. 


Assistant  Surgeon  E.  R.  Palmer. 



First  Lieutenant  James  H.  White. 
Second  Lieutenant  George  W.  White. 


Sergeant  Charles  Walters. 
Sergeant  Syburn  Lain. 

Sergeant  Wiatt  B.  Goad. 
Corporal  Thomas  Ford. 
Corporal  Andrew  W.  Hester. 
Corporal  Byron  A.  Gardner. 
Corporal  Henry  Deaver. 
Corporal  Joseph  B.  Tennelly. 
Corporal  Thomas  Birge. 
Corporal  William  W.  Tyree. 
Musician  Leroy  D.   Livingston. 
Musician  James  B.  Waldon. 
;V\agoner  Richard  Moore. 


Thomas  Burros,  Wesley  Blankenship,  Thomas  H.  Blank- 
enship,  Thomas  C.  Buley,  Charles  E.  Clark,  Francis  M. 
Cable,  Julius  M.  Crawley,  Lawson  Daniels,  Abner  D.  Dud- 
ley, George  W.  Durbin,  Thomas  Deaver,  Amos  Englan, 
Irvin  Frogg,  G.  W.  French,  J.  W.  Gill,  G.  W,  Golley,  John 
H.  Gibson,  William  H.  Wornback,  John  Harman,  Robert 
Howell,  John  H.  Johnston,  Thomas  W.  Johnston,  WiUianj 
Jones,  Robert  Killian,  Richard  Lyons,  James  McCoy,  James 
A.  Merryfield,  William  A.  Mitchum,  Haywood  M.  Moore, 
James  M.  Mundy,  Benjamin  M.  Morris,  John  Malone,  John 
Mayfield,  Alfred  Newton,  James  J.  Newton,  Benjamin  D. 
Orr,  Cadd  Orms,  John  A.  Richards,  Jasper  E.  Robarts, 
Achison  E.  Robertson,  Nathan  L.  Slinker,  Joseph  Slinker, 
James  T.  Shoemaker,  Pashall  Saltsman,  Benjamin  W. 
Spaulding,  William  Steadman,  William  Vance,  John  G. 
Wise,  James  Walls,  William  R.  Wade,  Robert  Whitlock, 
William  R.  Whitelessee,  William  F.  Wright,  John  Barnes. 
Peter  Green,  John  Hall,  John  Burris,  Lelbond  H.  Dikker- 
son,  Jesse  Jones,  John  T.  Waid. 



Captain  Peter  S.  Jones. 

First  Lieutenant  George  M.  Harper. 

Second  Lieutenant  John  N.  Buchanan. 


First  Sergeant  Edward  D."  Scott. 
Sergeant  William  Austin. 
Sergeant  Benjamin  F.  Schole. 
Sergeant  Charles  Koph. 
Sergeant  Albert  Ceaser. 
Sergeant  Clayton  L.  Harris. 
Coiporal  Jacob  Axe. 
Corporal  William  Buckley. 
Corporal  Elias  Brown. 
Corporal  Charles  Stickler. 
Corporal  Daniel  Hathaway. 
Corporal  Conrad  Dintleman. 
Corporal  Daniel  Bardwell. 
Corporal  Frederick  Cubbins. 


Jesse  Abbott,  Harmon  Ashberry,  William  Brown,  William 
H.  Brown,  John  Cleary,  Patrick  Durrill,  James  L.  Davis, 
Frederick  Ehrempford,  Milton  H.  Gore,  Charles  Gardner, 
John  Hegan,  Casemer  Hillerick,  Louis  Huber,  Adolph 
Haze,  James  W.  Jackson,  Leman  C.  Kellam,  Jackson  Led- 
ford,  Thomas  Ledford,  Major  E.  Lee,  Henry  C.  Lucas, 
Peter  Moreback,  John  Messinger,  George  W.  Messinger, 
Harrison  Miller,  Francis  Manahan,  Frederick  Miller,  James 
A.  Matthes,  Noah  Piercefield,  John  Shaw,  Jacob  Smith, 
Gabriel  Smaltz,  Frank  Spindler,  Frank  Snyder,  Andrew 
Severs,  •  John  Stephens,  James  Bethuran,  Wiley  R.  Daugh- 



erty,  Michael  Heltz,  Henry  Ley,  John  Massey,  William  H. 
Snead,  Edgar  Warriner,  William  H.  Hood,  Francis  M.  Mc- 
Donald, John  Miller. 


Second  Lieutenant  Jacob  P.  Phipps. 

On  alphabetical  list,  but  not  on  company  rolls : 
Captain  George  Welker. 



Robert  F.  Burton,  William  Clarke,  Walter  Large,  John 
Peryins,  William  J.  Vanhook. 



William  Stapleton,  Thomas  Thompson,  John  Tombs. 

The  Second  Kentucky  cavalry  was  organized 
at  Camp  Joe  Holt,  under  Colonel  Buckner 
Board,  mustered  into  service  on  the  9th  day  of 
Septeibber,  1861,  by  Major  W.  H.  Sidell,  and 
was  a  part  of  that  gallant  band  raised  by  Gen- 
eral Rousseau,  from  which  the  grand  army  of 
the  Cumberland  sprung.  It  marched  from  Camp 
Joe  Holt  to  Muldrough's  Hill  with  General  Rous- 
seau in  defense  of  Louisville  against  the  advance 
of  Buckner,  and  was  immediately  assigned  to 
duty  with  the  Army  of  the  Cumberland;  it  was 
in  the  advance  of  General  Buell's  army  at  Shiloh, 
and  participated  in  that  battle.  The  regiment 
remained  in  Tennessee  until  September,  1863, 
when  it  again  returned  to  Kentucky  with  Buell's 
army,  in  pursuit  of  Bragg,  and  with  the  cavalry 
engaged  with  the  enemy  at  Chaplin  Hills,  Ken- 
tucky, October  8,  1862.  The  regiment  marched 
from  Perryville,  in  pursuit  of  Bragg,  as  far  as 
Mount  Vernon,  in  Rockcastle  county,  Kentucky, 
when  the  pursuit  was  abandoned,  and  both 
armies  made  efforts  to  reach  Nashville  first. 
From  Nashville  the  regiment  marched  to  Mur- 
freesboro,  and  in  the  fight  of  Stone  river  received 
special  mention  from  General  Rousseau,  com- 
manding the  division,  for  gallant  and  daring 

The  regiment  participated  in  the  following 
noted  battles  in  which  loss  was  sustained,  besides 
numerous  skirmishes  and  minor  battles  incident 
to  the  vigorous  campaigns  of  the  Army  of  the 
Cumberland,  to  which  it  was  attached,  viz : 
Shiloh,  Perryville,  Stone  River,  Chickamauga, 
Lookout  Mountain,  and  all  the  battles  of  the 
Atlanta  campaign.     The  regiment  veteranized  at 

Bridgeport,  Alabama,  March  7,  1864,  and  the 
recruits  and  veterans  were  transferred  to  the 
Second  Kentucky  veteran  cavalry. 


Colonel  Buckner  Board. 

Colonel  Thomas  P.  Nicholas. 

Lieutenant-colonel  Owen  Starr. 

Regimental  Quartermaster  Elias  Thomasson. 

Regimental  Quartermaster  William  G.  Rogers. 

Regimental  Commissary  Edward  B.  Ayres. 



Captain  George  W.  Griffiths. 


Blanhart  Rees. 



William  Brantley. 



Captain  Charles  D.  Armstrong. 


George  A.  Kidd,  Samuel  J.  Pearce,  Samuel  Strader. 

Captain  Edward  J.  Mitchell. 



Captain  John  Baker. 

First  Lieutenant  Sanford  H.  Thurman. 


Henry  F.  White,  Ewing  White,  William  A.  Wallace,  John 
Slack,  James  E.  Turner,  John  Vance. 



Captain  Thomas  C.  Wiley. 

First  Lieutenant  .'\ugustine  T.  Gulitz. 

First  Lieutenant  George  S.  Coyle. 


William  Spears. 



Captain  Lovell  H.  Thi.xton. 


Andrew  J.  Smith,  Levi  S.  Slate,  Reason  M.  Slate,  Joseph 
M.  Hunter,  William  T.  McCormick. 



John  Allen  Jones,  John  OBricii,  James  L.  Thackston. 


Captain  Robert  M.  Gilmore. 


Larkin    Arnold,    William    Brown,    Isaac  Burnett,  James 



Broke,  James  Brock,  George  Bobbitt,  Pleasant  Q.  Barren 
Cyrenius  W.  Carrier,  William  Crabtree,  James  Cox,  George 
W.  Davis,  William  Edwards,  Andrew  J.  Frogg,  Thornton 
F.  Gaines,  George  W.  Gill,  William  L.  Griffis,  Thomas  Gar- 
rett, Neely  W.  Hart,  Anderson  Hunter,  Joseph  Hatmaker, 
William  Lawson,  William  McKenzie,  Carroll  C.  Mercer, 
William  Mastengill,  James  Mothers,  John  H.  Meeks,  James 
Merritt,  George  Nichols,  Henry  Price,  Samuel  Price,  William 
Price,  John  A.  Rainey,  Henry  Smith,  James  Suett,  Allen 
Sosage,  William  Todd,  Robert  Warren,  James  Waddall, 
Emerson  Wallace,  Isaiah  Wright,  Jonathan  Welsh,  Burdine 
Young,  Martin  Dutherage,  Martin  Hicks,  Ezekiel  H.  Hall, 
Curtis  M.  Shelton,  Thomas  M.  Floyd,  William  Reynolds, 
James  Young,  John  H.  Breck,  [oseph  H.  Gridley,  William 
M.  Nichols,  William  H.  Woodall,  James  Adams,  James 
Gordon,  John  B.  Miller. 

The  following  names  are  found  in  the  alpha- 
betical list  of  officers,  but  they  do  not  appear 
among  the  officers  in  the  regimental  roster: 

Brevet  First  Lieutenant  Spencer  C.  Evans. 
Second  Lieutenant  George  S.  Coyle.. 


The  Third  regiment  Kentucky  Volunteer  cav- 
alry was  organized  at  Calhoon,  Kentucky,  under 
Colonel  James  S.  Jackson,  and  mustered  into  the 
United  States  service  on  the  13th  day  of  Decem- 
ber, 1 86 1,  by  Major  W.  H.  Sidell.  Immediately 
after  organization  the  regiment  was  engaged  as 
scouts  in  Southwestern  Kentucky,  a  section  of 
the  State  over  which  the  Confederates  then  held 
control.  They  were  assigned  to  General  T.  L. 
Crittenden's  division,  and  marched  from  Cal- 
hoon to  Nashville,  Tennessee,  in  the  month  of 
March,  1862.  From  there,  in  advance  of ,  the 
Army  of  the  Cumberland,  it  marched  through 
Tennessee  to  Pittsburg  Landing,  and  participated 
in  the  battle  of  Shiloh;  from  there  to  Corinth 
and  luka,  Mississippi;  thence  to  Florence,  Ala- 
bama; from  there  to  Athens,  Alabama,  where 
the  regiment  remained  during  the  summer  of 
1862.  From  Athens  the  regiment  marched  to 
Decherd,  Tennessee,  arnl  from  there  commenced 
the  pursuit  of  Bragg,  who  had  advanced  to  Ken- 
tucky. At  New  Haven,  Kentucky,  they  partici- 
pated in  the  engagement  m  which  the  I'hird 
Georgia  cavalry  was  captured.  In  advance  of 
Major-General  Crittenden's  division  they  marched 
from  Louisville  to  Perryville,  and  in  pursuit  of 
Bragg  out  of  Kentucky,  returning  to  Nashville 
and  Murfreesboro,  Tennessee.  The  regiment 
veteranized  at  Nashville  m  March,  1864,  having 
participated  in  the  following  battles  in  which  loss 
was  sustained,  viz:  Sacramento,  Kentucky;  Pea 
Ridge,   Mississippi;  Cormth,   luka,  Mississippi; 

New  Market,  Alabama;  Kinderhook,  Tennessee; 
Chaplin  Hills,  Shiloh,  Stone  River,  and  Chicka- 
mauga,  Georgia. 


Major  W.  S.  D.  Megowan, 
Adjutant  Zachary  L.  Taylor. 
Chaplain  Hartwell  T.  Burge. 



William  Cash,  John  Hays,  Jesse  Jennings,  Abraham  Job, 
James  Liles,  John  W.  Sterling,  John  W.  Yates,  Joseph  Hale, 
Samuel  D,  Ingles,  Nicholas  J.  Mercer,  Charles  L.  Robert- 
son, John  W.  Smith,  John  J.  Smith,  Jerome  B.  Smith, 
Newton  Champion,  James  L.  Driver,  Miles  Dunning,  Wil- 
liam Ely,  An.hony  Gardner,  John  W.  Hodge,  Davjd  Hall, 
John  Knalls,  Young  Long,  Benjamin  O.  Mitchell,  T.  Zacha- 
riah  Pryor,  John  H.  Rushing,  Rufus  M.  Stokes,  Wiley  O. 
Thurman,  Allred  Wilson. 



Captain  Mathew  H.  Jouett. 


George  W.  Short,  Henry  Uncel,  John  W.  Herrell,  Wil- 
liam D.  Dial,  James  M.  Deamer,  William  C.  Jarvis,  Wil- 
liam McCormick,  Edward  R.  Rtrtf,  James  McCormick, 
James  W.  Hammers,  John  Wesley,  Brewer,  Peter  Carter, 
William  Cyreans,  George  B.  Hicks,  Samuel  Krane,  Paris 


James  W.  Lucas,  Hiram  Shannon,  Willis  Roach,  Henry 
C.  Staten,  Benjamin  F.  Davidson,  W.  J.  G.  Hughes,  Lean- 
der Duncan,  Solon  Houghton. 



James  Steaward,  James  T.  Buchanan,  George  Benet,  La- 
fayette Jimmerson. 



First  Lieutenant  Percival  P.  Oldershaw. 


Michael  S.  Lile. 



First  Lieutenant  W.  H.  Burghardt. 

Captain  J.  Speed  Peay. 
Captain  Thomas  C.  Foreman. 
Captain  L.  L.  Drown. 
Captain  Edward  W.  Ward. 
First  Lieutenant  William  Starling. 
First  Lieutenant  Thomas  Coyle. 
First  Lieutenant  John  Weist. 
Second  Lieutenant  A.  J.  Gillett. 
Second  Lieutenant  Garnett  Duncan. 




Company  Quartermaster  Sergeant  Charles  J.  Mull. 

Sergeant  Joseph  McCrory. 

Sergeant  Charles  Lentz. 

Sergeant  John  W.  Forrester. 

Corporal  Irvine  Shiflett. 

Corporal  Willis  H.  Rasor. 

Corporal  Thomas  E.  Bicknell. 

Corporal  Peter  Coffman. 

Corporal  William  E.  Surman. 

Corporal  Brutus  Z.  Tullilove. 

Corporal  Benjamin  R.  Myers. 

Bugler  Philip  Brenner. 

Bugler  David  B.  Fry. 

Farrier  Thomas  R.  Hagan. 

Farrier  Thomas  M.  Foote. 

Saddler  John  King. 

Wagoner  Thomas  J.  Lear. 

Thomas  ].  Adams,  Frederick  Beck,  Benjamin  Bevin,  James 
Black,  Reuben  Blake,  James  B.  Bockin,  William  H.  Bockin, 
Aaron  B.  Carfield,  Charles  R.  Cable,  William  H.  S.  Cable, 
William  Curry,  David  W.  Crutcher,  Thomas  Coyle,  William 
H.  Cubine,  Alonzo  Davidson,  John  W.  Ellis,  Hastings 
Foote,  Pleasant  K.  Gentry,  Richard  M.  Gentry,  Zachariah 
Green,  John  Hardy,  Michael  Haley,  John  Haley,  Robert 
H.  Haskinson,  John  R.  Hurly.  John  Hatter,  William  B. 
Hunter,  Gustavus  Hyde,  William  Hall,  Jackson  Isaacs, 
Charles  W.  Jones,  Tarlton  Jones,  William  C.  Jones,  David 
B.  Kindred,  Conrad  Kraft,  James  Lowe,  William  N.  Lake, 
Jesse  E.  Lear,  Joseph-  F.  Mallot,  William  Moller,  Richard 
P.  Nuckols,  Henry  Pern,  Henry  C.  Price,  George  W. 
Powell,  Freeman  F.  Runyon,  John  Ridge,  Richard  Scott, 
Curtis  A.  Stout,  Thomas  Salyers,  David  Snowden,  James 
Sherwood,  Henry  Tice,  Manlius  Taylor,  John  B.  Vanwinkle, 
Josephus  Wyley,  Michael  Welsh,  Thomas  H.  Watkins, 
George  B.  Currin,  James  Lile,  Thomas  Lafferty,  James 
Leech,  Jr. ,  William  McFellen,  George  Mouzer,  Caleb  Rey- 
nolds, William  H.  Renfro,  William  Taylor,  Laine  Wether- 
spoon,  Perry  C.  Brooks,  John  W.  Bush,  W.  Boston,  Thomas 
Crump,  Daniel  Dobson,  Francis  Grinstead,  James  Grinstead, 
William  Harness,  Lorenzo  Huff,  Isaac  Huff,  Nathan  Mur- 
ray, George  Waggoner,  John  Wade,  Peter  O.  I^ech. 

Private  James  L.  Davis. 



Zachariah  Betts,  Newton  Baltzell,  Robert  J.  Cooley,  John 
Crawford,  Reason  Cravens,  Philip  Daffron,  Francis  Daffron, 
Ahigal  Deweese,  William  N.  Evans,  L.  Gaines,  George  H. 
Gosnell,  Joel  Gray,  James  Graham,  Abner  Hill,  William  N. 
Harding,  Samuel  Hazel,  James  R.  Johns,  Emis  Jewel, 
Leander  Lane,  William  C.  Lane,  Horatio  G.  Lane,  William 
McCauley,  William  H,  Nail,  George  H.  Nelson,  James  Pat- 
ten, William  H.  Reed,  George  W,  Sweeney,  Isaac  School- 
field,  Ellis  Stephens,  Amos  Smith,  William  E.  Spradling, 
John  Travis,  William  T.  Thorns,  William  B.  Taggart, 
Thomas  W.  Wood,  John  Wheeler,  Miles  H,  Watkins, 
Richard  E.  Yeakey,  Peter  R.  Daniel,  Stephen  F.  Grove, 
Squire  N.  Lampton,  John  L.  Oldham,  James  W.  Skipwouh, 
Harvey  Young,  Augustin  Gunn,  James  M.  Deweese,  Waltion 
Harris,  James  G.  Downey. 

Private  William  Beard. 



Thomas  Shearn,  George  D.  Blake,  Sylvester  Lay,  George 
Oliver,  Peter  Gregory,  Asa  Williams. 



Charles  Cox,  James  Lond,  Jerome  Myers,  Henry  Bernard, 
John  Longel,  James  H.  Dans,  Nelson  H.  Norton,  Thomas 
B.  Thompson,  John  Wright,  M.  W.  Davidson,  John  Bill- 
ingsley,  Louis  Goodlue,  Daniel  W.  Garden,  Samuel  J.  Ew- 
ing,  Matthew  Jenkins,  Charles  E.  Silwell,  Jesse  Say  re,  Hiram 
A.  Pogue,  Bradford  P.  Thornberry,  Wallace  W.  Thornberry, 
Samuel  D.  Thornberry,  John  W.  Atkinson,  Andrew  J. 
Green,  Meredith  A.  Davis,  Henry  Fox,  Alfred  Lockhart, 
William  Parsons,  Samuel  G.  Revel,  Calvin  York,  Jefferson 
Gentry,  William  D.  Gentry,  William  A.  Huff,  John  Riper- 
dan,  Thomas  T.  Hicks,  William  Kelley,  Thomas  C.  Phipps, 
William  R.  Keef,  Robert  H.  Meredith,  Andrew  J.  Alverson, 
John  D.  Bell,  Wesley  Parsons. 


The  following  statement  of  the  condition, 
strength,  and  operations  of  the  Fourth  regiment 
Kentucky  volunteer  cavalry,  from  its  organiza- 
tion to  the  6th  day  of  January,  1864,  when  the 
regiment  veteranized,  is  taken  from  the  regi- 
mental records,  and  from  other  authentic  sources, 
and  is  strictly  accurate.  The  Fourth  was  or- 
ganized at  Louisville,  under  Colonel  Jesse  Bayles, 
mustered  into  service  on  the  24th  day  of  Dec- 
ember, 1 86 1,  by  Captain  Bankhead,  and  served 
as  follows:  On  the  6th  day  of  January,  1862, 
the  regiment  marched  from  Louisville  to  Bards- 
town,  and  went  into  a  camp  of  instruction,  es- 
tablished at  the  place  by  the  late  General  Lytle; 
on  the  26th  day  of  March,  1862,  left  Barcistown 
for  Nashville,  Tennessee;  on  the  8th  of  April, 
1862,  marched  from  Nashville  to  Wartrace,  Ten- 
nessee; on  the  13th  day  of  July,  1862,  marched 
to  TuUahoma,  Tennessee,  and  remained  there 
until  August,  1862;  from  Tullahoma  marched  to 
Manchester,  Tennessee,  and  from  there  to  Mur- 
freesboro,  and  thence  to  Bowling  Green,  Ken- 
tucky, covering  the  retreat  of  General  Buell;  from 
the  3d  day  of  September,  1862,  until  the  9th  of 
February,  1863,  the  regiment  was  engaged  in 
scouting  over  the  southern  portion  of  Kentucky; 
on  the  9th  day  of  February,  1863,  the  regiment 
marched  for  Nashville,  where  it  arrived  on  the 
14th;  marched  from  Nashville  for  Murfreesboro 
on  the  1 6th  of  February;  arrived  at  Murfrees- 
boro on   the   1 8th   of  February;  on  the  27th  of 



February  marched  to  Franklin,  Tennessee,  where 
it  remained  observing  Van  Dorn  and  Forrest's 
commands,  and  skirmishmg  with  them  every  day, 
until  the  2d  of  June,  when  the  regiment  marched 
to  Triune;  on  the  4th  of  June  returned  to  Frank- 
lin, having  several  severe  engagements  with  the 
enemy  on  that  day  and  the  following;  marched 
to  Triune  on  the  7th  of  June,  where  it  remained 
until  the  23d,  being  engaged  with  the  enemy  on 
the  9th  and  loth;  marched  with  the  cavalry 
corps  in  advance  of  the  Army  of  the  Cumber- 
land until  the  29th  of  July,  when  it  went  mto 
camp  at  Gum  Springs,  Tennessee,  where  it  re- 
mained until  the  9th  of  August,  marching  thence 
by  way  of  Fayetteville,  Tennessee,  and  Hunts- 
ville,  Alabama,  to  Maysville,  Alabama;  on  the 
27th  of  August  marched  to  Caperton's  Ferry, 
Alabama;  crossed  the  Tennessee  river  on  the 
ist  of  September,  and  proceeded  to  Valley  Head; 
on  September  3d  crossed  Lookout  Mountain, 
and  marched  through  Alpine  to  Summerville, 
Georgia,  and  returned  to  Valley  Head  on  the  15th 
of  September;  on  the  i9tK  September  the  regi- 
ment marched  for  Crawfish  Springs,  Georgia, 
where,  on  the  21st  of  September,  it  was  engaged 
with  Wheeler's  command  of  7,000  men  and  12 
pieces  of  artillery.  In  this  engagement,  being 
overpowered  and  surrounded,  the  Fourth  covered 
the  retreat  of  the  brigade,  losing  in  the  engage-  • 
ment  97  men  killed  and  prisoners  of  war. 

The  regiment  arrived  at  Chattanooga  on  the 
22nd  of  September,  and  on  the  25  th  marched  for 
Bellefonte,  Alabama,  arriving  on  the  30th  Sep- 
tember; left  Bellefonte  on  the  2nd  October  for 
Caperton's  Ferry,  where  it  remained  until  De- 
cember 2d,  and  from  thence  marched  via  Chat- 
tanooga to  Rossville,  Georgia,  arriving  on  the  5th 
December,  being  on  the  extreme  outpost  of  the 
Army  of  the  Cumberland.  It  remained  at  Ross- 
ville uutil  the  6th  of  January,  1864,  when  it  vet- 
eranized, being  among  the  first  Kentucky  regi- 
ments to  renew  their  enlistment  for  three  years. 

The  regiment  engaged  in  over  fifty  battles  and 
skirmishes  in  which  loss  was  sustained,  among 
the  principal  of  which  are  the  following :  Leba- 
non, Tennessee;  Manchester  Pike,  Tennessee, 
Readyville,  near  Chattanooga;  Jasper,  Rankin's 
Ferry,  Anderson  Cross  Roads,  Mott  Creek,  Bat- 
tle Creek,  Tennessee;  Stevenson,  Bellefonte,  Ala- 
bama; Sparta,  Manchester,  McMinnville,  Gallatin, 
Tennessee;  Trenton,  Morgantown,  Hopkinsville, 

Kentucky;  Red  Springs,  Liberty,  Murfreesboro, 
Franklin,  Spring  Hill,  Brentwood,  Lewisburg 
Pike,  Carter's  Creek,  Little  Harpeth,  Columbia, 
Thompson's  Station,  Triune,  Middleton,  Eagle- 
ville,  Hoover's  Gap,  Guy's  Gap,  Shelbyville, 
Decherd,  Tennessee;  Whitesburg,  Valley  Head, 
Alabama;  Alpine,  Summerville,  and  Chickamau- 
ga,  Georgia. 


Colonel  Jesse  Bayles. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Jacob  Ruckstuhl. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Llewellyn  Gwynne. 
Major  John  F.  Gunkel. 
Adjutant  Moses  C.  Bayles. 
Adjutant  George  K.  Speed. 
Regimental  Quartermaster  Charles  Kurfiss. 
Assistant  Surgeon  David  P.  Middleton. 
Chaplain  Matthew  N.  Lasley. 
Sergeant  Major  Henry  Tanner. 
Quartermaste   Sergeant  Theodore  Wergo. 
Commissary  Sergeant  William  Butler. 
Hospital  Steward  William  Edwards. 



Captain  Levi  Chilson. 

Captain  William  D.  Hooker. 

Captain  Joseph  A.  Cowell. 

First  Lieutenant  William  J.  Hunter. 

Second  Lieutenant  James  Barnes. 

Second  Lieutenant  Basil  N.  Hobbs. 


Sergeant  John  J.  Collins. 
Sergeant  Frank  Leifferth. 
Sergeant  Ryland  K.  Shuck. 
Sergeant  John  W.  Burress. 
Sergeant  James  Albertson. 
Sergeant  Nathan  K.  Gross. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Dawkins. 
Sergeant  William  Sexton. 
Corporal  Jordan  Brooks. 
Corporal  Joseph  H.  Arteburn. 
Corporal  Dominick  Gross. 
Corporal  Elzy  Kennedy. 
Corporal  Marion  King. 
Corporal  Jacob  Welkins. 
Corporal  William  Stephenson. 
Corporal  John  P.  Ashby. 
Saddler  William  E.  Fleece. 
Bugler  Christian  Essig. 
Bugler  Frank  Brinkman. 
Farrier  Logan  Jeffries. 


Andrew  Beamela,  Peter  Edwards,  No.  2,  Eli  D.  Gardner, 
George  Graves,  William  Kerr,  George  Morris,  William  Pren- 
tis,  Joseph  Phillips,  John  J.  Smith,  William  Sands,  William 
S.  Thompson,  John  Wooley,  Martin  Young,  Cummins  Child- 
ers,  Francis  Dononahu,  Bartholomew  Duffy,  Peter  Edwards, 
No.  I,  John  Heller,  James  L.  Kelley,  Jefferson  Lowery, 
Augustus  Mathews,  George  Myers,  James  V.  Reed,  John 
Skell,  James  Smallwood,  McGillam  H.  Watkins.  Isaac  Wat- 
kins,  Cornelius  M.  Woodruff,  John  Wheeler,  Samuel  Young, 



John  Arterburn,  Frank  Bonner,  John  Bonner,  David  Bonner, 
Jordan  Brooks,  John  Boes,  Robert  J.  Collins,  Nicholas  Cun- 
ningham, Jackson  Declermin,  John  A.  W.  Davis,  James  Ed- 
wards, William  E.  Fleece,  Lawson  H.  Kelly,  John  H.  Price, 
George  Rhoe,  John  C.  Schaefer,  James  J.  H.  Scon,  Simon 
Trester,  Thomas  Young,  Samuel  Anderson,  Christian  Fulty, 
John  Sands,  John  Butts,  Alexander  F.  Bolin,  William  H. 
Brown,  David  Collins,  Lafayette  Collins,  James  Corden 
Thomas  E.  Crumbaugh,  Joshua  Devers,  William  Edwards, 
Joseph  Fehr,  Thomas  Figg,  Joseph  C.  D.  Gill,  William  M. 
Goldsmith,  Joseph  Ham,  Richard  Hall,  William  Jones, 
Joseph  King,  Michael  King,  Benjamin  Kelly,  Thomas  Mc- 
Manus,  William  Oglesby,  Thomas  O'Brin,  John  Riker,  Rob- 
ert W.  Reed. 



Captain  John  Kurfiss. 
Captain  Adam  Rogers. 
First  Lieutenant  Henry  Tanner. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  Feitsch. 


First  Sergeant  Barney  Castner. 

Sergeant  B.  B.  Sloan. 

Sergeant  David  Patton. 

Sergeant  George  Snider. 

Sergeant  Charles  Clinton. 

Sergeant  Jacob  Wreterstein. 

Sergeant  Herry  Smith. 

Sergeant  John  H.  Brecket. 

Commissary-sergeant  James  C.  Phillips. 

Corporal  William  Frix. 

Corporal  John  S.  Barkley. 

Corporal  Andrew  Louden. 

Corporal  Ludwick  Black. 

Corporal  Jacob  Fix. 

Corporal  Claries  Lauthard. 

Corporal  John  Weakley. 

Corporal  Charles  Ackers. 

Corporal  Nicholas  Bender. 

Bugler  William  Farrell. 

Bugler  Peter  Phyer. 

Farrier  George  B.  Sherridan. 

Farrier  Peter  Smith. 

Saddler  John  Zoll.  . 

Wagoner  Joseph  Eckert. 


Jacob  Akes,  Martin  Belner,  Christian  Brinkman,  Davd 
Dirrick,  Louis  Forcht,  John  Owens,  P.  Shuble,  Andrew  Small, 
John  Bibbig,  Daniel  Flood,  Charles  Forcht,  Edward  Hem, 
John  Hoog,  Jacob  H.  Lesstcrofft,  Conrad  Mening,  William 
Meyers,  Henry  Sheard,  Casper  Schwarts,  John  Shower,  Sr. , 
Henry  Shofmaster,  Jacob  Thornton,  Andrew  Bach,  Frederick 
Brown,  Matthew  Miller,  John  Phelan,  Nicholas  .Smith,  David 
H.  Taylor,  George  Weatherstein,  Jacob  Walter,  Joseph  Hen- 
eman,  Henry  Aleyeser,  William  AUsmiller,  Conrad  Bader, 
August  Baker,  Gottleib  F.  Bauer,  Frederick  Basser,  Joseph 
Barrel!,  Henry  Doert,  David  R.  Fenton,  Charles  Gaillerune, 
Alpert  Halwax,  John  Hoerty,  Frederick  Ludwick,  John  Lud- 
wick, James  Lawson,  Joseph  Marshal,  Freling  Namick,  Ma- 
son Parson,  Thomas  Phillips,  John  Ruth,  Thomas  Ridge, 
Kaviett  Shindler,  John  Shower,  Thomas  Steward,  Albert 
Sanlergilt,  Mac.  Sensoth,  Frank  Shier,  Gibson  Tate,  Lewis 


Captain  Charles  L.  Unthark. 
Captain  Sylvester  W.  Raplee. 
Captain  John  M.  Bacon. 
First  Lieutenant  James  O'Donnell. 
First  Lieutenant  William  J.  Killmore. 
Second  Lieutenant  William  M.  Nichols. 
Second  Lieutenant  A.  G.  Rosengarten. 
Second  Lieutenant  James  Hines. 


First  Sergeant  Squire  S.  Roberts, 

Company  Quartermaster-Sergeant  George  Kipp. 

Sergeant  Joseph  Rickett. 

Sergeant  Julius  C.  Sherer. 

Sergeant  William  J.  Loder 

Sergeant  William  Stitgee. 

Sergeant  George  A.  St.  John. 

Corporal  Thomas  Couch. 

Corporal  John  Ford. 

Corporal  David  Gordon. 

Corporal  Franklin  E.  Roberts. 

Saddler  James  S.  Dikes. 

John  K.  Adams. 

Farrier  John  Metz. 



Frederick  Butcher,  Henry  Delaney,  Anthony  Ham,  John 
Meyer,  Lewis" Roberts,  Patrick  Shudy,  Francis  J.  St.  John, 
John  Zink,  Henry  A.  Crider,  James  Cassack,  Henry  Conn, 
John  B.  Dunlap,  Edward  Demprey,  Alex.  Goodman,  Patrick 
Hart,  Nicholas  Kirin,  Daniel  Munty,  Benjamin  J.  Nicholson, 
Morris  Powers,  John  Stair,  William  Shriver,  Michael  Parrel, 
Samuel  Graham,  John  M.  Gray,  James  Hislip,  Patrick 
Haney,  John  Sullivan,  George  Chastain,  James  Chapman, 
Charles  Gorman,  Andy  Gross,  David  Heaver,  James  How- 
ard, Daniel  Ham,  Patrick  Kennedy,  Joseph  Kipp,  Johnson 
McConkey,  Julian  L.  Moraldo,  Henry  Meyer,  George  Orr, 
J.,  John  Sheer,  Benjamin  F.  Sewards,  Cornelius  Sullivan, 
Thomas  Sullivan,  William  Torrell,  John  Westfall,  f.,ewis 
W.  Woodal. 


Captain  George  Welling. 
Captain  William  J.  Barnett. 
First  Lieutenant  Frank  N.  Sheets. 
First  Lieutenant  John  B.  Lee. 
Second  Lieutenant  James  A.  Kemp. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  P.  Brown. 


Sergeant  Joseph  B.  Brailley. 
Sergeant  William  W.  Chalfin. 
Sergeant' William  isnelling. 
Sergeant  J ameSl1^'■.  Rooney. 
Sergeant  WaJiJitigtori  Reynolds. 
Sergeant  PhilipT.  Chappie. 
Sergeant  Fratrcis  VJ  Stephens. 
Corporal  RttRis  Cohgrove. 
Corporal  Jo^^i  F.  Donciuster. 
Corporal  Wfliiam  Atcher. 
Corporal  jSflWard  Atcher. 
Cprporill  faiilflft^S.  Goldsmith. 
Corporal  John  C'^^herwood. 
Corporal  Hercules  Km)^3|| , 



Corporal  William  Smith. 
Corporal  Jesse  Brimerr 


Michael  Conner,  Silas  W.  Collier,  George  T.  Goodale, 
Peter  Glassman,  John  W.  Hagan,  Philip  Kressel,  John  Lit- 
tle, John  Marger,  Alfred  Shanks,  Robert  Fleming,  John 
Westfall,  Wm.  T.  Atcher,  Isaac  Burch,  William  L.  Branch, 
Alfred  Cordon,  Ausbum  Flowers,  Nelson  Goldsmith, 
Thomas  Gilbert,  James  O.  Hagan,  William  J.  Hunter, 
Absolon  Harrison,  Thomas  Henott,  James  Jump,  Littleton 
Lincoln,  Adolphus  Meyers,  Thomas  J.  Martin,  Augustus  G. 
Myers,  Hugh  A.  Patterson,  Adam  Phister,  Henry  Rase, 
Daniel  Simpkins,  William  C.  Smith,  John  T.  Tanner,  John 
Travis,  Harrison  Tanner,  William  Walden,  Samuel  Wallace, 
James  Crillen,  John  M.  Briscoe,  William  Greenwell,  George 
Haddox,  Joel  Harrison,  Christopher  C.  Martin,  Kirhfur 
Shively,  Charles  Swiney,  Greenup  J.  Westfall,  William 
Pierefield,  William  G.  Arthur,  Philip  Bitman,  Levi  Brent- 
linger,  William  E.  Brunnel,  George  Cuddlemeyer,  Franklin 
CoUings,  Isaac  Douglas,  Torrence  Davidson,  William  M. 
Edwards,  William  Foster,  Samuel  Foster,  William  Graham, 
Harrison  Joyce,  John  James,  Andrew  Lawrence,  William 
Medcalf,  Christopher  C.  Martin,  Jacob  Mcintosh,  Alexander 
Oliver,  John  Ranidon,  John  Read,  Jeremiah  Steward, 
Michael  Sago,  David  Shoplan,  Perry  Snelling,  William 
Todd,  Edward  Welling,  John  Yeager. 



Captain  Henry  A.  Schaeffer. 
Captain  Leopold  Preuss. 
Captain  James  O'Donnell. 
First  Lieutenant  Max  Cohn. 
Second  Lieutenant  Henry  G.  Waller. 


Sergeant  Lewis  Hunker. 
Sergeant  Gustav  E.  Hueter. 
Sergeant  John  Weber. 
Sergeant  John  Vogle. 
Sergeant  David  Wehing. 
Sergeant  Ambrose  Kuni. 
Sergeant  John  Keller. 
Sergeant  Henry  Stoly. 
Sergeant  John  Schnab. 
Corporal  Henry  Deersman. 
Corporal  John  Frank. 
Corporal  Lewis  Gross. 
Corporal  Henry  Fischer. 
Corporal  John  Frank. 
Corporal  Andy  Frank. 


John  Ash,  Moses  Burig,  John  Hassing,  Francis  Hillinch, 
Julius  Hudle,  Adam  Loosman,  Philip  M.  Panty,  August 
Wall,  Andrew  Weiller,  Henry  Leeback,  Lewis  Baty,  Ignatus 
Bemhard,  John  Braum,  Bartholomew  Brander,  Henry  Doeh- 
mann,  Peter  Funk,  Ferdinan  Meitt,  Frank  Littler,  Conrad 
Routhams,  Jacob  Rodd,  Gotleib  Scharott,  Lajarus  Schaub, 
Carl  Sivann,  John  Lissert,  Lewis  Ampfer,  David  Engel, 
Peter  Hensler,  Anion  Killer,  John  Long,  David  Peter,  Eber- 
han  Fraut,  George  Quillenan,  Christian  Ehlsheit,  John 
Krohm/Henry  Foeth,  Jacob  Graff,  John  A.  Knapp,  George 
Koch,  Jacob  Kung,  Conrad  Miller,  Peter  Rechenan,  Adam 
Schneider,  John  Sipple,  John  Streit,  Henry  Trout,  John 
Wasmer,  Conrad  Weber. 



Captain  Nelson  B.  Church. 
Captain  Sidney  Lyons. 
Captain  Basil  N.   Hobbs. 
Captain  Spencer  Cooper. 
First  Lieutenant  John  D.  Bird. 
First  Lieutenant  Thomas  P.  Hamot. 
First  Lieutenant  William  G.  Milton. 
Second  Lieutenant  Abel  R.  Church. 


Sergeant  James  Wilmoth. 
Sergeant  James  G.  White. 
Sergeant  James  B.  Johnson. 
Sergeant  Phillip  Reed. 
Sergeant  William  G.  Milton, 
Sergeant  Charles  H.  Soule. 
Sergeant  Daniel  S.  Williams. 
Sergeant  Thomas  Merideth. 
Sergeant  Martin  Wilhelm. 
Corporal  William  B.  Sensbaugh. 
Corporal  James  McMahon. 
Corporal  James  Carter. 
Corporal  James  W.  Duckworth. 
Corporal  Robert  D.  Stevens. 
Corporal  S.  W.  Parrish. 
Farrier  Walthen  Bonner. 
Farrier  John  J.  Burke. 
Saddler  John  M.  Hutchmson. 
Wagoner  Robert  Folis. 


Arnold  Amos,  John  S.  Baker,  Henry  Blair,  Alexander 
Dobbins,  John  Howsley,  James  S.  Lewis,  John  C.  Langly 
Abraham  Meredith,  WiUiam  Meredith,  Gabriel  Reynolds, 
Edmonds  Reeves,  Thomas  W.  Slaughter,  Bradley  Sanders, 
Thomas  Shane,  William  Wilhelm,  Mortimer  Gaither,  Wil- 
liam G.  Butler,  James  K.  P.  Byland,  Martin  Dillingham, 
Samuel  Fife,  Malone  Hatfield,  Lawrence  Kelly,  Phinis  Reed, 
Robert  Ramsey,  Warren  Watkins,  Thomas  Brook,  James  H. 
Brooks,  John  J.  Brooks,  William  Dorms,  WiUiam  Murphy, 
John  McQueen,  Dabney  Nance,  James  W.  Raymond, 
Thomas  Williams,  James  W.  Watkins,  James  Monehan, 
Robert  B.  Beswick,  John  Cain,  Henry  Casey,  Edward  Com- 
mingore,  George  W.  Ginnis,  Hugh  Grey,  John  Heflerman, 
Henry  Lewis,  James  Parrish,  William  Moore,  Bryan  H. 
Sharp,  John  Wilhelm,  John  Womack,  Thomas  G.  York, 
Lewis  Carroll,  David  O'Connell. 



Captain  Casper  Blume. 

Captain  John  Sailer.  , 

Captain  George  K.  Speed. 

First  Lieutenant  William  Shriver. 

First  Lieutenant  William  H.  McKinney. 

Second  Lieutenant  Thomas  Hoffman. 

Second  Lieutenant  Rodolph  Curtis. 


First  Lieutenant  George  Rothchild. 
Sergeant  Jacob  J.  Septig. 
Sergeant  Philip  .Allicurger. 
Sergeant  Constantine  John. 
Sergeant  Charles  Gossville. 
Sergeant  Leonhard  Reider. 



Sergeant  Henry  Deidtrich. 
Sergeant  Henry  Fitch teman. 
Sergeant  Philip  Gutig. 
Sergeant  John  M.  Kirck. 
Corporal  Otto  Schneider. 
Corporal  Henry  Schuler. 
Corporal  Herman  Mirers. 
Corporal  Joseph  Koch. 
Corporal  Joseph  Sherer. 
Corporal  Philip  Dill. 
Bugler  Philip  Walter. 
Farrier  John  Muss. 
Farrier  Jesse  Suckland. 
Saddler  Michael  Buchard. 
Wagoner  Joseph  Hergog. 


Peter  Bellner,  Mathias  Bellner,  John  Breinig,  Henry  Blume, 
Frederick  Erde,  John  Greenlick,  John  Koll,  Henry  Man- 
schler,  Louis  Oppenheimer,  Bernhard  Slechtin,  Casper  Seibel, 
Carl  Sester,  Peter  Hook,  Timothy  KoUer,  Martin  Luty, 
Jacob  Morelli,  Charles  Meyer,  Vincincis  Schaffner,  Jacob 
Schmidt,  Augustus  Steel,  Christopher  Pauer,  Robert  Breck- 
heimer,  Peter  Austgen,  Philip  Lum,  Charles  Luther,  John 
Fritch,  Carl  Reder,  George  Auger,  Peter  Andy,  Andrew 
Banks,  Peter  Detroy,  Bernhord  Eok,  Adam  Lany,  Paul 
Dobyan,  Henry  Shiver,  John  Smith,  Ignaty  Reiter. 



Captain  Patrick  W.  McGowan. 
Captain  John  F.  Weston. 
First  Lieutenant  Isaac  Burch. 
First  Lieutenant  Lewis  Ryan. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  Burke. 


Sergeant  Charles  Dupre. 
.Sergeant  James  O'Connell. 
Sergeant  John  Murry. 
Sergeant  William  McKinney. 
Sergeant  Isaac  Miller. 
Sergeant  Felix  Dupree. 
Sergeant  Dennis  McCarty. 
Sergeant  John  Hagerty. 
Corporal  Peter  McKnab. 
Corporal  John  Ranan. 
Corporal  Ludlow  Wilson. 
Corporal  John  Shehee. 
Corporal  William  Burke. 
Corporal  John  Burke. 
Corporal  William  Neish. 
Corporal  Alfred  Norton. 
Bugler  John  Duchernne. 
Farrier  William  Routh. 
Farrier  John  Kane. 


Edward  Booth,  Thomas  Barbour,  Patrick  Collins,  John 
Fogart,  Daniel  Fisher,  Thomas  Hyens,  Thomas  Haffer, 
James  Kenally,  Thomas  Lovall,  Frank  McQuinn,  Dennis 
Means,  John  O'Sullivan,  Charles  Quinn,  Patrick  Russell, 
John  .Sheridan,  James  Sumate,  James  Whaler,  Arthur 
Whaler,  Frederick  Zimmerman,  Patrick  Kelly,  Patrick  Mo- 
rearty,  James  McCann,  John  Carr,  Martin  Ditterly,  John 
Dunnivan,  Patrick  Feeley,  James  Reefe,  Adam  Kimple, 
Patrick  McDonough,  James  Quinn,  Frederick  Sloane,  Mike 

Callahan,  John  Downey,  John  Dumon,  Samuel  Day, 
Thomas  Fehan,  John  Gannon,  Patrick  Gagerty,  Edward 
Hogan,  Hugh  Keys,  Joseph  Millott,  John  McMakin,  Daniel 
Mailliff,  James  Mur,  John  Mannion,  Lawrence  McGidem, 
William  O'Hem,  James  O'Conner,  John  Powers,  Patrick 
Qu  inn,  ames  Reese,  John  Riley,  Martin  Shell,  Patrick  Tur- 
ney,  John  Wyman. 


This  regiment  veteranized  at  Rossville,  Georgia, 
in  January,  1864,  and  was  then  furloughed  for 
thirty  days,  at  the  expiration  of  which  time  it 
rendezvoused  at  Lexington,  Kentucky,  and  was 
immediately  ordered  to  Nashville,  and  thence  on 
foot  to  Chattanooga,  where  it  was  mounted  and 
encamped  in  Wauhatchie  Valley.  Here  it  re- 
mained for  some  weeks,  scouting  through  that 
country  for  hundreds  of  miles  around.  In  June, 
1864,  under  command  of  Major  Bacon,  it  formed 
part  of  the  expedition  under  General  Watkins  to 
Lafayette,  Georgia.  Whilst  there  the  regiment 
was  attacked  by  a  greatly  superior  force,  and 
was,  with  a  part  of  the  Sixth  Kentucky  cavalry, 
cut  off  from  the  balance  of  the  command.  Being 
hard  pressed  by  the  enemy,  it  fell  back,  and  oc- 
cupying the  court-house,  held  it  against  repeated 
and  furious  attacks  of  the  enemy  from  4  o'clock 
A.  M.  to  3  p.  M.,  when  the  attacking  force  with- 
drew, leaving  over  one  hundred  killed  and 
wounded  on  the  -field,  besides  a  much  larger 
number  of  prisoners  captured  from  them  while 
on  their  retreat.  From  Lafayette  the  regiment 
marched  to  Calhoun,  Georgia,  scouting  through 
the  country,  and  constantly  skirmishing  with 
Wheeler's  rebel  cavalry,  and  thence  to  Resaca, 
Georgia,  constituting  part  of  the  small  garrison 
which  held  that  place  against  Hood's  army  for 
three  days  after  he  had  flanked  Sherman  at 
Atlanta. '  Here  the  regiment,  under  Colonel 
Cooper,  was  repeatedly  complimented  by  the 
commanding  general.  A  part  of  the  regiment, 
under  Major  Weston,  made  a  successful  charge 
on  a  rebel  fort,  causing  the  enemy  to  retire. 

It  marched  in  advance  of  Sherman's  army  to 
Gadsden,  Alabama,  driving  the  enemy's  rear- 
guard the  entire  distance.  It  then  came  via 
Chattanooga  and  Nashville  to  Louisville;  •  was 
there  remounted,  and^proceeded  to  Hopkinsville, 
driving  Lyon's  command  out  of  the  State,  when 
it  went  to  Nashville.  After  the  battle  of  Nash- 
ville It  marched  to  Waterloo,  Alabama;  thence 
to  Eastport,  Mississippi;  thence  to  Chickasaw, 
Alabama.     After  recruiting  both  men  and  horses 



at  this  place  for  some  weeks,  the  regiment  joined 
General  Wilson's  command,   and  was  with  him 
I  during  his  famous  march  through  Alabama  and 
I  Georgia.     It    drove   the   enemy   out  of  Mont- 
gomery, and  held  that  city  for  two  hours  before 
any  other  troops  arrived ;  thence  marching  via 
I  Macon   and    Albany,    Georgia,   to   Tallahassee, 
I  Florida,  it  was  finally  mustered  out  at  this  last- 
named  place  August  21,  1865. 

It  participated  in  the  following  engagements, 
in  which  loss  was  sustained,  viz:  Lafayette  and 
Calhoun,  Georgia;  Lavergne,  Franklin,  and 
Campbellsville,  Tennessee;  Russellville,  'Ran- 
dolph, Scottsville,  CentreviUe,  Selma,  Tuskogee, 
and  Montgomery,  Alabama,  and  at  Columbus, 


Lieutenant  Colonel  Llewellyn  Gwynne- 
Major  John  F.  Weston. 
Sergeant  Major  Philip  Guetig. 
Sergeant  Major  William  H.  McKinney. 
Sergeant  Major  William  Foster. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  Ryland  K.  Shuck. 
Commissary  Sergeant  James  E.  Phillips. 
Commissary  Sergeant  James  W.  Looney. 
Veterinary  Surgeon  John  K.  Adams. 
Hospital  Steward  William  M.  Edwards. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  Alexander  McCall. 
Commissary  Sergeant  Gibson  Tate. 
Saddler  James  S.  Dykes. 
Bugler  Frank  Brinkman. 



Captain  Ryland  K.  Shuck. 
First  Lieutenant  W.  J.  Hunter. 
First  Lieutenant  James  W.  Looney. 


First  Sergeant  William  Sexton. 
Sergeant  John  W.  Burrows. 
Sergeant  Elzey  Kennedy. 
Sergeant  Nathan  K.  Gross. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Dawkins. 
Sergeant  James  Albertson. 
Corporal  Dominick  Gross. 
Corporal  Marion  King. 
Corporal  Jacob  Wilkins. 
Corporal  John  P.  Ashby. 
Corporal  William  Stephenson. 
Farrier  Logan  ]  effries. 
Bugler  Frank  Brinkman. 


Thomas  Bassil,  Alexander  T.  Bolin,  John  Butts,  David 
Collins,  James  Cooden,  Thomas  E.  Crumbaugh,  Joshua 
Devore,  Joseph  Fehr,  Thomas  Figg,  Joseph  C.  D.  Gill,  Eli 
D.  Gardner,  George  Groves,  William  N.  Goldsmith,  Joseph 
Hann,  Richard  Hall,  William  Jones,  Joseph  King,  Michael 
King,  Benjamin  Kelly,  Thomas  McManus,  William  Oglesby, 
Thomas  O'Brien,  Joseph  Philips,  Robert  W.  Reed,  Lafayette 
Collins,  William  Edwards,  John  Riker,  John  Ar{eburn,  Wil- 
liam H.  Brown. 


Captain  Adam  Rodgers. 

First  Lieutenant  Al.  D.  Hynes. 

First  Lieutenant  James  E.  Phillips. 


First  Sergeant  David  T.  Patton. 

Sergeant  George  Schneider. 

Sergeants  Charles  Lanthart. 

Sergeant  John  H.  Bickel. 

Sergeant  Barney  Koster. 

Sergeant  Henry  Smith. 

Sergeant  Charles  P.  Clinton. 

Sergeant  Gibson  Tate. 

Corporal  Joseph  Marshall. 

Corporal  John  Schauer. 

Corporal  Frederick  Black. 

Corporal  Jacob  Fix. 

Corporal  John  Weakley. 

Corporal  Charles  Ackers. 

Corporal  David  R.  Fenton. 

Corporal  Nicholas  Bender. 

Bugler  Gotlieb  F.  Bauer. 

Bugler  Marcus  Seinsoth. 

Saddler  Conrad  Bader. 


Henry  Algier,  William  AUsmiller,  Henry  Doerr,  Jowph 
Eckbert,  John  B.  Hoertz,  William  Just,  Frederick  Ludwick, 
John  Ludwick,  Mason  Parson,  John  Ruth,  Xavier  Schindler, 
Frank  Stier,  Albert  Sonderselt,  Andrew  Small,  Lotiis  Upper, 
John  Zolt,  Joseph  Borrell,  August  Baker,  Frederick  Bassa, 
Albert  Halwax,  James  Lanson,  Freeling  Namick,  Thomas 
Phillips,  Thomas  Stewart,  Theodore  Acken,  Sebastian  Fant- 
ner,  Philip  Ross,  JohnShultz,  John  Zimmer,  Henry  Lehman, 
Mathew  Miller,  David  H.  Taylor,  George  Weatherstein, 
Jacob  Walter. 



Captain  John  M.  Bacon. 

Captain  William  J.  Hunter. 

First  Lieutenant  Squire  S.  Robards. 


First  Sergeant  Franklin  E,  Robards. 

First  Sergeant  George  A.  St.  John. 

Quartermaster  Sergeant  George  Kipp, 

Sergeant  John  Ford. 

Sergeant  William  Stitzel. 

Sergeant  John  K.  Adams. 

Corporal  James  Howard. 

Corporal  John  Schur. 

Corporal  Thomas  Couch. 

Farrier  George  Chastain. 

Farrier  John  Metz. 

Saddler  James  S.  Dikes. 


Frederick  Butcher,  James  Chapman,  Francis  M.  Casteel, 
Henry  Delany,  Charles  (Jorman,  Andy  Gross,  Daniel 
Heaver,  Daniel  Ham,  Anthony  Ham,  Patrick  Kennedy, 
Joseph  Kipp,  John  Meyer,  Henry  Meyer,  Johnson  Mc- 
Conkey,  Julian  L.  Moraldo,  Larrence  Morgan,  George  W. 
Orr,  Benjamin  F.  Sewards,  Frank  J.  St.  John,  Cornelius  Sulli- 
van, Josiah  Tron,  Levns  W.  Woodall,  David  Gorden,  Nich- 
olas Kirsch,  William  Sourl. 




Captain  William  J.  Barnett, 
Captain  John  B.  Lee. 
First  Lieutenant  William  Foster. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  P.  Brown. 


First  Sergeant  Francis  V.  Stevens. 
First  Sergeant  William  W.  Chalfin. 
Sergeant  Washington  Reynolds. 
Sergeant  Edward  Welling. 
Sergeant  William  G.  Auther. 
Sergeant  Philip  T.  Chappell. 
Sergeant  William  Snellen. 
Sergeant  William  Smith. 
Sergeant  James  W.  Looney. 
Corporal  Hercules  Roney. 
Corporal  William  Atcher. 
Corporal  Edward  Atcher. 
Corporal  Jesse  Brimer. 
Corporal  James  S.  Goldsmith. 
Bugler  Taurence  Davison. 
Saddler  Franklin  Colling. 
Farrier  JohnT.  Yeager. 


Philip  Birman,  William  E.  Bunnell,  Levi  Brentlinger, 
Samuel  Foster,  William  Graham,  Harrison  Joyce,  Andrew 
Lawrence,  John  Morger,  William  Metcalf,  Christopher  C. 
Martin,  Jacob  Mcintosh,  Alexander  Oliver,  John  Rardon, 
Jerry  Stewart,  David  Shoptaw,  Michael  Sago,  Perry  Snellen, 
William  Todd,  John  Westfall,  George  Zetlmaier,  Isaac  Doug- 
las, John  James,  John  Reed,  John  C.  Sherwood,  William 
M.  Edwards,  William  Foster,  Robert  Fleming,  Peter  Glass- 
man,  George  Haddox,  Philip  Kressell,  Grenup  J.  Westfall. 



Captain  James  O'Donnell. 
First  Lieutenant  Max  Cohen. 
Second  Lieutenant  Henry  G.  Walter. 


First  Sergeant  Ambrose  Curry. 
Sergeant  Henry  Stoltz. 
Corporal  John  Adam  D.  Knapp. 
Corporal  Henry  Diersman. 
Corporal  John  Frank, 
Farrier  Conrad  Weber. 
Bugler  Jacob  Gross. 
Saddler  Frank  Eberhard. 


John  H.  Ash,  David  Engel,  Henry  Foeth,  Jacob  Kuntz, 
Conrad  Mueller,  Adam  Shneyder,  Martin  Senn,  Christian 
Sanner,  Henry  Traut,  John  Wassmer,  Frank  Andy,  Moses 
Birig,  Peter  Regenaner,  John  Shroab,  John  Sippel,  Adam, 
Loosmann,  Julius  Huetlell,  Henry  Sebach. 

Captain  Basil  N.  Hobbs. 
Captain  Spencer  Cooper. 
First  Lieutenant  Thomas  P.  Herriott. 
First  Lieutenant  William  G.  Milton. 


First  Sergeant  Daniel  L.  Williams. 
Sergeant  Thomas  Merideth. 
Sergeant  Martin  V.  Willhelm. 
Sergeant  Charles  H.  Soule. 
Sergeant  Elwood  Reeves. 
Corporal  Joseph  W.  Thomas. 
Corporal  Bradley  Sander. 
Farrier  Ed.  H.  Cummingore. 
Bugler  George  W.  Grimes. 


Robert  B.  Beswick,  John  M.  Buster,  Mathew  Boneur, 
Henry  Casey,  Hugh  Grey,  John  Heffron,  John  C.  Langly, 
James  C.  Parris,  Thomas  Sheehan,  Bryan  H.  Tharp,  John 
Womack,  John  Willhelm,  John  Cain,  Henry  Lewis,  Peter 
Meridith,  David  O'Connell,  Thomas  G.  York,  Amos  Arnold, 
Lewis  Carroll,  Mark  Gaither. 



Captain  George  K.  Speed. 
First  Lieutenant  William  H.  McKinney. 
First  Lieutenant  John  N.  Kirch. 
Second  Lieutenant  Rudolph  Curtis. 


First  Sergeant  Henry  Fichteman. 
Sergeant  George  Rothchild. 
Sergeant  Philip  Guetig. 
Corporal  Peter  Andy. 
Wagoner  Joseph  Herzag. 
Bugler  Jacob  Graf. 

Andrew  Banks,  John  Byer,  Peter  Detroit;  Bernard  Eck, 
Adam  Lang,  Ignartz  Reiter,  William  Schreiber,  John  Smith, 
George  Auger,  Henry  Scherer,  John  Biming,  Henry  Blume, 
Mathias  Bellner,  Frederick  Erde,  John  Fritch,  John  Koll, 
Carl  Sester. 



Captain  John  F.  Weston. 
Captain  Charles  H.  Soule. 
First  Lieutenant  Lewis  Ryan. 
First  Lieutenant  Dennis  McCarty. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  Burke. 


First  Sergeant  Laurence  McGivem. 
Sergeant  John  Hagerty. 
Sergeant  John  Burke. 
Sergeant  Felix  Dupree. 
Corporal  Daniel  Mailiff. 
Corporal  William  Niesh. 
Corporal  John  Kennan. 
Corporal  Albert  Newton. 
Farrier  Adam  Kembal. 


William  Burke,  Michael  Callahan,  John  Cline,  John  Dou- 
ney,  John  Dennin,  Daniel  Fisher,  Patrick  Gagerty,  Edward 
Hogan,  John  Kane,  Hugh  Keyns,  Joseph  Milot,  John  Mc- 
Makin,  John  Powers,  Patrick  Quinn,  James  Reese,  Martin 
Shell,  Patrick  Tierney,  Samuel  Wray,  Thomas  Feehan, 
James  O'Connors,  William  O'Herran,  John  Reily,  John 
Wienman,  John  O'Neil,  Thomas  Barbour,  Thomas  La  veil. 





Captain  John  W.  Lewis. 
Captain  Purnel  H.  Bishop. 
First  Lieutenant  David  Wolff. 
First  Lieutenant  William  Harper. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frederick  G.  Ulrich. 


First  Sergeant  Timothy  Kelly. 
Sergeant  John  Allen. 
Sergeant  George  White. 
Sergeant  Thomas  Lynn. 
Sergeant  Alexander  McCall. 
Sergeant  James  McDonald. 
Corporal  Robert  Good. 


Robert  Allin,  Eden  R.  Boyles, Charles  Cites,  Michael  Curry, 
MilesjCronin,  Edward  Donohoo,  John  Frederick,  Andrew  Far- 
rell,  Patrick  Feagan,  J.  Holerin,  Joseph  Holt,  Martin  Lavel, 
Philip  Molin,  Emmiel  Miller,  David  Macon,'  James  Murry, 
George  W.  Neil,  George  W.  Rieter,  William  Richie,  Michael 
Rigney,  Patrick  Riley,  Peter  Riece,  Patrick  Shay,  yohn  Sparks, 
David  Shields,  Daniel  Stanford,  Chailes  Sile,  Charles  UWch, 
Michael  Wilett,  William  Watson,  Jacob  Young,  W.  H.  Car- 
son, Samuel  Davidson,  Patrick  Heden,  William  Harris,  Jacob 
letter,  Henry  Krieder,  James  Molbry,  Michael  Shay,  Ran- 
dolph Walters,  Patrick  Welch,  John  Dunn,  Peter  McCor- 
mick,  John  Pigott,  James  Renolds,  James  Wilson,  Thomas 
Ford,  Edward  D.  Hines,  Balzer  Huglin,  Richard  H.  Holi- 
way,  John  W.  Jacobs,  James  Peven,  Frederick  Steven ,  Ste- 
ven Wick,  Henry  Wagner. 



First  Lieutenant  George  Koch. 
First  Lieutenant  Purnell  H.  Bishop. 
First  Lieutenant  William  W.  Chalfin. 
Second  Lieutenant  J.  W.  Faust. 


Sergeant  John  Blake. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Gerlock. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Stiener. 


David  Blake,  Horace  Donahue,  John  E.  Gosnel,  Peter 
Gerhart,  Amos  Gulie,  John  Geriting,  Lewis  Knuckles,  John 
Longfield,  Michael  O'Marron,  Morris  Oxley,  William  A. 
Smith,  Charles  Steir,  John  Tharp,  Jacob  Dearshuck,  Thomas 
J.  Head,  Ernot  Krotrusky. 



Captain  William  E.  Brown. 
First  Lieutenant  James  Albertson. 
Second  Lieutenant  Robert  A.  Edwards. 


First  Sergeant  James  A.  Henstes. 
Sergeant  Robert  A.  Coffey. 
Sergeant  John  T.  Adair. 
Sergeant  John  Hurt. 
Sergeant  James  S.  Woods. 
Sergeant  Harrison  L.  Howell. 
Sergeant  Evander  M.  Davis. 
Sergeant  William  Odenu. 


Frank  T.  Self. 
John  B.  Rodgerman. 
James  Ammerman. 
Melvin  P.  Self. 
Elisha  Anderson. 
Boxter  S.  Russell. 
John  Thomas. 
Henry  Shoemaker. 
Theodore  Shonefildt. 


fames  W.  Adair,  Andrew  Briggs,  James  Baker,  George 
W.  Bullock,  Francis  M.  Bullock,  William  Boggs,  Hezekiah 
Binson,  Benjamin  Cupsey,  Jackson  Craig,  Eppi  M.  Canup, 
William  R.  Coffey,  James  M.  Coffey,  James  M.  Cash, 
James  M.  Carhs,  David  D.  Duncan,  John  Duncan,  David 
Draper,  Joseph  Gallener,  William  Harris,  Burrill  Harris, 
George  J.  Henlings,  Robert  G.  Hodge,  Nobly  H.  Harris, 
Nicholas  Hoy,  George  Henson,  James  B.  Hamlin,  John  W. 
Jones,  Theodore  Kehren,  William  Kallahar,  George  F. 
Louder,  John  Long,  John  P.  Lyng,  Thomas  J.  Langly, 
James  S.  Maohn,  William  McGuire,  Squire  Mardis,  Chris- 
topher Phaender,  Evander  M.  Paine,  John  W.  Radcliffe, 
William  Smith,  Benjamin  Stubberfield,  Caleb  Serber,  Frank 
Trapp,  Henry  Uttei;?,  William  Underwood,  Burton  W. 
Williams,  George  Yager,  Francis  M.  Canup,  John  Byer, 
Lepposon  A.  Dye,  Conrad  Deitz,  Edward  Hays,  Amos 
Landman,  Michael  McCann,  Andrew  J.  Hammone,  John  H. 
Ralston,  Washington  M.  Stewart,  Rolla  H.  Vauter. 

In  alphabetical  list  of  ofificers,  but  not  in  com- 
pany rolls: 
Captain  Nelson  B.  Church. 
Second  Lieutenant  J.  W.  Faust. 
Assistant  Surgeon  David  P.  Middletcn. 


The  Fifth  was  organized  at  Camp  Sandidge, 
Gallatin,  Tennessee,  under  Colonel* David  R. 
Haggard,  and  .mustered  into  the  service  ]Vtarcb 
31,  1862,  by  Major  W.  H.  Sidell,  United  States 
mustering  officer.  It  was  raised  in  the  southern 
portion  of  Kentucky,  and  was  composed  of  those 
sturdy  yeomanry  who  have  always  been  distin- 
guished for  their  patriotism  and  the  love  of  jus- 
tice and  liberty.  During  the  organization  they 
labored  under  many  disadvantages,  owing  to  the 
frequent  mvasions  of  the  enemy  into  the  district 
where  it  was  recruited.  It  was  mustered  into 
service  with  seven  hundred  and  eighty-nine 
men,  and  was  placed  upon  duty  during  the  active 
campaigns  of  General  Buell,  and  participated  in 
all  the  early  engagements  in  Tennessee,  and  by 
their  soldierly  conduct  won  the  esteem  of  the 
commanding  general.  The  regiment  participated 
in  the  following  battles  and  skirmishes  in  which 
losses  are  reported,  viz:  Burksville,  Kentucky; 
Gallatin,  Tennessee ;  Monroe's  Cross  Roads, 
North  Carolina  ;  Louisville,  Georgia;  Adairville, 
Georgia ;    Millen's   Grove,  Georgia ;    Sweeden's 



Cove,  Tennessee,  and  Sweetwater,  Georgia.  It 
was  mustered  out  at  Louisville,  May  3,  1865. 
The  veterans  and  recruits  were  ordered  to  be 
transferred  to  the  Third  Kentucky  Veteran  Cav- 


Colonel  Oliver  L.  Baldwin. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Isaac  Scott. 
Major  James  L.  Wharton. 
Surgeon  Hugh  Mulholland. 
Surgeon  William  Forrester. 
Commissary  Patrick  M.  Conly. 
Hospital  Steward  William  A.  Derrington. 



First  Lieutenant  James  V.  Conrad. 


William  T.  Vigle,  James  W.  Harman. 

Second  Lieutenant  Edward  Davis. 


Corporal  Bethel  A.  Buck. 


John  Ramin,  James  T.    Buck,    John   J.    Chilson,    Philip 
Daily,  William  R.  TuU. 


Private  John  J.  Burger. 



David  Willan,  William  L.  Avery,  William  Burk,   John  P. 

Private  Henry  W.  Smith. 

Private  John  Irvine. 

Private  James  R.  Himes. 


Captain  Christopher  C.  Hare. 
First  Lieutenant  Amos  M.  Griffen. 
Second  Lieutenant  James  R.  Farmer. 


First  Sergeant  Hiram  Kinman. 
Sergeant  John  Shotwell. 
Sergeant  John  Young. 
Sergeant  Simon  P.  Atkinson. 
Sergeant  Frederick  .Swartz. 
Sergeant  Frederick  Phieffer. 
Sergeant  Nathan  Morrow. 
Sergeant  Samuel  T.  Sills. 
Corporal  Thomas  Bramel. 
Corporal  John  Murphy. 

Corporal  Frederick  Eisenminger. 
Corporal  John  W.  Ratliff. 
Corporal  Cornelius  O'Neal. 
Corporal  Jesse  Beene. 
Corporal  Rufus  R.  Foster. 
Corporal  William  Bryant. 
Corporal  Thomas  Swift. 
Musician  John  Watson. 
Farrier  G.  L.  Emil  Shercr. 
Farrier  John  Borne. 
Wagoner  John  Casey. 


James  K.  Bryant,  William  Bonum,  Nathan  Carlisle,  Jon- 
athan Chesser,  William  Chaddic,  Thomas  Caine,  Robert 
Doyle,  Silas  Elgy,  William  B.  Foster,  Henry  Felker,  George 
Fisher,  John  G.  Gray,  John  Gass,  William  J.  Humble,  Andy 
Hamlet,  Philip  Hurt,  William  Hastings,  George  W.  John- 
son, John  Johnson,  Philip  Jordan,  George  W.  Jackson, 
Jacob  Kizer,  John  Landra,  James  Murphy,  Henry  Michael, 
Isaac  Moore,  James  McKeig,  William  Merifield,  George 
Niece,  Frederick  Nicely,  Augustus  Odcell,  William  Purzell, 
James  Piatt,  Absalom  Rose,  Mike  Sulivan,  William 
Stross,  Joseph  Streetmatter,  George  W.  Turner,  Charles  J. 
Travis,  James  T.  Travis,  John  Troutman,  W.  H.  H.  Vails, 
Garrett  Vores,  James  Welch. 

On  alphabetical  list,  but  not  on  company  roll: 


Major  and  Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel  Charles  A.  Gill. 


Captain  Samuel  G.  Gill. 

Assistant  Surgeon  Charles  H.  Stocking. 


The  First  battalion  of  the  Sixth  Kentucky 
cavalry  was  organized  at  Camp  Irvine,  Jefferson 
county,  under  Major  Reuben  Munday,  and  was 
mustered  into  the  United  States  service  December 
23,  1 86 1,  by  Major  W.  H.  Sidell.  This  battalion 
comprised  five  companies,  and  was  commanded 
by  Major  Munday  until  August,  1862,  when 
companies  F,  G,  H,  I,  K,  L,  and  M  were  re- 
cruited and  the  consolidation  effected.  Previous 
to  the  consolidation  the  First  battalion  was  as- 
signed to  General  George  W.  Morgan's  division, 
and  did  important  service  with  that  command  in 
obtaining  and  occupying  Cumberland  Gap.  Be- 
ing the  only  organized  cavalry  in  the  division, 
the  duties  assigned  it  were  arduous  and  of  great 
importance.  When  the  Gap  was  evacuated  in 
1862  by  General  Morgan,  this  battalion  formed 
the  advance  or  covered  the  rear,  as  occasion 
demanded,  through  Eastern  Kentucky  to  the 
Ohio  river,  contending  with  the  enemy  every 
day.  When  the  consolidation  was  effected, 
Colonel  D.  J.  Hallisy  was  commissioned  colonel, 
and  the  regiment  assigned  to  the  cavalry  divis- 
ion of  the  Army  of  the  Cumberland,  and  by  its 



efficiency  and  discipline  and  gallantry  won  dis- 
tinction in  every  engagement.  It  is  to  be  regret- 
ted that  the  officers  of  this  command  failed  to 
furnish  a  full  history  of  all  its  operations,  as  it  is 
justly  entitled  to  a  reputation  among  the  first  for 
bravery,  discipline,  and  dash  in  the  Western 
army.  The  regiment  was  engaged  in  the  follow- 
ing battles  in  which  loss  was  sustained,  viz: 
Tazewell,  Tennessee;  Cumberland  Gap,  Powell 
River,  Tennessee;  Perry ville,  Kentucky; Cowan's 
Station,  Tennessee;  Lipsey  Swamp,  Alabama, 
and  the  early  battles  fought  by  Generals  Buell 
and  Rosecrans  in  Tennessee. 


Assistant  Surgeon  Charles  B.  Chapman. 
Chaplain  Milton  C.  Clark. 
Regimental  Quartermaster  George  Sambrock. 
Adjutant  William  A.  Stumpe. 



Second  Lieutenant  Henry  Tachna. 

Second  Lieutenant  Daniel  Cheatham. 

First  Lieutenant  William  Murphy. 

First  Lieutenant  Samuel  W.  Crandell. 
Second  Lieutenant  James  G.  McAdams. 


First  Sergeant  Jefferson  Smith. 
Sergeant  William  L.  Crandell. 
Sergeant  Benjamin  F.  Mann. 
Sergeant  James  Lander. 
Sergeant  Hiram  Cure. 
Sergeant  Henry  Johnson. 
Sergeant  William  T.  Druin. 
Sergeant  J  oseph  Rice. 
Sergeant  James  T.  Hall. 
Sergeant  David  M.  Williamson. 
Corporal  George  W.  Tucker. 
Corporal  Joel  C.  Lusk. 
Corporal  Thomas  T.  Cook. 
Corporal  David  G.  Buster. 
Corporal  Charles  W.  Poor. 
Corporal  John  H.  Meanelly. 
Corporal  James  W.  Houk. 
Corporal  John  C.  Hendrickson. 
Corporal  Charles  R.  Moary. 
Corporal  Williamson  Spiers. 
Corporal  Isham  Landers. 
Wagoner  Burvvell  Edrington. 
Wagoner  Chalen  Underwood. 
Wagoner  Alfred  Burrus. 
Farrier  William  H.  Johnson. 

Farrier  Natiian  Warren. 
Saddler  William  Cox. 


Berry  Co.>c,  Nathan  Cox,  Washington  M.  Heron,  Henr> 
T.  Huddleston,  Charner  Johnson,  John  H.  Knapp,  John 
Mann,  John  A.  Mann,  Richard  F.  Nunn,  Joel  Noel,  Abra- 
ham Rodes,  John  Shipp,  Richard  T.  Woolridge,  James  E. 
Williamson,  James  W.  McDaniel,  John  Adams,  William  J. 
Bright,  Weldon  Huddleston,  Robert  Herron,  Pierce  Keneda, 
John  R.  Lawrence,  Jesse  Morris,  John  F.  Williams,  Zach- 
ariah  Williamson,  Richard  Williams,  Johnson  Watson, 
Alfred  J.  White,  Jacob  Cox,  Michael  Conner,  Albert 
Feather,  Henderson  Gar.ier,  James  L.  Grinstead,  Abraham 
Jones,  Stephen  Jones,  James  Parker,  Joseph  Slinker.  John 
Tucker,  Franklin  Baldwin,  Squire  M.  Cox,  John  Dabny, 
George  Dabny,  Elijah  B.  Herron,  John  Hanrahan,  Joseph 
W.  McDaniel,  John  T.  Minor,  Francis  M.  McDaniel, 
Thomas  Shipp,  William  Wooley,  Daniel  B.  Woolridge, 
James  H.  Williams,  Samuel  Brown,  James  Carlile,  John  Cox, 
Andy  B.  Cox,  Benjamin  Dabny,  Charles  Dawson,  Henry  H. 
Geddis,  James  Monroe. 



Captain  Otto  Ernst. 

First  Lieutenant  Charles  A.  Archer. 


First  Sergeant  Henry  G.  Klink. 
Sergeant  John  G.  Tucker. 
Sergeant  John  R.  Fields. 
Sergeant  Louis  Meier. 
Sergeant  Stephen  S.  Dooley. 
Sergeant  Stephen  Risse. 
Sergeant  Joseph  Simms. 
Sergeant  Isham  D.  Scott. 
Sergeant  William  Hill. 
Sergeant  William  Wheat. 
Corporal  William  B.  Crump. 
Corporal  John  M..Roe. 
Corporal  Jacob  Logsdon. 
Corporal  Joshua  B.  McCobbins. 
Corporal  David  A.  Chapman. 
Corporal  William  E.    Bybee. 
Corporal  Frederick  Reusse. 
Corporal  Robert  A.  Miller. 
Corporal  Preston  B.  Roe. 
Corporal  William  T.  Coomer. 
Corporal  William  C.  Fox. 
Corporal  Ezekiel  Witty. 
Farrier  John  S.  McFarling. 
Farrier  John  W.  Woods. 
Saddler  Thomas  McDonald. 
Wagoner  David  Singleton. 


John  Beek,  C!harles  Bender,  William  H.  Burge,  Johc 
Clopton,  Benjamin  P.  Dawson,  Christopher  C.  Freshe, 
Robert  A.  Gibson,  William  D.  Graves,  Charles  Hohman, 
Burrel  T.  Hurt,  Magnes  lestaedt,  Jacob  M.  Long,  Isaac  A. 
Oliver,  James  C.  Page,  William  H.  Purkins,  Berry  Reed, 
Ezekiel  Roe,  George  A.  Roe,  Lorenze  Sohutzinger,  Joseph 
R.  Shipp,  Francis  Watt,  Even  Shaw,  WiUiam  Tolbert. 
William  H.  Collins,  Gustavus  Hurst,  John  D.  Mosby,  ]ohr 
Meninger,  Alexander  Talbert,  William  K.  Withrow,  Joht 
C.  Hammontree,  Chester  Murphy,  Anton  Blattler,  Fredericl 



Base,  George  C.  Coomer,  George  W.  Defevers,  Pharaoh  C. 
Everett,  James  Highland,  John  Johnson,  James  B.  Loyall, 
IshamT.  Withrow,  James  D.  Ward,  Henry  C.  Allen,  Eli 
Babbitt,  Thomas  J.  Brown,  John  M.  Brown,  Joseph  N. 
Byram,  John  Burke,  George  Blell,  Nelson  Bacon,  William 
H.  Brown,  James  Coomer,  John  C.  Duff,  John  Gibson, 
John  M.  Gibson,  Bushrod  B.  Ritter,  Isaac  W.  Roe,  John  T. 
Russell,  Philip  E.  Hammontree,  James  E.  Welsh,  John  T. 
Wheat,  Henry  M.  Wheat,  Richard  H.  Kessler. 



Captain  Robert  H.  Brentlinger. 
First  Lieutenant  George  Williams. 
Second  Lieutenant  George  W.  Richardsou. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  Fowler. 


First  Sergeant  Jonathan  McKelvey. 
Sergeant  Frank  Gnau. 
Sergeant  John  J.  Huff. 
Sergeant  George  M.  Kepple. 
Sergeant  Charles  A.  Fishback. 
Sergeant  William  T.  Payne. 
Sergeant  William  A.  Taylor. 
Sergeant  John  Cook. 
Sergeant  Pharaoh  C.  Everett. 
Sergeant  William  R.  Campbell. 
Sergeant  Martin  A.  Jeglie. 
Corporal  James  Brown. 
Corporal  Owen  McGee. 
Corporal  John  Pickett. 
Corporal  Preston  Noland. 
Corporal  Samuel  E.  Fox. 
Corporal  William  Bettis. 
Corporal  Adolph  Hines. 
Corporal  James  W.  Reed. 
Corporal  William  A.  Russell. 
Wagoner  Richard  L.  Dillingham. 
Wagoner  Lawrence  Mc Taggart. 
Farrier  Michael  Melvin. 
Farrier  Benjamin  Few. 
Farrier  George  Walden. 
Bugler  Samuel  M.  Woolsey. 
Bugler  Richard  Baner. 
Saddler  Martin  V.  Shuman. 
Saddler  Henry  A.  Loyd. 
Saddler  Charles  Simmersback. 


William  AUshite,  Charles  E.  Abbey,  Elim  H.  Button,  Na- 
than Culp,  Charles  R.  Crouch,  Patrick  Carstillo,  Isaac  W. 
Carpe,  Daniel  Huntsinger,  George  W.  Hardin,  Jacob  Hentz- 
leman,  James  W.  Hendricks,  Joseph  K.  Holloway,  Smith 
Hitchcock,  Jonathan  James,  Solomon  Klut,  William  Lush, 
Peter  Meng,  William  Maher,  Daniel  McCauley,  Gabriel 
Randolph,  Joseph  Rhinehart,  William  Swall,  Isaac  Smith, 
Charles  Sawney,  Nelson  Taylor,  George  Walker,  Angels 
Easum,  Richard  Miller,  John  Meek,  John  S.  Perkins,  Albert 
Vicken,  William  R.  Wilson,  William  C.  Rogers,  Charles 
Ackerman,  Wesley  Anderson,  Jacob  Buck,  Edward  Beck, 
William  Derringer,  Benjamin  Bevin,  James  Farnham,  Frank 
Findzell,  Joseph  M.  Hester,  John  Hulsey,  John  Haag, 
Joseph  Hogg,  Willis  W.  Hale,  George  Jefferson,  James  Kess- 
ler, James  Meeks,  James  J.  Mordock,  James  Maloiie,  David 
McCann,  Aaron  W.  Pickett,  Peter  Reeves,  George  R.  Ridge- 
way,   Washington  D.   Slater,   Wallace  Sevunse,    Burton  R. 

Tucker,  John  Elsworlh,  Jacob  Garrett,  Lewis  Hartman,  Ed- 
ward Hall,  Thomas  Knapp,  John  Sperceful,  Andrew  J. 
Stuart,  Samuel  Turner,  John  A.  Seidman,  James  Downey, 
Mathew  Lmdsay,  Peter  .McBride,  William  B.  Schardine. 


The  Sixth  Kentucky  cavalry  veteranized  in 
January,  1864,  at  Rossville,  Georgia,  and  re- 
turned to  Kentucky  on  the  furlough  of  thirty 
days  allowed  by  the  War  department,  at  the  ex- 
piration of  which  it  returned  to  Chattanooga, 
Tennessee,  and  was  assigned  to  the  Third  brig- 
age.  First  division,  commanded  by  General  L. 
D.  Watkins.  From  Chattanooga  it  marched  to 
Wauhatchie,  Tennessee,  and  remained  near  two 
months,  and  then  marched  to  Lafayette,  Geor- 
gia ;  thence  to  Calhoun,  Georgia,  and  Resaca. 
From  Resaca  marched  with  the  advance  of  Gen- 
eral Sherman,  by  way  of  Dalton  and  Snake 
Creek  Gap,  to  Gadsden,  Alabama,  where,  the 
horses  giving  out,  ihz  regiment  returned  to 
Louisville,  Kentucky,  to  be  remounted.  From 
Louisville,  after  being  remounted  and  equipped, 
it  was  ordered  to  Nashville,  Tennessee,  and  par- 
ticipated in  the  pursuit  of  General  Lyon  through 
Kentucky ;  after  which  it  marched  to  Waterloo, 
Alabama,  at  which  point,  the  cavalry  being  reor- 
ganized, this  regiment  was  assigned  to  General 
Croxton's  First  division  of  General  Wilson's 
corps,  and  marched  to  Chickasaw,  Alabama ; 
from  there  marched  with  General  Wilson  through 
Alabama.  Leavmg  the  main  command  at 
Montevallo,  the  Sixth  proceeded  to  Tuscaloosa, 
where  it  met  the  enemy  in  force,  and  was  en- 
gaged in  a  severe  battle.  From  Tuscaloosa  it 
marched  by  way  of  Newnan  to  Macon,  Georgia, 
rejoining  the  main  command  of  General  Wilson. 
From  Macon  it  marched  to  Louisville,  Ken- 
tucky, where  it  was  mustered  out  on  the  6th  day 
of  September,  1865,  having  participated  in  the 
following  battles,  viz:  Lafayette,  Resaca,  Snake 
Creek  Gap,  Georgia;  King's  Hill,  Tuscaloosa, 
Alabama  ;  Nashville,  Tennessee ;  Summerville, 
Georgia,  and  Hopkinsville,  Kentucky. 

In  alphabetical  list,  but  not  on  rolls: 

Regimental  Commissary  Joseph  Hogg. 


Captain  Charles  L.  Schweizer  ("declined  accepting"). 


Colonel  Benjamin   H.  Bristow. 




William  W.  Loy. 


The  following  statement  of  the  condition, 
strength,  and  operations  of  the  Ninth  Kentucky 
Volunteer  cavalry,  since  its  organization,  to  the 
nth  of  September,  1863,  is  taken  fiom  the 
regimental  records,  and  from  other  authentic 

This  regiment  was  organized  at  Eminence, 
under  Colonel  Richard  T.  Jacob,  and  mustered 
into  service  on  the  2 2d  day  of  August,  1862,  by 
Major  L.  Sitgraves.  After  it  was  mustered-in  it 
inarched  to  Crab  Orchard,  Kentucky,  two  com- 
panies being  detached  as  a  body-guard  to  Gen- 
eral Nelson.  These  two  companies  participated 
in  the  battle  of  Richmond,  Kentucky,  and  after 
that  the  regiment  marched  from  Lexington  to 
Louisville,  covering  the  retreat  of  the  Federal 
forces  before  Kirby  Smith.  After  two  weeks' 
stay  at  Louisville  the  regiment  marched  in  ad- 
vance of  Buell's  army  toward  Perryville.  At 
Taylorsville  Colonel  Jacob  was  ordered  to  take 
one-half  of  the  regiment  and  march  to  Shelb/ 
viile,  with  instructions  to  report  to  General  Sill; 
Lieutenant-colonel  Boyle,  with  the  remainder  of 
the.  regiment,  still  remained  with  General  Buell's 
army  and  participated  in  the  battle  of  Perryville. 
The  portion  of  the  regiment  under  command  of 
Colonel  Jacob  was  assigned  to  General  Kirk's 
brigade,  and  marched  from  Shelbyville  to  Frank- 
fort. At  Clay  village  the  regiment  came  up  with 
Scott's  rebel  brigade,  and  after  a  severe  engage- 
ment defeated  them,  with  the  loss  of  a  few  killed 
and  many  prisoners.  On  the  following  Monday 
this  portion  of  the  regiment,  m  advance  of  Gen- 
eral Sill's  division,  drove  Scott's  cavalry  out  of 
Frankfort  and  took  possession  of  the  city,  and 
were  skirmishing  with  the  enemy  all  the  follow- 
ing day. 

From  Frankfort  it  marched  towards  Harrods- 
burg,  and  met  the  enemy  in  force  at  Lawrence- 
burg,  where,  in  a  desperate  hand-to-hand  fight, 
the  enemy  was  forced  from  the  field.  In  this 
engagement  Colonel  Jacob  was  severely  wounded, 
and  was  compelled  to  relinquish  his  command 
to  Captain  Harney.  Four  days  after  this  fight  the 
regiment  was  again  united,  and,  under  command 
of  Lieutenant-Colonel  Boyle,  engaged  in  the  pur- 
suit of  Bragg,  and  after  his  retreat  beyond  the 
Kentucky  line  the  regiment  was    stationed    on 

the  Tennessee  border  to  protect  the  State  against 
the  frequent  incursion  of  the  rebels,  and  was 
daily  engaged  with  the  enemy,  capturing  many 
prisoners.  Colonel  Jacob  rejoined  the  regiment 
in  December,  1862,  and  they  remained  on  the 
border  until  July,  1863,  when  they  were  in  the 
pursuit  of  Morgan  through  Kentucky,  Indiana, 
and  Ohio,  and  participated  in  the  fights  at  Buff- 
ington  Island  and  St.  George's  Creek,  Ohio, 
where  Major  Rue,  with  a  portion  of  the  Ninth, 
Eleventh,  and  Twelfth  Kentucky  Cavalry  cap- 
tured Morgan  the  26th  day  of  July,  1863.  The 
regiment  then  returned  to  Eminence,  Ken- 
tucky. It  participated  in  the  following  battles 
and  skirmishes,  viz:  Richmond,  Clay  village, 
Frankfort,  Lawrenceburg,  Perryville,  Harrods- 
burg.  Horse  Shoe  Bend,  Marrowbone,  Kentucky, 
Buffington  Island,  and  St.  George's  Creek,  Ohio. 
It  was  mustered-out  at  Eminence,  Kentucky, 
September  11,  1863. 


Lieutenant-Colonel  John  Boyle. 

Adjutant  Frank  H.  Pope. 

Regimental  Quartermaster  Charles  A.  Clarke. 

Regimental  Quartermaster  W.  Rector  Gist. 

Regimental  Commissary  Edwin  ].  Clark. 



First  Lieutenant  Thomas  P.  Shanks. 
First  Lieutenant  Frank  H.  Pope. 
Second  Lieutenant  Alfred  C.  Morris. 


Second  Lieutenant  Edward  S.  Stewart. 

Second  Lieutenant  John  C.  Jackson. 

Brevet  Second  Lieutenant  C.  Harrison  Somerville. 


First  Sergeant  Phineas  H.  Barrett. 

Quartermaster-Sergeant  Michael  Minton. 

Com.missary-Sergeant  Thomas  Case. 

Sergeant  Henry  E.  Darling. 

Sergeant  George  Harbeson. 

Sergeant  Jehiel  H.  Hart. 

Sergeant  Thomas  B.  Duncan. 

Sergeant  James  A.  Harbeson. 

Corporal  Justin  M.  Nicholson. 

Corporal  Foster  O'Neill. 

Corporal  Cyrus  Thompson. 

Corporal  Lee  Withrow. 

Corporal  John  M.  Bean. 

Corporal  James  Carrico. 

C'orporal  Joseph  A.  Walter. 

Corporal  James  McCarthy. 

Farrier  George  G.  Shafer. 

Farrier  Isaac  Graham. 

Wagoner  John  G.  Wenderheld. 

Saddler  John  W.  Bradburn. 




James  Adams,  James  W.  Armstrong,  William  B.  Arterbrun, 
Brown  Anderson,  Eli  Bohannon,  Robert  E.  Bradburn,  Dan- 
iel Bolin,  Harvev  -N'.  Cutshaw,  William  Cutshaw,  Andrew 
Carrico,  Hiram  Elkins,  James  F".  Eppihimer,  Martin  V.  Gore, 
John  W.  Gresham,  James  Gaylord,  John  R.  Green,  Richard 
E.  Green,  Barney  Hamilton,  George  W.  Ham,  Eli  Hilton, 
John  Humphries,  William  Hildebrand,  Marshall  Jameson, 
John  Jones,  Benjamin  G.  Kendall. 



Captain  John  D.  Gore. 


Henry  Crutchett,  Henry  H.  Childers,  Anderson  Doss, 
Coon  Hih,  Samuel  Hutchison,  James  Hibbert,  Christian 
Herzeick,  John  Johnson,  Christian  Kremig,  James  Lynnett, 
Richard  T.  Laurence,  Daniel  Livingston,  Stanton  Mitchell, 
Edward  Phillips,  Jame  C.  Pierce,  George  W.  Shepler,  Chris- 
tian Schmitt,  John  Starr,  James  Williams,  John  Welles. 



Colonel  Joshua  Tevis. 
Quartermaster  George  G.  Fetter. 
Assistant  Surgeon  Alfred  T.  Bennett. 


This  regiment  was  recruited  in  the  fall  of  1862. 
Captain  Milton  Graham  opened  a  camp  at  Har- 
rodsburg,  and  companies  A,  C,  D,  and  F  were 
recruited  from  the  counties  of  Mercer,  Washing- 
ton, and  Madison,  and  reported  at  rendezvous 
about  the  nth  of  July.  On  the  22d  of  July  his 
camp  was  removed  to  Frankfort,  Kentucky,  in 
consequence  of  the  invasion  of  the  Stateand  the 
difficulties  attending  the  mustering,  armmg,  and 
equipping  recruits  at  the  former  place.  On  ar- 
riving at  Frankfort  the  recruits  were  ordered  to 
report  to  Major  A.  W.  Holeman,  and  during 
their  stay  company  B  was  recruited,  and  from 
Frankfort  marched  to  Louisville,  Kentucky,  and 
encamped  at  the  fair  grounds,  and  were  engaged 
in  drilling,  recruiting,  and  picket  duty  until  the 
2 2d  of  September.  While  at  the  fair  grounds 
companies  E,  G,  H,  and  I  were  recruited,  and 
the  whole  command  was  mustered  into  the 
United  States  service  on  the  2 2d  day  of  Septem- 
ber, by  Captain  V.  N.  Smith.  The  regiment  re- 
mained in  Louisville  during  the  invasion  of 
Bragg,  and,  after  the  reorganization  of  Buell's 
army,  was  assigned  to  Dumont's  division,  and 
marched  to  Frankfort,  where  it  remained  for  sev- 
eral weeks  scouting.  At  this  point  Lieutenant- 
colonel  W.  E.  Riley  was  commissioned  and 
assumed  command  of  the  regiment,  and  marched 
to    Bowling  Green,    and   thence   to  Scottsville, 

Kentucky,  and  Gallatin,  Tennessee.  At  Galla- 
tin the  regiment  remained  several  weeks  on  gar- 
rison duty. 

On  the  25th  of  December,  1862,  reported  to 
General  Reynolds  and  received  orders  to  march 
to  Glasgow,  where  it  remained  several  weeks, 
and  then  returned  to  Gallatin.  From  Gallatin 
the  regiment  returned  to  Kentucky,  and  was 
constantly  engaged  in  scouting  until  July,  1863, 
when  it  was  in  the  pursuit  of  Morgan  in  his  raid 
through  Kentucky,  Indiana,  and  Ohio,  and  was 
present  at  the  capture  of  the  whole  force  at 
Buffington  Island,  Ohio.  Colonel  Riley  having 
resigned,  Major  Graham  assumed  command  of 
the  regiment.  From  Cincinnati  the  regiment 
marched  to  Ni.cholasville,  and  engaged  in  the 
pursuit  of  Scott's  rebel  cavalry  to  Somerset,  and 
from  there  marched  with  General  Burnside  upon 
his  East  Tennesee  campaign,  and  was  in  all  the 
engagements  incident  to  that  campaign.  The 
regiment  was  engaged  actively  with  the  enemy 
for  several  months  in  the  fall  of  1 365,  and  sus- 
tained heavy  losses  in  killed  and  prisoners.  In 
an  engagement  on  the  28th  of  January,  1864, 
near  Sevierville,  Tennessee,  Major  Graham  was 
severely  wounded,  and  Captain  Slater  assumed 
command  of  the  regiment,  and  returned,  to 
Knoxville.  On  the  4th  of  February  the  regiment 
received  orders  to  rendezvous  at  Mount  Sterling, 
Kentucky.  At  this  point  the  Third  Battalion, 
which  was  recruited  in  the  fall  of  1863,  under 
command  of  Major  W.  O.  Boyle,  joined  the 
regiment.  The  regiment,  having  been  remounted 
and  equipped,  reported  to  General  Stoneman, 
and  marched  for  Nashville,  Tennessee,  and 
thence  to  Chattanooga  and  Atlanta,  participat- 
ing in  all  the  engagements  of  that  campaign. 
Lieutenant  Colonel  Alexander  having  resigned 
in  August,  1864,  Major  Graham  was  promoted 
Lieutenant-Colonel,  and  the  regiment,  having 
again  returned  to  Kentucky,  was  engaged  in 
scouting,  and  succeeded  in  capturing  about  one 
hundred  prisoners  of  Jesse's  command  near  New 
Liberty,  and  from  there  was  ordered  to  Lexing- 
ton, to  prepare  for  General  Burbridge's  raid  on 

At  Lexington  Colonel  Holeman  resigned, 
Lieutenant-colonel  Graham  was  commissioned 
colonel,  and  Major  Boyle  Lieutenant-colonel. 
The  regiment  was  in  the  first  engagement  at 
Saltville,  Virginia,  and  acquitted  itself  with  great 



credit.  After  this  raid  the  regiment  returned  to 
Lexington,  and,  after  two  or  three  weeks'  rest, 
was  ordered  to  join  General  Stoneman  in  his 
campaign  through  East  Tennessee  and  Western 
Virginia.  On  this  campaign,  which  was  in  De- 
cember, 1864,  the  regiment  suffered  terribly, 
having  many  officers  and  men  frost-bitten  and 
rendered  unfit  for  service. 

The  regiment,  after  the  battle  at  Saltvilie,  re- 
turned to  Lexington,  and  was  again  ordered  to 
join  General  Stoneman  in  his  campaign  through 
Tennessee,  North  Carolina,  and  South  Carolina 
to  Atlanta,  Georgia,  where  it  was  at  the  time  of 
the  surrender  of  the  Confederate  army.  From 
there  it  returned  to  Louisville,  and  was  mustered 
out  on  the  14th  of  July,  1865,  the  recruits  and 
veterans  being  transferred  to  the  Twelfth  Ken- 
tucky cavalry. 

It  was  engaged  in  the  following-named  battles 
in  which  loss  was  sustained,  viz:  Cassville, 
Georgia;  Dandridge,  Tennessee ;  Dalton,  Geor- 
gia; Macon,  Georgia;  Marion,  Virginia;  Marys- 
ville, Tennessee;  Philadelphia,  Tennessee;  Knox- 
ville,  Tennessee,  and  Hillsboro,  Georgia. 


Colonel  Alexander  W.  Holeman. 
Lieutenant-Colonel  Archibald  J.  Alexander. 
Major  William  O.  Boyle. 



First  Lieutenant  Charles  H.  Edwards. 


Captain  Frederick  Slater. 
Captain  Edward  H.  Green. 
First  Lieutenant  Robert  Q.  Terrill. 

Second  Lieutenant  John  H.    Stone   [on   alphabetical  list, 
but  not  on  rolls]. 


First  Sergeant  James  M.  Steele. 
First  Sergeant  Lewis  Bienkamp. 
Quartermaster-Sergeant  John  .Anderson, 
Commissary  Sergeant  Washington  Stark. 
Commissary  Sergeant  Caswell  Huffman. 
Sergeant  Lawrence  Han. 
Sergeant  William  H.  Connell. 
Sergeant  Dunn  R.  Stage. 
Sergeant  Solomon  Huffman. 
Sergeant  James  W.  Armstrong. 
Sergeant  James  H.  Bailey. 
Sergeant  Isaac  N.  Thompson. 
Sergeant  Bartlett  Veglet. 
Corporal  William  H.  Hensley. 
Corporal  Surge  J.  Walker. 
Corporal  Samuel  H.  Webber. 
Corpora]  Hugh  McHugh. 

Corporal  William  Schwagmier. 
Corporal  David  Writer. 
Corporal  Christian  Seidel. 
Corporal  Thomas  Lamkin. 
Corporal  Andrew  M.  Swift. 
Corporal  Leander  Ruble. 
Saddler  Christopher  Ryner. 
Farrier  Edward  Chesworth. 
Bugler  Henry  D.  Mallory. 


Thomas  }.  Bailey,  William  Carbaugh,  John  Cooper, 
Thomas  Carmichael,  Robert  Dickey,  Andrew  J.  Dalson,  John 
Fitzpatrick,  Rudolph  Fisher,  Elias  C.  Graves,  Aaron  B. 
Henry,  Henry  Lincomp,  John  Love,  Josiah  C.  Powell, 
Daniel  Stewart,  Levi  P.  Trester,  George  Trester,  Frederick 
Thalke,  John  Tracey,  Henry  UUman,  Watstein  Writer, 
Robert  J.  Bennett,  Robert  T.  Day,  George  N.  A.  Gathman, 
John  M.  Griffin,  Michael  Mundary,  Henry  McDonald, 
Frederick  Steinback,  Jarah  Teaney,  James  Vahe,  John 
Whiteford,  William  McMurray,  David  Powell,  William 
Peek,  George  White,  Jacob  Bailey,  James  Carlin,  William 
Caldwell,  Henry  Clenn,  Henry  Dulveber,  Robert  H.  Griifin, 
Hugh  Grieley,  Henry  Harker,  Martin  H.  Henderson, 
Thomas  Hensley,  Franklin  Johnson,  James  Kennedy, 
Malaka  Lafttas,  Nathan  Manning,  David  Milboum,  Fred- 
erick Nutmier,  Frederick  Natte,  John  Quade,  Joel  Roberts, 
William  F.  Smith,  William  Teaney,  Frank  Tourville,  John 
C.  West,  Henry  Winter. 



Captain  Joseph  Lawson. 

First  Lieutenant  Allen  Purdy. 

First  Lieutenant  Joseph  M.  Willerman. 

Brevet  Second  Lieutenant  John  H.  Skinner. 


Quartermaster  Sergeant  Tennis  W.  Wade. 

Commissary  Sergeant  August  Wadrecht. 

First  Sergeant  Earnest  C.  Laurence. 

Sergeant  Joseph  S.  Boggs. 

Sergeant  Robert  Taliaferro. 

Sergeant  Joseph  Hannan. 

Sergeant  Amen  H.  Motley. 

Sergeant  George  R.  Evans. 

Sergeant  Charles  Mortier. 

.Sergeant  William  E.  Thomas. 

Corporal  John   Morgan. 

Corporal  William  Florah. 

Corporal  Hugh  Ross. 

Corporal  Patrick  Mooney. 

Corporal  Joel  W.  Rice. 

Farrier  George  Crocket. 

Saddler  James  R.  Jleff. 

Bugler  Thomas  H.  Lawson. 


John  Ames,  Thomas  E.  Livezey,  Alexander  Mulbery, 
Gran  Nutting,  Lewis  Phelps,  Joseph  Smith,  John  Waldro, 
Edward  L.  Bradley,  Bennett  Corte,  Joseph  Downard,  David 
L.  Edward,  Sr.,  George  Hacksteadt,  Adam  Kiger,  William 
J.  Laffling,  Cornelius  McKinney,  Jesse  Angleton  George 
W.  Codrin,  Henry  Cotman,  William  Duffy,  Joseph  Edwards, 
John  Edwards,  William  Fuller,  Thomas  Fuller,  George  S. 
Gilmore,  Samuel  Hollensworth,  Henry  C.  Hill,  Stephen 
Hurt,  Ale.\ander  James,    James   W.    Lunsford,   William    J. 



Laffling,  William  McLaughlin,  Edward  McCann,  Shower 
Nelson,  William  Phelps,  Joseph  C.  Parris,  Conrad  Parr, 
Charles  J.  Stalker,  George  W.  Scaggs,  William  F.  Spades, 
James  Weathertoii,  Robert  Watterman,  Alexander  Wallace, 
John  Baker,  Oliver  Gibson,  George  Hudson,  James  Hicks, 
George  F.  Jennings,  John  Lewis,  Charles  McCarey,  John 
Scaggs,  John  Tyrus. 



Captain  George  H.  Wheeler. 
First  Lieutenant  Daniel  E.  W.  Smith. 
Second  Lieutenant  George  W.  Taylor. 
Second  Lieutenant  B.  H.  Niemeyer. 


First  Sergeant  Aylett  R.  Smith. 
Sergeant  James  W.  Staples. 
Sergeant  Albert  T.  Smith. 
Sergeant  James  Heflin. 
Sergeant  William  A.  Bryant. 
Sergeant  Sanford  R.  Bryant. 
Sergeant  William  V.  Hare. 
Sergeant  Aylett  R.  Owens. 
Corporal  Charles  L.  Harding. 
Corporal  John  Willis. 
Corporal  Parkison  Bradford. 
Corporal  Benjamin  F.  Estep. 
Corporal  James  Smith. 
Corporal  Albert  S.  Taylor. 
Bugler  Alexander  Hay. 
Saddler  Richard  Glover. 
Farrier  John  Henry. 
Farrier  Robert  C.  Wilson. 
Wagoner  Daniel  H.  Wilson. 


William  J.  Allen,  Nettie  J.  Brumfield,  John  W.  Brumfield, 
Frederick  J.  Bryant,  George  Holeman,  James  W.  Mansfield, 
Patrick  Nolin,  Joseph  J.  Ross,  George  A.  Reeves,  Andrew  J. 
Webb,  William  Brown,  Frank  Clark,  George  Housefield, 
George  W.  Knizley,  W.  M.  Morris,  Robert  H.  Mullen,  Noble 
Mitchell,  Frank  Mulholan,  Patrick  Rynes,  Robert  T.  Smith, 
George  Armstrong,  Jesse  P.  Brumfield,  Archibald  W.  Burriss, 
Vincent  T.  Biggerstaff,  Robert  Baldwin,  John  H.  Bode,  Wil- 
liam H.  Brown,  Almon  C.  Clark,  Peter  Conner,  David  L. 
Dennis,  Charles  Dawson,  Joseph  S.  Dodd,  Richard  W.  Dale, 
Ablisom  Elkins,  Michael  Glea.son,  George  Glove,  Richard  P. 
Holeman,  William  E.  Howard,  Jesse  Hail,  Francis  H.  Hol- 
liday,  William  H.  Heflin,  Charles  C.  Hewitt,  Harrison  Hay- 
den,  John  Joice,  James  A.  Kirk,  William  D.  Kidd,  James 
Long,  Simeon  B.  Leech,  Marcus  M.  Lawrence,  Henry  Mil- 
ler, John  R.  Mitchell,  David  McConol,  David  Maines, 
James  Molbon,  Joseph  Power,  George  W.  Rudy,  Erasmus 
Rodman,  Rodger  Rynes,  Thomas  J.  Smith,  Joseph  Stiltz, 
William  Smithers,  William  C.  Spencer,  James  Sturgeon, 
John  W.  Seli,  George  W.  Taylor,  Ransom  S.  Wilshire, 
George  W.  Whitehures,  Alford  M.  Weston,  George  Weitzel, 
William  S.  Burd,  Elijah  Burnett,  John  Bingham,  John  Bald- 
win, John  Chapman,  Henry  Courcer,  Wesley  O.  Carter, 
Harby  Davison,  Patrick  Fagen,  William  J.  Gill,  Thomas  G. 
Lawrence,  Christopher  C.  Moles,  Tyre  S.  Reeves,  James  A. 
Self,  John  J.  Sweezee,  Ernest  Slade,  Thomas  Shaley,  John 

In  alphabetical  list,  but  not  on  rolls: 

First  Lieutenant  P.  W.  Hall. 

Second  Lieutenant  Louis  Bergman  (transferred  to  com- 
pany C,  Twelfth   Kentucky  cavalry). 

Captain  Robert  Karnes  (captain  company  C,  also  of  D, 
Twelfth  Kentucky  cavalry). 

Major  William  Mangan  (captain  Company  K,  Twelfth 
Kentucky  cavalry). 

Captain  A.  C.  Morris. 

Captain  Thomas  B.  Strong. 

Second  Lieutenant  Rufus  .Somerly. 

Captain  Charles  L.  Unthank. 


Major  William  R.  Kinney. 
Second  Lieutenant  John  H.  Stone. 



Captain  Thomas  J.  Cherry. 


First  Lieutenant  William  K.  Wallace. 


This  battery  was  organized  in  the  month  of 
July,  1861,  at  Camp  Joe  Holt,  Indiana,  by  Cap- 
tain David  C.  Stone,  and  was  mustered  into  the 
United  States  service  on  the  27th  day  of  Sep- 
tember, 1861,  at  Camp  Muldrough  Hill,  by 
Major  W.  H.  Sidell.  This  battery  accompanied 
General  Rousseau  from  Louisville  to  Mul- 
drough's  Hill  early  in  the  fall  of  1861,  and  con- 
stituted a  part  of  that  gallant  band  who  interposed 
between  Buckner  and  Louisville.  It  was  as- 
signed to  the  Department  of  the  Cumberland, 
and  was  distinguished  for  gallantry,  discipline, 
and  soldierly  bearing,  and  in  the  early  engage- 
ments in  Tennessee  won  the  praise  of  the  De- 
partment commander.  It  veteranized  at  Nash- 
ville, Tennessee,  in  February,  1864.  After  the 
defeat  of  the  Confederate  forces  under  General 
Hood,  in  December,  1864,  the  battery  was 
ordered  to  Texas,  where  it  remained  until  Oc- 
tober, 1865,  when,  being  ordered  to  Louisville, 
it  was  mustered  out  November  15,  1865. 


Captain  David  C.  Stone. 
First  Lieutenant  John  H.  Mellen. 
First  Lieutenant  Robert  A.  Moffet. 
First  Lieutenant  William  H.  Sinclare. 
First  Lieutenant  John  H.  Landweher. 
Second  1-ieutenant  George  W.  Clark. 
Second  Lieutenant  William  K.  Irwin. 
Second  Lieutenant  Frederick  R.  Sanger. 


First  Sergeant  John  M.  Beard. 
First  Sergeant  Upton  B.  Reaugh. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  Richard  Catter, 



Quartermaster  Sergeant  Albert  St.  Clair. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  Charles  McCarty. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  John  Mendell. 
Quartermaster  Sergeant  Covington  O.  West. 
Sergeant  John  W.  Hall. 
Sergeant  Deroy  Love. 
Sergeant  Francis  Grunee. 
Sergeant  John  H.  Leach. 
Sergeant  Joseph  H.  Browing. 
Sergeant  Martin  Guiler. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Kennett. 
Corporal  James  Humphreys. 
■  Corporal  Sebastian  Amling. 
Corporal  Boler  Raney. 
Corporal  William  Harvey. 
Corporal  Eli  LcJy. 
Corporal  Charles  Rogers. 
Corporal  John  Rice. 
Corporal  Henry  B.  Noel. 
Corporal  \Villiam  M.  Gray. 
Corpc*lri  Charles  A.  Collins. 
Corporal  Richard  Janice. 
Corporal  Charles  H.  Scott. 
Corporal  Henry  F.  W.  Vaskuhl. 
Corporal  Leander  B.  Lawrence. 
Corporal  William  Lewis. 
Bugler  Samuel  A.  Auld. 
Artificer  J  ohn  E.   Hall. 
Artificer  Andrew  Thompson. 


William  Allen,  William  Ball,  John  D.  Barnes,  Thomas 
Barnes,  David  Burdine,  Isaac  Bell,  William  Brister,  Fred- 
erick Buckholt,  Green  Breden,  Andrew  Crohan,  George  W. 
Carroll,  James  M.  Curry,  Philip  Catron,  William  H.  Dooly, 
John  Debouid,  Paul  L.  Denning,  John  Ebbs,  Joseph  A. 
Evans,  John  J.  Estes,  Joseph  Endurlin,  Francis  M.  Fox, 
Sebastian  Gruniisen,  Lewis  Green,  Bernard  Garry,  Cornelius 
S.  Hislop,  Lawrence  E.  Hands,  Stephen  A.  Harper,  Lafay- 
ette Hurt,  Thomas  Hampton,  Henry  H.  Haggard,  Jacob 
F.  Hoover,  Frederick  Hiltser,  Columbus  Hays,  Michael 
Isler,  William  H.  Jones,  Henry  G.  Jiles,  William  Jones, 
John  Johnes,  Levi  King,  John  Kneasa,  Otto  Kleins-Schmit, 
John  S.  Light,  Samuel  L.  Long,  Ernest  Lambert,  Jesse  D. 
Little,  David  Lanigan,  Theodore  Morrison,  John  Miller, 
Nathan  J.  Moore,  John  T.  Murray,  William  Masters,  An- 
toine  Muler,  William  H.  Meece,  James  McCabe,  Charles  J. 
Mathews,  William  Martin,  Reuben  Payne,  Elias  Pea,  Daniel 
S.  Purdy,  Martin  Ranch,  Warner  Richards,  John  Roberts, 
John  C.  M.  Redman,  Eustachius  Reis,  John  Richardson, 
Daniel  C.  Scully,  Robert  Stewart,  James  H.  Street,  Greenup 
Sparks,  Thomas  B.  Sevill,  Charles  Stephens,  John  C.  Smith, 
Peter  Slathter,  Charles  Smith,  Francis  M.  Smith,  Levi  M. 
Taylor,  Samuel  M.  Thompson,  Hugh  L.  Thompson,  Asberrv 
H.  Thompson,  Patrick  Ward,  William  J.  Wren,  Benjamin 
F.  Withers,  George  W.  White,  Reuben  Wooddon,  George 
Woods,  William  F.  Wallace,  John  W.  Warner,  Thomas 
Adkins,  George  Bancroft,  John  Beatty,  William  Bingham, 
Frank  Bainlee,  Joseph  Briswalder,  Josiah  H.  Bagby,  John 
M.  Burton,  Christian  Bothman,  Peter  Boohn,  William 
Boohn,  Joseph  Backman,  Daniel  Coackly,  Edward  M.  Clark, 
Patrick  Curran,  William  H.  Chaddock,  Pearson  Crouch, 
Cyrenius  Childers,  David  Collins,  John  Dorington,  George 
Daugherty,  William  Driscoll,  William  Dye,  Thomas  Dick, 
William  Everett,  Robert  Elmore,  George  Fells,  Patrick  Faha, 
John  R.  Ford,  Philip  Flood,   Daniel   C.    Friels,  Jefferson  L. 

Fields,  Richard  Ghiles,  Henry  H.  Gwin,  Thomas  Harper, 
Daniel  Hild,  Moses  R.  Hancock,  Charles  Hite,  Henry 
Hayse,  Benjamin  Holt,  John  W.  Johnson,  Lord  W.  Joyce, 
Herman  Kellehals,  William  J.  Kerr,  Jeremiah  Lochery, 
James  Lindseyc  Flotus  V.  Logan,  George  W.  McQuigg, 
John  McKenzie,  John  Moylan,  Perry  Moore,  Patrick  Mc- 
Call,  William  Matthews,  William  Manning,  Lloyd  Morrison, 
Waller  W.  Miller,  William  MuUins,  George  W.  McDonald, 
John  M^tin,  James  B.  Nenelly,  Marcus  D.  L.  Osburn, 
Charles  R.  Oliver,  Henry  T.  Powell,  James  L.  Parrish, 
John  McKinney,  William  Quinne,  William  S.  Roberts, 
Maurice  E.  Reece,  Francis  B.  Reece,  Anthony  Razor,  Wil- 
liam R.  Razor,  John  Hubee,  Benedict  Stubla,  Patrick 
Shaaha,  Richard  A.  Spurreer,  Thomas  Smith,  Allen  M. 
Smith,  James  M.  Smith,  Howell  M.  Smith,  William  C. 
Smith,  George  H.  Smith,  Joseph  Sewell,  Hillery  Sells,  Wil- 
liam Story,  Andrew  Sells,  William  Sterling,  George  Sparrow, 
Jesse  Seward,  Richard  Thomas,  James  Vertrees,  Pleasant 
Walker,  Jeremiah  Walker,  Nathaniel  Walker,  John  A.  Wal- 
lace, .Mfred  W.  Wright,  Moses  H.  Wilson,  William  H. 
Wren,  John  S.  Williams,  Alonzo  C.  Yates,  James  H.  Wal- 
lace, Warren  Benge,  John  Coffman,  David  Dally,  David 
Ford,  Samuel  Kephart,  James  Marshall,  Frank  Miller,  Wil- 
liam Malcolm,  John  Norton,  Eugene  K.  Raymon,  John 
Spires,  Samuel  Schuff,  Leroy  Whitus,  William  S.  Wilhite, 
William  B.  Yates,  William  Cummins,  Thomas  Cummins, 
John  Durbin,  Charles  Faller,  Frederick  Goff,  Joseph  Jack- 
son, Andrew  Landwehr,  David  W.  Murray,  Joseph  Ottman, 
John  W.  Reynolds,  David  Reckter,  William  Stewart,  Nicho- 
las Stonefelt,  John  W.  Sparks,  William  McK.  Thompson, 
Walton  A.  Tillett,  Edwin  Dundon,  John  W.  Gans,  Daniel 
W.  Burton,  John  Cochran. 


Battery  C  was  organized  at  Louisville  in  Sep- 
tember, 1863,  by  Captain  John  W.  Neville,  and 
was  mustered  into  the  United  States  service,  for 
one  year,  on  the  loth  day  of  September,  1863, 
by  Captain  W.  B.  Royall,  United  States  muster- 
ing ofificer.  Being  raised  for  the  one-year  service, 
this  battery  was  assigned  to  the  Department  of 
Kentucky,  performed  much  valuable  service, 
and  participated  in  many  skirmishes  and  en- 
gagements; and,  as  there  were  but  few  batteries 
in  the  department,  the  marches  performed  were 
long  and  arduous.  It  re-enlisted  for  three  years 
at  Lebanon,  Kentucky,  in  February,  1864,  and 
was  ordered  to  Arkansas,  where  it  participated  in 
several  engagements.  It  returned  to  Louisville, 
where  it  was  mustered  out  July  26,  1865. 


Captain  John  W.   Neville. 

First  Lieutenant  Hugh  S.  Rawle. 


Quartermaster  Sergeant  Thomas  S.   Russell. 

Sergeant  George  b.  Brown. 

Sergeant  Edwin  W.  Gould. 

Sergeant  Spencer  H.  Segroves. 

Sergeant  Lowdy  Howard. 

Sergeant  William  B.  Bryson. 



Sergeant  James  E.  Hensley. 
Corporal  John  Wilson. 
Corporal  James  E.  Dolton. 
Corporal  William  H,  Travis. 
Corporal  Jerome  Newton. 
Corporal  John  M.  Pearman. 
Corporal  Charles  Troll. 
Corporal  John  A.  Irvin. 
Corporal  Jesse  Morris. 
Corporal  Finis  E.  Winders. 
Corporal  Josephus  Bellows. 
Corporal  Moses  Matthews. 
Corporal  Thomas  J.  Simmons. 
Artificer  Henry  C.  Simpson. 
Artificer  John  C.  Mann. 
Blacksmith  John  W.  Gorrity. 
Wagoner  James  Duke. 
Cook  James  Dorrity. 


Charles  Bradas,  Albert  Brown,  Thomas  Blair,  James  M. 
Beech,  James  Clarke,  James  R.  Clarke,  James  B.  Chambers, 
Martin  S.  Davis,  Johnson  Defriend,  William  Goodrich, 
Larkin  L.  Hensley,  Daniel  D.  Howard,  Franklin  Harrod. 
William  H.  Hewlett,  William  Jones,  Paul  Landem,  Patrick 
Moore,  Thomas  Morgan,  William  Miller,  Daniel  Pruce, 
Michaelberry  Stephens,  John  W.  Smith,  John  A.  Stowers. 
John  Travis.  David  E.  Tatnm,  Joseph  L.  Tombison,  Samuel 
M.  Wittiion,  Charles  Wilson,  George  W.  Allen,  William  G. 
Alfrey,  John  W.  Black,  Riley  A.  Barker,  John  Bickell,  Wil- 
liam Brasselle,  William  P.  Brasher,  Harrison  Bernett, 
George  W.  Brown,  Samuel  Cooper,  Thomas  J.  Cate,  Ster- 
ling M.  Chambers,  John  Co.x,  Hiram  Dulaney,  Henry  P. 
Edwards,  Thomas  Galloway,  Jesse  A.  Ghormly,  William  P. 
Garr,  Daniel  T.  Henderson,  George  T.  Hern,  William  Hart, 
Samuel  Hardy,  John  C.  Hughes,  George  W.  Hughes,  Caleb 
Ingram,  Nicholas  Losser,  Johnson  Lelbetter,  Richard  N. 
Lyons,  Henry  N.  Lanes,  Jeremiah  Loutch,  Joseph  Loving, 
Joseph  McMillan,  John  Moore,  John  S.  McDonald,  Samuel 
McGee,  John  Nouse,  Thomas  O'Brien,  Henry  Pruett,  Joel 
S.  Poore,  Robert  PuUam,  John  Pullam,  Richard  P.  Redding, 
Edward  Riley,  John  Henry  Richie,  John  Summers,  Moses 
A.  Sweaton,  John  Spillman,  James  Spain,  Charles  Sheffield, 
James  L.  Taylor,  John  A.  Unckleback,  John  Varable, 
Thomas  J.  Wright,  Charles  W.  Wood,  James  M.  Winston, 
Franklin  B.Adams,  John  H.  Benningfield,  James  M.  Bow- 
len,  John  C.  Comer,  Daniel  Floui,  Joseph  M.  Hough,  Lewis 
W.  King. 



First  Lieutenant  Hugh  S.  Rawls. 


First  Sergeant  James  E.  Hensley. 
Quartermaster-Sergeant'Charles  Troll. 
Sergeant  Thomas  J.  Wright. 
Sergeant  Spencer  H.  Segroves. 
Sergeant  William  B.  Bryson. 
Sergeant  Lowdy  Howard. 
Corporal  John  N.  Pearman. 
Corporal  Thomas  J.  Simmons. 
Corporal  J  esse  C.  Morris. 
Corporal  Finis  E.  Winden. 
Corporal  Moses  Mathews. 
Corporal  Thomas  O'Brien. 
Corporal  Jeremiah  Loutch. 

Corporal  John  W.  Black. 
Artificer  Henry  C.  Simpson. 
Artificer  John  C.  Mann. 
Artificer  Caswell  H.  Barnhill. 
Wagoner  Johnson  Letbetter. 
Cook  James  Dorrity. 


William  Alfrey,  George  W.  Allen,  John  Bickell,  William 
P.  Brashear,  Harrison  Barrett,  George  W.  Brown,  James 
Burton,  Hiram  Brassalle,  Samuel  Cooper,  Thomas  J.  Cate, 
John  Cox,  William  H.  Coon,  James  Duke,  Robert  Edwards, 
Robert  W.  Field,  Thomas  Galloway,  Jesse  A.  Ghormley, 
Edwin  W.  Gonld,  Daniel  T.  Henderson,  George  T.  Hern, 
John  A.  Irvin,  Caleb  Ingram,  Nicholas  Losson,  Richard  N. 
Lyons,  Joseph  McMillan,  John  Moore,  John  S.  McDonald, 
Samuel  McGee,  John  Nouse,  Jerome  Newton,  Henry  Pruitt, 
Joel  L.  Poore,  Edward  Riley,  John  Richie,  Thomas  S.  Rus- 
sell, Richard,  P.  Redding,  John  Summers,  Moses  A. 
Sweaton,  John  Spillman,  James  Spain,  Charles  Sheffield, 
James  L.  Taylor,  John  A.  Unkelback,  John  'Varalle,  Charles 
W.  Wood,  William  P.  Garr,  Riley  A.  Barker,  Henry  P.  Ed- 
wards, John  C.  Hughes,  William  Hart,  Samuel  Hardy, 
Frankliu  Adams,  John  H.  Benningfield,  Sterling  M.  Cham- 
bers, Henry  N.  Laws,  Robert  Pullam,  Joseph  H.  Leaptrol, 
Wash  E.  Maytor. 


This  battery  was  organized  at  Louisville,  Ken- 
tucky, in  September,  in  1863,  under  Captain 
John  J.  Hawes,  and  was  mustered  into  the 
United  States  service,  for  one  year,  at  Camp  Nel- 
son, Kentucky,  on  the  6th  day  o(  October,  1863, 
by  Captain  R.  B.  Hull,  United  States  Mustering 
Officer.  It  performed  garrison  duty  at  Camp  Nel- 
son and  Camp  Burnside  for  several  months; and, 
in  February,  1864,  re-enlisted  for  three  years.  It 
was  at  Le.xington,  •  Kentucky,  in  June,  1864, 
when  the  city  was  attacked  by  John  Morgan's 
forces,  and  by  a  few  well-directed  shots  succeed- 
ed in  driving  them  from  the  city.  It  remained 
at  Lexington,  Kentucky,  until  November,  1864, 
when  it  received  orders  to  march  to  East  Ten- 
nessee, and  join  General  Stoneman  in  his  expedi- 
tion against  Saltville,  Virginia.  This  Battery 
participated  in  the  battle  of  Marion,  Virginia,  on 
the  i8th  of  December,  1864,  and  on  the  21st  of 
December,  in  the  capture  of  Saltville.  After  the 
capture  of  Saltville,  all  the  guns  of  the  Battery 
were  destroyed  and  the  men  mounted  and  re- 
turned to  Lexington,  Kentucky,  by  way  of  Pound 
Gap  and  Mount  Sterling.  This  expedition  was 
one  of  great  severity,  many  of  the  men  being 
being  badly  frost-bitten,  but  enduring  the  cold 
and  fatigues  with  marked  courage  and  patience. 
From  Lexington  it  marched  to  Camp  Nelson, 
where  it  remained  until  ordered  to  Louisville 
for  muster-out,  August  i,  1865. 




Quartermaster  Sergeant  Frank  King. 
First  Sergeant  Thomas  Murray. 
Sergeant  Robert  Lay. 
Sergeant  Adison  L.  Norris. 
Sergeant  Blanton  Frazier. 
Sergeant  Charles  W,  Toulmin. 
Corporal  Henry  Schwink. 
Corporal  Milton  S.  Morgan. 
Corporal  Robert  S.  Harrison. 
Corporal  David  E.  Crist. 
Corporal  Pleasant  M.  Gwin. 
Corporal  Pascal  Ragal. 
Corporal  George  P.  Bolin. 
Corporal  John  Tompkins. 
Corporal  Thomas  Wallace. 
Buger  Edgar  Wagner. 
Bugler  William  Sawter. 
Artificer  Malcom  McCoig. 
Artificer  Ferdinand  Holhouse. 
Artificer  John  Feeway. 
Wagoner  John  O.  Smith. 


Newton  Anderson,  Michael  Bradon,  John  S.  Brooks, 
James  T.  Brock,  William  M.  Baker.  Peter  F.  Baker.  Jesse 
Baker,  Hiram  W.  Butcher,  Samuel  M.  Butcher,  George 
Brewer,  Andrew  Cordell,  Hiram  Carlory,  Elijah  Clark,  John 
B.  Correll,  John  Corruth,  Clinton  Coombs,  Alexander  Coombs, 
George  Clouse,  Lafayette  Douglass,  William  Deavin,  JohnR. 
Elder,  William  H.  Franklin,  Lafayette  Gibson,  Larkin  Gib- 
son, William  C.  Gibson,  Daniel  Heapley,  Edward  Hyde, 
James  Hood,  Augustus  Herring,  James  Hall,  Runinions  S.. 
Jones,  William  M.  Jones,  Samuel  T.  James,  George  Kirkland, 
Robert  L.  Kilpatrick,  Jeremiah  Landres,  George  Mclvan, 
James  McAllen,  David  McKusir,  Granvill  A.  McCoy,  Henry 
Messer,  John  Manyrum,  Henry  C.  Musgrove,  Edward 
Miller,  James  B.  Nelson,  William  Patton,  James  W.  Rey- 
nolds, Frank  Rehberger,  James  M.  Russell,  Farris  Roberts, 
Michael  Sullivan,  Benjamin  Swadener,  Jeremiah  Spencer, 
Isaac  P.  Smith,  John  M.  Stewart,  Elijah  W.  Shay,  Ed- 
mund Tyler,  Drury  Talbot,  Richard  Thomas,  William  C. 
Vanover,  George  W.  Williamson,  Thomas  Withers,  Jasper 
Yarbrough,  [ames  Anderson,  Thomas  Anderson,  Jesse  L. 
Baker,  David  Baker,  Charles  A.  Carpenter,  Thomas  Doolan, 
Gabriel  Daugherty,  Robert  E.  Depew,  Otho  T.  Davis,  John 
Feeway,  John  W.  Graves.  Alfred  A.  Gambrel,  Thomas 
Hayes,  William  A.  Hunt,  Robert  Hamner,  James  Howell, 
James  W.  Jones,  Robert  Johnson  John  F.  Knoble,  Eli  N. 
Langley,  Wilson  M.  May,  Jacob  Myers,  William  Morgan, 
Pleasant  Morgan,  Charles  McGuire,  Robert  Nutt,  John 
Ruprecht,  Patrick  Short,  John  Vaughan,  James  Woods, 
William  Wallace,  Robert  C.  Burritt,  Daniel  Clark,  Thomas 
Garrett,  Jeremiah  Herbert,  John  Toohey,  George  Barrix, 
Samuel  P.  Depen,  George  Frazer,  Otto  Gire,  James  Munroe, 
Joshua  Vaughan,  John  R.  Walker,  William  A.  Whitney. 

On  alphabetical  list,  but  not  on  roll : 


Second  Lieutenant  William  Lanigon. 


On  alphabetical  list,  but  battery  never  organ- 
ized : 

Captain  Daniel  W.  Classic. 


Second  Lieutenant  Thomas  Garrett. 

Jeffrey  Rogers,  second  lieutenant,    Twenty-first  infantry. 

Andrew  Carle,  second  lieutenant,  company  A,  Twenty- 
third  infantry. 

John  F.  Leonard,  first  and  second  lieutenant,  company  A, 
and  captain,  company  D,  Fiftieth  infantry. 

Charles  M.  Bingham,  second  heutenant,  company  M, 
Thirteenth  cavalry. 


Joseph  Smith,  Theodore  Nelson,  William  H.  Howard, 
company  B.  Thirteenth  infantry. 

Gottlieb  E,  Fiber,  corporal,  company  E,  Thirteenth  in- 

Thomas  J.  Muir,  company  C,  Seventeenth  infantry. 
John   Bottem,    Charles  Richter,  company  D,  Seventeenth 

Corporals  Henry  Paulson,  Charles  Andean,  and  Henry 
Hohman;  Michael  Calahan,  Michael  Cavanaugh,  Michael 
Curran,  Obin  Cushell,  John  Davis,  Anthony  E^gin,  John 
Farihan,  Patrick  Gleason,  George  Jericho,  Joseph  and 
Charles  Kane,  Patrick  Keeran,  Owen  King,  Dennis  Larvln, 
Christian  Mangold,  James  McDonald,  John  McFadden, 
Daniel  O'Brian,  John  Martin,  Thomas  Ryan,  and  Edward 
Keyes,  company  F,  Seventeenth  infantry. 

Ernest  Franks,  company  K,  Seventeenth  infantry. 

Benjamin  Moore  (veteran),  company  E,  Twentieth  infantry. 

Corporal  Henry  F.  Shafer  (veteran),  company  H,  Twen- 
tieth infantry. 

Samuel  McCarty  (veteran),  company  K,  Twenty-first  in- 

Corporals  Jacob  Boss  and  Edward  Dunleith;  Charles 
Ackerman.  Martin  Adams,  Benjamin  Albert,  William 
Amther,  Michael  Bowler,  John  C.  Cline,  Michael  Connell, 
Jacob  Hass,  John  Hartwitz,  John  Hanky,  George  Henry, 
Andrew  Hedley,  Kantlinger,  George  Keck,  Bernard 
Kelley,  Nicholas  Leffler,  Lewis  Maybold,  William  H.  H. 
McPheison,  Patrick  McHugh,  August  Mikel,  Lewis  Mikel, 
John  R.  Muir,  Edward  Reffolt,  Cornelius  Riley,  George 
Rich,  William  Rinbolt,  John  Rowen,  John  Rusch,  George 
A.  Rucker,  Jacob  Scherrer,  Peter  Schuler,  Joseph  Seleick, 
George  Thormyer,  Joseph  Werdic,  August  Williamking, 
company  G,  Twenty-second  infantry. 

Andrew  Carroll,  company  F,  Twenty-sixth  infantry. 

Charles  Granger,  company  K,  Twenty-sixth  infantry. 

Frederick  Daner,  Frederick  Beck,  company  I,  Thirty-third 

John  Coleman,  company  B,  Thirty-fifth  infantry. 

Nicholas  Mangin,  company  D,  Thirty-fifth  infantry. 

Charles  Young,  company  E,  Thirty-fifth  infantry. 

George  Metter  (veteran),  company  H,  Thirty-eighth  in- 

George  A.  Barth,  company  I,  Fortieth  infantry. 

Charles  Witmore,  company  C,  Second  cavalry. 

William  Brown,  company  K,  Second  cavalry. 

Henry  Hart,  company  I,  Forty-seventh  infantry. 

George  H.  Tope,  company  C,  Forty-ninth  infantry. 

William  Metts,  company  A,  Fifty-second  infantry. 

Thomas  C.  Vaughn,  company  B,  Fifty-second  infantry. 

James  M.  Pake  (veteran)  company  F,  Fifty-third  infantry. 

Hugh  Higgins,  company  C,  Seventieth  infantry. 



John  Bennie,  company  B,  Eighty-third  infantry. 

William  M.  Black,  company  H,  Eighty-fifth  infantry. 

James  Higgins,  company  A,  Anthony  Thevenm,  company 
E,  Ninetieth  regimerft  (cavalry). 

Lafayette  Cook,  company  F,  Ninety-first  infantry. 

Harvey  R.  Currier,  company  I,  One  Hundred  and  Twenty- 
eighth  infantry. 

Company  Commissary  Sergeant  David  Mercer,  company 
L,  Thirteenth  cavalry. 

William  W.  Davis,  Pat  O'Conner,  company  M,  Thirteenth 

Josiah  D.  Ripley,  company  C,  One  Hundred  and  Fortieth 

George  Matters,  company  A,  One  Hundred  and  Forty- 
third  infantry. 

John  Gross,  company  D,  One  Hundred  and  Forty-third 

William  Arens,  William  Ely,  Charles  King,  Leopold 
Lenzinger,  Benjamin  F.  Tanner,  company  A,  One  Hundred 
and  Forty-fourth  infantry. 

yoel  M.  and  Newton  J.  Conn  and  Richard  B.  Hawkins 
(Westport),  company  B,  One  Hundred  and  Forty-fourth  in- 

Corporals  Sanford  M.  Jewel  and  Henry  Gilespy;  James  F. 
Key,  William  B.  Lewis,  Barney  Ouley,  Joe  H.  Pope,  com- 
pany G,  One  Hundred  and  Forty-fourth  infantry. 

Frank  McConley,  company  B,  One  Hundred  and  Forty- 
fifth  infantry. 

Corporal  Charles  G.  EUis,  company  K,  One  Hundred  and 
Forty-fifth  infantry. 

Sergeant  William  H.  H.  Cole,  company  B,  One  Hundred 
and  Fifty-first  infantry. 

Daniel  Butler,  company  G,  Christopher  Thomas,  John  Wil- 
kenson,  Thomas  Wills,  Twenty-eighth  United  States 
colored  troops. 

James  Goren,  company  H,  Twenty-eighth  United  .States 
colored  troops. 

David  Rasine,  Second  battery  (also  second  lieutenant 
Second  Missouri  light  artillery). 

Conrad  Endlecoffer,  Tenth  battery. 

Corporals  Joseph  H.  Snyder,  Albert  Clow,  James  McGuire, 
Christopher  Staub,  Emsley  Jackson,  Thomas  M.  Johnson, 
Henry  Ruth,  George  Smiter,  Twelfth  battery. 


Besides  the  large  contingent  which  Jeflerson 
county  put  regularly  in  the  field  and  which  was 
mustered  into  the  service  of  the  United  States. 
was  a  large  number  who  were  only  enrolled  in 
the  State  Militia,  but  were  temporarily  subjected 
to  the  call  of  the  Federal  commanders,  and  who 
served  for  short  periods  in  sudden  emergencies, 
as  when  Louisville  or  its  railway  communications 
were  threatened  by  the  enemy.  Among  them 
were  many  who  also  served  in  the  Kentucky 
forces  in  the  Federal  service,  as  will  be  observed 
by  the  correspondence  of  names  in  a  large  num- 
ber of  cases;  butsome  left  their  homes  and  bu- 
siness only  for  these  brief  terms  of  service,  upon 
the  call  of  the  United  States  officers,  and  without 
leaving  the  State   in   whose   militia  alone   they 

were  enrolled.  The  compiler  of  this  work  hesi- 
tated to  give  these  rosters  a  place  in  the  military 
history  of  the  county,  on  account  of  the  very 
short  service  of  the  officers  and  men  whose 
names  they  present — in  many  cases  not  exceeding 
a  week  or  ten  days;  but,  being  assured  by  those 
who  personally  knew  of  their  experience  in  the 
field,  that  it  was  often  exceedingly  useful  to  the 
Union  cause,  and  well  deserves  commemoration, 
he  decides  to  include  the  lists  in  the  roll  of  honor. 
The  following  are  believed  to  comprise  all  the 
companies  from  Louisville  or  Jefferson  county 
that  are  noticed  in  the  Adjutant  General's  report 
for  the  war  period: 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier 
General  Anderson,  from  September  17  to  Sep- 
tember 27,  1 86 1. 


Captain  Theodore  Harris. 

First  Lieutenant  William  F.  Wood. 

Second  Lieutenant  A.  N.  Keigwin. 


Sergeant  J.  S.  Hill. 
Sergeant  William  T.  Duncan. 
Sergeant  A.  T.  Spurrier. 
Sergeant  William  H.  Manning. 
Corporal  George  T.  Kage. 
Corporal  C.  L.  Blondin. 


William  Austin,  F.  Brooks,  Milton  Burnham,  William 
Brentlinger,  H.  Bellcamp,  M.  C.  Clark,  W.  L.  Chambers. 
William  Cotter,  Charles  Cooper,  J.  F.  Cook,  J.  L.  Dallott, 
James  Donally,  J.  H.  Davis,  James  Flannagen,  Charles  H. 
Hart,  R.  C.  Hill,  ].  F.  Harvey,  P.  Hogen,  B.  W.  Hurdic, 
John  Martin,  William  Macguire,  James  E.  Mullen,  T.  T. 
Mershon,  Frank  Macguire,  C.  S.  Miller,  John  B.  Martin, 
William  M.  "Nicholls,  Andrew  Nickols,  James  Raery,  K. 
Rhinelander,  George  B.  Roach,  P.  W.  Richards,  John  Reihl, 
R.  Ramsey,  Albert  St.  Clair,  George  Webster,  J.   B.   Wood, 


Called  into  United  Slates  service  by  Brigadier 
General  Anderson,  from  September  18  to  Sep- 
tember 28,  1861 : 


Captain  Edward  St.  John. 

First  Lieutenant  John  F.  Ditsler. 

Second  Lieutenant  J.  C.  Russell. 

First  Sergeant  W.  H.  Bartholomew. 

Sergeant  Joseph  Smith. 

Sergeant  W.  L.  Stratton. 

Sergeant  John  Vetter. 

Corporal  J.  B.  Vice. 

Corporal  William  Roach. 

Corporal  T.  G.  O'Riley. 

Corporal  John  Cookley. 




F.  Besser,  R.  Babett,  jobn  Blotz,  ArnioM  Dierson,  Gotlep 
Drieher,  Henry  Fink,  Philip  Fried.  Jacob  Holing,  John 
Hinkle,  Frank  Henlove,  Philip  Hotop,  F.  J.  Jagle,  John 
Keller.  Robert  Kritser,  H.  McCool,  Richard  McGuire,  Pat 
O'Riley,  F.  Stingle,  Charles  Stetzer,  Frank  Severt,  J.  J. 
Swope,  A.  Smith,  Michael  \A/"atson. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September    17  to  September 

28,  1861: 

coMMrssiONED  offici:bi&. 

Captain  John  Metcalf. 

iiecond  Lieatenant  Jacob  Hess. 


Sergeant  E.  Balstein. 
Sergeant  Frank  Guan. 
Corporal  P.  Wise. 
Corporal  G.  Sanger. 


J.  Bentz,  Michael  Conner,  D.  Clark,  M.  Daly,  C.  Graiff,  P. 
Geiss,  B.  Hessinger,  G.  Howland,  Peter  Kuhn,  John  Kin- 
caid,  Joseph  Kincaid,  Joseph  Probst,  M.  Reuter,  R.  Regan 
M.  Sengal,  E.  Scanlan,  J.  SneO,  James  Whalen,  J.  Walton. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  21  to  October  i,, 


Captain  Fred  Buckner. 

First  Lieutenant  A.  BingswaH. 


First  Sergeant  John  Rtdtaly. 
Sergeant  John  Haur. 
Sergeant  B.  Schikenger, 
Sergeant  L.  Kaunnese, 
Corporal  Albert  Pfeffer. 
Corporal  John  Zimmer. 


John  Aeppele,  John  Handle,  C.  Clark,  O.  Doussoner,  W. 
Eminger,  O.  Fishback,  Martin  Haag,  S.  Kapp,,  Mathias 
Koechle,  Joseph  Kamp,,  John  Luiz,,  John  OefalJeir,  Charles 
Rohus,  John  Selgaret,  John  ZoHeir. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  17th  to  September 

29,  1861. 


Capiaict  Rohen  Mills. 

First  Lieutenant  Charles  A.  Gruber. 

Second  Lieutenant  C.  H.  Summervile. 


First  Sergeant  Joseph  McClory.. 
Sergeant  W.  A.  KeUcer. 
Sergeant  John  Weist. 
Sergeant  Garnet  t  Duncan. 
Corporal  J.  W.  P.  Russell. 
Cocpcual  C,  'WnateEsteine. 


John  Austin,  T.  J.  Adams,  T.  .Anderson,  G.  Brown,  T. 
Brannin,  F.  Blumensteihl,  J.  Briswalder,  T.J.  Carson,  Wil- 
ham  f'urry,  William  Driscolls,  F.  Dye.  E.  O.  Dailv,  Otto 
Dolfinger,  C.  M.  Dermott.  Adam  Eichert.  F.  Escherich,  H. 
Fuller,  F.  Gilcher,  W.  Graffney,  William  Hare,  William 
Kellum,  John  Kerr,  J.  Low,  J.  Malone,  Barney  McMahon, 
William  McKinney,  C.  J.  Mull,  Martin  Middleton,  R.  Nut- 
tall,     C.    Powell,     George    Powell,     H.     Ratterman,    G.  A. 

I     Schimpff,  J.  Scheble,  J.  Schulten,  William  Surmons,  C.  A. 
Strout,    Gibson   Tate,    John    Taber,    John    Winter,   John 

!    Westan. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  October  3d  to  October  19, 
1 861: 


Captain  Robert  Mills. 

First  Lieutenant  C.  H.  Sumerville. 


First  Sergeant  John  W.  Winter. 
Sergeant  E.  O.  Daily. 
Sergeant  J.  W.  T.  Russell. 
Sergeant  William  Kellum. 
CoirpoiraL  R.  NmttalL 


John    Austin,,    T.    J.    Adams,    George    Brown,    Joseph 

"Brishaver,  F.  Bloomenstul,  Daniel  Clark,  Michael  Dailey, 
facob  Em  wain,  H.  Fuller,  George  Gossman,  Thomas  Hol- 
Ibran,  W.  A.  Kelker,  William  Linch,  George  Middleton, 
Martin  Middleton,  Barney  McMahon,  George  Powell,  G.  A. 
Schimpff,  Edwin  Scanlan,  William  Woodfall,  Robert  Wright. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  21  to  October  i, 


First  Lieutenant  Samuel  L.  Adair, 
Second  Lieutenant  Peter  Leaf. 


S«rg:eanitl  Frank  Ress. 
Sergeant  Henry  Routtinibraslb. 
Sergeant  John  Leaf. 
Corporal  William  Roth. 
Corporal  Martin  Deidley, 
Corporall  Jofiuiii  FlMfeirer. 


W.  J.  Adama,  Pfeter  Bontrager,  Frank  Bronger,  Charles 
Cleveland,  Thomas  Cherren,  James  Cotter,  Frederick  Elbert, 
John  Geist,  Nicholas  Glomen,  Joseph  Gnowl,  Jacob  Heirth, 
Henry  T.  Martin,  James  J.  Norman,  James  H.  Norman, 
Henry  Oterman,  Worden  J.  Quick,  C.  Stone,  John  A. 
Stone,  Henry  Shane,  Peter  Shuck,  Jacob  Vauan,  Albert 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  17th  to  September 
22,  i86r. 




Captain  J.  F.  Huber. 

First  Lieutenant  D.  W.  Henderson. 

Second  Lieutenant  Edward  Merkley. 


Sergeant  W.  E.  Benson. 
Sergeant  J.  L.  Byers. 
Sergeant  Lewis  Miller. 
Sergeant  W.  P.  Hampton. 
Corporal  E.  G.  Stout. 
Corporal  Charles  Pring. 
Corporal  Robert  Bebee. 
Corporal  Simon  Berg. 


Aaron  Bacon,  William  Bergman,  Owen  Conley,  James 
Clarke,  Duncan  Daker,  John  Daper,  John  Hawkins,  John 
Hogan,  Vincent  Kriess,  John  Long,  A.  Lederman,  John 
Maurer,  John  Meyer,  G.  Munsenheim,  Henry  T.  Martin, 
Peter  Phiester,  Samuel  Retwitzer,  Stephen  Schmitt,  Charles 
Schusler,  Henry  Snender,  Anton  Schack,  Lewis  Streng,  John 
M.  Vaugaan,  John  Weinhoff,  Fred  Webbe,  G.  Werner. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  20th  to  September 

29,  1861. 


Captain  A.  C.  Semple. 

First  Lieutenant  E.  G.  Wigginton. 

Second  Lieutenant  J.  M.  Semple. 


Sergeant  W.  A.  Bullitt. 
Sergeant  W.  W.  Gardner. 
Sergeant  J.  Barbaroux. 
Corporal  H.  Thompson. 
Corporal  Robert  Vaughan. 
Corporal  James  Milliken. 


James  Ainslie,  C.  Aulsbrook,  V.  R.  Bartlett,  J.  B.  Banys, 
C.  Clark,  R.  M.  Cunningham,  S.  F.  Dawes,  A.  L.  Dwyler, 
William  Drummond,  H.  Dupont,  A.  Day,  G.  H.  Detchen, 
Joseph  Gleason,  U.  B.  Gantt,  H.  B.  Grant,  S.  K.  Grainger, 
Edward  Gary,  James  Gary,  Henry  Gary,  G.  A.  Hull,  A.  G. 
Hodges,  J.  Hornrice,  H.  T.  Jefferson,  C.  K.  Jones,  lavez 
Kirker,  I.  H.  Martin,  G.  S.  Moore,  G.  McCormick,  J.  C. 
Nauts,  R.  L.  Past,  J.  H.  Ponier,  William  Padden,  M.  T. 
Ritchey,  Eugene  Reilly,  James  Ruddle,  George  A.  Sweeney, 
Charles  Semple,  1.  Schirck,  J.  Sommerville,  T.  W.  Spill- 
man,  G.  J.  Vail,  G.  F.  Wood,  J.  T.  T.  Waters,  Z.  W. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  from  September  2  2d,  to 
October  6,  1861. 


Captain  Edward  S.  Sheppard. 


George  W.  Barth,  Robert  Catlmg,  Robert  Latimer,  Charles 
Leterlee,  James  Marshall,  J.  L.  Richardson,  William  Smith, 
Sidney  Smith.  Daniel  Stevens. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  17  to  September 

27,  1861 : 


Captain  B.  Hund. 

First  Lieutenant  L.  Schweizer. 

Second  Lieutenant  A.  Mehrle. 


First  Sergeant  John  Sembaugh. 
Sergeant  Peter  Linden. 
Sergeant  Charles  Weidman. 
Corporal  Gottfried  Miller. 
Corporal  Charles  Guetig. 
Corporal  Osker  Fluhr. 
Corporal  William  Branmiller. 


H.  Bremer,  William  Babsky,  John  Dockweiler,  E.  Emig, 
J.  T.  B.  Emig,  Charles  Elt,  Fz.  Flaig,  Charles  Hilzil.  A. 
Heimerdniger,  J.  Holyer,  G.  Kraut,  T.  Klotter,  William 
Knoller,  George  Klotter,  A.  Kueny,  V.  Losch,  B.  Moritz, 
John  Nichter,  T.  Mevan,  C.  Oelman,  T.  Reichett,  P.  Rosch, 
L.  Rhein,  Phihp  Sensbach,  J.  Sihale,  A.  Schanlin,  N. 
Uhrig,  Fz.  Uhiig. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson  September  17th  to  September 
30,  186 1 : 


Captain  Paul  Byerly. 

First  Lieutenant  James  Forgarty. 

Second  Lieutenant  J.  R.  Boone. 


First  Sergeant  John  Hughes. 
Sergeant  Charles  Wolf. 
Sergeant  William  Woodfall. 
Corporal  W.  H.  Evans. 
Corporal  John  Akin. 


Michael  Calloghan,  Henry  Doorman,  Martin  Enright, 
Patrick  Flaharty,  Henry  Fisher,  Jacob  Hart,  James  Hart- 
nell,  Edward  HartnelS,  John  Insto,  Thomas  Jeffrey,  An- 
thony Kirn,  Edward  Legoe,  John  McMahon,  Peter  Moore, 
William  O'Harra,  Paul  Reis,  Gustoff  Radeloff.J.  W.  Smith, 
Hamilton  Sago,  Michael  Sago,  William  Seibel,  J.  W. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  1 7th  to  September 

28,  1861. 


Captain  F.  M.  Hughes. 

First  Lieutenant  G.  W.  Conaway. 

Second  Lieutenant  D.  Abbott. 


Sergeant  Ranson  Delano. 
Sergeant  T.  B.  Hays. 
Sergeant  Peter  Klink. 



Sergeant  Thomas  Rowlang. 
Corporal  George  Mattern. 
Corporal  Andrew  Hund. 
Corporal  William  Fagan. 


B.  Britton,  F.  Byer,  M.  Bush,  C.  Goodhautz,  George  Heartz, 
George  Henry,  C.  Heeb,  W.  C.  Irvine,  H.  Martin,  J.  Myers, 
Daniel  Powell,  George  Powell,  J.  Riley,  Frederick  Rupp,  S. 
Reister,  Charles  Sauer,  Granville  Sinkhorn,  Theodore  Stalk, 
Frank  Smith,  William  Sauer,  Charles  Wagner,  I.  Williams, 
Silas  W.  Young. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  October  17  to  October  28, 


Captain  Jesse  Rubel. 
First  Lieutenant  J.  R.  White. 
Second  Lieutenant  W.  H.  Fagan. 
Third  Lieutenant  Sim.  Leatherman. 


Sergeant  Brad.  Dearing. 
Sergeant  Charles  Winkler. 
Sergeant  William  Hammon. 
Sergeant  John  Bodkins. 
Corporal  E.  Winkler. 
Corporal  C.  A.  Olmstead. 
Corporal  J.  Leatherman. 


Henry  Bull,  Charles  Cook,  Jacob  Campbell,  Frank  Elex- 
man,  William  Floor,  John  Floor,  George  Figg,  Jacob  Fritz, 
J.  H.  Frautz,  William  Floether,  John  Gaus,  Alford  Hoffeldt, 
Ernest  Hausman,  Henry  Hipper,  Albert  Hollenbach,  Dallis 
King,  George  Kuntz,  William  F.  Kelly,  Toney  McGentry, 
Robert  Murray,  Michael  McMahan,  Robert  Marshall, 
Michael  O'Connor,  George  Rost,  J.  T.  Randolph,  John 
Rodeke,  Lewis  Smith,  John  Smith,  Adam  Shear,  Joseph 
Shad,  Henry  Shaffer,  E.  Sweeny,  William  Shane,  Constant 
Tro.xler,  R.  A.  Wright,  Riley  Willson. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  i6th  to  September 
27,  1861. 


Captain  Joseph  B.  Watkins. 


First  Sergeant  George  Bernard. 
Corporal  Charles  Willis. 


William  Arthur,  Lewis  Bouwin,  Henry  Burnett,  Felix 
Dupre,  Charles  Deal,  John  Felt,  James  Kendall,  Andrew 
Kendall,  Andrew  Lawrence. 

semple's  battery. 
Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  October  3d  to  October  30, 


Major  Joseph  B.  Watkins. 


First  Lieutenant  George  Bernard. 
Second  Lieutenant  Charles  Willis. 


First  Sergeant  William  Arthur. 
Sergeant'  James  Loyal. 
Sergeant  Henry  Burnett. 
Sergeant  George  Morgan. 
Corporal  John  Botkin. 
Corporal  B.  F.  King. 


Michael  Connell,  Philip  Chapel,  James  Cook,  James  A. 
Chappell,  Charles  Deighl,  Henry  Deal,  Thomas  Dupre,  A. 
C.  Ewing,  Alexander  Eliot,  James  Foster,  John  Fravel, 
James  Horine,  Peter  Jacob,  P.  Kelly,  George  Kountz,  Green 
L.  Key,  Andy  Lawrence,  J.  H.  Lapp,  B.  F.  Metcalfe, 
James  McKnight,  P.  G,  Monroe,  M.  J.  Miller,  S.  L. 
Nichols,  J.  J.  Policy,  C.  B.  PoUey,  Alonzo  Rawling,  J.  W. 
Ridgeway,  T.  S.  Royalty,  J.   D.  Skinner,  A.  J.  Wells. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Briga- 
dier-General Anderson,  September  17  to  '  Sep- 
tember 28,  1 86 1. 


Major  A.  Y.  Johnson. 


Captain  J.  D.  Orrill. 

First  Lieutenant  Edward  Young. 

Second  Lieutenant  J.  A.  Weatherford. 


Sergeant  J.  C.  Cassilly. 
Sergeant  J.  E.  Hyburger. 
Sergeant  William  N.  Sinkhorn. 
Sergeant  A.  Brown. 
Corporal  J.  H.  Davis. 
Corporal  B.  E.  Cassilly. 
Corporal  J.  Murdivilder. 
Corporal  P.  M.  Dougherty. 
Musician  Bullitt  Clark. 
Musician  Julius  Carpenter. 
Musician  Matthew  S.  Steward. 


J.  B.  Alford,  George  H.  Alexander,  John  Burkhardt,  Wil- 
liam Boldt,  J.  W.  Bryan,  John  Bradbum,  Charles  Boldt, 
Otto  Brohm,  L.  H.  Beeler,  Samuel  Conley,  W.  N.  Crooks, 
M.  Eaglehooff,  L.  Fisher,.  Lawrence  Giles,  Joseph  Gross,  H. 
H.  Hancock,  Jerry  Hollensead,  J.  D.  Hodgkins,  John  Hite, 
Patrick  Haws,  George  H.  Kise,  Jr.,  F.  Kocksburger,  L. 
Kirchler,  J.  D.  Kircher,  Charles  Kirfus,  J.  L.  Lee,  John 
Lloyd,  Christ  Murton,  James  Maxey,  C.  C.  Owen,  W.  B. 
Rammus,  W.  H.  Ryan,  J.  Richards,  M.  Rapp,  F.  Ran, 
John  Sass,  J.  D.  Strawsburg,  F.  F.  Smith,  WilUam  Shirley, 
Joseph  Stokes,  J.  L.  Spangler,  Joseph  Trainor,  A.  Webber, 
William  Wilson. 


Captain  John  Daly. 

First  Lieutenant  Thomas  TindelL 

First  Sergeant  A.  Hodapp. 



Sergeant  T.  H.  Winstonly. 
Corporal  Jacob  Ack. 
Corporal  George  Sheffler. 
Corporal  Granville  Cock. 


A.  Achers,  W.  S.  Edwards,  A.  Fritz,  John  Field,  George 
Gassman,  John  Gould,  Timothy  Hogan,  G.  W.  Hancock, 
James  Jeffrey,  Andy  Kreigle,  N.  W.  Miller,  William  Nich- 
wish,  Stephen  Norman,  James  White,  John  Zeusmaster. 

CAPTAIN  miller's  COMPANY. 

Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Sherman,  as  guard  to  bridges  on  Leba- 
non Branch  railroad,  September  17  to  October 
16,  1861: 


Captain  Irvine  Miller. 


Thomas  Allen,  J.  W.  Allen,  James  Borney,  B.  ).  Bean, 
W.  Barnes,  Samuel  Barnes,  B.  T.  Barnes,  Richard  Burnes, 
J.  W.  Bumes,  Vincent  Botts,  J.  W.  Clarkson,  Jeremiah 
Cape,  Martin  Delaney,  William  P.  Dougherty,  Martin  Flinn, 
T.  A.  Hill,  F.  M.  Hare,  David  Hamilton,  James  Hall,  An- 
thbny  Hughes,  William  Hill,  Patrick  Kirlty,  Louis  Lastie, 
H.  A.  Lloyd,  James  Leslie,  L.  G.'Moberly,  Thomas  Madow, 
Robert  Montgomery,  Thomas  F.  Newton,  George  A.  Pra- 
ther,  Patrick  Ryan,  I^e  Rosenham,  Charles  W.  Smith, 
William  Sputtsman,  A.  J.  Trisler,  J.  R.  Waters,  Neal 
Waters,  Perry  Watson,  Henry  Watson,  James  Allen. 

CAPTAIN    miller's   COMPANY. 

Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Sherman,  to  guard  bridges  on  Lebanon 
Branch  railroad,  October  17  to  November  21, 

Captain  Irvine  Miller. 


Thomas  Allen,  James  Allen,  Lawrence  Anderson,  Sanford 
Bums,  Richard  Bums,  Samuel  Barnes,  B.  T.  Barnes,  Wick- 
liffe  Barnes,  John  Carlisle,  Jerry  Cape,  William  Dougherty, 
Martin  Delaney,  P.  Doyle,  Stephen  Essex,  John  P.  Fox, 
Henry  A.  Floyd,  Anthony  Hughes,  David  Hamilton,  James 
Hall,  Frank  M.  Hare,  Michael  Hughes,  John  Hughes, 
Patrick  Keitty,  Lewis  Leslie,  James  Leslie,  Thomas  Marlow. 
Robert  Montgomery,  T.  F.  Newton,  William  Prutsman,  Lee 
Rosenham,  A.  J.  Trisler,  Henry  Waters,  James  R.  Waters, 
Perry  Watson,  Henry  Watson,  Noel  Waters. 

CAPTAIN    I.    miller's    COMPANY. 

Guarding  bridge  over  Beech  fork,  Lebanon 
branch  railroad,  November  2 2d  to  November 
30,  1861. 


Captain  Irvirie  Miller. 


Daniel  Burns,  R.  Bums,  J.  Carlisle,  P.  Doyle,  Henry  De- 
feam,  Stephen  Essex,  Anthony  Hughes,  Michael  Hughes, 
Daniel  Keif,  Thomas  Leslie,  William  Pmtsman,  James 
Ready,  Noel  Waters. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  17th  to  various 
dates  in  September  and  October,  generally  Sep- 
tember 27,  1861. 


Second  Lieutenant  E.  M.  Terry. 


First  Sergeant  W.  T.  Stokes. 
Sergeant  William  S.  Parker. 
Sergeant  John  Steele. 
Sergeant  L.  A.  Curran. 
Corporal  R.  H.  Spaulding. 
Corporal  Edward  H.  Dunn. 
Corporal  D.  G.  Spaulding. 


H.  C.  Anderson,  W.  R.  Beatty,  Alonzo  Brown,  J.  J.  Balm- 
forth,  Charles  L.  Cassady,  W.  H.  Cornell,  John  Fisher, 
James  Ferguson,  E.  P.  Fountain,  J.  D.  Grimstead,  James  P. 
Hull,  F.  H.  Hegan,  C.  M.  Johnson,  F.  Kulkup,  Alexander 
Knapp,  W.  G.  L.  Lampton,  John  H.  Lampton,  W.  Maimer, 
J.  T.  Miles,  Ewin  Martin,  B.  M.  Mandiville,  Jacob  F.  Mef- 
fert,  William  G.  Needham,  D.  W.  Newton,  G.  W.  Newton, 
Thomas  D.  Parmele,  Alfred  Pirtle,  C.  Robbins,  W.  D.  Spald- 
ing, Thomas  P.  Shanks,  Frank  Smith,  George  K.  Speed,  J. 
G.  Spalding,  E.  D.  Taylor,  J.  M.  Terry,  J.  W.Terry,  W.  B. 
Whitney,  Nat.  Wolfe,  Jr.,  Joseph  G.  Wilson. 

villier   guards. 
Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  18  to  September 
28,  1861: 


Captain  Joseph  Haveman. 
First  Lieutenant  Keal  Weaver. 


Sergeant  William  Miller. 
Sergeant  George  Hackmier. 
Sergeant  Jacob  Becker. 
Corporal  Frank  Underiner. 
Corporal  Charles  Hostatter. 
Corporal  John  Weaver. 


Ambrose  Arnold,  Jacob  Baken,  Henry  Dutt,  William  Ep- 
pert,  Anderson  Frank,  Jacob  Fishback,  Amele  Hostutter, 
Stephen  Hoselback,  Michael  Ishminger,  Michael  Leonard, 
Paul  Lewis,  Marshall  Merit,  John  Neist,  Frederick  Nicely, 
Rhenard  Phlentz,  Conrad  Stilvy,  Leon  Sims,  Peter  Smuh- 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  1 7  to  September 
30,  1861  : 


Captain  James  R.  Noble. 
First  Lieutenant  William  Crull. 


Sergeant  John  Donnelly. 
Sergeant  P.  Foulk. 



Sergeant  D.  CruU. 
Sergeant  S.  M.  Gupton. 
Corporal  F.  Brocar. 
Corporal  L.  Knoblock. 
Corporal  T.  Conklin. 


L  Brentlinger,  William  Brown,  Thomas  Brentlinger, 
John  CruU.  S.  Curran.  S.  Burning.  W.  Davis.  F.  DeUz  R 
Earnest.].  Fowler.  P.  Flood,  J.  Hasson,  H.  Keys-  ^,  . 
liam  Lehr.  J.  Latterly,  C.  Manning.  S.  Manning,  ]  McCa^- 
vey  J  McGraw.  D.  Mercer.  T.  Riley,  M.  bhely,  W. 
Stiniker.  J.  Worth.  T.  B.  Wallace.  T.  B.  White. 

Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  iSth  to  October 
I,  1861. 


Captain  David  Hooker. 

First  Lieutenant  William  McNeal. 

Second  Lieutenant  John  Collins. 


First  Sergeant  Elias  Childers. 
Corporal  Charles  Smith. 
Corporal  Henry  Thomas. 
Corporal  Minton  Michael. 


John  Childers.  Davis  Childers.  Peter  Edwards.  James  Ed- 
wards Louis  Gody.  Joseph  King.  George  Morns,  l^hn  Mc- 
ZZ.  Nathan  Prentice,  Andrew  Parrall,  Zeb.  Shy^W.lham 
Sexton.  Stephen  Skinner,  Nathaniel  Stenson,  JohnTherman 
Samue  Tigue,  James  Thomas,  Charles  Thomas,  Joseph 
wTst  Mac  Whatkins.  Joseph  Watson.  Hugh  Watson.  W.l- 
liam  Wood. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  October  9th  to  October  20, 


Captain  William  H.  Maglerney. 
First  Lieutenant  Henry  J.  Smith. 


First  Sergeant  Charles  G.  Bauer. 
Sergeant  Nicholas  Shuman. 
Sergeant  Frederick  Schweitzer. 
Corporal  John  Buck. 


William  Bolt,  George  J.  Bauer,  John  Estell,  William 
Fretman.  William  Farrell,  John  Feddell,  WUham  Gregory, 
Helry  Hite,  John  M.  Latterlo,  Joseph  Rastatter,  Algy 
Pusl7josephichweitzer,  Henry  Schoeffell,  George  Stark. 
William  Tate.  Jacob  Walter.  Henry  Williams. 

Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  17  to  September 

28,  1862. 


Captain  J  esse  T.  Hammon. 

First  Lieutenant  John  Ewald.  | 

Second  Lieutenant  Fred.  Von  Seggern. 


First  Sergeant  Fred.  Miller. 
Sergeant  John  Beck. 
Sergeant  Robert  Lechlider. 
Corporal  Adam  Rush. 
Corporal  George  Hilett. 
Corporal  Philip  Ramer. 
Corporal  Henry  Shear. 


John  Base,  Conrad  Base,  Conrad  Bender.  Conrad  ].  Ben- 
der. Joseph  Busatb,  John  Doetenbier,  Mike  Dohl.  Jacob 
Delman.  Dan.  Eberback.  Thomas  Enright,  Charles  Erte 
John  Eberback,  Frank  Fisher,  George  Fisher,  Jacob  Gehart. 
Jacob  Greenvald,  Tony  Hafner,  John  Hardsman,  Martin 
Hansemiller,  Jacob  Iniger,  Mike  Jacob,  Henry  Kruse.  Mike 
Kruse,  Baldwin  Kramer,  Andy  Krebs,  Henry  Kimpel.  Frank 
Kerns  George  Kossell,  John  Leffert,  Charles  Mann,  August 
Nold,  Henry  Newmire,  Mike  Pracht.  Henry  Poleman. 
George  Stoepler,  lohn  Shealer,  John  Struss,  Charles  Smith, 
Pruno  Swender,  Henry  Wertz.  Andy  Zimmerman. 

Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  September  i8th  to  Septem- 
ber 28,  1861: 


Captain  William  Elwang. 
First  Lieutenant  P.  Emge. 
Second  Lieutenant  H.  Canning. 


First  Sergeant  P.  Marker. 
Sergeant  Pelter  Peter. 
Sergeant  C.  Stege. 
Corporal  John  Hem  pie. 
Corporal  G.  Marker. 
Corporal  Joseph  Taufkirch. 


D.     Benter.    T.    Bornschein.     B.    Bienser.    L^  Buehler 

. Dorneck,    William  Dummeyer,    Derbacner. 

lohnEller   Eirch,  Flentchbach.   Peter  Fueks. 

';etrrG-s;n,    C.  Gerringer,  Henry  Holtze.    Carl  Hub.her. 

Huber.   Henry    Heilman.    P.   Juts.  J.    F   Kosiol.  L. 

Lapp  W.  Landwehr,  F.  Lottig.  J.  Miller.  J.  Meier.  A^ 
Mu'ckebauer.J.  Pance.  M.  Ries.  John  Sackstetter.  Jacob 
Sackstetter    V.    Stein,  Frank   Schaffer.  J.   Schaffer,  - 

IchmUt  J.  Schreck,  Frederick  Schopflin,  Fred  Schwenk. 
John  Trebing,  W.  Weber. 


Called  into  United  States  service  by  Brigadier- 
General  Anderson,  ^tember  18  to  September 
28,  1861. 


First  Lieutenant  Charles  Summers. 
Second  Lieutenant  E.  D.  Prewitt. 


Sergeant  Andy  Kreutzer. 
Sergeant  Charles  Speaker. 
Corporal  Henry  Kane. 



Corporal  William  B.  Grable. 
Corporal  William  Shanks. 


Theodore  Akin,  George  Bremer,  Samuel  Clark,  James 
Corrigan,  Ferdinard  Compton,  James  Connell,  William  Cas- 
sell,  Clemance  Emhoff,  Ben  Fincer,  Fred  Fromer,  Daniel 
Grable,  George  Grable,  Henry  Shebley,  William  Stargs, 
Benjamin  Stumble,  George  Tiller,  Cyrus  Grable,  John 
Hordting,  John  Heddinger,  James  Hockersmith,  James 
Howell,  A.  Hughes,  John  T.  Hensley,  Martin  Jeglie,  David 
Johnson,  Philip  Kener,  John  Livingood,  Thomas  McDaniel, 
George  Milligan,  M.  L.  G.  McPher^on,  Thomas  McDer- 
mitt,  William  Murrell,  Lloyd  Redman,  Thomas  Swaney, 
Philip  Suprodd,  James  R.  Watts,  John  Weis,  Henry  Wolf, 
E.  Wetterham. 


The  best  efiforts  of  the  compiler  of  this  work 
have  failed  to  supply  its  readers  wirh  a  roster  or 
detailed  history  of  any  of  the  Confederate  com- 
mands raised  in  this  city;  but  by  the  kindness  of 
Colonel  John  D.  Pope,  of  the  Attorney's  bureau 
in  the  Louisville  and  Nashville  railway  offices, 
we  are  favored  wth  the  following  statement : 

Two  companies,  averaging  one  hundred  and 
fourteen  men  each,  were  recruited  in  Louisville, 
at  the  corner  of  Fifth  and  Jefferson  streets,  at  once 
upon  the  outbreak  of  the  war,  under  command 
of  Captains  Benjamin  M.  Anderson  and  Fred 
Van  Osten.  On  the  20th  of  April,  1861,  they 
left  by  steamer  from  the  foot  of  Fourth  street, 
with  a  Secession  flag  flying,  for  New  Orleans.  At 
Owensboro  a  third  company,  commanded  by 
Captain  Jack  Thompson,  was  embarked  on  the 
same  vessel.  From  New  Orleans  the  companies 
were  ordered  to  Richmond,  and  were  there  organ- 
ized as  the  Third  Kentucky  Battalion,  with  An- 
derson as  major. 

Only  three  days  after  the  departure  of  the  first 
Louisville  companies,  two  more,  averaging  one 
hundred  apiece,  raised  in  the  city,  under  the  au- 
spices of  Blanton  Duncan,  and  one  of  whose  com- 
manders were  Captain  Lapaille,  departed  on  the 
Louisville  and  Nashville  railroad,  under  orders 
for  Lynchburg,  Virginia.  At  Nashville  it  was 
joined  by  a  company  from  the  southwest  part  of 
Kentucky,  headed  by  Captain,  afterward  Colonel 
Edward  Crossland,  and  another  from  Callaway 
county,  led  by  Captain  Brownson.  From  Lynch- 
burg these  companies  were  ordered  to  Harper's 
Ferry,  where  they  formed  another  Kentucky  Bat- 
talion, with  Blanton  Duncan  Major. 

On  the  same  day,  April  23,   1861,  and   on  the 

same  train,  went  another  Louisville  company, 
commanded  by  Captain  John  D.  Pope,  and  num- 
bering 114  men,  and  one  from  Scott  county,  mus- 
tering 122,  and  under  Captain  Desha,  son  of  ex- 
Governor  Desha,  of  this  State.  They  reached 
Harper's  Ferry  in  due  time,  and  were  organized 
as  rifle  companies,  forming  the  Second  battalion 
of  Kentucky  sharpshooters,  under  Pope,  now 
promoted  to  major,  and  were  assigned  to  the 
brigade  of  General  Bartow,  who  was  killed  in  the 
first  battle  of  Manassas. 

An  independent  Confederate  company  was 
also  raised  in  Louisville  by  Captain  Fitzhugh; 
and  upon  its  arrival  in  Virginia,  and  after  the 
battle  just  named,  the  several  majors  of  the 
Kentucky  battalions  petitioned  the  War  Depart- 
ment at  Richmond  for  consolidation  of  their 
commands  into  a  regiment.  The  request  was 
granted,  and  the  regiment  formed  accordingly, 
with  all  the  Louisville  companies  aforesaid  in  it, 
and  Richard  H.  Taylor,  now  chief  of  police  in 
that  city,  as  colonel,  William  Preston  Johnson, 
lieutenant-colonel,  and  Edward  Crossland,  major, 
all  the  majors  of  battalions  having  mutually 
agreed  to  retire  from  the  contest  for  position  as 
field-officers.  The  First  Kentucky  infantry  regi- 
ment, in  the  Confederate  army,  was  thus  formed. 
The  former  majors  returned  to  the  line  as  cap- 
tains. Colonel  Taylor  was  presently  breveted 
brigadier,  and  subsequently  made  full  brigadier- 
general.  The  original  enlistment  of  the  men 
was  for  one  year;  and  at  the  expiration  of  that 
period  they  declined  to  re-enlist  as  a  regiment. 
All,  however,  both  officers  and  men,  it  is  believed, 
entered  other  commands  in  the  Southern  army, 
and  served  until  released  by  sickness,  wounds, 
or  death,  or  by  the  close  of  the  war.  Colonel 
Pope's  last  service,  before  the  end  came,  was  in 
the  Trans-Mississippi  department,  under  General 

THE  MILITIA  OF  1880. 

This  record  may  appropriately  be  closed 
with  some  notice  of  the  mihtia  of  Louisville  and 
of  the  county  at  large,  in  which  old  soldiers  of 
both  armies  in  the  late  "unpleasantness" — men 
who  wore  the  blue,  and  those  who  wore  the  gray 
— cordially  unite.  It  may  reasonably  be  sup- 
posed, in  view  of  the  large  number  of  ex-soldiers 



resident  in  Louisville,  that  the  city  would  have  a 
numerous  and  efficient  militia;  and  this  supposi- 
tion is  found  to  answer  to  the  facts.  The  time- 
honored  and  battle-scarred  Louisville  Legion  is 
maintained,  in  name  at  least,  to  the  number  of 
six  companies,  and  forms  the  First  Battalion  of 
infantry  of  the  Kentucky  State  Guard.  There  is 
also  a  good  company  of  light  artillery,  with  a  full 
equipment  of  guns  and  other  materials  of  war. 

At  the  encampment  of  the  State  Guard  at 
Camp  Blackburn,  Crab  Orchard,  July  19  to  26, 
i88o,  Company  A,  of  the  Legion,  and  also  Com- 
pany F,  were  each  awarded  the  first  prize  of 
$100,  offered  by  the  State  to  the  best  drilled  in- 
fantry company  in  the  Guard.  The  second 
prize,  $50,  was  awarded  to  Company  D.  Com- 
pany E,  of  the  Legion,  received  the  prize  of  $50 
as  the  best  drilled  cavalry  company  in  the  Guard. 
The  Louisville  battery  received  a  $50  prize  as 
the  best-drilled  section  of  artillery  in  the  State. 
Company  F,  of  the  Legion,  was  also  one  of  two 
companies  receiving  the  State  Guard  flag,  valued 
at  $150,  as  the  company  best  in  discipline,  sol- 
dierly conduct,  and  attendance,  when  compared 
with  the  total  aggregate  present. 

Adjutant  and  Inspector-General  J.  P.  Nuckols, 
in  his  Report  for  1880,  includes  the  following 
account  of  an  inspection  of  the  Legion  on  the 
23d  of  February,  of  that  year: 

The  inspection  was  held  on  Broadway,  between  Third  and 
Fourth  streets,  and  was  preceded  by  a  review.  .  .  The 
field  and  staff  consisted  of  the  major  commanding,  first 
lieutenant,  acting  adjutant;  one  assistant  surgeon,  one  assist- 
ant quartermaster,  rank  first  lieutenant;  one  sergeant-major. 
The  battalion  is  composed  of  four  companies — "A,  B,  C, 
and  D" — and  is  armed  with  the  breech-loading  Springfield 
musket,  caUbre  50,  model  of  ^873.  I  found  the  pieces  gen- 
erally in  good  condition ;  two  ejector  springs  did  not  work 
well,  and  would  not  probably  extract  the  shell.  The  gun  is 
an  excellent  model,  but,  like  all  other  breech-loaders,  has 
some  dehcate  parts,  and  needs  to  be  handled  and  treated 
with  care.  The  pieces  were  presented  with  steadiness  and 
accuracy.  The  accoutrements  are  of  black  patent  leather, 
wiih  white  webbing  cross-belts.  Several  cartridge-boxes 
were  minus  the  wooden  blocks.  I  regretted  to  see  this,  as  a 
cartridge-box  is  not  fit  for  use  without  this  perforated  block. 
The  uniform  of  this  battaUon  is  of  dark  blue  cloth,  and  con- 
trasts handsomely  with  the  white  belts  and  patent  leather. 
The  first  sergeants  of  all  the  companies  are  conspicuous  for 
steadiness  and  accuracy  in  marching.  The  four  companies 
of  this  battalion  make  a  soldierly  appearance,  are  well  organ- 
ized and  equipped,  furnished  with  overcoats,  knapsacks, 
haversacks,  and  canteens.  Perhaps  not  quite  enough  atten- 
tion is  paid  to  the  arms  by  the  men  individually.  An  armorer 
may  be  very  well,  but  every  soldier  should  know  the  exact 
condition  of  his  gun,  and  be  held  responsible  for  its  perfect 
cleanliness.     This  battalion  should  by  all  means  have  an  en- 

listed band.  A  drum  and  fife  corps,  composed  of  two  musi- 
cians from  each  company,  instructed  in  its  duties,  would  be 
far  preferable  to  hiring  an  immense  brass  band  for  special 
occasions,  at  a  heavy  cost,  uninstructed,  and  awkward  at 

Company  of  cadets,  commanded  by  Major  J.  M.  Wright, 
is  composed  of  boys,  apparently  from  thirteen  to  eighteen 
years  old.  It  is  an  independent  body,  and  is  the  outgrowth 
of  that  passion  which  boyS  and  young  men  have  for  the  pos- 
session of  arms.  It  is  well  drilled,  and  under  admirable 
discipline.  They  are  furnished  by  the  State  with  what  is 
called  the  cadet  needle-gun,  which  is  of  the  model  of  1866, 
is  of  delicate  structure,  and  not  valuable,  except  for  purposes 
of  instruction.  The  accoutrements  are  of  the  old  United 
States  patterns,  clumsy  and  unsightly.  Notwithstanding, 
this  company  Is  fast  coming  to  the  front,  and  will  at  no  dis- 
tant day  press  the  best  companies  of  the  Legion  to  the  wall. 

Louisville  Light  Artillery.— Present  one  platoon,  com- 
manded by  First  Lieutenant  Owen  Stewart.  The  pieces  are 
3-inch  steel  rifle,  and  showed  on  this  occasion  to  good  ad- 
vantage— the  guns,  carriages  and  caissons  having  been 
recently  painted.  The  equipments  are  complete  and  well 
preserved..  It  is  not  to  be  expected  that  with  horses  picked 
up  for  the  occasion  the  platoon  cQuld  well  execute  move- 
ments in  the  mounted  drill ;  but  in  all  that  pertains  to  the 
school  of  the  battery  or  platoon  dismounted  it  showed  to  ex- 
cellent advantage.  The  men  are  well-uniformed,  soldierly  in 
appearance,  and  proficient  in  sabre  exercbe. 

During  the  year  1880  one  mfantry  company, 
made  up  of  boys  under  eighteen  years  of  age, 
was  organized  and  mustered  into  the  Kentucky 
State  Guard  as  company  F  of  the  Louisville 
Legion,  and  the  company  of  cavalry  was  organ- 
ized in  the  county  at  large,  and  mustered  as 
company  E,  of  the  same  battalion.  The  Legion 
then  consisted  of  five  cohipanies  of  infantry  and 
one  company  of  cavalry,  the  former  holding  arms 
and  equipments,  the  property  of  the  State,  as  fol- 
low: Three  hundred  and  twenty  Springfield 
breech-loading  muskets,  320  sets  of  accoutre- 
ments, 200  overcoats,  200  blankets,  200  haver- 
sacks, 200  knapsacks,  and  200  canteens,  besides 
camp  equipage.  The  cavalry  ha^  26  sabres. 
The  roster  of  the  Legion,  by  the  report  of  the 
adjutant-general  of  Kentucky  for  1880  was  as 
follow : 



Major  John  B.  Castleman. 

Adjutant  and  First  Lieutenant  Kenneth  McDonald. 

Quartermaster  and   First  Lieutenant  A.   M.  Cunningham. 

Assistant  Surgeon  B.  J.  Baldwin. 

Chaplain,  Bishop  T.  U.  Dudley. 

Sergeant-Major  Thomas  J.  Wood. 

Quartermaster  Sergeant  R.  Weissinger. 



Captain  George  K.  Speed. 



First  Lieutenant  ].  D.  Wilson. 
Second  Lieutenant  Vernon  Wolfe. 


Sergeant  C.  F.  Grainger. 

Sergeant  H.  E.  Senteney. 

Sergeant  J.  P.   Barbour. 

Sergeant  Edward  Ornisby. 

Corporal  D.  J.  Davis. 

Corporal  W.  W.  Beeler. 

Corporal  R.  C.  Judge. 


R.  T.  Allen,  C.  S.  Bibb.  B.  J.  Baldwin,  J.  A.  Batsford, 
E.  P.  BaUford,  W.  C.  Churchill,  E.  E.  Colston,  H.  C. 
Dembitz,  F.  S.  Finnie,  E.  A.  Fusch.  W.  H.  Fosdick,  J.  B. 
Halloway,  J.  B.  Hutching.  F.  M.  Hartwell,  H.  McK.  Jones, 
A.  H.  Kent,  J.  Lehman,  D.  B.  Leight.  W.  L.  Loving,  ].  P. 
Monroe,  C.  R.  Mengel,  J.  E.  McGrath,  W.  G.  Munn,  J.  E. 
O'Neil,  H.  H.  Purcell,  R.  C.  Price,  W.  M.  Robinson,  W.  C. 
Read,  W.  D.  Roy,  J.  B.  Smith.  S.  W.  Shepherd,  Jr.,  C.  W. 
Sisson,  C  E.  Swope,  T.  P.  Satterwhite,  Jr.,  J.  A.  Sage,  G. 
A.  Sykes,  R.  M.  Sheppard,  A.  L.  Terry,  O.  W.  Thomas,  Jr., 
W.  F.  Uslick,  W  Von  Borries,  O.  C.Wehle,  B.  L.  Woolfolk. 
J.  A.  Warren,  W.  M.  Warder. 



Captain  W.  O.  Harris. 

First  Lieutenant  B.  A.  Adams. 

Second  Lieutenant  W.  L.  Jackson. 


Sergeant  W.J.  Hunt. 

Sergeant  E.  W.  C.  Humphrey. 

Sergeant  James  P.  Helm. 

Sergeant  John  Barrett. 

Corporal  H.  C.  Smith. 

Corporal  J.  S.  Beeler. 

Corporal  George  Caspari. 

Corporal  Grant  Green. 


C.  W.  Adams,  W.  J.  Allen,  L.  R.  Atwood.  J.  S.  Bamett, 
W.  McD.  Burt,  C.  R.  Barnes,  J.  W.  Beilstein,  M.  Belknap. 
Paul  Booker,  E.  S.  Brewster,  J.  P.  Burton,  D.  H.  Cheney. 
H.  F.  Cassin,  E.  S.  Coghill,  D.  M.  Davie.  H.  B.  Davison, 
J.  A.  Davis,  A.  Ellison.  Jr.,  James  Floyd.  J.  A.  Gray.  D.  W. 
Gray.  W.  P.  Griffith.  J.  U  Hazlett.  A.  P.  Humphrey.  J.  B. 
Hundley,  E.  W.  Hemming,  R.  C.  Isaacs,  W.  P.  Jobson,  S. 
R.  Knott,  W.  T.  Knott,  William  Lee,  John  Marshall,  S. 
McDowell.  E.  H.  Owings.  S.  Pardon.  G.  K.  Peay,  J.  S. 
Peay.  J.  C.  Russell,  W.  P.  Semple.  A.  L.  Shotwell.  J.  F. 
Speed.  Jr.,  F.  E.  Tracey,  L.  Von  Borries.  J.  N.  Wallwork. 
J.  H.  Ward.  H.  W.  Wheeler,  M.  B.  Wise,  D.  M.  Wood, 
H.  M.  Young.  C.  H.  Zook. 



Captain  J.  H.  Leathers. 

First  Lieutenant  D.  F.  C.  Weller. 

Second  Lieutenant  A.  H.  Jackson. 


Sergeant  E.  A.  Goddard. 
Sergeant  W.  J.  Garrett. 
Sergeant  E.  Marshall. 
Sergeant  L.  Miller. 
Corporal  A.  F.  Moore. 

Corporal  J .  F.  Dobbin. 
Corporal  G.  E.  Bly. 
Corporal  A.  W.  Elwang. 


J.  M.  Adams.  Frank  Baker,  E.  Bryan,  T.  L.  Burnett,  Jr., 
J.  M.  Bomtraeger,  C.  G.  Baurmann,  W.  R.  Benedict,  J.  C. 
Clemens,  T.  Carroll,  W.  Chambers.  I^  J.  Crowley,  R.  M. 
Cunningham.  L.  B.  Doerr,  A.  J.  Mwang,  W.  E.  Fowler, 
\\'illiam  Francke,  H.  B.  Fitch.  J.  T.  Gaines,  C.  H.  Hewitt, 
J.  A.  Holman,  C.  W.  Johnson,  C.  H.  Perkins,  S.  E.  Jones, 
L.  B.  Kirby,  T.  E.  Kohlhass,  C.  H.  King.  A.  G.  Link,  G. 
M.  Lemon,  B.  K.  Marshall.  H.  W.  Middleton.  L.  J.  Moor- 
head.  W.  B.  Ming.  J.  W,  McDonald.  Roy  McDonald.  J.  C. 
McComb,  E.  H.  Paine.  H.  R.  Phillips.  C.  E.  Powell.  C.  E. 
Riley.  W.  M.  Raiblc,  A.  L.  Semple.  W.  B.  Sale,  J.  F. 
Stults,  Jacob  Smith,  H.  Schimpeler,  John  Storts,  Jr.,  A. 
Van  Vleet.  H.  T.  Warden.  N.  J.  Windstandley. 



Captain  Eugene  Brown. 

First  Lieutenant  Guy  C.  Sibley. 

Second  Lieutenant  W.  A.  Hughes. 

Sergeant  J.  M.  Sohen. 
Sergeant  ]L.  F.  Kaye. 
Sergeant  J.  T.  Gamble. 
Corporal  J.  C.  Hughes. 
Corporal  G.  L.  Travis. 
Corporal  H.  C.  Qement 
Corporal  T.  B.  Moore 


J.  M.  Armstrong.  M.  3.  Barker,  A.  Brandies,  J.  C.  Burnett, 
Ben  Clark,  L..R.  Courteuay,  J.  W.  Davidson,  F.  C.  Dickson, 
J.  L.  Gamble,  R.  C.  Gray,  J.  A.  Ferguson,  George  Felter, 
J.  P.  Hunt.  Green  HoUoway,  L.  W.  Homire.  T.  C.  Hobbs. 
W.  H.  Hyde.  S.  M.  Huston,  W.  B.  Kniskeen.  W.  E.  Kaye. 
A.  Kaye.  W.  B.  Keslin,  Jr..  J.  P.  KeUey.  L.  S.  Kornhorst. 
j.  D.  Langhorne.  Robert  Lewis,  W.  L.  Lyons,  T.  W.  Mul- 
likin,  J.  H.  Murphy,  J.  M.  Murphy,  C.  C.  McCarthy,  A. 
Mead,  T.  C.  Stokes,  T.  P.  Shepherd,  Frank  Semple,  H.  M. 
Samuel,  L.  D.  Tucker,  Burton  Vance,  J.  R.  Williamson, 
John  Rothgurber,  M.  Ryan.  W.  B.  Rowland,  Alexander 
Jackson,  W.  D.  McCampbell. 

COMPANY    E*  (cavalry). 

Company    organization  and  muster-rolls  not 


company  f. 

Commissioned  officers,  3;  non-commissioned 
officers,  7;  privates,  46;  total,  56. 


Captain  J.  M.  Wright. 

First  Lieutenant  J.  Speed  Smith. 

Second  Lieutenant  H.  C.  Grinstead. 


Sergeant  W.  O.  Bailey. 
Sergeant  J.  M.  Wintersmith. 
Sergeant  George  W.  Wicks. 
Sergeant  Victor  McPherson. 
Sergeant  M.  V.  Joyce. 
Corporal  Alexander  N.  Griswold. 
Corporal  E.  S.  Wright. 




T.  C.  Allen,  J.  G.  Cooke,  J.  V.  Cowling,  W.  Davis,  J. 
Davidson,  J.  S.  Dean,  S.  J.  Dean,  E.  Eacher,  W.  Edmunds, 
R.  E.  Gilbert,  Fulton  Gordon,  Charles  C.  Grant,  Henry  W. 
Gray,  W.  E.  Gleason,  George  Griswold,  C.  L.  Hamilton 
J.  Hamilton,  E.  N.  Harrison,  O.  Hooge,  E.  Q.  Knott,  w! 
Mandeville,  W.  Mayers,  A.  S.  McClanahan,  D.  McComb, 
H.  McDonald,-  E.  T.  Mengel,  F.  T.  Meriwether,  J.  W. 
Milikin,  W.  Miller,  W.  W.  Morris,  H.  Murnan,  C.  Nelson, 
C.  A.  Parsons.  J.  F.  Rees.  T.  M.  Sehon,  T.  Sherley,  G.  W. 
Smith,  D.  Stuart,  J.  W.  Warder,  Henry  West,  M.  West, 
William  Weaver,  T.  Wintersmith,  W.  W.  Swearingan,  H. 
McGoodwin,  W.  W.  Grinstead. 

There  was  also  in  existence  the  Louisville 
Light  Artillery,  holding  for  the  State  four  3-inch 
rifled  cannon,  and  50  each  of  sets  of  accouter- 
ments,  overcoats,  blankets,  knapsacks,  haver- 
sacks, and  canteens.     Its  roster  was  as  follows : 



Captain  E.  H.  Moise. 

First  Lieutenant  Stewart  Owens. 

First  Lieutenant  T.  S.  Evans. 


Sergeant  W.  K.  Evans. 
Sergeant  G.  S.  Bowman. 
Sergeant  C.  B.  Bly. 
Sergeant  Oscar  Davis. 
Sergeant  J.  H.  Mansir. 
Sergeant  J.  M.  Fults. 
Corporal  V.  S.  Wright. 
Corporal  T.  P.  Helm. 
Corporal  A.  E.  Mayers.  . 
Corporal  W.  A.  Elwell. 
Corporal  E.  B.  Bodaker. 


N.  P.  Avery,  Julius  Blatz.  G.  W.  Clarke,  W.  P.  Clarke, 
A.  W.  Caldwell,  W.  P.  Dobson,  D.  Y.  Fowler,  A.  F. 
German,  G.  W.  Griffith,  C.  F.  Huhlein,  J.  Hollingsworth, 
J.  Heffernan,  J.  O.  Haddox,  E.  H.  Hopkins,  J.  D.  Kirby. 
Haden  Miller,  M.  G.  Munn,  J.  W.  McCleery,  A.  V.  Old- 
ham, G.  G.  Palmer,  R.  D.  Skillman,  D.  F.  Stephen,  J.  W, 
Stewart,  ].  J.  Sweeney,  Henry  J.  Stuby,  L.  B.  Smyser,  H. 
C.  Thornton,  George  E.  Tuck,  J.  H.  Vanarsdale,  J.  B.  Wat- 
kins,  M.  J.  Weisen,  W.  P.  Watson. 


The  History  of  Louisville. 



The  Louisville  Plain— The  Louisville  Site  Described— Its 
Primitive  State— The  Spldid  Trees— The  Ancient  Course 
of  the  Beargrass— Corn  Island— Its  Remarkable  History- 
Sand,  Rock,  and  Goose  Islands— Willow  Bar— The  Old- 
time  Ponds— Reminiscences  of  Them— Their  Extinction- 
The  Sand  Hills— Dr.  Drake's  Remarks  Upon  the  Site  of 


occupying  by  far  the  finest  plain  in  the  north- 
ern and  western  parts  of  Jefferson  county,  is 
about  twenty  miles  in  length  and  six  miles  in 
breadth,  lying  immediately  along  the  south  shore 
of  the  Ohio  river,  without  the  intervention  of 
hills  and  bluffs.  The  capability  of  the  plain,  by 
indefinite  expansion  of  the  city's  site,  to  contain, 
if  need  be,  ten  millions  of  people,  is  thus  evident. 
Mr.  James  Parton,  in  his  article  on  the  city  of 
Cincinnati,  published  in  the  Atlantic  Monthly  for 
June,  1867,  asserts  that  the  so-called  Queen  City 
occupies  the  only  site  on  the  Ohio  river  where 
one  hundred  thousand  people  could  live  together 
without  being  compelled  to  climb  very  high  and 
steep  hills.  But  Mr.  Parton,  it  is  clear,  had 
never  visited  Louisville,  or  chose  to  ignore  his 
visit  or  the  existence  of  the  city.  In  no  direc- 
tion, indeed,  except  to  the  northward,  has  either 
Nature  or  political  geography  interposed  a  prac- 
tical limit  to  the  territorial  growth  of  the  chief 
city  by  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio. 

Much  of  the  surface  of  the  Louisville  plain 
consists  of  a  clayey  soil,  of  no  great  thickness. 
Underneath  this  is  a  substratum  of  sand,  of 
thirty  to  forty  feet  depth.  The  hydraulic  lime- 
stone and  other  rocks,  with  their  characteristic 
fossils,  within  this  plain  and  in  the  bed  of  the  riv- 
er, have  been  sufficiently  considered  in  our  chap- 
ter upon  the  Topography  and  Geology  of  Jeffer- 

son county.  Attention  may  just  now  be  fitly 
called,  however,  as  it  has  been  called  in  other 
publications  hitherto,  to  the  superb  facilities 
which  the  concurrence  here  of  sand,  clay,  and 
hydraulic  limestone  offers  for  the  ready,  cheap, 
and  abundant  manufacture  of  brick  and  ce- 
ment; while  the  magnesian  limestone,  which  also 
abounds  in  this  region,  is  justly  well  reputed  as  a 
workable  and  durable  building  stone.  The  char- 
acteristic element  of  these  rocks,  too,  adds  im- 
measurably to  the  fertility  of  the  arable  lands  up- 
on the  plain. 


The  part  of  this  noble  plateau  occupied  by  the 
city   of  Louisville,  in  this  year  of  grace    1882, 
is  about  five  and  three-fourths  miles  in  length, 
from    that    part    of  the    modern    bed    of    the 
Beargrass    which   lies  close  upon  the  east  cor- 
poration lines,  to  the  river  bend  at  West  Louisville; 
and  three  miles  in  greatest  breadth,  from  the  river- 
bank  to  the  south  side  of  the  House  of  Refuge 
grounds.    (It  is  just  2.73  miles,  according  to  City 
Engineer  Scowden,  from  the  river  to  the  House 
of  refuge.)    The  city  occupies,  in  round  numbers, 
fourteen  square  miles.     Its  elevations  and  depres- 
sions are  now  very  slight— much   more  so   than 
in  the  early  day,   as  we  shall  presently  explain. 
The  general  level  of  the  site  is  only  from  forty- 
I    five  to  fifty-five  teet  above  low  water  at  the  head 
i   of  the   Falls,   and   seventy   to    seventy-five   feet 
'    above  low  water  at   Portland ;  but  this    is   quite 
1   enough,  as  the  recent  flood  (of  February,  1882) 
has  demonstrated,  to  assure  the   whole  city,   ex- 
cept a  narrow  breadth    of  buildings   along   the 
i    river,  from  damage  by  the  highest  floods  in  the 
I    Ohio  known  to  recorded  history.     The  site  may 
i    be  said  to  be,  on  an  average,  five   hundred  feet 
I   above  the  level  of  the  sea,  with  the  hills  or  knobs 



in  the  vicinity  averaging  a  height  of  two  hundred 
feet  more. 

The  geological  character  of  the  I>ouisville  site 
does  not  differ  greatly  from  that  of  the  larger 
plain  upon  which  it  is  situated.  It  is  a  diluvial 
formation  of  surface  clay,  sand,  and  gravel,  rest- 
ing upon  the  limestone  of  the  Silurian  basin  and 
the  Devonian  formation  above.  This  easily  sug- 
gests to  the  scientist  that  here  is  the  bed  of  a 
very  ancient  and  somewhat  extensive  river-lake 
or  estuary.  The  beds  of  clay  and  gravel  here 
vary  from  twenty-five  to  seventy  five  feet  in 


When  the  gallant  Captain  Thomas   Hutchins, 
erstwhile  of  His  Britannic  Majesty's  Sixtieth  regi- 
ment of  Royal  Foot,  and  by  and  by   to  be   first 
and   only   "Geographer  of  the  United  States," 
made  the  earliest  chart  of  the  Falls  and  vicinity  in 
1766,    and  likewise  when  Clark  came  with  his 
band  of  colonists  a  dozen  years  later,   the  view 
which  met  their  eyes  on  the  Kentucky  shore  was 
one  which  the  rise  of  a  great  city,  and  even  the 
change    of    nature's    arrangement    of  land  and 
water  here,  make  difficult  indeed  to  realize.     The 
map  of  Hutchins's  shows  no  human  habitation  or 
clearing  about  the   Falls;  for  such  there  were 
none.     All  except  the  space  occupied  by  greater 
or  smaller  sheets  of  water  was   dense   woods,  as 
his  map  indicates.     Here  grew  the   oak  in  sev- 
eral   interesting    varieties,     the  walnut  and  the 
hickory,  the  mighty  poplar  and  the  sycamore  or 
buttonwood,  the  maple,  wild  cherry,   hackberry, 
locust,  buckeye,  gum,  and,  in  brief,  almost  if  not 
quite  every  forest  tree  known  to  the  deep  woods 
of  Kentucky.     Colonel  Durrett,  in   the   Centen- 
nial Address  already   cited,  enumerates  the   fol- 
lowing veterans  of  the  forest  primeval  that  have 
survived    the    destroyer  Time   and    the  greater 
destroyer  Man:    "An  oak  in  the  backyard  of  Mr. 
Bottsford,  on  Chestnut  street,  another  in  that  of 
Mr.    Lindenberger,    on     Fourth,    and    a  honey 
locust  in  front  of  the  residence  of  Mr.    Brannin, 
on  Broadway,  have  come  down   to   us   from  the 
olden  times.     In  the  yard  of  Mr.   Caperton,  the 
old  Guthrie  residence  on  Walnut  street,  there  is 
the  branchless  trunk  of  a  noble  beech  which  died 
a  few  years  ago,  which  stood  there   when   Louis- 
ville was  first  settled;  and  in  Central  Park  are  a 
few  hoary  sentinels  which  have  watched   over  us 
for  a  century." 


Some  of  the  noblest  of  the  forest  monarchs 
stood  upon  the  long  tongue  of  land  or  peninsula 
between  the  former  course  of  the  Beargrass  and 
the  Ohio.  There  is  some  reason,  which  the  ex- 
cavations made  for  the  ship-canal  have  tended 
to  confirm,  to  believe  that  a  still  more  ancient 
bed  of  this  creek  carried  its  waters  yet  further 
down,  perhaps  to  disembogue  them  into  the 
river  at  some  point  below  the  Falls.  But  it  is 
within  the  memory  cf  many  now  living  that  the 
stream,  after  joining  its  several  headwaters  near 
the  present  city  limit,  flowed  thence  in  a  westerly 
course,  in  a  channel  still  to  be  recognized  in 
places,  one  to  two  miles  further,  gradually  ap- 
proaching the  river  until  it  entered  the  Ohio 
about  half  a  block  below  the  present  foot  of 
Third  street*  So  lately  as  1844  it  was  necessary 
to  reach  the  river  from  any  of  the  streets  east  of 
that  by  bridges  across  the  Beargrass,  which  were 
thrown  over  at  Clay,  Preston,  Brook,  Second, 
and  Third  streets.  The  point  made  by  the 
creek  and  the  river  formed  one  of  the  best 
landings  on  the  city  front.  The  Cincinnati 
mail-boats  then,  and  for  many  years  before,  as 
now  indeed,  made  that  their  point  of  arrival  and 
departure;  but  they  had  to  be  reached  by  the 
Third-street  or  other  bridge.  Finally,  the  incon- 
venience and  loss  caused  by  this  large  occupation 
of  valuable  territory  by  the  Beargrass  became  so 
pronounced  that  the  diversion  of  its  current  was 
virtually  compelled.  This  was  easily  accom- 
plished by  means  of  an  embankment  of  less  than 
half  a  mile,  sending  its  waters  by  a  short  and 
straight  channel  into  the  river  almost  exactly  at 
the  northeastern  corner  of  the  city. 

In  the  earlier  days  the  mouth  of  Beargrass,  so 
near  the  head  of  the  Falls,  offered  a  spacious, 
safe,  and  convenient  harbor  for  the  primitive 
craft  that  came  down  the  river.  It  figures  fre- 
quently in  the  narratives  of  the  olden  time,  and 
this  locality  seems  at  first  to  have  been  known 
indifferently  as  "  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio "  and 
•'the  mouth  of  Beargrass."  It  is  not  improbable 
that  the  situation  of  the  former  mouth  of  this 
otherwise  insignificant  stream  was  an  important 
element  in  determining  the  original  settlement 
and  the  rise  of  a  town  at  this  point. 

•  See  Hobbs's  fine  Map  of  Louisville,  appended  to  the 
City  Directory  of  1832. 




A  little  below  the  old  mouth  of  Beargrass,  not 
far  from  the  foot  of  Fourth  street,  began  an- 
other of  the  famous  physical  features  of  this  lo- 
cality, which  has  now  disappeared,  except  at  low 
water,  when  the  stumps  of  the  fine  trees  that 
once  covered  it  can  still  be  seen.  This  was  the 
historic  Corn  Island,  of  which  somethmg  will  be 
said  hereafter.  It  lay  in  a  long  and  narrow 
tract,  pretty  close  to  the  shore,  from  a  little  be- 
low Fourth  street  to  a  point  about  opposite  to 
the  foot  of  Thirteenth.  According  to  the  scale 
of  Hutchins's  map,  which  shows  the  island,  it 
was  about  four-fifths  of  a  mile  long  by  five 
hundred  yards  in  its  greatest  breadth.  Besides 
heavy  timber,  tt  had  a  dense  undergrowth  of 
cane,  which  the  Clark  colonists  were  obliged  to 
clear  away  for  their  cabins  and  their  first  corn- 
crop.  This  done,  however,  they  had  access  to 
a  rich,  productive  soil,  which  soon  yielded 
abundant  returns  for  their  labor. 

Mr.  Hugh  Hays,  in  an  interesting  letter  to  the 
Courier-Journal  a  few  months  ago  concerning 
Corn  Island,  gives  the  following  as  from  the 
mouth  of  Sandy  Stewart,  the  well-known  "island 
ferryman"  of  three-quarters  of  a  century  ago: 

Without  any  interruption  from  Indians  we  landed  on 
this  island  June  8,  1775.  The  scenery  at  this  time  was  beau- 
tiful, and  such  as  the  eye  of  civilized  man  scarcely  ever  gazed 
upon.  Here  was  the  broad  and  beautiful  Ohio,  sweeping  on 
down  her  peaceful  shores  in  silent  grandeur  and  flowing  on 
for  hundreds  of  miles  to  mingle  her  waters  with  old  ocean. 
The  odors  of  the  wild  flowers — the  hawthorn,  the  honey- 
suckle, the  jessamine,  the  rose,  and  lily;  the  green  forest, 
where  the  axe  was  a  stranger,  in  all  its  native  beauty,  filled 
up  the  background.  The  feathered  tribe,  from  the  eagle  to 
the  linnet,  the  sea-gull  and  the  crane,  sweeping  over  the 
Falls,  turning  up  their  snowy  wings  glittering  in  the  sunlight; 
the  buffalo,  the  bear,  the  deer  lying  under- the  trees  in  warm 
weather,  perfectly  serene,  as  they  were  strangers  to  the  sound 
of  the  rifle  and  so  unacquainted  with  man  that  their  tameness 
astonished  me.  This  spot  in  the  wilderness  seemed  a  very 
Eden;  and  as  I  had  no  Eve  to  be  tempted  by  the  serpent,  I 
resolved  to  take  up  my  rest  here,  and  never  from  this  isle  de- 
part.    Here  will  I  be  buried. 

According  to  Mr.  Hays,  who  visited  the  island 
in  1832  to  attend  a  camp-meeting,  it  then  com- 
prised but  about  seventy  acres,  which  were  still 
heavily  timbered.  Of  the  small  stream  of  water 
(yet  apparently  larger  than  the  Beargrass),  which 
Hutchins  exhibits  as  coursing  through  the  middle 
of  the  island,  he  says  nothing;  nor  are  we  aware 
that  anybody  has  ever  recorded  recollections  of 
what  appears  upon  the  Captain's  map  to  be  a 
knoll  or  hill  at  the  extreme  southwestern  end. 

Mr.  Hays  writes  that  in  1824  a  powder-mill  was 
put  up  on  the  island  and  blown  up  six  years  later, 
killing  several  employees ;  that  about  this  time  it 
became  celebrated  for  "  its  barbecues,  picnics, 
bran-dances,  camp-meetings,  fish-parties,  etc.,"  in 
which  many  of  the  first  people  in  the  town  partic- 
ipated; and  that  about  1840  the  heavy  timber 
was  cut,  and  then  the  island  began  to  lose  its 
surface  soil  and  gradually  disappeared.  Corn 
island  is  now  but  a  famous  name  in  history.  It 
was  owned  by  the  Hon.  John  Rowan,  whose 
heirs,  grimly  remarks  the  venerable  Hays,  still 
own  its  rocky  bottom. 

The  following  notice  is  given  to  Corn  Island 
in  the  Louisville  Directory  for  1844-45: 

This  small  island,  at  the  Falls,  is  rendered  interesting  only 
from  the  fact  of  its  having  served  as  a  dernier  resort  for  the 
early  settlers,  when  too  hotly  pursued  by  the  Indians.  At 
the  present  day  it  is  the  general  resort  of  old  and  young  who 
are  fond  of  angling.  The  first  rudiments  of  the  very  intri- 
cate science  of  worming  a  hook  or  pulling  up  at  a  nibble  are 
here  learned.  The  island  is  covered  with  trees  and  sur- 
rounded by  quarries  of  limestone,  which  are  not  now  used. 


Sand,  Rock,  and  Goose  islands  were  in  the 
stream  then  and  for  untold  ages  before,  substan- 
tially no  doubt  the  same  as  now.  But  there  is 
at  present  one  remarkable  feature  on  the  river 
front  that  was  not  then,  and  is  indeed  the  growth 
of  quite  recent  years — the  now  familiar  Willow 
Bar,  sometimes  called  Towhead  Island,  at  the 
upper  end  of  the  city.  It  is  a  long,  narrow 
tract,  completely  covered  at  high  water,  but  at 
other  times  to  be  observed  as  stretching  from 
just  below  the  mouth  of  Beargrass  to  just  below 
Campbell  street.  It  has  pretty  nearly  the  dimen- 
sions of  the  older  Corn  Island,  being  three- 
fourths  of  a  mile  long  by  five  hundred  feet  in 
largest  width.  Although  one  of  its  characteristic 
growths  gives  the  island  its  name,  it  is  chiefly 
covered  with  cottonwood  trees,  some  of  them 
nearly  three  feet  through.  Colonel  Durrett  gives 
the  following  account  of  its  genesis: 

The  growth  on  this  island  clearly  indicates  how  it  rose 
from  the  water,  and  which  are  its  oldest  and  newest  parts. 
On  its  edges  where  there  is  always  water  nothing  but  willows 
appear  ;  and  this  was  the  growth  observed  by  our  oldest  in- 
habitants when  the  island  first  began  to  appear  above  the 
water.  Willows  first  appeared  on  a  sand-bar,  and  when  once 
established  they  caught  the  sediment  suspended  in  the  waters 
made  muddy  by  floods,  and  rapidly  built  up  the  island.  So 
soon  as  the  soil  rose  high  enough  to  be  part  of  the  year 
above  water  the  cottonwood  began  to  grow.  And  now  that 
the  soil  is  almost  above  overflow  other  trees  are  beginning  to 
grow;  such   as   sycamore,  hackberry,  and   ash.     The   sedi- 



ment  now  being  caught  from  the  floods  hy  the  dense  growth 
on  this  island  must  soon  raise  it  entirely  above  overflow, 
and  then  a  still  greater  variety  of  trees  will  no  doubt  soon 
spring  up. 


No  fact  of  the  early  time,  probably,  is  more 
familiar  than  the  abundance  of  small  lakes  or 
ponds  upon  the  primitive  site  of  Louisville,  and 
indeed  upon  the  entire  Louisville  plain,  from 
Beargrass  to  the  Salt  river,  of  which  the  "Pond 
Settlement "  is  still  a  reminiscence.  A  few  of  the 
old  ponds  are  also  still  to  be  seen  beyond  Broad- 
way, in  the  south  part  of  the  city.  But  in  the 
old  days  they  were  found,  larger  and  more  nir- 
merously,  much  nearer  the  river,  and  all  along 
the  town-site.  The  upper  or  "  second  bank  "  of 
the  river  had  a  slight  slope  to  the  southward ; 
and  the  soil  being  sufficiently  tenacious  to  pre- 
vent the  water  from  escaping,  it  made  much  of 
the  ground  swampy,  and  in  some  places  col- 
lected more  largely  in  ponds.  One  of  them  was 
very  well  called  the  "  Long  Pond,"  since  it 
stretched  from  the  point  where  now  are  the  cor- 
ners of  Sixth  and  Market  streets  to  the  Hope 
Distillery  site,  about  Sixteenth  street — a.  distance 
of  nearly  a  mile.  For  many  years  after  it  was 
drained,  traces  of  it  were  still  to  be  seen,  as  in 
an  alley  running  from  Seventh  street,  between 
Market  and  Jefferson.  Mr.  Casseday's  History 
has  spme  pleasant  reminiscences  of  it: 

In  the  winter,  when  it  was  frozen  over,  this  little  lake  was 
the  scene  of  many  a  merry  party.  On  the  moonlight  even- 
ings, numbers  of  ladies  and  gentlemen  were  to  be  seen  skim- 
ming over  its  surface,  the  gentlemen  on  skates  and  the  ladies 
in  chairs,  the  backs  of  which  were  laid  upon  the  ice  and  the 
chairs  fastened  by  ropes  to  the  waists  of  the  skaters.  And 
thus  they  dashed  along  at  furious  speed  over  the  glassy  sur- 
face ;  beaux  and  belles,  with  loud  voices  and  ringing  laugh — 
and  the  merriment  of  the  occasion  was  only  increased  when 
some  dashing  fellow,  in  his  endeavors  to  surpass  in  agility 
and  daring  all  his  compeers,  fell  prostrate  to  the  ice,  or  broke 
through  into  the  water  beneath. 

Gwathmey's  or  Grayson's  pond  was  the  one 
upon  which  the  old  Grayson  mansion,  still  stand- 
ing near  St.  Paul's  church,  looked  down  from  its 
eminence  on  the  bank.  It  reached  in  a  rather 
long  ellipse  from  Center  street,  just  back  of  the 
First  Presbyterian  church,  along  Green  and 
Grayson  to  a  point  near  Eighth  street.  The 
water  of  this  pond  w'as  supplied  by  springs,  and, 
being  always  clear  and  pure,  it  was  much  used 
for  baptisms  by  immersion,  for  whose  spectators 
the  turf-covered,  slopmg  banks  offered  superior 
facilities.     It  ,was  also  excellently  stocked  with 

fish,  which  were  carefully  guarded  by  its  owners. 
It  was  surrounded  by  some  of  the  loftiest,  finest 
trees  upon  the  Louisville  site. 

The  writer  of  a  brief  history  of  Louisville,  in 
the  City  Directory  for  1844-45,  has  the  follow- 
ing entertaining  paragraphs  concerning  this  and 
another  pond : 

There  are  some  amusing  reminiscenes  of  Grayson's  Pond. 
We  have  it  from  a  citizen  who  well  remembers  the  outlines  of 
this  pond.  Great  numbers  of  tortoises  or  small  turtles  were 
found  about  this  pond.  Thither  also  came  to  enjoy  its 
luxuries  large  flocks  of  geese  and  ducks.  The  battles  between, 
these  different  tribes  are  described  as  being  very  amusing. 
The  turtle  would  take  to  the  water  and  scull  along  very 
silently,  and  settling  beneath  the  surface,  await  the  approach 
of  the  duck;  at  a  sudden  he  would  seize  the  duck  by  his  feet 
and  draw  him  under  water.  The  struggle  generally  resulted 
in  favor  of  the  feathered  combatant,  who,  on  regaining  the 
surface,  wotild  set  up  such  shouts  as  to  collect  the  whole 
flock  around  him  in  a  grand  congratulatory  quacking  con- 

This  pond,  well  shaded  by  the  native  forest-trees,  became 
a  favorite  resort  of  many,  to  while  away  the  hours  of  a  sultry 
day  on  its  banks.  It  was  always  clear,  and  had  a  sufficient 
depth  of  water,  the  dryest  season,  to  swim  a  horse  in. 

Another  pond  at  this  period  (1800),  and  a  very  disagree- 
able one,  was  to  be  met  with  at  the  intersection  of  Third  and 
Market  streets,  extending  along  Third  street  to  nearly  op- 
posite the  site  of  the  present  post-office  [Green  street].  A 
tannery  on  Third  street,  which  discharged  its  waste  water 
into  this  pond,  rendered  it  at  times  nearly  impassable,  except 
by  mounting  a  fail-fence,  which  enclosed  the  lot  where  the 
White  mansion  now  stands.  The  wagons  from  the  country 
often  stalled  at  this  point. 

Still  another  was  on  Market  street,  from  Third 
to  Fifth ;  another  on  Jefferson,  near  Fourth ;  and 
many  others  were  scattered  far  and  near  over  the 
watery  tract.  Indeed,  Mr.  Casseday,  writing  in 
1852,  says:  "A  map  of  the  city  as  it  was  sixty 
or  even  thirty  years  ago,  would  present  somewhat 
the  appearance  of  an  archipelago,  a  sea  full  of 
little  islands." 

Some  of  the  ponds,  as  part  of  those  last  named, 
had  only  water  in  them  after  rain,  perhaps  only 
after  heavy  rain;  and  the  consequence  was  that 
they  were  usually  in  various  stages  of  stagnation-, 
or  dryness.  They  abounded  in  ironweed  and 
other  characteristic  vegetation.  A  vast  amount 
of  malaria  and  miasm  was  engendered  by  them ; 
fever  and  ague,  with  more  deadly  ills,  and  finally 
a  more  terrible  pestilence  in  1822-23,  made  life 
a  burden  in  Louisville  a  large  part  of  the  year; 
and  it  early  came  to  bear  the  name  of  "the 
Graveyard  of  the  Ohio."  So  great  was  the 
affliction  resulting  from  them  that  in  1805  the 
General  Assembly  gave  formal  authority  to  the 
trustees  of  the  town  to  remove  "those  nuisances 

// 1  I ' 

I    ')i^'^./i 



lin  such  manner  as  the  majority  of  them  should 
prescribe."  The  legal  authority  was  ample  and 
'the  spirit  of  the  citizens  was  willing;  but  the 
public  purse  was  weak,  and  it  was  long  before 
Ithe  '^nuisances"  were  abated.  After  the  strange 
jepidemic  of  later  years  the  Legislature,  at  the 
jurgency  of  the  local  Board  of  Health,  sanctioned 
[the  raising  of  the  sum  of  $40,000  by  lotteries  for 
draining  the  Louisville  ponds  and  those  between 
I  them  and  the  Salt  river.  The  work  was  mostly 
[done  on  the  town  site,  but  those  below  town  had 
to  wait  for  more  recent  appropriations,  which 
'  finally  shut  up  most  of  their  holes  of  death. 

In  the  filling  of  the  ponds  certain  moderate 
I  eminences,  here  and  there   about   town,   came 
I  excellently  well  into  play.     They  were  of  clean, 
I  wh:  -  sand,  than  which  no  better  material,  prob- 
I  ably,    could  be  found  for   making  fills   in  the 
basins  of  stagnant  or  other  ponds.     By  their  use 
I  a  double  purpose  was  subserved,  in  the  reducing 
of  useless  knolls  and  the  filling  of  harmful  hol- 

DOCTOR  drake's  REMARKS. 

The  famous  Dr.  Daniel  Drake,  for  a  time  a 
resident  of  this  city,  in  his  great  treatise  on  the 
Principal  Diseases  of  the  Interior  Valley  of 
North  America,  published  in  1850,  thus  deals 
with  the 'location  of  Louisville  : 

The  site  of  the  city  itself  was  swampy,  with  shallow  ponds, 
and  although  more  than  seventy  years  have  elapsed  since  the 
commencement  of  settlement,  specimens   of  both   may  be 
seen  within  two  miles  to  the  south  and  west  of  the  city  quay, 
for  the  draining  of  which  a  trench  has  keen  dug.     Even  the 
streets  of  the  southern  suburbs  show  a  soil  retentive  of  moist- 
ure and  disposed  to  swampiness,  while  the  surface  is  so  level 
as  to  lender  all  draining  difficult.     To  the  southeast  of  the 
city  the  creek  called  Beargrass  descends  from  the  highest 
lands,  and  being  joined  by  streams  svhich  originate  on  the 
plain,  flows  to  the  north  along  the  base  of  the  low  hills,  until 
it  reaches  the  new  bottom,  when  it   turns  to  the  west  and, 
like  a  narrow  canal,  makes  its  way  for  a  mile  nearly  parallel 
to  the  river,  which  it  finally  joins  at  the  middle  of  a  northern 
margin  of  the  city.     The  water  in  the  eastuary  of  this  creek 
is  generally  foul  and  stagnant ;  and  the  slip  of  bottom   be- 
tween it  and  the  river  is  sometimes  overflowed.     A  quarter 
of  a  mile  from  the  mouth  of  Beargrass,    opposite  the  lower 
part  of  the  city,   is  the  head  of  the  Louisville  &    Portland 
Canal,  which,  after  running  two  miles,  enters  the  Ohio  be- 
low the  Falls*    The  bed  of  the  canal  is  in  solid  rocks,  the 
removal  of  which  has  given  it  high  and   strong  banks ;  but 
on  each  side,  and  especially  between  it  and  the  river,  after 
the  first  mile  from  its  head,  the  bottom  is   so  low  as  to  be 
subject  to  anuual  inundation.     On  this  bottom,  immediately 
above  the  junction  of  the  canal  with  the  river,  stands  the  old, 
declining  village  of  Shippingport.     Below  the  junction,  on  a 
bank  so  high  that  even  its    most  depressed  portions  are  in- 
undated by  the  gieatest  floods,  is  the  newer  and  more  grow- 

ing town  of  Portland,  in  the  rear  of  which,  to  the  south, 
there  are  many  small  ponds  and  swamps,  situated  on  the 
upper  terrace. 

The  city  has  since,  under  the  guidance  of  in- 
telligent and  efficient  Boards  of  Health,  bravely 
reformed  nearly  every  element  of  bad  sanitation 
provided  by  the  physical  geography  of  the  site  ; 
and  it  now,  as  we  shall  fully  show  in  a  subse- 
(^uent  chapter,  enjoys  perhaps  the  lowest  death- 
rate  of  any  city  of  more  than  one  hundred  thou- 
sand inhabitants  in  the  world. 



i773_The  Beginnings— Genealogy  of  the  Bullitt  Family 
—Captain  Thomas  Bullitt— The  Surveying  Party— Han- 
cock Taylor— Bullitt  at  Old  Chillicothe— The  Voyage— 
The  Survey— Did  Captain  Bullitt  Laif  off  a  Town?— So- 
dowsky,.or  Sandusky— Connolly's  Grant— Connolly— The 
Warrenstaff  (Warrendorff)  Patent— Colonel  John  Camp- 
bell. 1774— Boone  and  Stoner  at  the  Falls.  1775— More 
Surveys  and  Locations— The  Hites  and  Others  in  this  Re- 
gion. 1776-77— Gibson  and  Linn's  Voyage  to  New  Or- 
leans—The First  Cargo  from  New  Orleans  to  Pittsburg. 
i778-!-The  Beginnings  of  Settlement— Sketch  of  George 
Rogers  Clark— His  Campaign  in  the  Illinois— The  Fam- 
ilies with  Clark— The  Roll  of  the  Pioneers— The  Hites  and 
Johnston— MiUtary  Preparations— Departure  of  Clark's 
Expedition.  The  Settlers  in  1779— The  New  Immigration 
—The  Old  Survey  and  Map— The  Popes— Colonel  Bow- 
man's Expedition— The  First  Birth  in  Louisville  —  The 
Boones  at  the  Falls— An  Amusing  Story- The  Cold 

The  history  of  Louisville,  not  as  a  name,  but 
as  a  place  for  the  residence  of  civilized  and 
white  man,  begins  nearly  eleven  decades  ago,  or 
with  the  year  of  our  Lord  1773.  We  find  no 
evidence  that  a  village,  or  a  village  site,  to  be 
known  by  the  royal  name  of  the  "City  of  Louis," 
was  laid  off  or  recognized  at  the  Falls  of  the 
Ohio  prior  to  the  act  of  the  Virginia  Legislature, 
passed  in  May,  1780,  which,  as  we  shall  pres- 
ently see  more  fully,  expressly  and  in  terms  "es- 
tablished a  town  by  the  name  of  Louisville." 
But  the  fact  of  a  previous  survey  at  the  Falls, 
and  of  a  subdivision  of  some  kind  into  village 
lots,  may  be  regarded  as  equally  well  ascer- 


The  family  of  Bullitt  is  associated  with  the 
earliest  settlement  of   Louisville  and   Jefferson 



county,  and  has  been  continuously  represented 
there  from  that  time  to  the  present. 

This  circumstance,  taken  in  connection  with 
the  fact  that  Captain  Thomas  Bullitt  led  the  first 
party  who  made  an  attempt  at  exploration  around 
the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  will  excuse  a  sketch  of  the 
family  rather  more  extended  than  the  scope  of 
this  work  ge^rraily  permits. 

The  facts  -elating  to  the  origin  and  ancestry 
of  the  family  are  obtained  from  a  sketch  pre- 
pared by  Colonel  Alexander  Scott  Bullitt,  which 
is  without  date,  but  was  found  among  his  papers 
at  his  death  in  the  year  1816. 

The  first  known  ancestor  of  the  family  of  Bul- 
litt was  Benjamin  Bullett  (so  spelled  at  that 
time),  a  French  Huguenot,  who  resided  in  the 
province  of  Languedoc,  and  who,  at  the  age  of 
twenty-five,  left  France  to  escape  the  persecu- 
tions which  followed  the  revocation  of  the  Edict 
of  Nantes.  He  landed  in  Maryland  in  the  latter 
part  of  the  year  1685,  and  purchased  lands  near 
Port  Tobacco,  Charles  county.  He  died  in  the 
year  1702,  leaving  one  child,  a  son,  Benjamin 
Bullitt,  then  but  two  years  of  age.  He  resided 
in  Maryland  with  his  mother  until  he  became  of 
age,  when,  having  sold  his  patrimony,  he  pur- 
chased lands  and  settled  in  Fauquier  county, 
Virginia,  where,  in  1727,  he  married  Elizabeth 
Harrison,  of  that  county.  By  her  he  had  five 
children — Joseph,  Elizabeth,  Thomas,  Benja- 
min, and  Cuthbert.  Joseph  died  a  bachelor. 
Benjamin  was  killed  in  an  engagement  with  the 
Indians  shortly  after  Braddock's  defeat.  Eliza- 
beth married  a  Mr.  Combs,  and  left  a  numerous 

Thomas  Bullitt,  the  survivor  who  visited  the 
Falls  of  the  Ohio  in  1773,  was  born  in  1730,  and 
died  at  his  home  in  Fauquier  county,  Virginia, 
in  February,  1778,  at  the  age  of  forty-eight  years. 
He  was  never  married,  and  left  his  estate  to  his 
brother  Cuthbert. 

Cuthbert  BuUitt  (second  in  descent  from  the 
original  ancestor)  was  born  in  1740,  and  was 
bred  to  the  law.  In  the  year  1760  he  married 
Helen  Scott,  of  a  wealthy  family,  in  Prince  Wil- 
liam county,  to  which  he  removed,  and  in  which 
he  resided  until  his  death.  He  pursued  the 
practice  of  law  with  considerable  success  until  he 
was  appointed  a  judge  of  the  supreme  court  of 
Virginia,  in  which  office  he  died  in  the  year 
1790.     He  left  six  children.     The  only  son,  who 

settled  in  Kentucky,  was  Alexander  Scott  Bullitt. 
He  (third  m  descent  from  the  original  ances- 
tor) was  born  in  the  year  1761  or  1762.  He 
came  to  Kentucky  in  1783  and  settled  first 
on  Bull  Skin,  in  Shelby  county,  but  believ- 
ing that  he  was  too  far  removed  from  the  Falls 
of  the  Ohio,  he  purchased  the  farm  "Oxmoor," 
in  Jefferson  county,  about  eight  and  one-half 
miles  from  Louisville,  on  the  Shelbyville  turn- 
pike, where  he  lived  until  his  death,  on  April  13, 
1 8 16.  He  married  Priscilla  Christian  in  the  fall 
of  1785.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Colonel  Wil- 
liam Christian,  who  settled  in  Kentucky  in  the 
spring  of  1785  and  was  killed  in  an  engagement 
with  the  Indians  April  9,  1786,  at  the  age  of 
forty-three  years.  Her  mother  was  Annie  Henry, 
a  sister  of  Patrick  Henry.  They  left  two  sons, 
Cuthbert  and  William  Christian  Bullitt,  and  two 
daughters,  Helen  and  Annie.  These  are  now 
all  deceased,  and  with  the  exception  of  Helen 
(who  was  Mrs.  Key  at  the  time  of  her  death) 
have  left  descendants,  a. number  of  whom  still 
live  in  Louisville  and  Jefferson  county. 

The  distinguished  merchants,  Cuthbert  and 
Thomas  Bullitt,  who  settled  at  an  early  day  in 
Louisville,  and  who  owned  a  large  survey  of 
about  a  thousand  acres,  running  back  from 
Broadway  and  embracing  what  is  now  the  most 
fashionable  residence  part  of  the  city,  were  de- 
scendants of  Benjamin  Bullitt  and  nephews  by 
the  half-blood  of  Cuthbert  Bullitt. 


The  principal  name  associated  with  the  first 
movements  in  this  locality  looking  to  the  perma- 
nent settlement  of  the  whites  is  that  of  Captain 
Thomas  Bullitt,  of  this  family,  as  is  recited 
above.  He  was  a  gallant  soldier  of  the  French 
and  Indian  wars,  who  had  particularly  distin- 
guished himself  in  the  expedition  against  Fort 
Du  Quesne.  He  was  a  company  commander  in 
Colonel  George  Washington's  own  regiment, 
and  fought  with  it  on  the  fateful  field  of  Brad- 
dock's  defeat,  and  in  several  other  engagements. 
He  was,  says  Collins,  a  man  of  great  energy' 
and  enterprise,  as  he  showed  on  several  import- 
ant occasions.  He  was  an  uncle  of  Colonel 
Alexander  Scott  Bullitt,  a  delegate  to  the  con- 
vention which  framed  the  constitution  of  Ken- 
tucky, President  of  the  Senate  and  of  the  second 
Constitutional  convention,  and  first   Lieutenant- 



Ijovernor  of  the  State,  and  long  a  resident  of 
Ifefferson  county,  and  from  whom  the  adjacent 
county  of  Bullitt  is  named.  Colonel  Bullitt's 
liescendants  are  still  among  the  most  prominent 
[residents  of  the  city  whose  distinguished  fore- 
Irunner  he  was.  The  Captain  is  mentioned  in 
ithe  writings  of  General  Washington,  who  knew 
Ihim  well,  as  a  skilled  and  judicious  surveyor,  en- 
tirely to  be  trusted  for  his  fitness  for  the  task  now 
before  him. 

The  following  extract  from  the  paper  of  Col- 
onel Alexander  S.  Bullitt  above  mentioned  (and 
now  for  the  first  time  published),  gives  a  general 
view  of  the  life  and  character  of  Captain  Bullitt : 

Thomas  Bullitt  was  bom  in  1730.  He  entered  early  into 
the  army,  and  was  appointed  a  captain  in  the  first  Virginia 
regiment  that  was  raised  at  the  commencement  of  the  French 
war  and  commanded  by  General  Washington,  at  that  time  a 
colonel.  He  commanded  in  person  a  skirmish  at  the  Laurel 
Hill,  but  was  defeated  after  an  obstinate  contest.  He  was 
present  at  the  head  of  his  company  at  the  battles  of  the 
Meadows,  Braddock's  defeat,  and  Grant's  defeat,  and  at  all 
times  supported  the  reputation  of  a  brave  officer;  but  a  dif- 
ference, which  took  place  between  him  and  General  Wash- 
ington, at  that  time  Colonel  Washington,  not  only  retarded 
his  promotion  in  that  war,  but  was  of  infinite  disadvantage  to 
him  all  the  remaining  part  of  his  life. 

'  The  accident  which  gave  rise  to  the  difference  was  as  fol- 
lows :  Two  detachments  from  Colonel  Washington's  regi- 
ment, one  commanded  by  himself,  were  out  upon  the 
frontiers  endeavoring  to  surprise  a  detachment  of  French 
troops  from  Fort  Du  Quesne,  now  Fort  Pitt.  But  instead  of 
falling  in  with  the  French,  they  met  themselves,  and  the  day 
being  remarkably  dark  and  foggy,  each  party  mistook  the 
other  for  the  enemy,  and  a  very  warm  fire  was  immediately 
commenced  on  both  sides.  Bullitt  was  one  of  the  first  who 
discovered  the  mistake,  and,  running  in  between  the  two 
parties  waving  his  hat  and  calling  to  them,  put  a  stop  to  the 
firing.  It  was  thought  and  said  by  several  of  the  officers, 
and  among  others  by  Captain  Bullitt,  that  Colonel  Washing- 
ton did  not  discover  his  usual  activity  and  presence  of  mind 
upon  this  occasion.  This  censure  thrown  by  Captain  Bul- 
litt upon  his  superior  officer,  gave  rise  to  a  resentment  in  the 
mind  of  General  Washington  which  never  subsided. 

At  the  close  of  the  French  war  the  Virginia  troops  were 
all  disbanded,  but  Captain  Bullitt  was  still  retained  in  service 
upon  half-pay,  and  appointed  adjutant-general  to  the  militia 
of  the  State  of  Virginia,  in  which  office  he  continued  until 
the  commencement  of  the  Revolution,  when,  the  United 
States  being  divided  by  Congress  into  districts.  Captain 
Bullitt  was  appointed  adjutant-general  of  the  southern  dis- 
trict with  the  rank  and  pay  of  a  colonel.  His  first  services 
after  this  appointment  were  in  the  lower  parts  of  Virginia. 
Lord  Dunmore  had  taken  possession  of  a  post  called  the 
Great  Bridge,  which  lay  at  some  miles  distance  from  Norfolk 
and  was  a  pass  of  great  consequence,  being  the  only  way  by 
which  the  town  could  be  approached  from  that  part  of  the 
country  occupied  by  the  American  troops.  About  two 
thousand  men  under  the  command  of  Colonel  Woodford  (as- 
sisted by  Colonel  Bullitt)  were  detached  to  dispossess  them. 
Marching  down,  therefore,  to  the  opposite  side  of  the  bridge, 

Woodford's  detachment  began  to  fortify  themselves  also,  with 
nothing  but  the  bridge  and  causeway  over  the  Dismal  Swamp 
between  them  and  the  enemy.  Dunmore  determined  to  dis- 
lodge them  from  this  post,  and  accordingly,  on  the  morning 
of  the  9th  of  December,  1775,  dispatched  Captain  Fordice 
upon  that  service,  at  the  head  of  about  eight  hundred  men, 
consisting  chiefly  of  refugees,  tories,  and  negroes,  and  Cap- 
tain Fordice's  company  of  grenadiers.  Colonel  Woodford, 
who  thought  it  impossible  that  Dunmore  would  attempt  to 
force  his  lines  with  such  inferior  force,  and  who  expected 
nothing  less  than  an  attack,  was  absent  from  the  lines  and 
did  not  get  up  until  the  action  was  over. 

Colonel  Bullitt  took  command  of  the  intrenchment.  The 
refugees,  tories,  and  negroes  fell  into  confusion  .and  retreated 
at  the  first  fire.  The  gallant  Fordice  at  the  head  of  his 
grenadiers,  amounting  to  about  sixty,  though  deserted  by 
the  rest  of  the  detachment,  still  continued  to  advance  boldly 
across  the  causeway  with  fi.xed  bayonets  to  within  fifteen  feet 
of  the  breastworks,  where  he  fell  pierced  with  seventeen  balls. 
The  rest  of  his  men  were  either  all  killed  or  taken.  Dunmore 
found  it  necessary  to  leave  the  State  of  Virginia  shortly  after 
this  action,  and  Colonel  Bullitt  was  detached  to  South 
Carolma,  where  he  served  the  campaign  of  1776  as  adjutant-' 
general  to  the  army  commanded  by  General  Lee.  This  was 
his  last  campaign. 

For,  returning  northward  to  join  General  Washington's 
army,  but  not  meeting  with  the  reception  or  promotion  from 
his  Excellency  to  which  he  thought  himself  entitled  from  his 
long  service,  he  resigned  his  commission  and  retired  to  his 
house  in  Fauquier,  where  he  died  February,  1778,  at  th^  age 
of  forty-eight  years,  leaving  his  estate,  which  he  had  rather 
impaired  than  bettered,  to  Cuthbert  Bullitt,  the  only  one  of 
his  brothers  that  married. 


In  the  spring  of  1773  Captain  Bullitt  was 
commissioned  by  Lord  Dunmore,  Governor  of 
Virginia,  to  proceed  to  the  Ohio  and  make  in  its 
vicinity  surveys  for  the  location  of  several  land 
warrants  granted  by  the  Government,  in  pursu- 
ance of  the  law  assigning  bounty  lands,  to  be  lo-  • 
cated  on  the  Western  waters,  to  the  soldiers  of 
Virginia  in  the  French  and  Indian  war.  Another 
authority  in  the  shape  of  a  special  warrant  or 
commission  had  been  given  him  by  the  venera- 
ble college  of  William  and  Mary,  at  Williams- 
burg. A  copy  of  this  remarkable  document  is 
here  appended,  for  the  first  time  in  print,  by  the 
courtesy  of  Colonel  Thomas  W.  Bullitt,  of  Louis- 
ville, possessor  of  the  original: 

Whereas,  Thomas  Bullitt  hath  produced  unto  us,  the 
President  and  Masters  of  the  College  of  William  and  Mary 
in  Virginia,  two  bonds,  one  bearing  date  the  nth  day  of 
March,  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and  sixty-nine,  and  the 
other  the  13th  day  of  May,  one  thousand  seven  hundred  and 
sixty-nine,  and  certain  other  papers  by  which  it  appears  that 
the  said  Thomas  Bullitt  was  appointed  surveyor  of  a  certain 
part  of  or  a  certain  district  in  the  colony  of  Virginia  afore- 
said; and 

Whereas,  The  commission  for  the  said  surveyorship, 
granted  by  the  said    President  and    Masters  to  the  said 



Thomas  Bullitt,  was,  as  we  are  informed,  unfortunately  burned, 
we  do  hereby  certify  that  it  appears  to  us  as  well  from  the 
college  book  of  the  transactions  of  the  said  President  and 
Masters  as  from  the  testimony  of  Emanuel  Jones,  Bachelor 
of  Arts,  and  one  of  the  said  Masters,  that  the  said  part  or 
district  of  the  Colony  of  Virginia  aforesaid  is  situated  lying 
and  being  on  the  river  Ohio.  In  witness  whereof  we  have 
caused  the  seal  of  said  college  to  be  affixed  this  28th  day  of 
October,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1772. 

,-«A«^*  John  Carnan,  Pt. 

f        ^    I  ^Emmanuel  Jones. 


T.  Gwatken. 
Samuel  Newby. 

[I  certify  that' the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  a  paper  found 
by  me  among  the  papers  of  my  grandfather,  Alexander  Scott 
Bullitt,  transmitted  to  me  by  my  father,  William  C.  Bullitt. 
The  signature  of  the  President  is  indistinct,  but  I  think  it  is 
Carnan.  Thomas  W.  Bullitt.] 

Bullitt's  party  was  composed  of  himself  and 
Abraham  Haptonstall,  who  settled  in  this  county 
and  was  residing  here  until  181 4,  at  least;  James 
Sodowsky  (or  Sandusky),  from  whom,  or  whose 
family,  Sandusky  in  Ohio  takes  its  name,  and 
whose  sons  were  residing  in  Bourbon  county  as 
late  as  1843;  James  Douglass,  deputy  surveyor, 
and  another  pioneer  in  Bourbon  county;  John 
Smith,  who  was  residing  half  a  century  afterward 
in  Woodford  county;  with  John  Fitzpatrick, 
Ebenezer  Severns,  and  others,  of  whom  very 
little  is  now  known.  With  this  little  company  he 
made  his  way  across  Virginia  to  the  mouth  of 
the  Kanawha,  where  he  fell  in  with  the  company 
of  James,  George,  and  Robert  McAfee,  sons  of 
James  McAfee,  Sr.,  of  Botetourt  county,  who 
had  resolved,  a  year  or  two  before,  to  prospect 
the  fertile  wilderness  south  of  the  Ohio  for  a 
new  home.  In  this  company  were  also  a  broth- 
er-in-law, James  McConn,  Jr.,  and  his  cousin, 
Samuel  Adams.  With  them  were  also  a  third 
party,  whom  they  had  overtaken  by  concerted 
arrangement  as  they  descended  the  Kanawha  in 
two  canoes  on  the  28th  of  May. 

The  head  of  this  company  was  the  distin- 
guished pioneer  surveyor  in  Kentucky,  Hancock 
Taylor,  of  Orange  county,  Virginia,  brother  of 
Colonel  Richard  Taylor,  who  was  father  of  Gen- 
eral Zachary  Taylor,  a  resident  of  Louisville  in 
his  early  life,  and  afterward  the  hero  of  the 
Mexican  war  and  President  of  the  United  States. 
Hancock  Taylor  was  an  assistant  or  deputy  sur- 
veyor under  Colonel  William  Preston,  who  was 
the  official  surveyor  of  the  great  county  of  Fin- 

*  The  seal  attached  is  surmounted  by  the  words,  "Sig. 
Collegii  R.  et  R.  Gulielmi  et  Mariae,  in  Virginia."  The  seal 
itself  represents  a  view  of  a  handsome  building. 

castle,  Virginia,  of  which  the  Kentucky  country 
was  still  a  part.  After  making  extensive  sur- 
veys in  the  interior,  he  was  attacked  by  the  In- 
dians the  next  year  while  surveying  a  tract  for 
Colonel  William  Christian,  near  the  mouth  of 
the  Kentucky  river,  and  mortally  wounded  by  a 
rifle-shot.  Two  of  the  party,  one  of  whom  was 
Gibson  Taylor,  probably  a  relative,  and  the  other 
Abraham  Haptonstall,  formerly  of  Bullitt's  com- 
pany, tried  to  extract  the  ball  with  a  pocket- 
knife,  but  could  not,  and  soon  afterwards,  as  the 
party  was  returning  from  the  country  under  a 
warning  sent  from  Dunmore  by  the  hands  of 
Boone  and  Stoner,  who  piloted  them  out  of  the 
wilderness,  he  died  of  the  wound  near  the  pres- 
ent site  of  Richmond,  Madison  county,  and  was 
buried  in  a  well-marked  spot,  about  one  and 
three-fourths  miles  south  of  the  Richmond  court- 
house. Four  years  previous  to  the  expedition 
of  1773,  Taylor  had  gone  down  the  Ohio  and 
Mississippi  with  his  brother  Richard,  our  old 
friend  Haptonstall,  and  a  Mr.  Barbour,  on  a 
visit  to  New  Orleans,  whence  they  returned 
home  by  the  Gulf  and  Atlantic. 

Other  members  of  the  Taylor  party  were 
Matthew  Bracken,  from  whom  Bracken  creek 
and  county  get  their  names,  Jacob  Drennon, 
afterwards  of  Drennon  Springs,  Henry  county, 
and  Peter  Shoemaker.  Several  of  the  party,  in- 
cluding Taylor,  Bracken,  and  Drennon,  about 
two  months  afterwards  (on  the  3d  of  August) 
joined  the  Bullitt  party  at  or  near  the  Falls  of  the 

The  three  companies,  meeting  at  the  mouth 
of  the  Kanawha  on  the  ist  of  June,  and  about  to 
embark  upon  the  waters  of  the  great  river,  whose 
banks  might  be  lined  on  both  sides  with  blood- 
thirsty savages,  very  naturally  joined  their  forces 
and  their  equipment  of  boats.  Their  prepara- 
tions completed  in  a  few  days,  they  floated  out 
on  the  broad  bosom  of  La  Belle  Riviere,  and  en- 
tered upon  the  final  stage  of  the  jr>urney  to  the 
Promised  Land. 


The  leader  was  not  with  them,  however. 
Farther-sighted  than  the  rest,  very  likely,  he  real- 
ized the  significance  of  the  steps  now  being  taken, 
as  precedent  to  the  overrunning  j)f  the  Indian 
hunting-grounds  by  the  settlements  of  civiliza- 
tion, and  the  importance  of  conciliating  at  the 
outset,  if  possible,  the  red  tribes  whose  rights 



seemed  to  be  thus  invaded.  At  the  mouth  of  the 
Kanawha  he  left  the  party  for  a  few  days,  and, 
unattended  and  alone,  pushed  his  way  across  the 
rugged  hills  and  deep  valleys,  and  through  the 
howling  wilderness  of  Southern  Ohio,  until  he 
reached  the  principal  village  of  the  Shawnees,  at 
Old  Chillicothe,  one  or  two  miles  north  of  the 
present  site  of  Xenia.  The  story  is  told  in  an 
interesting  and  graphic  way  by  Marshall,  the  first 
historian  of  Kentucky.     He  says: 

On  his  way  to  Kentucky  Bullitt  made  a  visit  to  Chillicothe, 
a  Shawnee  town,  to  hold  a  friendly  talk  with  those  Indians 
on  the  subject  of  his  intended  settlement,  and  for  the  particu- 
lar purpose  of  obtaining  their  assent  to  the  measure.  He 
knew  they  claimed  the  right  of  hunting  in  the  country — a 
right  to  them  of  the  utmost  importance,  and  which  they  had 
not  relinquished.  He  also  knew  they  were  brave  and  indefati- 
gable, and  that,  if  they  were  so  disposed,  they  could 
greatly  annoy  the  inhabitants  of  the  intended  settlement.  It 
"was,  therefore,  a  primary  object  in  his  estimation  to  obtain 
their  consent  to  his  projected  residence  and  cultivation  of  the 
lands.'  To  accomplish  this  he  left  his  party  on  the  Ohio  and 
traveled  out  to  the  town  unattended,  'and  without  announc- 
ing his  approach  by  a  runner.  He  was  not  discovered  until 
he  got  into  the  midst  of  Chillicothe,  when  he  wavedhis  white 
flag  [handkerchief  j  as  a  token  of  peace.  The  Indians  saw 
with  astonishment  a  stranger  among  them  in  the  character  of 
an  embassador,  for  such  he  assumed  by  the  flag,  and  without 
any  intimation  of  his  intended  visit.  Some  of  them  collected 
about  him,  and  asked  him.  What  news?  Was  he  from  the 
Long  Knife?  and  why,  if  he  was  an  embassador,  had  he  not 
sent  a  runner? 

Bullitt,  not  in  the  least  intimidated,  replied  that  he  had  no 
bad  news — he  was  from  the  Long  Knife — and,  as  the  red 
men  and  white  men  were  at  peace,  he  had  come  among  his 
brothers  to  have  a  friendly  talk  with  them  about  living  on 
the  other  side  of  the  Ohio ;  that  he  had  no  runner  swifter 
than  himself,  and  that  he  was  in  haste,  and  could  not  wait 
the  return  of  a  runner.  "Would  you,"  said  he,  "if  you 
were  very  hungry,  and  had  killed  a  deer,  send  your  squaw  to 
town  to  tell  the  news,  and  await  her  return  before  you  eat?  " 
This  put  the  bystanders  in  high  good  humor,  and  gave  them 
a  favorable  opinion  of  their  niterlocutor.  And,  upon  his  de- 
siring that  the  waiTiors  should  be  called  together,  they  were 
forthwith  convened,  and  he  promptly  addressed  them  in  the 
following  speech,  extracted  from  his  journal: 

"  Brothers — I  am  sent  by  my  people,  whom  1  left  on  the 
Ohio,  to  settle  the  country  on  the  other  side  of  that  river,  as 
low  down  as  the  Falls.  We  rome  from  Virginia.  The  king 
of  my  people  has  bought  from  the  nations  of  red  men  both 
north  and  south  all  the  land ;  and  I  am  instructed  to  inform 
you  and  all  the  warriors  of  this  great  country,  tliat  the  \'ii- 
ginians  and  the  English  are  in  friendship  with  you.  This 
friendship  is  dear  to  them,  and  they  intend  to  keep  it  sacred. 
The  same  friendship  they  e.xpect  from  you,  and  from  all  the 
nations  to  the  lakes.  We  know  that  the  Shawnees  and  the 
Delawares  are  to  be  our  nearest  neighbors,  and  we  wish 
them  to  be  our  best  friends  as  we  will  be  theirs. 

"  Bfothers,  you  did  not  get  any  of  the  money  or  blankets 
given  for  the  land  which  I  and  my  people  are  going  to  settle. 
This  was  hard  for  you.  But  it  is  agreed  by  the  great  men 
who  own  the  land  that  they  will  make  a  present  both  to  the 

Delawares  and  the  Shawnees  the  next  year  and  the  year  fol- 
lowing that  shall  be  as  good. 

"Brothers,  I  am  appointed  to  settle  the  country,  to  live  in 
it,  to  raise  corn,  and  to  make  proper  rules  and  regulations 
among  my  people.  There  will  be  some  principal  men  frorc 
my  country  very  soon,  and  then  much  more  will  be  said  to 
you.  The  Governor  desires  to  see  you,  and  will  come  out 
this  year  or  the  next.  When  I  come  again  I  will  have  a  belt 
of  wampum.  This  time  I  came  in  haste  and  had  not  one 

"  My  people  only  want  the  country  to  settle  and  cultivate. 
They  will  have  no  objection  to  your  hunting  and  trapping 
there.  I  hope  you  will  live  by  us  as  brothers  and  friends. 
You  now  know  my  heart,  and  as  it  is  single  toward  you,  I 
expect  you  will  give  me  a  kind  talk ;  for  I  shall  write  to  my 
Governor  what  you  say  to  me,  and  he  will  believe  all  I  write." 

This  speech  was  received  with  attention,  and  BulUtt  was 
told  that  the  next  day  he  should  be  answered. 

The  Indians  are  in  the  habit  of  proceeding  with  great  de- 
liberation in  matters  of  importance,  and  all  are  such  to  them 
which  concern  their  hunting. 

On  the  morrow,  agreeably  to  promise,  they  were  assembled 
at  the  same  place,  and  Bullitt  being  present,  they  returned  an 
answer  to  his  speech  as  follows  : 

"Oldest  Brother,  The  Long  Knife — We  heard 
you  would  be  glad  to  see  your  brothers,  the  Shawnees  and 
Delawares,  and  talk  with  them.  But  we  are  surprised  that 
you  sent  no  runner  before  you,  and  that  you  came  quite  near 
us  through  the  trees  and  grass  a  hard  journey  without  letting 
us  know  until  you  appeared  among  us. 

"Brothers,  we  have  considered  your  talk  carefully,  and  we 
are  glad  to  find  nothing  bad  in  it,  nor  any  ill  meaning.  On 
the  contrary,  you  speak  what  seems  kind  and  friendly,  and  it 
pleased  us  well.  You  mentioned  to  us  your  intention  of  set- 
tling the  country  on  the  other  side  of  the  Ohio  with  your 
people.  And  we  are  particularly  pleased  that  they  are  not  to 
disturb  us  in  our  hunting,  for  we  must  hunt  to  kill  meat  for 
our  women  and  children,  and  to  have  something  to  buy  our 
powder  and  lead  with,  and  to  get  us  blankets  and  clothing. 

"  All  our  young  brothers  are  pleased  with  what  you  said. 
We  desire  that  you  will  be  strong  in  fulfilling  your  promises 
toward  us,  as  we  are  determined  to  be  straight  in  advising  our 
young  men  to  be  kind  and  peaceable  to  you. 

"  This  spring  we  saw  something  wrong  on  the  part  of  our 
young  men.  They  took  some  horses  from  the  white  people. 
But  we  have  advised  them  not  to  do  so  again,  and  have 
cleared  their  hearts  of  all  bad  intentions.  We  expect  they  will 
observe  our  advice,  as  they  like  what  you  said." 

This  speech,  delivered  by  Girty,  was  interpreted  by 
Richard  Butler,  who,  during  the  stay  of  Captain  Bullitt,  had 
made  him  his  guest  and  otherwise  treated  him  in  the  most 
friendly  manner.  But,  having  e.xecuted  his  mission  very 
much  to  his  own  satisfaction,  Bullitt  took  his  leave  and  re- 
joined his  party,  who  were  much  rejoiced  to  see  him  re- 

He  made  repoit  of  his  progress  and  success,  and  his  com- 
rades, with  light  hearts  and  high  expectations,  launched 
their  keelson  the  stream  which  conveyed  them  to  the  shore 
of  Kentucky  and  the  landing  before  spoken  of. 

TI-IK    V0VA(;E. 

Captain  Bullitt  found  his  people  at  the  mouth 
of  the  Scioto,  and  went  on  with  them.  On  the 
22dof  June  they  reached  Limestone  Point,  now 



Maysville,  upon  whose  site  there  was  not  yet 
block-house  or  cabin,  nor  was  there  for  eleven 
years  to  come.  Here  they  rested  for  two  days, 
and  hence  Robert  McAfee,  encouraged  thereto 
by  the  safe  though  solitary  journey  which  Cap- 
tain Bullitt  had  just  made  through  the  Indian 
country,  pushed  alone  up  Limestone  creek  into 
the  interior,  across  the  country  to  the  North  fork 
of  Licking,  down  that  stream  twenty  to  twenty- 
five  miles,  thence  across  the  hills  of  the  present 
Bracken  county  to  the  Ohio,  where  he  hastily 
constructed  a  bark  canoe,  and  the  next  day 
(January  27th)  overtook  his  companions  at  the 
mouth  of  the  Licking,  opposite  the  site  of  Cin- 
cinnati. The  party  must  also  have  been  delayed 
here  for  a  time,  probably  inspecting  the  superb 
sites  for  towns  and  cities  upon  the  plain  on 
either  side  of  the  Ohio  at  this  point.  At  all 
events  they  made  easy-going  progress  down  the 
river,  since  on  the  4th  of  July  (not  yet  the 
"Glorious  Fourth,"  or  Independence  Day)  they 
had  not  gone  beyond  the  Big  Bone  lick  on  the 
Kentucky  shore,  a  few  miles  below  the  mouth  of 
the  Great  Miami.  They  spent  this  day  and  the 
next  at  the  lick,  where  the  hiige  bones  of  the 
mastodon  and  other  gigantic  beasts  of  the  geo- 
logic ages  lay  about  in  great  numbers,  and  of 
such  size  as  to  serve  the  adventurers  for  tent- 
poles  and  seats.  The  second  day  thereafter  they 
reach  the  mouth  of  the  Kentucky,  where  the 
parties  separate.  The  Hancock  and  McAfee 
companies,  now  substantially  one,  since  their 
aims  and  purposes  were  similar,  and  in  their 
union  there  would  be  needed  strength  in  a  hos- 
tile land,  go  up  the  Kentucky  to  the  Frankfort 
region,  beyond  which  this  narrative  need  not 
pursue  them.  Bullitt  and  his  following  kept 
on  down  the  Ohio,  and  on  the  next  day  (July 
8th,  let  it  be  remembered)  pitched  their  camp 
just  above  the  old  mouth  of  Beargrass  creek, 
perchance  exactly  at  the  foot  of  the  present 
Third  street,  in  the  busy  and  beantiful  city  of 
Louisville.  It  was  then,  it  is  needless  to  say,  a 
swamp,  thicket,  and  forest,  witji  nothing  but 
furred  or  feathered,  winged  or  scaly  inhabitants  ; 
and  the  new-comers  were  the  avant-couriers 
of  the  thronging  thousands  of  the  pale-face  who 
have  since  populated  the  fertile  valley. 


Little  is  known  of  the  details  of  Captain  BuK 
litt's  encampment  and  labors  here  and  hereabout 

in  the  summer  of  1773.  There  is  a  tradition,  ac- 
cording to  Casseday's  History  of  Louisville,  that 
three  years  before  this  time  parties  who  were 
probably  sent  by  Lord  Dunmore  came  to  the 
Falls  of  the  Ohio  and  made  surveys  of  the 
adjacent  country,  wiih  a  view  to  its  occupation  as 
bounty  lands.  We  are  unable  to  find  the  story 
corrobated  by  any  other  historians  of  the  city  or 
the  State,  and  incline  quite  positively  to  think 
that  it  can  not  be  supported.  At  all  events,  the 
adventurous  surveyor  found  no  claims  conflicting 
with  the  enterprise  with  which  he  was  charged, 
and  he  went  fearlessly  and  emergetically  about 
his  duty.  For  six  weeks  in  the  sultry  midsum- 
mer he  and  his  men  carried  the  chain  and 
planted  the  theodolite  upon  the  beautiful  plateau 
adjoining  and  below  the  Falls  and  up  the  fertile 
valley  of  the  Salt  river,  which  they  penetrated  at 
least  as  far  as  to  the  famous  Lick,  three  miles 
from  Shepherdsville,  which  takes  its  name  from 
the  gallant  captain,  and  is  in  a  county  which  also 
bears  the  Bullitt  name.  Here  the  first  salt- 
works were  erected  in  Kentucky,  and  from  the 
mineral  characteristic  of  the  Lick  Captain  Bul- 
litt gave  the  title  to  this  river,  far  more  renowned 
in  politics  and  local  history  than  in  navigation. 
The  historical  sketch  appended  to  the  Directory 
of  Louisville  for  1838-39  says:  "He  made  a 
treaty  of  relinquishment  of  the  land  with  the 
Indians  on  his  route,  and  laid  out  the  town  on 
its  present  site,  but  made  no  settlement  on  the 
land,  and  died  before  that  was  effected."  We" 
have  been  unable  to  find  any  confirmation  of  the 
former  part  of  this  statement. 

Bullitt  continued  to  make  his  headquarters 
about  the  mouth  of  the  Beargrass,  where  he 
could  conveniently  communicate  with  any  par- 
ties that  might  be  passing  on  the  river,  or  that 
might  come  out  of  the  wilderness  to  the  Falls 
of  the  Ohio.  By  night,  says  Collins,  he  retired 
for  safety  "to  a  shoal  above  Corn  island."  In 
the  fourth  week  after  his  arrival,  about  the  3d  of 
August,  he  and  his  party  were  gladdened  by  the 
reunion  with  them  of  Mr.  Hancock  and  two 
others  of  his  company,  who  had  parted  from  the 
McAfee  expedition,  far  up  the  Kentucky  river, 
on  the  last  day  of  July.  His  work  finally  done, 
he  then  returned  to  his  home  in  Virginia. 


The  general  statement  is  that  during  its  stay 
the  surveying   party  staked  off  lots  for  a  village 



plat  somewhere  upon  a  tract  now  included  within 
the  limits  of  Louisville;  and  some  writers  go  so 
far  as  to  say  that  Captain  Bullitt,  in  this  year  of 
grace  1773,  laid  out  "the  town  of  Louisville." 
Mr.  Collins  says  the  like  in  no  less  than  five 
places  in  his  history,  and  in  two  of  them  (pages 
371,  666,  vol.  ii.,  History  of  Kentucky),  but 
without  undertaking  to  name  the  town,  he  fixes 
the  date  ot  the  survey  definitely  as  August  i. 
A  few  pages  previously,  however,  when  dealing 
with  the  beginnings  at  Louisville,  this  author 
acknowledges  that  the  reference  in  the  creative 
act  of  1780  to  "the  owners  of  lots  already 
drawn,"  and  to  "those  persons  whose  lots  have 
been  laid  off  on  his  [John  Campbell's]  lands," 
may  refer  no  further  back  than  to  a  then  recent 
laying-off  of  "a  considerable  part  thereof  [viz: 
John  Connolly's  tract]  into  half-acre  lots  for  a 
town,"  which  are  also  words  from  the  act.  He 
says,  truly  enough,  that  "the  only  proof  that  any 
lots  were  sold  thereunder  [the  reputed  Bullitt 
survey]  is  entirely  inferential  and  uncertain." 

We  are  satisfied,  indeed,  that  the  vague  testi- 
timony  of  Jacob  Sodowsky,  contributed  in  a  let- 
ter to  the  second  volume  of  the  American  Pio- 
neer, published  in  1843  ^^id  repeated  in  the 
eleventh  volume  of  the  Western  Journal,  is  not 
sufficient  to  support  the  theory  of  a  Louisville 
or  other  town  plat  about  the  Falls  in  1773. 
Nothing  of  the  kind,  so  far  as  ascertained,  was 
contemplated  in  the  instructions  of  Lord  Dun- 
more  to  Bullitt;  no  record  of  it  has  come  to  light 
in  the  diaries  or  letters  of  the  time,  or  in  sub- 
sequent official  records  of  the  survey;  no  men- 
tion is  made  of  it  by  the  immigrants  of  1778  or 
the  surveyors  of  1779,  who  certainly  would  have 
come  upon  the  stakes  or  other  evidences  of  the 
survey,  if  it  had  been  made;  and  tradition,  as 
well  as  the  land  registers,  is  utterly  silent  as  to 
the  precise  location  of  any  such  town.  The 
language  of  the  act  of  1780  does  not  require 
survey  of  a  village  plat  here  in  1773,  or  at  any 
time,  indeed,  except,  at  the  latest,  a  period  just 
before  the  passage  of  the  act.  On  the  contrary 
the  language  of  the  law  is  expressly  that,  not  a 
surveying  party  or  transient  party  of  speculators, 
but  "sundry  inhabitants  of  the  county  of  Ken- 
tucky have,  at  great  expense  and  hazard,  settled 
themselves  upon  certain  lands  at  the  Falls  of  the 
Ohio,  and  have  laid  off  a  considerable  part 
thereof    into    half-acre   lots  for  a  town."     The 

further  mention  of  "the  owners  of  lots  alread) 
drawn,"  and  of  "those  persons  whose  lots  have 
been  laid  off  on  Colonel  Campbell's  land,"  maj 
as  well  refer  to  operations  of  1778-79  as  to  the 
disposition  of  lots  in  any  suppositious  town  ot 

1773.  On  the  whole,  we  entertain  no  doubt  that 
any  half-acre  or  smaller  subdivisions  of  the  soil 
here  date  from  some  time  contemporaneous  with 
or  posterior  to  the  removal  of  Colonel  Clark's 
settlers  of  1778  from  Corn  Island  to  the  main- 
land, and  that  there  is  no  trustworthy  foundation 
for  belief  in  a  Louisville  of  five  or  more  years 
before.  The  survey  stated  in  the  act  was  in  all 
probability  Bard's  in  1779,  of  which  a  rude  map, 
dated  April  20,  ot  that  year,  has  been  preserved. 


A  word  further  about  Sodowsky,  or  Sandusky. 
It  is  a  name  somewhat  noted  in  the  history  of 
Kentucky,  and  probably  gave  origin  to  the  name 
Sandusky  in  Ohio.  It  was  originally  Sodowsky, 
but  became  corrupted  into  "Sandusky."  In 
the  American  Pioneer,  volume  II.,  page  326, 
the  autographs  of  two  of  the  brothers  appear, 
one  of  whom  signed  "  Isaac  Sodowsky,"  and  the 
other  "Jacob  Sandusky."  Their  father,  James 
Sandusky,  as  their  letter  to  the  Pioneer  says, 
"came  down    the  river  in   1773,  and  again  in 

1774,  with  Hight  [Hite]  and  Harrod.  In  the 
first  trip  they  went  down  as  far  as  the  Falls,  and 
returned.  In  the  last  they  went  down  to  the 
mouth  of  the  Kentucky  river,  and  up  that  stream 
to  Harrod's  station,  where  they  cleared  land  and 
planted  corn.  This  was  the  first  improvement 
in  Kentucky;  but  that  settlement  was  broken  up 
by  the  Indians.  It  may  be  worth  mentioning 
that  these  trips  were  both  made  in  pirogues  or 
large  canoes."  He  afterwards  settled  in  Bourbon 
county,  where  James  Sandusky,  one  of  the  broth- 
ers, was  still  living  in  1843. 

Connolly's  grant. 

On  the  1 6th  of  December,  1773,  according  to 
Dr.  McMurtrie  and  the  writers  generally  (Colonel 
Durrett,  however,  says  September  in  his  Centen- 
nial Address),  a  patent  of  two  thousand  acres  ol 
the  present  site  of  Louisville,  beginning  about  on 
the  line  of  First  street,  and  thence  southward, 
including  the  sites  of  Shippingport  and  Portland, 
was  issued  by  the  British  Crown  to  Dr.  John 
Connolly  (often  spelt  Connally),  a  "surgeon's 
mate,"  or  assistant  surgeon,  in  modern  military 



parlance,  in  the  general  hospital  of  the  Royal 
forces  in  America.  It  is  believed  that  the  lines 
of  this  tract  were  run  by  Captain  Bullitt  in  the 
summer  of  the  same  year;  and  certain  of  the 
writers  aver  that  his  prime  object  m  coming  to 
the  Falls  was  to  survey  for  Connolly — who  had 
the  tract  in  view,  although  it  was  not  yet  pat- 
ented to  him — as  well  as  for  others.  Connolly 
took  the  land,  as  one  statement  goes,  under  a 
proclamation  of  George  III.  in  1763,  granting 
land-warrants  as  bounties  to  soldiers  in  the 
French  and  Indian  war,  which  had  shortly  before 
been  concluded.  Another  theory  is  that  while 
the  latent  forces  of  the  Revolution  were  gather- 
ing and  developing,  and  the  colonies  were  mut- 
tering their  discontent,  he  agreed  with  Governor 
Dunmore  to  secure  a  strong  British  interest 
among  the  whites  and  Indians  of  the  border,  in 
consideration  of  two  thousand  acres  of  land,  to 
be  obtained  by  the  Governor  for  him  at  the  Falls 
of  the  Ohio. 

This  original  private  owner,  so  far  as  is  known, 
of  the  most  important  part  of  the  site  of  Louis- 
ville, was  born  and  brought  up  near  Wright's 
Ferry,  in  Pennsylvania.  His  sire  was  a  farmer 
on  the  Susquehanna;  his  mother,  before  her 
marriage  to  the  elder  Connolly,  was  a  Quaker 
widow  named  Ewing.  He  traveled  consider- 
ably in  his  youth  through  the  wild  Western 
country,  and  at  Pittsburg,  a  few  years  before  the 
Revolution  opened,  he  fell  in  with  Lord  Dun- 
more,  then  Governor  of  Virginia.  It  was  then, 
it  is  said,  that  he  made  the  contract  with  the 
Governor  before  related.  November  5,  1775, 
Dunmore  commissioned  him  lieutenant-colonel 
commandant  of  the  Queen's  Royal  Rangers. 
He  was  then  provided  with  the  secret  instructions 
hereafter  mentioned,  authorizing  him  to  raise  a 
complete  Tory  regiment  at  Pittsburg  or  Detroit, 
and  with  it  organize  an  expedition. 

Connolly  was  a  nephew  of  Colonel  George 
Croghan,  the  British  Indian  agent  who  passed 
the  Falls  in  1765,  on  a  mission  to  the  Western 
tribes.  He  resided  at  Fort  Pitt,  or  Pittsburg,  and 
is  mentioned  in  General  Washington's  journal 
for  1770  as  well  acquainted  with  the  lands  south 
of  the  Ohio,  where  he  no  doubt  held  large  tracts, 
including  this  interest  in  the  site  of  Louisville. 
Early  in  1774,  with  a  captain's  commission,  he 
had  been  sent  by  Governor  Dunmore  to  assert 
the   claims  of  that  colony  over  the     Pittsburg 

region,  and  take  possession  of  the  country 
bordering  upon  the  Monongahela,  in  the  name 
of  the  King.  He  was  an  artful,  ambitious,  and 
intriguing  fellow,  well  fitted  for  such  a  ser- 
vice, and  at  once  issued  a  proclamation  call- 
ing upon  the  people  in  and  about  Redstone  Old 
Fort  and  Pittsburg  to  assemble  about  the  25th 
of  January,  to  be  enrolled  in  the  Virginia  militia. 
Arthur  St.  Clair,  afterwards  General  and  Gov- 
ernor of  the  Northwest  Territory,  was,  however, 
upon  the  ground  as  representative  of  the  pro- 
prietors of  Pennsylvania,  which  had  a  prior 
claim  upon  that  region,  and  he  arrested  Connolly 
before  the  meeting  occurred,  and  shut  him  up 
in  prison.  .He  was  presently  released,  upon  his 
promise  to  deliver  himself  up  again.  This  he 
failed  to  do  ;  but  on  the  contrary  reappeared  at 
Pittsburg  on  the  28th  of  March,  with  a  party  of 
followers,  and  re-asserted  the  dominion  of  Vir- 
ginia there.  He  succeeded  after  much  strife  in 
getting  possession  of  Fort  Pitt,  which  he  rebuilt 
and  christened  Fort  Dunmore.  He  played  the 
petty  tyrant  here  for  some  time,  arresting  and 
imprisoning  citizens  and  even  magistrates,  whom 
Dunmore  for  very  shame  was  compelled  to  re- 
lease. It  is  said  to  have  been  a  letter  of  his, 
written  on  the  21st  of  April,  to  the  settlers  along 
the  Ohio,  intended  to  stir  them  up  against  the 
Shawnees,  that  led  to  the  murders  by  Cresap  and 
Greathouse,  and  the  Indian  war  which  involved 
the  friendly  Logan,  the  whole  of  whose  family 
had  been  wantonly  massacred.  When,  during 
the  troubles,  three  ot  the  Shawnees  had  con- 
ducted a  party  of  traders  to  Pittsburg,  Connolly 
seized  them  and  would  doubtless  have  dealt, 
hardly  by  them.  He  was  defeated  in  his  attempt 
by  Croghan,  his  uncle,  and  then  actually  dis- 
patched men  to  waylay  and  kill  them  on  their  re- 
turn, one  of  these  kindly  disposed  savages,  it  is 
reported,  thus  losing  his  life.  "  The  character 
developed  by  this  man,"  says  the  Annals  of  the 
West,  "  while  commandant  of  Fort  Dunmore, 
was  such  as  to  excite  universal  detestation,  and 
at  last  to  draw  down  upon  his  patron  the  reproof 
of  Lord  Dartmouth,"  who  was  the  British  Secre- 
tary for  the  Colonies.  "  He  seized  property  and 
imprisoned  white  men  without  warrant  or  pro- 
priety ;  and  we  may  be  assured,  in  many  cases 
besides  that  just  mentioned,  treated  the  natives 
with  an  utter  disregard  of  justice."  The  follow- 
ing is  related  of   Connolly  in  the  same  work: 



It  was  towards  the  close  of  this  last  year  of  our  colonial 
existence,  1775,  that  a  plot  was  discovered  which  involved 
some  whose  names  have  already  appeared  upon  our  pages, 
and  which,  if  successful,  would  have  influenced  the  fortunes 
of  the  West  deeply.  Dr.  John  Connolly,  of  Pittsburgh  (he 
whom  Washington  had  met  and  talked  witii  in  1770,  and 
with  whom  he  afterwards  corresponded  in  relation  to  West- 
ern lands,  and  who  played  so  prominent  a  part  as  commandant 
of  Pittsburgh,  where  he  continued  at  least  through  1774), 
was,  from  the  outset  of  the  revolutionary  movements,  a 
Tory,  and  being  a  man  extensively  acquainted  with  the 
West,  a  man  of  talent,  and  fearless  withal,  he  naturally  be- 
came a  leader.  This  man,  in  1775.  planned  a  union  of  the 
Northwestern  Indians  with  British  troops,  which  combined 
forces  were  to  be  led,  under  his  command,  from  Detroit,  and, 
after  ravaging  the  few  frontier  settlements,  were  to  join  Lord 
Dunmore  in  Eastern  Virginia.  To  forward  his  plans,  Con- 
nolly visited  Boston  to  see  General  Gage;  then,  having  re- 
turned to  the  South  in  the  fall  of  1775,  '^^  ^^^^  Lord  Dun- 
more  for  the  West,  bearing  one  set  of  instructions  upon  his 
person,  and  another  set,  the  true  ones,  most  artfully  con- 
cealed, under  the  direction  of  Lord  Dunmore  himself,  in  his 
saddle  secured  by  tin  and  waxed  cloth.  He  and  his  com- 
rades, among  whom  was  Dr.  Smyth,  author  of  the  doubtful 
work  already  quoted,  had  gone  as  as  far  as  Hagerstown, 
where  they  were  arrested  upon  suspicion  and  sent  back  to 
Frederick.  There  they  were  searched,  and  the  papers  upon 
Connolly's  person  were  found,  seized,  and  sent  to  Congress. 
Washington,  having  been  informed  by  one  who  was  piesent 
when  the  genuine  instructions  were  concealed  as  above  stated, 
wrote  twice  on  the  subject  to  the  proper  authorities,  in  order 
to  lead  to  their  discovery,  but  we  do  not  know  that  they 
were  ever  found.  Connolly  himself  was  confined,  and  re- 
mained a  close  prisoner  till  1781,  complaining  much  of  his 
hard  lot,  but  finding  few  to  pity  him. 

Connolly  was  exchanged  and  released  in  April, 
1 781.  Washington  wrote  promptly  to  General 
Clark  a  warning  that  he  was  expected  to  go  from 
Canada  to  Venango,  at  the  mouth  of  French 
creek,  with  a  force  of  refugees,  and  thence  to 
Fort  Pitt,  with  blank  commissions  for  a  large 
number  of  dissatisfied  men  supposed  to  be  in 
that  region,  with  whom  the  exposed  frontiers 
would  be  attacked;  but  nothing  seems  to  have 
come  of  this.  The  compiler  of  the  Annals  says 
that  alter  the  Revolution  had  ended  he  became 
a  mischief-maker  in  Kentucky,  though  in  just 
what  manner  is  not  stated.  He  had  long  before, 
in  1770,  before  a  white  man  had  settled  upon 
the  soil  of  this  State,  proposed  an  independent 
province  that  would  have  included  all  of  its  ter- 
ritory between  the  Cumberland  or  Shawnee 
river,  a  line  drawn  from  above  its  fork  to  the 
Falls,  and  the  Ohio  river  —  which  would,  of 
course,  have  included  the  present  site  of  Louis- 
ville. His  title  to  one  thousand  of  his  acres 
here  was  forfeited  on  account  of  his  treason  to 
the  patriot  cause.     Virginia  assumed  the  owner- 

ship of  it,  but  delayed  disposal  of  it  until  Colonel 
Campbell,  the  apparent  joint  owner,  had  re- 
turned from  Canada,  where  he  had  been  taken 
in  captivity  by  the  Indians  in  1780.  When  the 
return  occurred,  by  acts  of  the  Virginia  Legisla- 
ture of  May  and  October,  1783,  and  October, 
1784  his  interests  were  guarded  and  secured, 
while  those  of  his  recreant  and  now  refugee 
partner  were  sacrificed.  In  November,  1788,  the 
latter  reappeared  in  Kentucky,  coming  from  Can- 
ada, ostensibly  to  recover,  if  possible,  his  former 
possessions  in  Louisville,  but  really,  as  was  be- 
lieved, to  aid  the  movement  then  in  agitation  for 
the  separation  of  Kentucky  from  Virginia  and  its 
alliance  or  union  with  Spain,  then  holding 
Louisiana  and  cultivating  disaffection  in  Ken- 
tucky. He  was  foiled  in  this,  and  now  finally 
disappears  from  the  page  of  American  history. 

Mr.  Collins  gives  the  following  account  of  the 
legal  proceedings  which  justified  the  confiscation 
of  Connolly's  property : 

On  July  I,  1780,  an  inquest  of  escheat  was  held  at  Lexing- 
ton, by  the  sheriff  of  Kentucky  county — George  May, 
escheator.  John  Bowman,  Daniel  Boone,  Nathaniel  Ran- 
dolph, Waller  Overton,  Robert  McAfee,  Edward  Cather, 
Henry  Wilson,  Joseph  Willis,  Paul  Froman,  Jeremiah  Til- 
ford,  James  Wood,  and  Thomas  Gam,  "  gentlemen,"  jury- 
men, were  empanelled,  sworn,  and  charged  to  try  whether 
John  Connolly  and  Alexander  McKee  be  British  subjects  or 
not.  \'erdict— that  they  were  British  subjects,  and  after 
April  19,  1775,  of  their  own  free  will  departed  from  the  said 
States,  and  joined  the  subjects  of  his  Britannic  Majesty;  and 
that  on  said  4th  of  July,  1776,  said  Connolly  was  "  possessed 
of  2,000  acres  on  the  Ohio  opposite  to  the  Falls,"  "and 
said  McKee  of  2,000  acres  on  the  headwaters  of  the  south 
branch  of  Elkhorn and  no  more. 

In  pursuance  of  this  finding,  the  estate  of 
Connolly  at  the  Falls  was  confiscated.  It  had 
already  been  described,  in  the  act  of  May,  of  the 
same  year,  establishing  Louisville,  as  "the  for- 
feited property  of  said  John  Connolly,"  and  upon 
it,  being  "1,000  acres  of  land,"  was  laid  out  the 
new  town.  The  Tory  Doctor  had  owned  as 
much  as  3,000  acres  here;  but  only  1,000  seem 
to  have  been  available  for  confiscation.  De 
Warrenstaff,  or  Warrendorfif,  mentioned  below, 
had  conveyed  his  2,000  acres  to  Connolly  and 
Colonel  Campbell,  which  must  have  been  in 
equal  portions,  since  in  1775  the  latter  bought 
up  the  former's  interest  in  this  tract,  which  was 
an  undivided  half  of  the  2,000  acres.  The 
4,000  held  by  the  two  was  then  so  partitioned 
that  Connolly  became  owner  of  the  uppermost 
1,000  and  the  lowest  1,000,  Campbell's  tract  of 



2,000  lying  between.  In  1778  Connolly  trans- 
ferred the  lower  1,000  also  to  Campbell,  thus 
leaving  but  the  upper  1,000  to  be  escheated. 


Very  few  facts  concerning  this  are  now  acces- 
sible. About  all  that  is  known  ot  it  or  him  is 
that,  on  the  same  day  the  patent  was  granted  to 
Connolly,  December  16,  1773,  and  under  the 
same  authority  in  the  Kmg's  proclamation,  two 
thousand  acres  at  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  next 
adjacent  below  Connolly's,  were  patented  to  one 
Charles  de  Warrenstaff  or  Warrendorff,  who  was 
an  ensign  in  the  Pennsylvania  Royal  Regiment 
of  Foot.  He  never,  we  believe,  became  a  resi- 
dent of  Louisville,  and  we  do  not  learn  that  he 
was  ever  even  a  visitor  here.  The  very  next 
year  he  parted  with  his  interest  in  the  soil  of 
Kentucky  to  Dr.  Connolly  and  Colonel  John 
Campbell,  of  whom  the  world  knows  something 


This  gentleman  was  of  .Irish  birth,  possessed 
of  some  property,  and  came  in  the  vigor  of  his 
young  manhood  to  identify  his  fortunes  with  the 
infant  hamlet  of  Louisville,  where  he  was  among 
the  earliest  settlers  when  the  town  was  formed. 
According  to  Collins,  he  received  a  grant  of  four 
thousand  acres  from  the  Commonwealth  of  Vir- 
ginia, which  was  located  immediately  below  and 
adjoining  the  grant  on  which  Louisville  stands. 
He  was  also  a  property-holder  at  Frankfort, 
where  his  name  appears  in  a  list  of  landed  pro- 
prietors in  1797.  Colonel  Campbell  soon  be- 
came prominent  in  the  affairs  of  the  village  and 
the  State.  He  was  a  member  of  the  convention 
of  1792,  held  in  Danville,  which  formed  the  first 
constitution  of  Kentucky  ;  was  an  elector  of  the 
State  Senate,  under  the  peculiar  provision  of 
that  constitution,  in  the  same  year,  and  was  by 
the  electors  chosen  to  that  body  from  Jefferson 
county,  and  was  at  one  time  its  Speaker /w  tetn- 
pore ;  previously  to  the  formation  of  the  State 
was  a  member  of  the  Virginia  Legislature,  from 
Jefferson  county,  in  1786,  1787,  and  1790;  and 
was  a  Representative  in  the  Congress  of  the 
United  States  from  1837  to  1843.  I"  n^5  he 
established  two  of  the  earliest  ferries  allowed  by 
law  in  Kentucky — one  from  his  lands  at  the 
Falls  across  the  Ohio  to  the  mouth  of  Silver 
creek,  and  the  other  across   the   same  stream. 

from  the  Jefferson  county  bank  to  the  mouth  of 
Mill  run.  He  was  a  Presbyterian  in  his  religious 
faith,  and  his  name  appears  upon  the  records  of 
the  first  meeting  of  the  Synod  of  Kentucky,  at 
Lexington,  October  14,  1802,  as  an  elder  from 
the  "  Presbytery  of  Washington."  Campbell 
county,  east  of  the  lower  Licking  river,  opposite 
Cincmnati,  is  named  in  his  honor  ;  and  an  old 
paper  published  in  that  city,  of  date  March  12, 
1796,  says  that  Colonel  Campbell  lived  at 
Taylor's  Creek  Station,  probably  in  that  county. 
There  can  be  no  doubt,  however,  that  most  of 
his  mature  life  was  spent  in  Louisville.  Mr. 
Collins  says  :  "  He  was  a  large  man,  of  fine 
personal  appearance  and  strong  mind,  but  rough 
fn  his  manners.  He  never  married,  and,  having 
died  childless,  his  large  estate  passed  into  the 
hands  of  many  heirs." 

Colonel  Campbell  must  be  regarded  as  an  origi- 
nal proprietor  at  Louisville.  As  already  noticed, 
he  acquired  in  1774  a  half-interest  in  the  two 
thousand-acre  grant  to  Warrenstaff,  and  the  next 
year  purchased  an  undivided  half  of  the  adjoin- 
ing tract  of  his  partner  in  the  Warrenstaff  prop- 
erty. Dr.  John  Connolly;  and  when  the  partition 
of  the  two  undivided  tracts  was  made,  his 
half  of  the  whole,  or  two  thousand  acres,  fell  be- 
tween the  two  tracts  thus  cut  off  for  Connolly. 
He  became  otherwise  a  large  owner  in  this  region, 
and  finally  devised  all  his  real  estate  within  five 
miles  of  the  Beargrass  creek  to  Allen  Campbell. 
Colonel  Campbell  will  come  again  mto  this  his- 


The  events  of  this  year  have  been  already 
anticipated,  to  some  small  extent.  There  is  no 
story  of  colonization  yet  to  tell,  nor  for  several 
years  to  come.  The  birds  and  beasts  and  creep- 
ing thmgs  held  their  own  upon  the  site  of  the 
great  city  to-be,  and  no  sign  of  civilization 
was  presented  throughout  the  broad  plateau,  ex- 
cept here  and  there  the  simple  stake  or  "blaze" 
and  inscription  of  the  surveyor.  Indeed  there 
is  little  to  narrate  of  1774  except  of  the  surveyor. 

In  June,  while  Captain  Harrod  and  his  com- 
panions were  setting  the  stakes  of  civilization  at 
the  first  permanently  inhabited  town  in  Kentucky, 
Harrodsburg,  two  remarkable  men  came  through 
the  deep  wilderness  from  their  homes  on  the 
Clinch  river,  in  North  Carolina,  to  the  Falls. 
They  were  Daniel  Boone  and  Michael  Stoner, 



who  were  charged  with  an  important  mission. 
Governor  Dunmore  had  received  timely  warning 
of  the  Indian  hostihties  now  threatening,  and 
which  very  soon  broke  out,  particularly  in  the 
severe  conflict  between  the  savages  and  Colonel 
Bouquet's  expedition,  at  the  mouth  of  the  Kan- 
awha, in  which  the  former  were  signally  defeated. 
The  Governor  had  a  party  or  parties  out  survey- 
ing under  his  orders  in  the  Kentucky  wilderness, 
among  whom  were  the  celebrated  Jefferson 
county  pioneer.  Colonel  John  Floyd,  also  Han- 
cock Taylor,  Abraham  Haptonstall,  and  Willis 
Lee  (these  three  are  known  to  have  been  survey- 
ing on  the  present  soil  of  Jefferson  county,  May 
2d  of  this  year),  with  James  Sandusky,  John 
Smith,  Gibson  Taylor,  and  very  likely  others.  It 
is  probable  that  most  of  Captain  Bullitt's  party, 
who  came  to  the  Falls  in  1773,  had  remained  to 
this  time  in  Kentucky.  Dunmore  became  ex- 
ceedingly apprehensive  for  their  safety,  and  em- 
ployed Boone  and  Stoner  to  make  the  long  and 
perilous  journey  of  about  four  hundred  miles  to 
the  Falls  to  find  the  surveyors,  and  conduct 
them  out  of  their  dangers  to  the  settlements. 
Boone  received  the  summons  on  the  6th  of  June, 
and  lost  no  time  in  setting  out  with  his  com- 
panion on  the  hazardous  trip.  Their  commis- 
sion was  faithfully  and  courageously  executed, 
and  probably  the  lives  of  the  surveyors  were -thus 
saved,  although  Hancock  Taylor,  as  we  have 
seen,  was  mortally  wounded  while  making  his 
last  survey,  and  died  on  the  retreat,  Boone  and 
Stoner  reached  Harrodsburg  June  i6th,  and 
found  Harrod's  and  Hite's  companies  engaged 
in  laying  off  the  town.  Boone  rendered  aid  in 
this,  and  was  assigned  one  of  the  half-acre  lots, 
upon  which  a  double  log  cabin  was  buiU  soon 
after.  The  entire  round  of  Boone  and  Stoner 
on  this  duty  of  warning  and  safe  conduct  to  the 
settlements,  covered  about  eight  hundred  miles^ 
and  occupied  sixty-two  days.  Mr.  Collins  calls 
them  the  "first  express  messengers"  m  Kentucky. 


This  historic  year,  so  rife  with  important 
events  at  the  East,  preluding  the  War  for  Am- 
erican Independence,  was  comparatively  quiet  in 
the  Valley  of  the  Ohio.  In  this  region  the 
dauntless  surveyors  were  still  pushing  their  way 
through  the  tangled  wildwood,  leading  the  van 
of  empire.     Many  of  their  movements,  and  per- 

haps of  their  surveys,  remain  unknown  to  this 
day;  but,  from  depositions  taken  long  afterwards, 
one  may  learn  of  a  party  at  work  in  the  middle 
of  December,  on  Harrod's  creek,  consisting  o^ 
Abraham  and  Isaac  Hite,  Moses  Thompson, 
Joseph  Bowman,  Nathaniel  Randolph,  Petei 
Casey,  and  Ebenezer  Severns,  who  were  survey- 
ing. Early  in  the  season  Captain  James  Knox 
— famous  as  the  leader  of  the  "Long  Hunters" 
into  Kentucky  four  or  five  years  before— must 
have  been  somewhere  on  the  banks  of  the  Bear- 
grass,  since  he  was  held  entitled,  October  30, 
1779,  to  four  hundred  acres  of  land  on  its 
waters,  "  on  account  of  marking  out  the  said 
land,  and  of  having  raised  a  crop  of  corn  in  the 
country  in  1775."  So  simple  and  brief  is  the 
history  of  the  white  man  in  this  region  for  this 

One  interesting  character,  however,  foi  many 
years  afterwards  one  of  the  most  notable  resi- 
dents of  Louisville,  came  to  the  Falls  this  year — 
Sandy  Stewart,  the  "island  ferryman"  named  in 
the  previous  chapter,  who  long  after  noted  the 
precise  date  of  his  arrival  as  June  5,  1775.  He 
was  a  Scotchman,  born  in  Glasgow  twenty  years 
before ;  a  young  immigrant  to  this  country  so 
poor  that  his  personal  service  was  sold  in  Balti- 
more to  pay  his  passage  across  the  ocean;  a  trav- 
eler westward  with  two  companions  as  soon  as 
he  had  served  out  his  time;  making  a  canoe  at 
Pittsburg,  and  in  it  voyaging  down  the  Ohio  .to 
the  Falls;  afterwards  a  settler  here  and  for  more 
than  a  quarter  of  a  century  the  ferryman  from 
the  mainland  to  Corn  island,  until  1827,  when 
he  retired  and  died  at  the  old  Talmage  hotel,  on 
Fourth  street,  in  1833,  aged  78,  leaving  a  small 
fortune  to  his  relatives  abroad. 


Even  more  simple  and  short  are  the  annals  of 
these  elsewhere  great  years,  as  regards  events  at 
the  Falls  of  the  Ohio.  We  have  but  one  to  re- 
cord. Mr.  Casseday,  in  his  History  of  Louis- 
ville, assigns  these  as  the  years  of  the  journey  of 
George  Gibson  and  Captain  William  Linn,  who 
passed  the  Falls  in  boats  going  from  Pittsburg  to 
New  Orleans,  in  order  to  procure  supplies  for 
the  troops  stationed  at  Fort  Pitt.  They  obtained 
one  hundred  and  thirty-six  kegs  of  powder,  which 
did  not  reach  the  Falls  on  the  return  until  the 
next  year,  when  the  kegs  were  laboriously  carried 



around  the  troubled  waters  by  hand,  reshipped, 
and  finally  delivered  safely  at  Wheeling,  whence 
they  were  transferred  to  the  fort.  Each  man,  in 
making  the  portage  around  the  Falls,  carried 
three  kegs  at  a  time  on  his  back.  Gibson  and 
Linn  were  aided  in  this  toilsome  work  by  John 
Smith,  V.'  T  will  be  remembered  as  one  of  Bul- 
litt's surveyors  here  nearly  four  years  previously, 
and  who  happened  to  meet  the  voyagers  here. 
This  is  noted  as  the  first  cargo  ever  brought  by 
whites  up  the  Mississippi  and  Ohio  rivers,  from 
New  Orleans  to  Pittsburg. 

We  come  now  to  the  beginnings  of  permanent 
white  settlement  at  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio — in- 
deed, in  the  Falls  of  the  Ohio,  for  the  first  stakes 
were  set  just  amid  the  waters  at  the  head  of  the 
rapids,  upon  a  little  tract  which  has  now  wholly 
disappeared,  except  at  low  water,  when,  from  the 
rail\yay  bridge  and  the  shore,  the  underlying 
strata  of  old  Corn  Islan(^  with  the  rotting  re. 
mains  of  stumps  here  and  there,  may  yet  be 

The  first  settlement  here  was  the  result  of  a 
military  movement  during  the  war  of  the  Revo- 
lution, and  brings  into  our  narrative  again  the 
renowned  name  ot 


A  sketch  of  the  early  life  of  this  famous 
hero  of  Western  warfare,  whose  name  will  be 
forever  associated  with  one  of  the  most  impor- 
tant and  skillful  movements  of  the  Revolutionary 
War,  as  well  as  with  some  of  the  most  successful 
expeditions  of  the  border  warfare,  has  already 
been  given  in  our  General  Introduction.  He 
was  but  twenty-six  years  of  age  this  year,  when 
his  greatest  feat  of  arms  was  achieved.  Like 
Washington  and  many  other  notable  men  of  that 
time,  he  was  a  land-surveyor  in  his  youth,  but 
soon  got  into  military  life  in  the  troubles  with 
the  Indians,  and  in  the  affair  known  as  Dun- 
more's  War  rose  to  the  command  of  a  company. 
At  its  close  he  was  offered  a  commission  in  the 
British  army,  but  declined  it.  He  visited  the 
infant  settlements  in  Kentucky  in  the  spring  of 
1775,  remaining  until  fall,  and,  now  bearing  the 
rank  of  major,  being  placed  temporarily  in  com- 
mand of  the  volunteer  militia  of  the  settlements. 
He  came  again  to  this  country  in  the  spring  of 
the  next  year,  with  the  intention  of  permanently 

remaining ;  but  staid  only  a  few  months,  when, 
seeing  the  dangers  to  which  the  frontiers  were 
exposed,  and  being  appointed  at  the  Harrods- 
burg  meeting  of  the  settlers  June  6,  1776,  a 
member  of  the  General  Assembly  of  Virginia, 
he  set  out  on  foot  through  the  wilderness  to 
WiUjamsburg,  then  the  colonial  capital,  but  found 
the  Legislature  adjourned.  He  at  once  extend- 
ed his  long  pedestrian  excursion  to  Hanover 
county,  where  Governor  Patrick  Henry  lay  sick, 
and  represented  to  him  the  pressing  necessity  of 
munitions  of  war  for  the  Kentucky  settlements. 
Henry  concurred  in  his  views  and  gave  him  a 
favorable  letter  to  the  Executive  Council.  From 
this  body,  after  much  delay  and  difficulty,  Clark 
obtained  an  order,  on  the  23d  of  August,  1776, 
for  five  hundred  pounds  of  gunpowder,  for  the 
use  of  the  people  of  Kentucky.  He  obtained 
the  powder  at  Pittsburgh,  and,  after  hot  pursuit 
down  the  Ohio  by  the  Indians,  during  which  he 
was  compelled  to  conceal  the  precious  cargo  at"